Showing posts with label States of the USA. Show all posts
Showing posts with label States of the USA. Show all posts

Monday, February 15, 2021

Gavin Newscum Faces Recall Election as Campaign Collects 1,509,000 Signatures

In a glorious effort to recall California Governor Gavin Newsom or as I call him “NewScum” has reached the minimum number of signatures needed to trigger a recall election, organizers behind the recall campaign announced Friday. Yes friends! Like I’ve been sayin for a long time California is flipping away from the left, and will slowly become what it once was a RED STATE, and when this happens folks it’s a wrap for the left. They have destroyed their biggest state, and the people are speaking loud. Gavin is related to Pelosi, and she’s hated also in California. These people come from mafia money, and are from a long line of evil scumbags.

Recall Gavin Newsom launched last year and amassed more than 900,000 signatures by the end of December. The recall campaign said it collected more than 1.4 million signatures by early February and gathered a total of 1,509,000 signatures by Friday.

State law dictates that a recall campaign must gather support from a specific number of registered voters in order to trigger a recall. In this case, valid signatures from 1,495,709 California voters a number equivalent to 12 percent of the votes cast in the election Newsom won to become governor from at least five counties needed to sign the petition by the campaign’s March deadline.

Once the California secretary of state determines that the campaign has collected enough valid signatures, a recall election will be scheduled to allow voters to decide if they want Newsom to stay in office or not. Recall Gavin Newsom set a goal of collecting 1.8 million signatures in anticipation that some might not pass muster with the secretary of state’s office.

This is not the first recall campaign Newsom has faced since he was elected governor with nearly 62 percent of the vote in 2018, but it is the campaign that has gained the most traction. The effort is fueled in part by frustrations surrounding restrictions put in place due to the coronavirus pandemic. Organizers also cite as reasons for their efforts the Democratic governor’s positions on issues that predate COVID-19, including gun laws and immigration policies.

The organizers say on the campaign’s website that the effort is not driven by any one political party, and they have bristled at allegations that supporters of the movement have links to QAnon and other far-right groups. Instead, organizers say the movement is supported by voters of diverse political backgrounds and represents a “mass uprising” in California.

Randy Economy, a senior adviser for the campaign, told Newsweek in December that this recall effort is notable to him because it has support from Californians who don’t typically get involved in politics.

The recall campaign is “kind of a perfect tidal wave of citizens who have never done anything in politics before ever, and I really do mean that who decided they want to take a stab at this,” Economy told Newsweek at the time. A significant component to the campaign’s success is the frustrations voters feel after months of living with the pandemic and the restrictions introduced at the state level, he said. Newsom’s attendance at a dinner party at the French Laundry last November, which violated the state’s recommendations for gathering with individuals outside of one’s household, only served to inflame those already frustrated with the lockdowns.

Ten recall campaigns have qualified for a recall election in California since 1913, only six of which have resulted in the targeted official being removed from office, according to the California secretary of state’s website. The only California governor to be successfully recalled was Gray Davis, a Democrat who was removed in 2003 and replaced by former Republican Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger.

Economy told KTTV on Thursday that the recall campaign was close to reaching 1.5 million signatures. The effort was further aided by the national GOP, which invested $250,000 to help remove Newsom from office.

On the final day of 2020, Economy told Newsweek that he believed this recall campaign would be successful. “I think this is different this time,” he said. “Sometimes in politics and in life, you have that once-in-a-lifetime opportunity for the average resident to make a difference. This is that moment in California history.”

Monday, January 4, 2021

WAY TO GO CHICAGO! City Ends 2020 With Highest Level of Homicides in Decades, Up 50% from 2019

The city of Chicago never stops amazing me! It’s now official that it ended 2020 with record-breaking crime statistics. The Windy City witnessed more murders than any time since 2001. At least 769 people were killed last year by gun shots, 280 more than 2019.

Now Chicago was not alone in the violent crime rates in most major cities spiked by double-digits during the CoVID pandemic.

Shootings and murders skyrocketed in Chicago last year, after three years of declining violence in the city. But now in the era of Beetlejuice it’s time for more people to DIE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! She looks like death.

In 2020, the city saw 774 murders, an increase of more than 50% compared to the 506 murders in 2019, according to data compiled by the Chicago Sun-Times. Ninety percent of Chicago Police Department districts reported more murders in 2020 than in 2019, and nearly a quarter of homicides occurred in just three districts on the west side of the city.

May 31 will go down as the bloodiest day in modern Chicago history, with 18 people killed in one day, according to the University of Chicago Crime Lab, which keeps records dating back to 1961. Protests and riots broke out across Chicago and the United States after George Floyd died in the custody of Minneapolis police.

“We’ve never seen anything like it at all,” Max Kapustin, a researcher at the lab, said of the crime wave. “I don’t even know how to put it into context. It’s beyond anything that we’ve ever seen before.”

Shootings in the Windy City rose in 2020, 3,237 as of Dec. 27, a steep increase compared to the 2,120 shooting incidents in 2019.

Cities across the country experienced a spike in violent crime in 2020, with homicides increasing by 41% in New York City. In Los Angeles, more than 300 homicides occurred, the highest in a decade. In July, there were 63 shootings and 15 homicides in Portland, Oregon, a number police said was the highest number of killings in a single month in 30 years.

Minneapolis, the center of the nation’s attention after the death of Floyd, saw 81 murders in 2020, compared to just 48 in 2020. The city council, which voted to dismantle the police department, was outraged by the rise in crime and demanded answers from the police chief over the rise in crime in September.

Saturday, November 14, 2020

#StopTheSteal MARCH FOR TRUMP: November 14th, Saturday!

