More Drone news as reports are in that another one has 'Crashed' this one at the "Nantucket Memorial Airport" In Massachusetts, Flight Operations Unaffected
A drone weighing over half a pound crashed on Sunday night authorities released a statement regarding the crash. "At approximately 0730 on Sunday, December 15th, Airport Operations staff recovered a drone from the airfield. The drone was discovered on an area of pavement reserved for the safe operation of the aircraft. The discovery was immediately reported to the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) and Transportation Security Administration."
The statement further assured that "flights were not impacted, and there were no reported threats to the aircraft." The drone that was discovered from the airport site was described as a small multi-rotor drone weighing under one pound.
Just days ago in Massachusetts chief of police said residents spotted 10-15 drones above a house and The chief of police in Harwich, Massachusetts. According to a release from Harwich Chief of Police Kevin Considine, a resident called police to report "unknown drone activity over her house" on Thursday, Dec. 12 at 9 p.m. "The resident could not hear the drones but stated they were very bright, and she observed them for over an hour," Considine said. The local's report was corroborated by a Harwich officer who spotted similar drone activity while on patrol. "We have forwarded all the information we have received to the Boston FBI and the Massachusetts State Police," he said. "We will continue to work with our state and federal partners."
The sighting in Massachusetts adds the Bay State to a growing list of states that are experiencing mysterious drones in the night sky. "These drones are similar to the ones reported over the last couple of weeks over New Jersey, New York and most recently over Connecticut," he said. Well I got some answers for this folks, and what I've been informed is that what most people have been watching as "Drones" go are due to an explosion in the sales Market for these things.
The latest craze are Drones, and StealthBird Carbon The World's First Affordable Military-Grade Drone which has been marketing online for months and selling like hot cakes for months! By the THOUSANDS! So you don't think you will see them all over the place now? Come on people! Now yes some of these things are not Drones and some of what people are catching in the skies are possibly UFO's/UAP's or some sort of other high tech spy device from say CCP or Russia or one of our favorite countries which hate us... Perhaps IRAN?
But as for this high powered classified military tech is becoming more and more available to people yes we will see more and more out in the skies. Like the StealthBird which is powered by and patented StealthHawk® technology. It’s the same tech found in ‘spy drones’ military operators use for recon missions optimized for civilian everyday use. When used this device can get some real good breathtaking 4K-quality HD footage, has unmatched stability according to it's pitch, and easy-to-use controls. This is what's always made me iffy about them the controls. This one is said to be top notch, and it doesn’t stop there. It also features a special anti-collision system that helps the StealthBird Carbon avoid crashes. And, since it’s based on military-grade materials, it’ll survive almost any weather condition or impact.
Check out some info on "MASSIVE DRONES" being used by regular people as again this is becoming big BIZ and it's something of a big craze now in the country.
Drone sightings continue all over the place but seems that overnight Friday and into Saturday morning New Jersey had a ton of sightings with residents along the East Coast still searching for answers. "This has gone on for weeks. It’s hard to understand how with the technology we have we aren’t able to track these devices to determine origin and this makes me much more concerned about our capabilities more broadly when it comes to drone detection and counter measures," Sen. Andy Kim, D-N.J., posted on X after participating in a "drone hunt" with law enforcement on Thursday.
He said the people of New Jersey "deserve more answers than they are getting." Personally I don't think there is anything Alien here! This is a bunch of wise guys just having some fun using some of the latest Drones on the market, and yes some are spy drones from other countries. Now how much is up to debate. But I really don't think these are "ALIENS" but let's see what others have to say about these reports.
I wonder what President Trump has to say about these Jersey Drones!
So there is some talk that on this Dec 3rd or 4th we're going to have some sort of UFO Invasion or fight in the sky making it clear that. They're here. Now I'm not making this rumor up this has been going wild on the net for some days now and it's rumored to be coming up due to something that happened with someone using AI? But this is where it gets funny. The Prediction comes from AI from 2009 which I didn't even know we had back then! Call me color blind to that one... lol Oh I know we had it don't be fooled by sarcasm. Actually AI we have everyone talking about now is small potato's compared to what we actually have in secret.
