Showing posts with label nbcnews. Show all posts
Showing posts with label nbcnews. Show all posts

Wednesday, October 30, 2024

Sticks-n-Stones Break Bones, Jokes don't!

So these twisted libs are using the whole joke told about Puerto Rico to try and put it like if this was Trumps joke! But this wasn't and once again the know nothings at lame stream news media is caught with said foot in mouth as places like MSDNC, CNN, ABC, and other places of news were all hyperventilating because a comedian told a joke and claimed the election is OVER for Trump?

"We’ve got him now!" Remember? "It’s over now, Trump just lost every single Puerto Rican vote out there!"

But….it was yet another big lie... Check out how instead of being mad, Puerto Ricans have a sense of humor and they love our Country and they LOVE Donald Trump!

And so they decided to put on a massive Trump caravan yesterday just to prove it. So eat that Lame stream media and once again you're all proven wrong by the people, and once again you're eating crow and once again this is why Trump will be re-elected come November and we shall have prosperity again and he will help MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN!

It’s a thing of beauty: