A D.C. Superior Court judge issued a warrant for Darrell Neely on Aug. 10. Three weeks latter, police can’t locate him and his attorney says she can’t get in contact. We over at PSN (Public Streaming Network / Pure Solid News / Angel Espino) have not seen or heard from him a weeks. He’s a friend, and we’re all praying for his safety and for a peaceful resolution to what’s currently happening. We’re are in talks with anyone, and no authority or anyone has reached out to us concerning his whereabouts.
Even if we knew we wouldn’t say anyway but again we really don’t know where he’s at and it’s been weeks since we last heard from him… IF you are in contact with him make sure you let him know in case he’s not aware that they’re is a warrant for his arrest. Now as it’s being reported from D.C.
WASHINGTON — A D.C. judge issued a bench warrant earlier this month for a District resident charged with entering the U.S. Capitol Building on Jan. 6, but police say they haven’t been able to locate him for three weeks and now his attorney in his Capitol riot case says she can’t reach him either.
On Aug. 10, D.C. Superior Court Judge Kimberley Knowles issued a warrant for Darrell Neely for failure to appear at a probation violation hearing for a 2021 domestic violence case. Court records show Neely was charged with assault and destruction of property in February 2021 and pleaded guilty to the assault charge in August of last year. Neely was sentenced to 60 days in jail, all suspended, and a year of probation. Since then, court records show, at least five probation violations have been reported, resulting in two bench warrants in the case. A judge also ordered a bench warrant for Neely’s arrest in D.C. family court in November after Neely was found in contempt for refusing to pay more than $5,000 in alimony and child support. It was unclear from court records how or if that warrant was resolved.
Since Aug. 10, however, police have not been able to locate Neely to serve the most recent warrant. A DC Police spokesperson told WUSA9 last week Neely’s whereabouts were “unknown” and confirmed again on Wednesday that no arrest had yet been made. Neely’s attorney in his domestic violence case, Chidi Ogolo (who does not represent him in his Jan. 6 case), told WUSA9 he had been in contact with Neely since the bench warrant was issued but could not comment about whether his client had plans to accept service of the warrant.
D.C. Superior Court records show Neely has a history of failing to appear at court hearings and was briefly declared a fugitive in a November 2007 case. Neely was picked up by police three days later and the court record is unclear as to whether he faced any further prosecution. As of Wednesday, Neely had not been declared a fugitive in connection with the unserved bench warrant. In D.C., failure to appear for a court hearing in a misdemeanor case carries a penalty of up to 180 days in jail. A person declared a fugitive can face a maximum sentence of up to 5 years in prison.
In addition to his troubles in D.C. Superior Court, Neely was arrested and charged in September with five misdemeanor counts for allegedly entering the Capitol on Jan. 6 and stealing multiple items, including four china plates and a jacket, badge, nametag and hat belonging to the U.S. Capitol Police Department. The charging documents against Neely include an image of a video stream from his radio show, Global Enlightenment Radio Network, in which he appears to be wearing a USCP cap while broadcasting.
The attorney for YouTuber/radio host Darrell Neely wants his statements to the FBI suppressed. She accuses them of a “Texas two-step” — question first, Miranda later — and says Neely was somehow led to believe he was working for them. pic.twitter.com/jQMy6fS3AP
Neely was identified to the FBI by at least three separate witnesses, all of whom had worked with him at his radio station. According to charging documents, Neely made a video call while inside the Capitol and “narrated” events inside. In a second call, witnesses told the FBI, Neely allegedly displayed what appeared to be a police jacket with a badge on the front and two china plates that he insinuated were taken from inside the building. Prior to this week, the most recent action by the attorney representing Neely in his Jan. 6 case, Kira Anne West, came on Aug. 8 — two days before the bench warrant was issued — when she filed a motion asking a judge to suppress statements Neely made during a law enforcement interview. On Monday, West filed another motion asking for an extension of time to file replies to the government’s response to that motion – noting, among other issues, that she hasn’t been able to get in contact with Neely.
“Undersigned counsel has tried unsuccessfully to reach her client in the last week to discuss the government responses to motions and the motion to suppress,” West wrote in her motion. West declined a request from WUSA9 last week seeking comment. Neely was scheduled to appear in court next for a status conference on Sept. 21 and for a jury trial on Oct. 5. His pretrial release conditions required him to submit to regular supervision and notify his probation officer of any travel outside of D.C. As of Wednesday, no notice of probation violation had been filed with the court in his Jan. 6 case.
So here comes a brand new show from Gary Leggier of the show “Mars Revelation” and of the site www.thefacesofmars.com Produced by Mean Green, Angel Espino, and Gary Leggier. The new show will focus more of the rest of what’s happening in the world of justice in the world today. Globally the Cabal is bent on destruction, and someone has to help wake up the masses, and well Gary sure is loud enough! Eh pun intended but the shows a lot of fun, and true to the word as he really going at it in the “Interest of Justice.”
Dec 8, 2021 Rabbit Punched Episode #9 features indie film director/writer Christopher Garetano (Strange World/ Montauk Chronicles) and a lively discussion of the topics of the day. Step into the ring with him, Angel, Gerald & Spud.
Oct 22, 2021 Features Paranormal expert and Guinness Book Of World Records Disco Dancer Paul Dale Roberts. Step into the ring with Angel, Gerald and Spud.
Liberal Hivemind is a great YouTube CH and thanks to them for letting us all know who this woman is if you’re not aware, and now after watching his video I can say I’m not shocked as this is just typical bull by the Democrats as once again they get one of their own CAUGHT Faking Ethnicity! Kristen Claims To Be “HISPANIC”. Problem Is.. She’s NOT.
Kristen Rosen Gonzalez, who’s vying to get her seat on the Miami Beach commission back, told local Democratic Party leaders last week that they should endorse her because she’s “the most high-profile Hispanic Democrat” in the city.
But it didn’t take long for that argument to blow up in her face because she’s not actually Hispanic. She’s Jewsish and American. Now after being called out for her false claims, Rosen Gonzalez was forced to apologize and insisted it was all a terrible mistake.“It is being reported that I have called myself Hispanic. Clearly, I misspoke. I deeply apologize to anyone that was offended,” she told The Washington Post. They’re all sorry when they get caught in a lie. But they tell the lie thinking people are too stupid to find out it’s a lie. She’s now exposed, and while she later told the Miami Herald editorial board that she’s “always identified politically as a Hispanic.” and continued with “I’ve apologized and I’ve said I am obviously not Hispanic,” she added.
Rosen Gonzalez married a man named Emilio Gonzalez in 2001. She took his last name and kept it even though the couple divorced in 2009. She acknowledges that her children are Hispanic, that she’s close to the Hispanic community, and speaks Spanish fluently.
“That does not make me Hispanic,” she has said… Her kids are half from a Hispanic background and half Jewish American on her side… They should embrace both the sides, and this woman should not use our culture, and ethnicity to pander for votes.
Maria-Elena Lopez, acting chair of the Miami-Dade Democratic Party, was part of the Zoom interview with local leaders and said she was shocked to hear the candidate identify herself as Hispanic. “By keeping a Hispanic name, you are trying to confuse voters,” she said.
The former commissioner has seemingly tried to capitalize on her last name on the campaign trail. She’s been accused of having “Gonzalez” blown up in larger letters than the rest of her name on posters and signs. Later Rosen-Gonzalez defended her false identity claims to CBS Miami by explaining how close she is to the Hispanic community.
“I’m their girl,” she said. “My last name is Hispanic. I know I’m not Hispanic.” You’re not our girl, and we don’t want you in our community. We don’t like liberals, liars, and con artists, and she’s all those things. To quote ICE CUBE… “Bye Felicia…”
Aug 24, 2021 Rabbit Punched Episode #7 – Featuring intelligence analyst & extra terrestrial expert Robert D. Morningstar and a discussion of the topics of the day. Step into the ring with Angel, Gerald & Spud.
Stephen Duran aka “Capt’n Steve O” (03/16/1965 – 08/10/2021) best known for his show “Rev Radio Vegas” has passed away folks and while some of you might not know him, and I just became friends with him over the last year myself we all had taken a great liking to him as he was a very gentle, and nice man. We had some good laughs but in means did I know him as well as those on the network he was on which is “G.E.R.N” and our hearts, and condolences to his family and personal loved ones from real life to the world of online radio. I know the owner of the network he was on “Darrell Neely” is taking this hard as they were close, and condolences to him also not just from myself Angel Espino but the entire PSN Radio family, and everyone on Public Streaming Network in general.
We just lost this Sunday our own Dennis Crenshaw who was family, and know the loss. Last year we lost our co-owner Jorge Rodrguez as well previously Suds Coleman who was a good buddy of mines, host on SoFloRadio and a radio icon also in Florida. And we can’t forget Art Bell my mentor in radio along with Jorge Rodriguez nobody meant more to me in radio then those two men, and they’ve both passed… Seems like our good friends are all being called to the gates of heaven. Steve had a lot of wild thoughts, and a great imagination. He was a very bright and an articulate man with a lot of passion for podcasting, and to help others.
One of his favorite Quotes were “Who ever appeals to the law against his fellow man is either a fool or a coward. Who ever can not take care of himself without that law is both. For a wounded man will say to his assailant if I live I will kill you . If I die you are forgivin’ such is the rule of honor U DONT LIKE ME BITE ME …..”
To say we’re going to miss him is an understatement as he was like the others we lost recently that I mentioned One of a kind. This week has been a hard one as two friends of ours have been taken in connection to this unseen monster known as the Covid 19. Could be the Vaccine, could be the virus itself. But either way two great guys have been lost this week in connection to it, and that’s just horrible.
Now I wonder if Jorge Rodrguez also was taken by the virus last year as his death was seen as a heart failure and that seems to be one of the ways they say people are dying from it. The virus, and vaccine side effects affect the heart from the chatter I’ve been hearing more and more from the medical community.
