Showing posts with label Miami. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Miami. Show all posts

Tuesday, February 18, 2025

Israelis shot mistaken for Palestinians

So the internet has been erupting over a shooting in my neck of the woods Miami! Boy I love when we make the headlines for dumb shit but this one takes the cake as a local crazy man shot Israelis mistaking them for Palestinians. Yeah folks this is what we are now doing here? Really guys? OK Well check this out the idiot in question arrested is named Mordechai Brafman who is allegedly been accused of shooting victims 17 times because he thought they were ‘Palestinians’, sparking widespread outrage.

This guy was reportedly hunting Palestinians in now in jail folks and this happened in Miami Beach Florida and after mistaking them for Palestinians, Mordechai Brafman, was detained Saturday night and faces two counts of attempted second-degree murder, according to reports. Citing a local Instagram account that posts about Jewish life, the Miami Herald reported that the victims were an Israeli father and son. The attack started a widespread debate online about growing anti-Arab sentiment in the US, which many social media users believe has been fueled by “anti-Palestinian hate and indoctrination” within pro-Israeli communities in the US. One user said, “If a Muslim shot two people in Miami because he thought they were Israelis, it would be called terrorism and there would be wall-to-wall media coverage,” criticizing the lack of coverage of the incident within mainstream news outlets. A man who was reportedly hunting Palestinians was arrested over the weekend for shooting two Israelis on Miami Beach in Florida after mistaking them for Palestinians, sparking widespread outrage online.

The man, identified as Mordechai Brafman, was detained on Saturday night and faces two counts of attempted second-degree murder, according to reports. Citing a local Instagram account that posts about Jewish life, the Miami Herald reported that the victims were an Israeli father and son. The attack started a widespread debate online about growing anti-Arab sentiment in the US, which many social media users believe has been fueled by “anti-Palestinian hate and indoctrination” within pro-Israeli communities in the US. One user said, “If a Muslim shot two people in Miami because he thought they were Israelis, it would be called terrorism and there would be wall-to-wall media coverage,” criticizing the lack of coverage of the incident within mainstream news outlets.

According to Brafman’s arrest report, he told police in an interview, "While I was driving my truck, I saw two Palestinians and shot and killed both." Neither of the victims were killed, and the police said they were visitors from Israel. One person argued that Brafman acted with such "impunity" in Miami because they already do these types of crimes in the West Bank and Gaza, referring to Israel's continuing onslaught in Gaza and violence by extremist Israeli settlers against Palestinians. Brafman’s words, saying that he "saw Palestinians and killed them", opened up an online debate about the radicalization of anti-Palestinian and anti-Arab sentiment in the US, with many online asking, “Where was he radicalised?” and asking for the US Congress to address the increasing hate against Palestinians and Arabs.

There has been a marked increase in Islamophobic and anti-Palestinian attacks in the US since Israel’s war on Gaza broke out 16 months ago. In October 2023, a six-year-old Palestinian American was fatally stabbed 26 times and his mother seriously wounded in the state of Illinois, in an attack officials say was linked to the Israel-Palestine war and because they identified as Muslim. Two months later, three Palestinian-American students were speaking Arabic and wearing keffiyehs and were en route to dinner when they were shot by a gunman in Burlington, Vermont.

According to Brafman’s arrest report, he told police in an interview, "While I was driving my truck, I saw two Palestinians and shot and killed both." Neither of the victims were killed, and the police said they were visitors from Israel. One person argued that Brafman acted with such "impunity" in Miami because they already do these types of crimes in the West Bank and Gaza, referring to Israel's continuing onslaught in Gaza and violence by extremist Israeli settlers against Palestinians. Brafman’s words, saying that he "saw Palestinians and killed them", opened up an online debate about the radicalisation of anti-Palestinian and anti-Arab sentiment in the US, with many online asking, “Where was he radicalised?” and asking for the US Congress to address the increasing hate against Palestinians and Arabs.

There has been a marked increase in Islamophobic and anti-Palestinian attacks in the US since Israel’s war on Gaza broke out 16 months ago. In October 2023, a six-year-old Palestinian American was fatally stabbed 26 times and his mother seriously wounded in the state of Illinois, in an attack officials say was linked to the Israel-Palestine war and because they identified as Muslim. Two months later, three Palestinian-American students were speaking Arabic and wearing keffiyehs and were en route to dinner when they were shot by a gunman in Burlington, Vermont. Several social media users shared screenshots from the Facebook account of one of the victims, in which he claimed that the attack against him and his father was an “anti-semitic” one.

