Showing posts with label Chuck Schumer. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Chuck Schumer. Show all posts

Sunday, February 2, 2025

Chuck Schumer Under Investigation

BREAKING NEWS: Chuck Schumer Is in possible deep trouble as reports have surfaced that he is now Under Investigation For Threatening Supreme Court Interim D.C. U.S. Attorney Ed Martin opened a preliminary investigation into Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-NY) over threatening comments he made to Supreme Court justices in 2020. And while I say about time! This goes back to when this leftist idiot was speaking on the steps of the U.S. Supreme Court in March of that year, Schumer told Justices Brett Kavanaugh and Neil Gorscuch that they will “pay a price” if they voted to overturn Roe V. Wade, which they ultimately did in 2022. “Over the last three years, women’s reproductive rights have come under attack in a way we haven’t seen in modern history. 

From Louisiana, to Missouri, to Texas, Republican legislatures are waging a war on women, all women, and they’re taking away fundamental rights,” Schumer declared. “I want to tell you, Gorsuch, I want to tell you, Kavanaugh, you have released the whirlwind and you will pay the price. You won’t know what hit you, if you go forward with these awful decisions.”

Schumer quickly walked his comments back while speaking from the Senate floor a few days later, stating that he was not threatening Supreme Court justices. In a non-apology, the top Senate Democrat stated that he “shouldn’t have used the words I did” while claiming that conservatives were attempting to “generate outrage” over his comments. 

He was later hit with an ethics complaint that went nowhere. In a January 21 letter that was obtained by the Washington Post, interim D.C. U.S. Attorney Ed Martin confirmed that he is opening a “preliminary inquiry” into Schumer’s threatening comments. “We take threats against public officials very seriously. I look forward to your cooperation,” Martin wrote in the letter, which was addressed to Schumer. 

The nation’s top elected Democrat has a history of making ominous, threatening comments towards his political opponents. During the opening stages of the bogus Russian collusion investigation, Schumer stated that President Trump was “really dumb” for “taking on” U.S. intelligence agencies before suggesting that there would be retribution. “Let me tell you, you take on the intelligence community, they have six ways from Sunday at getting back at you,” Schumer told MSNBC’s Rachel Maddow.

“So even for a practical, supposedly hard-nosed businessman, he’s being really dumb to do this.” In a separate memorandum issued Friday, acting deputy attorney general Emil Bove ordered the termination of dozens of prosecutors who worked on the politicized investigations into President Donald Trump and his allies. Bove stated that “subversive” prosecutors must be removed before they can hinder Martin’s work in the nation’s capital. 

“I will not tolerate subversive personnel actions by the previous Administration at any U.S. attorney’s office,” Bove wrote. An email sent by Martin informed recipients to preserve all documents relating to “personnel decisions regarding attorneys hired to support casework” regarding the January 6 Capitol protests. 

Martin added that the new guidance was issued in accordance with President Trump’s directive to end the weaponization of government.

Saturday, December 16, 2023

🚨U.S. Capitol Police Investigating Video of 2 Men Having Sex in Senate Hearing Room

So remember folks evil deeds done by evil people who live a risky life with skeletons in their closet are always rewarded with KARMA and well as the U.S. Capitol Police are investigating reports of two men having sex in public on Capitol grounds, The Advocate confirmed late Friday that a very explicit video reportedly shot in the Hart Senate Office Building on Capitol Hill has ignited widespread controversy and attention online. The Daily Caller, first reported on the existence of the video on Friday. The clip depicts two men engaged in a sexual act in what the publication claims is room Hart 216.

The footage seems to be shot in a Senate hearing room and it's said the video has two unidentified men engaged in a sexual act inside what appears to be a room known for hosting hearings by the Senate Judiciary Committee. One of the men is nude and hunched over the dais behind which senators would typically sit when conducting official business and questioning witnesses. The clip, recorded from the perspective of the other participant, includes a brief pan of the Senate seal on the wall.
“We are aware and looking into this," a spokesperson for the Capitol Police told The Advocate Friday evening in response to a request for comment. 

Reports are that The Advocate contacted the office of Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer, the New York Democrat, but did not immediately hear back. 
Widely circulated and unconfirmed reports online identified a staffer for Maryland Democratic Sen. Ben Cardin as one of the people who are shown in the video. He's the Anti Trump cock sucker in the video on top and now I can say he's a cock sucker because he indeed is now known to be a man who enjoys sucking cock. As per the video he's also a massive asshole.

"We have seen media reports emanating from the right-wing media. As this is a personnel matter and under review, we will not be commenting further at this time," a spokesperson for Cardin told 
The Advocate. 

LOL "A personal Matter" yea had this been a conservative these same leftists would be calling for an instant removal or whoever it was from stepping in congress again. Talk about a pervert though! Old man can't go have his gay sex in private in his own home or Hotel? What a dick! LOL

Thursday, November 30, 2023


The Truth is out there is the theme, and tagline to my all time favorite tv show "The X-Files" starring David Duchovny & Gillian Anderson. This show was created by Chris Carter who came up with this fantastic show and inputed some of the ufology's biggest stories, and also his own spin on these stories. Now not the entire series was based on UFO's and Aliens but this was the core of the story for Fox Mulder (David Duchovny) who got into the FBI because he wanted to find out what happened to his sister the night she was "taken" by what he came to believe were Aliens which were working with a secret part of the government which had hidden agendas towards keeping the world in what my good friend Stephen Bassett calls "The UFO Embargo" which some say is 80 year plus old... I believe it to be over 100 years old, and perhaps even predates the formation of these United States.

