Showing posts with label Nasty Nancy Pelosi. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Nasty Nancy Pelosi. Show all posts

Wednesday, December 18, 2024

Fani Willis's check came time to PAY!

Fani Willis was slammed by the court over hiding records on her secret collusion with Nasty Nancy Pelosi Jan 6 committee against President Donald Trump after she was ordered to pay Judicial Watch $22k! And she is late on that now... Wait whats up with that extra cash she keeps at home can't use that huh Fani?

Judicial Watch announced that District Attorney Fani Willis refused to release any non-public documents in response to a court order finding her in default for failing to respond to a Judicial Watch lawsuit seeking records of communications Willis had with Special Counsel Jack Smith and the House January 6 Committee. 

Late yesterday evening, Willis’ Open Records Department denied any records about Jack Smith existed and cited a series of legal exemptions to justify the withholding of communications with January 6 Committee. 

The Willis office did release one, already public, letter to January 6 Committee Chairman Benny Thompson.

Friday, December 13, 2024

🚨BREAKING: Nancy Pelosi hurt!

 🚨BREAKING: Nancy Pelosi has been admitted to a hospital in Luxembourg after "sustaining an injury".

But before you shed any tears remember this is the same witch who during the first four years of President Trump made his life a living hell with her antics and fake impeachments, and all her hate! 

Also she is the one responsible for J6 not Trump and she's on video admitting so also when asked for the National Guard help being sent in during said J6 she said NO! She said NO!!! 

And than blamed it on TRUMP who was the one trying to send in help... Yes folks Nancy Pelosi said no.

Nancy Pelosi, the person who said that she takes responsibility for not having the National Guard at the Capitol on January 6. But never forget how she's had her entire imperial communist group attacking TRUMP from day 1 she deserves all the bad that comes her way. She's tried for how long to keep innocent people in prison from J6? Why is she still trying to destroy Trump even recently still spreading lies, propaganda and calling him Hitler... She is a low class, communist lunatic and she's tried again to some how switch the fault from herself to Trump on J6. 

Because Trump did what? Speak at a Rally and told people to be PEACEFUL, and Patriotic when voicing their voice? He never did what she has been trying to blame him for and remember his words after it all went down.

The witch who ended up trying to throw TRUMP in prison for her crime to avoid herself from going to prison! She's responsible for anyone who died that day and SHE belongs in prison. I wouldn't be shocked if she fakes her death from here to January and goes into hiding to avoid Trump and the HAMMER of the law investigating her.

This is hilarious IN CASE YOU MISSED IT remember when Nancy Pelosi was booed on television for almost TWO MINUTES straight? The hilarious part here is how she try's to play it off and tell people "it's ok, it's ok I'm used to this..." Yeah I'm sure she's used to getting booed! But it's like she's so dumb she doesn't understand what's going on. Watch this footage below.

She needs more of this until she just vanishes from all politics or until she's sent packing on to the highway to hell where she will dwell for sure.

Friday, May 31, 2024

CA rep is fed up! ‘I’m done with us’

A state once known for a lot of good things has become a state full of weirdo's and pedophiles and well it's practically a misdemeanor
 in California state! The TRUMP trial and his possible sentence by these crazy leftists will probably land him in more legal problems over a false made up charge over the left rigging the election! But in California for years they have had the abuse of kids swept under the rug and mostly helped by the radicals left like Nasty Nancy Pelosi! And Governor NEWSCUM have not helped stopped the pedophiles or the sex trafficking of minors in the state. They have just helped made it easier for them sickos to do what they do. Finally one senator if fed up and now what was fighting for the safty of the kids! This current fight is against throwing pedophiles into prison for longer than they're getting now while she blasted progressive members of her own party for trying to water down the new law. 

Remember that during elections folks! Ask why is anyone arguing for them to get off light? You hurt a child you should be locked up forever. The same people trying to lock up Donald Trump over fabricated and made up charges to cover for Hillary Clinton, Obama, Biden are the same ones who want the pedophilia and wars with a possible WWIII

Sen. Susan Eggman, who reps part of San Joaquin County just outside San Francisco, gave the fiery speech on the Senate floor last Thursday when lawmakers were weighing legislation that would make it a felony to purchase or solicit a minor for commercial sex in the Golden State. “I’d like to say as a progressive, proud member of this body for the last 12 years, I’m done. I’m done with us protecting people who would buy and abuse our children. I’m done,” said Eggman, 63. “I don’t want to send more black and brown men to prison. I don’t want more people in prison, but I don’t want people buying girls. I don’t want people buying little girls anymore. I’m tired of saying it’s okay and that we have to protect the men who do it.”

Under California law, buying or soliciting sex from a child is a misdemeanor that carries a penalty of between two days and a year in jail and a $10,000 fine. Bill 1414 which was authored by GOP state Sen. Shannon Grove and supported by Eggman aims to beef up that penalty to at least two to four years in prison, as well as a sex offender registration. “I am not arguing that we open the gates to flood our prisons with people, but I am arguing that we have a moral responsibility to say, ‘Enough, enough,'” Eggman said last week as the issue returned to the Senate. “We have given away enough on this area and we’ve got to move back into the center or we all look like fools and laughingstocks.”

“A lot of these kids can be throwaway kids. They’re poor kids, they’re kids of color, but they shouldn’t have to live a life determined by what happens to them by others at a very young age and have the Democratic Party of California say, ‘It’s okay,'” she continued. Last month, some Democrats had watered down the bill to only allow the felony classification for the purchase of minors under the age of 16, KCRA reported at the time. “It’s not okay. And I’m not doing it anymore. And I hope none of you do too. We have to be able to draw a line.” The bill, for which Gov. Gavin Newsom signaled support, passed 36-0 and is headed to the state Assembly.

Wednesday, March 6, 2024

Saturday, October 7, 2023

Speaker Jim Jordan? HELL YEAH!!

The Republicans speaker choices to me is a toss up between Matt Gaetz, Jim Jordan or MTG Marjorie Taylor Greene. But above them all if they were serious on getting Donald Trump in the seat I'd be 100% in that boat over everyone else. Steve Scalise would be good but I think he might end up as Trumps next VP. This is a hunch I have.

With that said Trump himself said he would back Jim Jordan who to me is ideal for the role as he's probably the most fun to listen to in the congress when speaks. Also he's a big personality who backs TRUMP 100% and to be honest if we get Orange man back in the President seat with a Jim Jordan and no Nasty Pelosi trying to destroy him the REPUBLICANS might actually be able to do great things. Remember Trump was President with the worst, and most corrupt person possibly in this nations history to hold "Speaker of the House" in "Nasty Nancy Pelosi."

So Jim? YEAH i'm with that move this also allows Matt Gaetz to take on the Governors job in the next elections and Florida gets DeSanitized! (Sorry had to go there.)

