Showing posts with label @realDonaldTrump. Show all posts
Showing posts with label @realDonaldTrump. Show all posts

Friday, January 31, 2025

J6 FBI Agents Fired by Trump!

Now that we got word of the release of J6 prisoner/patriot Darrell Neely following the days after Trump issued the release and pardoning of hundreds of J6 people. This isn't the only story however in the aftermath as the draining of the swamp is about to go even deeper as FBI agents who persecuted President Trump and his supporters like Darrell are about to get themselves looking at becoming part of the unemployment line. 

As just reported by fake news and followed by other sources the Trump administration is expected to focus attention on FBI agents who worked to throw innocent J6 protesters in gulags following the US Capitol protest and investigated the president for bogus reasons. 

Some supervisors are also being looked at for termination as soon as the end of today. Personally I think these FBI so called agents and everyone involved in the J6 comity with Pelosi, and Chaney all belong in Guantanamo for the rest of their days.

Interim leaders at the Justice Department have spent the past week drawing up lists of people whose work at the bureau has earned disfavor with Trump for various reasons. Agents and analysts have been warned by FBI leadership that they may be asked to resign or face termination. 

Agents who worked the investigation of Trump’s alleged mishandling of classified documents, and those who investigated the roughly 1,600 rioters charged or convicted connected to the violent US Capitol attack on January 6, 2021, have been concerned they could face retribution for doing work they were assigned to do.

The FBI Agents Association blasted the planned firings in a statement, calling them “outrageous actions by acting officials are fundamentally at odds with the law enforcement objectives outlined by President Trump and his support for FBI Agents.”

“Dismissing potentially hundreds of Agents would severely weaken the Bureau’s ability to protect the country from national security and criminal threats and will ultimately risk setting up the Bureau and its new leadership for failure,” the group said... But these positions are able to be filled this is why there is an FBI academy where people train to join the FBI and there are other people who could be moved from more trusted sources which Trump could put into the FBI.

As we now know FBI falsely imprisoned men and women under the Biden regime for daring to protest the legitimacy of the 2020 election lost family members, jobs, businesses, friends, and reputations, all because Democrats needed to push a fake narrative that President Trump committed a crime on January 6, when his followers peacefully protested on the Capitol grounds. 

Thankfully, Trump pardoned almost all of them during his first day in office. The FBI and dirty special counsel Jack Smith’s team sought to jail Trump for allegedly withholding classified documents at his Mar-a-Lago estate in Florida (despite ongoing negotiations with the agency) and exercising his constitutional rights to contest the 2020 Presidential election results. Both cases were dismissed after Trump’s landslide presidential win in November.

This latest news also comes as six FBI executive assistant directors and 25 special agents in charge were fired or have been told to resign by Monday as the TGP’s Brian Lupo reported. This added to the purge that took place this week at the Department of Justice, the National Labor Relations Board (NLRB), and the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC). At least a dozen employees at the DOJ were fired on Monday, mainly those involved in the political prosecutions levied against President Trump during “the Pause” between his administration.

More than a dozen Department of Justice employees who worked on criminal prosecutions of President Trump have been fired. Those who worked on special counsel Jack Smith's team were targeted. CBS News Justice Department reporter Jake Rosen has more.

Buckle up kids the next four years gonna be a fun ride...

Thursday, June 20, 2024

Michelle Obama Gas-Lighting the blacks again!

So the artist known as the former first lady Mike... I mean Michelle Obama sent a what could only be described as a racially motivated and gas-lighting message to black Americans that voting in the November elections is “critical” to protecting their “freedom.” This from a man.. Woman who's party which include her husband the guy who was born in Kenya who illegally took the White house and who with the current sock puppet in place in Joe Biden are currently working hard to subvert our freedoms to vote, speak, do our normal lives and above all targeting political rival Donald Trump on a bunch of fake charges to send him to prison like if this was a banana republic 3rd world country. These leftist have some nerve but with the grand cojones this man has Mike said that 
“Juneteenth is all about celebrating our collective freedom and fighting to protect it,” Obama said in a video posted on X. Damn hypocrite and didn't these people all say at one time they hated Elon for buying Twitter or X and would be leaving there? Anyways.

He... She said “Our power, our rights, and even our planet are on the ballot this year,” Obama stated. And I agree for once... But it's because she knows THEY on the left are the ones which are doing the damage and she's telling us this is what they are striving for. They are the ones who want to destroy this country and bring in their Marxist/communist views. But her disgusting behavior and words continued with “So, now is the time to think about how you’re going to make your voice heard in this election.” And here is where it gets funny as this clear desperate message comes as recent polling shows that former President Donald Trump may be on the verge of capturing a historic number of votes from black Americans. Cause people of all walks of life are being RED PILLED and waking up from the leftist, lying sack or shit BLUE pill which has kept them in the MATRIX like Coma all their lives. This is terrifying to liberals as your ignorance is how they continue to stay in power and do the damages they have done and will continue.

The former first lady established the voter registration and engagement organization “When We All Vote” in 2018, and pushed her 22 million followers on X to visit the group’s website. “Get yourself registered to vote, and then text three friends to do the same,” she said. “Do not sit on the sidelines this year, because this is a critical moment for all of us.”

During a January interview on Jay Shetty’s “On Purpose” podcast, Obama put out another over-the-top call to action, claiming she was “terrified about what could possibly happen” like more people going to find out how her and her husband are behind all these Trump cases and are the ones running the government with Biden as their mentally weak sock puppet... This election that will likely feature a rematch between Trump and President Joe Biden again terrifies them all. “Because our leaders matter,” she said and once again she's right this is why we the "PEOPLE" are turning away from the left and going towards to supporting Trump for president. Because our leaders matter" and Joe Biden is a disaster.

“Who we select, who speaks for us, who holds that bully pulpit it affects us in ways that sometimes I think people take for granted.” Yeah a President who's a MAN And is an Alpha Male results in respect, power and strength on a global scale something we don't currently have with Creepy "PEDO PETE" as his kids call him cause he likes to touch kids, and well his own daughter said that Joe would molest her in the shower as a kid growing up. Remember this was on her diary and this was CONFIRMED as FACT... This is not me or a conspiracy. This is well known and JOE had the FBI raid illegally the "Project Veritas" office to bring it back to them and sweep under the rug. This happened folks and this is who the Obama duo and the left are pushing to continue in office. A Rapist, Pedophile, father of a crackhead who is a racist and wrote crime bills in the 80's and 90's targeting minorities. Has been using racist language all his life including saying black kids are roaches, and going as far as saying black men who use drugs should be locked up so they don't attack his mother or kids with a baseball bat. This was in congress... 