 While it's not clear how long the current people in people have known, and why they're still keeping this secret other than for the industrial mulitary complex which runs things to use these techonological advancements to themselves for future weapons against both our Earthly enemies, and those from other worlds. Some say that the reason this whole thing has been such a taboo subject and why the current people aren't being told the entire truth is due to the "fear" the truth would cause with both common folks and the power structures such as religions, governments and sciencetists. While this might have been true 100 years ago today's people are well aware for the most part that things are what it seems with the subject.

Now that we have been told by our own people that both "Area 51" is real, and "UFO's" or "UAP's" as they have been now labeled are real there has been for sometime a wait on more info coming out to us the people who have spent who knows how much of our tax money on secret projects, and an on going coverup which has lasted way too long. For me the "Truth is out there" but it's not about the "Aliens, UFO's" or anything like that but the "Truth" I'm talking about is the "WHY ARE THEY STILL COVERING IT UP?"

Time is not on the side of the older people in power as they will die like all humans one day do and so keeping the bit lie about this is beyond stupid at this point. Just to me there should be no more wait, and they need to just release all the data, files, pictures, videos, and all the bodies, and crafts to show the public. Time to end the embargo and time for the truth to come out... Now the book "Behold A Pale Horse" as you know is from William "Bill" Cooper whos been dead for decades now but he wrote that book in the 90s and it talks about a "false flag ufo invasion" so I hope that this isn't what we have instore for us in 2024 as I sit here writing this in 2023... The facts are what they are but what we don't need is a fake invasion or a pretend war. We need the facts and we need to know this in a peacefull way. I'm not going to ask for anyone to be sent to prison over them keeping this secret as this doesn't solve any issues.

Just let's drop the lies, and the act... Now we also know recently the congress and senate have been talking more and more about this subject and both sides seem to agree the time to reveal the truth is here but remember with these radical leftists democrats nothing is what it seems. Not even in the subjects like these. While Chuck Schummer says he's pro ending the embargo it seems Matt Gaetz is claming that is the current bill Schummer is trying to pass will not give us the answers we want but would place this in a place like the JFK files were we would have to wait 25 years and it would cost billions to just tell us what we already know.

This is a waste of time, and money... Time to just spill the beans, and let the people of Earth know the truth and get on with the show of engaging the world with these facts. Here is a tweet by Tucker Carlson with video talking about this very subject on his now big time (Formerly known as "Twitter") show.

In July, Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-N.Y.), along with a bipartisan group of five other senators, announced sweeping legislation to declassify and release government information about unidentified flying objects.

The announcement coincided with, and seemed to corroborate, an extraordinary series of UFO-related developments. But now, Rep. Mike Turner (R-Ohio), Rep. Mike Rogers (R-Ala.), Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.) and Speaker of the House Mike Johnson (R-La.) appear poised to quash this bipartisan transparency initiative. In the absence of reasonable, good-faith objections to the core provisions of the historic legislation, the question is why. If there is nothing to hide and nothing to the UFO phenomenon, why would any member of Congress object to greater transparency and oversight of an executive branch prone to excessive and dangerous over-classification? 

Or perhaps there is something to hide. According to Schumer, a sweeping investigation “led some in Congress to believe that the executive branch was concealing important information regarding [UFOs] over broad periods of time.” This is corroborated by the inspector general of the intelligence community, who deemed a decorated whistleblower’s assertion that the government inappropriately concealed UFO-related information from Congress “credible and urgent.” Moreover, as Senate Intelligence Vice Chair Marco Rubio (R-Fla.) noted in extraordinary detail, several high-level officials with top security clearances have told congressional investigators of the existence of surreptitious government UFO retrieval and “reverse engineering” programs.

At the same time, 10 ex-government officials, military officers and scientists have alleged (or suggested) publicly that the U.S. government has recovered at least one UFO. In light of these remarkable developments, the overarching objectives of the Schumer-led Unidentified Anomalous Phenomena Disclosure Act (UAPDA) are government transparency and the restoration of constitutionally-mandated congressional oversight. At its core, the UAPDA establishes that all government UFO records “carry a presumption of immediate disclosure.” Any records deemed too sensitive for immediate release would be subject to review by an independent nine-member panel. Following a recommendation from the panel, the president would decide whether, and when, to release any such documents or records. 

Perhaps most importantly, the UAPDA’s “controlled disclosure campaign” would require a benchmark-driven plan for the eventual public release of all UFO-related records or information, no matter how sensitive.

Key Republicans appear to object to the UAPDA on two grounds: The possible leak of classified information, and the possibility that the review board would duplicate other government UFO efforts. Neither objection holds water. First, the proposed records review board would be composed of “distinguished persons of high national professional reputation.” Each, along with board staff, would be required to hold top security clearances. Second, the president would retain ultimate authority to release any record or information deemed too sensitive to release immediately. These safeguards make an inadvertent leak of classified information extremely unlikely.

More importantly, if key Republicans succeed in neutering or quashing the UAPDA in its entirety, they may inadvertently spur the leak of sensitive information that they ostensibly fear. As Rep. Mike Gallagher (R-Wis.), a member of the House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence, stated recently, new protections enacted by Congress resulted in “all sorts of [UFO whistleblowers] coming out of the woodwork.” These individuals, Gallagher said, are telling congressional investigators that “they’ve been part of this or that [UFO] program,” resulting in “a variety of pretty intense conversations.” Moreover, according to Sen. Rubio, “a lot of people… are starting to edge towards coming forward and we hear may be coming forward.” Without the UAPDA’s formal, controlled disclosure framework, frustrated whistle blowers may feel compelled to leak sensitive UFO-related information, potentially resulting in a “catastrophic” or “uncontrolled” disclosure. Separately, Republicans appear to object to the UAPDA on the grounds that the proposed review board would be duplicative of the government’s new UFO analysis office. For one, the office analyzes video and other data of UFO incidents reported by U.S. servicemembers. Such work is categorically different from the transparency-focused mission of the UAPDA-proposed review board.