MARCH FOR TRUMP WILL URGE PRESIDENT TRUMP NOT CONCEDE as Democrats are scheming to disenfranchise and nullify Republican votes. It’s up to the American people to stop it and not allow this to happen as this tears into the very democracy they have spent 4 years attacking. Tune in to watch real-time coverage from reporters across the country on Saturday, Nov. 14 starting at 12:00 p.m. ET.

Amid election uncertainties and allegations of voter fraud, supporters of President Donald Trump are holding large-scale rallies in Washington and all 50 state capitols across the country this weekend. Events include the Million MAGA March, Stop the Steal, and March for Trump.

Along with President Trump, we will NOT back down to ensure the integrity of this election for the good of the nation. This is a coalition/team effort. We need boots on the ground to protect the integrity of the vote… President Trump needs to hear from us, We The People, that we do not want him to concede. We will March for Trump to demand transparency and protect election integrity, and I will cover it all on my video show live as much as possible.

Saturday, November 7, 2020

Texas social worker charged with 134 counts of election fraud!

MEXIA, Texas (KWTX) – Kelly Reagan Brunner, a social worker at the Mexia State Supported Living Center, has been charged with 134 counts in an election fraud investigation involving the registration of 67 of the facility’s residents, Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton announced in a press release late Friday afternoon.

She’s accused of submitting voter registration applications for the 67 residents “without their signature or effective consent, while purporting to act as their agent,” Paxton said in the press release. Only a parent, spouse or child who’s a qualified voter of the county may act as an agent in registering voters and they must be appointed by the prospective voter to do so, Paxton said.

“None of the SSLC patients gave effective consent to be registered, and a number of them have been declared totally mentally incapacitated by a court, thereby making them ineligible to vote in Texas,” Paxton said. “Registering citizens to vote or to obtain mail ballots without their consent is illegal. It is particularly offensive when individuals purport to be champions for disability rights, when in reality they are abusing our most vulnerable citizens in order to gain access to their ballots and amplify their own political voice,” Paxton said.

More than 75% of Limestone County voters cast ballots Tuesday for President Donald Trump… All these fraud votes from what’s being reported are cast in favor of Biden.

Thursday, October 8, 2020

FBI stopped a plot to kidnap Michigan Gov. Gretchen Whitmer

At least six men have been charged in a federal case in Michigan tied to a plot to kidnap Michigan Governor Gretchen Whitmer. The alleged plot involved reaching out to members of a Michigan militia to “violently overthrow the government,” The Detroit News reports.

Michigan Militia Indictment by Washington Examiner

A group of men have been charged in connection to what the FBI said was a militia plot to overthrow the government of Michigan by kidnapping Gov. Gretchen Whitmer.

A federal affidavit made public on Thursday revealed that the FBI had reached out to several members of a militia and discovered the plot to kidnap Whitmer, a Democrat who has outraged some right-wing activists with her strict coronavirus protocols. The FBI found that the militia was trying to grow to be able to carry out the plot.

“Several members talked about murdering ‘tyrants’ or ‘taking’ a sitting governor,” the FBI affidavit stated. “The group decided they needed to increase their numbers and encouraged each other to talk to their neighbors and spread their message.”

The FBI identified at least six suspects tied to the plot, including 24-year-old Ty Garbin, whose home in Hartland Township was raided by the FBI on Wednesday. The other suspects included in the affidavit are Adam Fox, Barry Croft, Kaleb Franks, Daniel Harris, and Brandon Caserta. They were charged in the alleged plot and face up to life in prison if they are convicted. The bureau said that in early 2020, it became aware through social media that “a group of individuals were discussing the violent overthrow of certain government and law-enforcement components” and that Fox and Croft “agreed to unite others in their cause and take violent action against multiple state governments that they believe are violating the U.S. Constitution.” At least 15 men, including Fox and Croft, attended a militia meeting near Columbus, Ohio, earlier this year. A paid FBI informant attended the meeting and turned over evidence to authorities. That informant and other militia members were already on the FBI’s radar as the agency investigated threats against local law enforcement officers.

“The group talked about creating a society that followed the U.S. Bill of Rights and where they could be self-sufficient,” the FBI agent wrote of the meeting. “They discussed different ways of achieving this goal from peaceful endeavors to violent actions. At one point, several members talked about state governments they believed were violating the U.S. Constitution, including the government of Michigan and Governor Gretchen Whitmer.”

“As part of that recruitment effort, Fox reached out to a Michigan-based militia group,” the FBI wrote. “At the time, the FBI interviewed a member of the militia group who was concerned about the group’s plans to target and kill police officers, and that person agreed to become a (confidential source).” At the meeting, Fox referred to Whitmer as “this tyrant b—-” and asked the group to come up with ideas on how to get to her. The FBI source said, and the bureau confirmed, that the militia group “periodically meets for field training exercises on private property in remote areas of Michigan, where they engage in firearms training and tactical drills.”

The FBI informant attended and recorded other meetings and calls, including one in June in which Fox said he needed “200 men” to storm the Capitol building in Lansing, Michigan, and take hostages, including Whitmer. Fox said they would try Whitmer for “treason” and would conduct the alleged operation before the November election.

During a Thursday press conference, Michigan Attorney General Dana Nessel said that seven more men linked to the “Wolverine Watchmen” militia group had been arrested and charged with state-level charges under Michigan’s anti-terrorism act on top of the federal charges. Pete Musico and Joseph Morrison were charged with making terrorist threats, gang membership, providing material support for terrorist acts, and felony firearm possession. Paul Beller was charged with providing material support for terrorist acts, gang membership, and possessing a firearm during the commission of a felony. Shawn Fix, Eric Mallator, Michael Noll, and William Noll were charged with terrorist support provision and felony firearm possession.