In March, Obama’s office confirmed again that she “will not be running for president,” as many had speculated she would amid disturbingly low poll numbers for Biden. This is a good thing because if she ran it would make it harder to fight her in debates as she is more clear minded, can follow their script better than dementia JOE! But she being of color can also say "RACIST" as anything or "MiSOGYNIST" because he's now a woman. Or whatever Joan River once said about Mike... Err Michelle. But Mich here continued by saying that “As former first lady (thats not the punchline.. wait for it!) Michelle Obama has expressed several times over the years, she will not be running for president,” Crystal Carson, director of communications for Obama’s office, told NBC News at the time. 

She said that “Mrs. Obama supports President Joe Biden and Vice President Kamala Harris’ re-election campaign,” she added. But that hasn’t stopped some from speculating that the former first lady will eventually enter the race. Sen. Ted Cruz, R-Texas, predicted in September that “the Democrat kingmakers [will] jettison Joe Biden and parachute in Michelle Obama” at the Democratic convention in August. Trump has been polling better with blacks and Hispanics for about over a year now. According to a new survey from Rasmussen Reports in April, the prospective GOP nominee took a double-digit lead over Biden among likely Hispanic voters, as Black and Asian Americans also appear to be shifting more towards the Republican Party. Overall, Trump is leading Biden 49-41 percent, which is the same as the pollster’s survey of likely voters last month, the Washington Examiner reported.

The outlet added: But this time, Rasmussen highlighted the gap in Hispanic voters that favors Trump. The pollster said Latinos back Trump over Biden, 48%-37%. That is a significant change from 2020, when Hispanics backed Biden 59%-38%, according to Pew statistics. In 2020, Biden also won Asian voters, and that margin has shifted. In 2020 he won Asians by a margin of 72%-28%, Pew said. Rasmussen now shows Trump leading 39%-36%. In the last election, Biden also did well with black voters, 92%-8%. Rasmussen showed Biden’s lead cut to 48%-39%. Democrats are concerned about the huge shift from 2020 as they need a big minority advantage to win, although those gaps are expected to turn in Biden’s favor as the election nears, the Examiner added. In addition, Trump is polling better among self-described Independents. “Trump benefits from both stronger partisan intensity and a double-digit advantage among independent voters,” the Rasmussen analysis noted. “In a head-to-head matchup with Biden, Trump gets 83% of Republican votes, compared to Biden’s 74% among Democrats.

NOW This is a joke right? LOL

OK SO I live in Miami, Florida and have been here since 1990 and was born in Havana Cuba. I first lived in California for years before moving here full time as we would come here for summers over the 80's to spend time with family members until my parents decided to relocate to Miami. This was a lot of fun of course and also it brought us closer to where my half brother had been jailed to who was sent to jail in the mid 80's after he had spent a year in Miami living with family here he was caught up with some friends and was sent to prison at 17 based on a bill passed by the 80's written by Joe Biden of all people. Now we're in 2024 and remember we had 8 years with Joe as VP and Barrack Obama as President. Now just this June 18, 2024 An electronic billboard located on the Palmetto Expressway and Northwest 67th Avenue in Miami-Dade County shows an image of Fidel Castro and Donald Trump and tells voters to avoid dictators. 

JOSE IGLESIAS A roadside billboard in Miami that draws comparisons between Donald Trump and dictators like Fidel Castro is aiming to strike a chord with South Florida Hispanics. For some, it’s touching a nerve. The billboard, which reads “No a los dictadores, no a Trump” this coming from the party of Obama who went to Cuba met with both Fidel, and Raul and not just called them great leaders but shook their hands and took in some Cuban baseball games with Raul Castro. So wait who's the DICKtasters here? Or um Dictators... These lowlife losers like this moron Jose Iglesias is such a puppet and a moron that he said this and real? “No to dictators, no to Trump” ??? Really? This guy Jose needs a slight swift kick to the head for his stupidity folks. This again was posted Monday along the Palmetto Expressway near Northwest 67th Avenue by an anti-Trump outside group called Mad Dog PAC.

As you can see in the picture it depicts Trump and the late Castro face-to-face on opposite sides of the sign... My goodness... The sheer stupidity!

The “dictator” b/s is nothing new in South Florida, where politicians pull from the politics and history of Latin America in domestic elections to appeal to South Florida’s immigrant communities. Yet the billboard has elicited intense emotions among many voters in a part of the state that has been shaped in large part by exiles who fled Cuba in the years and decades since Castro seized power on the island. On Radio MambĂ­, a fixture of South Florida’s conservative Cuban community, hosts and commentators took to the airwaves Tuesday morning to decry the billboard as “propaganda.” Another called it an “anti-Cuban provocation” against victims of Castro’s government. The station appeared to play bits of Trump’s salsa campaign jingle between conversation and callers. “Who can imagine Fidel Castro being the victim of a judicial offensive in his own country?” asked a host, referring to the high-profile New York case in which a state-court jury found Trump guilty of 34 felonies for falsifying business records related to “hush money” payments his lawyer made to an adult film actress.

The radio personalities rejected the parallels between the presumptive Republican nominee, who they said was a “North American capitalist who was born and raised in a democracy and who considers that the country is on the wrong path and wants to retake the presidency,” and the late Cuban leader, who they described as a “scoundrel, a murderer, thug, thief who seized power through lies in Cuba.” But the hosts also acknowledged that the billboard has caused mixed reactions among officials and community members, and invited listeners to phone in their opinions. Several callers expressed anger and shock at the comparisons. Some said that it should be Biden’s image next to Castro’s instead. One listener said that neither Trump or Biden deserved being candidates in a presidential race. “It’s absolutely ridiculous. How are they going to compare Donald Trump with a murderer?” said one female caller, adding that she had “good memories” of his presidency.

While South Florida’s Cuban community has long leaned Republican, there’s a broader conversation among political operatives and observers this year about whether Trump could become the first Republican presidential candidate since the 1980's to win Miami-Dade County. He lost the county in both 2016 and 2020, though there are signs that the politics of the region have shifted since then. Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis carried Miami-Dade in 2022, and Democrats have seen their once-sizable voter registration advantage in the county slip in recent years to less than 65,000 people. Claude Taylor, the founder of Mad Dog PAC, said he doesn’t necessarily expect President Biden to win Florida and its 30 electoral votes in the November elections. He said that the goal of the billboard is to grab people’s attention. “We do anti-Trump billboards, plain and simple,” Taylor told the Miami Herald. “We’re here to help defeat Trump. Period. We have a very narrow focus.” 

