Showing posts with label Donald J. Trump. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Donald J. Trump. Show all posts

Newsom vetoed illegals housing bill

Hey even a broken clock has the time right at least twice in a 24 hour period so for years now I've waited to say that finally low life California failed Governor Gavin Newsom did something which I can say is right... Looks like he has vetoed a Democrat-led bill Friday 9/6/24 that would have allowed illegal immigrants in California to apply for the state’s first-time home buyers assistance program. Folks let this sink in! See a bit of a backstory on myself here... IN 2018 I lost my home while being a US Citizen this meant nothing to them and did nothing to help me.. Actually the Banks made my life a living nightmare and all due to mortgage issues which were hidden from me from the BANKS!

My house I had paid for in 2000 but my credit was bad for the house Mortgage was under my mothers Credit which was awesome! She passed in 2016 and while I was on the DEED I wasn't on the Mortgage and it took em 6 months to add me after she passed and by then I was told the mortgage had gone up 4 months before my mom died but nobody knew so we kept paying the old lower bill. So by the time I got added and was able to take over the house mortgage I was disclosed all the info and they told me we owed them THOUSANDS which I didn't have! So while nobody would help not even family, I was forced to sell my home to avoid losing it. And to think these Libtards wanted to give illegals a path to buy a home with "STATE BACKED HOME OWNERSHIP Loans and Payment Assistance!" This should anger anyone who lost a home and banks and states did nothing to help you like myself... These liberals are so bent on destroying the Citizens and bringing in these illegals who are CRIMINALS! Remember I was forced out of my home of 16 years and the entire home at the time was valued at $140K LESS than what they wanna give illegals now!

The legislation, if signed into law, would have made illegal immigrants eligible for up to $150,000 in state-backed home ownership loans or down-payment assistance. The shared appreciation loan program, called California Dream for All, is funded by the state and run by the California Housing Finance Agency. Both chambers of the Democrat-controlled California legislature passed the measure last week, but Newsom rejected it over funding concerns. “This bill seeks to prohibit the disqualification of applicants from one of California Housing Finance Agency’s (CalHFA) home purchase assistance programs based solely on their immigration status,” Newsom wrote in his veto message. “Given the finite funding available for CalHFA programs, expanding program eligibility must be carefully considered within the broader context of the annual state budget to ensure we manage our resources effectively.” LMAO "ensure we manage our resources effectively." That's a first! About time he did something to help the state I mean for crying out loud his state has become a joke under he and Nasty Pelosi living there and in office.

“For this reason, I am unable to sign this bill,” he concluded. Good move there and for that I will not call you NewScum for the rest of this post... Starting NOW! So this bill drew a wave of public pressure from conservative outlets and figures, like Fox News and Elon Musk. It also received push back from California senate Republicans, all nine of whom urged Newsom in a letter to veto the newly passed measure because it would, in part, enable the state’s home buyers assistance program to prioritize illegal immigrants over veterans and other US Citizens like myself. “Such good news! Governor Newsom listened to our calls and rightfully VETOED the bill to give illegal immigrants free home loans,” Republican senate minority leader Brian Jones said in a statement reacting to the veto. He denounced the bill as “insulting and unfair” for Californian citizens.

While state Republicans applauded Newsom for striking down the measure, which would have burdened the state budget, Democratic lawmakers were disappointed by the news. I say SCREW Them if they're disappointed... “I’m deeply disappointed that Governor Newsom today vetoed Assembly Bill 1840. The bill had won wide support in the Assembly and passed the Senate to get to his desk,” said Democratic state representative Joaquin Arambula, who introduced the bill. Shockingly Joaquin Arambula is from a Mexican family and he loves to peddle to illegals. His dad Juan is from Mexican parents while he was born in Texas himself. Juan the father left the Democrats and is now independant for years due to him not being in line with the agendas he saw from them years ago and saw how messed up the party was getting. His son is still stuck on stupid and has become nothing but a Radical idiotic Demoncrap.

“AB 1840 simply sought to clarify language in the existing California Dream for All program to make it clear that undocumented immigrants can apply,” he added. “The fact is, right now, anyone can apply who is a first-time homebuyer who can meet the program’s financial requirements that include securing a bank loan or mortgage. As I’ve said before, the bill is not about immigrant policies or the housing crisis. No single bill can solve those issues.” "undocumented immigrants" should NOT be here as they're ILLEGALS without Documents! Why would you give them a loan, housing, and all this crap if NOT to keep the border open and have more come here to get their free stuff? Hey keep flooding it right leftists? This is how you "Build Back Better" without the current US Citizens getting help and illegals getting it all handed on a platter. These leftists all need to be tarred + feathered and sent to prison.

Established in 2022 as part of the 2022-23 state budget, the California Dream for All program initially received $500 million in funding. The program used $300 million of the allocated funds when it rolled out last year; it blew through the $300 million in eleven days. Not chocking as these liberals blow through our tax money as much as Nancy Pelosi changes her diapers. The governor’s decision comes one day after former president Donald Trump said, if reelected, he would ban illegal immigrants from obtaining home mortgages because the record-high immigration influx is driving up housing costs. This makes more sense... “That’s why my plan will ban mortgages for illegal aliens,” Trump said Thursday, without elaborating on said plan. ONCE more the left needs TRUMP to show them the way... Just like MAMALA Harris and Joey Biden who are now saying "NO TAX ON TIPS" like Trump had been saying. The funny part is THEY added the Tax on Tip which now they threaten they won't remove unless Harris wins? lol

Tarantino slips & drops a silent truth

Controversial ultra progressive liberal Filmmaker Quentin Tarantino believes Kamala Harris could “f*** s*** up” if she gives in to pressure to hold a news conference or agrees to a sit-down interview during the race for the presidency. During the 90's 
I met Quentin while one night at the movies hanging out with one of my friends on my day off while I was walking into our movie just having bought some food items from the theater food court QT Passed by me and walked into the movie Curdled (1996) which had just come out to theaters.

He was the executive producer on that film and was at the AMC Mall of the Americas where I worked at the time to see it with a couple of his buddies from the Miami area who he was hanging out with we came to find out from him as we spoke for a bit. While 
I was shocked to see him and talk to him and since we had been there as an employees even our day off we were not allowed to go and ask any celebrity who might show up for any autographs as company policy. 

So once our movie was done we waited outside and we got to the doors of the outside of the mall and sure enough within a few minutes he walks out with two of his friends and we got to say hello to him. 