You think UFO's or UAP's are sooo cool, and exotic? Wait til we find out about the real AI we have and not this web based garbage that people are using for funny songs and art work and movies. Did I say funny music?
But with all that aside let's see some videos talking about this possible upcoming battle in the skies coming December 3rd.
Now as a fan for decades of the late William Cooper I can tell you that a false flag Alien invasion is NOT out of the question. But what this is claiming is that it will be revealed but not like Cooper claimed that we would in the future see a false flag event. So which is it? Don't know but this isn't the first of this so called December event coming up and in fact I've heard buzz about this since January when we had the Miami Mall so called event. Claims by some was that something MAJOR was coming in December... Well is this is?
What makes me giggle is that this is due to Joe Rogan interviewing Donald Trump... This is just funny since it just happened but could it be? Could this AI more than a decade ago predicted it? Well we shall find out soon and when we do if nothing happens it will just be a good laugh. But if something does happen! OH BOY! Goodtimes... lol
So a tape from 1993 has leaked with a confession by Dr Shirley Wright who was the assistant of Albert Einstein who she claimed he saw The Roswell UFO crash and ET's in 1947. She also says she saw the ship but well not to put words in her mouth take a watch for yourself and witness what she claimed was seen by again Albert Einstein. This makes sense if this "CRASH" happened the government who is investigating it would bring in the top Scientist of the time to look at it... The two names here was Albert Einstein and Nikola Tesla... But Tesla had just passed not shortly before the Roswell Crash.
So Albert Einstein would be the best suited mind to bring in along with some others. But remember what Einsteins main focus and work was. "Space" and "Einstein's Rosen Bridge theory" which is how Space and how it connects two far away points in space-time through a tunnel or bridge. The bridge's length is predicted to be far shorter than the distance between the given two points. So the tunnel acts as a shortcut.
The wormhole concept is one of the many path-breaking predictions of Einstein's general relativity.
So this isn't new news but for those who don't know on March 13, 1997, a series of bright lights appeared in the skies over Arizona, Nevada, and northern Mexico. The mysterious lights were seen by thousands of people claiming to having seen the same thing. Some even took videos of the mysterious light phenomenon. The Phoneix Lights, as they are known, have remained unexplained since that night, despite so many eyewitness reports. At the time they were a media sensation especially in Phoenix!
According to KTAR News, the sightings were initially treated as something of a joke. Fife Symington was the Governor of Arizona at the time, and after the sightings, he held a tongue-in-cheek press conference with one of his staff members dressed like an alien. However, Symington went on to admit that he had seen the lights as well, and despite being a pilot himself and being familiar with an array of aircraft, he had no explanation for the lights. Symington wasn't the only pilot who happened to see the Phoenixx Lights, another pilot was flying that evening and they spotted the anomaly above Phoenix. That pilot was none other than actor Kurt Russell, per Page Six.
Kurt Russell the iconic actor having appeared in a wide range of films from "Escape From New York" to "The Hateful Eight" to "Miracle," and so on. In addition to acting, Russell was also at one point a professional baseball player where he spent some time in the minor leagues playing both single and double-A ball in the 1970s, according to Puget Sound Business Journal, Kurt Russell has been flying for decades and has owned a variety of aircraft including biplanes and gliders, and was even known to try his hand at performing acrobatic maneuvers. Russell was also known to fly himself and his long-time partner, Goldie Hawn, to vacation hotspots like Aspen, British Columbia, and Palm Springs.
According to Golf Hotel Whiskey, Russell stated in an interview with Airport journals that flying was in his blood, as his grandfather was an experienced pilot who at one point even served as a test pilot for billionaire Howard Hughes' Hughes Aircraft Company. In 2017, Kurt Russell was promoting the film "Guardians of the Galaxy: Vol. II" in an interview with the BBC, when he recounted what happened to him on March 13, 1997, in the skies over Phoenix. Russell was flying Hawn's son, Oliver Hudson, to visit his girlfriend. "I was flying him to go see his girlfriend, and we were on approach," Russell said. "I saw six lights over the airport in absolute uniform in a V shape. Oliver said to me I was just looking at him, I was coming in, we're maybe a half a mile out and Oliver said, 'Pa, what are those lights?'"
