Showing posts with label My Podcast News. Show all posts
Showing posts with label My Podcast News. Show all posts

Wednesday, August 11, 2021

Remembering Stephen Duran (Captn Steve O) (03/16/1965 – 08/10/2021) Rest in Peace

Stephen Duran aka “Capt’n Steve O” (03/16/1965 – 08/10/2021) best known for his show “Rev Radio Vegas” has passed away folks and while some of you might not know him, and I just became friends with him over the last year myself we all had taken a great liking to him as he was a very gentle, and nice man. We had some good laughs but in means did I know him as well as those on the network he was on which is “G.E.R.N” and our hearts, and condolences to his family and personal loved ones from real life to the world of online radio. I know the owner of the network he was on “Darrell Neely” is taking this hard as they were close, and condolences to him also not just from myself Angel Espino but the entire PSN Radio family, and everyone on Public Streaming Network in general.

We just lost this Sunday our own Dennis Crenshaw who was family, and know the loss. Last year we lost our co-owner Jorge Rodrguez as well previously Suds Coleman who was a good buddy of mines, host on SoFloRadio and a radio icon also in Florida. And we can’t forget Art Bell my mentor in radio along with Jorge Rodriguez nobody meant more to me in radio then those two men, and they’ve both passed… Seems like our good friends are all being called to the gates of heaven. Steve had a lot of wild thoughts, and a great imagination. He was a very bright and an articulate man with a lot of passion for podcasting, and to help others.

One of his favorite Quotes were “Who ever appeals to the law against his fellow man is either a fool or a coward. Who ever can not take care of himself without that law is both. For a wounded man will say to his assailant if I live I will kill you . If I die you are forgivin’ such is the rule of honor U DONT LIKE ME BITE ME …..”

To say we’re going to miss him is an understatement as he was like the others we lost recently that I mentioned One of a kind. This week has been a hard one as two friends of ours have been taken in connection to this unseen monster known as the Covid 19. Could be the Vaccine, could be the virus itself. But either way two great guys have been lost this week in connection to it, and that’s just horrible.

Now I wonder if Jorge Rodrguez also was taken by the virus last year as his death was seen as a heart failure and that seems to be one of the ways they say people are dying from it. The virus, and vaccine side effects affect the heart from the chatter I’ve been hearing more and more from the medical community.

Friday, August 6, 2021

Rabbit Punched Episode #6 "Stephen Roberts"

Aug 4, 2021 Rabbit Punched Episode #6 features talk show host Stephen Roberts and a discussion of the topics of the day. Step into the ring with Angel, Gerald & Spud.




Monday, May 31, 2021

Rabbit Punched Episode #2 "Seth Weiler"

May 31, 2021 Enter the Twilight Zone of talking heads and order your reality ala carte… Another rousing political discussion of current events? Or more lunacy? Must watch to find out. This show we’re joined by event scheduler, and longtime podcaster, and conservative voice Seth Weiler.

He comes from working with big tech, small tech, and as we found out pre show. Broken tech… He had some video issues on his computer but we got around it somehow, and rocked on with the show.



Saturday, May 1, 2021

Rabbit Punched! Trailer now out!!

Post By Angel Espino) So I just got involved in a new show with the man himself Spud Goodman and his sometime temporary co-host Gerald called “Rabbit Punched!” The first show tapes this week, and will be a video show for YouTube, and other video outlets. I’m sure I’ll have it also up on our PSN-TV site to promote it, and on this site once the videos are done. I’m not in charge of the post production they have a fantastic person who’s in charge of the videos, and edits, and post production so I’m hyped to be working with these guys.

Wednesday, December 9, 2020

Newsmax beats Fox News for first time ever in ratings!

TV will never be the same folks! I’m not shocked as we know who the American people want as the President, and it’s clear this election was rigged, and it’s clear where we stand, and now the tv networks are feeling it! Not just CNN, and the usual clown shows they got on and other clownish networks like CBS, NBC, and MSNBC But now Fox News is getting a shockwave sent to them via Newsmax TV which has now officially beaten Fox News  on ratings for the first time, out-ranking its 10pm Monday night show by a narrow margin after Donald Trump actively encouraged his supporters to ditch Fox in favour of the conservative channel.