Taylor acknowledged that he’s not likely to “convince solidly pro-Trump Cuban Americans to vote” for Biden, but rather to mock Trump in his home state – and perhaps provide some comic relief for those voters “who don’t want to vote for a convicted felon.” He noted that his group has put billboards in the past near Mar-a-Lago, Trump’s private club in Palm Beach, and currently has another billboard up on Interstate 75 between Tampa and Sarasota. Most of Mad Dog PAC’s billboards have been placed throughout other states, like Wisconsin, Michigan and Pennsylvania, he said, but the one in Miami is the group’s first Spanish-language sign.

Watch this leftist little lesbian swam over her communist PRESIDENT meeting and loving his time with our (Cubans) enemy...

“The man is psychotic, deeply flawed and he wants to be a dictator,” Taylor said. “And it’s extremely ironic that people who suffered through decades of tyranny in Cuba would come here as refugees, as immigrants, and decades later embrace a wannabe dictator here.” Taylor declined to say how much Mad Dog PAC spent on the Miami billboard, but said that it would remain up for at least the next two weeks. Still, the billboard is drawing backlash, particularly from Republicans. Jaime Florez, the Hispanic communications director for the Republican National Committee, said the advertisement is in poor taste and seeks to exploit decades of trauma among those who fled Castro’s dictatorship.

“It’s trying to take advantage of the pain that the Cuban population has been experiencing for over 60 years, and trying to get quick and cheap political advantage for something that has been so painful for so many people,” Florez said. “It’s more proof of how desperate [Democrats] are. They haven’t been able to find a way to get to Latinos about something they care about.” Some Democrats argued, however, that the billboard acknowledges a simple truth about Trump, who has been accused of deploying authoritarian rhetoric and said last year that he would act like a dictator on his first day back in the White House if elected in November. 

Juan Cuba, the president of the Miami-Dade Democratic Hispanic Caucus, said Mad Dog PAC’s billboard isn’t the most compelling message to promote Biden’s candidacy, but added that he thought the comparison between Trump and other authoritarian leaders was appropriate. “I think it’s also undeniable that Trump admires strongmen, like [Russian President] Vladimir Putin and [North Korean leader] Kim Jong Un,” Cuba said. “So, if the shoe fits.” No asshole the shoe is different. Trump doesn't admire them or went in to say he admired them. 

Obama said he admired the Castros, and went to watch Baseball games with Raul and was laughed at by Cuban TV as being a dumbass. IN Cuba they said he was an idiot for going there like he did... HE (Obama) got nothing in return for us and ended up opening the doors to Cuba for travel making those communists MILLIONS in tourist money. More ways these radical communists have tried to bring communist behavior too this country.

Tuesday, June 18, 2024

CNN ‘speechless’ poll finds Trump headed for ‘historic performance’ with Black voters

Well folks the saying goes "Numbers don't lie..." With that said we know CNN does lie. And has often! But it looks like they even can't believe what's happening and they're about to hit the panic button. You see CNN data reporter Harry Enten was left stunned Monday after polling found that former President Trump is expected to garner a significant support from a group of folks not known for supporting Republicans.

That's right! THE Blacks! The latest polling found dwindling interest in President Biden among Black voters, now down to 70% in 2024 from 86% in 2020. Trump, meanwhile, has cut into Democrats loyal BLUE PILLED Matrix sleeping voters and now they seemed be awakening as there are a lot of them which are getting RED PILLED finally and the figures look like they are tripling his support from Black voters over the last four years, from 7% in 2020 to 21% in 2024. "I keep looking for signs that this is going to go back to normal and I don’t see it yet in the polling," Enten said. "If anything, right now we’re careening towards historic performance for a Republican presidential candidate, the likes of which we have not seen in six decades." DEMOCRATIC LAWMAKER DOUBTS POLLS SHOWING INCREASED SUPPORT FOR TRUMP AMONG BLACK PEOPLE: 'SOMETHING IS AMISS'

Enten said Biden has seen a slight decline among Black voters over 50. However, support for the current president from Black voters under the age of 50 has cratered, plummeting from 80 points in 2020 to just 37 points in 2024. "I’ve just never seen anything like this. I’m like speechless," Enten said. READ ON THE FOX NEWS APP In late May, Enten said Trump’s gains with Black voters represent a "huge alarm" for Biden’s re-election campaign. He said that not accounting for other voting shifts from 2020, the increase in Black support would put Trump over the top in 2024 with 291 Electoral College votes.

A USA Today/Suffolk University poll published Sunday found that support for Biden among Black voters has dropped roughly 20 percentage points since the last election in both Michigan and Pennsylvania. In Michigan, the poll found that Trump has 15% of Black voters, compared to Biden, who has 54% of the support from Black voters. BLACK VOTERS REJECTING BIDEN AS SUPPORT DWINDLES AHEAD OF 2024: ‘EVERYTHING WAS BETTER’ UNDER TRUMP who received just 9% of the Black vote in Michigan in the 2020 election. According to the poll, the former president gets 11% of the Black vote in Pennsylvania, which is up three points compared to 2020. A majority, 56%, of Black voters still prefer Biden in the state. The latest Fox News poll shows Biden receiving 72% support among Black voters. That’s up from 66% in February but still a drop from his 79% before the 2020 election. Among all voters, Trump holds a narrow lead over Biden.

Saturday, June 1, 2024

After conviction Stormy still owes Trump Money

So now after the smoke is cleared from this scam of a trial and conviction which saw Donald Trump convicted. One thing still remains the Gold Digger and prostitute Stormy Daniels owes Donald Trump more than half a million dollars. The aging sagging Porn star and prostitute Stormy Daniels who is at the heart of the entire b/s hush money case that landed Donald Trump a conviction Thursday again is still in debt and this changes nothing as she owes the former president more than half a million dollars in legal fees. The debt stems from a failed defamation case brought by Daniels against Trump in 2018, where she was ordered to repay Trump for attorney's fees. 

It was filed after Daniels had released a composite sketch of a man she claimed threatened her to stay quiet about her alleged sexual encounter with Trump. Trump dismissed the sketch as a "con job" on X, formerly Twitter.

A judge dismissed the case, labeling Trump’s tweet as “rhetorical hyperbole” and noting that it was protected by the First Amendment. Daniels said in her testimony during the hush money trial that her former lawyer, Michael Avenatti, who is now in prison for embezzlement and other crimes, wanted to file the lawsuit. Trump has sued Daniels in Florida to get the money, but she still hasn't paid, she testified. She also confirmed on the witness stand to Trump lawyer Susan Necheles that she owed Trump $560,000 in legal fees. When asked if that was before interest, Daniels replied, “I would assume, yes.” Daniels’ lawyer Clark Brewster told USA TODAY the amount she owes Trump is a moving target given the growing interest but it's "$600,000 or $620,000, somewhere in that range." 

At one point during a cross examination with Necheles, Daniels said about the case that Trump “prevailed, but I was not found to have lost.” In an interview with USA TODAY on Friday, Brewster said he and Daniels intend to fight paying Trump the money the court says she owes Trump. “That’s a pending matter” in Florida, Brewster said, “and we'll defend on whatever grounds are available to us there.”

Wednesday, May 29, 2024

Robert De Niro proves he's a crybaby liar

As you can see this guy has lost his mind! Now who really is Robert De Niro you ask? Well he's a liberal leftist crybaby loser... But Robert Anthony De Niro (born August 17, 1943) was an American actor and film producer. Now he will forever be known as the man who had a panic attack trying to act tough in the media talking smack about Donald Trump and accusing Trump of being the bully! When it's been Robert who's been relentless trashing Trump at all cost! But if Trump says anything back both the crooked and corrupt media gives a spin and try's to make it like Donald is the badguy when it was Robert depends wearing loser De Niro.

The ones actor best known for his collaborations with Martin Scorsese, was at some point before he came down with that terminal illness known as TDS as a talented actor and perhaps he should have stayed an actor and out of politics but oh well that ship has sailed.

De Niro is the recipient of various accolades, including two Academy Awards, a Golden Globe Award, the Cecil B. DeMille Award, and a Screen Actors Guild Life Achievement Award. He received the Kennedy Center Honors in 2009, and the Presidential Medal of Freedom from U.S. President Barack Obama in 2016. Which explains his hate for Donald Trump now doesn't it? Notice how all these people who attack Trump are connected to "Obama, Biden, Epstein, Diddy" and that escaped lunatic "Hillary Clinton" and her cheating hubby "Bill Clinton" or as we like to call him "The Stain Maker." Because yes there is the Rainmaker and then there was Bill Clinton.

So as if Donald Trump didn't have enough on his plate with these bogus cases from all these leftists gold diggers, nutjobs, conmen, liars, crooked Judges and the swamp from the legal system! But there is always more morons who still believe the lies coming out of the MSM like this dipshit Robert De Niro. This fool set an all time low for stupid actors.

This tops Johnny Depp asking what he did in 2015 and I don't know now who's got worst mental issues Joe Biden, Mark Hamill or Robert De Niro? But than it became clear this is all because of that Epstein / Diddy connection these people all share that Trump is against.

Remember folks TRUMP went and was the ONLY person who spoke out against Epstein in the mid 2000's when they were investigating Epstein for human trafficking and possibly more. But I do love when stupid people like Robert De Niro here gets off and starts throwing rocks at people like Trump.. Boy I sure do hope he don't have some nasty bones in that closet of his! But of course he do... Let's look at this flower child cry baby cupcake from Califonication. He's not a real New Yorker he's soft like a prostitute in San Francisco.

Legal issues

In February 1998, De Niro was held for questioning by French police in connection with an international prostitution ring. De Niro denied any involvement, and later filed a complaint against the examining magistrate for "violation of secrecy in an investigation". He stated he would not return to France, but has since traveled there several times including for the 2011 Cannes Film Festival.

In 1999, De Niro threatened to sue the owners of "De Niro's Supper Club" in Vancouver, under section 3 of the BC Privacy Act. The restaurant subsequently changed its name to "Section (3)".

In 2006, the trust that owns De Niro's Gardiner estate sued the town to have its property tax assessment reduced, arguing that $6 million was too high and should be compared only with similar properties in Ulster County, where Gardiner is located. The town, which had been comparing its value to similar estates in Dutchess County, across the Hudson River, and Connecticut's Litchfield County, where many other affluent New York residents maintain estates on large properties, won in State Supreme Court. In 2014, the trust's lawyers appealed the decision and the town was unsure if it should continue to defend the suit because of financial limitations (it would have earned far less in payments on the increased taxes than it had spent on legal costs). 

This angered many residents, who initially sympathized with De Niro, and some proposed to raise money privately to help the town continue the suit. The dispute was publicized by The New York Times. "When he (De Niro) read about it on Election Day, he went bananas," due to the negative publicity, said Gardiner town councilman Warren Wiegand. He was unaware that a lawsuit was filed; the trust's accountants took responsibility citing fiduciary duty. Shortly afterwards, De Niro directed his lawyer, Tom Harvey, to withdraw the suit and reimburse the town's legal bills of $129,000. Harvey conveyed to Wiegand that "De Niro didn't want to screw the town".

In August 2019, De Niro's company Canal Productions filed a $6-million lawsuit against former employee Graham Chase Robinson, for breaching her fiduciary duties and violating New York's faithless servant doctrine by misusing company funds and watching hours of Netflix during work hours. In October 2019, Robinson filed a lawsuit against De Niro, claiming harassment and gender discrimination. In November 2023 the jury found De Niro not personally liable for gender discrimination but his production company was ordered to pay her $1.2 million in damages.

Monday, April 22, 2024

Court rules Trump's $175 million bond stands

So NY DA Tisha James loses argument on Bond case with Donald Trump our 45th soon to be 47th POTUS and I bet she's got that wide can of an ass all covered in her own filthy poo tangled deep in the caves known as her asshole. I mean she, and these crooked people trying to take Trump down before the election in a case of clear election rigging all are assholes with sticks, and other things up their tight winded filthy poo covered ass. But she's one of the dumbest, filthiest of the entire swamp. Her smug, arrogance, and sheer enjoyment of causing harm to not just Trump but our legal system, constitutional rights, and overall handling of her duties makes it... No it requires she is disbarred and NEVER allowed to work for anything with public duties... She belongs mopping floors at a place that has porn and glory holes for strange weird people she tends to love most. The men who love the love of other men via glory holes. But moving on to the rest of the story.

So this scumbag New York Judge Arthur Oxymoron on Monday accepted the $175 million bond former President Trump posted to appeal his civil fraud case, but the judge imposed several new conditions to ensure sufficient cash funds remain available. Shocking since he's been sold out for this entire case but maybe the public pressure of him acting like such a douche loser is getting to him? Probably not once a dirt bag always a dirt bag.

