Showing posts with label COVID-19. Show all posts
Showing posts with label COVID-19. Show all posts

Tuesday, January 31, 2023

Pfizer Director Physically Assaults James O’Keefe of Veritas, Destroys iPad Showing Undercover Recordings About “Mutating” Covid Virus – NYPD Responds (VIDEO)

Once again 
James O’Keefe puts his own safety on the line for us to get the facts of what's going in in the inner world of some of these shadow swamp related companies and the harm they do to us! This time we see a Jordon Trishton Walker, Pfizer Director of Research and Development, physically assaulting James O’Keefe and Veritas staffers on video.

James O’Keefe confronted Walker at a restaurant and showed him the undercover recordings about Pfizer’s plans to potentially mutate the Covid virus. 

This is what went down next! 
You f*cked up! Walker shouted before destroying the iPad showing the PV undercover recordings about themutatingCovid virus.

Project Veritas on Wednesday night released explosive video of the incident with Jordon Trishton Walker, again who's the Pfizer Director of Research and Development, Strategic Operations, admitting the pharma giant is exploring ‘mutating’ Covid-19 via ‘directed evolution’ so the company can continue to profit off of vaccines.

One of the things we’re exploring is like, why don’t we just mutate it [COVID] ourselves so we could create — preemptively develop new vaccines, right? So, we have to do that. If we’re gonna do that though, there’s a risk of like, as you could imagine — no one wants to be having a pharma company mutating f**king viruses,” Walker told the undercover Project Veritas journalist.

Don’t tell anyone. Promise you won’t tell anyone. The way it [the experiment] would work is that we put the virus in monkeys, and we successively cause them to keep infecting each other, and we collect serial samples from them,” he said in the undercover recordings.

I’m just someone who’s working in a company that’s trying to literally help the public,” Walker said during the confrontation.

Walker insisted he was just ‘trying to impress his date.’

The NYPD responded to the assault.

Thursday, January 6, 2022

AOC Has the COVID 19! After showing up in Miami and partying it up with a bunch of drag queens!

This could not have happened to a worst human! Scumbag AOC has been once again busted being stupid, and showing how fake, and what a fraud she actually is. She talks down to people for not having their masks on all the time but if it’s not a picture with a bunch of of people a few months ago where she only puts the mask on for the pic but takes it off when she thinks the “CAMERAS” are not filming! Once again AOC is busted in showing of not ignorant she is but how fake this whole crap is. She was busted in MIAMI partying it up with a bunch of “Drag Queens” and now she’s sick, and is said that she has the KUNG FLU! Oh my, my… Once again this folks is “Rules for thee, and not for me.” Elitists like her need to be voted out. She’s a danger to society, an evil person, and a moron. Check out these videos below.

Friday, November 26, 2021

"They Said Hell No" - Truckers REVOLT Against Biden's Vax Mandate

This is the way… Is the Mandalorian saying, and now "this is the way" the CEO of the American Trucking Associations says 37% of the association’s drivers are rejecting Biden’s vax mandate. As well they should these things should be your choice not some mandate by a man who farts in front of the royal family, and tells people his butts been wiped. 

The mans a crazy old fart (literally) and he’s not a doctor or scientist. He’s got no federal right to mandate anything, and a mandate is not a law it’s a suggestion aimed to make people to their bidding. And this is just evil what these leftists progressives are doing to the country, and I cannot believe some idiots are going for it. This is why this video by the Truckers against the Jab is important. Check it out below, and leave your comments.

Thursday, October 28, 2021

Florida Has The Fastest Job Growth Rate In The Nation!

Thanks to our Governor Ron DeSantis who is not selling out to Biden or the left and who’s kept us safe over the last 2 years here now we can confirm that Florida Has The Fastest Job Growth Rate In The Nation! Significantly Faster Than National Average and again this is thanks to our leadership in our current Governor, and hope one day future President of the USA.

Our job market is recovering much faster than the national average, according to the new figures just released, and while The United States economy gained 194,000 jobs in the month of September, severely missing economists’ expectations. However, Florida alone gained 84,500 jobs during this period leading the nation in terms of the largest percentage increase. So while the rest of the country is facing record unemployment we’re not again thanks to our leadership. And I don’t mean Biden.

According to a statement from the office of Gov. Ron DeSantis (R-FL):

“Florida’s economy accelerated in September 2021, growing at three times the rate over the month compared to the nation. Overall for the month, Florida gained 84,500 total jobs, including nearly 73,000 private-sector jobs. This month marks 17 months of private-sector job growth, increasing by 5.6% over the year. Florida has experienced this magnitude of monthly private sector job growth on only four other occasions in the past 30 years.

In addition, Florida has experienced 11 consecutive months of labor force increases, adding 50,000 workers over the month. Florida’s labor force growth represents a 5.4% increase over-the-year, which is significantly higher than the national rate of 0.8%. In total, Florida has gained more than one million jobs since April 2020.

“We are outpacing the nation in job growth and job opportunities because businesses know that Florida will stand up for them,” said DeSantis in the release. “Despite tremendous national headwinds and economic uncertainty, Florida has reached a level of job growth only seen on four other occasions in the past 30 years. We will continue to work hard to keep Florida open, free and built for opportunity.”

DeSantis was one of the first governors to pull his state from enhanced federal unemployment checks funded by President Joe Biden’s $1.9 trillion American Rescue Plan. A recent report from the Foundation for Government Accountability — a Florida-based think tank seeking to reform welfare initiatives — confirms that DeSantis’ decision to end the handouts paid significant dividends for the state’s job market.

“From late May when Gov. DeSantis announced he was ending the $300 weekly unemployment bonus through late August, Florida employers hired nearly 1.3 million new workers,” the report says. “Nearly 400,000 of these new hires were recorded in the first three weeks following the unemployment bonus’s elimination. As the bonus ended, employers’ hiring rates spiked, allowing them to fill needed open jobs. For the first time in months, the number of unfilled positions in Florida began to decline in August, as more Floridians left unemployment and returned to work.”

