Conservatives say 'good riddance' to Joy Reid's MSNBC show as liberals slam network shake-up! LMAO! Her ratings had a lot to do with it as she was just not pulling in ratings and who would want to watch a liar on tv who is not just lying but is clearly a racist, and is unhinged. The thing she did was not journalism. This was a disgraceful idiot on TV for way too long.
Reid’s 7 p.m. ET program will be replaced by a show featuring Symone Sanders-Townsend, a former spokesperson to Vice President Kamala Harris, Alicia Menendez and RNC Chair turned MSNBC host Michael Steele, according to a source familiar with the plans. Former FCC chairman Ajit Pai quipped, "An unfortunate development for Joy Reid's viewer, considering the host's insightful analysis on political topics." Pai included a clip of Reid praising former Vice President Kamala Harris' "flawlessly run campaign," despite losing to Trump.
Actor Michael Rapaport also reacted to the news, with the hashtag, #joyless.
HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!! Good, and not cause I wanna see anyone lose a job good because you had an opportunity & pissed it away with short sighted racially weaponized 1/4 truth garbage And they did it on a SUNDAY morning, double
Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene, R-Ga., shared the news on X, saying, "The ad execs and the board finally figured out that racism, lies, and Trump derangement syndrome will put them out of business."
Good morning!!
MSNBC just canceled Joy Reid’s show.
The ad execs and the board finally figured out that racism, lies, and Trump derangement syndrome will put them out of business.
Some liberal commentators slammed the network on the social media platform, Bluesky.
Keith Olbermann, a former MSNBC host, said the network didn't have a "Joy Reid problem," but rather a "Joe Scarborough problem," pointing to the network's "Morning Joe" co-host. "Until he is fired, MSNBC will not recover. Shuffling tepid shows in and out does nothing," he continued. Olbermann also made the argument that a panel show, which is what will be replacing Reid's program, wouldn't be successful.
"Also: panel shows with multiple meh hosts don't work in primetime in cable news.
They didn't work in 2003, which is about the last time MSNBC tried one - even those executives understood the need for strong solo anchors (though they seldom could identify them)," he wrote.
"She's a blunt Black woman, so of course her show is canceled. Not lost on any of us," Wajahat Ali, a liberal commentator and writer, reacted.
Dean Obeidallah, a radio show host who has written for CNN and MSNBC, also pointed to the "Morning Joe" hosts specifically their meeting with Trump, which prompted a lot of backlash at the network in a post on Bluesky.
Danielle Moodie, the host of the Daily Beast's "The New Abnormal" podcast, slammed MSNBC for canceling Reid's show, saying "Everytime MSNBC has a "shakeup" the black woman solo led show is ALWAYS the first to go."
Others, including NewsNation's Kurt Bardella, praised Reid's career at MSNBC.
"The 1st person at MSNBC to give me a regular place on a show was Joy Reid. I would not have a career in cable news without her. She has elevated so many diverse voices and paved a way for so many. Whatever she does next will be equally impact-full," said Bardella.
Check out this Trophy that was given by Deutsche Bank to Donald Trump because they were so proud of the Loan they made with him. They had the best Lawyers, the smartest Loan Officers, and were thrilled to do business with “TRUMP.” Interest was fully paid every month (no payment ever missed!), he never received a default notice, and if Interest came due on a weekend, he paid it on a Friday.
THE LOAN WAS PAID OFF FAR AHEAD OF SCHEDULE! But, because of the Corrupt DOJ, FBI, and Racist New York State Attorney General Trump is in court and in a case with no Victims, there were only happy Bankers! But despite a PERFECT LOAN, he's being sued by the Incompetent, Radical Left New York State AG, Letitia “Peekaboo” James, under a Statute that was never used for this before, and where Trump is not even entitled to a Jury.
A Liberal Democrat Judge, with all Trump Haters surrounding him, is going to make this very important decision. If he had a Jury, he would stand a better chance of actually having a chance to win, but regardless, this is a case that should never have been brought.
China owned (China Investment Corp, the Country’s Sovereign wealth Fund!), and very badly failing, Forbes “Magazine,” which lost most of its relevance long ago, and which knows less about Trump than Stormy Daniels (who doesn’t know him at all!) They took him off their Fake Forbes 400 list, just by a “whisker,” even though they know that he should be high up on that now very dated and discredited “antique.”