More importantly, as former deputy assistant secretary of defense for intelligence Christopher Mellon aptly noted, asking the government’s UFO office to investigate allegations of illegality by the executive branch is akin to tasking intelligence agencies with investigating the Iran-Contra scandal. An independent body with presidential imprimatur is far better suited to the task of enforcing transparency, especially if an agency refuses to release relevant records. Moreover, any costs associated with the UAPDA’s nine-member review board would be minimal in the context of the entire defense budget. Ultimately, the dearth of sound objections to the bipartisan UAPDA raises several questions about the motivations of the Republicans now seeking to halt the legislation. Some of the most forceful opposition to the UAPDA appears to come from Turner, chairman of the House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence. Of note, Turner represents the congressional district that includes Wright-Patterson Air Force Base, which features prominently — and infamously — in UFO history.

As physicist and hedge fund director Eric Weinstein noted, if members of Congress were to make a hypothetical “last ditch effort to scuttle” the disclosure of secret government UFO programs, he would have guessed that a congressman from Turner’s district would be involved. Moreover, with Republicans generally distrustful of government and seemingly natural ideological allies of any efforts to expose undue government secrecy, GOP opposition to the UAPDA is particularly perplexing. But thanks largely to social media, citizen advocacy and engagement is surging. 

Polished, nuanced guides to engaging Congress on the Unidentified Anomalous Phenomena Disclosure Act and calls to action have garnered millions of engagements. Rightfully so. With government secrecy potentially concealing the biggest story in human history, Americans of all political stripes should be vocal advocates for government accountability and transparency. Marik von Rennenkampff served as an analyst with the U.S. Department of State’s Bureau of International Security and Nonproliferation and was an Obama administration appointee at the U.S. Department of Defense.

Tuesday, October 3, 2023

Trump AD released about elections... Plus NYC Trial update!

This video is 100% must watch... These liberals are such hypocrites and they don't want us USA Citizens to see this. This will tell you how much hypocrisy and lying happening with these liberals. There is no nudity, profanity or Covid talk in this video... This is 100% facts.

This video shows you how dishonest these people on the left are... IF Facebook, YouTube or any of these leftist loaded sites takes this video down remember there is nothing but pure FACTS here. This is them again putting you in a place where they're suppressing your ability to make up your mind and participate in a real fair election. The left cheats, and they complain when they don't cheat enough to win and the actual election is won by they lose too.

But as we know if they win all of a sudden they claim the election was the election was the cleanest and most fair ever and that the right is lying and so the left RIGS it, cheats and win they lie, lie, lie and make up charges to bury the competition now. This is what they're doing to TRUMP who clearly won both in 2016 & 2020. Now that he's up so much in the 2024 polls look how they're doing him in these fake trials! As we're finding out more as the trial in NYC just started this is a sort of a DO OVER trial for a case already tried against Trump where he won.

There is no Victim, no essential crime committed by Trump.. The trial is because the city of New York has a crazy lunatic DA in Latisha James who had made her entire platform when she ran to get TRUMP anyway possible. She found nothing dirty on him so she is trying to do this DO-OVER trial. This is illegal under the constitution. Also 80% of these charges against Trump maybe more are passed what a "STATUE of Limitations" on even looking into this has passed.

Some how they're claiming this is a "civil business fraud" The banks got paid, there are no victims, nobody other than Latisha James pushing this and the Obama friendly liberal leftist Judge.

Justice Engoron was appointed to the New York City Civil Court in 2003 and was elected he ran unopposed to the State Supreme Court in 2015. Before his time on the bench, he served as a law clerk to a State Supreme Court judge in Manhattan.

The atmosphere in his courtroom is somewhat unusual he even posses for the camera in an odd way the first day of the trial which shows he's doing this as a clown not taking it serious. He also let the Cameras record than claimed he didn't know they were even as he says this we have footage of him posing for the cameras he said he didn't know where there. Total clown show.

As of that he's now banned video of the trial and even issued a gag order on Trump to keep  him from speaking in public, and the Cameras are now not allowed so we the public can't see what's happening. So much for a "Transparent Case" why don't they want us to view this on video? Think about this folks...

Interrupting a long day of testimony, Judge Arthur Engoron issued the order, which applies to all parties in the case and pertains to verbal attacks on court staff. It came after Trump recirculated a critical social media post about Engoron’s principal law clerk, Allison Greenfield.

The post included a photo of Greenfield with Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer, D-N.Y., posing for a picture at a public event. Trump, the Republican front-runner for president in 2024, has repeatedly cast the lawsuit and trial as a political attack by New York’s Democratic attorney general, Letitia James. 

Trump wrote that it was “disgraceful” that Greenfield was working with the judge in the courtroom. Aside from that sideshow, with Trump attending the trial for a second day, James’ attorney questioned an accountant in an effort to build the state’s case that Trump and others at his company had full control over the preparation of misleading and downright false financial statements at the heart of the lawsuit against them. Engoron said this about a comment that the ex-president had touted as an important victory.

