In some good news Tiffany Henyard HUMILIATED in Defeat! Voters are mad and well the northeastern Illinois politician and self-proclaimed “Super Mayor” was defeated by a landslide in Tuesday's democratic primaries. Tiffany Henyard (D), the scandal-plagued mayor of the village of Dolton, ran against Jason House (D). Henyard lost with 536 votes, while House reeled in 3,896, or 87.91% of the votes Tuesday, according to the Cook County Clerk's Office.
While campaigning to stay in office as Dolton mayor on Tuesday, Henyard reminded residents of the repaved streets, alleys and sidewalks she brought to fruition, as well as a $1.5 million grant for infrastructure and a $3 million grant to rebuild Dolton. Henyard went live on Facebook Tuesday night encouraging residents to vote for her. “We’re almost to the finish line,” she said. “One hour left before we make history once again in the village of Dolton and take this by a landslide.”
According to television station WGN-TV, Henyard said she has accepted the election outcome. “The people have spoken,” Henyard told the station. “God must have a different plan.” Her opponent, House, told CBS Chicago that he is “ecstatic” about the outcome. Seemingly commenting on Henyard’s past behavior, he said “this does not represent Dolton.”
Let's see how he does but he continued by saying “We had one rogue individual,” he said. “I’m sure Dolton is proud, and we are happy that we are ready to change the narrative.” When asked how he felt about Henyard failing to get 1,000 votes, he said he is proud of the residents of Dolton. “For the last four years, she was taking us in the wrong direction,” House said. “The board saw that … Anybody that goes off in the wrong direction needs to be corrected.”
NO WHITE ALLOWED? Chicago Mayor in name only is now saying that it will only be “Granting Private Interviews to Black or Brown Journalists” so yes folks the racist bullshit happening is continuing. This is coming from Beetlejuice herself Lori LightfootinMouth!
Chicago reporters are just a little mad after racist, lesbian Mayor Lori Lightfoot reportedly vowed to only grant one-on-one interviews to black or brown journalists. No whites allowed. NBC 5 political reporter Mary Ann Ahern took to Twitter on Tuesday to mark the “midway point” of Lightfoot’s first term in office and apparently acknowledged her failed effort to land an interview.
“As @chicagosmayor reaches her two year midway point as mayor, her spokeswoman says Lightfoot is granting 1 on 1 interviews only to Black or Brown journalists,” Ahern tweeted.
“I was told the same thing,” WTTW Chicago Tonight anchor and correspondent Paris Schutz reacted to Ahern’s tweet.
“I can confirm,” Chicago politics reporter Heather Cherone similarly tweeted. As BeetleJuice made it’s decision to cancel culture the white bread journalists caused a bit of a kerfuffle on social media. On one side are folks who call the mayor a racist. On the other are defenders of the mayor who say the white reporters are showing signs of privilege.
She is clearly mentally unstable, and need to be sanctioned, and maybe even removed from her job! She’s doing a piss poor job as it is. Chicago which had the toughest gun laws in the nation also faces some of the worst crimes in the nation. She isn’t doing her job so she needs to go! Check out this vile ugly racist bitch on Twitter, and how I responded to her.
So she is not just gross looking she's also a racist. Shes being her true racist self. Now she needs to step down from her position or be fired. Racism is not allowed in this united states.
A middle school in Waukegan, Illinois will not be renamed “Barack & Michelle Obama Middle School” after pro-immigration activists complained that the former president had a dismal record on deportations! Funny I know since the left loves Obama, and loves their illegals. Guess he deported all the “Conservative Illegals” ? Anyways!
The Waukegan Board of Education “decided several weeks ago to rename two ‘controversially’ named elementary schools, Thomas Jefferson Middle School and Daniel Webster Middle School, over concerns that both historical figures supported the practice of slavery” and following a request on behalf of dozens of students and community members. So you would think renaming them after the first “African American” or half anyway President, and his manly Wife would make up for the lack of racial diversity right? Well nope! Wrong. And I quote “Renaming committees were formed for each school and included people in the community, students, and staff,” according to Chicago’s ABC affiliate. After deliberation, the committees settled on a small number of final possibilities, including Barack and Michelle Obama Middle School. “The school board heard concerns from the public Tuesday night over one of the finalists in the running to be the new name for Thomas Jefferson Middle School,” ABC News reported back in March. “The country’s first Black President and First Lady, Barack and Michelle Obama is one of the top three choices for the school’s new name but is drawing opposition in the area with a large Latinx population.”
So here is how this played out, and eventually didn’t happen for the Obamas… “I will not be part of renaming a school after someone who did not and does not represent the undocumented community,” one school board member said during the meeting. Funny with the “OPEN BORDER POLICY” in place now with Biden who’s nothing but Obama 2.0 but worse cause he’s just the puppet being moved around on strings by the Obamas, and others.