Now we do have to watch out for Rinos running for the position and so what Matt did with Kevin when they debated for two days and Kevin agreed to their rules it was brilliant. I think here if Jim is the nomination Matt, and MTG will have no issues with this one cause Jim is on the same team. But also we want to know as people who would back this is does he have any kind of relationship with Mitch McConnell?

Jim Jordan said this week when asked this he said it’s “fine” and “good.” Um … sure. Perfect answer as we know Mitch McConnell is a total RINO! But he's been there since the Titanic went down or maybe when the first great depression. Maybe he wants to live through two and is why he's such a Rino. But I do find it funny how Chuck Schummer ran ads on TV, and the NET with the slogan "Ditch Mitch" and these ads were when Mitch were running for re-election. Now you would think that Mitch would be less friendly with someone who ran ads against him but the SWAMP does this.

They run ads against their comrade Rinos while behind the scenes they love to help each other, and I've seen this happen before. So Jim who can't show discontent for another Republican that openly in the Swamp with one of the biggest Rino Swamp heads in there. So his answer again ideal from my POV.

Remember Mitch has done his share to burn down the Senate, god only knows how much McConnell does believes in a kind of old-school decorum that Jordan has utterly rejected. They’re stylistically polar opposites. And then there’s Ukraine aid, which McConnell backs and Jordan staunchly opposes.

Speaker Jordan will need to understand where Kevin failed and make sure that he doesn't repeat those mistakes himself, and so with the whole thing happening with Trump in courts some are also asking with as vocal as Jordan has been about that day just how much does Jordan know about January 6?

Daughter of one Rino, and a Rino anti Trump herself and one of the biggest liars, and ugliest humans alive "Liz Cheney" said that Jordan “knew more” about Trump’s January 6 plans “than any other” member of Congress. “Jim Jordan was involved, was part of the conspiracy in which Donald Trump was engaged as he attempted to overturn the election,” she said in a speech in Minnesota. If he becomes speaker and Democrats are doing their job, they’ll say “Jim Jordan” and “January 6” with the frequency that Rudy Giuliani used to say “9/11.” We now know the truth is something Liz doesn't want to talk about.

How when Trump offered the National Guard her BFF Nasty Nancy Pelosi, and DC Mayor BowWow Muriel Bowser both rejected help, and some of the footage I personally recorded while the 1/6 event were going down it was clear there were people there who were working with someone NOT related to Trump supporters trying to lure people into the capitol.

Some names are known some are not. I have a friend who went that day and went inside. His tale on what he saw never changed and his claims don't match the exact details of the witches claims (Pelosi & Chaney) but my friend is now sitting in prison for entering and taking some plates, a jacket and hoodie which was said to belong to a police officer.

As for claims that once inside people were violent he swore that wasn't the case and from what saw streaming live on YouTube from different outlets that seemed to be what was shown. The only person shot and killed that day inside was Ashli Babbitt a Trump supporter by a secret service agent for Nasty Nancy Pelosi. And the footage by Tucker Carlson also shows that the whole real "BIG LIE" is being told by Pelosi, Bowser, Chaney, and the entire Anti Trump shit show in DC courts.

BUT sure, today’s GOP is not a normal political party? Some say. But neither is the Democrats which is why I'm an Independent... As for whoever sits in that Speaker chair from the Republican side for he or she to “succeed” in the sense that he will adequately represent all the extreme and unhinged things the two party's now stand for.

But it's like every job nobody knows how it will go until you're doing the job so as speaker he will confront reality in the form of process and other things he needs to pass like spending bills and how to cut deals with the Senate and the White House. Everything about Jordan’s career suggests that he will do a fine job operatically at this.

He's a fair and outspoken person but most important is his attention to detail and how to plead his side or case. Traits a good Speaker needs and one Pelosi and Kevin did not have. These are qualities Ted Cruz also has so he would also be someone fun up there as I love how he debates. But to me I can sleep better knowing it's Jordan, Trump or MTG as Speaker. These 3 give me the best chance knowing that at least it's not Nasty Nancy Pelosi.

The Hammer that hit her husband should have hit that Witch... The day she bites the dust (she's already becoming dust right in front of our eyes.. LOL Old hag!) for good I'm throwing a BLOCK PARTY! Well for her, Hillary Clinton, and a current administrations Joe "Lying" Biden and his lying side kick Moronic Kamala Harris "The Indian GIANT liar!" By the way to end it here. There is no Jamaica or INDIA in Africa so next time they say she's "Black African American" that's a lie. Her roots all trace back to INDIA. Even her father.

The family like the Biden family were big on trading slaves. Unlike the Trump family. They never were involved in the "Slave" thing... That's for my black friends to remember when you want to ask who the real racists are again during the 2024 elections.

Funny tho unlike last time with Kevin McCarthy there wont be a televised debate to be the next speaker of the House of Representatives is off. After that last one I can see why.

 Friday, only hours after speaker candidates Steve Scalise, Jim Jordan, and Kevin Hern apparently agreed to a live, televised debate on Fox News, all three backed out. It’s not entirely clear why they suddenly canceled the debate, but it’s likely that it was the result of an entirely warranted freakout from their caucus’s more moderate members or since they're pretty much on the MAGA train why bother?

A televised debate for the speakers job was a again something that could have been fun given the names but one which would probably be again a stupid idea, one that would have made the already difficult job nearly impossible to do.

But I don't think this will be an issue because I'm pretty sure Jim will get in without much hesitation.

Thursday, October 5, 2023

New Speaker EVICTS Pelosi from Office!!! Trump Gets NOMINATED!!!

"GET OUT" This is now not just a line from a Horror movie but told to both current now thrown out in disgrace speaker Kevin McCarthy and Former Speaker Nasty Nancy Pelosi as both get their walking papers. Now how did this all go down?

Today was pretty epic folks so here let's start with the official words of Kevin... "I will not seek to run again for Speaker of the House. I may have lost a vote today, but I fought for what I believe in and I believe in America. It has been an honor to serve." Ok so this was put out by Kevin as he got removed by the same people the Republicans who put him the position. One which he mishandled, and deserves to be removed.

The rebellion was led by Florida congressman Matt Gaetz after Mr McCarthy relied on Democratic votes to get a short-term spending deal passed on Saturday to avert a government shutdown.

Does speaker of the House have to be a member of Congress? You ask? Well no the speaker does not have to be a member of Congress, though no speaker has ever assumed the role without holding a seat. Trump's name has been floated before, including during the 15-vote marathon right wingers put McCarthy through in January before allowing him to take up the gavel.

As this was happening to the then speaker Kevin McCarthy the previous speaker "Nasty Pelosi" was found to still be in an office she was using as "Speaker" which she should have left when leaving the job. She got thrown out by the "Interim speaker" "Patrick McHenry."