Engoron had suggested on Monday that testimony about Trump’s 2011 financial statement might be beyond the legal time limit applicable to Attorney General James’ lawsuit. It alleges that Trump and his business chronically lied about his wealth on financial statements given to banks, insurers and others. Other words this is the basis of her case and it's past the statue of limitation and CANNOT be used against Trump even if he had committed any sort of crime which he did not as anyone who says he inflated the numbers on how much his property is worth. This is an illogical case because this is how negotiations work with anyone who has ever bought a property or had one valued  you put the number you think you're property is worth, and negotiate with the bank til a number is agreed on. So in other words this trial is made up a charge that does not exist but if this is pushed for a conviction by these crooks on the left, it will open a book on them being able to go over anyone who negotiates with a bank whom the liberals don't want to beat them.
This is why this is so important and why the left is literally breaking the law to try this none criminal case in court. Latisha James and the Judge both know this is not a case they're only doing this in order to drain money from Trump in legal fees, and have the man the majority of this country wants in the oval office behind bars, and or not able to run in 2024. This is clear election rigging, and fraud by these leftist crooks... This must never happen again, and this cannot go without punishment to these vile and evil democrats. 

Arthur F. Engoron, who is presiding over Donald J. Trump’s civil fraud trial, is an independent and thoughtful if somewhat quirky jurist who has served for 20 years in New York City Civil and State Supreme Court.

The 74-year-old judge, a former cabby with a shock of white hair and a penchant for cracking jokes from the bench, will effectively be judge and jury, deciding the fate of Mr. Trump’s New York businesses, which make up a large portion of his real estate empire.

That’s because the case was brought under a little known but powerful New York state law requiring that the matter be adjudicated at what is known as a bench trial, meaning that no jury will hear the case. The judge not only applies the law, as judges do in jury trials, but also decides the facts, a task that a jury would otherwise perform.

And that means that Justice Engoron, a Democrat, will play a far more prominent and consequential role than a judge would at a jury trial, not just during the proceedings, but in the ultimate outcome unless he is overturned on appeal.

Last week, before the trial began, Justice Engoron issued a decision that itself could have a devastating impact on Mr. Trump and his family business. He ruled that the former president had consistently committed fraud by inflating the value of his assets by billions of dollars. The ruling could strip him of control of some of his flagship New York properties, including Trump Tower and 40 Wall Street. Think about this folks if this is done to him they will again set a new unconstitutional and fraud precedent to do this to anyone.

Justice Engoron has been overseeing the matter for three years. When the state attorney general, Letitia James, was conducting her civil investigation into Mr. Trump’s business practices, the judge resolved disputes over evidence. Then, after she filed the resulting lawsuit a year ago, the judge began hearing arguments and ruled on pretrial litigation.

While Justice Engoron’s demeanor verged on the jovial in the earlier stages and he still teases the lawyers and allows himself the occasional comic digression the proceedings have become increasingly contentious.

Last year, he held Mr. Trump in contempt, fining him $110,000, and later, Mr. Trump unsuccessfully sought to have Justice Engoron taken off the case. Last week, in a social media post, Mr. Trump called the judge “deranged,” and on Monday, he said he was “rogue” and should be disbarred.

Now, as a result of threats, court security officers pick him up at his home in the morning and drive him to the courthouse, officials said. At the end of his workday, the officers drive him home. Which is a joke nothing TRUMP said was threatening and clearly this Judge is as Trump puts it "deranged" and let me add here. A clear lunatic.

Justice Engoron nonetheless seems to maintain his sense of humor. A fan of pop culture references who also revels in puns, he quoted from the Marx Brothers movie “Duck Soup” in a footnote to underscore his position that some of the defense’s arguments were essentially designed to tell him to not believe his own eyes.

“As Chico Marx, playing Chicolini, says to Margaret Dumont, playing Mrs. Gloria Teasdale,” the judge wrote, “well, who ya gonna believe, me or your own eyes?”

Justice Engoron was appointed to the New York City Civil Court in 2003 and was elected he ran unopposed to the State Supreme Court in 2015. Before his time on the bench, he served as a law clerk to a State Supreme Court judge in Manhattan.

The atmosphere in his courtroom is somewhat unusual. Beyond the levity he fosters, he discourages members of the public from standing, as is typical, when he enters. He also gives broad latitude to his principal law clerk, Allison Greenfield, perhaps because he himself has served in that role. Ms. Greenfield keeps the trains running on time with a firm hand, in contrast to the judge’s generally genial demeanor.

But Justice Engoron seems to be losing his patience with Mr. Trump. He has consistently ruled against the former president, and his decision last week had withering words for the defenses put forward by Mr. Trump’s lawyers. He called the conduct of the defendants, who include the president’s two adult sons and the family business, “obstreperous” and their arguments “bogus,” saying they had ignored reality when it suited their business needs.

“In defendants’ world,” he wrote, “rent-regulated apartments are worth the same as unregulated apartments; restricted land is worth the same as unrestricted land; restrictions can evaporate into thin air.”

At a hearing two weeks ago, the judge, addressing one of the former president’s lawyers, pounded his fist in apparent frustration, saying, “You cannot make false statements and use them in business.” This judge clearly is in favor of holding Trump in contempt for anything, and refusing him a clear, transparent, and fair trial. One which is already being done illegally as it is. Making his actions clear, and dangerous for all would be defendants in the future of this man. He's clearly corrupt.

NYC Trial footage:

DAY 1 - 10/02/2023
Former President Donald Trump is attending the start of the civil fraud trial against him and his company taking place in New York City. Judge Arthur Engoron already ruled last week that Trump ‘committed fraud for years while building [his] real estate empire,’ per the AP, deceiving banks by lying about his wealth in financial statements.
The judge is still expected to rule on six other claims in the lawsuit.