His friends went to get a car as he waited with no security mind you just him we spoke for a minute and he was very nice even signed a note pad I had which I lost all these years later. But overall he was a nice dude back then and while not very chatty he had a good sense of humor and was a bit nerdy for sure.

His political views have I'm sure evolved since then and I said he's super progressive these days and it's well interesting to hear him say outloud these facts about Kamala Harris, the Democratic presidential nominee who has been criticized for avoiding the media since being named as the Democratic Party’s new presidential candidate.

The director talked politics with Bill Maher during a recent episode of his “Club Random” podcast. And well this is how that went folks as the host pointed out that MAMALA Harris would never talk to him, to which Tarantino replied that there was “no reason” for the Democratic nominee to "appear on Maher’s show before the election." Maher shot back, saying he "represents the middle-ground voters who Harris should be targeting because the far-Left Democrats are already voting for her."

Tarantino said this isn’t a “normal election cycle” where “you have a year to set your case” he also said, “I think they’re just all about winning the f***ing election, all right, and the easiest path to winning the election. Look, you can talk about maybe she should have had more guts about this or that and the other but we’re the f***ing president. And Trump’s not the president, and we’re the f***ing president, and now it’s gonna be about this.”

“This is about f***ing winning,” Tarantino says again. “What most people don’t give the Democrats enough credit for, but we give the Republicans credit for, is like no, sometimes it’s just about f***ing winning. And it doesn’t matter how we look at this moment.”

“It’s a mad f***ing dash and she is running, and she’s not stopping to stumble. … I’m gonna vote for her f***ing anyway, no matter what she says in a stupid f***ng interview, so don’t f*** s*** up,” Tarantino added. The interview clip started circulating on X, with many users reposting and wondering why Harris’s supporters are so terrified of her going off script or taking questions, even from journalists on her side. 

“Quentin Tarantino joins the list of Democrats saying Kamala shouldn’t take questions because it could hurt her chances of winning which raises the question, how incompetent or extreme do they think she is that answering questions could make her lose?” Outkick writer Ian Miller wondered. Well so do we.

But the bottom line is what he said is pure Communism... They want to keep power no matter what and will vote Blue no matter what even at the expense of our country and us suffering. He's loaded with cash so to him it doesn't matter it's always us poor people who suffer.

He knows it, Bill Maher knows it and so does every single leftist who reads this and everyone who votes in this idiotic manner. You are what's wrong with this world. The point of the MATRIX WAS The BLUE PILL Keeps you in the Matrix plantation. The Red wakes you up to the reality of life... Said that anyone would chose to stay blue pilled in the Matrix.

So about the Mar-a-Lago case after SCOTUS ruling

Looks like the saying is now that Donald Trump has thrown a scotus sized monkey wrench into Mar-a-Lago case after Supreme Court immunity ruling and saying goes that Donald Trump wants to pause his classified documents case in Florida for several months so he can argue that his charges should be thrown out under the Supreme Court’s recent ruling on presidential “immunity.” The former president’s attorneys also pointed to an opinion from Justice Clarence Thomas, who appeared to agree with Trump’s argument that special inmate of the insane asylum "Jack Smith" was unconstitutionally appointed and funded and after a this the rest of us said well "Duh" you would think this is a no brainer or a "Fetterman" as we call those now. This claim is at the center of Trump’s attempt to have the case dismissed. Friday’s filings in the Mar-a-Lago case arrived just days after the Supreme Court declared that no president can be criminally prosecuted for any “official” act in the executive office, likely granting the former president some protection in his federal election interference case.

Trump now wants the judge in his classified documents case to hear arguments that he should be immune from those charges at some point between now and September, which would effectively grind the rest of Florida proceedings to a halt while they debate whether the Supreme Court’s ruling applies. Trump’s attorneys separately argued that Thomas’s argument “adds force” to Trump’s claim that Smith’s appointment and funding is unconstitutional and raises “grave separation-of-powers concerns.” Thomas wrote his own separate concurring opinion in the immunity decision to specifically take aim at the special counsel’s office, days after Trump’s attorneys made the same arguments to Judge Aileen Cannon in Florida. The conservative justice went so far as to say that the federal judge overseeing Trump’s election interference case should reconsider whether Jack Smith was even lawfully appointed to the job, giving Trump and the judge presiding over Trump’s classified documents case more legal ammunition in his favor. “If this unprecedented prosecution is to proceed, it must be conducted by someone duly authorized to do so by the American people,” Justice Thomas wrote. “The lower courts should thus answer these essential questions concerning the Special Counsel’s appointment before proceeding.”

The decision on “immunity” from the nation’s high court has already been used to scramble Trump’s sentencing in New York, where a jury in May convicted him on all 34 counts of falsifying business records. This week, Justice Juan Merchan agreed to delay his sentencing date by two months, giving Trump’s attorneys time to try and make their case that the verdict should be voided. That case explicitly deals with Trump’s private actions, largely before he entered the White House, but some evidence from prosecutors including conversations at the White House and testimony about his actions as president could be off-limits, according to his attorneys. Trump was scheduled to be sentenced on July 11. After the “immunity” decision, and pleas from Trump’s legal team, Judge Merchan postponed the sentencing date to September 18. Trump faces 40 separate charges stemming from allegations that he withheld hundreds of classified documents after leaving the White House for his private Mar-a-Lago compound in Florida, then conspired to obstruct government attempts to retrieve them.

He has pleaded not guilty as we know and to having seen the cases in this mans way I can say there is ZERO grounds for any of these to have been brought forward in anyway and my personal opinion here is that he's getting rail roaded by the Biden White House and B & M Obama, Hillary & Bill Clinton, Kamala Harris, Nasty Pelosi and the rest of these lunatic liberals are all behind these cases and appointed the likes of the Alvin Dirtbag, Fanni "Hoodrat" Willis, Tish "Fat Ass" James, Jack "Conman" Smith and the rest of the swamp. I might not have all the answers in life but this I do know folks if you vote for Joe Biden you are part of the problem...

Hecklers make George Lopez walkout show

George Lopez isn't here for the heckler! In a video shared by TMZ, the once comedian now political con artist and a shell of his former self. This disgraced idiot cut his set short at Eagle Mountain Casino in Porterville, Calif., over the weekend after he became visibly irritated by a handful of audience members. A rep for George tells ET in a statement, 'It's the venue or casino's job to provide a good experience for both the artist and the fans, but the casino failed in this regard.'