More recently, DeSantis announced plans to call a special legislative session to address COVID-19 vaccine mandates an attempt to undermine the Biden administration’s pending vaccine requirements for private employers.

Sunday, October 24, 2021

Jack Dorsey Twitter CEO Issues Warning About Economy As Inflation Soars

Socialist and Leftist Twitter CEO Jack Dorsey warned on 10/22/2021 that “hyperinflation” would change life as people know it, it’s happening now, and it’s going to hit the U.S. and the rest of us say NO KIDDING! DUH! We said it, and he went and played his role to help destroy our country and now it’s blowing up in his face.

“Hyperinflation is going to change everything. It’s happening,” Dorsey wrote on Twitter, later adding, “It will happen in the U.S. soon, and so the world.”

“Hyperinflation is a term to describe rapid, excessive, and out-of-control general price increases in an economy,” Investopedia explained. “While inflation is a measure of the pace of rising prices for goods and services, hyperinflation is rapidly rising inflation, typically measuring more than 50% per month.”

The tweet comes with consumer price inflation running near a 30-year high in the U.S. and growing concern that the problem could be worse that policymakers have anticipated. The Federal Reserve Chairman Jerome Powell acknowledged that inflation pressures “are likely to last longer than previously expected,” noting that they could run “well into next year.” The central bank leader added that he expects the Fed soon to begin pulling back on the extraordinary measures it has provided to help the economy that critics say have stoked the inflation run.

A report from Bloomberg News last month said that one of the top concerns that clients of UBS Group AG have is “whether central banks’ massive stimulus could trigger hyperinflation.”

Former McDonald’s USA CEO Ed Rensi told FOX Business this week that Democrat President Joe Biden’s policies were “dramatically” impacting the supply chain crisis and inflation. “I first experienced this back during the 70s, up into the 80s when we had stagflation, where prices of fuel [were] going up like crazy,” he said. “Transportation was limited. Distribution was limited. We had to raise prices. We had to address our opening and closing schedules in restaurants modified to menus, and we’re going through it again.”

“It’s been exacerbated clearly by COVID. But it’s also been impacted dramatically by the policy changes that President Biden made even before he was inaugurated,” Rensi added. “When he said he’s going to shut down oil, shut down the pipelines, move away from fossil fuel.”

Biden’s approval rating has plummeted in recent months as inflation has continued to skyrocket under his watch.

Larry Summers, who served as Treasury Secretary under former President Bill Clinton and director of the National Economic Council under former President Barack Obama, warned this month that inflation is “worse” than expected.

“Well, I think we now have a gathering storm of inflation,” he continued. “And we’re likely to see some combination of that storm coming to fruition, or the central bank being forced to act to contain inflation with potentially serious financial consequences, or some combination of those two things. We’ve had labor market inflation wages at a seven and a half percent rate in the last month, we’ve had consumer price inflation close to a 6% rate over the last six months. We’ve had houses causing price inflation at over 20% over the last year, and almost none of that has yet been reflected in the price indices. I think they’re very serious reasons for concern.”

Saturday, August 21, 2021

Arnold you have been TERMINATED

So the son of a NAZI Arnold SchmuckNazi as we’re now calling him since well the man said “SCREW YOUR FREEDOMS” and is next to a Russian agent for Putin who committed TREASON on our country, and President over an innocent call he got him impeached. Let’s not forget the optics of that VOIP call that Arnold was on. So the SON of a NAZI sitting next to the Russian is feeling the BURN!!!!!!!!!

And no I don’t mean Bernie Sanders is there or that Arnold is in the GYM with his male body building buddies which has always seemed a bit on the alphabet side if you catch where I’m going there. BUTT I’m sure he doesn’t like it in the butt! SO the story continues as now Arnold has been TERMINATED by his sponsor RedCon1… Can’t say I’m mad about this…

ARNOLD Terminated by Sponsor

Honestly couldn’t have happened to a better NAZI then Arnold… Who’s with me? I mean it’s one thing to call people names like “Schmuck” and say “Screw your freedoms” like a real NAZI! BUT when you do man don’t get caught right after without a mask, puffing on cigars, and driving a Hummer to play with some boys and their weights. Sounds like a fucking moron if you ask me. But what do I know I’m not Vaccinated, don’t wear a Mask, been had Covid19 and didn’t die. So Fuck him and his Nazi mentality.

Saturday, August 14, 2021

Biden gaffe: President calls Michigan’s Whitmer ‘Jennifer’ at White House event

Biden gaffes again! Now sippy cup Joe Biden the fraud President calls Michigan’s Whitmer ‘Jennifer’ at White House as he’s losing it folks. Governor who? Remember back In 2020, when Joe Biden was running for president, Michigan Gov. Gretchen Whitmer was reportedly close to becoming Biden’s running mate?

On Wednesday at the White House, Biden couldn’t remember her name. LOL Yep folks this is the guy the left voted for… But that’s the delusional Potus46 who last year also called Cuomo “The GOLD STANDARD!” So he did that, and called Gretchen, Jennifer. lol Can’t write comedy this good people seriously. Now it’s probably ironic we just reported on the state of Cuomos resignation being done to cover the murders of innocent elderly people by the likes of Cuomo, and Whitmer here who along with other leftist gov. placed sick Covid patients with actual sick elderly people dying or near death in nursings homes, and hospice. These moves caused many of them to die early, and without warning.