DAY 2 - 10/03/2023
Donald Trump and his family business continue to stand trial in New York on Tuesday in a civil fraud case that could deal a major blow to the former US president’s real estate empire.

Oh speaking of Tisha James in New York guess what she's proud to promote, and champions on her own accord...

Wednesday, June 16, 2021

Chuck Schumer apologizes after using outdated term for disabled children during housing interview

OK so this idiot Chuck Schumer the so called Senate Majority Leader was forced to apologize Monday for using an outmoded word to refer to developmentally disabled children during a recent podcast appearance. Appearing on the One NYCHA podcast, Schumer used the word “retarded” in making a point about the challenge of overcoming community resistance to housing initiatives meant to serve vulnerable populations.

“When I first was an assemblyman, they wanted to build a congregate living place for retarded children the whole neighborhood was against it,” Schumer said, referring to the time he spent representing parts of Brooklyn in the New York legislature from 1975 to 1980 prior to serving in Congress.

“These are harmless kids. They just needed some help,” he said, adding that the effort was ultimately successful. “We got it done. Took a while.” He got it done for those “retards” that’s what he was thinking…. But the term is considered outdated and offensive by many, and advocates for people with mental and intellectual disabilities discourage its use.

So Monday afternoon, a Schumer spokesperson said the majority leader erred in using such an “inappropriate and outdated word” during the interview. “For decades, Sen. Schumer has been an ardent champion for enlightened policy and full funding of services for people with intellectual and developmental disabilities,” the spokesperson said in a statement. “He is sincerely sorry for his use of the outdated and hurtful language.” But why didn’t the scumbag come out infront the media, and expressed this himself? Why send a public spokesperson? This is as bad as Kamala Harris not wanting to go to the border. See folks these Liberals in congress, and the senate don’t care they just want you to think they do so they could keep their jobs.

The project Schumer was referring to was connected to an organization then known as the Association for the Help of Retarded Children. (AHRC has since dropped that name and now simply goes by the initials.)

In 2010 President Barack Obama signed a law striking the term “mentally retarded” from the bulk of federal statutes and replaced it with other terms, and New York enacted a similar law in 2011. Guess nobody gave Chucky the memo?

Schumer’s offensive comment came about midway through the more than hour long appearance on the podcast, video of which was posted Sunday on the group’s Facebook page, which covers issues related to public housing in New York City and the lives of its residents.

“People are afraid, you know, I understand that,” Schumer said, continuing his original point. “When there’s change and they’re not given the things they need safety and security they get afraid. But you’ve got to address the real issues, not the fake issues.”

Saturday, June 12, 2021

After Democrat Senator Gillibrand Fails To Show Up Republicans Defeat Democrats On Liberal Pay Fairness Bill

Seems that due to the odd makeup of our current Senate, Democrats have a sort of pseudo-majority. With the 50-50 split, they can only move measures forward if Harris cast a tie-breaking vote. So this doesn’t give Democrats much wiggle room to get things done as they wish. With every single Republican voting together, every Democrat is needed to get their agenda done.

And with an agenda as radical as Schumer and Biden’s, there is little chance Republicans will support them unless they’re Rinos, and just don’t care about our country like Liz Chaney, and Mitt Romney to name two.

But it seems that the Senate Democrats, led by Chuck Schumer, wanted to open debate for a left-wing bill that pits men against women. But Republicans won the vote, because of one Democrat. Shocking?

Sen. Kirsten Gillibrand is taking heat from liberals online for missing a vote on whether the Senate should consider a pay equity bill… The vote was 50-49, with Gillibrand, a New York Democrat, the only missing senator… Republicans contend the legislation, passed by the House in April, is a gift to the trial lawyers and would only harm businesses.

With PLUGS 46 Joe “Pedophile” Biden in the White House, Democrats are eager to pass whatever bogus progressive idea they have in mind again just to hurt our country some more… For years, Democrats have claimed that women earn less than men which is true but for good reason as the data clearly does not back them up, but have used this argument to drive a wedge between working Americans.

First let me say that the proof is in this! And anyone who has ever worked with women know this to be true… Most jobs MEN are the ones required to do the let’s say dirty work, and I’ve worked with women my whole life, and most of the time they do shit but sleep on the job, lie about their job, and well conduct themselves badly in some circles. While they’re women who do not do this, and are very good at their job when that’s the case they get promoted quick, and this was always the way. This is what I’ve seen in my 35 years of being a working man in this country. I’ve had a lot of female bosses, and male bosses in those years, and worked with lots of both men, and women before they were bosses.

The legislation, passed by the House, would have increased penalties for violations already set by federal law. It would have given lawyers an excuse to sue companies, claiming women were being paid less than men. Even if they did not deserve to be paid more in those jobs… It did not seem to do anything to actually help women in the workplace, just make it harder for companies to do their job.

While it would have taken 60 votes to overcome a filibuster and pass the bill, Democrats are outraged that a woman, Kirsten Gillibrand, was not on hand to vote. And we thank her for being responsible enough to know these facts I’ve expressed to be correct… She’s not someone who I see eye to eye on with most issues, and she’s a DemocRAT but on this one she got it right by not showing up.

It might not have made a difference on this bill, but liberals were still outraged, and they all cry like babies when they don’t get their way like typical… Afterall this is what they always do.