McHenry took over until next Wednesday when the new nomination for the role will be announced.

Now It's been reported that it wasKevin McCarthy who was behind interim Speaker Patrick McHenry’s move to kick former House Speaker Nancy Pelosi and former Majority Leader Steny Hoyer out of their office spaces, two Republican sources told CNN. GOP Rep. Garret Graves told reporters on Wednesday that McCarthy is getting the office that McHenry has ordered her to vacate.
“Look the deal is that the office that Pelosi is in right now is the office of the preceding speaker. Speaker Pelosi and other Democrats determined that they wanted a new … speaker, and it’s Kevin McCarthy. So, he’s getting the office,” he said.

Sources close to Pelosi and Hoyer say it was retaliation for Democrats siding against McCarthy in voting to vacate the speaker’s chair Tuesday. The unofficial offices are located near the House floor. McCarthy and McHenry’s did not respond to requests for comment. Graves then put the blame on Democrats for voting McCarthy out of office. “I don’t know what they’re complaining about,” Graves said. “They created this situation.”Does speaker of the House have to be a member of Congress? You ask? Well no the speaker does not have to be a member of Congress, though no speaker has ever assumed the role without holding a seat. Trump's name has been floated before, including during the 15-vote marathon right wingers put McCarthy through in January before allowing him to take up the gavel.

As this was happening to the then speaker Kevin McCarthy the previous speaker "Nasty Pelosi" was found to still be in an office she was using as "Speaker" which she should have left when leaving the job. She got thrown out by the "Interim speaker" "Patrick McHenry."

McHenry took over until next Wednesday when the new nomination for the role will be announced. Now It's been reported that it wasKevin McCarthy who was behind interim Speaker Patrick McHenry’s move to kick former House Speaker Nancy Pelosi and former Majority Leader Steny Hoyer out of their office spaces, two Republican sources told CNN. GOP Rep. Garret Graves told reporters on Wednesday that McCarthy is getting the office that McHenry has ordered her to vacate.
“Look the deal is that the office that Pelosi is in right now is the office of the preceding speaker. Speaker Pelosi and other Democrats determined that they wanted a new … speaker, and it’s Kevin McCarthy. So, he’s getting the office,” he said.

Sources close to Pelosi and Hoyer say it was retaliation for Democrats siding against McCarthy in voting to vacate the speaker’s chair Tuesday. The unofficial offices are located near the House floor. McCarthy and McHenry’s did not respond to requests for comment. Graves then put the blame on Democrats for voting McCarthy out of office. “I don’t know what they’re complaining about,” Graves said. “They created this situation.”

Does speaker of the House have to be a member of Congress? You ask? Well no the speaker does not have to be a member of Congress, though no speaker has ever assumed the role without holding a seat. Trump's name has been floated before, including during the 15-vote marathon right wingers put McCarthy through in January before allowing him to take up the gavel.

As this was happening to the then speaker Kevin McCarthy the previous speaker "Nasty Pelosi" was found to still be in an office she was using as "Speaker" which she should have left when leaving the job. She got thrown out by the "Interim speaker" "Patrick McHenry." McHenry took over until next Wednesday when the new nomination for the role will be announced.

Now It's been reported that it wasKevin McCarthy who was behind interim Speaker Patrick McHenry’s move to kick former House Speaker Nancy Pelosi and former Majority Leader Steny Hoyer out of their office spaces, two Republican sources told CNN. GOP Rep. Garret Graves told reporters on Wednesday that McCarthy is getting the office that McHenry has ordered her to vacate. “Look the deal is that the office that Pelosi is in right now is the office of the preceding speaker. Speaker Pelosi and other Democrats determined that they wanted a new … speaker, and it’s Kevin McCarthy. So, he’s getting the office,” he said.

Sources close to Pelosi and Hoyer say it was retaliation for Democrats siding against McCarthy in voting to vacate the speaker’s chair Tuesday. The unofficial offices are located near the House floor. McCarthy and McHenry’s did not respond to requests for comment. Graves then put the blame on Democrats for voting McCarthy out of office. “I don’t know what they’re complaining about,” Graves said. “They created this situation.”

Monday, April 17, 2023

The website Saloon is known for being a big leftist supporter but this is now a joke right?

Folks it's funny to read these progressive never Trumpers who think Biden is good, Trump is bad and the inflation, wars, higher gas prices, empty shelves at groceries stores and lack of "America First" feeling in the air is here due to people like Igor Derysh! Who is this guy you might ask? Well he's some low life no face clown on the left who I take it runs or posts nothing but anti Trump articles on the site which has become one of the worst pro socialism sites in a short time online. While I have more folks following me on Twitter then he! Which is funny on it's self.

He defends the current criminal administration known as the Biden Crime family which we know now for a fact Hunter is deeply tied to China (CC) and some deep Russian dark shady people. These are FACTS! Our now dependance on oil from countries who wanna blows us up again is on thanks to Biden! Bit for people like IGOR they must love WAR and want to see this country fail.

They want the Border Crisis! They want chaos, they are Antifa, and BLM, and everything corrupt like being pro teaching kids racism, and pro trans from an early age. People like these rather see kids mutilated than be normal adults and let them decide these things when they're older and not children.

These people want to let schools transition kids without parents consent... Igor you are the sort of problem we in America call members of the SWAMP! We could do with people like you getting a deep wake up call because you're posting pro the worst things we're facing and attacking the one guy fighting those people trying to save the country, and you think you're telling the truth? You keep repeating these leftists lies all you want but where did the two impeachment go? Nowhere, the new footage of JAN 6 pictures a totally different case from what your side said in a particent witch hunt headed by Nasty Nancy Pelosi a career criminal, and Liz "Rino" Chaney. Good luck with the scumbags your side is loaded with which have been lying, and ripping this country off for years.

All he does on his site is bash Trump and he doesn't seem like someone who will stop anytime soon. He's either being paid very well by the left or he's just a person who's mentally checked out and is following his evil progressive side cause he was bread to hate "America" thanks to the b/s on tv brain washing our youth for decades.

But who is he anyway? Well we know he was born in New York, and he's a DemonCrat. Need to say more? I'm sure he, and Alvin Bragg and Letisha James are all friendly with each other. Seems like these evil leftists forget or Biden is the puppet doing the left's bidding but if this is a stop Trump cus he's white thing they fail to see Joe Biden is also white and he's got the racist background.


Thursday, November 17, 2022

Nancy Pelosi Steps down!


This is a national holiday! Nasty Nancy Pelosi finally will be laving her position as hemorrhoid of the house.. I mean Speaker!

On her future? Well that is Still in the House, but staying out of the congressional kitchen... IN other words she's going into hiding for now so she's can go away without much notice and hopes to avoid being investigated.

Which we believe she out to be... At least I believe that.