Today I woke up and the day felt weird, odly last night I had a show talking about our future in terms of how humanity will be creators of our own path which included well a deep conversation about how the A.I (Artaficial Intelligence) would one day take over life as we know it now. And how it would be something we don’t fully get to see because we’re only here for a short period of time some of are lucky to live a 80, 100 years or a few decades some aren’t as lucky and are around for perhaps two. Worst is when they don’t make it out of the womb at all.
But as my show had a great turn out listener count wise and as we were having this conversation my good friend of over a decade Dennis Crenshaw was passing away.
At the time I had no idea as I just found out today... This really breaks my heart to report as he was a classy man and a hell of a great friend… I had the honor to meet him 12 years ago when I was on BlogTalkRadio and I was looking for shows to listen to and tuned into his show “Unraveling the Secrets” and was instanly taken by the great back and forth by Dennis and his co host Rick Osmon. Both men spoke about a subject I was very much into at the time. “The Hollow Earth” and so I sent in some questions via chat, and it got read on air, and a few shows later I called in, and our friendship really began. Both were very inclusive, and often would join me on my show as guest, and we got to talking about doing a show together, and well for sometime their show helped me out a lot in getting my own shows off the ground.
When we started PSN Radio shortly after I left Tenacity Radio for good, and have been on PSN since now the show they did along with FloridaUFO by Jaime Havican and myself with “Inside Tha Jackals Head” were the first shows to kick off the network. Our friendship was real, and we spoke all the time to the point we 4 started the show “Skywatchers Radio TV” which was featured as a video style show for a now site that’s offline called “peoples TV network” which did the show via LiveStream. We had a lot of fun together co hosting for a few years, and well sadly due to my health issues, and Dennis own health issues we lost contact a bit as he left the airwaves for good a few years ago when his health got real bad and he couldn’t keep up with the show anymore. His Co-Host had also left the show, and new host came in and filled the seats nice in Tim Swartz, and Mike Mott, and later for a few short weeks Dennis tried to come back with Steve Roberts to host Unraveling the Secrets and Tim & Mike moved over and started a new show so Dennis could return. That was short lived as his health once again caused him to leave, and he decided to hang it up for good.
We spoke from time to time since then, and when I had surgery on my leg in December 2019 the only people who sent me a gift to my hospital was Dennis and Marsha his lady. This is the picture below of the gift they sent, and yes I took it home, and still have a tree on it.
This is me in December 2019 in the aftermath of my surgery holding the gift…
Man I wish we had the chance to meet in person we spoke a lot on skype so it’s like I knew him in real life but it was sad because we had plans to meet and hangout in 2020 when I got better but then the god damn KungFlu virus took that chance away and now I only have memories of my friend who I’ll never get to speak to again.
Last summer during the riots, and covid outbreak I spoke to Dennis who was doing well in his new RV near his family home in Jacksonville and we were going to try and meet in person as soon as got a chance this year. We spoke in January, and again in February but I couldn’t get a hold of him since this past January. From what I’ve been told he wasn’t doing very well in the last month or so of his life. I’ve been trying for months to get to him to try and go see him but he wasn’t picking up much, and as he got more, and more ill I guess that’s why he went silent. Today his co host, and friend Rick Osmon gave me the horrible news that we lost Dennis.
Dennis was born 12/15/1943 he wrote his first book years after he started his research which took him between writing and publishing many years. His writing career spanned three decades and includes researching and writing on such eclectic subjects as community news, the paranormal, UFOs, conspiracy theories and even chicken farming in alaska. Yes folks he spoke about it all.
His work was published in magazines, mewspapers and journals from alaska to florida. He also wrote several forwards for other books including “finding lost atlantis inside the hollow earth” a 2005 re-print of brinsley le poer trench’s best selling 1979 book “Secrets of the Ages” and “Hidden World-volumn 6” by ray palmer and richard s. shaver.
Due to his research and writing on the inner earth mysteries in the 1980s and 1990s he is considered an expert on the hollow earth/subterranean worlds theories and is listed either as a source or in acknowledgement of his research in every major “hollow earth” book written since the late 1990s. In fact his 1990s fanzine “The Hollow Earth Insider Research Report” has a subscription base in all 50 states and 35 countries….
(see: www.thehollowearthinsider.com ) He met Pete Navarro his co-author of “The Secrets of Dellschau” in the mid-1990s and joined him in preparing Petes extensive research notes and finally writing the book which turned into a 14 yr project.
“THE SECRETS OF DELLSCHAU: The Sonora Aero Club and the Airships of the 1800’s-A True Story” is the story of two obssessed men.
1. CAA Dellschau a reclusive “outside” artist who spent the last years of his life using every waking moment producing a series of drawings of weird and colorful flying machines he called Aeros. Today his paintings, sold individually, are worth a fortune.
2. pete Nevarro, “secrets of dellschau” co-author who spent 27 yrs studying the complete known collection of delischau’s work.
For the last few years he had started a blog where he posted often until his health got real bad and Rick Osmon did most of the posting on the site. The site is “The Hollow Earth Insider” and by clicking on the name you will find out more info on the site but the point is he continued to bring out great information for us all until his final days. My friend passed on 08/08/2021 as of today the official cause of death is heart related but somesay it could be Covid related. We’re not sure yet but he wasn’t in good health for years but if it was heart related it would be ironic for a man with such a big heart and brave soul.