Many took to Twitter to slam the Democrat. The attacks got pretty vile. Liberals care more about their rage than knowing how our government works. But this is another reminder of how important Senate Republicans are. Without their united front against Schumer and the Biden Administration, Democrats might ram all kinds of bills down the throats of this country, and so let’s all hope we’ll get more Republicans in the Senate, come 2022.

Friday, February 12, 2021

Impeachment Trial FULL COVERAGE!

Here is all the footage so far of the impeachment hoax 2.0 of our real PRESIDENT Donald Trump. He might not be in the Oval Office due to the clear con job in the Nov 3rd 2020 election, and it’s clear to anyone that yes that thing was a big scam, and so is this so called impeachment trial.Anyone with a brain can see what exactly has been happening for the last 4 years since we first got President Trump sworn in the left has had 1 thing in mind. Removing him from political office forever, and shutting up the voice, and will of the voters. This folks is the ultimate in voter supression, and it cannot be allowed under this constitution or country. The left has violated the rule of law many times over the last 4 years.They have actually incidted riots, looting, and yes murder while they now make a mockery of our constitution once more. Remember the Rinos, and the DemocRATS, and come election time remove all these criminals, and never vote for them again. We the people need to drain the swamp.Day 4:
Day 3:
Day 2:
Day 1:

Friday, January 22, 2021

Breaking the law again! Schumer says Trump impeachment trial to begin week of Feb. 8

While it is unconstitutional to hold an impeachment trial over a now ex President, and a Citizen breaking the law has not stopped the radical left, and power hungry demented Chuck Schumer, D-N.Y., said that President Donald Trump’s second impeachment trial will start the week of Feb. 8, announced Friday. Earlier in the day, he said the impeachment article for the trial would head to the Senate Monday, officially triggering the trial process.

The House impeached Trump Jan. 13 for inciting the insurrection at the U.S. Capitol a week earlier. The date is an agreement between Schumer and Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell, R-Ky. McConnell spokesperson Doug Andres said the Kentucky Republican was “glad” Schumer agreed to their request to delay the trial. The additional weeks to prepare were “a win for due process and fairness,” Andres said. The timing on when the House would transmit the impeachment article had been left in the air as the Senate changed from Republican to Democratic control and worked to quickly confirm several of Biden’s cabinet nominees. Schumer and McConnell have also continued to discuss a power-sharing agreement, since the chamber is split evenly, and the framework for how a trial will operate.

McConnell, the Republican leader from Kentucky, had been pushing for the House to send over its impeachment article next Thursday and not starting the trial proceedings in earnest until mid-February. He argued the delay would allow Trump time to install a legal team. “This impeachment began with unprecedentedly fast and minimal process in the House,” McConnell said on the floor Friday. “The sequel cannot be an insufficient Senate process that denies former President Trump his due process or damages the Senate or presidency itself.” McConnell said on the Senate floor Trump deserved a “full and fair process” for his impeachment trial.  But the House’s transmission of the impeachment article on Monday will start the process of the impeachment trial on Tuesday, several days earlier than McConnell’s original proposed timeline. 

Pelosi, in a statement, confirmed the House would send the article on Monday, applauding the work of the nine House Democrats serving as impeachment managers and highlighting Congress’ “solemn duty.”

“The article of impeachment for incitement of insurrection by Donald Trump will be delivered to the Senate on Monday, January 25,” the California Democrat said. Pelosi, i downplayed GOP concerns that Trump did not have enough time to prepare for the trial, arguing “the former president will have had the same amount of time to prepare for trial as our Managers.” This is another illegal impeachment which once again is being rushed, and under fake, and false claims by the radical left lead by the wicked witch of the west Nasty Nancy Pelosi.

“We are respectful of the Senate’s constitutional power over the trial and always attentive to the fairness of the process,” Pelosi said. “Our Managers are ready to begin to make their case to 100 Senate jurors through the trial process.” This from a woman who called for riots, looting, and burning in 2020.. She needs to be sent to prison for her part of the amount of people dead last year from Covid to the riots. She told people to ignore the Presidents warning, and go maskless in Chinatown and have fun. She’s complicite in many lives lost, and she knows it.

Chuck Schumer rejects Mitch McConnell's Senate filibuster demand! LMAO!

Chuck Schumer rejects Mitch McConnell’s Senate filibuster demand On Friday, and like I said on my show yesterday Mitch this is what you get for turning Rino, and backstabbing Trump, and the USA. Nothing you will do will go through now as you slept with the enemy, and now we’re all screwed Mitch. You screwed the country old man.

Majority Leader Schumer turned down a request by Minority Leader McConnell to include a protection for the filibuster in a Senate power-sharing agreement, calling the request “unacceptable.” Schumer added that he wants the same agreement that was established for the last 50-50 Senate in 2001, and called McConnell’s request an “extraneous demand.” The minority leader noted that he refused former president Trump’s demand to end the filibuster in 2017 and that Democrats have used it many times themselves.

Monday, November 23, 2020

Joe Biden hates the media that got him elected! 😂

Joe Biden is one enigma stuck in a puzzle gathering dust, and everytime he is brought out we find missing pieces of this puzzle.. Mostly with Creepy Joe these pieces are from his mind and or low IQ. After being championed by the fake news over Trump for 4 years, and given the title of “President Elect” over Trump even tho he literally cheated Trump out of the election. We all know Trump won.

But the puzzle that is Joe Pedo Biden is how he’s now acting with the media!! LMAO! This man has no reason to snap on anyone in the media as he’s the lord, and savior who would free them of the Orange man right? Well as he was gathered with his running race baiting and NOT a black woman at all Kamala Harris, House Speaker Nasty Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.), and Senate Minority Leader Chucky Schitmer (D-N.Y.) on Friday. Creepy Joe Biden had no patience for a reporter, who asked a timely question, and he quickly admonished the correspondent.