I think also part of the reason why the movie "Blue Beetle" flopped was because he was involved as he's now toxic in the eyes of millions due to his consistent bully Marxist behavior. IT's clear he hates America but loves making money here and he's a anchor baby as he was born in California to Mexican parents. So this scumbag has used his lucky history of being born in America. This man is such a moron he once kissed Trumps ass and to now he's been trashing Trump and white men and in the "Blue Beetle" and movie it shows him calling BATMAN "A Fascist" which once again it's something which rubbed fans the wrong way. That adding to the whole Trump thing has made George toxic.

Now here below is the footage of this pendejo George who looks like a Mexican FROG these days! My god his face! Anyway check this fool out as he's laughed and heckled off stage. He's always been stupid but before he wasn't talking shit about anyone for no reason. Since he started insulting Trump for no reason he's become again Toxic and a big enemy to a major part of America. I'm included so without further delay! Watch below as his clown ass gets heckled.

Hope this never stops and more and more people show up and heckle that butt hurt idiot off stage.

Michelle Obama Gas-Lighting the blacks again!

So the artist known as the former first lady Mike... I mean Michelle Obama sent a what could only be described as a racially motivated and gas-lighting message to black Americans that voting in the November elections is “critical” to protecting their “freedom.” This from a man.. Woman who's party which include her husband the guy who was born in Kenya who illegally took the White house and who with the current sock puppet in place in Joe Biden are currently working hard to subvert our freedoms to vote, speak, do our normal lives and above all targeting political rival Donald Trump on a bunch of fake charges to send him to prison like if this was a banana republic 3rd world country. These leftist have some nerve but with the grand cojones this man has Mike said that 
“Juneteenth is all about celebrating our collective freedom and fighting to protect it,” Obama said in a video posted on X. Damn hypocrite and didn't these people all say at one time they hated Elon for buying Twitter or X and would be leaving there? Anyways.

He... She said “Our power, our rights, and even our planet are on the ballot this year,” Obama stated. And I agree for once... But it's because she knows THEY on the left are the ones which are doing the damage and she's telling us this is what they are striving for. They are the ones who want to destroy this country and bring in their Marxist/communist views. But her disgusting behavior and words continued with “So, now is the time to think about how you’re going to make your voice heard in this election.” And here is where it gets funny as this clear desperate message comes as recent polling shows that former President Donald Trump may be on the verge of capturing a historic number of votes from black Americans. Cause people of all walks of life are being RED PILLED and waking up from the leftist, lying sack or shit BLUE pill which has kept them in the MATRIX like Coma all their lives. This is terrifying to liberals as your ignorance is how they continue to stay in power and do the damages they have done and will continue.

The former first lady established the voter registration and engagement organization “When We All Vote” in 2018, and pushed her 22 million followers on X to visit the group’s website. “Get yourself registered to vote, and then text three friends to do the same,” she said. “Do not sit on the sidelines this year, because this is a critical moment for all of us.”

During a January interview on Jay Shetty’s “On Purpose” podcast, Obama put out another over-the-top call to action, claiming she was “terrified about what could possibly happen” like more people going to find out how her and her husband are behind all these Trump cases and are the ones running the government with Biden as their mentally weak sock puppet... This election that will likely feature a rematch between Trump and President Joe Biden again terrifies them all. “Because our leaders matter,” she said and once again she's right this is why we the "PEOPLE" are turning away from the left and going towards to supporting Trump for president. Because our leaders matter" and Joe Biden is a disaster.

“Who we select, who speaks for us, who holds that bully pulpit it affects us in ways that sometimes I think people take for granted.” Yeah a President who's a MAN And is an Alpha Male results in respect, power and strength on a global scale something we don't currently have with Creepy "PEDO PETE" as his kids call him cause he likes to touch kids, and well his own daughter said that Joe would molest her in the shower as a kid growing up. Remember this was on her diary and this was CONFIRMED as FACT... This is not me or a conspiracy. This is well known and JOE had the FBI raid illegally the "Project Veritas" office to bring it back to them and sweep under the rug. This happened folks and this is who the Obama duo and the left are pushing to continue in office. A Rapist, Pedophile, father of a crackhead who is a racist and wrote crime bills in the 80's and 90's targeting minorities. Has been using racist language all his life including saying black kids are roaches, and going as far as saying black men who use drugs should be locked up so they don't attack his mother or kids with a baseball bat. This was in congress... 

In March, Obama’s office confirmed again that she “will not be running for president,” as many had speculated she would amid disturbingly low poll numbers for Biden. This is a good thing because if she ran it would make it harder to fight her in debates as she is more clear minded, can follow their script better than dementia JOE! But she being of color can also say "RACIST" as anything or "MiSOGYNIST" because he's now a woman. Or whatever Joan River once said about Mike... Err Michelle. But Mich here continued by saying that “As former first lady (thats not the punchline.. wait for it!) Michelle Obama has expressed several times over the years, she will not be running for president,” Crystal Carson, director of communications for Obama’s office, told NBC News at the time. 

She said that “Mrs. Obama supports President Joe Biden and Vice President Kamala Harris’ re-election campaign,” she added. But that hasn’t stopped some from speculating that the former first lady will eventually enter the race. Sen. Ted Cruz, R-Texas, predicted in September that “the Democrat kingmakers [will] jettison Joe Biden and parachute in Michelle Obama” at the Democratic convention in August. Trump has been polling better with blacks and Hispanics for about over a year now. According to a new survey from Rasmussen Reports in April, the prospective GOP nominee took a double-digit lead over Biden among likely Hispanic voters, as Black and Asian Americans also appear to be shifting more towards the Republican Party. Overall, Trump is leading Biden 49-41 percent, which is the same as the pollster’s survey of likely voters last month, the Washington Examiner reported.

The outlet added: But this time, Rasmussen highlighted the gap in Hispanic voters that favors Trump. The pollster said Latinos back Trump over Biden, 48%-37%. That is a significant change from 2020, when Hispanics backed Biden 59%-38%, according to Pew statistics. In 2020, Biden also won Asian voters, and that margin has shifted. In 2020 he won Asians by a margin of 72%-28%, Pew said. Rasmussen now shows Trump leading 39%-36%. In the last election, Biden also did well with black voters, 92%-8%. Rasmussen showed Biden’s lead cut to 48%-39%. Democrats are concerned about the huge shift from 2020 as they need a big minority advantage to win, although those gaps are expected to turn in Biden’s favor as the election nears, the Examiner added. In addition, Trump is polling better among self-described Independents. “Trump benefits from both stronger partisan intensity and a double-digit advantage among independent voters,” the Rasmussen analysis noted. “In a head-to-head matchup with Biden, Trump gets 83% of Republican votes, compared to Biden’s 74% among Democrats.