“The individuals in custody are suspected to have attempted to identify the home addresses of law enforcement officers in order to target them, made threats of violence, intended to instigate a civil war, and engaged in planning and training for an operation to attack the Capitol building of Michigan and to kidnap government officials, including the governor of Michigan,” Nessel said. “It’s important to note that these charges are subject to change after a complete review of the evidence obtained last night and may differ with those charged at the federal level.”

U.S. Attorney for Eastern Michigan Matthew Schneider said that “all of us in Michigan can disagree about politics, but those disagreements should never, ever amount to violence.” U.S. Attorney for Western Michigan Andrew Birge appeared to the leave the door open for additional charges, saying that “the investigation remained ongoing.”

Whitmer held a press conference of her own Thursday afternoon, blaming President Trump for “stoking distrust” and fomenting anger” during the coronavirus pandemic.

Acting Homeland Security Director Chad Wolf wrote in a threat assessment released this week that “ideologically-motivated lone offenders and small groups pose the most likely terrorist threat to the Homeland, with Domestic Violent Extremists presenting the most persistent and lethal threat.” Last month, FBI Director Christopher Wray testified to the House: “We don’t really think of threats in terms of left and right at the FBI. We’re focused on the violence, not the ideology. Our domestic violent extremists include everything from racially motivated violent extremists … all the way to anti-government and anti-authority violent extremists — and that includes people from ranging from anarchist violent extremists, people who subscribe to antifa and other ideologies, as well as militia types.”

Whitmer has been increasing her own personal security protocols since the beginning of the pandemic, including adding an 8-foot security wall around the governor’s mansion in September. The Michigan Supreme Court ruled on Friday that the 1945 law Whitmer had been relying upon to impose sweeping restrictions to limit the spread of the coronavirus was unconstitutional, and Nessel said she would no longer enforce Whitmer’s executive orders through criminal prosecution.

Sunday, October 4, 2020

🎬📽️Hillary's America🎞️ A Must watch!

Folks this is one of the most important Documentaries you will ever watch, and it’s now on YouTube for free! Hillary’s America: The Secret History of the Democratic Party is a 2016 American political documentary film about 2016 American presidential candidate Hillary Clinton and a critique of the Democratic Party. The film is written and directed by conservative political commentator Dinesh D’Souza and Bruce Schooley.

In HILLARY’S AMERICA, bestselling author and influential filmmaker D’Souza reveals the sordid truth about Hillary and the secret history of the Democratic Party. This important and controversial film releases at a critical time leading up to the 2016 Presidential campaign and challenges the state of American politics.



Release date


Running time












Saturday, October 3, 2020

Chicago Mayor Lori Lightfoot Shows Up At News Conference Sporting Bizarre Costume

Does this freak think everyday is Halloween? I mean she can be mistaken for Beetlejuice, and both the movie character played by Michael Keaton!

Trick-or-treating will be allowed in Chicago this Halloween, with some restrictions, Mayor Lori Lightfoot said Thursday. Those going door-to-door cannot be in groups larger than six, must “keep it moving” and social distance.

Lightfoot also outlined a new city event Halloweek. Lightfoot’s Halloween announcement comes the same day COVID-19 restrictions are easing for Chicago businesses. Classes at gyms can now include more people, and personal services that require a mask being removed, like shaves and facials, are now allowed. The alcohol curfew for bars and restaurants is pushed back to 1 a.m. Bars that don’t serve food will be able to seat people indoors at 25% capacity, and those that do serve food can open at 40% capacity, with a maximum of 50 people per space.

Illinois released its Halloween guidelines Wednesday amid the COVID-19 pandemic. Anyone participating in trick-or-treating should maintain social distance and wear proper face coverings; consider leaving individual candies spaced apart outside; trick-or-treat only with household members and wash hands before eating candy, the state said.

Lightfoot who is a dead ringer for Beetlejuice on any given day couldn’t possibly look any more ridiculous but she did. The news that the Windy City would be allowing Halloween should be greeted with mixed feelings, especially since the carnage in an already violent hellhole hit record levels.

She also has been mistaken for the short black midget who used to hangout with Howard Stern. Remember him?

Over 3,100 people have been shot in Mayor Lori Lightfoot’s (D) Chicago thus far in 2020. The Chicago Tribune reports the exact number of shooting victims at 3,132, and that includes the fatally wounded as well as those who survived. The Tribune reports the number of homicides January 1, 2020, through September 28, 2020, at 576, CNN reported fewer than 500 for all of 2019.

Breitbart News reported at least 49 people were shot over the past weekend alone, at least seven fatally. Nearly 40 were shot, including six fatally, the weekend prior, and at least 50 were shot, 11 fatally, the weekend before that.

“One would think that Mayor Lightfoot would have more urgent priorities than putting on the “Rona Destroyer” garb and prancing around for an adoring media but the violence in her city where citizens are under attack as if they lived in a third-world country doesn’t merit her full attention. It is mind-boggling how this person could have ever gotten the job as the mayor of one of America’s largest cities but if it wasn’t for low standards, Democrats would have no standards at all. Democrats and especially the vaunted class of 2018 are incompetent authoritarian clowns and the coronavirus is the best thing that ever happened to them.”

I have to agree 100% I mean she’s a god damn joke, and her city is a disaster! She needs to be impeached or voted out asap! She’s a wack job leftist, evil bigot! IMO

Friday, October 2, 2020

Cruz vs. CNN's Cuomo: Trump Broke You Guys, Your Entire Network Now Is Just How Much You Hate Trump

Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX) ripped CNN host Chris Cuomo for the network’s bias against President Donald Trump and for the way his brother, New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo (D), handled the coronavirus, and like normal Cuomo kept interrupting, and insulting Ted Cruz. This is the tactic of the left. They have nothing so this is what they do.