“From the time Barack Obama became President until 2017 when he left, he today is still the highest-ranking president with deportations in our nation,” a local immigration activist told media during a protest. “We feel that Barack Obama did a disservice to us. He denied us, and he didn’t stop the deportations, the way he promised.”
“If you’re removing the name of Thomas Jefferson one oppressor the name of Obama is another oppressor and our families do not want to see that name,” she added.
The left spent their time blaming Trump for what Obama did! And the democrat voters bought into the lie!
On Tuesday, the Waukegan School Board voted to select John Lewis Middle School as the institution’s new name. “Daniel Webster Middle School will be renamed for local civil rights activist Edith Smith.”
Waukegan school board president, Brandon Ewing, ultimately decided to drop the Obama name.
“I think he was a great president and he did things to move us forward,” Ewing said, per Fox News. “But just like we’re having the discussion about Thomas Jefferson, all men are flawed and nobody’s legacies are perfect. I think we have a responsibility to listen to all constituents and weigh that in whatever decision we make.”
Lewis, on the other hand, Ewing said, was “one of our icons who we actually got to see grow old” adding that Lewis “embodies what we want to teach our students, and that is how to get into good trouble.”
Waukegan’s school district is hardly the first to undertake a name change for buildings named after historical figures now considered controversial — the San Francisco United School District (SFUSD) undertook a similar effort in 2020 only to drop the crusade after evidence that their research into which historical figures were “controversial” proved inexhaustive — but it may be the first to consider former President Barack Obama controversial.
The city of Chicago never stops amazing me! It’s now official that it ended 2020 with record-breaking crime statistics. The Windy City witnessed more murders than any time since 2001. At least 769 people were killed last year by gun shots, 280 more than 2019.
Now Chicago was not alone in the violent crime rates in most major cities spiked by double-digits during the CoVID pandemic.
Shootings and murders skyrocketed in Chicago last year, after three years of declining violence in the city.
Shootings and murders skyrocketed in Chicago last year, after three years of declining violence in the city. But now in the era of Beetlejuice it’s time for more people to DIE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! She looks like death.
In 2020, the city saw 774 murders, an increase of more than 50% compared to the 506 murders in 2019, according to data compiled by the Chicago Sun-Times. Ninety percent of Chicago Police Department districts reported more murders in 2020 than in 2019, and nearly a quarter of homicides occurred in just three districts on the west side of the city.
May 31 will go down as the bloodiest day in modern Chicago history, with 18 people killed in one day, according to the University of Chicago Crime Lab, which keeps records dating back to 1961. Protests and riots broke out across Chicago and the United States after George Floyd died in the custody of Minneapolis police.
“We’ve never seen anything like it at all,” Max Kapustin, a researcher at the lab, said of the crime wave. “I don’t even know how to put it into context. It’s beyond anything that we’ve ever seen before.”
Shootings in the Windy City rose in 2020, 3,237 as of Dec. 27, a steep increase compared to the 2,120 shooting incidents in 2019.
Cities across the country experienced a spike in violent crime in 2020, with homicides increasing by 41% in New York City. In Los Angeles, more than 300 homicides occurred, the highest in a decade. In July, there were 63 shootings and 15 homicides in Portland, Oregon, a number police said was the highest number of killings in a single month in 30 years.
Minneapolis, the center of the nation’s attention after the death of Floyd, saw 81 murders in 2020, compared to just 48 in 2020. The city council, which voted to dismantle the police department, was outraged by the rise in crime and demanded answers from the police chief over the rise in crime in September.
Chicago Mayor Lori Lightfoot enters news conference dressed up as “Corona Destroyer” to announce the city’s Halloween guidelines.
Trick-or-treating will be allowed in Chicago this Halloween, with some restrictions, Mayor Lori Lightfoot said Thursday. Those going door-to-door cannot be in groups larger than six, must “keep it moving” and social distance.
Lightfoot also outlined a new city event Halloweek. Lightfoot’s Halloween announcement comes the same day COVID-19 restrictions are easing for Chicago businesses. Classes at gyms can now include more people, and personal services that require a mask being removed, like shaves and facials, are now allowed. The alcohol curfew for bars and restaurants is pushed back to 1 a.m. Bars that don’t serve food will be able to seat people indoors at 25% capacity, and those that do serve food can open at 40% capacity, with a maximum of 50 people per space.
Illinois released its Halloween guidelines Wednesday amid the COVID-19 pandemic. Anyone participating in trick-or-treating should maintain social distance and wear proper face coverings; consider leaving individual candies spaced apart outside; trick-or-treat only with household members and wash hands before eating candy, the state said.