Video shows Biden telling Pelosi and Schumer that “in my Oval Office, mi casa, you casa.” Biden added, “I hope we’re going to spend a lot of time together.” Yeah no kidding since there all pedophile lying morons who cater to socialists, and communists, and lie to the American people so yes Joe we know these are your people.

The press pool was then required to leave, and you can hear a Biden aide repeatedly say, “Let’s go guys, let’s go.” CBS News reporter calmly attempted to ask Biden a parting question before being escorted out of the room.

“Mr. Biden, the COVID task force said it’s safe for students to be in class. Are you going to be encouraging unions to cooperate more to bring kids back to classrooms, sir?” Erickson asked, and in a nice way not like they would ask Trump! Which would be a slander at Trump for wanting to open schools.

Biden dismissed the question and responded, “Why are you the only guy that always shouts out questions?” Biden and Pelosi then cackle at the reporter. When has this reporter ever asked this question? That alone should tell us how much a liar Joe is because this reporter has NEVER asked him this question. But Joe lies on a constant basis, and sksirts everything asked. Mostly cause he’s got no answer, and normal he ran on NO policies, and didn’t leave his basement for months.

“Townhall columnist and radio host Derek Hunter noted, a completely valid and important question asked in a civil tone…deflected by Biden, who may not have understood it because it wasn’t screened by staff first.” – The Blaze

The question was relevant because New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio (D) announced on Wednesday that all public schools would be closed starting Thursday. Also on Wednesday, Michigan Gov. Gretchen Whitmer (D) ordered all high school and college classrooms to close for three weeks. Kentucky Gov. Andy Beshear (D) ordered all public and private schools to close starting on Monday. Shocking all in Democratic states which had the major riots, and looting, and all this junk that we saw are the ones having the big spikes in Covid19.

Thursday, members of the White House Coronavirus Task Force stated that schools should remain open despite a recent surge of COVID-19 cases and hospitalizations across the country… Schools is not the issue, and neither is reopening the economy, and country to full potential. Lockdowns don’t help, and letting people riot, and loot, and do it to hurt Trump is shameful, and I hope all these leftist politicians get sent to prison!

“The truth is, for kids K through 12, one of the safest places they can be, from our perspective, is to remain in school,” Dr. Robert Redfield, director of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, said during a Thursday press conference. “And it’s really important that — following the data, making sure we don’t make emotional decisions about what to close and what not to close.”

“And I’m here to say clearly: The data strongly supports that K-through-12 schools, as well as institutes of higher learning, really are not where we’re having our challenges,” Redfield explained. “There’s extensive data that we have — we’ve gathered over the last two to three months — to confirm that K-through- 12 schools can operate with face-to-face learning, and they can do it safely and they can do it responsibly.”

The CDC director has been outspoken about schools needing to remain open for months. In July, Redfield said he would “absolutely” send his grandchildren back to school because he believes it is safe.

“It is critically important for our public health to open schools this fall,” Redfield declared.

This isn’t the first time that Biden has gotten defensive over the CBS News reporter asking legitimate questions. In October, the former vice president became agitated that Bo Erickson had the audacity to ask about the allegations swirling around the New York Post reporting about potential overseas business corruption with the Biden family that was allegedly discovered on Hunter Biden’s laptop.

Biden called the reporting a “smear campaign,” and then besmirched Erickson’s ethics, “I know you’d ask it. I have no response, it’s another smear campaign, right up your alley, those are the questions you always ask.” LOL WTF Joe Biden is a fucktard moron he can’t accept a gift when given to him! The Media literally elected him when we all know he lost, and this is how he pays them back? LOL KARMA!

In October, when a reporter shouted a question about what flavor ice cream Biden was eating, he was happy to take the time to explain how he got one vanilla milkshake and one chocolate frozen treat. But ask him a serious question, and he gets mad, and makes threats, calls people names, and slandrs with lies… This is Joe Lying Biden.

Thursday, April 2, 2020

Trump Embarrasses Chucky Schumer again! 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥

So check this out President Trump Embarrasses Chuck Schumer after he Calls For Military Official to be in Charge of Medical Equipment on Wednesday during an interview with CNN, Democratic Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer urged President Trump to have a senior military official look over the production and distribution of medical equipment. The President later responded via his favorite social media TWITTER, and he totally destroyed Schumer by saying that it had already been done, while joining CNN’s Erin Burnett, Schumer said “There’s a dramatic shortage of all the needed supplies or most of them, whether it’s masks, whether it’s PPE [personal protective equipment] … whether it’s ventilators. And we have no one really in charge,” Schumer said in an interview with CNN’s Erin Burnett. “We have this awful spectacle of governors bidding against one another.”

Chucky Schumer is a fucktard moron! I mean my god he’s so stupid… Either he’s stupid or he’s really this evil that he lies during the outbreak of the Covid19.

The Daily Wire notes:

While Schumer said he believes Peter Navarro — the man who is serving as coordinator of the Defense Production Act, which allows the federal government to order industries to produce needed goods in extreme emergencies — is a “very nice man,” he does not believe he is equipped to handle the crisis. “I talked to [Navarro],” said Schumer. “He is not up to the job. He is a very nice man, but he has no experience doing things like this.” As far as he can tell, Schumer said, “no one” is in charge of the distribution of medical supplies.