“Thank you, Jennifer, for what you’ve done,” Biden told Whitmer during an online meeting about the Democrats’ $1 trillion infrastructure bill, according to the Detroit Free Press. Biden was returning a compliment after Whitmer had thanked him for leading the effort to get the bill passed, the report said. A Bill which is partisan only Rinos voted for it, and only 100Billion actually goes for “infrastructure” the rest is to help fund “THE GREEDY NEW DEAL” which remember failed to pass in the house a few years ago but now it’s being hidden in these TRILLIONS of mass corrupt spending by the current misadministration of Biden/Harris who have cooked up a way to stick it to us anyway without having a single vote for it. This folks is how the left is criminally destroying our country. They’re doing it by hiding it under the words “INFRASTRUCTURE” but when only 100B goes for actual INSTRASTRUCTURE and the rest of TRILLIONS goes towards things which are all in AOC’s planned “Greedy New Deal” goes to show you that they don’t care this was a coup last year and yes the election was rigged for this very deal, and yes the Capitol riots were done by Antifa/BLM, and paid by Pelosi/AOC/Harris/Biden, and company to help usher in this destructive garbage on this country while keep people mad at Trump like he was guilty of some terrible event.

The capitol riot was nothing more than a psyops to help again usher in this era of further leftist communist corruption being done to us by these people. This is what’s happening, and this is what they’re doing. Those who are not well versed in the actual reality will not understand what’s happening, and what’s coming. This is not some QANON Quack conspiracy as I don’t follow QANON and don’t believe them in anyway. They’re nothing but a tool of the radical left aimed to further tarnish MAGA and Trump supporters, and paint them all as racist lunatics which they’re not. I’m not and I’m 100% a Trump/MAGA supporter.

Earlier this month, Sippy CUP Biden only pretended to forget the name of Florida Republican Gov. Ron DeSantis, referring to him as “Governor who?” after DeSantis criticized Biden over possible federal mandates on the coronavirus. It wasn’t the first time Whitmer had been called “Jennifer” at a public event, the Free Press reported.

LMAO Jennifer! HAHA

When Whitmer was running for governor in 2018, her Republican opponent, former Michigan Attorney General Bill Schuette, had gotten her name wrong during a debate and Whitmer didn’t like it, the report said. “Learn my name,” Whitmer snapped at Schuette, according to the report. She’s a piece of work, and another progressive that needs to go. She needs to be brought up on murder charges I don’t care what her name is.

Both Schuette and Biden may have temporarily confused Whitmer with Jennifer Granholm, a Democrat who served as Michigan’s governor from 2003 to 2011, the Free Press reported. Granholm now serves in Biden’s cabinet, as energy secretary. Earlier in 2020, Whitmer also took offense when then-President Trump seemed to forget Whitmer’s name, calling her instead, “that woman from Michigan.”

Whitmer retaliated in part by wearing a “That Woman From Michigan” shirt during an appearance on Comedy Central’s “The Daily Show.” I do wonder if she’s going to be equally ready to snap at her masters puppet Joe Biden like she did on Trump? Fact is again she belongs in prison, and not in office getting thanked by the “Sniffer & Thief”. Just remember friends If the Democrats didn’t commit election fraud, why were they so opposed to investigations?

They could have done it immediately after the election which would have settled the debate for everyone once and for all? And now they are vehemently opposed to forensic audits, after-the-fact. You’d almost conclude they’re afraid of what may be found? That’s exactly the case they know how guilty they all are of election fraud. This includes a giant RICO Act by MSM, the Democrats like Nasty Nancy Pelosi, Biden/Harris, Bill & Hillary Clinton, Chuck Schumer, Jerry Nadler, Adam Schiff, The Fraud Squads AOC, Ilhan Omar, Rashida Tlaib, Stacey Abrams, Keisha Lance Bottoms, Andrew Cuomo, Liz Chaney, Mitt Romney, and the rest of these crooked people on the left. They know they’re fingerprints are all over that rigged election of last year, and the riot at the capitol, and this is why LIZ and Rinos were selected to serve in the 1/6 comity scam by Pelosi. Even if that’s not legal by the constitution they don’t care the democRATS are power hungry and will do anything to keep it like DICTATORS do. They will continue to lie, steal, cheat, and do things their way. NOT the legal way.

Let’s remember also a little history on Joe Biden and his crime past and he’s sold out to corporations, and other countries.. Look back in 1979, after receiving donations from Coca-Cola, Biden co-sponsored legislation that helped the soft-drink industry skirt antitrust laws. In the 1990s he voted against regulation of credit card companies, one of which just happened to be his largest single donor.

Having entered the United States Senate in 1973, Joe Biden has been a fixture of American public life for decades. Thanks to his tenure as vice president in the Obama administration, the longtime Senator’s stature has only grown throughout the past decade making him one of the country’s best-known liberal politicians and why he was picked by the left to run in 2020 even given his clear decline in mental health. But he’s got a long history of corruption and being a puppet to those who pay him and he’s brought his crackhead pedophile SON into the family business, and this is why people are paying Hunter hundreds of thousands for 3rd grade level finger painting which is not even worthy of urine if set on fire to end the blaze.

This friends is who the BIDENS are they’re total sellouts, and right now they’re handing this country to our enemies.. China’s CCP, Russia, IRAN and the country’s who love to yell “DEATH TO AMERICA” and are mostly muslim countries. This is why there has been a major influx in Muslim people in congress, and like other parts of the world when people from that religion become powerful in the countries they’re in these country’s who left a lot of these Muslim’s over the decades as they fled the middle east to come to other parts to take over this is what they want to do they destroy from within… LIKE A TROJAN HORSE.

Thursday, August 12, 2021

Come with me if you want to get the Vaccine!

So once great action star turned total horrible Gov of California Arnold Schwarzenegger who has since gone back to acting but now in bad movies, and hasn’t had a hit film since he acted as Mr Freeze in BATMAN & ROBIN the movie which showed us all just how horrible an actor he is. He’s tried 3 times to relaunch the Terminator franchise, and has failed at that over, and over all his movies bomb at the box office as nobody gives a crap about him or his movies anymore… So what does he do to gain back some of that lost fame? He attacked Trump, and now is going after people who don’t want to take the vaccine or wear masks which we know is a bunch of leftist bullshit anyway. Check out the tweet by him and my reply below.