NOW This is a joke right? LOL

OK SO I live in Miami, Florida and have been here since 1990 and was born in Havana Cuba. I first lived in California for years before moving here full time as we would come here for summers over the 80's to spend time with family members until my parents decided to relocate to Miami. This was a lot of fun of course and also it brought us closer to where my half brother had been jailed to who was sent to jail in the mid 80's after he had spent a year in Miami living with family here he was caught up with some friends and was sent to prison at 17 based on a bill passed by the 80's written by Joe Biden of all people. Now we're in 2024 and remember we had 8 years with Joe as VP and Barrack Obama as President. Now just this June 18, 2024 An electronic billboard located on the Palmetto Expressway and Northwest 67th Avenue in Miami-Dade County shows an image of Fidel Castro and Donald Trump and tells voters to avoid dictators. 

JOSE IGLESIAS A roadside billboard in Miami that draws comparisons between Donald Trump and dictators like Fidel Castro is aiming to strike a chord with South Florida Hispanics. For some, it’s touching a nerve. The billboard, which reads “No a los dictadores, no a Trump” this coming from the party of Obama who went to Cuba met with both Fidel, and Raul and not just called them great leaders but shook their hands and took in some Cuban baseball games with Raul Castro. So wait who's the DICKtasters here? Or um Dictators... These lowlife losers like this moron Jose Iglesias is such a puppet and a moron that he said this and real? “No to dictators, no to Trump” ??? Really? This guy Jose needs a slight swift kick to the head for his stupidity folks. This again was posted Monday along the Palmetto Expressway near Northwest 67th Avenue by an anti-Trump outside group called Mad Dog PAC.

As you can see in the picture it depicts Trump and the late Castro face-to-face on opposite sides of the sign... My goodness... The sheer stupidity!

The “dictator” b/s is nothing new in South Florida, where politicians pull from the politics and history of Latin America in domestic elections to appeal to South Florida’s immigrant communities. Yet the billboard has elicited intense emotions among many voters in a part of the state that has been shaped in large part by exiles who fled Cuba in the years and decades since Castro seized power on the island. On Radio Mambí, a fixture of South Florida’s conservative Cuban community, hosts and commentators took to the airwaves Tuesday morning to decry the billboard as “propaganda.” Another called it an “anti-Cuban provocation” against victims of Castro’s government. The station appeared to play bits of Trump’s salsa campaign jingle between conversation and callers. “Who can imagine Fidel Castro being the victim of a judicial offensive in his own country?” asked a host, referring to the high-profile New York case in which a state-court jury found Trump guilty of 34 felonies for falsifying business records related to “hush money” payments his lawyer made to an adult film actress.

The radio personalities rejected the parallels between the presumptive Republican nominee, who they said was a “North American capitalist who was born and raised in a democracy and who considers that the country is on the wrong path and wants to retake the presidency,” and the late Cuban leader, who they described as a “scoundrel, a murderer, thug, thief who seized power through lies in Cuba.” But the hosts also acknowledged that the billboard has caused mixed reactions among officials and community members, and invited listeners to phone in their opinions. Several callers expressed anger and shock at the comparisons. Some said that it should be Biden’s image next to Castro’s instead. One listener said that neither Trump or Biden deserved being candidates in a presidential race. “It’s absolutely ridiculous. How are they going to compare Donald Trump with a murderer?” said one female caller, adding that she had “good memories” of his presidency.

While South Florida’s Cuban community has long leaned Republican, there’s a broader conversation among political operatives and observers this year about whether Trump could become the first Republican presidential candidate since the 1980's to win Miami-Dade County. He lost the county in both 2016 and 2020, though there are signs that the politics of the region have shifted since then. Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis carried Miami-Dade in 2022, and Democrats have seen their once-sizable voter registration advantage in the county slip in recent years to less than 65,000 people. Claude Taylor, the founder of Mad Dog PAC, said he doesn’t necessarily expect President Biden to win Florida and its 30 electoral votes in the November elections. He said that the goal of the billboard is to grab people’s attention. “We do anti-Trump billboards, plain and simple,” Taylor told the Miami Herald. “We’re here to help defeat Trump. Period. We have a very narrow focus.” 

Taylor acknowledged that he’s not likely to “convince solidly pro-Trump Cuban Americans to vote” for Biden, but rather to mock Trump in his home state – and perhaps provide some comic relief for those voters “who don’t want to vote for a convicted felon.” He noted that his group has put billboards in the past near Mar-a-Lago, Trump’s private club in Palm Beach, and currently has another billboard up on Interstate 75 between Tampa and Sarasota. Most of Mad Dog PAC’s billboards have been placed throughout other states, like Wisconsin, Michigan and Pennsylvania, he said, but the one in Miami is the group’s first Spanish-language sign.

Watch this leftist little lesbian swam over her communist PRESIDENT meeting and loving his time with our (Cubans) enemy...

“The man is psychotic, deeply flawed and he wants to be a dictator,” Taylor said. “And it’s extremely ironic that people who suffered through decades of tyranny in Cuba would come here as refugees, as immigrants, and decades later embrace a wannabe dictator here.” Taylor declined to say how much Mad Dog PAC spent on the Miami billboard, but said that it would remain up for at least the next two weeks. Still, the billboard is drawing backlash, particularly from Republicans. Jaime Florez, the Hispanic communications director for the Republican National Committee, said the advertisement is in poor taste and seeks to exploit decades of trauma among those who fled Castro’s dictatorship.

“It’s trying to take advantage of the pain that the Cuban population has been experiencing for over 60 years, and trying to get quick and cheap political advantage for something that has been so painful for so many people,” Florez said. “It’s more proof of how desperate [Democrats] are. They haven’t been able to find a way to get to Latinos about something they care about.” Some Democrats argued, however, that the billboard acknowledges a simple truth about Trump, who has been accused of deploying authoritarian rhetoric and said last year that he would act like a dictator on his first day back in the White House if elected in November. 

Juan Cuba, the president of the Miami-Dade Democratic Hispanic Caucus, said Mad Dog PAC’s billboard isn’t the most compelling message to promote Biden’s candidacy, but added that he thought the comparison between Trump and other authoritarian leaders was appropriate. “I think it’s also undeniable that Trump admires strongmen, like [Russian President] Vladimir Putin and [North Korean leader] Kim Jong Un,” Cuba said. “So, if the shoe fits.” No asshole the shoe is different. Trump doesn't admire them or went in to say he admired them. 