He had a great sense of humor, and music he turned me onto a ton of blues music I never had heard before, and boy did he ever love of the blues… This isn’t like losing a celebrity who’s work you enjoy… Dennis was a close friend, and he left behind a wonderful family. He was a father, husband, podcaster, author, and great friend.
His Funeral will be Aug 25th 2021 at Corey-Kerlin Funeral Home and crematory in 1426 Rowe Avenue Jacksonville, FL 32208 if you would like to send flowers to his family please do so there.
Aug 4, 2021 Rabbit Punched Episode #6 features talk show host Stephen Roberts and a discussion of the topics of the day. Step into the ring with Angel, Gerald & Spud.
Jun 14, 2021 Featuring UFO researcher/Paranormal expert Bryan M. Bowden & a panel discussion on the topics of the day. And today our newest episode debutes on here as we celebrate the birthday of our (Gerald and Angels) favorite potus! Mr Donald J Trump. Happy 75th Birthday!
Websites: https://insidethegoblinuniverse.com/ CEO & Founder at BowdenDigital.com
Whoa this comes as a bit of a shock to us all…… Former PSN host and PUBLISHER/AUTHOR/PODCASTER/FILM MAKER/BLOGGER AND OLE TIME ROCK AND ROLL PROMOTER Timothy Green Beckley has passed away. Cause of Death is still Unknown… While I produced for him for months, and knew him pretty decently I wasn’t a friend who knew him in person sadly we hadn’t really spoken much since he left our network as he left to join his friends Network, and we lost touch. Tim was a very nice person, and someone I enjoyed working with, and who will be missed for sure by the UFO community. Sadly given we might get some disclosure from our government his passing means he wont get to see what they tell us, and the sad part is his name was “Mr UFO”.
I am Tim’s niece, Dorieann Sweatt. On behalf of Tim and our family, we would like to thank everyone for their kind words, inspiring memories, and positive thoughts and prayers shared by you all during this time. As you all know, Tim was a unique and wonderful soul. We have lost someone truly special to all of us, but as Tim and we know, death does not and cannot separate us. As we plan arrangements, we will share details through his Facebook page. Please continue to share your stories, positivity, and pictures as we embrace Tim’s life and legacy. Thank you,Dorieann SweattSweatt Family & Kazar Family
Timothy Green Beckley was a UFO & paranormal pioneer. Since an early age his life has more or less revolved around the paranormal. The house he was raised in was thought to be haunted, he underwent out of body experiences at age six, and saw his first of three UFOs when he was ten. The event stunned him so much that he took out every book on the subject that he could find in the library. He wrote to the local media questioning the policy of silence he was convinced was taking place worldwide.
At fourteen, he was already appearing on national radio and TV, proclaiming the existence of the aliens (whom he now believes to be interdimensional to some extent and, as another likely possibility, the product of Nazi wartime technology.) Beckley started his writing/publishing career in his youth. At age 14, he purchased a mimeograph machine and started putting out “The Interplanetary News Service Report.” Over the years, he has written over 50 books on everything from rock music to the MJ12 documents. He has been a stringer for the national tabloids, such as the Enquirer, the Star and the Globe, and the editor of over 30 different magazines (most of which never lasted more than a couple of issues). His longest running effort was the newsstand publication UFO UNIVERSE, which ran for 11 years. www.conspiracyjournal.com
Here is the show he was part of which aired on PSN RADIO, and he was on the show the final season before we shut it down after he left to another network to work with another ex PSN host Tim Swartz who was also at one point on this show, then “The Outer Edge” with his then co-host Mike Mott.
May 31, 2021 Enter the Twilight Zone of talking heads and order your reality ala carte… Another rousing political discussion of current events? Or more lunacy? Must watch to find out. This show we’re joined by event scheduler, and longtime podcaster, and conservative voice Seth Weiler.
He comes from working with big tech, small tech, and as we found out pre show. Broken tech… He had some video issues on his computer but we got around it somehow, and rocked on with the show.
928 views Premiered May 23, 2021 A rousing political discussion of current events and the search for a reality everyone can agree on. Yeah…. like that is going to happen.
Special guest for this show was Darrell Neely owner of Global Enlightenment Radio Network and one heck of conservative voice in the world of media. Also his nickname is Odin, and he loves to Asgard or guard ass. Not sure how that goes. But either way it was great having him on the show.
Post By Angel Espino) So I just got involved in a new show with the man himself Spud Goodman and his sometime temporary co-host Gerald called “Rabbit Punched!” The first show tapes this week, and will be a video show for YouTube, and other video outlets. I’m sure I’ll have it also up on our PSN-TV site to promote it, and on this site once the videos are done. I’m not in charge of the post production they have a fantastic person who’s in charge of the videos, and edits, and post production so I’m hyped to be working with these guys.
Joining me tonight is a giant in the world of ufology, and the Paranormal!