Newsmax overtook Fox News by 26,000 viewers in the key 25-to-54 age demographic, coveted by advertisers in the TV industry, during the 10pm programme slot.
Previously his go-to channel for interviews, Mr Trump fell out with Fox after it called the election in Joe Biden’s favour, alongside all other mainstream broadcasters. At the recent crowded “Trump Victory” rally in Georgia, his supporters booed the channel’s correspondent Griff Jenkins. Newsmax’s “Greg Kelly Reports” averaged 229,000 viewers on Monday night, ratings data showed late on Tuesday, compared to 203,000 for “The Story with Martha MacCallum” on Fox News.

“We’re here to stay,” Newsmax CEO Christopher Ruddy said Tuesday evening after the figures emerged. “The ratings are showing that.” Until the election, Newsmax was not considered a competitor of Fox News and had just a few thousand viewers, while Fox’s can average in the millions. The channel has seen consistent gains, however, with its stance of not referring to Mr Biden as president-elect and questioning his victory, winning it praise online from the incumbent president. Prime time host Kelly has maintained that Mr Trump “can still win” even as the Trump campaign’s attempts to overturn the result have faltered. According to Nielsen Media Research ratings data, Newsmax had 72,000 average total viewers a week before the elections. This shot up to 204,000 on the week of the election, though it still trailed Fox News by a wide margin. Fox had 2.73 million total average viewers the week preceding the election and 3.48 million during the election.

Fox News averaged 1.36 million viewers throughout the day on Monday in comparison to Newsmax’s 316,000 viewers. Ruddy said after the ratings came out that he will continue to diversify the channel’s programming schedule, including a 10pm programme led by former Fox host Rob Schmitt. But give it time, and I think with more of a nation wide push NewsMAX will become a major player, and they look like they got ourside covered well, and honest. Now moving forward I’d like to see them land a major name like a Sean Hannity or someone and have them anchor them for the next decade on their own show… This would be a major catastraphic loss for FoxNEWS. Hell even if they land a lesser known guy like a Jesse Watters who is awesome or Greg Gutfeld whichever of these cats would be dope… Even yes Tucker Carlson. I know some Trump supporters don’t like him after what he said about Sidney Powell, and Tucker was wrong, and out of like for it but we cannot discount his other known pro Trump hours… So I’ll give him a pass on being a moron one time. He’s been pretty spot on about a lot of stuff.

Anyway good news on for NewsMAX… Hope they keep sticking up for what’s right.

Thursday, November 19, 2020


Get a grip on your sense of reality and your place in it! Join us for we welcome Dr. Myke Merrill and Michael E. Wilson now this show will no doubt be one which I hope my listeners will pay close attention to given the hard times we’re living in.

Dr. Myke Merrill has been a pastor of a local church in one town for forty years, He graduated magna cum laude with a Bachelor of Arts in Religion and Philosophy, and a minor in psychology, he also has a Master’s of Divinity degree from Asbury Theological Seminary, with academic honors. After two years as an associate, he and his growing family located in Hilton, NY, and are still based there. He earned a Doctor of Ministry degree from Northeastern Seminary with his dissertation, “The Five Basic Emotions: A New Systems Approach.”

Seizing on a wide variety of opportunities, he taught as an adjunct instructor in a local college for 29 years, directed regional and national youth programs for 20 years, owned a restaurant for seven years, and he wrote 22 books and training manuals. He has traveled extensively to train others across the United States and he currently co-owns a school system in Honduras.

Michael Wilson is a Social Scientist and working professional in education for almost 20 years, along with 25 years in professional religious work. In both areas he was actively training, speaking, counseling, crisis counseling, leader and leadership development. He traveled around to places around the world including, Israel, Haiti, Central Mexico. He is a Father of 5 grown children.

Dr. Myke Merrill and Michael E. Wilson are a dynamic duo that speak about the importance of being mindful of one’s emotions and perceptions. When one understands their perceptions, emotions, motivations, and behaviors, they will be able to understand their true reality. Because their message is relevant to all people, they are able to speak to any type of audience and can adjust their content to fit specific demographics.