Moments after being shot, the Israeli man who was the victim of the shooting took to social media and wrote, “My father and I went through a murder attempt against anti-semitic background.” He finished his social media post with the words, “Death to Arabs.” The victims reportedly told police they were victims of an antisemitic attack, according to accounts on social media. Many expressed their disbelief with the response from the victim because it was widely reported by the media and noted by the police report that the attack was provoked by anti-Palestinian and anti-Arab sentiments. The Times of Israel reported that there was no altercation between Brafman and the two victims before the shooting, which they described as unprovoked. Social media users criticised the way mainstream media reported the incident, saying that the term “terrorism” has not been uttered by anyone.

After the attack, the Florida chapter of the Council on American-Islamic Relations (Cair) called for federal hate crime charges to be brought against Brafman. "We urge state and federal law enforcement authorities to bring hate crime charges in this case based on the alleged perpetrator’s statements to police that reportedly indicate an anti-Palestinian motive," Cair's Florida communications director, Wilfredo Amr Ruiz, said. According to a 2024 report by Cair, there has been an unprecedented rise in Islamophobic incidents throughout 2023 and 2024, with Cair receiving 8,061 complaints of anti-Muslim discrimination nationwide in 2024 alone. Cair said that compared to 2023, there was a sixty-nine percent increase in these complaints in 2024.

Saturday, September 7, 2024

The American Dream now a Nightmare!

A Growing problem not just for people my age but much older folks are getting this sort of government adanment while we the people who have spent decades working paying bills and being legal clean working citizens suffer these liberals want to give away our tax money to keep funding wars and bring in more illagals to help them continue to rig elections. They literally just shot a bill in California to give illals breaking the law chances at buying homes worth $150K more than the house I was forced out to sell by WellsFargo bank.

Meet Mechy Polo Paez, 68, she never envisioned her retirement would include living in a van. Her husband, Orlando, once lived with her in the van and both were once environmental activists, immigrated from Cuba to Miami in 1991. Where they ran a juice bar and produced radio and television programs. However, a recent rent increase of $400 forced the couple into homelessness. “I don’t have money. Everything is going up. Everything,” Paez explained to CBS when asked how they ended up living in a van. This is what happened to them under the current administration. AND more and more people are ending up like these folks. Myself included! I've been disabled since 2019 I have a broken back (L4/L5 both need spine fusion.) also have thyroid tumors, and can't hardly walk. But I've been denied help by disability office since I was disabled for reasons un known while money is being lost by BILLIONS again to feed wars, and illegals.

November 2023, the couple managed to secure housing through a local program, “Mia Casa,” that provides seniors with meals and temporary housing while they transition to permanent homes. But shortly after, Orlando died of a heart attack. Paez, who is also battling pancreatic cancer, however, remains optimistic about her future settling into a new home. Seniors like Mechy Polo Paez are the fastest-growing population of unhoused individuals, with nearly 138,098 individuals over the age of 55 experiencing homelessness on a given night in 2023, according to data from the Department of Housing and Urban Development.

Based on estimates from academics, that number is expected to triple by 2030. What is causing this rise? It's a complex problem. Some say... But it's really not. The problem is inflation, and illegals being brought in and these institutions are tossing people out of their homes as quickly as possible for what liberals just have been trying to do which is secure help to get homes sold to illegals. Help for criminals not citizens folks and this is what it all boils down too.

But let's look at other facts here also as seniors tend to require more physical and mental care, which increases their costs. Lack of affordable housing and high rents are making finding an affordable place to live more challenging. The record rise in inflation like I said also paired with a fixed retirement income makes it increasingly difficult for seniors to adjust to rising costs. Senior poverty rates are also on the rise. In 2022, the national poverty rate for people aged 65 and over was 10.9%. While lower than the national average, that’s an increase from the 10.3% senior poverty rate in 2021. 

This marks the second year in a row that this group’s poverty rates have increased. Another cause is rising inflation. While Social Security benefits do increase with inflation, those increases lag by a year. This means that seniors may pay higher costs for a full year before their benefits increase.

Car insurance rates have spiked in the US to a stunning $2,150/year but you can be smarter than that. Here's how you can save yourself as much as $820 annually in minutes (it's 100% free) In response to rising poverty rates, many resources are available to seniors struggling to cover rising costs. According to the New York Times, only half of eligible seniors have signed up for SNAP, which helps cover food costs. With an average benefit of $202, SNAP can help offset the rising cost of food. Many states have energy programs to offset the cost of electricity, gas and water. In Ohio, for example, the Home Energy Assistance Program (HEAP) helps Ohioans of all ages cover rising electricity costs.

While many seniors know how to claim their Social Security benefits, they may not know about supplemental Social Security benefits, which provides financial assistance to seniors 65-plus who earn less than $1,971 per month. Many seniors have Medicare for health insurance costs, but additional supplemental programs can help cover the costs of transportation, prescription drugs, caregivers and home modifications like ramps to help you stay in your home. Additionally, many local programs, like the “Mia Casa” initiative that helped Mechy Polo Paez, are helping seniors find homes and happiness in their golden years.

Tuesday, September 26, 2023

Dolphins Va Broncos WTF Happened? LOL

Being a Dolphins can be rough at times... But not this past SUNDAY! Oh man on a rare occasion the Miami Dolphins exploded on probably the worst team in the NFL for a score of 70-20. YES You're reading that score right. Now as you can imagine the memes have gone wild on the internet in the aftermath of this bloodbath of a score.

Check out some of these I've made and some I found from the web... Funny stuff. Goodtimes.


Found on web:

Friday, August 11, 2023

Rest in Peace to my cousin... Nelson Molinet Espino 09/27/1964 - 08/2023

Just found out his body was found and he's passed away... The police investigation on how he died is now under way, since so many days had passed we all feared the worse. 

This is the worse. I don't know much details on what's happening but when more details are released I'll make sure to update the page with more information. 

My Cousin was a good man and he went missing on the 7th. The body has just been found and I'm setting this up to help give him a proper final goodbye. 

The police verified his remains today 08\11\2023 and the family just got word earlier as his identity was confirmed.

Nelson Molinet Espino lived a tortured life and was under it all a humble and great man, a good family man, husband, father and son... Whatever ended up happening which was the cause of his passing is not known by me yet and I hope no foul play was involved. If they discover there was and someone did this to him I do hope they find whoever is responsible and deal with it according to the law.

As you can imagine my family is devastated, I'm devastated and while I write this I've been working for weeks on my first book of a 2 part book that featured his story along with footage for a documentary I have to insert for the book as a follow-up documentary on his life. Sadly he will not be able to see the final product of what is being made in his honor.

His story and all the brave people who went along with him in Cuba and participated in their struggle deserve to have their stories told. The book is still coming out and now more than ever it's a personal passion I will not back down from putting out.

I don't have a whole lot to say about this here because it's news I just received but I will keep posting updates here on "Pure Solid News" as things continue to unfold...

Tried to set up a GoFundMe page but it's not working so if anyone wants to make any donations to the family please do so on my PAYPAL add in the notes "for funeral donations" so I can make sure your help goes correctly to the family.
Please follow the link to help.

Until more updates happen REST IN PEACE to my cousin, and a hero to many... Nelson Molinet Espino.

Wednesday, June 14, 2023

The day after... Happy Birthday Mr President. Donald Trump.

This is one of the best speeches Trump has ever given... This is a real birthday delight to watch him demolish the left.

This is my President... I will vote for Donald Trump in 2024

Wednesday, March 29, 2023

Angel Espino to be a Guest on Fish Stripes!

Well this is cool! As you all know I'm a big baseball fan and a BIG Miami Marlins fan and for me having watched 4 world series live from "1988-1989" in California to "1997 & 2003" in Miami Florida!

I've been a fan since I was a kid and my father is the man to blame. He took me to all those games even when we had moved to Miami in 1985 he went back to Cali with me to see them two WORLD SERIES sine one of my uncles (his brothers) still lived out west and always got us tickets to the playoffs, and WS games if we we're able to go.

As of luck got to see all those home games out there, and then it repeated itself here in Miami when the Marlins known then as "Florida Marlins" went to the World Series.

As of luck got to see all those home games out there, and then it repeated itself here in Miami when the Marlins known then as "Florida Marlins" went to the World Series.

So while I've done very little of my own in terms on podcasting sports in the past I've been a fan of baseball as most who know me know and so when I was check out videos online I like watching mostly Marlins, and Rays coverage these days and the videos of Fish Stripes on YouTube is a show I've enjoyed for a while now.

As the new MLB season is starting up I really wanted to show them some love for the outstanding work they do on their shows get sometime soon to jump on air with them and talk some baseball. They had a spot coming up so I'm going to join the guys and talk some Marlins baseball and perhaps other teams also who knows.

Ely Sussman is the main dude I spoke to there and he's got a nice show going on there.. It's always an cool to be a guest on someone else's show especially when it's a fun show to chop it up about baseball or something other than the normal stuff I get into with my guests.

So coming up Monday at 5:30pm est soon as the recording is ready to roll and it's posted I shall post it here on this site, and my other ones also. As of now not sure if they will air it live or pre record and upload later but I'll keep you informed and I'm sure it will be on their site for your viewing enjoyment.

But for now friends check out their site and enjoy the show they put on and if you're from the SoFlo/Miami area. So show them some love by subscribing to them, bookmarking them so you could keep up with the latest info on the Miami Marlins.

Friday, November 18, 2022

Booby Trap arena in Miami? LMAO!

Why is Miami always involved in B/S like this FTX B/S? LOL OK So if you have been up to date on the rundown on the whole FTX scandal well like normal Miami is involved, and this saga gets wild... But the end result's are well hilarious to say the least. This is so funny that I nearly had laughed myself into a run to the ICU... Check this out so the company "FTX" had bought name rights to the arena where the Miami Heat our NBA team call home, and now with the company FTX involved in a a major scandal involving BILLIONS! Well check this...

Folks picture this in your mind... OK it's the year new NBA season and in  2023, and you're going to watch your hometown basketball team, the Miami Heat, play at their beloved downtown arena: the BangBros Center.

Though it feels more fit for a comedy sketch than real life, the prospect of a BangBros Center is not that far-fetched in Miami following the downfall and bankruptcy of FTX CEO Sam Bankman-Fried's cryptocurrency empire. 

On Friday, Miami-Dade County and the Miami Heat swiftly pulled out (pun intended) of their partnership with FTX, the erstwhile namesake of the downtown arena owned by the county.

So typical that Miami would even consider such a thing but knowing how crazy the times are that and how fashion is flipped out these days also it shouldn't shock me but as the unfolding saga has grown more absurd by the day. On November 12, popular porn site BangBros announced that it would be re-submitting a $10 million offer for the naming rights to the arena after its 2019 offer to rename it "Bang Bros Center (BBC)" failed to materialize.

A company spokesperson 
recently told New Times 
They hope the county "seriously" reconsiders their offer in light of recent events".

Joining the growing chorus of erotic bids for the arena's naming rights, the owner of Booby Trap South Florida confirmed to New Times that they too have made an offer with Miami-Dade County to stick their name on the arena that sits along Biscayne Bay.

Owner Gregg Berger wrote via Instagram DM that Booby Trap, which owns a handful of strip clubs across Miami and Pompano Beach, made a $5 million offer to rename the venue "Booby Trap Arena."

"We are a staple in Miami," he wrote, "and we think the fans would be behind the idea."

Previously known as American Airlines Arena, the facility was renamed FTX Arena in June 2021 per a 19-year, $135-million sponsorship agreement between the Bahamas-based crypto exchange company and Miami-Dade County.

In a joint statement released on November 11, county mayor Daniella Levine Cava and the Miami Heat called the news regarding FTX's collapse “extremely disappointing.”

“Miami-Dade County and the Miami Heat are immediately taking action to terminate our business relationships with FTX, and we will be working together to find a new naming rights partner for the arena," the statement reads.

The naming rights contract between the county and FTX includes penalties of $16.5 million – plus the costs to remove the signage and decorations – in the event the company is unable to fulfill the contract.

The $32 billion empire known as FTX was launched in 2017 by Bankman-Fried, a 30 year old who has been called a “modern-day J.P. Morgan.” Before its collapse, the outfit had grown into the third-largest crypto exchange in the world by volume.

All we can do now is laugh and wait... Don't hold your breath on this one happening however folks.

Sunday, September 25, 2022

Mattingly wont return to manage Marlins in 2023

Well he was my favorite player growing up as a massive fan of the Yankees, and Donnie Baseball it was a dream to watch him play and for the last seven years he managed the Miami Marlins. 

While I loved as a player I can say he wasn’t as great a manager but good enough to keep during the growing pains of rebuilding, and wishing he would get better over those seven years. 

Three dismantlement, and rebuilding later and he’s still not good and this past season is by far one of the worst in team or MLB history. A team loaded with talent which seems like it was fighting to end up in last place not first.

He made a lot of bad moves as a manager but he was mostly often failed by bad moves in the front office and this past year was the same! Forced to tale on 3 big bloated contracts from OF which couldn’t hit all year he was forced to play these guys over young talented rookies which would have done a better job at these positions. Also if you’re in rebuild mode why would you spend all that money on these 3 contracts which A is a catcher known to NOT be able to hit but has a swell glove? You already had a better option in a Nick Fortes who can hit, and also sports a nice glove. Sure not a GOLD ONE yet but give him time. Also with a plethora of OF Depth why would you sign “Soler, and Garcia” ? These moves make no sense. Jeter left town cause he didn’t like these moves either but he wanted to throw Millions at NICK
CASTELLANOS who also would have been a bad move from looking at it. They should have just developped OF from the players they had, and saved the money to keep their pitching.

Besides ACE Sandy Alcantara the team is loaded with good young arms which are still going thru growing pains and developing. Oh It’s find Don is leaving after all Jeter left so might as well start new next year so with that said can we ditch the rest of this horrible front office? Bruce Sherman if you won’t sell the team AT LEAST ditch [general manager] Kim Ng, She’s horrible.

Now here is the press out off MIAMI:
Manager Don Mattingly and the Marlins have mutually agreed that he will not return for the 2023 season, the team announced on Sunday afternoon.

“We are fortunate to have had Don Mattingly leading our team on the field over the last seven years,” chairman and principal owner Bruce Sherman said in a statement. “He has represented the Marlins, our players, our fans, and the South Florida community with unmatched dignity and pride. Over the course of our recent conversations with Don, we both agreed not to pursue a new contract for the 2023 season and that the time is right for a new voice to lead our clubhouse.”

“After meeting with Mr. Sherman and discussing with [general manager] Kim Ng, all parties agreed that it was time for a new voice for the organization,” Mattingly said in a statement. “I am proud and honored to have served as manager of the Marlins for the past seven years and have enjoyed my experiences and relationships I’ve developed within the organization. I look forward to spending time with my family in Evansville, and to any future endeavors.”

The longest-tenured and winningest skipper in franchise history, Mattingly entered the series finale against the Nationals with a 437-583 record (.428 winning percentage) in seven seasons. After five years with the Dodgers from 2011-15, during which he led the club to three straight National League West titles, he signed a four-year deal in November 2015 to become the 15th manager in Marlins history, when the organization had a roster including the late José Fernández as well as future MVPs Giancarlo Stanton and Christian Yelich.

But a rebuilding stage began under the current ownership group soon after, and Mattingly didn’t reach the playoffs with Miami until the 2020 COVID-19-shortened campaign, helping the franchise snap a 16-year postseason drought in its only winning season under his tutelage. He went on to win National League Manager of the Year that season.

In September 2019, Mattingly signed a two-year contract extension with a mutual option for ’22 (it was his idea to have a deadline for it) that was exercised July ‘21, meaning he is not under contract for next season.

It has been a disappointing 2022 for the Marlins (63-89), who expected to contend in the competitive NL East but sustained a multitude of injuries to the likes of All-Star Jazz Chisholm Jr. and more, as well as the underperformance of marquee signing Avisaíl García.

Asked whether the outcome might have been different had the season gone differently, Ng said it’s “always a consideration” because it’s an “outcomes-based industry.”

“When you have a season like this one, where everyone is really disappointed at the end of the year, the outcomes, I think you reflect quite a bit — and a lot of self-reflection, I think, on everybody’s part,” Ng said. “It was through conversations we all just got to the same place, which is that Donnie wasn’t going to pursue a contract for ‘23 and we were not going to pursue a contract for ‘23.”

When asked about Sherman mentioning a new voice to lead, Ng later added, “I didn’t sense any disconnect. I watched the club intently the last couple of months, and they’re still playing hard. But sometimes somebody new adds a little bit something different, and that clicks. Again, I think between all parties, this was just the way we decided to go.”

What this means for the rest of Mattingly’s coaching staff has yet to be determined because the organization’s focus had been on the conversations that led to Sunday. As for the next manager, Ng said it is important but not a prerequisite that they have Major League experience. The Marlins want someone in as soon as possible.

So why Sunday with 10 games left in the season?

“I don’t know that there’s ever a good day for this type of thing,” Ng said. “In order for Don to also say goodbye to people, it’s hard to do the day after the season. So today was fine, and tomorrow’s an off-day. It gives everyone a little bit of a chance to breathe.”

