Showing posts with label Stimulus Money. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Stimulus Money. Show all posts

Monday, December 28, 2020

Thursday, October 15, 2020

Nasty Pelosi interview gets heated! You don’t know what you’re talking about she says.. WoW!

This old hag is clearly working against the AMERICAN people… She just said “All the President wants is a check to people with his name on it…” This should tell you all folks. The President is trying to get us money, and she’s blocking it, and this interview proves how much of a con artist, and ANTI people she, and the democrats are. ALL She does is fancy talk, and she does not care about people. This attitude of hers exploded on this interview. She should be in prison to begin with before this video but now. She should be sent to DEATHROW this is treason.

The Tuesday interview between Nancy Pelosi and Wolf Blitzer about the ongoing negotiations for a COVID-19 relief bill quickly grew heated as the House speaker accused the CNN anchor of being a Republican “apologist” who was uninformed about the bill, and like usual just insults, and no answers to real questions from the Queen of Nasty!

“With all due respect, and you know we’ve known each other a long time, you really don’t know what you’re talking about,” Pelosi said. “I don’t know why you’re always an apologist, and many of your colleagues, apologists for the Republican position.”

During the interview, Blitzer pressed her on why House Democrats have rejected the Trump administration’s latest $1.8 trillion stimulus bill offer as many Americans have continued to struggle financially during the pandemic. “Can you look them in the eye, Madame Speaker, and explain why you don’t want to accept the president’s latest stimulus offer?” Blitzer asked earlier in the interview.

“I hope you’ll ask the same question of the Republicans of why they don’t really want to meet the needs of the American people,” Pelosi said. “I know what their needs are. I listen to them and their needs are not addressed in the president’s proposal. So when you say to me why don’t you accept theirs, why don’t they accept ours?”

Blitzer then interjected to quote a tweet from Rep. Ro Khanna and later referenced former presidential candidate Andrew Yang as examples of Democrats who want the $1.8 trillion deal to go through.

Honest to God, you really I can’t get over it because Andrew Yang, hes lovely. Ro Khanna, her lovely. They are not negotiating this situation. They have no idea of the particulars. They have no idea of what the language is here,” she said. “You quote two people who know nothing about the agreement — there is no agreement, but what the suggestions are, as if they are some authority on the subject. Please. Give equal weight to all of the chairmen on the committee who have written this bill.

This woman is evil, and it’s clear she needs to go! Watch as she stutters, blabbers, and refuses to give a real answer!

Saturday, August 8, 2020

Trump Signs Executive Order To Provide Relief To Millions Of Americans 😭

The President Mr 45 himself Donald Trump today told the left ENOUGH! Well sort off… As he signed an executive order providing economic relief to millions of Americans during the COVID19 pandemic. Millions of Americans have lost their jobs because of economic closures, fears of contracting the virus and through workforce reductions. I Myself find myself beside myself out of work, and thus hope this finds it’s way to also helping me. We shall see… But check out the video below, and watch him sign away.

Was that a jab at Nasty Nancy Pelosi? Remember her whole “PEN-GATE” bullshit when the hoax impeachment happened?

The President’s executive order comes after Democrats in the House and White House negotiators could not come up with an agreement. Trump saying, “Democrats are obstructing all of it, therefore I’m taking executive action …and we’re going to save American jobs and provide relief to the American workers.”

πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚“Does anybody want a pen?”😭😭

The order will provide:

A payroll tax holiday through the end of the year for Americans making less than $100,000 per year.

An extension of the federal unemployment benefits of $400 per week through the end of the year.

An extension of student loan debt relief through the end of the year without accruing new interest.

Extending a moratorium on evictions.

President Trump saying Friday people have lost their jobs, ‘through no fault of their own.’ This is a bold political move for the President many have accused of being out of touch during the pandemic. The executive action benefits both workers and those who have lost their jobs during the pandemic.

Thursday, July 30, 2020

Second Stimulus Check Now Might Be More Than $1,200

So the Senate is currently working out the details to the next coronavirus relief package, which will pass once Democrats and Republicans agree on everything in it, but that’s not all that has to happen before qualified Americans can get the stimulus check included. The President has to sign off on it also, and in an interview yesterday, he took issue with the current amount of the stimulus check, which he thinks isn’t enough, and I for one agree.