The four complexes:
PERCEPTIONS – we have ten senses of perceptions through which each person gains awareness of reality, and develops an interpretation of it:
VISION (eyes)
HEARING (ears)
SMELL (nose)
TASTE (tongue)
TOUCH (skin)
BALANCE (inner ear)
POSITION (musculo-skeletal)
MEMORY (brain)
PSYCHE (soul)
All ten senses have variations of INTENSITY from hyper- to hypo-intensity

EMOTIONS – we have five basic emotional systems, by which we react (unplanned) or respond (planned) to our perceptions:
DEPLETION (sadness)
CELEBRATION (happiness)
All five systems have variations of PASSION from mild to moderate to passionate

MOTIVATIONS – we have five main motivational drivers, through which we prepare to act:
THOUGHTS – CONVERSATIONS (thinking or talking)
OPINIONS – VIEWPOINTS (decisions made)
VALUES – ESSENTIALS (what’s important)
CULTURE – ENVIRONMENT (identity and foundations)
All five drivers have variations of FLUIDITY from fluid or flexible to solid or rigid Thoughts are most fluid and least solid, and Culture is least fluid and.most solid.

BEHAVIORS – we have two pathways on which we activate:
ENGAGED – what we choose to do
DISENGAGED – what we choose not to do
Both pathways have variations of ACTIVITY from active to passive

BOOKS: Why Do People Act That Way? (And What Can I Do About It?)

Facebook LINK

Friday, November 13, 2020

The left's pissed off the Cube!

As the United States continues to fight over election controversies caused by Democrats in their need of power, and hunger for pedophilia, and other disgusting things they love, rapper and Hollywood actor Ice Cube silenced the lunatic liberals who continue to attack him for working with President Trump with a single tweet.

Ice Cube: “Let me get this straight, I get the president of the United States to agree to put over half a trillion dollars of capital in the Black Community (without an endorsement) and Nigg*s are mad at me?…have a nice life.”

I BET A lot of Rappers like Cube are starting to feel this way also, and if Biden gets in say bye bye to your money you big established Rappers. Your taxes gonna go sky high, and maybe then you will see the error of your ways. By the way Eminem is still a bitch for doing that diss song towards Trump. Slim Anus is nothing but an 8Mile POS who made it big when he opened his butthole to the Producer who made him a “STAR” by giving his demo to Dr Dre. I can list off 25 rappers dead and alive who are better, and more dope then STAN could ever be. But back to ICE Cube getting attacked by the people he used to see as his people should make him feel like Trump since the Rap community done that to Trump after years of loving him they turned on him when he beat Hellary. Shame really.

The movie mogul and Big Three basketball league founder unveiled his Contract with Black America earlier this year. Last month, Ice Cube said the Biden campaign told him to wait until after the election to work with them on policy aimed at black Americans. He also said the Trump campaign reached out to him, and together they “made some adjustments” to the campaign’s “Platinum Plan.”

“Trump officials reached out to Ice Cube after he posted his Contract With Black America and incorporated some of his ideas and thoughts into the Platinum Plan,” Trump campaign senior adviser Katrina Pierson told Breitbart News, confirming Ice Cube’s claims.

The Friday and Ride Along star has faced heavy backlash, mostly on social media, for his decision to work with the Trump White House. Ice Cube has refused to back down.

“Fuck you SNL,” Ice Cube tweeted over the weekend, after the long-running NBC sketch comedy show mocked him for praising President Trump’s Platinum Plan. “Trying to reduce me to greed.”

Last week, Ice Cube told Fox Business host Maria Bartiromo that he likes the fact that the president’s plan ‘is aimed towards black Americans. “You know, that’s the key. I just think whatever we do got to be aimed toward black Americans.”

Friday, November 6, 2020

‘Florida is dead to me!’ Actor John Leguizamo trashes the Sunshine State

‘Florida is dead to me!’ Actor John Leguizamo helps lead torrent of hate against folks in the Sunshine State, and for an actor who has not had a hit movie in years, and he’s so bad of an actor his “CLOWN” in Spawn was the reason for much hate of the movie, and someone who was added to the Mandalorian series, and he was reduced to playing an Alien in a costume and who’s voice was changed. IN Other words… They didn’t like him enough to let him have a normal part. But this small almost midget size Latino socialist idiot has the nerve to trash both my state and people? Well here John a big FUCK YOU! From now a former fan… I used to like him in the 90’s before he fell off, and Met him at the premier of the movie The Pest… We hung out at then Planet Hollywood in Coconut Grove. John who had just got out from having watched the movie signed a poster of the movie “The Pest” which I still have actually framed.

The same night at Plane Hollywood next door we got let in by him, and met Jenifer Lopez, and a few other celebs… At one point John started to “hit on me” which I took as maybe a joke, and didn’t think much of it. I told him I wasn’t gay, and left that place feeling a bit weird about it. Over the years I felt conflicted over the whole thing but didn’t come forward until now because fuck it if he wants to lie, and trash my people I’m going to say the truth about him, and expose him.