He’s the author of many books, including “A Covert Agenda;” “The FBI Files;” “Cosmic Crashes;” “Strange Secrets (with Andy Roberts);” “Three Men Seeking Monsters;” “Body Snatchers in the Desert;” “On the Trail of the Saucer Spies;” “Celebrity Secrets;” “Man-Monkey;” “Memoirs of a Monster Hunter;” “Mystery Animals of the British Isles: Staffordshire;” “There’s Something in the Woods;” “Science Fiction Secrets;” “Contactees;” “Monsters of Texas” (with Ken Gerhard); “Final Events;” “The NASA Conspiracies;” “Space Girl Dead on Spaghetti Junction;” “The Real Men in Black;” “Keep Out;” “The Pyramids and the Pentagon;” “The World’s Weirdest Places;” “Wildman!;” “Monster Diary;” “Monster Files;” “Close Encounters of the Fatal KInd;” “The Zombie Book” (with Brad Steiger); “For Nobody’s Eyes Only;” “Secret History;” “The Bigfoot Book;” “Bloodline of the Gods;” “Chupacabra Road Trip;” “Weapons of the Gods;” “Men In Black;” “Nessie;” “The Monster Book;” “Immortality of the Gods;” “365 Days of UFOs;” “Secret Societies;” “Women in Black;” “Shapeshifters;” “The New World Order Book;” “Control;” “The Black Diary;” “Paranormal Parasites;” “Top Secret Alien Abduction Files;” “The Roswell UFO Conspiracy;” “The Slenderman Mysteries,” “Area 51,” “The Alien Book;” “Flying Saucers from the Kremlin;” “The Martians;” “The Rendlesham Forest UFO Conspiracy;” and “Assassinations.”
I don’t think I’ve read that many books in my life! I kid, I kid.. I actually own a lot of his books as I’ve been a big fan of Nicks for a long time, and he’s been a very important voice in the last decade that I’ve been podcasting. I cannot wait to welcome him back, and find out how he’s keeping up during the world we’re in since we last spoke.
Folks check out angelespino.com for more information on the show, and network. Also the Patreon for Angel make sure you hit that up, and drop in a few bucks as every little helps grow the show, and network. The url is patreon.com/angelespino and his own site also has a donations page angelespino.com
Explosive bombshell have launched against Joe Biden tying him to his son Hunter Biden’s overseas business interests, publicizing emails and photos supposedly from a laptop alleged to have been abandoned by the younger Biden and timing their release in a manner reminiscent of Russia’s efforts to dump damaging material about Hillary Clinton in 2016. Rudy Giuliani, the president’s personal lawyer, said his own attorney, Robert Costello, obtained the material from the owner of a computer repair shop in Wilmington, Delaware, after Hunter Biden allegedly left it there for months. Giuliani provided the material to the New York Post on Sunday, and the Post began running stories about the supposed documents this week. But the owner of the computer store, John Paul MacIsaac, was unable and unwilling to answer key questions about how the laptop supposedly arrived in his store, and eventually, how the data was shared with Giuliani. CBS News interviewed MacIsaac for almost two hours on Wednesday and throughout the interview he contradicted himself about his motivations, raising questions about the truthfulness of one of the central figures in the story.
MacIsaac told CBS News he first turned over the hard drive to the FBI last December during the president’s impeachment, and provided a copy of its contents to Costello after becoming frustrated by the Senate trial in January. MacIsaac refused to provide key details about his interactions with Giuliani. The Post’s first story ricocheted across major social media platforms on Wednesday before Facebook and Twitter moved to block its distribution, seemingly wary of allowing the dissemination of the kind of misinformation that spread across their networks in the run-up to the 2016 election. Mr. Trump seized on the Post story and the ensuing tech crackdown to paint Biden as corrupt and the media as complicit before a massive crowd of supporters in Iowa on Wednesday night. Giuliani apparently held the information for months and released it less than three weeks before the election. Giuliani has long been involved in efforts by the president and his allies to highlight Hunter Biden’s work overseas to damage Joe Biden and boost Mr. Trump’s reelection campaign, and in 2019 met with a Ukrainian lawmaker who has been deemed an “active Russian agent” by the U.S. government.
What was allegedly on the laptop?
CBS News has not seen or corroborated the data supposedly on the hard drive, and Giuliani has declined to allow other news outlets to review the information. In a story published Wednesday, 20 days before the election, the Post said it included a trove of Hunter Biden’s emails and photos, some of which it published. The Post story trumpeted a “smoking-gun email” allegedly showing Hunter Biden had arranged for a meeting in 2015 between his father and an adviser to the board of Burisma, a Ukrainian energy company. Hunter Biden was a member of the board. A photo of the alleged email published by the Post shows it was written by Vadym Pozharskyi, the Burisma adviser, and reads, in part: “thank you for inviting me to DC and giving an opportunity to meet your father and spent [sic] some time together.” The Post presents this line as evidence that Pozharskyi met with Joe Biden, who was spearheading the Obama administration’s policy toward Ukraine. If true, it could contradict Biden’s assertions that he “never discussed” his son’s foreign business interests with him.
But a spokesman for the Biden campaign said a review of Biden’s schedule for the period in question showed no such meeting with Pozharskyi, and several of Biden’s top advisers who worked closely with him on Ukraine policy have publiclysaid they’ve never heard of him. While they did not rule out the possibility that Biden and Pozharskyi interacted briefly on the sidelines of an event, they said a formal meeting did not happen.