“Chris, there was a time when CNN actually cared about being journalistic and talking about facts,” Cruz said Wednesday. “Donald Trump broke you guys. I mean your entire show, your entire network now is just how much you hate Trump.”

“When I’m back in Texas, people in Texas don’t understand why the press is just like the only thing you talk about is how much you hate the President,” the Senator said. CUOMO: I know you’re a master debater. And Professor Dershowitz tells me you were the star smartest student he ever had at Harvard Law. You’re going to go with that weak-ass argument here? Byrd, who had a complete enlightenment about how hate was wrong, who changed his life, who spoke about it.” But yet they keep accusing Trump of being a racist! Byrd was a racist, and Trump wasn’t ever in the KKK but Byrd was.

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  • CRUZ: Chris, Chris, have you ever–
    CUOMO: –who changed his ways?
    CRUZ: –eulogized a Klansman?
    CUOMO: You’re going to–
    CRUZ: I haven’t.
    CUOMO: He was a–
    CRUZ: Or I’ll give you another example.
    CUOMO: Listen, but no, no, no, hold on. That’s your example.
    CRUZ: How about right – hold on.
    CUOMO: That’s your example. You’re going to use that–
    CRUZ: No, I’ll give you another one.
    CUOMO: –you’re going to – well but hold on.
    CRUZ: I can give you a lot of examples.
    CUOMO: But hold on, because I don’t want you to run away from the premise, Senator. I’m not you, but I’m not a fool either. He did it in Charlottesville. He did it with David Duke. The old Ted Cruz, who he called Lyin’ Ted, when he wasn’t insulting your wife and your father, tweeted, “Hey, you’re better than this, Mr. President.” What happened to that Ted? I don’t know if he changed or did just you changed, for some reason, Senator?
    CRUZ: Chris, I’m glad you take tips on insults from other folks.
    CUOMO: Really? Am I insulting you, Sir?
    CRUZ: Oh, yes.
    CUOMO: How so?
    CRUZ: Oh, yes, you are.
    CUOMO: How so?
    CRUZ: And you’re enjoying it. That’s fine.
    CUOMO: I’m not enjoying it at all.
    CRUZ: Chris?
    CUOMO: I’m not enjoying anything about this.
    CRUZ: Chris, there was a time–
    CUOMO: Except having an opportunity for you to say the right thing at the right time.
    CRUZ: Chris, there was a time when CNN actually cared about being journalistic and talking about facts. Donald Trump broke you guys. I mean you’re just–
    CUOMO: Really?
    CRUZ: –your entire show, your entire network now is just how much you hate Trump.
    CUOMO: Really?
    CRUZ: And you know what? I think a lot of people like are interested in – you said in your opening, it was very interesting, you said the President didn’t say anything positive about the country. Well I thought the most important moment in the debate, last night, was when the President made very clear that Joe Biden’s policy agenda of shutting down the country, shutting down small businesses, and shutting down schools, and our priority needs to be opening up the economy, bringing jobs back, getting kids back in school. And that’s a very different policy agenda. We have had an enormous economic impact from this pandemic. We need to restart the economy. And I think the President and Joe Biden have very different visions. Joe Biden’s policies, I think, don’t work and hurt a whole lot of people. And when I’m back in Texas, people in Texas don’t understand why the press is just like the only thing you talk about is how much you hate the President.
    CUOMO: Ted? Ted?
    CRUZ: I get that the President’s not your friend, fine.
    CUOMO: Senator, when you were in the campaign, do you want me to read through some of the things you said about Donald Trump? You want to talk about somebody who had a chance to talk about policy, but just stuck with the person? Nobody did it more than you did. That’s why he gave you the nickname he did and beat you down with it. The idea that you’re going to put that on the media, my brother, you were the guy who went on Twitter, talking about my naked ass, but you won’t tell him, when he’s being an ass. So, why would you put it on me?
    CRUZ: Chris, fine, you hate the President. I get it.

Wednesday, September 30, 2020

Dallas Salon Owner Who Went to Jail for Violating Lockdown Advances to Runoff for State Senate Seat 👏

Tuesday, Shelley Luther advanced to a runoff election for a Dallas-area set in the Texas State Senate as a Republican! Now if you don’t know her Luther is a salon owner in Dallas who had the “temerity” to reopen her business during the coronavirus lockdown, and for the crime of making sure she and her employees would be able to feed their families, went to jail. You know after what Pelosi did and nothing happened to her this lady Shelley deserves a public apology.

When she defied Governor Abbott’s lockdown orders, she was issued a citation. She tore up the citation when it was issued. She was found in civil and criminal contempt of court for ignoring a restraining order. Dallas Civil District Judge Eric Moyé ordered Luther to seven days in jail and fined her $500 for every day the salon stayed open. She was given the opportunity to apologize and not serve any time in jail but she refused to do so. She went on to explain to the judge why she reopened.

“If you would like to take this opportunity to acknowledge that your actions were selfish, putting your own interest ahead of those in the community in which you live,” Moyé said to Luther inside the courtroom Tuesday.

Luther refused.

“I have to disagree with you sir, when you say that I’m selfish because feeding my kids is not selfish,” she said. “I have hairstylists that are going hungry because they’d rather feed their kids. So sir, if you think the law is more important than kids being fed then please go ahead with your decision but I’m not going to shut the salon.”

Abbott released a statement at the time which disagreed with the judge putting Shelley in jail. He quickly understood that she had the sympathies of Texans as a woman operating a small business, trying to support her children.