Wednesday, August 11, 2021

Remembering Stephen Duran (Captn Steve O) (03/16/1965 – 08/10/2021) Rest in Peace

Stephen Duran aka “Capt’n Steve O” (03/16/1965 – 08/10/2021) best known for his show “Rev Radio Vegas” has passed away folks and while some of you might not know him, and I just became friends with him over the last year myself we all had taken a great liking to him as he was a very gentle, and nice man. We had some good laughs but in means did I know him as well as those on the network he was on which is “G.E.R.N” and our hearts, and condolences to his family and personal loved ones from real life to the world of online radio. I know the owner of the network he was on “Darrell Neely” is taking this hard as they were close, and condolences to him also not just from myself Angel Espino but the entire PSN Radio family, and everyone on Public Streaming Network in general.

We just lost this Sunday our own Dennis Crenshaw who was family, and know the loss. Last year we lost our co-owner Jorge Rodrguez as well previously Suds Coleman who was a good buddy of mines, host on SoFloRadio and a radio icon also in Florida. And we can’t forget Art Bell my mentor in radio along with Jorge Rodriguez nobody meant more to me in radio then those two men, and they’ve both passed… Seems like our good friends are all being called to the gates of heaven. Steve had a lot of wild thoughts, and a great imagination. He was a very bright and an articulate man with a lot of passion for podcasting, and to help others.

One of his favorite Quotes were “Who ever appeals to the law against his fellow man is either a fool or a coward. Who ever can not take care of himself without that law is both. For a wounded man will say to his assailant if I live I will kill you . If I die you are forgivin’ such is the rule of honor U DONT LIKE ME BITE ME …..”

To say we’re going to miss him is an understatement as he was like the others we lost recently that I mentioned One of a kind. This week has been a hard one as two friends of ours have been taken in connection to this unseen monster known as the Covid 19. Could be the Vaccine, could be the virus itself. But either way two great guys have been lost this week in connection to it, and that’s just horrible.

Now I wonder if Jorge Rodrguez also was taken by the virus last year as his death was seen as a heart failure and that seems to be one of the ways they say people are dying from it. The virus, and vaccine side effects affect the heart from the chatter I’ve been hearing more and more from the medical community.

Thursday, August 5, 2021

Joe Biden Holds Hands With Gov. Beshear’s Son And Giving Him used mask

NO MASK, NO SOCIAL DISTANCE! 100% Hypocrisy… BIDEN STYLE! So Creepy CRAZY JOE BIDEN is on video holding hands with Gov. Beshear’s Son And Giving Him used mask! Folks you can’t make this up. SO the President Mr. Gotta mask up, stay locked in, and get vaccinated or you’re evil does whatever he wants, and not what he says. Check out this viral clip of this shitface lying asshole oh yes I mean President JOE BIDEN. The Sniffler & Thief.

What did Joe actually give to Governor Andy Beshear’s son, and why was he holding his hands for such a long time? This video you’re about to see went viral over the Internet and brought back the memory of cripple Joe’s long-forgotten, but tempted wishes towards minor children.

Upon departing, Biden grasped the boy’s hand and squeezed it as if to say goodbye… Why does he grab his hand in such a creepy fashion to start with? By the way why is his mask not on his face? What happened to “Social Distance, Masks wearing” and all the other lunatic mandates he’s told what to spew by his handlers? Again this is a case as “DO AS WE SAY, AND NOT AS AS WE DO!!!” By again the radical left, and their brainless leader Joe Biden. Folks you have to watch this clip from INFOWARS.COM who captured, and posted it. Gotta give them props! ALEX JONES does it again! Check this out..

To the boy’s surprise, however, he felt something in the hand Biden just squeezed as you can see in this video above, and the boy looked down and saw he now had a used face mask in his hand. Yeah you saw it right people! Biden gave a young boy a soiled Covid-19 face mask. And to those who think he had another mask in his other hand nope! He’s only got that one. What people are watching is the ladies hair, and the hand of the guy to her left moving HIS HAND, and NOT Biden. The only mask BIDEN had he handed it to the boy. But why? I mean WTF? Why would BIDEN not wear a mask, and then grab the boys hand, and give him his used mask? This can’t be hygienic, and in the age of the China Virus this unhealthy act warrants shame from the media. What are the CDC protocols for sharing used face masks? Where is the MEDIA OUTRAGE? IF this was TRUMP not just would he be impeached but the left would want him on trial for trying to murder that kid.

This is folks the hypocrisy of the left in full display…. Unfortunately no one will question Biden on his evident dementia, let alone on his unsanitary practices, and this type of disgusting behavior will continue for the foreseeable future.

Thursday, February 18, 2021

Joe Biden Falsely Claims: ‘We Didn’t Have Vaccine’ When I Came into Office! WTF?

So what shot did you get Joe Biden if there was no Vaccine when you got into office? IF there was no vaccine what have people been getting injected with for the last few months? My god Joe Biden is beyond stupid! Now folks this comes from a CNN town hall on Tuesday, where Biden made the statement, despite health care workers receiving the first COVID-19 vaccine in mid-December 2020, over a month before he was sworn in.During CNN town hall on Tuesday, Biden made the statement, despite health care workers receiving the first COVID-19 vaccine in mid-December 2020, over a month before he was sworn in.Biden said: “There’s just not all of a sudden 600 million doses are going to appear.”

“What’s going to happen is it’s going to continue to increase as we move along, and we’ll have reached 400 million by the end of May and 600 million by the end of July,” Biden added.

“The biggest thing, though, as you remember, when you and I— I shouldn’t say it that way as you remember when you and I talked last we talked about, it’s one thing to have the vaccine, which we didn’t have when we came into office, but a vaccinator.”How do you get the vaccine into someone’s arm?” LOL!

As CNN reported in December, Biden received his first dose of the Pfizer and BioNTech coronavirus vaccine on live television.The shot was administered at Christiana Care’s Christiana Hospital in Newark, Delaware, by Tabe Mase. Biden even said the Trump administration deserved “some credit” for Operation Warp Speed and their role in making coronavirus vaccinations possible. In November, Donald Trump accused pharmaceutical companies of attempting to prevent his victory over Biden.

“Pfizer and others even decided to not assess the results of their vaccine, in other words, not come out with a vaccine, until just after the election,” Trump said.Trump said the companies purposely delayed the vaccine results while noting they planned to assess the data as early as October but postponed it.“So they waited and waited and waited, and they thought they’d come out with it a few days after the election, and it would have probably had an impact, who knows, maybe it wouldn’t have,” Trump said.

Last year, Billionaire Bill Gates warned the COVID vaccine might need several doses in order to be effective. The Microsoft founder accused the Trump administration at the time of making “serious mistakes” before warning that schools may not return to normality until the fall of 2021.

Former President Donald Trump has lambasted Joe Biden, as being either dishonest or “mentally gone” when Biden falsely made the claim.

“He was either not telling the truth or he was mentally gone, one or the other,” Trump told Newsmax TV on Wednesday.

“He’s getting lit up on that one,” Trump said, referring to the social media backlash over Biden’s statement. “Could he be joking? Because, frankly, that was a very dumb statement.”

During a CNN town hall on Feb. 16, Biden told the host, “It’s one thing to have the vaccine, which we didn’t have when we came into office, but a vaccinator how do you get the vaccine into someone’s arm?” Earlier during the same event, Biden spoke of 50 million vaccine doses being available when he came into office.

Biden received a full course of a two-dose vaccine before he took office on Jan. 20. The United States had administered 1 million doses by Dec. 24 last year.

In a wide-ranging interview, Trump shared his first assessment of the new administration, criticizing Biden over his approach to communist China and illegal immigration.

“The whole thing is so ridiculous. We had China exactly where we wanted them,” Trump said.

Trump gave several interviews on Feb. 17 in the wake of the death of his friend and conservative radio talk show host Rush Limbaugh. During the Newsmax interview, he spoke at length about the 2020 election, calling it “rigged” and “stolen.”

“Really bad and dishonest things happened,” Trump said, pointing out that he received 75 million votes—more than any incumbent president in history.

“When they say ‘stop the steal,’ they’re not just kidding. It’s a disgrace. It’s like a third-world country with the election. So we have to get that straightened out and I think get to the bottom of what happened … both going forward but we also have to go back,” Trump said.

Trump also weighed in on his ban from social media, saying that Parler, a social media platform, wanted to bring him on. He noted that his Twitter audience alone was larger than the total audience of Parler, making it “mechanically” impossible to come onto the platform.

Trump confirmed that he missed being president but would not say if he would run in 2024.

Monday, February 15, 2021

Gavin Newscum Faces Recall Election as Campaign Collects 1,509,000 Signatures

In a glorious effort to recall California Governor Gavin Newsom or as I call him “NewScum” has reached the minimum number of signatures needed to trigger a recall election, organizers behind the recall campaign announced Friday. Yes friends! Like I’ve been sayin for a long time California is flipping away from the left, and will slowly become what it once was a RED STATE, and when this happens folks it’s a wrap for the left. They have destroyed their biggest state, and the people are speaking loud. Gavin is related to Pelosi, and she’s hated also in California. These people come from mafia money, and are from a long line of evil scumbags.

Recall Gavin Newsom launched last year and amassed more than 900,000 signatures by the end of December. The recall campaign said it collected more than 1.4 million signatures by early February and gathered a total of 1,509,000 signatures by Friday.

State law dictates that a recall campaign must gather support from a specific number of registered voters in order to trigger a recall. In this case, valid signatures from 1,495,709 California voters a number equivalent to 12 percent of the votes cast in the election Newsom won to become governor from at least five counties needed to sign the petition by the campaign’s March deadline.

Once the California secretary of state determines that the campaign has collected enough valid signatures, a recall election will be scheduled to allow voters to decide if they want Newsom to stay in office or not. Recall Gavin Newsom set a goal of collecting 1.8 million signatures in anticipation that some might not pass muster with the secretary of state’s office.

This is not the first recall campaign Newsom has faced since he was elected governor with nearly 62 percent of the vote in 2018, but it is the campaign that has gained the most traction. The effort is fueled in part by frustrations surrounding restrictions put in place due to the coronavirus pandemic. Organizers also cite as reasons for their efforts the Democratic governor’s positions on issues that predate COVID-19, including gun laws and immigration policies.

The organizers say on the campaign’s website that the effort is not driven by any one political party, and they have bristled at allegations that supporters of the movement have links to QAnon and other far-right groups. Instead, organizers say the movement is supported by voters of diverse political backgrounds and represents a “mass uprising” in California.

Randy Economy, a senior adviser for the campaign, told Newsweek in December that this recall effort is notable to him because it has support from Californians who don’t typically get involved in politics.

The recall campaign is “kind of a perfect tidal wave of citizens who have never done anything in politics before ever, and I really do mean that who decided they want to take a stab at this,” Economy told Newsweek at the time. A significant component to the campaign’s success is the frustrations voters feel after months of living with the pandemic and the restrictions introduced at the state level, he said. Newsom’s attendance at a dinner party at the French Laundry last November, which violated the state’s recommendations for gathering with individuals outside of one’s household, only served to inflame those already frustrated with the lockdowns.

Ten recall campaigns have qualified for a recall election in California since 1913, only six of which have resulted in the targeted official being removed from office, according to the California secretary of state’s website. The only California governor to be successfully recalled was Gray Davis, a Democrat who was removed in 2003 and replaced by former Republican Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger.