“We have reviewed Joe Biden’s official schedules from the time and no meeting, as alleged by the New York Post, ever took place,” said Andrew Bates, a Biden campaign spokesman. Republicans and the president’s allies allege Biden pushed in 2016 for the ouster of Ukrainian prosecutor Viktor Shokin to shield Burisma and, by implication, Hunter Biden from an anti-corruption investigation. But both the U.S. and the European Union had called for Shokin’s ouster over his failure to prosecute officials for corruption, and an investigation into Burisma was at that point dormant. Biden eventually threatened to withhold $1 billion in U.S. aid from Ukraine unless Shokin was fired, and the country’s parliament voted to remove him in 2016.
Mr. Trump was impeached by the House last year over his efforts to pressure the current Ukrainian government to investigate Hunter Biden’s ties to Burisma. After Mr. Trump was acquitted by the Senate, Senate Republicans launched their own investigation into Hunter Biden’s Ukraine connections, resulting in the publication of a report last month that called his actions “problematic” but did not allege the former vice president acted to protect his son, nor accuse him of any wrongdoing.
The owner of the repair store’s political motivations came to light in the interview with CBS News and a few other reporters, raising even more questions about the veracity of how this supposed laptop became public. MacIsaac, the owner, said several times how he felt Mr. Trump was treated unfairly during his impeachment trial and suggested if the alleged documents are true, the “sham” impeachment was reason to release them. He also repeatedly mentioned his girlfriend left him after he voted for Trump in 2016.
Asked about the timeline of events detailed in the Post story, MacIsaac told CBS News that a man who identified himself as Hunter Biden dropped off three laptops to have them repaired in April 2019. He said the man never paid him for the repairs and did not return to pick them up. Standing in his shop on Wednesday, MacIsaac admitted he was unable to confirm it was actually Hunter Biden who dropped off the laptop because he is “legally blind” and only realized it was the former vice president’s son when Hunter stated his name for the point of contact. The Mac Shop is equipped with indoor cameras that preserve recordings for two months. MacIsaac said he did not realize the significance of the laptops until after the footage was automatically deleted.
MacIsaac also would not reveal when he first looked through the data, and refused to provide key details about his handling of the material. Asked by CBS News if he actually saw the email purportedly from Pozharskyi, he repeatedly said “no comment” before saying he “believed” he had. MacIsaac refused to answer in any detail whether or why he would have searched through the laptop to find a four-year-old email, which seemingly appears to be an innocuous message about arranging a meeting for coffee.
MacIsaacprovided no additional details to CBS News to corroborate he saw these alleged documents. He told CBS News he reached out to the FBI through “people that [he] trusted” and was eventually put in contact with two FBI agents. On December 9, 2019,he was issued a subpoena demanding he turn over the laptop and hard drive to a federal grand jury in Wilmington, according to a photo of a copy of the subpoena published by the Post and confirmed by MacIsaac. He said he complied and turned over the hardware, but first made a copy of the hard drive’s contents. MacIsaac described becoming frustrated while watching Mr. Trump’s Senate impeachment trial in January, with no updates from the FBI. “This country had its third impeachment, and I honestly felt like it was a sham, because of what I had seen,” MacIsaac said. The FBI declined to comment, and the U.S. Attorney’s Office in Wilmington said it could “neither confirm nor deny the existence of an investigation.”
MacIsaac contradicted himself repeatedly about why he wanted to share the alleged contents of the hard drive.He first asserted he went to the FBI for protection, fearing possible retribution from the Biden family. When the FBI supposedly did not act, he said he thought the FBI could be out to get him, which is why he turned to Giuliani. MacIsaac responded to most questions about Giuliani with “no comment,” saying he “didn’t feel comfortable” discussing it. He declined to say whether he sought Giuliani out or vice versa, but he indicated he viewed the former New York mayor as a potential ally.
“When you are afraid and you don’t know anything about the depth of waters that you’re in, you kind of you want to find a lifeboat,” he said. “I was told not to talk to anybody else,” MacIsaac said at one point, refusing to provide specifics. Giuliani told CBS News on Wednesday that MacIsaac had reached out to Costello “around the time of the impeachment hearings,” and that he has neither met nor spoken to him personally. Over the course of the interview, MacIsaac said he felt his life and business were in danger by possessing this information, invoking debunked conspiracy theories of revenge, specifically mentioning false allegations that a Democratic National Committee staffer was murdered in 2016 to cover up his supposed involvement in leaking Democratic Party emails. The emails were in fact stolen by Russian intelligence operatives, and the conspiracy theory surrounding his death was boosted by a Russian disinformation campaign.
Experts warn about potential foreign interference
The U.S. intelligence community has warned for months that Russia is actively working to “denigrate” Biden by amplifying allegations of corruption, and experts have issued dire warnings that Russia could orchestrate a “hack and dump” operation similar to its effort to steal and release stolen Democratic emails in the runup to the 2016 election.