“As I have made clear through prior pronouncements, jailing Texans for non-compliance with executive orders should always be the last available option,” he said. “Compliance with executive orders during this pandemic is important to ensure public safety; however, surely there are less restrictive means to achieving that goal than jailing a Texas mother.”


Governor Abbott reopened salons and barbershops shortly after all this happened. Senator Ted Cruz was supportive of her and enjoyed some publicity for going to her salon for a haircut. Luther will be facing state Rep. Drew Springer. The date for the runoff is yet to be set.

Shelley Luther is the someone every struggling American can admire. She had the courage to defend her principles, and that’s a quality we should want in anyone we elect.

Tuesday, September 29, 2020

Joe Biden Pinches Nipple of Montana Senator's 8-Year-Old Niece Live on TV!

Not that this is a shocker we have all seen footage of creepy Joe Biden being well a little too hands on with young kids to the point of it being down right criminal behavior at times. This is one of those times! ON this video below you will see Joe Biden Pinching the right Nipple of Montana Senator’s 8-Year-Old Niece Live on TV!

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Here is another video from a guy who called the cops on Joe Biden over this video…

Monday, September 21, 2020

Man Arrested After Allegedly Attacking Attendees Of Aliso Viejo Trump Rally

A 33-year-old man has been arrested after allegedly attacking a number of people at a Wednesday night rally in Aliso Viejo in support of President Donald Trump. This included an elderly lady who he hit in the face causing a major bruise on her face. He was arrested at the scene by police.

“He took his hand way back like he was going to punch me, and [he] hit me right across the face,” 84-year-old Donna Snow said. “Broke my earrings off.”

According to the Orange County Sheriff’s Office, a retired police officer then got involved and pulled his gun as the man attempted to run from the scene. Another person at the rally was knocked to the ground by the man while trying to help others, and a third victim was taken to a local hospital with a neck injury. According to the sheriff’s office, Alvin Gary Shaw was taken into custody on suspicion of elder abuse, assault with a deadly weapon and assault and battery after allegedly attacking three people in attendance. Officials said Shaw was armed with a knife, which deputies said they found in a nearby bush, and was fighting with Trump supporters.

“This could have been a very serious incident,” Sgt. Dennis Breckner said. “In this case, this was just two groups that disagree, and while we support people and their using their First Amendment rights to put out their message, we prefer that that remain peaceful.”

Monday, September 14, 2020

Kid Rock to headline Trump rally in Michigan

Kid Rock will headline a campaign rally for President Trump in Michigan on Monday, the campaign said. Kid Rock is backing Republican president Donald Trump for president once again after he had his back in 2016. The rock/rap superstar will join Donald Trump Jr. and his girlfriend Kimberly Guilfoyle at the rally in Harrison Charter Township, Mich., according to an announcement by the campaign on Saturday. The campaign event is scheduled for 7 p.m. and doors for general admission will open at 6 p.m.

Trump held a rally in Freeland, Mich. last week. Hundreds of people attended Trump’s Thursday rally in the state, according to the Detroit Free Press. This weekend, the president held campaign rallies and round tables in Nevada.

Friday, September 11, 2020

The world turns, The left 🔥burns🔥 Literally!

Antifa & Black Lives Matter Are Setting The West Coast On Fire? Well here we have one already arrested while the democRATS are quick to deny that Antifa is real or that BLM is a terror group here is the facts at least about this case anyway. The man arrested was a Washington man with a history of left-wing agitation he was placed under arrest Wednesday evening after he allegedly started a fire in the brush along a highway near Tacoma. This dickheads… I mean suspect’s name is Jeffrey Acord, 36, he was charged for reckless burning in the second degree.

He is now reportedly also a suspect in two other Washington wildfires. He claims he called 911 Wednesday evening to report a fire in the median of Highway 167 near Tacoma, Washington.

After dialing dispatch services, Acord then livestreamed the incident to his Facebook page, providing constant narration. He was previously arrested during a Ferguson protest in 2014 and he recently posted on social media about supporting Black Lives Matter, but not supporting looting and hurting local businesses. Acord’s name has gone viral on social media posts claiming he’s a member of “Antifa,” but his posts appear to show Black Lives Matter support, not Antifa specifically.

This guy is a real man of genius! His attorney said “don’t say shit next time”. So he live streams his description of the route he’s been taking to burn half of western WA this week. Lol Acord is listed in Pierce County, Washington’s website as being booked into Pierce County Corrections on September 10 at 4 a.m. The arresting agency is listed as Puyallup Police Department. The listed charge is “Burglary 2.” Bellingham Metro News reported that he was being held on a $1,000 bond and was suspected in other possible fires in the area. Before he was transferred to another jail, his charge was listed as “Reckless Burning 2nd Degree.”

According to Q13 Fox, Washington State Patrol Trooper Ryan Burke reported that a man was caught setting a fire in the brush. State patrol also sourced a woman who cited a man walking on the highway in Sumner holding a lighter.

When an officer questioned Acord’s presence, the suspect claimed that he was recovering his $1,000 recording equipment, because the camera case allegedly flew out of his backpack while biking the previous day to his girlfriend’s place in Bellevue.

“I’ve been out here all day searching for my camera,” Acord told police, also noting the loss of his camera bag on the freeway in a prior Facebook post. “I’m trying to cover the area thoroughly.”

Looks like he did a good enough Job in “covering the area thoroughly”, and who knows how long he was out there, and with who if anyone else!! I think his friends who he was chatting too should all be investigated. See if they turnout to be involved with these fires.