Russell's sighting is similar to those that were reported across the region that same night. Where things diverge was that Russell and Hudson had a bird's eye view of the alleged UFO. Russell radioed air traffic control and told them what he was seeing, though according to Page Six, he was told there was no aircraft in the area. Russell explained that what happened that night drifted to the back of his mind until several years later when Goldie Hawn was watching a TV show about UFOs that covered the Phoenix Lights, and mentioned an identified pilot who called in a sighting. Russell realized that he was the pilot, and was able to confirm this with a quick check of his logbooks, per Flying.
The Truth is out there is the theme, and tagline to my all time favorite tv show "The X-Files" starring David Duchovny & Gillian Anderson. This show was created by Chris Carter who came up with this fantastic show and inputed some of the ufology's biggest stories, and also his own spin on these stories. Now not the entire series was based on UFO's and Aliens but this was the core of the story for Fox Mulder (David Duchovny) who got into the FBI because he wanted to find out what happened to his sister the night she was "taken" by what he came to believe were Aliens which were working with a secret part of the government which had hidden agendas towards keeping the world in what my good friend Stephen Bassett calls "The UFO Embargo" which some say is 80 year plus old... I believe it to be over 100 years old, and perhaps even predates the formation of these United States.
While it's not clear how long the current people in people have known, and why they're still keeping this secret other than for the industrial mulitary complex which runs things to use these techonological advancements to themselves for future weapons against both our Earthly enemies, and those from other worlds. Some say that the reason this whole thing has been such a taboo subject and why the current people aren't being told the entire truth is due to the "fear" the truth would cause with both common folks and the power structures such as religions, governments and sciencetists. While this might have been true 100 years ago today's people are well aware for the most part that things are what it seems with the subject.
Now that we have been told by our own people that both "Area 51" is real, and "UFO's" or "UAP's" as they have been now labeled are real there has been for sometime a wait on more info coming out to us the people who have spent who knows how much of our tax money on secret projects, and an on going coverup which has lasted way too long. For me the "Truth is out there" but it's not about the "Aliens, UFO's" or anything like that but the "Truth" I'm talking about is the "WHY ARE THEY STILL COVERING IT UP?"
Time is not on the side of the older people in power as they will die like all humans one day do and so keeping the bit lie about this is beyond stupid at this point. Just to me there should be no more wait, and they need to just release all the data, files, pictures, videos, and all the bodies, and crafts to show the public. Time to end the embargo and time for the truth to come out... Now the book "Behold A Pale Horse" as you know is from William "Bill" Cooper whos been dead for decades now but he wrote that book in the 90s and it talks about a "false flag ufo invasion" so I hope that this isn't what we have instore for us in 2024 as I sit here writing this in 2023... The facts are what they are but what we don't need is a fake invasion or a pretend war. We need the facts and we need to know this in a peacefull way. I'm not going to ask for anyone to be sent to prison over them keeping this secret as this doesn't solve any issues.
Just let's drop the lies, and the act... Now we also know recently the congress and senate have been talking more and more about this subject and both sides seem to agree the time to reveal the truth is here but remember with these radical leftists democrats nothing is what it seems. Not even in the subjects like these. While Chuck Schummer says he's pro ending the embargo it seems Matt Gaetz is claming that is the current bill Schummer is trying to pass will not give us the answers we want but would place this in a place like the JFK files were we would have to wait 25 years and it would cost billions to just tell us what we already know.
This is a waste of time, and money... Time to just spill the beans, and let the people of Earth know the truth and get on with the show of engaging the world with these facts. Here is a tweet by Tucker Carlson with video talking about this very subject on his now big time (Formerly known as "Twitter") show.
In July, Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-N.Y.), along with a bipartisan group of five other senators, announced sweeping legislation to declassify and release government information about unidentified flying objects.
Ep. 42 For more than 80 years, the US government has hidden the existence of UFOs. The question is why. The answer is ominous.