Like I said I can show proof I was there… I got his poster signed by him, and a MENU of Planet Hollywood signed by Jennifer Lopez for those who need proof that I was there. I do a video about this for YouTube, and this folks is a real #MeToo moment, and if John wants to talk shit I’m going to get real on him.

Here is the report below and yes I get it Leftists are mad over the 2020 presidential election why? Because the residents of Florida, including the countless Cuban refugees who fled socialist-styled oppression to seek sanctuary here in Miami Florida, dared to commit the unforgivable sin of voting against policies that would have advantaged others at their expense. Leftists like anti-Trump zealot John Leguizamo, a Colombian immigrant who angrily tweeted Wednesday that “Florida is dead to me” and that he doesn’t care anymore if the state’s 21+ million “lemmings drive their golf carts into the ocean!”

His anger was over Florida going red in the 2020 race… Well I’m about to go hyperbolic on truth about this leftist idiot. Other high-profile leftists have been just as venomous in their rage over Florida citizens choosing to prioritize their own interests over those of, say, elitist Hollywood celebrities like Leguizamo who’re worth millions upon millions upon millions of dollars.

Such “nice” and “tolerant” people… As to the claim that “nobody” likes Florida, as of Thursday results from the still-ongoing 2020 election showed that over 68.5 million Americans and counting had voted for President Donald Trump, and 5.6 million had come from Florida. This means that outside of Florida, there are at least 62.9 million Americans who agree with us in Florida who also voted for Trump.

And regarding those so-called “lemmings,” many of them are of Hispanic origin just like Leguizamo, and that makes leftists like him very angry. The very night of the election, The New York Times’ writer Ida Bae Wells, the creator of the discredited 1619 Project, argued that the term Latinos shouldn’t exist anymore because Hispanics who support conservative policies and principles are white.

Such a large number of Latinos in Florida voted for Trump because both Democrat presidential nominee Joe Biden and vice presidential nominee Kamala Harris have repeatedly flirted with socialist ideas and principles. Just this week the VP nominee posted an advertisement whose messaging was practically “right out of the Cuban communist manifesto.”

In the ad, Harris contrasted equal treatment — which involves everybody receiving fair and equal treatment — with equitable treatment, which involves resources being redistributed so that everybody “start[s] in the same place.”

“There’s a big difference between equality and equity. Equality suggests, ‘Oh, everyone should get the same amount.’ The problem with that, not everybody’s starting in the same place,” she said in the disturbing 50-second advertisement. Writing for Reason magazine, Robby Soave explained why what she’d said was extremely problematic.

“A government should be obligated to treat all citizens equally, giving them the same access to civil rights and liberties like voting, marriage, religious freedom, and gun ownership. The government cannot deny rights to certain people because they are black, female, Muslim, etc.—this would be unequal treatment,” he wrote.

“A mandate to foster equity, though, would give the government power to violate these rights in order to achieve identical social results for all people. In accordance with this thinking, the authorities might be justified in giving some people more rights than others. Indeed, this would arguably be strictly necessary, in order to create a society where everyone ends up in the exact same situation.”

In other words, to foster equity, you must implement an authoritarian Communist government, period, because there’s no other way to redistribute resources and rights, and so naturally, Latinos in Florida particularly those who fled oppression in Cuba or are the children of Cuban refugees weren’t too thrilled at this prospect. Perhaps Florida’s white, black and Asian Trump supporters weren’t either.

But does Leguizamo have any interest in learning about their reasons for voting for the president? It doesn’t seem like it. It appears he’d rather just spew vitriol instead. So now my #MeToo moment is here, and I didn’t think I would ever publicly air him out but I will.

Trump supporters in Miami-Dade say re-election is being stolen from him… Check out this report.
MIAMI-DADE COUNTY, Fla. – For Cuban-American families who live in Westchester and Tamiami, La Carreta in southwest Miami-Dade County is the place to go for Cuban food and political outrage. It’s as popular as the Versailles Restaurant is for families in Miami’s Little Havana neighborhood.

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For years, the crowded “Ventanita” and its Cuban coffee has been the ideal place to spark up conversations with strangers about Republicans, Democrats and Communists. It wasn’t any different on Thursday night. Barbara Balmaseda, who campaigned with Latinos for Trump, said she was glad Florida turned red, but she was watching other states in horror.