Lightfoot who is a dead ringer for Beetlejuice on any given day couldn’t possibly look any more ridiculous but she did. The news that the Windy City would be allowing Halloween should be greeted with mixed feelings, especially since the carnage in an already violent hellhole hit record levels.
She also has been mistaken for the short black midget who used to hangout with Howard Stern. Remember him?
Over 3,100 people have been shot in Mayor Lori Lightfoot’s (D) Chicago thus far in 2020. The Chicago Tribune reports the exact number of shooting victims at 3,132, and that includes the fatally wounded as well as those who survived. The Tribune reports the number of homicides January 1, 2020, through September 28, 2020, at 576, CNN reported fewer than 500 for all of 2019.
Breitbart News reported at least 49 people were shot over the past weekend alone, at least seven fatally. Nearly 40 were shot, including six fatally, the weekend prior, and at least 50 were shot, 11 fatally, the weekend before that.
“One would think that Mayor Lightfoot would have more urgent priorities than putting on the “Rona Destroyer” garb and prancing around for an adoring media but the violence in her city where citizens are under attack as if they lived in a third-world country doesn’t merit her full attention. It is mind-boggling how this person could have ever gotten the job as the mayor of one of America’s largest cities but if it wasn’t for low standards, Democrats would have no standards at all. Democrats and especially the vaunted class of 2018 are incompetent authoritarian clowns and the coronavirus is the best thing that ever happened to them.”
I have to agree 100% I mean she’s a god damn joke, and her city is a disaster! She needs to be impeached or voted out asap! She’s a wack job leftist, evil bigot! IMO
Chicago police chief Dion Boyd A 30-year veteran of the Chicago Police Department was found dead Tuesday morning of an apparent self-inflicted gunshot wound the newly promoted, top-ranking Chicago officers body was found at the police facility that was recently targeted by anti-racism protests in the city. According to the Chicago Sun Times, Tuesday afternoon, Supt. David Brown confirmed that Deputy Chief of Criminal Networks Dion Boyd was found dead Tuesday morning of an apparent self-inflicted gunshot wound. His death comes less than two weeks after he was promoted to head the department’s drug crime unit. While speaking to the press at Chicago Police Department headquarters, Brown shared that the police deputy chief was “a respected command staff member,” who had been with the department for nearly 30 years.
Chicago Police Supt. Brown confirms officer who died is Deputy Chief Dion Boyd.
“There’s really no way to convey or express the magnitude of this loss,” Brown confessed while remembering the 57-year-old who was discovered in the Homan Square police facility. “We are shocked and saddened at the loss that is deeply felt by me and the many colleagues and friends with whom Deputy Chief Boyd worked and mentored throughout his career.”
While Chicago PD stopped short of linking Boyd’s suicide to the ongoing protests over police brutality taking place in Chicago and all over the nation, he did note that, “The job of a Chicago police officer is not easy, particularly in a time where there is intensified stress.” And the Mayor BeetleJuice herself Lori Lightfoot is to blame for his death. She didn’t do her job, showed no support for the officers, and took the side of the criminals, and she’s got his death on her hands. His blood is on her like the blood of many who’ve died under her watch. She belongs in prison! But needs to resign NOW!
Dion Boyd, a newly appointed Chicago police deputy chief, fatally shot himself Tuesday morning in the Homan Square CPD facility on the West Side. He was 57.
“Everyday life can seem insurmountable at times for anyone, but for police officers the stakes are even higher due to the tireless work that they do to safeguard others,” he said. He also implored any officers buckling under the weight of their responsibilities to “always remember to take care of ourselves and each other.”
“There is no shame in reaching out for help,” he added. “Please, officers, please, stay humble, stay human, stay safe and stay well.”
As the Sun Times notes, “Suicides have been a continuing problem for the Chicago Police Department for years. In 2017, the U.S. Justice Department reported that the city’s suicide rate among officers was 60% higher than the average of 18.1 officers per 100,000 nationally. The report recommended improvements in mental-health counseling available to officers.”
Mayor Beetlejuice Lori Lightfoot also publicly offered her condolences Tuesday afternoon… Like she gives a shit! I bet this bitch threw a fucking going away party when she heard he died. Fuck Lori and her Lightfoot in mouth!
To every officer, we want you to know that you are deserving of help and healing, and no one needs to struggle alone.
— Mayor Lori Lightfoot (@chicagosmayor) July 28, 2020
“To every officer, we want you to know that you are deserving of help and healing, and no one needs to struggle alone,” Lightfoot tweeted…. So says the bitch who made things worse, and caused this man so much mental pain he killed himself. SHAME on her!