Check out the video from our fellow YouTuber and influencer KINGDOM REACTS on the subject!

Check out the video from our fellow YouTuber and influencer Lou Valentino on the subject!

Check out the interview in full with this moron John Legend in his own mind.

Saturday, April 13, 2024

Another show we need to now boycott!

OK So I'm not about boycotting unless someone is so out of their minds that it deserves the BUD LIGHT treatment after the Dylan Mulvaney debacle... Now star of the show "Reacher" Has had a public TDS MELTDOWN and went on to Blasts Christians, Cops & Trump! He even called TRUMP A Rapist which is something he has NOT been convicted on and only one E Lying Carroll has made such claims and well. She's a crazy leftist tool who is lying for money and being helped by George Conway and the democraps who helped her with an OBAMA JUDGE, and used a leftist DA's office to bring up false charges on Trump. For a case she didn't remember when it happened and said to Anderson Cooper that she thinks "RAPE IS SEXY!" So the question is does this actor KNOW Who Watches His Show? And what he's saying? Or should I say now used to watch his show as it's going to go bye bye like Snow White after this turd nugget by Alan Michael Ritchson the star of the show.

I find it hilarious how these leftist keep pulling out narratives which are not based in reality but are directly from CNN lying CCP ran Communist Nincompoop Network. From this b/s to the one about Trump being an "INSURRECTIONIST" when he has never been charged or convicted of such an act, and by the way neither has ANYONE who entered the Capitol on Jan 6th. But the left love using those 2 lies about Trump to smear him. Why? So JOE BIDEN can continue to cause problems and hurt the American people? IF This is so that makes you an accomplice to his crimes against the people and you are as evil as BIDEN is... So here now we have Alan Bitchson talking smack about Trump, Cops and Christians? I'm agnostic and don't practice any form of religion but I respect everyone's right to believe what they want and won't blast them for it... I also wont blast religions without trashing them all... The Muslims are as bad as anyone but he didn't mention them! They're the religion who says a "GOOD" Muslim goes JIHAD and kills people who are not MUSLIM in the name of ALLAH!

RITCHSON best known for his role in Prime Video's hit action-thriller-mystery series Reacher first became known as Aquaman on the show Smallville which started in the year 2000 and ran for 10 seasons. The show was based on the early days of Clark Kent aka Superman while going to high school and early collage before he becomes "Superman" but on Reacher Alan plays the titular Jack Reacher—a large man who's good at solving mysteries, fighting on behalf of the little guy, and kicking all sorts of ass. In the time since the show, which is based on author Lee Child's Jack Reacher book series, Ritchson has done a number of interviews, showing the world who he is and what he believes in.
This probably can explain why he speaks the trash he does I mean look at the show he goes on and who he associates and works with... And loves! This guy is another leftist loon who doesn't have any realistic idea of what he says OR he's saying it cause he has to bend to the narrative coming out of tinsel town these days. You know the "Must smear TRUMP at all cost no matter what" movement.

The latest, a cover story for The Hollywood Reporter, finds the towering action hero (who this month will also appear alongside Henry Cavill in Guy Ritchie's Ministry of Ungentlemanly Warfare) explaining why faith remains important to his life, but showing issue with the way some of his fellow Christians today have become "vitriolic." He also expressed concern with how one particular person has been rallied around: former President Donald Trump.

“Trump is a rapist and a con man, and yet the entire Christian church seems to be treat him like he’s their poster child, and it’s unreal," he says. "I don’t understand it.” In the same cover story, Ritchson also addressed an Instagram post of his from 2020 that recently went viral, where he wears a t-shirt that reads "Arrest the cops who killed Breonna Taylor." Taylor was a 26-year-old Black woman who was shot and killed in her apartment back in in March 2020 by police in Louisville, Kentucky as part of a botched drug raid.

“Trump is a rapist and a con man" two things which are lies and Trump again has NOT ever been convicted off... All these charges on him now are clearly election rigging and all based on lies. Anyone with a working brain who is not CRAZY can see it for what it is. Guess ALAN is another Hollyweird sold out woke moron. Too bad now his work will never get another view from me. I'm out on everything he's going to do from now on and most of the people who watched his show fit into the category he just insulted. So guys time to drop the ratings on his show.

Tuesday, April 2, 2024

Trump banned from talking about judge's family

Trump's been banned from talking about the judge's family in the so-called hush money case in New York. Why? Because the judge's family was paid by the Joe Biden iden campaign and is currently being paid by Adam Schiff. Donald J. Trump isn't allowed to say the judge's daughter is a Democrat consultant whose clients are fundraising off Trump's indictment.

The judge's family is getting rich off Trump trials... and he's presiding over one. But Trump fires back after judge expands gag order: ‘This judge should be recused’ he lashed out against the New York judge overseeing his hush money criminal trial Tuesday, one day after he was hit with a gag order in the case, arguing such an order is not fair when others “can talk about” him.

“I just was informed that another corrupt New York Judge, Juan Merchan, GAGGED me so that I can not talk about the corruption and conflicts taking place in his courtroom with respect to a case that everyone, including the D.A., felt should never have been brought,” Trump wrote Tuesday in a post on Truth Social. “They can talk about me, but I can’t talk about them???”

“That sounds fair, doesn’t it? This Judge should be recused, and the case should be thrown out,” he added. “There has virtually never been a more conflicted judge than this one. ELECTION INTERFERENCE at its worst!” Judge Juan Merchan issued a ruling Monday night to expand the former president’s gag order to limit his attacks against Merchan’s daughter, Loren, who is a Democratic political consultant. “This pattern of attacking family members of presiding jurists and attorneys assigned to his cases serves no legitimate purpose,” Merchan wrote in his ruling. “It merely injects fear in those assigned or called to participate in the proceedings, that not only they, but their family members as well, are ‘fair game’ for Defendant’s vitriol.”

The initial gag order in the case limited Trump’s public remarks about jurors, witnesses and “family members of any counsel or staff member,” but did not extend to family members of Merchan or Manhattan District Attorney Alvin Bragg (D). Merchan’s new gag order will include his and Bragg’s family members, at the request of the district attorney. Loren Merchan was an executive at progressive political consulting firm Authentic Campaigns, which worked on campaigns for various Democrat leaders including Vice President Harris, House Minority Leader Hakeem Jeffries (D-N.Y.) and President Biden Trump’s main 2024 opponent.