Now she can go eat all the ICE Cream she wants with Paul her husband, and all her sick junky friends in San Francisco.

Nancy Pelosi will still be in Congress for another term, representing her San Francisco congressional district, but she says the new generation that will succeed her in the leadership of House Democrats doesn't need to worry about her meddling in their business.

"Thanksgiving's coming," she replied when asked what advice she would be giving her successor. "I have no intention of being a mother-in-law in the kitchen saying, 'My son doesn't like stuffing that way; this is the way we make it in our family.'

"They will have their vision. They will have their plan."

Pelosi sat down to talk with a small group of reporters Thursday moments after standing in the well of the House and announcing that, after two decades in the leadership, she would not be running for that role when the Democratic caucus convenes Nov. 30.

Sunday, February 13, 2022

Pelosi thinks we're all stupid?

Pelosi blames inflation on low unemployment, says Manchin ‘not right’ on BBB criticism… Does she think we’re this stupid? Honest question because anyone with a half working mind can figure out she’s both lying, and this isn’t the case. But as it goes another day lost in her world of ignorance, and elitists stupidity. Check this out folks House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, D-Calif., said Sunday that skyrocketing inflation is due to more people entering the workforce, and that Sen. Joe Manchin, D-W.Va., is wrong to claim that President Biden’s $1.75 trillion Build Back Better Act would worsen inflation.

During an appearance on ABC’s “This Week,” Pelosi was asked by anchor George Stephanopoulos to explain what Democrats in Congress are doing to address rising inflation, which is up 7.5% in the past year, marking the steepest increase in 40 years.

“The fact that people have jobs always contributes to an increase in inflation, and that’s a good thing,” Pelosi said. “But inflation is not a good, you know, we have to contain it.”

“Wages are not keeping up with prices,” Stephanopoulos interjected.

“That’s right, and let me just say what Congress has been doing,” the congresswoman replied.

Pelosi touted the COMPETES Act, which passed the House earlier this month by a 222-210 largely partisan vote and addressed supply chain disruptions exacerbated by the coronavirus pandemic. The bill includes a $52 billion “chips” fund to bring semiconductor fabrication back to the U.S. and a $45 billion investment to ensure critical goods are made in the U.S. rather than relying on China.

“What contributes to inflation? More people having jobs, scarcity of product, which makes prices go up, and the rest,” Pelosi said. “So we passed the Competes Act last Friday – this was a giant step for it.”

Pelosi also promoted Biden’s Build Back Better Act, a $1.75 trillion economic and climate package that is all but dead due to Manchin’s opposition in the evenly divided Senate. Manchin said passing BBB would only add fuel to the already burning economy, but Pelosi pushed back Sunday, claiming it is a “deficit reduction bill.”

“Clearly, he has—,” she said, stopping herself. “Look, Joe Manchin, as you said, is the senator that counts, every senator counts, and we have legislation that is so transformative for our country. When you say what President Biden has done and in this year, whether it’s the Rescue package that has put money in people’s pockets, taken people off of poverty, vaccines in their arms and the rest—”

“Yes, but people aren’t feeling it right now,” Stephanopoulos interjected. “They’re upset.”

“I understand that, but there has to be a cumulative effect, a cumulative effect,” Pelosi said. “And part of the consequences of all of that investment and the infrastructure bill and the rest is that more people have jobs and therefore inflation goes up.”

“Yes, we have inflation,” she continued. “It’s very important for us to address it, we must bring it down, but it’s not right, with all due respect in the world for my friend Joe Manchin, it’s not right to say that what we’re doing is contributing to inflation, because it’s exactly the opposite.”

Pelosi also addressed rising crime in her interview, declaring that the stance taken by Rep. Cori Bush, D-Mo., who wants to defund the police, “is not the position of the Democratic Party.”

“Community safety, to protect and defend in every way, is our oath of office,” Pelosi said. “Public safety is our responsibility.” I still have not decided which is more frightening, that she believes what she is saying or that she expects us to believe it. Employment is not driving inflation. Refuse to believe that which you know is untrue.

Tuesday, March 2, 2021

SHOCKING! Nasty Pelosi Appears to Turn on Gov. Cuomo, Says Allegations Are “Credible”

Well, well, look at this folks! Nasty Pelosi has come around on Andrew Cuomo as now she says that “Alegations are credible” so wait. While TRUMP, and his followers were saying these things to be true about Cuomo, and she took his side, and Biden called Cuomo as the “GOLD STANDARD” it turns out that the “Allegations” turn out to be “Credible” according to Nasty Pelosi the wicked witch of the west.

Yes friends the left is eating they’re own now, and sitting back I’m looking at this, and laughing hard! This is shocking, and amazing to view. To hear that “Cuomo” is guilty maybe shocking to those who didn’t see it coming, were told how great he was I mean he got a flipping emmy, and had a best selling book! The left even consider asking him to run for POTUS instead of BIDEN!!! LOL Man this is not shocking for us who have been saying it for months I’m just laughing hard at how his own are saying it now also.

But let’s not forget who endorsed this clown in New York who said that Trump couldn’t walk down the streets of New York? Andrew shouldn’t be allowed outside a state prison for the rest of his life. Trump is a man, and Cuomo is a coward! But not just a coward but a liar, and well it’s no wonder that another liar, and coward con artist not just endorsed him but said that Cuomo was the “GOLD STANDARD.” Again this is the fake President in the Oval office which is on stage 46 in a hollywood studio somewhere.

IF you need to have your mind refreshed on what I mean when I call Biden a liar? Well he’s an evil stupid liar, and conman. Here is 100% proof.

So leading Democrats are now preparing to throw “GOLD STANDARD” Gov. Andrew Cuomo under a bus in order to salvage some credibility for a party that has lost much of it or are they merely posturing for appearances only to cover their own scandals?

Hard to say at this point, but things could get interesting for Cuomo, who in recent months has enjoyed far too much celebrity given his DISGUSTING handling of COVID-19 in nursing homes. Which again I’ve been speaking about for months on my podcast. NOW again it’s finally being said nationwide. But now that’s not just his only problem to catch you up, Cuomo has now been accused of sexual harassment and inappropriate sexual misconduct by not one but two women. Oh, and a third has also leveled a familiar allegation against him and his administration: That they’re bullies. And apparently, the accusations are credible enough that again the wicked with herself Speaker Nasty Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) believes them.

“The women who have come forward with serious and credible charges against Gov. Cuomo deserve to be heard and to be treated with dignity. The independent investigation must have due process and respect for everyone involved,” she said Sunday.

The denture wearing Nasty one said in a statement that recently came in response to an earlier announcement by New York Attorney General Letitia James, another Democrat, who said she will give subpoena power to an outside, independent law firm to conduct an investigation into the allegations against Cuomo.