Even though both sides of the aisle tentatively agreed on a check for $1,200 to anyone making $75,000 or less, like the first check was, Trump wants it to be more. When asked by WMID in Texas this week, “Is $1,200 enough?” Trump responded, “We’re going to see. It may go higher than that actually.” He went on to state:

“I’d like to see it be very high because I love the people. I want the people to get it, you know. The economy is going to come back. We just had tremendous job numbers as you know it was just announced. We had great retail sales numbers, so this is all coming back. We had the greatest economy we’ve ever had and we had to close it up because you know we had to do it. We saved millions of lives by doing that, but now we’re bringing it back and now it’s going to come back. We gotta take care of the people in the meantime.”

He might have a difficult time accomplishing that. Some Republicans already think the $1 trillion price tag on the bill is too high, so adding more to it might be a hard sell. As it stands, a $1,200 check will go to anyone making less than $75,000, while those who earn more will get $1,200 minus 5% of the amount they make over $75K. Meanwhile, joint filers earning less than $150,000 get the full benefit and those who make more will have their check reduced by 5% of the amount over $150K they earn. Anyone qualified will also receive $500 extra for any dependents.

No word on when the stimulus checks will go out though as there are a lot of things left for Republicans and Democrats to agree on. Other sticking points are unemployment benefits, state and local financial assistance, and liability protection for businesses, schools and hospitals. Hopefully they can come to an agreement fast and pass a bill before August 7, when the Senate takes their summer recess. If they do, expect checks to go out about 13 business days after a package passes. However, if they can’t agree on a bill before their recess or if Trump vetoes it, you might not see a check until October. This doesn’t work for most Americans struggling to pay for rent, food, and bills which are piling up while most of us are stuck not being able to work or find a job. Honestly they should just give everyone who made less than 75k last year a $2,500 check a month for the rest of this year or until we have a handle on this virus. This is the only way to keep the economy moving, and we need to not give another dime to Millionaires, and Billion Dollar companies. I mean they’re BILLIONAIRES! They don’t need more money.

Saturday, July 25, 2020

BREAKING: Second Round Of $1,200 Stimulus Checks To Be Sent Out Next Week

Senate Republicans under the leadership of Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell have confirmed plans to send out a second round of stimulus relief checks during the coronavirus shutdown. The coronavirus relief plan was originally slated to be sent out next week, but has been delayed while officials go over the fine details. According to CNBC, the Republican plan will cost roughly $1 trillion, a number which Democrats believe is far too low because they want to add money which will go to their “Green New Deal” while the President wants the money to go directly where it’s needed, and that’s to the poople, and not some bullshit which doesn’t help us right here, and right now. Remember back in March, House Democrats under the leadership of House Speaker Nancy Pelosi attempted to push through a stimulus plan that included “racial pay equity,” mandated corporate board diversity quotas, newspaper bailouts, early voting plans, and windmill and airplane carbon emission regulations:

Pelosi COVID-19 Stimulus Includes ‘Racial Pay Equity,’ Newspaper Bailouts, Mandated Early Voting, Corporate Board Diversity, Carbon Regulations… All things we don’t need so here’s the good part the $1,200 payout for individuals who made less than $75,000 from the first stimulus will be matched in next week’s plan, as will the $2,400 joint filing for couples who made under $150,000. An additional $500 will be available for each child in a household. As many local states and municipalities have declared a heightened state of emergency regarding the COVID-19 pandemic, enacting compulsory mask orders and closing public spaces, the second round of stimulus checks has been deemed essential to prevent further economic relapse. And also help millions like myself who haven’t been able to find work for over a year a half now, and are in deep need of help.

As I type this blog I have health issues which can’t be helped due to the lockdown, and I got major bills, and because of all this I was forced to leave my house and sell it last year in hopes that the money I got back which wasn’t much would help me until I found a job, and then 2020 came out, and I had just had surgery on my leg in December, and hopped to rebound quick when COVID 19 hit, and also my health hasn’t much improved as my leg is still not well, and I’m still not able to work, and when I’ve tried to seek help the old ObamadidntCare prevented me from getting any.

I’ve said this from day one the only money they should be sending out is directly to us Citizens in need… IF You made under 70k last year, and have been out of work all this year you should get a stimulus check until you can find work, and or you’re helped in getting work. IF like myself you have health issues, and cannot go to work a $1,200 check every month would be ideal. Especially for those like myself are citizens of the country, and are here 100% legally. No money or Stimulus money should be given to anyone here illegally or Millionaires who don’t need the help.

Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin says more $1,200 stimulus checks likely which is also good news! Check out some reactions from the world of YouTube. Below…