Thursday, March 28, 2024

Fani Willis Met With Kamala Harris Before Trump Indictment


Fani Willis Met With Kamala Harris Before Indicting Trump and Fani Willis had the meeting at the White House itself folks. This is a curious thing isn't it? The lawyer has claimed during a Georgia Senate hearing this but my mind wonders and asks is this is where she was recruited and explained what her job was? Perhaps! She was called in to do the dirty work against Trump? Possible... Attorney Ashley Merchant told a Georgia state Senate committee, which is investigating Willis following allegations of wrongdoing, that a White House record showed Willis had a "meeting with the vice president" before the indictment. Willis indicted the former president and 18 others in August for allegedly interfering with the 2020 presidential election results in Georgia. The former president pleaded not guilty to all 13 charges against him and has said the case is politically motivated because he is the front-runner for the GOP presidential nomination.

Last month, Willis gave evidence in a two-day hearing following accusations by former Donald Trump staffer and co-defendant Michael Roman that she was having an affair with Nathan Wade, a special prosecutor she hired in the high-profile case. It was also alleged the pair had benefited financially from taxpayers' money. Willis and Wade later admitted they had a relationship but denied a conflict of interest. The timeline of their relationship has emerged as a key point of contention, and Roman has said it started earlier than they admitted.

Merchant, who is representing Roman, told the Georgia committee that there were White House access records that showed "Ms. Willis and the mayor of Atlanta [Andre Dickens] were at [the]...meeting with the vice president." The committee was presented with a record that showed Willis appeared on a White House visitor log dated February 28, 2023. The record showed that Willis attended the vice president's residence, listed as VPR, on that date. However, as Newsweek has discovered, the "meeting" was a garden event attended by hundreds of people organized in affiliation with the Black entertainment network BET which posted a video of the event, "BET Goes to the White House to Honor Young Black Emerging Leaders #TBT," and an accompanying article that matches the date, location, and the rough numbers of guests in the White House record.

The article said: "In honor of Black History Month and in keeping with the theme of celebrating Black excellence, Vice President Kamala Harris and Second Gentleman Douglas Emhoff hosted trailblazing Black leaders at their private residence last month. "In collaboration with BET, Harris and Emhoff opened the door to their home on the evening of February 28 to honor a group of emerging, young Black leaders who are making impactful changes in several industries throughout the country.

"Harris spoke to more than 400 guests at the event about the importance of Black History Month and the responsibility of each generation to carry forward the 'baton.'" The newsletter said: "Our very own Madam DA and Deputy DA Dexter Bond were invited to our nation's capital for a Black History Month celebration on February 28th hosted by Vice President Kamala Harris and Second Gentleman Douglas Emhoff. "VP Harris and Mr. Emhoff honored Black leaders who are forging paths and making history across the country and within their respective communities." Harris also published photos on March 2, 2023, from the event.

A publicly available spreadsheet of Harris' engagements in February 2023 provides a list of its attendees that corresponds with guests named by BET and in a brief report by Politico. Merchant's description of the event may give the impression that there was a direct meeting with Harris and Dickens at the White House. Although Dickens was at the event, the public record does not show that he attended with Willis or had a conversation with Willis and Harris. While it's possible that Willis could have spoken with Harris during the event, any notion this was a private face-to-face meeting with the vice president at the White House appears to be misleading.

The vice president's residence is not on the White House grounds. As stated by the White House, "Vice Presidents since Walter Mondale have lived with their families on the grounds of the United States Naval Observatory," which is two and a half miles from the White House.

Newsweek has contacted representatives for Fulton County District Attorney's Office, the White House, the Mayor of Atlanta's Office, BET and Harris via email for comment. During the Georgia state Senate committee meeting, Merchant was asked whether the White House keeps records of "anybody that comes in and has any kind of official meeting for sure."

Merchant replied: "Yes and my understanding is it's highly regulated who can access the White House and so you have to apply in person or apply ahead of time. And then they give you a time when you make the appointment, and they give you a time when you're allowed to be in, and when you have to be out by, and they track you."

It's not clear whether Willis had to apply to attend the event. While Merchant did not explain what the event was, she added that Bond and Dickens also attended. The idea that the meeting was private or face-to-face is further undermined by the White House log that Merchant presented to the committee, which says there were 456 people at the event.

Regardless of how many people there were, it's still entirely possible that Willis could have spoken directly with Harris at some point. However, the idea that this was a secretive or private meeting between the pair at the White House or otherwise is not supported by the evidence.

The Daily Show's Jon Stewart is a criminal

So for a guy whos gone hard on TRUMP over his b/s cases being thrown at him which include the fraud case in NYC which deals with Trump "over evaluating" his properties which isn't a crime as the bank have all said he did nothing wrong. They have adjusters who come out after they get the numbers from people like TRUMP seeking out a loan and they agree on terms both sides shake hands and that's how it's always worked. Also Trump paid everyone back and again banks were all happy with him, his companies so a victimless crime which Trump did nothing wrong yet he's was charged by a lunatic like LeTitia James and her wacky Judge Arthur EngeryMoron who both claimed Trump was guilty and had number of money he was going to be fined before a trial had even been started.

Also SHE ran for election based on "I'm going to get TRUMP!" Than when questioned when the trial started she lied and said she didn't run on such base and this was because "Nobody is above the law!" Well LeTitia are you going to go after Jon Stewart as he's GUILTY of doing what YOU lied about on TRUMP... There are records to prove it on Jon this time you don't need to make up evidence and lie this ones for real... Highly doubt they will go at Jon tho since he's in the leftist "CLUB" and he plays on their rules.

Wednesday, March 6, 2024

Tuesday, March 5, 2024

Trump gets big 9-0 win in Colorado case!

After all the leftist b/s, fake news, lies and hype to push the latest agenda to throw Trump off the Colorado ballot finally gets it's resolution and well it turns into a big win at the Supreme Court in the 14th Amendment case for Donald Trump. 

The Supreme Court Monday ruled that former and soon to be again President Donald Trump could not be removed from the ballot in Colorado or any other state for that matter in a sweeping and historic 9-0 ruling that threw aside a lawsuit claiming that he disqualified himself from office because of his actions on January 6, 2021.

In a repudiation of the notion that Trump’s actions left him ineligible under the 14th Amendment’s “insurrectionist ban,” a unanimous court ruled that an individual state could not dump the former president from the ballot.

Remember he has NOT been accused, taken to trial or convicted of an "insurrection" which once again shows at how low these people will go to cheat. The opinion reversed a stunning decision last year from Colorado’s top court that found Trump engaged in an insurrection because of his remarks outside the White House before the 2021 attack on the US Capitol. Those actions, the state court ruled, violated Section 3 of the 14th Amendment and left Trump ineligible to appear on the state’s ballot.