“We expect to receive a referral with subpoena power to investigate allegations of sexual harassment against the governor, in line with our demands and New York state law,” James said in a statement on Twitter. “The referral would be made solely to the attorney general’s office.”

“We will hire a law firm, deputize them as attorneys of our office, and oversee a rigorous and independent investigation,” the statement continued. Her statement came a few hours after Cuomo sorta, kinda apologized to any women he may have made uncomfortable through his randy joking about sex and stuff. Wonder if he’s gonna do what he threatened to do to Trump, and make it so they too can’t feel safe walking around in NY? Well wait I don’t think Trump is scared of Punk ass Cuomo here. Trump is a man, and Cuomo again is a dickless ding dong. This is what he replied with I kid you not… “I now understand that my interactions may have been insensitive or too personal and that some of my comments, given my position, made others feel in ways I never intended,” said Cuomo, who also insisted he had never touched or propositions any woman inappropriately. “I acknowledge some of the things I have said have been misinterpreted as an unwanted flirtation. To the extent anyone felt that way, I am truly sorry about that.”

Oh, good…now he gets it after the complaints. Because the smartest governor of all when it comes to dealing with COVID (we’re told) is a clueless idiot when it comes to knowing what is and is not appropriate to say to a woman who isn’t your wife and isn’t otherwise showing an interest in you. Got it.

Pelosi isn’t the only top Democrat turning on Cuomo. His long-time nemesis, New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio, had some things to say as well about the allegations and Cuomo’s ‘apology.’

“On top of it, he’s saying, ‘Oh, I was joking around.’ Sexual harassment’s not funny! Who the hell tries to explain that by saying I was just joking around. That even further confirms a mindset from a whole other time that we have left behind,” he told the local Hot 97 radio show Monday, the New York Post reported.

“There may be more stories like it, and everyone should come forward because we’ve got to know the truth. … You cannot treat anyone this way. … It’ can’t be laughed off, it can’t be swept under the rug,” the mayor continued, adding he was “sickened” by the allegations.

“It sickened me, the thought of a powerful man trying to take advantage of his power, intimidate a young woman,” the mayor added. But remember DeBlasio is the father of an Antifa lunatic, and he’s also using this moment to hammer another political nail to the coffin of his long rival Andrew Cuomo. So yeah DeBlasio, and Pelosi are finally right about something. But it’s hilarious as to why they’re doing it. They don’t care if any of this is true or not but as long as the “HEAT, and MEDIA” is not looking they can do what they want. So let them focus on the someone else.

Can’t use Trump anymore that failed so now that this coming out about the Andrew “GOLD STANDARD” Cuomo the bus is being thrown ontop of him. Now he knows how it feels to be thrown under the bus by people in your own party. Oh Andrew it’s time to step down and resign as Governor.

Monday, January 11, 2021

Nasty Nancy Pelosi reveals to 60 Minutes WHY she wants Trump impeached

Nasty Nancy Pelosi insisted Sunday that it’s imperative Donald Trump be impeached so he cannot run for the White House ever again as she, and other Democrats, fear the president could pardon those involved in the storming of the Capitol in his final days.

While some Democrats are pushing for the impeachment route, the House Speaker told ’60 Minutes’ in an interview that will air Sunday night that she prefers invoking the 25th Amendment because it gets Trump out of office immediately.

The article goes on to state the following:

‘There is a possibility that after all of this, there’s no punishment, no consequence, and he could run again for president,’ CBS’ Lesley Stahl posed to Pelosi in a clip released ahead of airing the full interview.

Saturday, January 9, 2021

Defense Officials Confirm Trump Is Still Commander in Chief, Refuse to Participate in Military Coup to Oust Him

Despite a campaign by the left socialist/communist known as modern day Democrats and the establishment media to delegitimize President Donald Trump after Wednesday’s Capitol incursion, Department of Defense officials intend to avoid outside pressure and continue to recognize him as the commander in chief while avoiding taking part in “a military coup,” according to a report.

But wait wouldn’t that be considered TREASON? Did Nancy Pelosi just ask him to commit Treason? Why shouldn’t she be locked up for this?

It was widely reported Friday that House Speaker Nancy Pelosi asked Army Gen. Mark A. Milley, the chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, to limit the president’s access to the country’s so-called nuclear football, which contains launch codes for America’s vast arsenal of nuclear weapons.

Pelosi called Milley to ask him to ignore orders from Trump to use those codes. It’s unclear what initiated the call to Milley. No specific threat from Trump seems to exist, suggesting the call was made for political purposes. The California Democrat reportedly told Milley she wants to limit the president from responding to international threats during the final days of his term.

NPR reported Pelosi told her Democratic colleagues she spoke to Milley about “available precautions for preventing an unstable president from initiating military hostilities or accessing the launch codes and ordering a nuclear strike.”

“The situation of this unhinged President … could not be more dangerous and we must do everything that we can to protect the American people from his unbalanced assault on our country and our democracy,” Pelosi wrote. According to The New York Times, the Pentagon is remaining neutral in the partisan squabbling.

A statement from Col. Dave Butler, a spokesman for Milley, confirmed to The Times that the call took place. “[Milley] answered her questions regarding the process of nuclear command authority,” Butler said. The newspaper spoke to other Pentagon officials who were reportedly hesitant to get involved in Pelosi’s political match, according to Times reporters David Sanger and Eric Schmitt.

“Mr. Trump, they noted, is still the commander in chief; unless he is removed, the military is bound to follow his lawful orders. While military officials can refuse to carry out orders they view as illegal — or slow the process by sending those orders for careful legal review — they cannot remove the president from the chain of command. That would amount to a military coup, the officials said,” Sanger and Schmitt reported.

“The one issue that has worried officials the most is Iran’s announcement that it has begun enriching uranium to 20 percent purity — near the quality to make a bomb. In December, Mr. Trump asked for military options that might be taken in response to Iran’s escalating production of nuclear fuel, but he was talked out of it by a number of top officials, including General Milley and Secretary of State Mike Pompeo,” the Times also reported.

Pelosi and other Democrats have used the events at the Capitol Building on Wednesday to justify going after Trump, and they have signaled they intend to exact political revenge against him following years of fear-mongering about his mental state during his final days in office.

Democrats have also announced they plan to again impeach the president, and there is chatter they might attempt to remove him from office by using the 25th Amendment with less than two weeks left in his term. Other Democratic lawmakers have also reportedly put pressure on Milley since Wednesday. But for now, the military has reportedly rebuffed them and intends to remain neutral from politics.

Trump remains the only person in government with the capacity to directly order military action and who has the discretion to use the country’s nuclear arsenal. Any attempt to deny him the tools to carry out his duties presiding over national security would be unlawful, unless there is an invocation of the 25th Amendment, or any orders given to Pentagon officials by him are determined to be themselves unlawful.