They are working with the Racist and highly incompetent, job killing Attorney General of New York, Letitia “Peekaboo” James, who has allowed Murder and Violent Crime in the State to hit epidemic levels. China owned Forbes is a participant in the Election Interference Scam, and after what I have done to China, with hundreds of billions of dollars being paid to the USA, who can blame them? For years Forbes has attacked me with really dumb writers assigned to hit me hard, and I am now up 60 Points on the Republicans, and beating Crooked Joe by a lot.
On the base, it reads: "Trump Old Post Office LLC," the amount of the loan, "$170,000,000," and the date, "July 23, 2014."
Aired on November 19, 1998. The Roseanne Show (1998)
#48 with Donald Trump, Michael Moore & Virginia Graham.
So much for Forbes & the cases against Trump being legit in anyway. We know these cases are just for the left to help with the election fraud they did in 2020, and plan again in 2024. The liars know no means even when proven to be a lie by them it's mostly useless when the DA, and JUDGE are both on the same page which is to drain TRUMP from his earnings though his business.
Before the trial had even started remember the JUDGE ordered all of TRUMPS business license to be revoked and his properties taken. Wait he's now guilty until proven innocent? The case wasn't even started how can the judge do this? Clearly he's made up his mind before he even became this trials Judge, Jury and executioner. Might as well call him Judge Dreedgeron.
"They had the best Lawyers, the smartest Loan Officers, and were thrilled to do business with 'TRUMP,'" he said, speaking about himself in the third person. "Interest was fully paid every month (no payment ever missed!), never received a default notice, and if Interest came due on a weekend, I paid it on a Friday. THE LOAN WAS PAID OFF FAR AHEAD OF SCHEDULE!"
Trump, who described the loan he received from the bank as a "PERFECT LOAN" then went off on the Justice Department and the New York attorney general, saying that there were no "Victims" of his alleged misdeeds.
So fatass Chris the Rhino Christie went on CNN to plug his bullshit new television and radio ad, and he was on Fredo Cumo the lame slowmo host on CNN. As usual the snakes all gather around, and these two are no different… The now former New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie said Thursday on CNN’s “Cuomo Prime Time” that it was time for Republican lawmakers to accept President Donald Trump lost the 2020 election and not try to “disturb the certification of the Electoral College.”
Cuomo said, “What do you say to members of your party who are in Congress who are even contemplating doing something on January 6th to disturb the certification of the Electoral College?”
Christie said, “Chris, you know, whenever anybody loses an election, party, an individual, there’s great disappointment, but elections have consequences. And this one was clearly won by president-elect Biden by the same margin in the Electoral College that President Trump won four years ago. And by even more, nearly double the popular vote. This election, there’s been no evidence put forward that’s shown me as a former prosecutor that there was any fraud that would change the result of the election. And so it’s time for us to accept that defeat. Also, by the way, accept the many victories we had that night. 14 new House members, two legislatures at the state level switched, and a governorship flipped to the Republican Party. We had a great night except at the top of the ticket. So we need to accept that, and we need to move on.”
So just let the clear rig that happened after 4 years of fake scandals from the left go? So the Socialists could have their way? His true colors have been exposed… He’s FULL BLOWN RHINO! I had some fun with him on t he meme below in my tweet to him directly.
Some friend! Claims he’s @realDonaldTrump friend, but is on CNN sucking up air time on that FAKE NEWS Network telling Trump to concede. Chris we knew you was a Rhino but now we know you’re not a good friend. CNN’s been trashing Trump for 4 years! But there you are with his enemy.
But his latest CNN doc dropping and Gossip bullshit on his friend “Donald Trump” is not just this one time he’s done it before… This is from 2019 “Christie: Trump lied about things he didn’t need to lie about” Why would he go on CNN and talk bad about his friend of 20 years? Seriously this moron needs to pipe down it’s clear he’s nobodies friend. He’s probably a leaker who’s been leaking to CNN and everyone he can fake shit to smear Trump.
Yes folks I kid you not… I’ve been now the target of both social medias as I cannot post this url on Facebook at all, and now I got this from the Twitter itself… Laughable. This one came from some leftist Trump hating hack who calls himself “PoliticalED” who posted this crap cause I said some facts! That Obama is the one who went to Cuba, and shook hands with the Castro Brothers after these same idiots tried to call out Marco Rubio for what he’s doing to protect our elections, and who’s on the right path. Marco Rubio has come along way, and has gained my respect over the years, and because I agreed with Marco now ED is targeting me. But two can play this game as I reported his account on 10 different posts he made harrasing others on twitter. Check this crap out below, and if you care about free speech, freedom of liberty, and our rights to agree with whomever we want without being harrased should go on Twitter, and report this asshole PoliticalED.
Ice Cube says CNN cancelled his interview with Chris Cuomo because they ‘can’t handle the truth’ after it emerged the rapper has been working with Trump on a plan for black Americans, and the ICON Rapper is blasting, and openly criticizing CNN.
The rapper recently defended his decision to work with Trump on creating policies to better serve black people after fans claimed he was being used Ice Cube tweeted about politicians: ‘They all lie and they all cheat but we can’t afford not to negotiate with whoever is in power … Our justice is bipartisan’ the star real name O’Shea Jackson – claimed he had been due to appear on Cuomo Prime Time but the interview was called off.
‘So the POWERS that be cancelled my interview on @CuomoPrimeTime tonight,’ he tweeted. ‘I’ve actually been ban from @CNN for a few months so I was surprised they even asked. But it seems like they can’t handle the truth.’ According to Ice Cube’s rep, Trump’s campaign responded more enthusiastically to the initiative than Biden’s people who said they’d address his plan after the election. The Biden campaign released their plan aimed at black voters in May, and while The ‘F**k the Police hitmaker has criticized President Trump’s ‘law and order’ stance.
He ain’t a dummy and he understands how life works, and he said Ice Cube tweeted about politicians: ‘They all lie and they all cheat but we can’t afford not to negotiate with whoever is in power or our condition in this country will never change. Our justice is bipartisan’ The controversy was first stirred after Trump’s campaign adviser Katrina Pierson gave him a ‘shoutout for his willingness to step up and work with [the Trump] administration’ on Twitter which set off the left media, and I think ICE Cube saw first hand how crooked, and biased they are.
The rapper recently defended his decision to work with President Trump on creating policies to better serve African Americans after fans claimed he was being used. Think about that now if he has a mind of his own, and decides he wants to work to help black Americans with the current President the left who has supported him before has turned on him. This folks is why the left is, and will be looked on for generations as a side not worth ever voting for again. They don’t have our best interest at heart. Only their own policies, and agendas.
This old hag is clearly working against the AMERICAN people… She just said “All the President wants is a check to people with his name on it…” This should tell you all folks. The President is trying to get us money, and she’s blocking it, and this interview proves how much of a con artist, and ANTI people she, and the democrats are. ALL She does is fancy talk, and she does not care about people. This attitude of hers exploded on this interview. She should be in prison to begin with before this video but now. She should be sent to DEATHROW this is treason.
The Tuesday interview between Nancy Pelosi and Wolf Blitzer about the ongoing negotiations for a COVID-19 relief bill quickly grew heated as the House speaker accused the CNN anchor of being a Republican “apologist” who was uninformed about the bill, and like usual just insults, and no answers to real questions from the Queen of Nasty!
“With all due respect, and you know we’ve known each other a long time, you really don’t know what you’re talking about,” Pelosi said. “I don’t know why you’re always an apologist, and many of your colleagues, apologists for the Republican position.”
During the interview, Blitzer pressed her on why House Democrats have rejected the Trump administration’s latest $1.8 trillion stimulus bill offer as many Americans have continued to struggle financially during the pandemic. “Can you look them in the eye, Madame Speaker, and explain why you don’t want to accept the president’s latest stimulus offer?” Blitzer asked earlier in the interview.
“I hope you’ll ask the same question of the Republicans of why they don’t really want to meet the needs of the American people,” Pelosi said. “I know what their needs are. I listen to them and their needs are not addressed in the president’s proposal. So when you say to me why don’t you accept theirs, why don’t they accept ours?”
Blitzer then interjected to quote a tweet from Rep. Ro Khanna and later referenced former presidential candidate Andrew Yang as examples of Democrats who want the $1.8 trillion deal to go through.
Honest to God, you really I can’t get over it because Andrew Yang, hes lovely. Ro Khanna, her lovely. They are not negotiating this situation. They have no idea of the particulars. They have no idea of what the language is here,” she said. “You quote two people who know nothing about the agreement — there is no agreement, but what the suggestions are, as if they are some authority on the subject. Please. Give equal weight to all of the chairmen on the committee who have written this bill.
This woman is evil, and it’s clear she needs to go! Watch as she stutters, blabbers, and refuses to give a real answer!
Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX) ripped CNN host Chris Cuomo for the network’s bias against President Donald Trump and for the way his brother, New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo (D), handled the coronavirus, and like normal Cuomo kept interrupting, and insulting Ted Cruz. This is the tactic of the left. They have nothing so this is what they do.
“Chris, there was a time when CNN actually cared about being journalistic and talking about facts,” Cruz said Wednesday. “Donald Trump broke you guys. I mean your entire show, your entire network now is just how much you hate Trump.”
“When I’m back in Texas, people in Texas don’t understand why the press is just like the only thing you talk about is how much you hate the President,” the Senator said. CUOMO: I know you’re a master debater. And Professor Dershowitz tells me you were the star smartest student he ever had at Harvard Law. You’re going to go with that weak-ass argument here? Byrd, who had a complete enlightenment about how hate was wrong, who changed his life, who spoke about it.” But yet they keep accusing Trump of being a racist! Byrd was a racist, and Trump wasn’t ever in the KKK but Byrd was.
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CRUZ: Chris, Chris, have you ever– CUOMO: –who changed his ways? CRUZ: –eulogized a Klansman? CUOMO: You’re going to– CRUZ: I haven’t. CUOMO: He was a– CRUZ: Or I’ll give you another example. CUOMO: Listen, but no, no, no, hold on. That’s your example. CRUZ: How about right – hold on. CUOMO: That’s your example. You’re going to use that– CRUZ: No, I’ll give you another one. CUOMO: –you’re going to – well but hold on. CRUZ: I can give you a lot of examples. CUOMO: But hold on, because I don’t want you to run away from the premise, Senator. I’m not you, but I’m not a fool either. He did it in Charlottesville. He did it with David Duke. The old Ted Cruz, who he called Lyin’ Ted, when he wasn’t insulting your wife and your father, tweeted, “Hey, you’re better than this, Mr. President.” What happened to that Ted? I don’t know if he changed or did just you changed, for some reason, Senator? CRUZ: Chris, I’m glad you take tips on insults from other folks. CUOMO: Really? Am I insulting you, Sir? CRUZ: Oh, yes. CUOMO: How so? CRUZ: Oh, yes, you are. CUOMO: How so? CRUZ: And you’re enjoying it. That’s fine. CUOMO: I’m not enjoying it at all. CRUZ: Chris? CUOMO: I’m not enjoying anything about this. CRUZ: Chris, there was a time– CUOMO: Except having an opportunity for you to say the right thing at the right time. CRUZ: Chris, there was a time when CNN actually cared about being journalistic and talking about facts. Donald Trump broke you guys. I mean you’re just– CUOMO: Really? CRUZ: –your entire show, your entire network now is just how much you hate Trump. CUOMO: Really? CRUZ: And you know what? I think a lot of people like are interested in – you said in your opening, it was very interesting, you said the President didn’t say anything positive about the country. Well I thought the most important moment in the debate, last night, was when the President made very clear that Joe Biden’s policy agenda of shutting down the country, shutting down small businesses, and shutting down schools, and our priority needs to be opening up the economy, bringing jobs back, getting kids back in school. And that’s a very different policy agenda. We have had an enormous economic impact from this pandemic. We need to restart the economy. And I think the President and Joe Biden have very different visions. Joe Biden’s policies, I think, don’t work and hurt a whole lot of people. And when I’m back in Texas, people in Texas don’t understand why the press is just like the only thing you talk about is how much you hate the President. CUOMO: Ted? Ted? CRUZ: I get that the President’s not your friend, fine. CUOMO: Senator, when you were in the campaign, do you want me to read through some of the things you said about Donald Trump? You want to talk about somebody who had a chance to talk about policy, but just stuck with the person? Nobody did it more than you did. That’s why he gave you the nickname he did and beat you down with it. The idea that you’re going to put that on the media, my brother, you were the guy who went on Twitter, talking about my naked ass, but you won’t tell him, when he’s being an ass. So, why would you put it on me? CRUZ: Chris, fine, you hate the President. I get it.
Ann Coulter sparks outrage? WTF? After tweeting that she wants accused Kenosha shooter Kyle Rittenhouse, 17 for president, and when he’s old enough I think he would make a fine President someday. Good kid that Kyle. But of course with the left he’s a criminal mastermind of hate! Never mind he was being chased, shot at, and he was there as a medic to help. Oh, and the guys he shot were not black just common criminals. Well one who died in a red shirt was a child rapist, and the other 2 also known criminals, and who abused women mind you. So the guy defending himself who was like everyone else white. But leave it to one moron dipped in human filth named Yvette Nicole Brown to defend a pedophile, and 2 abusers of woman because Black Lives Matter? WTF? The left is beyond repair in the stupid fucktardness of their behavior.
Conservative commentator Ann Coulter tweeted support for accused Wisconsin shooter Kyle Rittenhouse, saying “I want him as my president”. Twitter removed Ms Coulter’s statements for violating the platform’s rules after users took offence at her opinion, made in response to a user saying they wanted the teenager as a “bodyguard”.
In case @AnnCoulter deletes it, here’s the tweet. Please report this vile woman & her vile tweet. @jack & @twitter please help.
If these hateful people with large followings are allowed to continue to declare #OpenSeason on Black lives, on YOUR platform, more people will die.
Analysis of the video from the scenes all show me the same thing… Kyle acted in Self-defense, and again the footage will prove it as we can see him shown pursued by a group before an unknown gunman fires nearby. He turns in the direction of the shots. As someone else lunges towards him with a skateboard which can kill or knock him out which either way he would be dead, and considering that other guy took recently which left him almost dead! How is Kyle not considered Self-defense? The second shooting occurs after the man trips and falls while leaving the scene of the first shooting. As three people rush toward him, he appears to fire four times while at least 16 other gunshots sound out around him. Fox News host Tucker Carlson also being criticised for considering that scenario.
“A court will decide whether what you just saw qualifies as self-defence. As of tonight, we really don’t have more details,” Mr Carlson said on his show Wednesday. “We do know why it all happened, though. Kenosha is devolved into anarchy because the authorities in charge of the city abandoned it. People in charge, from the governor of Wisconsin on down, refused to enforce the law. They stood back and they watched Kenosha burn.
“So are we really surprised that looting and arson accelerated to murder? How shocked are we that 17-year-olds with rifles decided they had to maintain order when no one else would? Everyone could see what was happening in Kenosha. It was getting crazier by the hour,” he continued.
Kenosha devolved into anarchy because the authorities abandoned the people. Those in charge, from the governor on down, refused to enforce the law. They’ve stood back and watched Kenosha burn. Are we really surprised that looting and arson accelerated to murder?
So Chris Cuomo #MeToos Himself on Leaked Phone Call! LMAO This is hilarious… You cannot make this up guys! This is just pure insanity. Chris Cuomo is a clown, and like his nickname “Fredo Cuomo” is caught on a hot mic with Michael Cohen, and folks the audio is wonderful! This shows exactly who, and how fake he is. What a joke…
So the St. Louis Circuit Court Attorney Kimberly Gardner accused the McCloskeys, who are the defendants remember. Gardner is prosecuting them, and she is saying that they! Catch this THEY are trying to turn the legal proceedings into “political theater” after they motioned to have her removed from the case. A Case which in no logical way should even be happening. Gardner is a complete, and utter moron! How dare she bring up charges on people trying to defend their property and more importantly their lives? The attorney for Mark and Patricia McCloskey, Joel Schwartz, filed a motion on July 29 to have Gardner barred from prosecuting their case after Gardner referenced the case in two campaign emails, one sent before charges were filed and one after. Gardner’s response to the McCloskeys was filed under seal but released to the public over the weekend by the St. Louis Circuit Court, according to the St. Louis Post-Dispatch.
Gardner who clearly is pro criminals here pushed back against Schwartz’s assertion that the campaign emails carried “the appearance of impropriety” and showed that Gardner “may have been affected by her personal, political, financial, and professional interests, and that her neutrality, judgement, and ability to administer law in an objective manner may have been compromised.”
Gardner asserted that the campaign emails were not sent out in an effort to benefit from the high-profile case, but in response to Republican attacks against her in the press over her decision to investigate the McCloskeys, and then over her decision to charge them with gun use violations for threatening protesters who had broken into the McCloskeys’ private, gated neighborhood. They were not innocent protesters! They BROKE IN! The ones charged should be them NOT this innocent family the McCloskeys who were having Dinner minding their own bussiness when these lunatics came in and broke into a gated private property! According to this bitch Gardner we supposed to let ourselves get killed now before they could do anything? How does this work?
Nothing in either of the two campaign emails the Defendant complains about approaches the type or level of misconduct needed to remove the Circuit Attorney or her entire office. The Defendants make no argument of an actual conflict of interest that would require the prosecutor to be removed from the case. (Def. Mot. at 6). Their argument of an “appearance of impropriety” falls flat when evaluated against the necessary standard to remove a prosecutor and an application of that standard to any reasonable review of all the facts. Applying the legal standard, this Court must therefore deny the motion and must instruct the defense to cease its attempts to turn these criminal proceedings into political theater.
Schwartz dismissed Gardner’s rebuttal in a message to the St. Louis Post-Dispatch, saying that the filing “is not on point.” In the filing, Gardner references criticisms leveled against her by Missouri Gov. Mike Parson, Missouri Sen. Josh Hawley, and others to justify the emails. “Amongst other issues, she spends multiple pages detailing the complaints of various politicians and anonymous commentators,” Schwartz said. “They are not parties, they are not the prosecutor, and she should understand the difference. We plan on addressing her response in the near future.”
Gardner sent out fundraising emails before and after July 20 when she charged McCloskeys. The emails make reference to “the couple who brandished guns during a peaceful protest” and accuse Republicans and “the right-wing media” of weaponizing the incident to attack and discredit Black Lives Matter. Here we go! What about the innocent lives here which were being put in harms way but these people protesting, and BREAKING their way into private property. And guess what NOBODY in that area GIVES A SHIT about the scam known as Black Lives Matter or as I like to call them now. “BLACK LIES BROTHER!”
“Kim needs your help to fight back! Her election is only weeks away. And right now she is under national scrutiny from our divisive President, the Republican establishment of Missouri, and the right-wing media, including Fox News,” one email says in part. “St. Louis will have an opportunity to re-elect progressive circuit attorney Kim Gardner, who time and time again has shown us she isn’t afraid to stand up and hold those accountable who are perpetuating a system of racism and police brutality.” This is all this bitch lil Kim is doing! She’s this radical BLM bullshit, and projecting it to this case cause she knows they done fucked up when they broke into this area, and she wants to get re-elected so this folks is her pulling out THE RACE CARD! Destroy the white families house, and possibly kill them is what shes telling people… She will help you out if you doit. This Kim Gardner is a two face bitch who belongs in prison.
Oh, and guess what! Rep. Gardner got aid from Soros in her St. Louis circuit attorney race. Shocking? Mega-donor George Soros (right), who funded the ongoing Ferguson protests, has waded into the St. Louis City circuit attorney election, funding a television ad for state Rep. Kim Gardner (left). Gardner will compete with three others in the primary election Aug. 2.
At least one ad funded by by Soros’ Safety and Justice committee has been created for Gardner. The ad focuses on Gardner’s plan to Kim Gardner’s Plan to focus on mental health care for non-violent offenders, increase public accountability and to crack down on gang violence.
“Together, we can make St. Louis safe by being smart and tough on crime by reforming a broken system,” she says in the video. Funny since she’s the one breaking it. Safety and Justice, which paid for the ad, reported $30,000 in contributions since it was formed April 21. In the July quarterly filings, it reported spending $26,700 on NGP VAN, a Washington-based liberal campaign consulting company and Gordon Loewen Research, a political, focused on progressive issues based in Minneapolis. Gardner’s campaign reported a $67,693.23 in-kind contribution from Safety and Justice, likely related to the media buy. The ad were purchased on cable stations, totaling $52,000 on Charter Communications stations in St. Louis. The ads ran through the primary election.
This isn’t Soros’ first foray into a local prosecutor election over the past couple of years. He’s funded candidates in places as different as Houston, Texas; Albuquerque, New Mexico; two races in Mississippi; Bossier City, Louisiana and Chicago. According to the Los Angeles Times, Soros also funded multiple groups, including Safety and Justice California, to support the state’s Proposition 47, approved by voters in 2014 and which reclassified possession of heroin, methamphetamine and other illegal drugs, and theft of $950 or less, as misdemeanors in California. The goals of Proposition 47 coincide with the goals of the candidates Safety and Justice has supported mainly reforming the criminal justice system and moving away from jail time for low-level offenses.
However, some of Soros’ projects have earned him backlash from critics who say those groups extended the Ferguson unrest. “In all, Mr. Soros gave at least $33 million in one year to support already-established groups that emboldened the grass-roots, on-the-ground activists in Ferguson, according to the most recent tax filings of his nonprofit Open Society Foundations,” wrote Washington Times columnist Kelly Riddell in 2015. “The financial tether from Mr. Soros to the activist groups gave rise to a combustible protest movement that transformed a one-day criminal event in Missouri into a 24-hour-a-day national cause celebre.”
Local police groups have noticed the connection as well and were upset with Gardner’s acceptance of the donation. Joe Steiger, president of the St. Louis Police Officers’ Association, said the contrbution was a “problem” and that “It’s kind of insulting to our members, if I’m being completely honest with you,” he said. “Out all races the circuit attorney race probably affects the police the most and for her to take money from out of state activists is a problem for us.” But oh the quotes continue! Also that “It caused problems, not only for police officers, but put peaceful protesters in harm’s way,” he said referencing Soros’ money connection to the Ferguson unrest. “It’s just a problem to be accepting money from someone who’s promoting that type of activity.” You guys read that right.. “peaceful protesters in harm’s way” & “It’s just a problem to be accepting money from someone who’s promoting that type of activity.” So I wonder why is Gardner defending these people who attacked this comminity, and probably would have killed the “McCloskeys” unless they had done what they did? Cause Soros wants this sort of action, and reaction to cause Civil unrest.
Soros’ injection into the race in St. Louis could have a significant impact. His $67,000 contribution to Gardner more than doubles her available cash on hand, which was $63,000 in her July filing report. She was still at the time behind Mary Pat Carl when she got the donations, and Mary who was the lead homicide prosecutor in the city. But now we all see the connections folks? Why is Soros always involved? Because this entire civil unrest, and looting is his doing, and these crooked mayors (all women of color by the way you notice that?) are all in on the take. This is a big major work being done folks, and we’re being used, and abused by Soros, and his cronies.
Joe Biden Babbles NONSENSE on MSNBC… Funny, and sad at the same time actually. This is now elderly abuse I mean this guys in no shape to lead this country forward. NONE!
Check out this video below as it furthers my point that the man just isn’t fit for office. This guy can’t come up with a normal sentence, and he’s done not a single debate against Trump! How can we have an election where the guy who wants the job wont debate the President? This is ridiculous, and shows how much the left is trying to rig this election in November. I have said it before, and will again if you vote for Biden you’re a fucking idiot. This man is not presidential, and should be in prison or mental home. I will go a step further… IF YOU Vote for Biden you belong in a mental home also… Seriously. This is not a joke anymore this is serious guys. Our country is at stake… the very fabric of the country we’ve all come to from other lands to be a part of is being terrorized, demonized, and destroyed by evil people, and BIDEN is their mentally handicapped puppet.
Kayleigh McEnany DESTROYS Far Left Chicago Mayor Lori Lightfoot and HUMILIATES Mainstream Media!!! Dr. Steve Turley posted a great video on YouTube about this but let’s be real, and look at Lori Lightfoot aka the ET of Chicago! This woman is a disaster, and so is the city of Chicago, and it’s her fault. She’s literally got blood on her hands but she doesn’t care about the many people she’s getting killed in the city. ALL This woman cares about is self serving her PR on tv to trash TRUMP! The last 4 years her only agenda is trying to gain fame by hating the President, and showing her racist ideology against white men. Funny since she dresses like a man, and looks like a fucking alien!
She says below that TRUMP is attacking them? The fact is reverse! Since day 1 these women have attacked him when he’s done nothing of the sort. Remember what’s her face who when she got her seat in congress she said “WE’RE GOING TO IMPEACH THE MOTHERFUCKER!” This from a woman who Trump had never said a word about. All these woman are liars, and like to project their lies on the President. This Lori Lightfoot is a crazy alphabet person who thinks that Trump is the cause of the worlds problems… This guys been President for almost 4 years, and she blames him for 100’s of years of problems? She’s such a joke. Think of how stupid this is!? To blame someone for all the worlds problems who’s not been in politics until he ran for President and never held office. But none of these career politicians who have done nothing for the country all blame him? Why haven’t these career politicians fixed the social issues in the last 40 years? Like Joe Biden who’s a complete poster boy for the main problems this country has had! He’s put more black people in prison than anyone with his crime bills over the last 4 decades, and yet this is their hero? This is their candidate for President? GTFOH! You left liberals are fucking stupid! My god…
But check out this twitter video from MSNBC. Clearly she rather see Chicago burn, and it’s innocent people DIE than have the GOV come in, and end the civil protesters in Antifa & BLM which are DOMESTIC Terrorists! These 3 treasonous bitches even call our military “Stoormtroopers!”