Obama said he admired the Castros, and went to watch Baseball games with Raul and was laughed at by Cuban TV as being a dumbass. IN Cuba they said he was an idiot for going there like he did... HE (Obama) got nothing in return for us and ended up opening the doors to Cuba for travel making those communists MILLIONS in tourist money. More ways these radical communists have tried to bring communist behavior too this country.

Possible mistrial in Trump case?

This is possible now that it's been shown that before the verdict on the Trial was announced a FACEBOOK post said that "My Cousin is a Juror and he said TRUMP is getting Convicted." Would be ironic if Fakebook plays a part in this somehow considering how much Zuck Mockenberg or whatever that twats name is paid in 2020 to help rig the last election. Sweet Karma this would be.

Remember this case Judge Marchan is was not in a rotation to hear the case or the other ones against Trump and since he's got a history of sending donations to the BIDEN camp, and his daughter does make money on this trial, and she does give money to the Biden's and other DemonCraps. But knowing all this some how he gets "selected " to hear every Trump and conservative case? This scam needs to be brought to an end. Below is the document which should get this Circus of a case over turned and thrown out with the bloody bathwater. 

The people who belong in prison is the Judge, his Daughter, Alvin Bragg, Jack Smith, Fani Willis, Nathan Wade, Tisha James, Joe Biden, Hunter Biden, Jerry Nadler, Adam Schiffty Schiff, Eric Swallowswell and the Nastiest Witch of all! Nasty Nancy Pelosi.

As you can see the post understand the Jury is under an ORDER NOT to speak about the case so if they do and it's found out like this it should be enough to over throw this entire verdict. Something which needs to happen as we all saw Trump is 100% innocent of these charges.

This was always like I said a circus or kangaroo court to get TRUMP thrown out of the election on 2024.

Another Biden Gaffe? And did he poop his pants?

Man this is hilarious when you see the video at the end of this post what this country is going through currently with the Con MAN and Thief Joe Biden sitting in his own poop at The White House eating pudding and asking why the color purple crayon doesn't taste like grape? This old man has been a moron, and liar his entire life. The last election the entire left did their part to help RIG the election and get  him elected as P.O.T.U.S ... Now it's admitted in court by the FBI that guess what!? The Laptop was real all along. YEP! So if you got your account taken down from YouTube, Facebook, Twitter and so on for even saying a thing about the Laptop should be mad! A LOT of Americans faced this as backlash just for having the nerve to point out the facts. Also if the laptop and all it's content is real JOE BIDEN belongs in prison. He's involved in selling access to people in other countries for money because YES he is "The BIG GUY" after all.

The years of them lying about TRUMP has been bad enough but to see how they conned the country and covered for Joey Crack Biden is really disgusting. We seen how these charges against Trump and how the left has used the Media and courts to go after Trump the leading candidate to be the President after November.

Now some say President Joe Biden tried to sit in an "invisible chair" at the 80th anniversary of D-Day in Normandy, France. But others say no he actually has diapers on and he soiled himself and needs a cleaning or as he said once. "His butt wiped" Now I can't tell you what happened since I wasn't there myself to see it or smell it for that matter. OR Um... Fecal Matter? Either way you decide for yourself but to me it does look like he's pushing out a Trump sized turd.

It's something that makes one laugh even thought it is sad to see a clearly elderly unfit man pooping his pants! BUT it is Joe Biden and he's helped crap our economy and destroyed our borders, caused wars and is a DIARRHEA to the world. This sort of thing feels like pure Karma.

Joe Biden seemed to be looking for a chair suddenly when standing with his wife and French President Emmanuel Macron on Thursday for an event honoring troops who fought on D-Day. Some on social media speculated that he pooped his pants. Embarrassing videos of the moment show the president squatting on stage shortly after shaking Macron's hand in a motion often seen when people need to relieve themselves. At first, it looks as though he's leaning over to tell his wife, Dr. Jill Biden, something, but then he holds the pose for a rather long period of time, leaning even lower below the point where his ear would be in the range of her whispering.

He then makes a pained face as though he's straining or pushing the same face people make when they have a large amount of poop built up that's a bit difficult to get out. X exploded after the video went viral, with dozens of accounts reporting it and commenting on the apparent gaffe. One user, @AJA_Cortes, compared Biden's behavior to that of his toddler. He wrote, "President Biden just pooped himself. This is the exact same motion my toddler makes. Too bad it was onstage at the D-Day Ceremony in Normandy." User @drrdwellington commented on @AJA_Cortes's post, joking that D-Day now stood for "Defecation Day." 

Another user, @__jAm1E__, commented that her husband, who had dementia before his alleged passing, would do the same thing, appearing the same way when he was pooping himself in public. Rumors have been circulating that the president, who is 81, has dementia, with many far-right Republicans claiming that he's not mentally fit to hold office. But the same rumors have been circulating about his rival, former President Donald Trump, who he's likely to face off against in the 2024 election making it a repeat of 2020.

X user @akjakalope wrote, "Only MAGA morons would try to convince people Biden pooped himself in Normandy after it’s been well documented that their Orange God was farting and crapping his way through his own felony conviction. People in glass houses shouldn’t smear s**t on the windows." Ukraine became a huge topic of discussion throughout the proceedings, with Ukrainian President Volodomyr Zelenskyy making an appearance to a standing ovation as Russian President Vladimir Putin was notably absent. Speakers, including U.S. Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin and Biden, highlighted the importance of assisting Ukraine in its ongoing battle against Russia's invasion and how the war playing out could impact Western countries like America, the U.K. and France. 

Several living veterans of the war were invited to the ceremony, honored for their service on a day many consider to be the turning point of World War II.

Check out this video and the last one below which well I edited as a gag...

Listen close to everything said...

Robert De Niro proves he's a crybaby liar

As you can see this guy has lost his mind! Now who really is Robert De Niro you ask? Well he's a liberal leftist crybaby loser... But Robert Anthony De Niro (born August 17, 1943) was an American actor and film producer. Now he will forever be known as the man who had a panic attack trying to act tough in the media talking smack about Donald Trump and accusing Trump of being the bully! When it's been Robert who's been relentless trashing Trump at all cost! But if Trump says anything back both the crooked and corrupt media gives a spin and try's to make it like Donald is the badguy when it was Robert depends wearing loser De Niro.

The ones actor best known for his collaborations with Martin Scorsese, was at some point before he came down with that terminal illness known as TDS as a talented actor and perhaps he should have stayed an actor and out of politics but oh well that ship has sailed.