The solution, he suggested, is to appoint a high-ranking military person to take over the job. “They need one person, a military person, a general who knows how to deal with logistics and quartermastering, who knows command and control,” he said. “You need to place that person, the czar, in charge of both production and distribution of all of these kinds of needed equipment and get it to the places that are needed.”

On Thursday morning, President Donald Trump took to Twitter to respond to Schumer’s comments, stating that he had already appointed a military official to oversee the process.

“Somebody please explain to Cryin’ Chuck Schumer that we do have a military man in charge of distributing goods, a very talented Admiral, in fact,” said President Trump while referring to Rear Adm. John Polowczyk.

The President wasn’t done. He continued by slamming Schumer.

“New York has gotten far more than any other State, including hospitals [and] a hospital ship, but no matter what, always complaining. It wouldn’t matter if you got ten times what was needed, it would never be good enough,” President Trump continued. “Unlike other states, New York unfortunately got off to a late start. You should have pushed harder. Stop complaining [and] find out where all of these supplies are going. [Gov. Andrew] Cuomo working hard!”

“Massive amounts of medical supplies, even hospitals and medical centers, are being delivered directly to states and hospitals by the Federal Government,” the President added. “Some have insatiable appetites & are never satisfied (politics?). Remember, we are a backup for them.”

He finished: “The complainers should have been stocked up and ready long before this crisis hit. Other states are thrilled with the job we have done. Sending many Ventilators today, with thousands being built. 51 large cargo planes coming in with medical supplies. Prefer sending directly to hospitals.”

House Intelligence Committee Chairman Adam Schiff, who a little over two months ago led Democrats’ prosecution in President Trump’s impeachment trial following an extensive investigation, is working to launch a new review concerning the administration’s actions — this time calling for a nonpartisan commission on the government’s coronavirus response.

Schiff, D-Calif., after repeatedly criticizing the president’s response to the COVID-19 pandemic, said Wednesday he would work to create a panel to review the government’s actions and readiness.

Personally I can’t stand Adam Schiff, and was hoping after his “Schiff Show” hoaxed impeachment he wouldn’t show his face in public again.

Wednesday, March 25, 2020

Trump on House Dems' coronavirus relief bill: 'No way I’m signing that deal' with 'Green New Deal stuff'

Thank god we got this PRESIDENT! Yes folks I thanked the maker and I don’t mean George Lucas! Even tho he’s a god… He’s not the god! But anyways! This is why I said this is because President Trump said Tuesday that he would not support an emergency coronavirus response bill pitched by House Democrats earlier this week.

“Nancy Pelosi came and put a lot of things in the deal that had nothing to do with workers that had to do with an agenda that they have been trying to get passed for 10 years,” Trump told Fox News in a special “Virtual Town Hall.” follwed that by “I came in, I told Mike [Pence], I told a lot of people, ‘There is no way I am signing that deal,” the president added.

Trump said Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer, D-N.Y., and Majority Leader Mitch McConnell, R-Ky., had almost reached an agreement on the response bill over the weekend before Democrats suddenly injected the “Green New Deal” into the mix. “The Democrats said ‘We want green energy, let’s stop drilling oil’ they had things in there that were terrible,” Trump said. “Windmills all over the place and all sorts of credits for windmills they kill the birds and ruin the real estate. A lot of problems.” Meanwhile we ask ourselves WHAT THE FUCK does any of this do for us people who need to pay our bills? Why are they hanging all this money to create new companies, and bail them out? Why not give each CITIZEN ONLY money? Instead of all this wasteful spending what they should do is give everyone of us Citizens $3,000 a month until the virus is over. But if you’re an essential worker you have to keep your job, and can’t up and quit!

If you do that you won’t get paid this extra income. Just think about this folks! People who work now at groceries stores, fast food places, auto dealers, and many places will be able to open up, and have actual people shop there while cautious clearly, and also the online market will skyrocket! People will shop at Walmart, and Amazon, and all these outlets online as well as those with franchise stores which will still make tons of cash… This can also be a major step in reducing the amount of unemployement because now you can make all this EXTRA $$$ if you get a job ontop of the help from the government. Folks this could work, and people could end up having a great time with a booming economy again.

Not if the “Green New Deal” passes… That does nothing for US, and the President is 100% right in refusing to allow them to sneak in this garbage in a bill which the left is trying to sell as “more 1,200 checks on the way! Just don’t look as we pass this “Greed New Scam!” The president’s comment came one day after Senate Democrats blocked legislation from moving forward for a second time, claiming the plan did too much for large corporations and not enough for workers. Republicans accused them of playing politics and using the crisis as leverage to try and jam through unrelated political “wish list” Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin said Tuesday that “we’re very close” to a deal in the Senate.

The House DemocRATS proposal call for airlines that take federal aid to reduce their overall carbon emissions by 50 percent by 2050… The bill also contains provisions to eliminate debt held by the U.S. Postal Service, require same-day voter registration, pay off $10,000 in student debt per person, and force federal agencies to explain to Congress how they are increasing their usage of “minority banks.” What does any of this have to do with getting money into the hands of the poor people who need it? NOTHING!

Trump said that the emergency coronavirus stimulus bill should “protect workers.”“Workers first,” Trump said before adding: “But you have to protect companies like Boeing We can’t lose those companies. If we lose those companies, we’re talking about hundreds of thousands of jobs — millions of jobs.”

This is very true… This is why the airline industry needs to re open but to give a company worth Billions already to me is not needed in this current stimulus package… I don’t agree with Trump on that. But again my stance here is that the money should be given to the Citizens of this country and that’s it!