AOC Has the COVID 19! After showing up in Miami and partying it up with a bunch of drag queens!

This could not have happened to a worst human! Scumbag AOC has been once again busted being stupid, and showing how fake, and what a fraud she actually is. She talks down to people for not having their masks on all the time but if it’s not a picture with a bunch of of people a few months ago where she only puts the mask on for the pic but takes it off when she thinks the “CAMERAS” are not filming! Once again AOC is busted in showing of not ignorant she is but how fake this whole crap is. She was busted in MIAMI partying it up with a bunch of “Drag Queens” and now she’s sick, and is said that she has the KUNG FLU! Oh my, my… Once again this folks is “Rules for thee, and not for me.” Elitists like her need to be voted out. She’s a danger to society, an evil person, and a moron. Check out these videos below.

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