Sunday, July 4, 2021

24 dead and 121 still missing after partial building collapse near Miami

This has been hard to watch over the last week being so close to me, and knowing the area well myself plus having been to that place before. My deepest condolences to all who are affected by that tragedy. Now we know that at least 24 people have died and at least 121 remain unaccounted for following last week’s partial collapse of the Champlain Towers South condominium building in Surfside, Florida.

According to local officials and multiple news reports on Sunday said the demolition team is on site and working to prepare the remaining building to come down as soon as possible in order to preserve safe access to the site for rescue workers Tropical Storm Elsa is tracking further west but may still bring strong winds and heavy rain to the area early this week, according to the National Weather Service.

Miami-Dade County mayor warned that hazardous weather conditions could force search and rescue efforts to pause Six firefighters from one of Florida’s search and rescue teams have tested positive for COVID-19 and are being isolated, Miami-Dade County’s fire chief said Residents of Crestview Towers in North Miami Beach, a building about 5 miles away from the site of the collapse, were ordered to evacuate on Friday after an audit found it “structurally and electrically unsafe,” according to reports.

Friday, October 16, 2020

Cubans 4 Trump! YES The hype is real! TRUMP 2020

Found these guys putting this together on FACEBOOK, and thought giving them some love on my site would be a dope idea since I am from Miami, FLA, and might check out this event in person. So for those who support Trump in the local South Florida area pay attention. The “Cubans4Trump” movement on Facebook has an event coming up, and they put out a flyer, and statement to encourage all my Cuban people to go out to the event, and show the country that will ride Donald Trump in South Florida! We need to show an overwhelming support for our President and celebrate what is certain to be a landslide victory on November 3rd!

Together we will once again make history, and we will help make America Great Again!

ALL Republican Candidates welcome. Massive parking can accommodate thousands!

Awesome video from a couple of days ago in Miami!

#ArmyforTrump #MAGA2020 #Trump2020 #KAG2020

Thursday, September 10, 2020

Kamala Harris Not Well Received in Miami

Good times!!! My people spoke up loud today! “No Communista” Kamala Harris was NOT Well Received in Miami as Latinos For Trump Lined the Streets to Make Clear They Reject Her Far-Left Policies. Kamala made a surprise visit to Miami on Thursday as Joe Biden hid in his basement bunker again. Maybe he’s afraid of his own shadow?

Fact is he’s not doing well with Latinos especially Cubans, and if the Sniffler wants to have a chance at Florida he’s picked the wrong person to be his running mate for VeePee! We can smell a communist pig or a socialist hog where every they crawl from! Filthy animals they pretend they’re fun, and if you skin them just right the bacon while delicious can be deadly! Wait sorry getting side tracked… Anyways. Latinos from South America and Cuba who have suffered under Socialist and Communist regimes have come to the US for a better life and they know Biden and Harris will usher in Socialism which = suffering and death.

Latinos for Trump came out and lined the streets of Miami on Thursday to make it clear they reject Kamala Harris. Like in 2016 I think Florida is going to go RED this election, and I’ll be out there voting if allowed.

“No Communista. No Socialista” one sign said. The Latinos for Trump made it clear that unlike Kamala Harris, they support the police with a sign that said “Apoyen La Policia.” The conservative Cubans and Venezuelans in Miami were not impressed with Kamala Harris’s pandering.

The Trump campaign is doing a great job of linking “progressive” Biden to Latin Socialists and revolutionaries. The Trump camp last month unveiled a powerful ad targeting Hispanic voters. The ad showed Cuban revolutionary Fidel Castro, Venezuelan Socialist Hugo Chavez and others bragging about being progressive.

Saturday, June 13, 2020

Florida spike in coronavirus cases

So I wonder how many of these new cases in Florida’s spike in coronavirus cases could be as a result of the so called civil unrest? There is already talk that it could lead to another stay-at-home order in Miami, mayor says.

Today was the third consecutive day the state reported a staggering amount of new infections… hmmmm wonder why?

As morons, and idiots or “protesters” continue to march in big gatherings following the death of the now “Saint George Floyd”, as the media is painting this career criminal, and businesses gradually resume their reopening’s, these new numbers from the Florida Department of Health paint a troubling trend when it comes to the Chinese virus.