Economy told KTTV on Thursday that the recall campaign was close to reaching 1.5 million signatures. The effort was further aided by the national GOP, which invested $250,000 to help remove Newsom from office.

On the final day of 2020, Economy told Newsweek that he believed this recall campaign would be successful. “I think this is different this time,” he said. “Sometimes in politics and in life, you have that once-in-a-lifetime opportunity for the average resident to make a difference. This is that moment in California history.”

Wednesday, January 13, 2021


Bruce Willis Asked To Leave Store After Refusing To Wear A Mask Report! LOL Well yeah even the star of the DIE HARD franchise needs to wear a mask! I mean “Come on Man” how you gonna help “Build Crack Better” if you can breath normal?

Monday after he failed to wear a face mask while visiting a Rite Aid, Willis, 65, refused to wear a mask despite having a bandanna tied around his neck, which he could have pulled up and used as a face covering, Page Six reported, citing an unnamed source. The eyewitness said the other shoppers were unhappy with Willis going maskless, which was in violation of the Los Angeles County mask mandate.

The “Die Hard” star was asked to wear a mask, but he refused and was subsequently asked to exit, per the report. The source said Willis was photographed at the store without a mask on and was unable to make his purchase before leaving the pharmacy.

Los Angeles County is the epicenter of California’s coronavirus surge and surpassed 10,000 COVID-19 deaths in December, CNN reported.

Willis spent much of the lockdown quarantining with his ex-wife, Demi Moore, and their three daughters, Rumer, 32, Scout, 29, and Tallulah, 26, at the family’s home in Idaho.

Due to their arrangement, there were speculations that Willis’ marriage to wife Emma Hemmings was on the rocks. However, his daughter, Scout, explained why they ended up living in the same house during the lockdown.

“My stepmom was going to come up here with my little sisters. But my younger sister, who is now actually 7 years old, at a park, had never gotten a talk about not [expletive] with hypodermic needles that she found, so she actually tried to poke her shoe with it and poked her foot,” she said at the “Dopey” podcast.

“So my stepmom had to be in L.A. waiting to get the results from taking her to the doctor so my dad came up here early and then travel got crazy so my stepmom stayed in L.A. with my little sisters,” she continued.

As for having both of her parents in the same home where they raised them, Scout said it was “cute.” She was also amused by the public’s interest in her famous mom and dad.

Monday, December 28, 2020

Saturday, December 19, 2020

Tiffany Dover is she dead? I just debunked this rumor!

I spoke to the Vice President of Marketing and Communications at the hospital where Tiffany Dover works at, and the lady’s name is Lisa MCcluskey. I called to make sure we debunked the rumor that Ms Dover had passed away, and to calm down the fear going around with this fake news about her. Folks this is nothing more then an online death hoax.

Don’t always trust the news online folks… A Lot of misinformation out there…

Tiffany is fine, and here you can hear the actual audio from my conversation. Tiffany Dover explained she has a history of an over-reactive vagal response to even minor pain.

Vasovagal syncope (vay-zoh-VAY-gul SING-kuh-pee) occurs when you faint because your body overreacts to certain triggers, such as the sight of blood or extreme emotional distress. It may also be called neurocardiogenic syncope.The vasovagal syncope trigger causes your heart rate and blood pressure to drop suddenly. That leads to reduced blood flow to your brain, causing you to briefly lose consciousness.

For more information and content like this please visit me on my personal website AND my

Monday, November 23, 2020

Joe Biden hates the media that got him elected! 😂

Joe Biden is one enigma stuck in a puzzle gathering dust, and everytime he is brought out we find missing pieces of this puzzle.. Mostly with Creepy Joe these pieces are from his mind and or low IQ. After being championed by the fake news over Trump for 4 years, and given the title of “President Elect” over Trump even tho he literally cheated Trump out of the election. We all know Trump won.

But the puzzle that is Joe Pedo Biden is how he’s now acting with the media!! LMAO! This man has no reason to snap on anyone in the media as he’s the lord, and savior who would free them of the Orange man right? Well as he was gathered with his running race baiting and NOT a black woman at all Kamala Harris, House Speaker Nasty Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.), and Senate Minority Leader Chucky Schitmer (D-N.Y.) on Friday. Creepy Joe Biden had no patience for a reporter, who asked a timely question, and he quickly admonished the correspondent.

Video shows Biden telling Pelosi and Schumer that “in my Oval Office, mi casa, you casa.” Biden added, “I hope we’re going to spend a lot of time together.” Yeah no kidding since there all pedophile lying morons who cater to socialists, and communists, and lie to the American people so yes Joe we know these are your people.

The press pool was then required to leave, and you can hear a Biden aide repeatedly say, “Let’s go guys, let’s go.” CBS News reporter calmly attempted to ask Biden a parting question before being escorted out of the room.

“Mr. Biden, the COVID task force said it’s safe for students to be in class. Are you going to be encouraging unions to cooperate more to bring kids back to classrooms, sir?” Erickson asked, and in a nice way not like they would ask Trump! Which would be a slander at Trump for wanting to open schools.

Biden dismissed the question and responded, “Why are you the only guy that always shouts out questions?” Biden and Pelosi then cackle at the reporter. When has this reporter ever asked this question? That alone should tell us how much a liar Joe is because this reporter has NEVER asked him this question. But Joe lies on a constant basis, and sksirts everything asked. Mostly cause he’s got no answer, and normal he ran on NO policies, and didn’t leave his basement for months.

“Townhall columnist and radio host Derek Hunter noted, a completely valid and important question asked in a civil tone…deflected by Biden, who may not have understood it because it wasn’t screened by staff first.” – The Blaze

The question was relevant because New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio (D) announced on Wednesday that all public schools would be closed starting Thursday. Also on Wednesday, Michigan Gov. Gretchen Whitmer (D) ordered all high school and college classrooms to close for three weeks. Kentucky Gov. Andy Beshear (D) ordered all public and private schools to close starting on Monday. Shocking all in Democratic states which had the major riots, and looting, and all this junk that we saw are the ones having the big spikes in Covid19.