Moreover, Russian hackers are believed to have breached Burisma’s systems earlier this year, and Giuliani himself has been tied to Ukrainian lawmaker acting as a Russian agent who has publicized private recordings of Biden speaking to Ukrainian officials in the past. But as of now, there is no evidence that Russia was directly involved in obtaining or publicizing the alleged information on Hunter Biden’s laptop. The Biden campaign has also offered no alternate explanation for how this alleged personal information came to light. George Mesires, an attorney for Hunter Biden, did not immediately reply to a phone call and email seeking comment on Wednesday. But in a statement to the Post, he said Giuliani “has been pushing widely discredited conspiracy theories about the Biden family, openly relying on actors tied to Russian intelligence.”
In August, an assessment by the U.S. intelligence community singled out the Ukrainian parliamentarian, Andriy Derkach, for “spreading claims about corruption — including through publicizing leaked phone calls — to undermine former Vice President Biden’s candidacy and the Democratic Party.” The Treasury Department leveled sanctions against Derkach in September, describing him as an “active Russian agent” who has done the Kremlin’s bidding for more than a decade. Derkach and Giuliani met in Ukraine last December at the height of the impeachment saga, as Giuliani worked to uncover damaging information about Hunter Biden. In January, the cybersecurity firm Area 1 revealed Russian military operatives had launched a phishing attack against Burisma and accessed its systems. The extent of the breach was unclear, but the report said the attack “raises the spectre that this is an early warning of what we have anticipated since the successful cyberattacks undertaken during the 2016 U.S. elections.”
Watch what was a total nightmare! For the network host, and not President Trump who tore her a new extra hole in her lower parts. Now she can say she sports 3 holes down there, and the 3 strike rule is in play? Maybe it should. As she got so heated, and in near meltdown mode Trump tore every lie, allegation, and assumption she tried to make some how a fact. This was supposed to be a Town Hall, and instead it became a Debate where Trump was bombarded by the worst job I’ve seen so far by any local reporter in Miami. This moron “TODAY” anchor Savannah Guthrie who hosted the discussion with President Donald Trump on NBC News in my own town of Miami on Thursday. Trump and Democratic presidential nominee Joe Biden were supposed to hold their second debate on Thursday night but it will instead take place on Oct. 22. Since Joe Biden is such a pussy he wouldn’t show up, and Trump took it on anyway, and he killed it! This man is the PRESIDENT this country needs to move forward into a better tomorrow. IF this didn’t win Florida for him the game is rigged.
This wasn’t even close every time that Savannah Guthrie tried to trigger Trump he would destroy her argument, and he mopped the floor with her. Savannah Guthrie needs to be fired from her job as she’s just another socialist loser who knows now how it feels to get her ass handed on her own format. Trump owned the night so good that he even got a compliment at how handsome a smile he had, and it was a moment for applause. Also there was either a black American or Latina lady to Trumps right back, and she kept nodding her head when Trump would hit the facts. This was great to see as it sent the right signal to others who have been on the edge. She gets it, and I think she speaks for many like her. Trump gets it, and he speaks to us all with how he talks, and how he communicates.
This was an amazing moment for him going into the next part of this month, and as we get close to November 3rd. Nobody who’s been President has ever been hit so hard by the media as Trump in his first term, and honestly he put it out and plain it’s been a big giant hoax, and when asked about the Stimulus he stuck the nail in Pelosi’s coffin by putting all the blame on her where it belongs. He’s been saying for months to release the money to the people, and SHE doesn’t want to do it, and she’s recently been on record that she doesn’t want to send out checks cause it would have his signature on it. She’s playing with our lives, and he put her in her place in a big event.
Folks watch below the entire thing, and then check out the hilarious blow by blow from Steven Crowder who did a great job with his crew on looking at this event.
Hey folks want to welcome on this week a returning guest here which is an old friend, and one of our favorites on PSN RADIO. The one, and only the very talented film maker Mr Terry Wickham! We will be talking about the upcoming release of my latest horror feature film Gruesome Threesome Mantaray Pictures LLC will release the horror feature film GRUESOME THREESOME on VOD, Digital HD on October 2, 2020.
Terry grew up in Everett & Snohomish, Washington. Terry’s been watching scary movies since he was four years old. The local late night horror show “Chiller Theater” was the source that enabled Terry to see all the old Universal classic monster movies, as well as the Japanese monster movies like Godzilla. In 1978, HALLOWEEN changed Terry’s life, “I couldn’t get the imagery from that movie out of my head and I wanted to be able to do to an audience what John Carpenter did to me.”
Terry started out in filmmaking by taking a TV production course at Snohomish High School. While in this class, Terry’s teacher was so impressed with his passion for films that he asked Terry to teach the class about John Carpenter’s THE THING.
Terry joined the Army for the College Fund to use to go to film school. While stationed in West Germany and Louisiana, Terry directed 25 amateur music videos, which included a wide selection of songs from such artists as Pantera and George Winston. These videos progressed into professional music videos for artists like Michael Knight and Voodoo Storm. In February 2013 Terry made a moving music video to “Artificial Paradises” by Hammock, which captured a tiny part of the massive destruction that Hurricane Sandy delivered near his home on Long Island. Then he made a music video to “Speed Demon” by Keel, to celebrate the upcoming 2013 NHRA Drag Racing season.