Thursday, September 10, 2020

Kamala Harris Not Well Received in Miami

Good times!!! My people spoke up loud today! “No Communista” Kamala Harris was NOT Well Received in Miami as Latinos For Trump Lined the Streets to Make Clear They Reject Her Far-Left Policies. Kamala made a surprise visit to Miami on Thursday as Joe Biden hid in his basement bunker again. Maybe he’s afraid of his own shadow?

Fact is he’s not doing well with Latinos especially Cubans, and if the Sniffler wants to have a chance at Florida he’s picked the wrong person to be his running mate for VeePee! We can smell a communist pig or a socialist hog where every they crawl from! Filthy animals they pretend they’re fun, and if you skin them just right the bacon while delicious can be deadly! Wait sorry getting side tracked… Anyways. Latinos from South America and Cuba who have suffered under Socialist and Communist regimes have come to the US for a better life and they know Biden and Harris will usher in Socialism which = suffering and death.

Latinos for Trump came out and lined the streets of Miami on Thursday to make it clear they reject Kamala Harris. Like in 2016 I think Florida is going to go RED this election, and I’ll be out there voting if allowed.

“No Communista. No Socialista” one sign said. The Latinos for Trump made it clear that unlike Kamala Harris, they support the police with a sign that said “Apoyen La Policia.” The conservative Cubans and Venezuelans in Miami were not impressed with Kamala Harris’s pandering.

The Trump campaign is doing a great job of linking “progressive” Biden to Latin Socialists and revolutionaries. The Trump camp last month unveiled a powerful ad targeting Hispanic voters. The ad showed Cuban revolutionary Fidel Castro, Venezuelan Socialist Hugo Chavez and others bragging about being progressive.

Did Lindsey Graham & Bob Woodward sabotaged Trump?

Looks that way folks, and let’s start off with saying that this is no doubt a well timed hit job on Trump… But what did you expect from the fringe swamp creatures bent to get at the President in anyway possible? It’s just been reported that an audio with Trump has come out talking about the Virus. President Trump, like several presidents before him, sat down with journalist Bob Woodward to discuss his legacy and document his world-historic import. The first fruits of those 18 on-the-record interviews dropped Wednesday, in an excerpt of Woodward’s book published in The Washington Post, and the first big splash involved Trump acknowledging in early February that the new coronavirus is “deadly” and acknowledging a month later that he always “wanted to always play it down.”

Evidence that the president knew very early on that COVID-19 was a deadly airborne threat to America and deliberately played it down led to a lot of criticism of Trump, plus some finger-wagging at Woodward for keeping this tape under wrap for six months, but Fox News host Tucker Carlson found someone else to blame on his show Wednesday night: Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-S.C.). Tucker Carlson blames Lindsey Graham for Trump’s Bob Woodward interview which I agree on. But Trump didn’t say anything I knew back in February before this interview was taped! Remember in late JANUARY When Trump closed down the flights? What do you think we podcasters were all talking about?

We knew this was deadly, and serious, and would be an issue… The President tried to down play it to avoid mass panic, and while doing his JOB as President by closing flights, making sure our people are looking into all areas we needed help in, and preparing for what’s coming. While he was off and doing these things Nasty Nancy and Hiding Biden plus Chucky Schummer were all calling the President a Xenophobe, and racist against the Chinese. This is no news once again blown up by people who want to mind fuck you to vote against Trump in the Nov 3rd, 2020 election.

Lindsey Graham, who is facing a re-election battle against a well-funded rival, is a vocal defender of Trump, for the most part. But Carlson said a source told him Graham persuaded Trump to sit down with Woodward and facilitated the interviews, and he suggested Graham did it on purpose to sink Trump’s MAGA agenda.

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QUESTION: Did you get any sense that President Trump was downplaying the coronavirus.
“No, no, I didn’t. I didn’t get any sense that he was distorting anything.” – Dr. Anthony Fauci

“I don’t recall anything different in our discussions that we had with the president that he said things quite similar publicly, so you know, I didn’t read the book, I didn’t go over the text since it just came out,” Fauci said.

“But you know, in my discussions and discussions of other [White House coronavirus] task force members with the president, we were talking about the reality of what was going on, and then when we would get up in front of the press conferences, which were very, very common after our discussions with the president, he really didn’t say anything different than we discussed when we were with him,” Fauci continued. “I didn’t really see any discrepancies between what he told us and what we told him, and what he ultimately came out publicly and said.”

So did Fauci get the sense that Trump was downplaying the virus to the public? “No, no, I didn’t. I didn’t get any sense that he was distorting anything,” he said. Woodward also said the president told him in February that he believed the virus was “deadly” adding further fuel to the media’s outrage cycle for the day.

The White House is pushing back, as it should. “When you are facing insurmountable challenges, it is important to express confidence, it is important to express calm,” White House spokeswoman Kayleigh McEnany told breathless reporters Wednesday at the White House. “He makes clear that he doesn’t want to see chaos, by the way, which is the second part of the quote which you failed to read,” she continued, addressing a reporter who had read part of the quote.

“The president just days after having this discussion with Bob Woodward, said this from this podium, on March 30, he said, ‘I do want them to stay calm, we are doing a great job, if you look at the individual statements they are all true, stay calm, it will go away but it’s important to stay calm,’” the press secretary said. “So this president does what leaders do “good leaders” it’s stay calm and resolute at a time when you face an insurmountable challenge.”

That’s 100% correct, and it’s logical that that Trump would have told Woodward the virus was “deadly.” After all, that’s what he was being told by all of those faulty models and by his own experts, including, no doubt the good Doctor himself, Fauci.

Wednesday, September 2, 2020

73-year-old woman uses American flag to defend family from intruder, Utah cops say

When a stranger jumped the fence into her yard Monday morning and attacked her brothers, 73-year-old Lejune Timmerman reached for the first thing at hand a flagpole flying Old Glory. “I grabbed my glory and (started) beating the hell back,” Timmerman said, KUTV reported. “I whooped his a– and I’ll whoop it again.”

Timmerman hit the man so hard she broke the flagpole, then retreated inside with her family, the South Salt Lake Police Department said in a Facebook post.

The intruder kicked in the door and continued attacking them until police arrived, officers wrote on Facebook. Police said they arrested Justin Scott Smith, 42, on suspicion of aggravated burglary, aggravated assault, criminal mischief and assault. Wounded elk fights back, kills bow hunter who shot it, Oregon police say

But Timmerman was concerned that she’d desecrated the U.S. flag when it hit the ground after the flagpole broke, officers wrote. “I told them, ‘Hey, I didn’t mean to disrespect my flag, but he was hurting me and beating me,’” Timmerman said, KUTV reported. Police returned to her home Tuesday morning with a new American flag for Timmerman to fly, the Facebook post says. The officers had taken up a collection to buy the flag for her.

Pelosi Admits Breaking Lockdown For Salon Visit; Blames Business, Says She Did Nothing Wrong

So just yesterday Tuesday, House Speaker in name only Nasty Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) released a statement via her deputy chief of staff some bozo whos over paid to be her minion and confessed to breaking city lockdown rules to get her hair done indoors at a San Francisco salon on Monday, seemingly without wearing a mask. So much for social distance, Masks being a must! LOL She can’t even follow her own garbage advice or mandates she gives people, and well this is very funny cause now Nasty Pelosi, however, is not admitting to any wrongdoing, instead shifting blame to the salon she visited. Typical here comes the WRAP UP SMEAR NANCY?

“The Speaker always wears a mask and complies with local COVID requirements,” said a statement from Pelosi’s deputy chief of staff Drew Hammill, according to FOX KTVU. Which is a lie so while the poor saps who need the stimulus help wait, and starve she again with her 24k ice cream filled fridge can do whatever she wants, and she’s like typical when shes caught she’s already shifting the blame. I Wonder how long before it becomes Trumps fault that she went and got her hair done? lol Fucking idiot…

“This business offered for the Speaker to come in on Monday and told her they were allowed by the city to have one customer at a time in the business,” Hammill added. “The Speaker complied with the rules as presented to her by this establishment.”

“Security footage taken from the small business and provided to Fox News appears to confirm the salon owner’s allegation, showing the leading House Democrat with wet hair and no mask walking through the shop on Monday,” The Daily Wire reported earlier on Tuesday. “Hair salons across the city were allowed to open for outdoor services only on Monday for the first time since March.”

“It was a slap in the face that she went in, you know, that she feels that she can just go and get her stuff done while no one else can go in, and I can’t work,” eSalon owner Erica Kious told Fox News. “We’re supposed to look up to this woman, right? … It is just disturbing.”

“While salons have been allowed to open in limited capacity, stylists still are ‘not supposed to blow dry hair’ according to coronavirus safety guidelines, Kious said. The government also mandates that masks be worn at all times inside the salon itself.”

According to KTVU, salons, which have been crushed by COVID-related restrictions, “may only cut hair outdoors under new rules that took effect [Tuesday].”

“Kious’ small business does not employ any workers directly, but rents out chairs to independent stylists. One of the stylists she works with texted her on Sunday that the speaker had requested a hair appointment,” The Daily Wire reported. “Kious’ business was not equipped to perform any appointments outside as mandated by coronavirus regulations, however.”

“I was like, are you kidding me right now? Do I let this happen?” Kious said of receiving the message concerning Pelosi.

“We have been shut down for so long, not just me, but most of the small businesses and I just can’t – it’s a feeling – a feeling of being deflated, helpless and honestly beaten down,” she described. “I have been fighting for six months for a business that took me 12 years to build to reopen.”

“I am a single mom, I have two small children, and I have no income,” added Kious. “The fact that they did this, and she came in, it’s like a slap in the face.”
Related: San Francisco Salon Owner Says Nancy Pelosi Broke Lockdown Order For Blowout: ‘Just Disturbing’

Sen. Scott Wiener (D-San Fran) WANTS Bill That Could Alter Sex Offender Registration For Gay Sex With Minors

California State Senate passed a controversial reform to its sex offender registry Monday that would allow a young adult who has gay sex with a minor to escape registering in some cases, based on a judge’s discretion. This is what the Democrats have been pushing for folks! They’re all a bunch of pedophiles, and lowlife sick fucks! This is not a mark against the gay community. Just these sick pedophiles…. I have nothing against normal gay people, and have friends in the community but with anything that deals with sex you’re going to have perverts, and people who want to harm children, and California, the DemocRATS, and these evil fuckers who voted for this should be sent directly to prison.

SB145 finally passed the 40-member state Senate by a vote of 23-10, after first being introduced by California state Sen. Scott Wiener (D-San Francisco) in 2019, according to the San Francisco Chronicle. Shocking look at where it comes from San Francisco the stomping grounds of ICE Cream eating Nasty Nancy Pelosi… Hmmm But let’s keep reading becase as Wiener argued that the current law discriminates against LGBT youth because, as the Chronicle explained, “Under current law, a judge can decide whether to place a man who has vaginal intercourse with an underage teenage girl on the sex offender registry based on the facts of the case. But if anal or oral sex, or vaginal penetration with anything other than a penis is involved, the adult must register as a sex offender.”