Thursday, members of the White House Coronavirus Task Force stated that schools should remain open despite a recent surge of COVID-19 cases and hospitalizations across the country… Schools is not the issue, and neither is reopening the economy, and country to full potential. Lockdowns don’t help, and letting people riot, and loot, and do it to hurt Trump is shameful, and I hope all these leftist politicians get sent to prison!

“The truth is, for kids K through 12, one of the safest places they can be, from our perspective, is to remain in school,” Dr. Robert Redfield, director of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, said during a Thursday press conference. “And it’s really important that — following the data, making sure we don’t make emotional decisions about what to close and what not to close.”

“And I’m here to say clearly: The data strongly supports that K-through-12 schools, as well as institutes of higher learning, really are not where we’re having our challenges,” Redfield explained. “There’s extensive data that we have — we’ve gathered over the last two to three months — to confirm that K-through- 12 schools can operate with face-to-face learning, and they can do it safely and they can do it responsibly.”

The CDC director has been outspoken about schools needing to remain open for months. In July, Redfield said he would “absolutely” send his grandchildren back to school because he believes it is safe.

“It is critically important for our public health to open schools this fall,” Redfield declared.

This isn’t the first time that Biden has gotten defensive over the CBS News reporter asking legitimate questions. In October, the former vice president became agitated that Bo Erickson had the audacity to ask about the allegations swirling around the New York Post reporting about potential overseas business corruption with the Biden family that was allegedly discovered on Hunter Biden’s laptop.

Biden called the reporting a “smear campaign,” and then besmirched Erickson’s ethics, “I know you’d ask it. I have no response, it’s another smear campaign, right up your alley, those are the questions you always ask.” LOL WTF Joe Biden is a fucktard moron he can’t accept a gift when given to him! The Media literally elected him when we all know he lost, and this is how he pays them back? LOL KARMA!

In October, when a reporter shouted a question about what flavor ice cream Biden was eating, he was happy to take the time to explain how he got one vanilla milkshake and one chocolate frozen treat. But ask him a serious question, and he gets mad, and makes threats, calls people names, and slandrs with lies… This is Joe Lying Biden.

Sunday, October 11, 2020

Donald Trump's Doctor says he's 'no longer a transmission risk' but doesn't state if he has tested negative for COVID-19

On Saturday night, White House physician Dr. Sean Conley released a statement saying President Trump “is no longer considered a transmission risk to others.” While Conley did not state whether the president had tested negative for the COVID-19 virus, he highlighted that Trump had been “fever-free for well over 24 hours” and “sequential testing throughout his illness has demonstrated decreasing viral loads.” According to current CDC data, a mild to moderate COVID-19 case remains infectious no more than 10 days, whereas a severe to critical illness is likely to remain infectious no longer than 20 days.

Thursday, October 8, 2020

VP Mike Pence vs. Kamala Harris in only V.P debate of the year!

Untitled Document
Vice President Mike Pence and Democratic vice presidential nominee Sen. Kamala Harris took each other on in the year’s only vice presidential debate. You can watch the whole debate right here AND follow tweets below where you’ll get a take on everything from the moderator’s questions and the candidates’ claims to fact checks and media spin to plexiglass separators and COVID testing to social media reactions.

According to ABC’s Rick Klein — Harris had more than 3 minutes more time than Pence.

Pence takes on Harris’ record of locking up black men…

Once again, Harris shares the “very fine people” lie Even Politifact shared the truth about what President Trump said after Charlottesville — BECAUSE IT’S IN THE TRANSCRIPT:

Trump: “Excuse me, excuse me. They didn’t put themselves — and you had some very bad people in that group, but you also had people that were very fine people, on both sides. You had people in that group. Excuse me, excuse me. I saw the same pictures as you did. You had people in that group that were there to protest the taking down of, to them, a very, very important statue and the renaming of a park from Robert E. Lee to another name.”

Reporter: “George Washington and Robert E. Lee are not the same.”

Trump: “George Washington was a slave owner. Was George Washington a slave owner? So will George Washington now lose his status? Are we going to take down — excuse me, are we going to take down statues to George Washington? How about Thomas Jefferson? What do you think of Thomas Jefferson? You like him?”

Reporter: “I do love Thomas Jefferson.”

Trump: “Okay, good. Are we going to take down the statue? Because he was a major slave owner. Now, are we going to take down his statue? So you know what, it’s fine. You’re changing history. You’re changing culture. And you had people — and I’m not talking about the neo-Nazis and the white nationalists because they should be condemned totally — but you had many people in that group other than neo-Nazis and white nationalists. Okay? And the press has treated them absolutely unfairly. Now, in the other group also, you had some fine people. But you also had troublemakers, and you see them come with the black outfits and with the helmets, and with the baseball bats. You had a lot of bad people in the other group.”

Trump has — several times — condemned white supremacy

There have been many occasions, actually, in which the president denounced white supremacy.

There’s a fly on Pence’s head No one will pay attention to what Harris is saying as long as it stays there.

Glad Pence asked Harris about court packing. Pretty sure Susan Page wasn’t going to do it. The moderator will ask questions that fit her narrative and no others.

“Page forces the debate to move on. This is a joke.”

Nope. Kamala will NOT answer the question about packing the courts

Kamala Harris hasn’t wavered yet from the Biden campaign’s edict to NOT answer the question about packing the Supreme Court.

Jake Tapper probably isn’t too surprised.

Monday, October 5, 2020

President Trump to be discharged from Walter Reed hospital later today, he's doing better!

On Monday afternoon, President Trump announced that he will be leaving “the great Walter Reed Medical Center today at 6:30 P.M.” Following Trump’s announcement, Dr. Sean Conley said that the president has “met or exceeded” standard discharge protocol. Trump, whose oxygen levels are now normal, will get another dose of remdesivir before heading back to the White House. The president was taken to Walter Reed hospital on Friday and has been given various antiviral drug treatments including dexamethasone during his stay.

I Wish him a speedy recovery, and hope he’s back on the hunt for RED November 3rd! He’s the real President we need in times like these, and I’m just happy he’s doing better. President Donald Trump’s positive COVID-19 diagnosis prompted family members, senior government officials and others close to the president to get tested. Vice president Mike Pence and Democratic presidential nominee Joe Biden are among those who tested negative as of Friday.

– Key people who have tested positive for COVID-19 include White House press secretary Kayleigh McEnany, former New Jersey Governor Chris Christie and senior adviser Kellyanne Conway
– Vice President Mike Pence, Democratic nominee Joe Biden and Trump’s senior adviser Stephen Miller are among those who tested negative for the virus
– Ivanka Trump and Jared Kushner tested negative for the virus on Monday
– Melania Trump says she is “feeling good & will continue to rest at home”

Kayleigh McEnany has this to say…

The President will be allowed to leave Walter Reed Medical Center even though he’s not “out of the woods yet” and remains on a cocktail of drugs that’s typically only administered to critically ill coronavirus patients, Dr. Sean Conley, his personal physician, said Monday afternoon.

Conley provided the update on Trump’s condition minutes after the coronavirus-stricken president tweeted that he was planning on heading back to the White House at 6:30 p.m. “Though he may not be entirely out of the woods yet, our team and I agree that all his evaluations and, more importantly, his clinical status supports his return home,” Conley told reporters outside the premiere military hospital in Maryland where Trump’s been undergoing treatment for COVID-19 since Friday night. Trump’s discharge comes even as he remains on dexamethasone, said Dr. Brian Garibaldi, another member of the president’s medical team.

Dexamethasone, a steroid, is generally only administered to COVID-19 patients suffering from critical symptoms, as it has been shown to lower the risk of death. The powerful drug can cause severe side effects, including psychosis and delirium. Trump will also continue to receive doses of remdesivir at the White House, his doctors said. Like dexamethasone, the antiviral remdesivir drug is generally only administered to critically-ill coronavirus patients.
White House physician Sean Conley answers questions surrounded by other doctors outside Walter Reed Medical Center.

Trump was put on oxygen several times over the weekend because his blood-oxygen levels dropped and he reportedly even reported trouble breathing, but Conley said the president’s symptoms have since mostly subsided. “Even the slight cough he used to have he doesn’t really complain of at all,” he said. “He doesn’t really complain of muscle aches. He’s up and back to his old self, predominantly.” Still, Conley acknowledged that COVID-19 symptoms can come back later on in the recovery process. “He’s returning to a facility, the White House Medical Unit, that’s staffed 24/7 with top-notch physicians, nurses, PAs and the team here behind me are going to continue to support us in that nature,” Conley said. Conley refused to say when Trump had his last negative COVID-19 test or comment on the findings of his lung scans, citing privacy laws. It remains unclear exactly when or from whom Trump contracted the virus, though the White House has acknowledged that he attended a fundraiser in New Jersey last Thursday despite having found out that Hope Hicks, one of his closest aides, had tested positive.

According to reports, Trump told political allies over the phone Sunday that he had to “get out” of Walter Reed, as the November election looms less than a month away, with Joe Biden trouncing the president in most polls. In the tweet announcing his imminent release, Trump sought to once again downplay the virus that’s killed more than 210,000 Americans, infected millions and derailed the U.S. economy on his watch.

“Feeling really good! Don’t be afraid of Covid. Don’t let it dominate your life,” wrote Trump, who, unlike most Americans, has access to some of the best medical care in the world. “I feel better than I did 20 years ago!”

The president’s expected return to the White House comes even as several members of his staff have contracted COVID-19. Earlier Monday, White House press secretary Kayleigh McEnany announced that she’s the latest person from Trump’s inner circle to test positive for the virus. First Lady Melania Trump, who tested positive with her husband last week, is already in quarantine in the White House residence. Conley did not say whether Trump will be confined to the residence once he returns to the White House or if he will be able to walk freely through the executive mansion.

The 74-year-old president could be at a higher risk of developing severe complications from the virus because of his weight, age and history of heart issues. Guidelines from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, meantime, say that a COVID-19 patient could be contagious for upward of 14 days and should not change locations during that period unless absolutely medically necessary. Conley claimed Trump was being discharged for his own safety, though.

“Every day a patient stays in a hospital unnecessarily is a risk to themselves,” Conley said.

Saturday, October 3, 2020

The Rock and His Family Test Positive for Coronavirus

After he endorsed the devil’s uncle Sleepy Joe Biden Dwayne Johnson has revealed he has tested positive for COVID-19 along with his wife, Lauren, and their two daughters. The Hollywood superstar confirmed his diagnosis with a video posted to Instagram, opening the video by stating that the illness has been very difficult for the Johnson family.

Fortunately, the cRock appears to be heading towards a full recovery, though the ex WWE wrestler sympathizes with others who’ve been diagnosed, as so many haven’t been so lucky with their own medical battles.

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Stay disciplined. Boost your immune system. Commit to wellness. Wear your mask. Protect your family. Be strict about having people over your house or gatherings. Stay positive. And care for your fellow human beings. Stay healthy, my friends. DJ 🖤 #controlthecontrollables

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“I could tell you that this has been one of the  most challenging and difficult things we have ever had to endure has a family, and for me personally as well,” Johnson says in the Instagram video. “My No. 1 priority is to always protect my family and my loved ones … And I wish it was only me who tested positive, but it wasn’t. It was my entire family, so this one was a real kick in the gut.

But, I am happy to tell you guys that we, as a family, are good. We are on the other end of it. We are on the other side. We are no longer contagious.”