“It does concern me to see these numbers going up, particularly when I’m looking at hospitalizations, as they go up,” said Dr. Aileen Marty from the Florida International University College of Medicine.

An additional 2,581 coronavirus cases were reported statewide on Saturday, setting a new daily record.

That includes 214 new cases among Broward County residents and startling 576 new cases in Miami-Dade.

Doctor Marty studies infectious diseases at FIU and attributes part of the rise to the recent protests.

“That brought a lot of people together, some of whom were not careful and got too close together, and of course were shouting, which helps the virus,”

While many beaches and businesses are also reopening, Dr. Marty said it may be too soon to know if that is also contributing to the alarming, statewide spike… No shit Sherlock!

“We want to have the economy open, but we can only do that if we’re all recognizing that there is this incredibly dangerous virus,” said Dr. Marty. So what these idiots are doing is just infecting themselves.

It’s a trend Miami Mayor Francis Suarez is also watching closely, and said that “There are major concerns as the cases continue to rise,” while
appearing on “Good Morning America” earlier today (Saturday 06-13-2020), Suarez would not rule out issuing another stay at home order if the number of new cases continues to increase.

“We have been data driven since the first day, and we are going to continue to be data driven,” he said. “We may have to make some decisions after this weekend.” Hey here would be a hilarious idea! What if most of those idiots protesting, and rioting ALL get sick and a big chunk of them drop dead!? We know they’re probably not voting for Trump right? To quote Charlie Sheen… “WINNING!”

‘This is power’: Anti-racism protesters march peacefully through downtown Miami

While chanting “Black lives matter” and “we are gods,” the crowd of a few hundred anti-racism demonstrators marched noisily but peacefully through downtown Miami and Brickell on Friday evening, stopping traffic at times but after more than two hours, the marchers circled back just before dusk to downtown Miami, where a group of protesters climbed a ramp to Interstate 95. They hurled insults at a line of Florida Highway Patrol troopers clad in riot gear blocking their path to the northbound side of the highway before turning and climbing back down to street level.

The demonstrators began dispersing without further incident just after 8:30 p.m. The protest march started at the Torch of Friendship in Bayfront Park. Organizers insisted that protesters stay peaceful, cautioning that police “are edgy today.”

“The police do not protect us. We protect each other,” one young woman told followers. “Do not call police. If anyone calls police, I’m going to find out and we’re going to have an issue.”

One young man wore a Guy Fawkes mask and held an upside-down American flag, a symbol of distress. Another wielded a metal garbage can lid as a shield. Organizers passed out bags with water, first-aid kits, umbrellas and helmets.

China Ludlow, 28, on a bicycle with a “no justice, no peace” sign attached to her backpack, said she had attended all the protests held in Miami since George Floyd was killed by Minneapolis police during an arrest for allegedly passing a bad $20 bill. Her name being “China” is adding to the hilarity of the whole thing. Oh, and she’s protesting for a guy who again once pistol whipped a pregnant woman, and who was high on METH! Now what a hero… lol She said that “Systemic racism has plagued my community for all my life,” she said, adding “This is power. Numbers win.”

The mixed crowd of mostly teenagers and 20-somethings criticized “all cops” as bad. Protesters also implored others in the crowd not to talk to reporters. Some tried unsuccessfully to block news and TV photographers from taking pictures. One woman pushed a photographer for the Miami Herald and El Nuevo Herald with an umbrella.

One man claiming to want to support Black Lives Matter but wearing a Trump 2020 pin was asked to leave. Another man — bragging about his $2,000 sunglasses nearly came to blows with some protesters before he was chased away.

The march left Bayfront around 4:30 p.m., with participants chanting “no peace, no justice” as the participants walked along Northeast First Avenue to the Miami-Dade Courthouse. A Honda with four people in it stopped to hand out water to demonstrators on North Miami Avenue. The car had a speaker on top, blaring the song, “How many more times?”

The county earlier closed courthouses in downtown Miami, the Civic Center near Jackson Memorial Hospital and the Caleb Center in Liberty City and sent workers home, apparently as a precaution. Though a couple of previous protests became disruptive, police presence was not heavy and marchers were mostly orderly. Watchful ranks of officers kept their distance by the Miami police headquarters next to Interstate 95, but the demonstrators never approached it.

As they crossed the South Miami Avenue bridge into Brickell, escorted by Miami police on bicycles, the protesters briefly blocked traffic before proceeding to Brickell City Center, a high-end commercial and residential complex, where they sat in the street and took up chants of “f— capitalism” and “eat the rich.”