The announcement coincided with, and seemed to corroborate, an extraordinary series of UFO-related developments. But now, Rep. Mike Turner (R-Ohio), Rep. Mike Rogers (R-Ala.), Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.) and Speaker of the House Mike Johnson (R-La.) appear poised to quash this bipartisan transparency initiative. In the absence of reasonable, good-faith objections to the core provisions of the historic legislation, the question is why. If there is nothing to hide and nothing to the UFO phenomenon, why would any member of Congress object to greater transparency and oversight of an executive branch prone to excessive and dangerous over-classification?
Or perhaps there is something to hide. According to Schumer, a sweeping investigation “led some in Congress to believe that the executive branch was concealing important information regarding [UFOs] over broad periods of time.” This is corroborated by the inspector general of the intelligence community, who deemed a decorated whistleblower’s assertion that the government inappropriately concealed UFO-related information from Congress “credible and urgent.” Moreover, as Senate Intelligence Vice Chair Marco Rubio (R-Fla.) noted in extraordinary detail, several high-level officials with top security clearances have told congressional investigators of the existence of surreptitious government UFO retrieval and “reverse engineering” programs.
At the same time, 10 ex-government officials, military officers and scientists have alleged (or suggested) publicly that the U.S. government has recovered at least one UFO.
In light of these remarkable developments, the overarching objectives of the Schumer-led Unidentified Anomalous Phenomena Disclosure Act (UAPDA) are government transparency and the restoration of constitutionally-mandated congressional oversight. At its core, the UAPDA establishes that all government UFO records “carry a presumption of immediate disclosure.” Any records deemed too sensitive for immediate release would be subject to review by an independent nine-member panel. Following a recommendation from the panel, the president would decide whether, and when, to release any such documents or records.
Perhaps most importantly, the UAPDA’s “controlled disclosure campaign” would require a benchmark-driven plan for the eventual public release of all UFO-related records or information, no matter how sensitive.
Key Republicans appear to object to the UAPDA on two grounds: The possible leak of classified information, and the possibility that the review board would duplicate other government UFO efforts. Neither objection holds water. First, the proposed records review board would be composed of “distinguished persons of high national professional reputation.” Each, along with board staff, would be required to hold top security clearances. Second, the president would retain ultimate authority to release any record or information deemed too sensitive to release immediately. These safeguards make an inadvertent leak of classified information extremely unlikely.
More importantly, if key Republicans succeed in neutering or quashing the UAPDA in its entirety, they may inadvertently spur the leak of sensitive information that they ostensibly fear. As Rep. Mike Gallagher (R-Wis.), a member of the House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence, stated recently, new protections enacted by Congress resulted in “all sorts of [UFO whistleblowers] coming out of the woodwork.” These individuals, Gallagher said, are telling congressional investigators that “they’ve been part of this or that [UFO] program,” resulting in “a variety of pretty intense conversations.” Moreover, according to Sen. Rubio, “a lot of people… are starting to edge towards coming forward and we hear may be coming forward.” Without the UAPDA’s formal, controlled disclosure framework, frustrated whistle blowers may feel compelled to leak sensitive UFO-related information, potentially resulting in a “catastrophic” or “uncontrolled” disclosure. Separately, Republicans appear to object to the UAPDA on the grounds that the proposed review board would be duplicative of the government’s new UFO analysis office. For one, the office analyzes video and other data of UFO incidents reported by U.S. servicemembers. Such work is categorically different from the transparency-focused mission of the UAPDA-proposed review board.
More importantly, as former deputy assistant secretary of defense for intelligence Christopher Mellon aptly noted, asking the government’s UFO office to investigate allegations of illegality by the executive branch is akin to tasking intelligence agencies with investigating the Iran-Contra scandal. An independent body with presidential imprimatur is far better suited to the task of enforcing transparency, especially if an agency refuses to release relevant records. Moreover, any costs associated with the UAPDA’s nine-member review board would be minimal in the context of the entire defense budget. Ultimately, the dearth of sound objections to the bipartisan UAPDA raises several questions about the motivations of the Republicans now seeking to halt the legislation. Some of the most forceful opposition to the UAPDA appears to come from Turner, chairman of the House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence. Of note, Turner represents the congressional district that includes Wright-Patterson Air Force Base, which features prominently — and infamously — in UFO history.