Mr. President or not—I don’t care one bit what your name is. I will not allow troops in Chicago, and I will do everything in my power to stop you.
— Mayor Lori Lightfoot (@chicagosmayor) July 21, 2020
I think it’s time Lori FootinMouth is sent packing back to her home world in Fucktardistan. Stupid con artist bitch. These women in that video are evil folks, and hate this country, hate white people, hate real democracy, hate our constitution, and our way of life. They want to destroy it, and make this a socialist society, and join in on a new world order take over of the country. This is the final leftist agenda! Notice how all the cities that are allowing these riots are ALL ran by democrats? These people don’t give a shit about rules, laws or our country or it’s people. They want to see it all burn down, and Lori and her Hench women of evil all need to be sent to prison! They’re committing treason.
So President Donald Trump said most cities that had the most crime were ran by democRATS, and in an effort to make him look dumb the New York Post posted the following chart showing the highest crime cities. Once again folks it’s like they’re openly either trying to make him look right OR liberals, and the fake news people in the media are really this stupid.
Listen to this moron Rachel Madcow talk about Trump like he’s crazy… Has she not looked in the mirror? Or at Joe Biden? Or the rest of the left which are full of crazy people?
Madcow issued a dire warning about The President following his widely-coronavirus press conference on Monday.
“In all seriousness, that the president, right now, in the midst of this crisis, is visibly struggling, there’s something wrong or he’s just not doing okay, I don’t know, but the president apparently just is not able to keep it together right now in his public appearances,” Madcow noted.. But wait isn’t that projecting from the mental issues Biden is having?
“What is wrong with the president today? We don’t know. Something is wrong,” she said. “Whether or not you, you know, like the president or not, whether you enjoy his public effect or not on a regular basis, it is clear that there is something wrong and that’s important whenever the president of the United States is visibly unwound like that,” she explained.
Ok so the FACTS that these two “Reporters” were both workers for CBS, and MSNBC ironically the same network Rachel works for! Shocking… It’s almost like this was set up to try and create a buzz. Think about it and watch the entire until video. The president is being polite why does the CHINESE reporter Weijia Jiang of CBS have to ask such an idiotic question? Her being Chinese, and being someone socialist like she is who uses twitter for nothing but to smear Trump and is always getting rude with him in the press expect? Had it been me I swear I would have told her off… He was actually polite. But the left is trying to create a buzz again.
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Question is what’s wrong with YOU bitch? Look at her 2 months ago on “Jimmy Failing’s Tonight Blows” where she say’s “It’s nothing to panic about!” Oh and now she like the rest of the leftist are learning they’re wrong. When they called Trump a Racist or Xenophobe for closing flights from and too china, and were wrong, and she will never admit it. And now she’s acting like he’s losing it because he refused to let some bully reporters kept interrupting him, and trying to get their way, and not letting him continue?
Sorry Rachel you’re just stupid! You are just another loser liar… who doesn’t know what else to do but trash Trump. She spent the last 3 years propping every fake agenda only to have it blow up in her face every time.
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These people think we forget…. Or that the internet has no long lasting memory! lol idiots… Love how now they’re hard at work trying to RE-Write history. Oh, and instead on talking about Biden ad his RAPE case… This is what they spend their time talking about.
Trump speaks to press in the oval office along with a medical staff talking about the CoronaVirus. He says very clear a #FACT there is nothing he can do to satisfy the Democrats, and fake news.
This is how the media uses keywords to brainwash simple minded people into believing their lies about Trump. LMAO It’s like these people are given a script on what to say huh? Hmmmmmmmm Wonder by who!
Still waiting…
When the media gets it wrong, they do a fabulous job!”
“This is the beginning of the end.” “The walls are closing in.” “Donald Trump is done.” “This is a tipping point” “This is a bombshell.” “He’s finished.” “Impeach him.” “It’s over.” “Bye.”