Terry studied directing with the American Film Institute, film technique & technology at New York University and acting at HB Studios in New York City .
The short films Terry has made are; MADAME RED (1990), DOUBLE FANTASY (1994), SARAH (2000), WASHINGTON ROAD (2001), HELP ME (2002) and HAIR OF THE DOG (2003). WASHINGTON ROAD won the international 3 Minute Chillers Contest @ www.urbanchillers.com, which was sponsored by Apple. In July of 2010, Terry made a video to honor the memory of his departed friend from high school Kris Skorupa.
In July of 2008, HAIR OF THE DOG received World Wide distribution from the new Hollywood based Distribution Company IndieRoad.net, an innovative company releasing movies directly to the Net.
Terry made the 132-minute feature film drama called OUT OF TOUCH (1995), as well as directing two episodes “The Downfall of Johnny Garrett” and “Stalk” in the horror anthology film EVIL STREETS (1998). The later episode was designed for busty beauty SaRenna Lee. In 2004, Terry was selected to direct A.V. Lewis-Smith’s six million dollar suspense thriller screenplay WATERFALLS, which never came to fruition. Terry has written a screenplay that could make a major mark within the suspense/horror genre called ANOMALY.
The name Terry means leader. The oldest of nine children, Terry combines enthusiasm with an unbelievable work ethic. Inspired by his favorite three filmmakers Terry says, “I like to use the widescreen film frame like John Carpenter, engineer action in the style of James Cameron and capture cinematic details and performances like Michael Mann gets.”
Welcoming back the iconic Illustrator of some of my favorite comics which include DOOM PATROL! Which is one of my favorite comic series ever. I read them as a kid, and his run on Flex Mentallo is awesome, and it’s one being used currently on the TV SHOW!
But Mark McKenna has had an amazing run in comics spanning over 3 decades now. In that time he has worked on Batman, Wolverine, Iron Man, The Incredible Hulk and more recently on Star Wars, counting close to 600 comics or more by now.
Mark’s work can be seen in Legendary Picture Books PACIFIC RIM movie prequel as well as Dark Horse Comic’s Star Wars-The Old Republic: The Lost Suns. In 2012 his work on the online web comic titled “Star Wars: Blood of the Empire” was collected into an 84 page trade paperback and was the lynch pin for the 2012 released Bio-ware online video game, The Old Republic. DC and Marvel have collected Mark’s work in multitudes of titles such as Doom Patrol, Venom, Deadpool Classics and Exiles.
Mark has also created, written, inked and published the Sci Fi/Horror COMBAT JACKS comic book mini series. The COMBAT JACKS Collection which collects the 144 page mini series into a hardcover mini series is NOW available.. under Mark’s Banana Tale Press imprint.
His children’s book series Banana Tail and Friends is a labor of love that he created when his daughter was four and had a newborn son. The BOOnana Tail Halloween Special was released for Halloween 2014 and was treated as an “all ages” comic project that continues to grow with children that had the original storybooks read to them as younger children. The other Banana Tail titles include; Banana Tail’s Tales and Activities, Banana Tail’s Colorful Adventure and the soon-to-be-released Banana Tail and the Checkerboard Jungle. He was so nice to send me his first books of Banana tails years ago, and as an avid collector I can’t thank him enough. Awesome stuff for kids, and hope more of his work is in peoples hands as they tuck their little ones to bed at night.
While for sure the orange menace known the left as Donald Trump has broken many a celebrity over the past 2 decades. Frankly, a been a highlight of his first term. But I’m not sure he has crushed the hopes and dreams of anyone more than Alyssa Milano. As someone who first discovered girls thanks to Tony Danza taking a job as a maid, you almost hate to see it (see ALYSSA MILANO IS UPSET CONSERVATIVES ARE ‘WEAPONIZING’ CANCEL CULTURE BECAUSE ONLY SHE IS ALLOWED TO DO THAT and ALYSSA MILANO GOES ON ‘SEX STRIKE’ TO PROTEST ANTI-ABORTION LAWS). The — I guess she’s still technically an “actress” — was feeling particularly “woe is me” and had a complete meltdown vented over what’s been ailing her to her adoring fans.
And don’t even get me started with how fucked our priorities are in this country. We’ve got secret armed police in full-on tactical gear but we don’t have enough PPE for our frontline healthcare workers?! I mean what in the actual fuck is wrong with us?
Well, maybe that’s because Joe Rogan provides value and attracts guests from all walks of life, whom he engages with in conversations people want to hear. Meanwhile, Milano hasn’t provided value since Poison Ivy 2. Maybe it’s a political thing and she hates him because he lets people express different opinions. Or maybe it’s jealousy that Rogan is getting highAF and swimming in a vault full of Spotify money like he’s Scrooge McDuck while her Charmed residuals have dried up. Either way, envy isn’t a good look.
Neither is famous people from any walk of life complaining about how rough their lives are. Maybe she still has a few stans who are sympathizing with her. But the rest of us have real problems and don’t need to hear it.