As physicist and hedge fund director Eric Weinstein noted, if members of Congress were to make a hypothetical “last ditch effort to scuttle” the disclosure of secret government UFO programs, he would have guessed that a congressman from Turner’s district would be involved. Moreover, with Republicans generally distrustful of government and seemingly natural ideological allies of any efforts to expose undue government secrecy, GOP opposition to the UAPDA is particularly perplexing. But thanks largely to social media, citizen advocacy and engagement is surging.
Polished, nuanced guides to engaging Congress on the Unidentified Anomalous Phenomena Disclosure Act and calls to action have garnered millions of engagements. Rightfully so. With government secrecy potentially concealing the biggest story in human history, Americans of all political stripes should be vocal advocates for government accountability and transparency. Marik von Rennenkampff served as an analyst with the U.S. Department of State’s Bureau of International Security and Nonproliferation and was an Obama administration appointee at the U.S. Department of Defense.
YOU WON’T BELIEVE What actually Happened and is about to happen... First I want you to view what Dan Bongino and the internet are saying than I'm going to explain in short here what's being covered in the book I'm working on in full. This has to do with that and when you read it here, and in my book you will understand who said it first.
The reason this was done both here, and Russia is because the year of 2024 as the election comes close there will a false flag Alien invasion and Nuke attack by the Russians which Dan Bongino speaks on in the video... This will be how the alerts come in to us... We will all think it's just Russians but go back folks and read or watch William Cooper who's now since killed by the USA Government in the 90's called "Behold A Pale Horse" in fact click on that name and it will take you to his Amazon link or Audible so you can get his book.
If you're not aware of this book this is what he wrote...
Publisher's summary
Former US naval intelligence briefing team member William "Bill" Cooper reveals classified information kept in secret government files since the 1940s. Cooper tells of the assassination of John F. Kennedy, the war on drugs, the secret government, and UFOs. His lucid presentation of this information transcends partisan affiliations as he clearly addresses issues in a way that has a striking impact on listeners of all backgrounds and interests.
"Like it or not, everything is changing, and the end result will be the most wonderful experience in the history of man or the most horrible enslavement that you can imagine. Be active or abdicate, the future is in your hands." (William Cooper, October 24, 1989) Here is footage of the LATE William Cooper himself below talking about his book and the UFO false flag invasion coming.
This friends will all happen in 2024 as again the ELECTION draws close.
NOW I'm not saying aliens are not real... IN My book I will cover why the cover up, where they come from and how they get here. Also big is why there has been retrieval from crash down ALIEN ufo's or UAP's as the USA Government likes to call them. I'm putting the finishing touches on the book as I type this and hope to have it ready by this December for publishers.
This friends is why all of this is happening now... Just wait to you read the reasons, and locations where these people are coming from and related to humanity they are. Also why this false flag invasion will all become revealed first in my book coming out.
IF I should die in a mysterious way believe me I didn't take my own life as I'm not suicidal and if it's in a way not natural you will know foul play was invovled.
Now the latest chronicle features what he's learned since he wrote the first book including accounts from other people who say they saw the abduction. (Photo source: Calvin Parker)(Photo source: Calvin Parker)
Cancer has claimed another good person as Calvin Parker is on the final voyage we all get to take only once. He's not without a great life and amazing story. The Pascagoula man known around the world for his tale of alien abduction, according to a friend of the family, Parker passed away August 24, 2023 after a long battle with kidney cancer. He was at home, surrounded by loved ones, including his wife, Waynette.
The night of Oct. 11, 1973, something happened on the banks of the Pascagoula River that Calvin Parker and Charles Hickson would spend the rest of their lives trying to explain.
It’s a story well-known to locals, that WLOX News has reported on numerous times over the years. Hickson and Parker both wrote books about it.
The two men were fishing near Ingalls Shipyard when they said they suddenly heard a piercing sound, and spotted a large UFO hovering behind them. There were three beings on board that carried the men on to the spaceship to examine them. After about 30 minutes, they were returned to the riverbank, and the UFO took off.
This is an illustration of what Calvin Parker and Charles Hickson described they saw the night of the alleged alien abduction.(WLOX)
Parker and Hickson tried to report what happened to officials at Keesler Air Force Base, but the military directed them to the Jackson County Sheriff’s Office. Investigators there had a cassette tape recording as the men talked about their alien encounter the night it happened. WLOX News shared excerpts from those tapes when they were rediscovered in the late 90s/early 2000s.