“I think that a lot of states need to update the way they’re counting their ballots,” said Balmaseda, “The way they’re counting ballots has been a little suspicious.”

Except for allegations from the Trump campaign, Balmaseda didn’t have any specific reports to support her allegation. Dozens of Trump supporters there felt the same way. They believed President Donald Trump when he said he had lost faith in the electoral process and the reelection had been stolen from him.

Judges have already dismissed Trump’s attorneys’ claims in Georgia and Michigan. In Pennsylvania, Trump’s campaign attorneys managed to get a judge to allow observers to monitor election workers in Philadelphia. Trump said they were doing so from a distance which wasn’t enough.

Omar Barral is one of the many Trump supporters who were standing outside of La Carreta on Thursday night. He couldn’t believe Biden won Wisconsin with such a slim margin. Election officials reported Trump won 48.9% of the vote in Wisconsin and Biden won 49.6% of the vote there. His victory cost Trump 10 electoral votes.

“All of the sudden 130,000 votes go to Biden in Wisconsin for no reason,” Barral said. “No Sir! There is fraud going on.”

Sunday, October 25, 2020


Joining me tonight is a giant in the world of ufology, and the Paranormal!

He’s the author of many books, including “A Covert Agenda;” “The FBI Files;” “Cosmic Crashes;” “Strange Secrets (with Andy Roberts);” “Three Men Seeking Monsters;” “Body Snatchers in the Desert;” “On the Trail of the Saucer Spies;” “Celebrity Secrets;” “Man-Monkey;” “Memoirs of a Monster Hunter;” “Mystery Animals of the British Isles: Staffordshire;” “There’s Something in the Woods;” “Science Fiction Secrets;” “Contactees;” “Monsters of Texas” (with Ken Gerhard); “Final Events;” “The NASA Conspiracies;” “Space Girl Dead on Spaghetti Junction;” “The Real Men in Black;” “Keep Out;” “The Pyramids and the Pentagon;” “The World’s Weirdest Places;” “Wildman!;” “Monster Diary;” “Monster Files;” “Close Encounters of the Fatal KInd;” “The Zombie Book” (with Brad Steiger); “For Nobody’s Eyes Only;” “Secret History;” “The Bigfoot Book;” “Bloodline of the Gods;” “Chupacabra Road Trip;” “Weapons of the Gods;” “Men In Black;” “Nessie;” “The Monster Book;” “Immortality of the Gods;” “365 Days of UFOs;” “Secret Societies;” “Women in Black;” “Shapeshifters;” “The New World Order Book;” “Control;” “The Black Diary;” “Paranormal Parasites;” “Top Secret Alien Abduction Files;” “The Roswell UFO Conspiracy;” “The Slenderman Mysteries,” “Area 51,” “The Alien Book;” “Flying Saucers from the Kremlin;” “The Martians;” “The Rendlesham Forest UFO Conspiracy;” and “Assassinations.”

I don’t think I’ve read that many books in my life! I kid, I kid.. I actually own a lot of his books as I’ve been a big fan of Nicks for a long time, and he’s been a very important voice in the last decade that I’ve been podcasting. I cannot wait to welcome him back, and find out how he’s keeping up during the world we’re in since we last spoke.

Folks check out for more information on the show, and network. Also the Patreon for Angel make sure you hit that up, and drop in a few bucks as every little helps grow the show, and network. The url is and his own site also has a donations page

Friday, September 18, 2020

Jerry Harris, Star Of Netflix Series 🍿🏃🎥‘Cheer,’ Charged With Child Porn!

A so called star of the Netflix series “Cheer,” named “Jerry Harris” was charged in federal court here with producing child pornography, CBS 2 has confirmed. I don’t got NetFlix, and don’t know this show. But this Harris guy who’s 21, was arrested on Thursday and made an initial court appearance this afternoon before a federal magistrate.

The show “Cheer” is a docuseries that details competitive cheerleading, and it is in that atmosphere that Harris is accused of forming these relationships with younger male cheerleaders and then exploiting them for child porn pictures and videos and in some cases, sex.

“The Naperville” resident Jeremiah Harris is accused specifically of luring two boys to send him sexual pictures. But late Thursday afternoon, it was learned he admitted to doing the same thing to as many as 15 other children and the allegations don’t end there.

Prosecutors in U.S. District Court unraveled a disturbing pattern that went on for over a year according to federal prosecutors, Harris contacted twin underage boys on social media apps, and repeatedly enticed them to produce sexually explicit videos and photographs of themselves and send them to Harris. One of the boys agreed to send Harris naked pictures and videos of himself, but the other declined.

The boy who did send the images informed Harris during their initial online encounter that he was 13 years old, the federal complaint states. The complaint charges Harris with one count of producing child pornography. Federal agents were tipped off by the mother of the victims, who found pornographic images and text messages with Harris on one of their phones. The boy told the mom, identified in the complaint as Individual A, that Harris had asked for the photos. The boy said he had sent more than a dozen photos of his genitals to Harris, and Harris had sent similar images of himself to the boy, the complaint alleges.

Court documents showed a text exchange where prosecutors said Harris messaged the boy and asked for photos, including “booty” pics. Prosecutors also showed a young boy doing a cheerleading position know as “the needle.” They said a Snapchat account using Harris’ name asked the child to do it naked and take a video to show him.

Harris admitted to investigators that he was asking for the photos via Snapchat between December 2018 and March 2020, the complaint states. The minor is a competitive cheerleader who also met Harris at a cheer event, where Harris asked for oral sex, according the the complaint. The boy refused.

The charges also accuse Harris of sending text messages to both boys, soliciting them for sex, but the boys declined. Harris also admitted to soliciting and receiving child pornography on Snapchat from at least between 10 to 15 other individuals he knew were minors. Investigators said in some cases, Harris paid his victims – up to $3,000 in one case. The complaint cites other incidents earlier this year in which Harris repeatedly asked for, and obtained, videos and images from a 17-year-old boy in exchange for money.

Harris is considered a breakout star a fan favorite on the Netflix show “Cheer.” He has more than 1 million Instagram followers. But the FBI confirmed to CBS 2 it conducted a court-authorized law enforcement action at the house in Naperville where neighbors said Harris now lives. No one answered the door at the house, but neighbors said they noticed more than six vehicles where Harris’ red Jeep sat parked. USAToday reported earlier this week that the 21-year-old was being investigated for allegedly soliciting sex and explicit videos from minors.

Harris’ attorney did not stop to talk to the news media in court Thursday. Attorneys representing the twin boys said a parent had the courage to report Harris’ alleged conduct, and urged investigators to look into whether people overseeing cheer camps or other events could have stopped this and perhaps failed to do so. When asked about Harris, a representative of Varsity Sports, one of Harris’ former employers, said they “continue to cooperate with authorities in their inquiries on this matter,” but could not comment further.

Netflix released a statement reading: “Like everyone we are shocked by this news. Any abuse of minors is a terrible crime and we respect the legal process.” Harris is a Bolingbrook native who attended Waubonsie Valley High School. Production of child pornography is punishable by a minimum sentence of 15 years in prison and a maximum of 30 years. This isn’t the first time Netflix has had issues with them having something to do with Child Porn. Cuties is still a hot topic people are mad over, and Netflix also paid Millions to the Obamas for nothing but to endorse them and make them richer but Obama has been now also tied to Jefferey Epstein’s Island, and Plane… Also all his other crooked activity. Netflix really needs to screen their hiring process better.

Thursday, September 17, 2020


Welcoming back the iconic Illustrator of some of my favorite comics which include DOOM PATROL! Which is one of my favorite comic series ever. I read them as a kid, and his run on Flex Mentallo is awesome, and it’s one being used currently on the TV SHOW!

But Mark McKenna has had an amazing run in comics spanning over 3 decades now. In that time he has worked on Batman, Wolverine, Iron Man, The Incredible Hulk and more recently on Star Wars, counting close to 600 comics or more by now.

Mark’s work can be seen in Legendary Picture Books PACIFIC RIM movie prequel as well as Dark Horse Comic’s Star Wars-The Old Republic: The Lost Suns. In 2012 his work on the online web comic titled “Star Wars: Blood of the Empire” was collected into an 84 page trade paperback and was the lynch pin for the 2012 released Bio-ware online video game, The Old Republic. DC and Marvel have collected Mark’s work in multitudes of titles such as Doom Patrol, Venom, Deadpool Classics and Exiles.

Mark has also created, written, inked and published the Sci Fi/Horror COMBAT JACKS comic book mini series. The COMBAT JACKS Collection which collects the 144 page mini series into a hardcover mini series is NOW available.. under Mark’s Banana Tale Press imprint.

His children’s book series Banana Tail and Friends is a labor of love that he created when his daughter was four and had a newborn son. The BOOnana Tail Halloween Special was released for Halloween 2014 and was treated as an “all ages” comic project that continues to grow with children that had the original storybooks read to them as younger children. The other Banana Tail titles include; Banana Tail’s Tales and Activities, Banana Tail’s Colorful Adventure and the soon-to-be-released Banana Tail and the Checkerboard Jungle. He was so nice to send me his first books of Banana tails years ago, and as an avid collector I can’t thank him enough. Awesome stuff for kids, and hope more of his work is in peoples hands as they tuck their little ones to bed at night.

Enjoy his links below for more Banana Tail info please visit: Banana Tail For more comic-related info, please visit: Mark McKenna Art or Combat Jacks

Friday, September 11, 2020

FULL David Ickes Speech at the Unite for Freedom Rally Trafalgar Sq London 08-29-2020

David Ickes Speech at the Unite for Freedom Rally Trafalgar Sq London on 08-29-2020 was aired live on YouTube which quickly took it down. The claim on YouTube was that it “Violated the term of service” which is silly considering all the other more harmful things on there. But here is the full video. I managed to snag a copy before they banned it.

A lot of what he’s saying I cannot refute folks… He’s right on the money here, and for as skeptical as I’ve been with him in the past I will say this time I think he’s on the right path here.

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Thursday, September 3, 2020

Antifa punk curled into a fetal position & cried when they arrested him with a flamethrower!

GREEN BAY, WI – So Junior Conan O’Brien here is going off air for a while, and won’t be doing another episode of any Antifa show anytime soon. This ones a riot! Literally yes, and well check this out reports are that Police say this Antifa member, who had been armed with a flame thrower, showed his true colors when he was arrested. Because nothing screams ‘tough guy’ like curling into a ball and sobbing. Matthew Banta, a big bad and mean warrior of Antifa, was walking with a group of people when police were called. The unknown caller said there were a “whole bunch of white people with sticks baseball bats and helmets headed…towards the police.”

Police responded to the area on Walnut Street and reported seeing four people walking toward a protest carrying baseball bats. Police described the group wearing military type attire and saw Banta carrying an Antifa flag. As the officer stepped out with the group, they took off on foot and the officer was able to catch up to Banta, who threw himself on the ground.

Like a true cowardly cry baby or like a two-year-old who doesn’t get their way, Banta is reported to curl up in the fetal position while sobbing. Banta began accusing the officer of lying on top of him, although, there was no one touching him. Police ultimately searched Banta, through his fit of tears, and located smoke grenades, fireworks, and a flamethrower that they allege he had in his possession.

Banta was arrested for obstructing an officer and two counts of felony bail jumping. The man-child admitted to police that he was going to the protests, but denies that he was intended to incite any type of violence while there. Banta was ordered held on a $2,500 bond during his initial court appearance on August 31st.

The criminal complaint filed in court describes Banta as “known to be a violent Antifa member who incites violence in otherwise relatively peaceful protests.” It appears that Banta is all big and bad with his face covered and no one to challenge him, but, as true cowards and bullies do, he backs down immediately when challenged.

Banta has recently been arrested while in Waupaca County at another protest. There, he is accused of pointing a loaded firearm at an officer as well as biting and kicking another. In Waupaca, Banta was criminally charged with second-degree recklessly endangering safety along with four additional charges. One of his bond conditions upon release was not to be in possession of any weapons, something that Green Bay Police say he clearly violated with a flamethrower.

Green Bay Police Chief Andrew Smith spoke of the group carrying bats toward the protest. Smith said “I don’t know who comes to a protest with a baseball bat for anything other than criminal or illegal activity.” Smith continued “It’s worrisome when people associated with Antifa come here to Green Bay from out of town for the purpose of protesting here or for the purposes of committing violent acts.” Green Bay Police advised that they arrested 15 people in total at the protests on August 29th after the event was deemed an unlawful assembly. For those that are not clear on what that actually means, Smith defines it as, “three or more people who gather in such a manner where property damage or personal injury is likely to occur.” Smith said this was the case on the 29th because a “large group of people had blocked traffic on the street had engaged in throwing a bottle at somebody, were pulling up manhole covers off the street.”