President-elect Joe Biden will be inaugurated on Jan. 20, at which point he will be given command over the country’s military and nuclear arsenal.

Monday, November 23, 2020

Joe Biden hates the media that got him elected! 😂

Joe Biden is one enigma stuck in a puzzle gathering dust, and everytime he is brought out we find missing pieces of this puzzle.. Mostly with Creepy Joe these pieces are from his mind and or low IQ. After being championed by the fake news over Trump for 4 years, and given the title of “President Elect” over Trump even tho he literally cheated Trump out of the election. We all know Trump won.

But the puzzle that is Joe Pedo Biden is how he’s now acting with the media!! LMAO! This man has no reason to snap on anyone in the media as he’s the lord, and savior who would free them of the Orange man right? Well as he was gathered with his running race baiting and NOT a black woman at all Kamala Harris, House Speaker Nasty Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.), and Senate Minority Leader Chucky Schitmer (D-N.Y.) on Friday. Creepy Joe Biden had no patience for a reporter, who asked a timely question, and he quickly admonished the correspondent.

Video shows Biden telling Pelosi and Schumer that “in my Oval Office, mi casa, you casa.” Biden added, “I hope we’re going to spend a lot of time together.” Yeah no kidding since there all pedophile lying morons who cater to socialists, and communists, and lie to the American people so yes Joe we know these are your people.

The press pool was then required to leave, and you can hear a Biden aide repeatedly say, “Let’s go guys, let’s go.” CBS News reporter calmly attempted to ask Biden a parting question before being escorted out of the room.

“Mr. Biden, the COVID task force said it’s safe for students to be in class. Are you going to be encouraging unions to cooperate more to bring kids back to classrooms, sir?” Erickson asked, and in a nice way not like they would ask Trump! Which would be a slander at Trump for wanting to open schools.

Biden dismissed the question and responded, “Why are you the only guy that always shouts out questions?” Biden and Pelosi then cackle at the reporter. When has this reporter ever asked this question? That alone should tell us how much a liar Joe is because this reporter has NEVER asked him this question. But Joe lies on a constant basis, and sksirts everything asked. Mostly cause he’s got no answer, and normal he ran on NO policies, and didn’t leave his basement for months.

“Townhall columnist and radio host Derek Hunter noted, a completely valid and important question asked in a civil tone…deflected by Biden, who may not have understood it because it wasn’t screened by staff first.” – The Blaze

The question was relevant because New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio (D) announced on Wednesday that all public schools would be closed starting Thursday. Also on Wednesday, Michigan Gov. Gretchen Whitmer (D) ordered all high school and college classrooms to close for three weeks. Kentucky Gov. Andy Beshear (D) ordered all public and private schools to close starting on Monday. Shocking all in Democratic states which had the major riots, and looting, and all this junk that we saw are the ones having the big spikes in Covid19.

Thursday, members of the White House Coronavirus Task Force stated that schools should remain open despite a recent surge of COVID-19 cases and hospitalizations across the country… Schools is not the issue, and neither is reopening the economy, and country to full potential. Lockdowns don’t help, and letting people riot, and loot, and do it to hurt Trump is shameful, and I hope all these leftist politicians get sent to prison!

“The truth is, for kids K through 12, one of the safest places they can be, from our perspective, is to remain in school,” Dr. Robert Redfield, director of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, said during a Thursday press conference. “And it’s really important that — following the data, making sure we don’t make emotional decisions about what to close and what not to close.”

“And I’m here to say clearly: The data strongly supports that K-through-12 schools, as well as institutes of higher learning, really are not where we’re having our challenges,” Redfield explained. “There’s extensive data that we have — we’ve gathered over the last two to three months — to confirm that K-through- 12 schools can operate with face-to-face learning, and they can do it safely and they can do it responsibly.”

The CDC director has been outspoken about schools needing to remain open for months. In July, Redfield said he would “absolutely” send his grandchildren back to school because he believes it is safe.

“It is critically important for our public health to open schools this fall,” Redfield declared.

This isn’t the first time that Biden has gotten defensive over the CBS News reporter asking legitimate questions. In October, the former vice president became agitated that Bo Erickson had the audacity to ask about the allegations swirling around the New York Post reporting about potential overseas business corruption with the Biden family that was allegedly discovered on Hunter Biden’s laptop.

Biden called the reporting a “smear campaign,” and then besmirched Erickson’s ethics, “I know you’d ask it. I have no response, it’s another smear campaign, right up your alley, those are the questions you always ask.” LOL WTF Joe Biden is a fucktard moron he can’t accept a gift when given to him! The Media literally elected him when we all know he lost, and this is how he pays them back? LOL KARMA!

In October, when a reporter shouted a question about what flavor ice cream Biden was eating, he was happy to take the time to explain how he got one vanilla milkshake and one chocolate frozen treat. But ask him a serious question, and he gets mad, and makes threats, calls people names, and slandrs with lies… This is Joe Lying Biden.

Thursday, September 24, 2020

WATCH: Video of Jerry Nadler pooping his pants!

So this video of Jerry Nadler Looking Uncomfortable at a press conference has gone viral. In the video while House Speaker Nasty Nancy Pelosi on September 23 was on stage something strange happened! Nadler, who represents New York’s 10th Congressional District, sparked concerns for his health after viewers watched his unstable walk while leaving the podium. In the video, Nadler, who also serves as the chairman of the House Judiciary Committee, suddenly grabs the side of the podium he’s standing next to as Pelosi discusses new legislation called the “Protecting our Democracy” Act. He then walks off the stage appearing quite disoriented and walking extremely tentatively.

Shortly afterward, the video circulated Twitter with thousands of users online sharing the same rumored conclusion — that Nadler “s*** his pants.” The term “poop his pants” also started to trend nationally on Google Search. The conservative political blog the RedState published an article with the headline asking, “Did Jerry Nadler Crap Himself on Live TV?” The site reported, “Nadler started inching his way off stage in a very awkward manner that is usually associated with someone who has either defecated on themselves or is attempting not to.”

The video has been viewed over 2.5 million times since it was published. The congressman’s office has not yet commented on the rumors.

One person retweeted the video via the handle @FlithyLiberals and wrote, “They’re all full of s***. Especially Jerry ‘The Penguin’ Nadler’s pants apparently during this,” while another person tweeted the clip, writing, “Looks like Jerry Nadler had the Fire sauce at Taco Bell for lunch today!”

Nadler’s bizarre exit also prompted concerns over his ability to serve in Congress. One person tweeted, “What’s this? An asylum? What’s Jerry Nadler going through? He can’t even walk. We need Term Limits ASAP.” Another Twitter user wrote, “Honestly, Jerry Nadler s******* his pants during a live press conference is by far the best metaphor for the Democratic party I’ve seen all year.”

Friday, September 11, 2020

Hey Nasty Nancy Mr Biggs said take a hike!