After the mysterious abduction, Hickson and Parker both passed lie detector tests and were even questioned under hypnosis. Investigators are on record saying the pair’s story never wavered.
Despite that, they were ridiculed and doubted by many. That’s what kept Maria Blair from coming forward for 45 years. On that same October night, Blair was near the river waiting for her husband, Jerry, to leave on a boat to work off shore. Jerry fell asleep and Maria saw a strange, blue light streaking back and forth. She didn’t think much of it, until the next day when she heard about Parker and Hickson’s story.
“When she would talk about it I would tell her to shut up people are going to think you’re crazy,” said Jerry Blair.
In 2019, after seeing a media report about the abduction, Blair finally got the courage to come forward. She said her motivation was to give Calvin Parker and Charles Hickson’s story validation.
In 1973 Maria Blair and Calvin Parker were separated by a river. Now with a 45 year old secret washed under the bridge, Maria met Calvin face to face for the first time at the same spot on the Pascagoula River where the alleged abduction occurred.(WLOX)
But Parker was there, and told WLOX News how much it meant to finally be recognized after years of being ridiculed. “It is emotional for me. I can’t really describe it because I would break out in tears if I do,” Parker said in 2019. “I wish when I died I could be buried right here underneath this plaque, that would explain it the best. It is quite an honor.”
In 2019, a historical marker was erected at Lighthouse Park in Pascagoula which describes Calvin Parker and Charles Hickson's alleged encounter with a UFO in 1973. It's described as America's "best documented case of alien abduction."(WLOX)
Well I want you to look at this video below... Two different moments in time with different people who captured well aliens or creatures with these sort of similar features but one is small, and the other is tall?
Like some Abductees claim to see "BIG and SMALL" Grays! Could these be the aliens people call the Grays? OR Just another random set of Aliens?
Check out the 2 videos posted together back to back and well you be the judge. This is weird to me that the two look so close in look forget the height. Look at the arms, legs, the head, body, and markins under the arms. I really want to know what people think about this finding here I got from these two videos.
After completing a reconnaissance operation, the Italian Air Force pilot was flying back to the base in Treviso when an unidentified flying object crossed Italian airspace without being detected. The military aircraft interceptor was then ordered by the Istrana radar center to intercept and identify the invader. On June 18, 1979, at 11:30 a.m., pilot Giancarlo Cecconi was flying his G-91R fighter with G-91R group 14 of the Air Force’s 2nd Fighter Wing back to Treviso AFB, Italy, after completing a reconnaissance mission.
Pilot Tec. Giancarlo Cacconni of the Italian Air Force attempted valiantly to gather proof when he intercepted an unidentified object over Northern Italy by capturing pictures of the extraterrestrial ship with his camera mounted on his G.91 fighter jet.
Captain Giancarlo Cecconi was an Italian Air Force pilot, born in Caserta, Italy on April 12, 1950 and died in Rome, Italy June 27, 2014. The incident is significant thanks to the camera footage, radar, and visual evidence from several witnesses, including a highly respected fighter pilot.
Before I was told to intercept a UFO, it was a typical day. As a fighter pilot for the Italian Air Force, it was my responsibility to impose radar coverage in and around northern Italy’s restricted zones. I was instructed to start the interception procedures for a UFO that had entered a forbidden region in the middle of my operation. I felt up to the challenge as a young Air Force lieutenant with only four years of military service, and I replied quickly.
An photograph taken by the Italian fighter pilot who intercepted the UFO showed a little, sparkling object in the backdrop. One of several photos purportedly shot over the previous 50 years is this one. The encounter is detailed in a new book by UFO researcher Antonio Urzi called “Gli Appunti di Giancarlo” or “The Notes of Giancarlo.” He stated: Cecconi drew closer as soon as he made contact with the item to try to spot the burglar visually. Although he was unsuccessful, his jet experienced significant electromagnetic stress, making control nearly impossible.