Since then, both Maine and Illinois also moved to take Trump off the ballot. Monday’s Supreme Court decision appeared certain to shut down those and other efforts to remove the frontrunner for the GOP nomination from the ballot. “States may disqualify persons holding or attempting to hold state office,” the court’s unsigned majority opinion read. “But states have no power under the Constitution to enforce Section 3 with respect to federal offices, especially the presidency.”

There was no equivocation in the Supreme Court’s short opinion: States do not have the power to remove a federal candidate especially a president from the ballot under the Constitution’s “insurrectionist ban.” It is Congress, the court wrote, that can enforce the provision, not states. “The notion that the Constitution grants the states freer rein than Congress to decide how Section 3 should be enforced with respect to federal officer is simply implausible,” the court’s unsigned opinion read.

What that means is that the impact of the decision will sweep far wider than the controversy at issue in Colorado. It means that any state would be overstepping its power by trying to knock Trump off the ballot a position that will almost certainly shut down similar “insurrectionist” lawsuits across the country. In that sense, the court’s opinion was a significant victory for Trump, vanquishing a legal theory that has for months threatened his viability for a second term.

The high court’s opinion went farther than shutting down state enforcement of the insurrectionist ban. It appeared to make it much harder for it to be enforced at the federal level as well. And that is where the unity on the court split apart, with four justices Amy Coney Barrett, Sonia Sotomayor, Elena Kagan and Ketanji Brown Jackson asserting that their colleagues went too far. Barrett is a conservative Trump nominee and the other three are members of the liberal wing.

The court’s opinion, the three liberal justices wrote in a concurrence, “shuts the door on other potential means of federal enforcement,” by requiring Congress to act to pass legislation first, something that’s highly unlikely. By doing so, the three wrote, “the majority attempts to insulate all alleged insurrectionists from future challenges to their holding federal office.” The move appeared to head off a concern that a narrow ruling from the court could lead to a messy confrontation in Congress when the electoral votes are counted in 2025. A group of legal experts feared an outcome that would leave unclear whether lawmakers opposed to Trump could attempt to disqualify him after the election.

The Supreme Court’s opinion doesn’t directly address whether Trump’s actions on January 6 qualified as an “insurrection” skirting an issue that the courts in Colorado wrestled with. The unsigned opinion noted that lower courts in Colorado found Trump’s remarks before the attack on the US Capitol qualified as engaging in an insurrection within the meaning of the Constitution. But the court’s unsigned opinion didn’t return to that judgment direction. That tracks with what experts had predicted would happen, that the justices would seek to decide the ballot case in a more narrow way without saying much of anything about Trump’s actions.

Citizens for Responsibility and Ethics in Washington, the liberal watchdog group that filed the suit, focused on the point in a statement after the decision. “While the Supreme Court allowed Donald Trump back on the ballot on technical legal grounds, this was in no way a win for Trump,” Noah Bookbinder, the group’s president said. “The Supreme Court had the opportunity in this case to exonerate Trump, and they chose not to do so.”

Barrett devoted more than half of her one-page concurrence to urging the public to look past the fact that four of the court’s members herself included disagreed with how broadly their colleagues decided the case. The conservative justice stressed that although she and the three liberal justices were at odds with their other colleagues, “this is not the time to amplify disagreement with stridency.” “The court has settled a politically charged issue in the volatile season of a Presidential election. Particularly in this circumstance, writings on the court should turn the national temperature down, not up,” Barrett wrote and continued “For present purposes, our differences are far less important than our unanimity: All nine Justices agree on the outcome of this case. That is the message Americans should take home.”

The Colorado dispute was one of several high-profile Trump-related cases before the court this term, and its inclusion on the court’s docket likely contributed to more lukewarm poll numbers for the justices. A poll taken last month around the time that the case was heard showed the public’s approval rating of the high court standing at just 40%. The court’s three liberals Sotomayor, Kagan and Jackson sharply criticized the majority for the breadth of the opinion. The issue of Trump’s eligibility could have been decided simply, they said, by ruling that states can’t enforce the insurrectionist ban on their own.

“In a sensitive case crying out for judicial restraint,” they wrote, the court’s unsigned opinion, “abandons that course.” The three focused their ire on the fact that the majority opinion limited federal enforcement of the insurrection ban as well as state enforcement. That decision, they said, wasn’t before the Supreme Court in the case and would “insulate all alleged insurrectionists” from future challenges.

No justice signed their name to take responsibility for writing the opinion keeping Trump on the ballot. To begin with, the court handed down what’s known as a “per curiam” opinion, a Latin term that translates to “by the court.” Such opinions are relatively rare and are sometimes used to signal consensus even though they are not always unanimous. Per curium opinions are “unsigned,” which means that unlike most opinions, the public doesn’t know who wrote them and can’t always glean the vote count.

Per curiam opinions have faced criticism from some quarters for that very reason: They allow the court to resolve controversial issues without explicitly making clear their authorship. Among the most notable per curiam opinions in the court’s history was the Bush v. Gore decision, which effectively settled the 2000 election for President George W. Bush. Meanwhile, the “concurring” opinions at times looked likely sharply worded dissents. So despite the unity of the per curiam judgment there was considerable disagreement about some of the court’s reasoning.

Here’s what to know about the outcome and what it means bottom line is Trump will appear on ballots... Period!

Monday, February 26, 2024

Nikki Haley Loses BIG Financial Backing

So The Koch family who are billionaires and have a libertarian policy advocacy group “Americans for Prosperity Action” has said that it is pulling back its financial backing of GOP presidential candidate Nikki Haley. Following the former South Carolina governor’s performance in her home state’s primary on Saturday, in which she trailed former President Donald Trump, the Republican frontrunner, by about 20 percent of the vote, Americans For Prosperity (AFP) CEO Emily Seidel said on Sunday that the group’s policy arm had decided it was time to “take stock” of its campaign spending. President Trump received 47 of South Carolina’s delegates, while Ms. Haley got three.

In a memo to staff (pdf), Ms. Seidel said that while AFP Action “stands firm” behind their endorsement for Nikki Haley, it’s time to “take stock of where we are and—as we always do—make sure we’re optimizing our resources for maximum impact towards our goals.” She said the group would now turn its attention to competitive Senate and House races “where we can make the difference,” in a tacit acknowledgement of President Trump’s commanding support among a majority of voters in the primary.