“We can’t even afford to shop here!” one demonstrator shouted.

Some bystanders expressed support for the marchers… Amanda Allen, 31, tended bar from a window at the Blackbird Ordinary at Southeast First Avenue in Brickell. She was hoping to serve some drinks to protesters, but said she also supports the cause.

“Every time I go outside, I’m reminded I’m a Black woman, so it’s very important to me,” she said.

The demonstrators then turned back toward downtown, striding up Brickell Avenue to the Miami River. Around 7 p.m., traffic was backed up for several blocks approaching the Brickell Avenue drawbridge as protesters blocked the span.

Miami Statues Vandalized As Protest Turns Chaotic…

Saturday, April 25, 2020

Miami Fl goes 7 weeks without a homicide for first time since 1957!

Well alright Miami!!! I guess social distance works to prevent crime also, and while people are dying from this terrible virus it does look like it’s got criminals and killers scared also as it looks like even criminals, and murderers don’t wanna catch Covid-19.

You see Miami has now gone seven weeks without a homicide for first time since 1957! Folks that in itself is amazing stuff, and this was reported by the Miami Police Department. With everything else happening in the world this is headline news if there ever was in Miami.

Only thing in Miami that could top this is if we had snow come down… Not the white Reggae rapper guy. Crime rates in cities nationwide have dropped as stay-at-home orders keep people indoors in an effort to fight the coronavirus pandemic.

There were also no homicides during a six-week period for the first time since 1960. “We can say that it’s due to our police high visibility, attributed with the pandemic and the Stay At Home order,” a Miami Police Department spokesperson told CBS News.

The Mayor of Miami Dade Francis Suarez declared a local state of emergency on March 12 to slow the spread of the coronavirus, and the order has since been extended six times in week-long increments, and it’s working on both stopping the virus spread, and again with crime, and murder rates… One day we might be able to just simply call this city “Dangerous to live” and not “INSANE to live in!”

From February 17 until April 12 of this year — a total of seven weeks and six days Miami had no reported homicides, according to police. In 1957, the city went 9 weeks and 3 days without any reported homicides. In 1960, a period of 6 weeks and 5 days passed without a homicide.

According to the Miami police, other crimes have also decreased. The department said the decrease has extended to domestic violence calls. But Miami Police Chief Jorge Colina told The New York Times he is concerned incidents of domestic violence and child abuse may be under reported during the order.

A street normally busy with traffic is nearly empty as large numbers of people stay home in an effort to contain the coronavirus pandemic on March 24, 2020 in Miami, Florida.

Crime is also down in Baltimore since Maryland issued its own stay-at-home order, CBS Baltimore reports. Although criminal incidents in the city still continue on a daily basis, assault, carjacking, robbery and shootings have all gone down since the order was implemented.

When compared to the same time last year, common assaults in Baltimore went down 34%, aggravated assaults went down 17%, and shootings dropped by 8%.

Los Angeles California reported that violent crime and property crimes are down compared to last year, according to CBS LA was Within a 9.73% drop in violent crime overall, homicides in particular were down 21%.

The same, unfortunately, cannot be said of Chicago… Despite a stay-at-home order in the city, robberies and shootings were up in the last week, according to CBS Chicago. Police responded to 19 shootings Tuesday night, six of which were homicides. That means shootings were up 42% from the same week last year, according to data analyzed by the station. Anyone keeping tabs on Jussie Smollett?

“We’re fighting the pandemic, and we’re fighting the epidemic,” said Tony Raggs with the Alliance of Local Service Organizations. “The epidemic being violence.”

In Los Angeles, the drop in violent crime has been marred by an increase in domestic violence calls. According to Los Angeles County Sheriff Alex Villanueva, deputies responded to about 8% more domestic violence calls between mid-March and mid-April, when compared to last year.

According to the CDC and Prevention, intimate partner violence affects 12 million people a year. Since stay-at-home orders went into affect, some regions have reported spikes in domestic violence complaints, while others are seeing a drop-off in domestic violence calls, as victims holed up with their abusers become more isolated.

“Everyone living in confined quarters, with very few options or reliefs, it’s a concern,” Villanueva said. Thus the streets are safe at night to walk in now but you can’t cause it’s all locked up cus of the virus. So once we get things back to normal I hope it doesn’t make the crazy killers go ape shit, and there is some sort of extreme murder rate in those months.