House Freedom Caucus Chairman, and my new hero of the week Andy Biggs, R-AZ, is calling for House Speaker Nancy Pelosi “to be removed from her post as Speaker of the House,” in a new op-ed for “Isn’t it past time for Rep. Nancy Pelosi, D-Calif., to leave her office as Speaker of the House? I call upon our leaders in Congress to put forward the Motion to Vacate the Chair that has been prepared and merely needs to be brought to the floor,” Biggs wrote in his opinion piece.

Biggs used several examples that he believes are reasons for her removal where Pelosi acted “above the law,” including her recent visit to get her hair blown dry which violated her home State’s COVID-19 lockdown order.

Pelosi, however, claims she was “set up” by the salon’s owner and wasn’t aware of the rules that San Francisco residents can only have their hair done outdoors.

“Frankly, it a narcissistic, authoritarian view,” Biggs added. Moreover, he said it’s “the same hubris that is demonstrated in Pelosi’s attacks on a small business owner, with the apparent objective of crushing her, also permitted the corruption of our federal intelligence gathering apparatus to spy on a political opponent’s campaign, denies that Marxist agitators are rioting, looting, and murdering; and when polling shows that Americans know better, tries to change the narrative to blame Trump.”

Wednesday, September 2, 2020

Pelosi Admits Breaking Lockdown For Salon Visit; Blames Business, Says She Did Nothing Wrong

So just yesterday Tuesday, House Speaker in name only Nasty Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) released a statement via her deputy chief of staff some bozo whos over paid to be her minion and confessed to breaking city lockdown rules to get her hair done indoors at a San Francisco salon on Monday, seemingly without wearing a mask. So much for social distance, Masks being a must! LOL She can’t even follow her own garbage advice or mandates she gives people, and well this is very funny cause now Nasty Pelosi, however, is not admitting to any wrongdoing, instead shifting blame to the salon she visited. Typical here comes the WRAP UP SMEAR NANCY?

“The Speaker always wears a mask and complies with local COVID requirements,” said a statement from Pelosi’s deputy chief of staff Drew Hammill, according to FOX KTVU. Which is a lie so while the poor saps who need the stimulus help wait, and starve she again with her 24k ice cream filled fridge can do whatever she wants, and she’s like typical when shes caught she’s already shifting the blame. I Wonder how long before it becomes Trumps fault that she went and got her hair done? lol Fucking idiot…

“This business offered for the Speaker to come in on Monday and told her they were allowed by the city to have one customer at a time in the business,” Hammill added. “The Speaker complied with the rules as presented to her by this establishment.”

“Security footage taken from the small business and provided to Fox News appears to confirm the salon owner’s allegation, showing the leading House Democrat with wet hair and no mask walking through the shop on Monday,” The Daily Wire reported earlier on Tuesday. “Hair salons across the city were allowed to open for outdoor services only on Monday for the first time since March.”

“It was a slap in the face that she went in, you know, that she feels that she can just go and get her stuff done while no one else can go in, and I can’t work,” eSalon owner Erica Kious told Fox News. “We’re supposed to look up to this woman, right? … It is just disturbing.”

“While salons have been allowed to open in limited capacity, stylists still are ‘not supposed to blow dry hair’ according to coronavirus safety guidelines, Kious said. The government also mandates that masks be worn at all times inside the salon itself.”

According to KTVU, salons, which have been crushed by COVID-related restrictions, “may only cut hair outdoors under new rules that took effect [Tuesday].”

“Kious’ small business does not employ any workers directly, but rents out chairs to independent stylists. One of the stylists she works with texted her on Sunday that the speaker had requested a hair appointment,” The Daily Wire reported. “Kious’ business was not equipped to perform any appointments outside as mandated by coronavirus regulations, however.”

“I was like, are you kidding me right now? Do I let this happen?” Kious said of receiving the message concerning Pelosi.

“We have been shut down for so long, not just me, but most of the small businesses and I just can’t – it’s a feeling – a feeling of being deflated, helpless and honestly beaten down,” she described. “I have been fighting for six months for a business that took me 12 years to build to reopen.”

“I am a single mom, I have two small children, and I have no income,” added Kious. “The fact that they did this, and she came in, it’s like a slap in the face.”
Related: San Francisco Salon Owner Says Nancy Pelosi Broke Lockdown Order For Blowout: ‘Just Disturbing’

Thursday, August 27, 2020

Nasty Nancy Pelosi Calls For Presidential Debates To Be Cancelled! Lmao... 😆🤣😆

While speaking to reporters on Thursday morning, Speaker of the House by name only Nasty Nancy Pelosi called for the cancellation of the presidential debates between President Donald Trump and former Vice President Joe Biden. So she clearly is back on that “LEAN.” The witch looked drunk, and acted crazy with her usual crazy talk. But no debate? That afraid of Trump are you? Folks it’s clear they know Trump will win.

“I don’t think there should be any debates,” the Speaker said. “I wouldn’t legitimize a conversation with him, nor a debate in terms of the presidency of the United States,” Pelosi added. “Now I know that the Biden campaign thinks in a different way about this.”

She really belongs in prison not just for her constant dangerous lies, and anti American rhetoric but she has blood on her hands for telling people during the start of the Pandemic that it was all a lie. And called the President a racist and Xenophobe for trying to warn us, and save lives.

Saturday, August 1, 2020

🤦🏻‍♂️Pelosi Funnels $14,000 to Ilhan Omar Campaign Amid Expensive Primary Fight

The so called House (by name only) Speaker Nasty Nancy Pelosi (Devil., Calif.) recently funneled $14,000 to Rep. Ilhan Omar’s campaign in late July as of just 2 days ago! The Somalian born domestic terrorist and sadly Minnesota Democrat struggled to fend off a well-funded primary challenge. Here is hoping she loses, and goes to prison.

The Federal Election Commission records released Thursday show that Pelosi transferred $10,000 from her PAC and an additional $4,000 from her campaign committee to Omar on July 22, one week after Pelosi endorsed Omar in her reelection bid.

The Minnesota DemocRAT is facing an expensive primary battle against attorney Antone Melton-Meaux, who outraised Omar significantly in the second quarter of 2020. Melton-Meaux raked in $3.3 million between April and June to Omar’s $470,000. Included in the challenger’s donor list is Democratic Colorado governor Jared Polis, who gave $1,000 to Melton-Meaux’s campaign on July 27.

The impressive fundraising haul allowed Melton-Meaux to spend more than $1.7 million over the first three weeks of July. Omar, meanwhile, spent just $784,000. More than $600,000—77 percent of those disbursements—went to a D.C.-based consulting firm run by Omar’s new husband.

Following his spending spree, Melton-Meaux holds $695,000 on hand, down from the $2 million he held at the end of the second quarter. Omar holds $732,000 on hand.