Under SB145, if a young adult has gay sex with a minor 14 or older who is less than 10 years younger, a judge will have the discretion whether to place the individual on the sex offender registry. “This eliminates discrimination against LGBTQ youth in our criminal justice system,” Wiener said. The bill’s passage was a victory for Wiener, who had been trying in recent weeks to salvage it before the end of the legislative session. As The Daily Wire reported:

According to The San Francisco Chronicle, California state Sen. Scott Wiener (D-San Francisco) is using the last few weeks of the legislative session to mobilize support for SB145, a bill he introduced last year that stalled in a key committee. The legislation would allow “judges discretion over sex-offender registration in all cases involving voluntary intercourse between teenagers ages 14 to 17, who cannot legally consent, and adults who are less than 10 years older.”

“It makes no sense,” Wiener told The San Francisco Examiner of the present statute. “It disproportionately impacts LGBTQ people because LGBTQ people are far less likely to be engaging in penile, vaginal intercourse.”

Wiener was also the state senator who introduced the bill that made knowingly exposing a partner to HIV no longer a felony in 2017, also reported by The Daily Wire.

Janice Bellucci, executive director of the Alliance for Constitutional Sex Offense Laws (ACSOL) that supported the bill, said in a Monday press release, “Senate Bill 145 has been controversial since its introduction. Due to the dedication of its author, Senator Scott Wiener, Senate Bill 145 was passed over the objections of the Appropriations Committee chair and despite multiple threats of physical harm.”

Weiner singled out alleged QAnon conspiracy theorists for sending many of the threats against him and accusing him of trying to legalize pedophilia. “I’ve been the subject of death threats and personal attacks, threatening to decapitate me and send my head to my mother,” Wiener said during an online news conference last month. “This kind of slander, not just against me but against my community, is outrageous and we have to speak out against it.” No you should be sent to prison you sick pedophile! Anyone who makes it easier for any adult to fuck a minor child should be locked up also.

Assemblywoman Lorena Gonzalez (D-San Diego) said, “I cannot in my mind as a mother understand how sex between a 24-year-old and a 14-year-old could ever be consensual, how it could ever not be a registrable offense. We should never give up on this idea that children should be in no way subject to a predator.” Lorena is right but San Fransisco is a lost city in the moral there. It’s just not existing anymore, and the entire place is now filled with drug addicted pedophiles, and they love their Nasty Nancy Pelosi, and the garbage, and needles she endorses. Sickening folks.

RelatedCalifornia State Senator Fights For Bill That Could Alter Sex Offender Registration For Gay Sex With Minors

Remember the whole Pizzagate fiasco? You think that was a lie? Why is this same asshole Scott Wiener who’s clearly a pedophile talking about Pizza? This is all code for these people.

Thursday, August 27, 2020

🤦‍♀️So now it's any reason to riot & loot?

The Riots, Looting Break out again where it all started in Minneapolis After Murder Suspect Commits Suicide… Yep you read right! LOL Rioting and looting once again broke out in Democrat-controlled Minneapolis on Wednesday night after the police were falsely accused of shooting a black man. Law enforcement officials quickly released a video showing that the man, who they said was a murder suspect, shot and killed himself. The video was released 90 Mins after the shooting. suspected gunman fatally shot himself Wednesday as Minneapolis police were moving in to arrest him for a slaying committed hours earlier. Yes folks he was a killer on the run! So now these people are rioting because a murderer killed himself? OK Now we have officially entered past the “Twilight Zone!” INTO “Bizarro world!”

“Groups of people are looting multiple stores in downtown Minneapolis,” FOX9 News reported. “Social media posts show images of people damaging items in a Target as well as broken windows of surrounding stores. Haskell’s liquor store and the Medical Arts building also appear to have been looted.”

Law enforcement officials, who were after the suspect for his alleged connection to a deadly shooting earlier in the day, released a video of the suspect that confirmed that the suspect shot himself as police arrived on scene.

“We’ve got cops from all over the Twin Cities coming out here to maintain order because the citizens of Minneapolis and Hennepin County deserve to feel safe,” said Hennepin County Sheriff Dave Hutchinson. “The people causing problems are going to go to jail tonight.”

Minnesota Democrat Governor Tim Walz released a statement following the incident, saying that it was time for the city to heal and that lawlessness would not be tolerated. “Minneapolis, it’s time to heal,” Walz said. “We must rebuild and recover. Dangerous, unlawful behavior will not be tolerated. The State Patrol is headed to Minneapolis to help restore order. I remain in close contact with the city, and every state resource stands ready to help bring peace.”

Minneapolis Democrat Mayor Jacob Frey responded to Walz’s statement by saying, “Thank you, Governor Walz, for your partnership and support. The unrest must stop and healing must start. Destruction will not be tolerated. Healing our city will require peace and all of us working together.”

“We need everyone to keep the peace and immediately go home,” Frey added.

The rioting and looting in Minneapolis comes just a few months after violent riots broke out in the city in response to the death of George Floyd. Those riots spiraled out of control, causing hundreds of millions of dollars of damage, and were followed by subsequent riots in other Democrat-controlled cities across the U.S. The most recent example of violent riots to hit the U.S. happened in Kenosha, Wisconsin, this week after a black man was shot by police officers who were reportedly responding to a domestic incident. However, state authorities released a report on Wednesday afternoon stating that their investigation found that the suspect, who was shot after resisting law enforcement and attempting to enter his car, had a weapon on the floorboard of his vehicle.

“During the investigation following the initial incident, Mr. Blake admitted that he had a knife in his possession,” the Wisconsin Department of Justice (DOJ) Division of Criminal Investigation (DCI) said in a statement. “DCI agents recovered a knife from the driver’s side floorboard of Mr. Blake’s vehicle. A search of the vehicle located no additional weapons.”