President Trump’s performance on Feb. 24 broke records for the most votes of any presidential candidate for any party in a South Carolina presidential primary. Ms. Seidel added, “given the challenges in the primary states ahead, we don’t believe any outside group can make a material difference to widen her path to victory.” She praised Ms. Haley as a “special leader with conviction, resolve, and steel in her spine to jump into a tough race with a narrow path,” and wished her well, saying that the PAC would continue to “wholeheartedly support” her efforts in her run for president.

“Americans deserve a choice for president who brings out the best in our country and who can deliver bold solutions to big challenges,” the memo read. AFP last week was criticized by Vivek Ramaswamy, a former GOP candidate who has since pulled out of the race citing clear support for former President Trump in the early GOP primaries, who questioned why AFP Action was backing Ms. Haley and opposing President Trump.

He lauded Chris Maidment, one such staffer who was fired from by AFP over comments he made in response to the Haley endorsement. “Nikki Haley is totally sideways on [AFP]’s foreign policy stance. She’s anti-free speech,” Mr. Maidment wrote on X on Dec. 1, 2023, in a thread distancing himself from the endorsement. “I’m not giving up this fight when a majority of Americans disapprove of Donald Trump and Joe Biden,” Ms. Haley said in downtown Charleston after the race was called for President Trump. Ms. Haley trails the former president by 61 percentage points in national polling. Her campaign, has in large part, been fueled with cash from anti-Trump billionaires, according to federal disclosures.

Wednesday, December 13, 2023

Judge Slams Brakes on Trump’s Election Case Amid Immunity Appeal

U.S. District Judge Tanya Chutkan who had previously dismissed the Trump team’s arguments for having the case thrown out on Wednesday agreed to largely halt proceedings in former President Donald Trump’s federal election interference case as he appeals her denial for his bid to have the case thrown out on the grounds of “presidential immunity.” Which is a clear case of here and he should NOT even be on trial. But this is how these corrupt letists roll when it comes to DJT. As we all know this is all election interfearance by the left. These indictments, and bogus charges are only to try and hurt him in the 2024 election which to me is hilarious as the guy in the casa blanca now is killing this country. He's literally destroying the economy, and selling us out to his people in the CCP, Russia, and paying for fake wars. Remeber the left wouldn't give Trump 2 Billion to secure our borders but have given over 100 Billion + to Ukraine in a proxy made up war.

But finally maybe there is some sort of help since Judge Chutkan who again had previously dismissed the Trump team’s arguments, ruling that his “four-year service as Commander-in-Chief did not bestow on him the divine right of kings to evade the criminal accountability that governs his fellow citizens.” Which in itself shows you that she's either not aware of the law or she's being a player in the "Take Trump Down" group on the left, and the Rinos on the right. Yes folks both sides have people who want to destroy this country and make money and gain power while hurting us the Citizens. But Chutkan did, however, ultimately side with their argument that proceedings ought to be halted so long as his appeal is pending. Prosecutors had urged her to keep the trial on track for March 4, a date Chutkan now says she’ll revisit after the appeal decision.

“[T]he court hereby STAYS the deadlines and proceedings scheduled by its Pretrial Order, as amended,” Chutkan wrote in her ruling. She added that the stay does not force the court to set aside measures it “already imposed to safeguard the integrity of these proceedings” including the conditions of Trump’s release and associated protective orders. Also with them over doing it on these bogus cases they failed to understand that with these cases his legal team needs time to get in order a defence and while he's running for office and is the leading candidate by far in every poll against everyone both GOP and DemonCraps (As I call em!) there is noway Trump can mount a defense in all these cases and so these cases must be moved past 2024 to 2025 for start dates.

Trump wins the election in 2024 and he will just make them all go away and that would be the end of that... Than the real fun starts when he and the legal team he puts in place go after the Biden crime family. But for now baby steps and this ruling is a good one in Trumps favor as the longer these things get delayed the bigger chances they wont even be able to go to trial until 2025.

All these cases are costing us tax payer money to take on a man we the people know is innocent and are backing up with support both in donations, and in the polls. He's leading BIDEN in ever poll now, and even the black community which typically has not been kind to Republicans went from 4% pro Trump and voting for him in 2016 to 8% in 2020. Now it's thought that much as 45-60% of these voters will vote Trump based on polling data. Everyone is starting to wake up to the corruption and lies in politics, and this is why TRUMP is our guy... He's the one main person who tells it like it is, and he does what he says he will do.

Now let's hope the good news keep coming...

Sunday, November 19, 2023

President Trump Visits the Border - 11/19/23

President Trump and Texas Gov. Greg Abbott greet and serve meals to Texas National Guard soldiers, Texas Department of Public Safety troopers, and other service members stationed at the border over Thanksgiving. Following the meet and greet with border workers, President Trump and Gov. Abbott will give remarks at the South Texas International Airport in Edinburg, Texas.

RSBN will be LIVE with full coverage on Sunday, Nov. 19, at 12:00 p.m. ET.

Saturday, November 11, 2023

LIVE: President Trump speaks at a campaign event in Claremont, N.H. - 11/11/23

After a great rally in Hialeah Florida now during Veterans day POTUS 45 soon to be POTUS 47 he's now at Claremont, N.H. starting at 2pm est.

President Trump will deliver remarks in Claremont, New Hampshire, on Saturday, Nov. 11, 2023. The event held on Veterans Day will take place at Stevens High School. RSBN will be LIVE at 12 pm ET before President Trump takes the stage at 2 pm ET.

Stay up to date on Right Side Broadcasting Network coverage, go to or download our new mobile app to get notifications for important events!

Wednesday, November 8, 2023

LIVE: President Donald J. Trump to hold a rally in Hialeah, Florida - 11/08/23

LIVE: President Donald J. Trump to hold a rally in Hialeah, Florida.

President Donald J. Trump, 45th President of the United States of America, will hold a rally on Wednesday, Nov. 8, 2023, in Hialeah, FL. The rally will take place at the Ted Hendricks Stadium at Henry Milander Park. 

President Trump takes the stage at 8:00 p.m. ET. 

Sunday, October 22, 2023

Tish James endorses DRAG QUEENS reading to kids!

Another reason why this woman is evil and twisted! These leftists love to go after children to twist their minds into thinking it's right to dress like a DRAQ Queen and people this leads to these grown pedophiles having it easier to do the evil they do to kids. Why do you think so many kids go missing every year? A LOT of it is due to this sickness... But now we see how evil Latisha James is she endorses this on her own Twitter.

This is the woman going after Trump in New York... These people on the left who are like her need mental help.