Omar, who will square off against Melton-Meaux and three additional Democratic challengers during the state’s August 11 primary election is hopefully looking inside a prison cell after she loses her election! Unless she’s rigged it again noway she wins! The late push from Pelosi suggests genuine concern for Omar, who has butted heads with the California DemocRAT in the past. Nasty Nancy Pelosi criticized Omar for using “deeply offensive” anti-Semitic tropes in February 2019 and condemned the Boycott Divestment and Sanctions (BDS) movement against Israel, which Omar supports, a month later. Omar quickly hit back, saying, “a condemnation for people that want to exercise their First Amendment rights is beneath any leader.” Melton-Meaux has campaigned against Omar’s support for BDS.

While both Omar and Melton-Meaux have earned a number of prominent local endorsements, Melton-Meaux has outraised Omar within Minnesota’s Fifth Congressional District. The Democratic challenger raised $273,000 from the district’s constituents in the second quarter, while Omar raised just $8,000… Meaning that outside her inner bubble nobody seems to care about Omar.

Melton-Meaux being a democrat also bugs me also but at least gets Omar, and her toxic views out of congress.

Tuesday, July 21, 2020

Pelosi Suggests Gassing the White House If Trump Doesn't Leave In 2021

Nasty Nancy Pelosi Suggests Gassing the White House If Trump Doesn’t Leave In 2021! Can we gas HER now, and just get it over with? She needs to be gased, and sent to prison! She’s responsible for the death of thousands of people who didn’t listen to Trump but to her when she told people not to listen to him, and go party in China Town! This crazy bitch said that
If President Donald Trump loses the election in November, he’s going to leave the White House without incident, and that Secret Service agents won’t have to drag him out, kicking and screaming, like a drunk and disorderly suspect on an episode of  “Cops.” It won’t be like a B-movie where Gerard Butler has to take down a heavily armed Mike Pompeo with just a fork and his superhuman Krav Maga abilities. You’re not going to see Kellyanne Conway manning a makeshift parapet on the perimeter of 1600 Pennsylvania Ave.

I’m thoroughly confused about where this fever dream came from. Trump, from time to time, consternates reporters who consistently feel the need to ask whether he’ll accept the results of the election. This is considered heresy, which is rich given that, as I write this, we’re on day 1,351 of the left-wing establishment not accepting the results of the 2016 election. However, the president has never suggested he’d do anything about this aside from complain mightily probably in the form of a strongly worded Twitter thread and he certainly hasn’t said anything about holing himself up in the White House with a phalanx of stormtroopers preventing the transition of power from happening, even when he doesn’t unequivocally say he’ll accept the results of the election as valid.

That House Speaker Nancy Pelosi is horrified at this is hardly news. The fact she thinks we might need to gas the White House to get the president out is, however retarded, and again showing her to be one hatefilled two face bitch with an open agenda called “The WRAP UP SMEAR” where all she does is bash Trump at any given chance, and with anyone in media who would post her up dentures, and all. Really she’s a really horrible person, and should be in prison for many crimes SHE’S commited, and money laundry, and all sorts of actual criminal activity. YET The democRATS have her as “Speaker” while her city rotts in the middle of a pendamic she told people to go party in ChinaTown a month AFTER she called Trump a racist and Xenophobe for warning the American people of what was coming. She then had the nerve of recording herself laughing, and showing off 24k worth of food she’s got for herself with thousands in ICE Cream alone. While people literally starve to death she’s at her mansion living it up, and eating ICE Cream. Some how life isn’t fair… Good people die, and this horrible witch is still alive. I Don’t get it… She needs Prison.

The latest controversy involves Trump giving a similar answer to a question that’s similar to one he’s been asked a million times before… “I’m not a good loser. I don’t like to lose,” the president said in an interview with Fox News’ Chris Wallace. “I think mail-in voting is going to rig the election, I really do,” he said. “Are you suggesting that you might not accept the results of the election?” Wallace asked. “I have to see,” Trump said. “I’m not going to just say yes, and I didn’t last time, either.” Donald Trump, Chris Wallace and everyone watching this interview with a desultory knowledge of how American elections work is well aware of the fact that, if there aren’t irregularities in voting that either side can prove, whatever Donald Trump thinks of the election results won’t matter.

Furthermore, this seemed to be more about calling attention to the Trump administration’s issues with nationwide mail-in voting than a scene from the first act of the aforementioned Gerard Butler movie. Trump’s remarks aired Sunday. On Monday, Pelosi appeared on MSNBC’s “Morning Joe” for her usual bout of fulmination, including a threat to gas the White House if something the president has never threatened ends up happening:

“The fact is whether he knows it yet or not, he will be leaving,” Pelosi told “Morning Joe” co-host Mika Brzezinski. “Just because he might not want to move out of the White House doesn’t mean we won’t have an inauguration ceremony to inaugurate a duly elected president of the United States. And I guess, you know, I’m second in line to the presidency, and just last week I had my regular continuation of government briefing. This might interest you because I say to them, ‘This is never going to happen.’ God willing, it never will. But there is a process. “It has nothing to do with that the certain occupant of the White House doesn’t feel like moving and has to be fumigated out of there because the presidency is the presidency. “It’s not geography or location so — so much for him. I wouldn’t spend so much time on it; that’s a victory for him because then we’re not talking about your first, more important subject, which is, what are we going to do to stop this vicious virus that is making an assault on our health, again, our lives, our livelihood and life of our democracy?” The California Democrat also defended national vote-by-mail, a process that she’s absolutely sure presents no problems despite the fact it hasn’t actually been tried.

Trump destroyed Chris in his interview, and Pelosi again said “This is simple. It’s when I say simple, we know what we need to do,” Pelosi said. “Again, ignore what the president has to say. He doesn’t know what he’s talking about, once again, when he talks about any problems with vote-by-mail.” Ignore what the president has to say except, of course, when he says something about the possibility of questioning the results, then it’s time to fumigate the White House to get him out. To the extent Pelosi’s remark could be excused as hyperbole, it’s worth noting every time Trump or one of his allies uses hyperbole, the knives of humorlessness are instantly unsheathed. Remember when they all claimed the president wanted people to inject Lysol into their veins after he made a sarcastic remark to a reporter about using disinfectant to kill the coronavirus? Pelosi’s response: “The president is asking people to inject Lysol into their lungs.” Given the Vulcan-like standard the Democrats hold themselves to in these matters, I can only assume she meant what she said: That they might have to toss some CS canisters into the Oval Office and drag Trump out.
The fact is that nobody’s going to have to gas anything if Trump loses. He’ll vacate the Oval Office and Joe Biden will spend four years wandering the halls of the White House, trying to remember where the Oval Office is. In fact, I can only think of one situation where Nancy Pelosi might need Gerard Butler to do his thing. That’s if Donald Trump wins again.