De Niro is the recipient of various accolades, including two Academy Awards, a Golden Globe Award, the Cecil B. DeMille Award, and a Screen Actors Guild Life Achievement Award. He received the Kennedy Center Honors in 2009, and the Presidential Medal of Freedom from U.S. President Barack Obama in 2016. Which explains his hate for Donald Trump now doesn't it? Notice how all these people who attack Trump are connected to "Obama, Biden, Epstein, Diddy" and that escaped lunatic "Hillary Clinton" and her cheating hubby "Bill Clinton" or as we like to call him "The Stain Maker." Because yes there is the Rainmaker and then there was Bill Clinton.

So as if Donald Trump didn't have enough on his plate with these bogus cases from all these leftists gold diggers, nutjobs, conmen, liars, crooked Judges and the swamp from the legal system! But there is always more morons who still believe the lies coming out of the MSM like this dipshit Robert De Niro. This fool set an all time low for stupid actors.

This tops Johnny Depp asking what he did in 2015 and I don't know now who's got worst mental issues Joe Biden, Mark Hamill or Robert De Niro? But than it became clear this is all because of that Epstein / Diddy connection these people all share that Trump is against.

Remember folks TRUMP went and was the ONLY person who spoke out against Epstein in the mid 2000's when they were investigating Epstein for human trafficking and possibly more. But I do love when stupid people like Robert De Niro here gets off and starts throwing rocks at people like Trump.. Boy I sure do hope he don't have some nasty bones in that closet of his! But of course he do... Let's look at this flower child cry baby cupcake from Califonication. He's not a real New Yorker he's soft like a prostitute in San Francisco.

Legal issues

In February 1998, De Niro was held for questioning by French police in connection with an international prostitution ring. De Niro denied any involvement, and later filed a complaint against the examining magistrate for "violation of secrecy in an investigation". He stated he would not return to France, but has since traveled there several times including for the 2011 Cannes Film Festival.

In 1999, De Niro threatened to sue the owners of "De Niro's Supper Club" in Vancouver, under section 3 of the BC Privacy Act. The restaurant subsequently changed its name to "Section (3)".

In 2006, the trust that owns De Niro's Gardiner estate sued the town to have its property tax assessment reduced, arguing that $6 million was too high and should be compared only with similar properties in Ulster County, where Gardiner is located. The town, which had been comparing its value to similar estates in Dutchess County, across the Hudson River, and Connecticut's Litchfield County, where many other affluent New York residents maintain estates on large properties, won in State Supreme Court. In 2014, the trust's lawyers appealed the decision and the town was unsure if it should continue to defend the suit because of financial limitations (it would have earned far less in payments on the increased taxes than it had spent on legal costs). 

This angered many residents, who initially sympathized with De Niro, and some proposed to raise money privately to help the town continue the suit. The dispute was publicized by The New York Times. "When he (De Niro) read about it on Election Day, he went bananas," due to the negative publicity, said Gardiner town councilman Warren Wiegand. He was unaware that a lawsuit was filed; the trust's accountants took responsibility citing fiduciary duty. Shortly afterwards, De Niro directed his lawyer, Tom Harvey, to withdraw the suit and reimburse the town's legal bills of $129,000. Harvey conveyed to Wiegand that "De Niro didn't want to screw the town".

In August 2019, De Niro's company Canal Productions filed a $6-million lawsuit against former employee Graham Chase Robinson, for breaching her fiduciary duties and violating New York's faithless servant doctrine by misusing company funds and watching hours of Netflix during work hours. In October 2019, Robinson filed a lawsuit against De Niro, claiming harassment and gender discrimination. In November 2023 the jury found De Niro not personally liable for gender discrimination but his production company was ordered to pay her $1.2 million in damages.

Trump speaks in the BRONX NY!

Former President Trump holds a campaign rally in the Bronx, New York. Another successful rally up north after an amazing showing in New Jersey days before Trump does it again and now the left is in full panic mode, and it's clear that Trump is in full support in places normally all Blue in past recent major elections. IF Trump turns NY from Blue to RED folks it's a wrap for the election and he wins in a landslide, and creepy Joe knows this much. He's now trying to make it so the debate he said he would have with Trump doesn't happen. 

JOE and his long list of "Debate Demands!" Which is a joke since it's a debate and this dirtbag makes "DEMANDS" and refuses 1 Demand by Trump which is simple. "Let's get drug tested..." Something WE ALL want to see happen as we all know Joey Crack is the one who lost his bag of cocaine at the white house. The bag brought by son Hunter and this is what the mainstream doesn't want to tell you. Like how they swept the Laptop under the rug.

But we all know what happened there... 

While Trump had a great day at the Bronx! Biden Shredded Over Tweet Claiming ‘We Leave No Veteran Behind’ President Joe Biden is being criticized again for a tweet posted to his X account claiming that his administration leaves “no veteran behind” ahead of the Memorial Day observance. Users took to the platform to bash Biden over his chaotic and deadly withdrawal from Afghanistan, while others pointed out that U.S. veterans are homeless throughout the country while his administration is facilitating an ‘invasion’ of illegal immigrants, many of whom are being put up in hotels and other shelters.

“You forgot about them, didn’t you. We didn’t,” one X user responded, along with the photos of 13 U.S. military members killed in a suicide bombing just a few days before the last troops left Afghanistan. “Joe Biden abandoned 13 U.S. service members to die in Afghanistan. He’s lost his right to ever speak about our military again,” conservative commentator Paul A. Syzpula noted. “DISGUSTING Joe Biden Checks His Watch During The Dignified Transfer Of 13 American Heroes Killed By His Incompetence,” another account noted. “13 dead young warriors at Abby Gate would like a word,” conservative writer and veteran Buzz Patterson added. “More veterans will die this year awaiting treatment by the VA than have died in combat this entire century,” added another user. “How many homeless veterans are there? How many illegal aliens are receiving cash, food and housing from you?” said another. Still another added: “Uh-oh. Last time he spoke like this, he abandoned our hostages in Gaza.”

A gold star father who lost his Marine son in the final days of the war in Afghanistan in a suicide bombing during the chaotic withdrawal ripped Biden on the anniversary of the tragic incident. Mark Schmitz, whose son, Lance Corporal Jared Schmitz, was killed in the Kabul airport attack in 2021, blamed Biden during an interview on Fox News Channel’s “The Story” with Martha MacCallum after the current president attempted to lay the blame at the feet of his predecessor, Donald Trump. “The advisers were telling Biden not to do what he was going to do. He flat-out ignored it, simply for, I believe, that September 11 original date that he wanted to have as the deadline and moved it up to the 31st,” Schmitz said. “And then turns around and has the audacity to blame Trump for everything." Eleven Marines, two U.S. Army soldiers, and a Navy Corpsman were killed Aug. 26, 2021, along with around 150 Afghans when a suicide bomber detonated an explosive vest outside the international airport on Kabul. At the time, critics shredded Biden for putting U.S. troops in a nearly impossible situation as they were both inundated with Afghans attempting to flee the incoming Taliban troops while trying to provide security for their own personnel.

Biden remarkably called the operation a “success,” but Schmitz rejected that. “There were so many incredible mistakes made during this entire situation, starting with Bagram. The fact that I sat there and listened to Biden boast about this being a success, the only [thing] he said right there was the bravery of our men and women that were over there, they were tasked with something completely impossible,” he told MacCallum. “It’s just it’s disgusting. There’s been absolutely no one who’s taken responsibility for any of the bad decisions that were made. And that starts at the very top and goes all the way down the list,” he added.

Biden Accused Of Racism For Comments At Event With Kenyan President

Puppet leader of the radical loons in DC Joe Biden has been accused of racism again after a comment he made at a get together with gathering with Kenyan President William Ruto and First Lady Rachel Ruto. This is what he said and it's also on video. “Jill and I are honored to have you here, and we’re representing and including many members of the African diaspora. One just left, Barack…” he said. The response on X, formerly Twitter, was fierce. “Wow! Even for Biden, that was a new level of racism,” one Twitter user said. “He’s not well,” Donald Trump Jr. said. “Joe Biden is an embarrassment to our country,” the Republican Party said. The Heritage Foundation said in 2021 that the president has a history of racist commentary. “Joe Biden has a decades-long habit of making overtly racist remarks, taking discriminatory positions and cavorting with known racists—things that would get anyone to his political right tossed out of polite society. But being on the left must make it okay,” it said.

“In 2007, he referred to Barack Obama as “the first mainstream African-American who is articulate and bright and clean.” In 2006, he said, “You cannot go to a 7-Eleven or a Dunkin’ Donuts unless you have a slight Indian accent.” Way back in 1977, he said that forced busing to desegregate schools would cause his children to “grow up in a racial jungle,” The Heritage Foundation said. “Put these words into Mitch McConnell’s mouth and try to envision how long he’d be allowed to remain in the Senate, let alone in a leadership position. It does not take much effort to imagine the media’s reaction if Donald Trump had mangled so many racial issues in one press conference,” it said. His comments came as he is struggling with black voters and former President Donald Trump is gaining them. While President Biden and his administration continue to try and convince Americans that their lives are better under his economic policies collectively known as “Bidenomics,” the reality for a growing majority is that no, life was much better under former President Donald Trump.

In fact, a damning new statistic is likely to further endanger Biden’s reelection chances as many are starting to wake up from the spell that they have had for decades on them by the Democraps. “Many people of all races, and especially younger voters, are dismissing President Joe Biden’s claim that ‘they have the money to spend,’ with some revealing that they went without food one day last month,” the Washington Examiner reported, citing a poll. “In an unusual survey that tapped into the hurt many feel from inflation, minorities, young voters, and those with just a high school education suffered from food “insecurity,” Zogby Analytics said,” the outlet reported. At least 14 percent of respondents said they went at least a day without food in April.

Blacks who make a reliably Democratic voting bloc that has increasingly shifted to Trump over the course of the Biden term is attempting to hold together have been especially hard-hit by his Bidenomics, which has produced record-high and sustained high food costs + many goods which have doubled and sometimes tripled in cost here in America. As Black American voters who were aged 18-24 (34%) were almost five times as likely as voters aged 55-69 (7%) to experience food insecurity in the last month. Numbers also increased among rural African Americans (31%, compared to 21% of urban and 16% of suburban African Americans, respectively), and African Americans without a college education (23%) were twice as likely to experience food insecurity than those with a college education (10%),” the analysis said.

Hispanics or Latinos are another demographic struggling under Biden. “Among Hispanic voters, numbers were similar, especially among certain sub-groups. One in five (19%) of surveyed Hispanics experienced food insecurity. Younger Hispanics aged 18-24 (30%) were three times as likely to experience food insecurity than Hispanics aged 55-69 (11%). Also like African Americans surveyed, rural (29%) Hispanics were more likely to experience food insecurity, compared to urban (20%) and suburban (14%) Hispanics. Non-college educated (22%) Hispanics were twice as likely to have gone without food for more than twenty-four hours in the last month compared to college educated (10%) Hispanics,” the analysis said.

Personally myself Angel Espino I being a Latino or Hispanic however you want to call me and I'm not just hurting for everyday supplies I'm unable to work and I struggle just to keep myself from being homeless under the Bidenomics... I have 3 major disabilities a broken back, 3 tumors and thyroid cancer, and because of changes in the system of disability since BIDEN took office and changed somethings Trump fixed from Obamacare I'm being denied help and will die from it unless I get the help that this admisinistration has failed me on. These people rather help illegals to keep power than help it's own citizens like myself not die from illnesses. This is the legacy of the Joe Biden term. "Kill off your citizens and flood the country with illegals to rig elections, and go after your political rivals like Donald Trump and put them in prison!" - Angel Espino

Also you notice how this entire race by BIDEN has been about "RACE" and not how to fix our country? All these people on the left hold on too is racist lies about Trump and the conservatives without giving us the people ways they will fix the issues they mostly have caused while Trump has been doing just that on a constant basis while getting side tracked with made up charges in bogus cases again brought by some of the most idiotic racist people like "Tish James, Fanni Willis, Alvin Bragg, AOC" but these progressive radical leftists who are all Marxist, and don't care about the people but only the power, and money.

The Bronx which is made up of mostly Latinos and Blacks just showed the rest of the country that NY is in play in favor of Trump in 2024 because they're all able to see past the Biden b/s.

Defense Rests on Trump Hush Money Trial

The former President Donald Trump did not testify at his criminal trial stemming from a hush money payment to adult film star Stormy Daniels after all, as the defense rested its case Tuesday without calling him as a witness after legal experts cautioned taking the stand would have likely hurt his case. While I'm not a legal expert I do agree that it was best for him not to take the stand I mean it's not like there is anything new he can bring up and it would just open himself up to let the prosecutors tie him to other things, and further lie, and cheat to try and make him sound bad. So I agree with the defense resting the case on after attorney Robert Costello finished testifying.

The Trump ally sought to discredit testimony from ex-attorney Michael Cohen that tied Trump to the hush money scheme and I personally think he pretty much sank the entire case against TRUMP but this is New York and this is a rigged trial and so I don't think the chances are good no matter what that we will see a win here but an appeal if he shall lose this case I'm sure will be done swiftly in order to avoid any further actions by the state on this scam of a trial.

Trump’s lawyers said last week they still weren’t sure if he would testify, with Trump attorney Todd Blanche telling the judge no determination had yet been made on the issue. Trump boasted he was going to testify when the trial first got underway, telling reporters, “All I can do is tell the truth. And the truth is that there’s no case” and answering “yes,” but became more noncommittal in an April 26 interview with Newsmax, where he said only that he would testify “if it’s necessary.” 

While Trump had not publicly commented since then, his lawyer Alina Habba not representing him in this case told Fox News Monday the ex-president “wants to testify” but has to “listen to his attorneys,” and Blanche told the court the defense could rest its case as soon as Monday afternoon, which would be far too quick for Trump to testify.

Legal experts have strongly advised against Trump testifying, with attorney Norm Eisen saying on CNN the move would be “suicide” and Trump’s former attorney Tim Parlatore saying on CNN that it would “significantly increase” the likelihood that the ex-president would be convicted. 

Most criminal defendants do not testify on their own behalf during criminal trials, given the significant risk involved, and jurors cannot hold Trump’s decision not to testify against him.

Joe Biden Lying about beating Trump in 2020 Debates!

So our Conman and Thief Creepy Sniffing Joe Biden is back at his lying again about Trump. This one is he now claims he won both debates during the 2020 election... Those who seen those debates know he lost hard and was so lost he had the people in charge like Chris Wallace have to help him against TRUMP by not letting Trump speak, and letting Joe speak, and not calling out JOE on his many lies like the LAPTOP not being real and pulling out fake numbers of people who said it was a Russia hoax. Which we now know is all a Joe Biden, CLinton, Obama lie.

These crooks got help from the debates MODS and I hope they do another debate this year. Let's see if JOE BIDEN has the balls to go and debate this year or will he excuse his way out of it like a scare little dim wit loser he is?

I found this to be hilarious so I replied with some videos of his lies from those debates to proof that he didn't win crap...

After his initial post he now followed up saying CNN (Of course) will host the debates... Like he's not going to have MOD friendly people walk him through this again and not allow Trump to speak like last debates... But check out the post.

Businessmen Say They Will No Longer Invest in New York After Justice Engoron’s Trump Ruling

This reporting by the Epoch Times on the justice’s finding that former President Donald Trump is liable for fraud has some investors taking their business elsewhere is showing that yes what Donald said is coming true. NOT just truck drivers bringing in supplied got mad but a lot of major investors also see this as a major issue and will now remove themselves from New York.

Remember AOC didn't want AMAZON to open a location in the Bronx which would have helped the community with a lot of work, and income and would have been a big economy boom. Now this TRUMP thing with the other Democrats destroying NY and it's clear you vote Blue you become part of the banana republic too.

Anyway read the rest as this was very real and it's going to be a major issue in NEW YORK...... WAKE UP PEOPLE!

By Samantha Flom

Some real estate investors are losing interest in investing in the Big Apple after New York Supreme Court Justice Arthur Engoron’s staggering ruling last week in a civil fraud case against President Donald Trump.

President Trump and Trump Organization executives were ordered on Feb. 16 to pay $355 million in fines, plus interest, after Justice Engoron found them liable for inflating the values of their assets to obtain better rates from lenders and insurers.

The judge also barred the former president and his sons from managing their businesses in New York for three years.

“I’m shocked at this. I can’t even understand or fathom the decision at all. There’s no rationale for it,” “Shark Tank” investor Kevin O’Leary told Fox Business on Feb. 19.

The Canadian businessman, often called “Mr. Wonderful,” described New York as a “mega loser state” for business.

“New York was already a loser state, like California’s a loser state,” he said. “There are many loser states because of policy, high taxes, uncompetitive regulation. It was already on the top of the list of being a loser state. I would never invest in New York now.”

Instead, Mr. O’Leary said he would be looking to Oklahoma, North Dakota, and West Virginia for future investment opportunities.

“Those are winner states. They don’t do things like this.”

President Trump expressed appreciation for Mr. O’Leary’s comments in a post on his Truth Social platform. “Kevin O’Leary is so great, and tells it like it is,” he wrote. “Businesses will flee NYC & State after the Corrupt Judge’s ruling!” And at least one other investor is doing just that.

Grant Cardone, a private equity fund manager and owner of real estate investment firm Cardone Capital, said he was considering investing in New York before Justice Engoron’s ruling.

“CardoneCapital just started to research real estate investments in New York believing it was time to get into the market,” Mr. Cardone said in an X post. “After the over reach [sic.] by the judge in the Trump case & penalties imposed of $355M I told them team do NOT waste time in New York.”

The real estate mogul added that his companies would now be doubling their efforts in Florida, Arizona, Texas, and Tennessee instead.

Mr. Cardone’s comments follow his wife’s creation of a GoFundMe campaign to help raise the $355 million President Trump was fined. More than $660,000 has been raised in the four days since the fundraiser was launched.
“I stand unwaveringly with President Donald Trump in the face of what I see as unprecedented and unfair treatment by certain judicial elements in New York,” Elena Cardone wrote on the GoFundMe webpage. “The recent legal battles he faces are not just an attack on him but an attack on the very ideals of fairness and due process that every American deserves.”

Ms. Cardone also stressed that the purpose of the fundraiser was to defend not only the 45th president but all businesses against “a system that increasingly seeks to penalize dissent and curb our freedoms.”

President Trump’s latest fine adds to the more than $83 million in damages he was recently ordered to pay writer E. Jean Carroll in a defamation case over his denials that he sexually assaulted her. He has pledged to appeal both rulings as he simultaneously fends off four criminal indictments.

The former president maintains that all of his current legal troubles are nothing more than an attempt by Democrats to thwart his campaign to reclaim the White House.

In a Truth Social post, he reiterated that belief and called for an immediate end to “all political prosecutions” against him.

“I should not have to go through any fake prosecutions before the election, he wrote in all caps on Feb. 19. “This is communism, and a threat to democracy. Our country will not stand for it. Make America great again!!!