The pilot had to conduct a climb at maximum capacity before pulling out of a power drop. The following weeks saw other incidents of a similar nature. According to Cecconi, “the invader was going at a very high speed, as if it were a space rocket, and had no wings or identification markers.” In order to find out the location of the mysterious item, the pilot radioed Istrana.
There is an amazing picture of the UFO. To believe it, you must see it. Cecconi himself as well as the radar operators at the Istrana control center have publicly confirmed the incident. And that’s evidence, backed up by Witnesses. Despite the mystery surrounding this case, there are a number of theories that might explain what occurred.
One the one hand, it is conceivable that the occurrence was only misinterpreted by air traffic control, pilot mistake, or was merely an optical illusion brought on by sunshine reflecting off an airplane’s tail.
PSN & SoFlo Radio are saddened to share the news that legendary aviator, longtime UFO researcher, John Lear, has passed away at the age of 79.
He was possibly best known as the son of famed Learjet inventor William Lear, having grown up surrounded by aircraft and pilots. In 1966, at the age of 23, Lear was the lead aviator on a record-breaking flight around the world. For a short period, Lear also flew missions for the CIA’s infamous “Air America” operation during the Vietnam War.
He was licensed to pilot almost anything that flew and achieved thousands of hours as pilot-in-command. Moreover, he was the former CIA pilot and known for his UFO conspiracy ideas and Lear has also reported to have flown secret missions for the CIA which is between 1967 and 1983.
According him, John has estimated a population of 250 million humanoid aliens live on the moon.
Tonight got some real sad news, one which hurt bad as he was a good friend and someone I looked up to very much so both in life, and ufology has left us… My good friend, and fellow researcher Butch Witkowski has passed away. While he was supposed to be joining my show tonight as a guest there won’t be a show as I’m in total shock right now, and there are no words to express how sad this loss has left me so I’m not doing my show tonight but me, and Bryan and maybe Danny and some other folks who knew him will do a show to express our final thoughts on Butch, his life, and his work.
We last spoke last December when he agreed to be on my show again as a guest, and I was so looking forward to having him on, and when he didn’t reply the last few days I knew something was happening as this wasn’t normal.
Danny Benten broke the news to me, and I confirmed it with Bryan M. Bowden. Thanks guys…
Butch was an independent researcher since 1989 when, along with four other people, he witnessed a UFO of substantial size quietly hover above a mountain in Tucson, Arizona. That was the day that he began his investigations into the UFO phenomenon. He soon became a member of MUFON and a field investigator. After moving back to Pennsylvania, he concentrated on UFO research and cases related to alien abduction, mutilations, and unexplained encounters.
Butch had been a member of the Caernarvon Township (PA) Police Department in the 1970s. He used his investigative abilities as a police officer for his fieldwork, later becoming the founder of the UFO Research Center of Pennsylvania (UFORCOP).
I met Butch for the first time in 2016 while at a Mufon show, and he was one of the nicest guys around spent sometime with him just talking about his experience in ufology, and tonight he was going to be on my show as my guest.
I had booked him back in December, and just got the word that he passed on 01/13/2022 recently.
I’m proud to say that Butch was a friend, and will miss him deeply… My deepest condolences to his family.
Worked: At Pennsylvania Lycan Investigations June 14, 2014 – Present · Hanover, Pennsylvania Director at UFO Research Center of Pennsylvania January 2009 to present · Birdsboro, Pennsylvania Research Center for Ufo, Paranormal, Crypto Zoology and Abduction in the State of Pennsylvania Journal of Abnormal Abduction Research, Bi-monthly journal dealing with the abduction phenomenon
Research Associate at Phantoms & Monsters Fortean Research Hanover, Pennsylvania
So today I’m watching LIVE: Senators Visit the Border and in talking about how ‘We The People Stand For Border Security’ Rally… I saw this on the NTD feed and when I caught in one part of the live video what looks like a UFO flying behind the folks speaking. The last few days Marco Rubio spoke about UFOS being spotted over military bases? Well I think I got one!
This is 100% legit! I clipped out the video, and prepared it for this video, and here is the link to the OG source.
Skip up 3 Hours and 20mins into the video, and you will find the clip I pulled out as it aired.…
Are you ready? Better be Ready!
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David Ickes Speech at the Unite for Freedom Rally Trafalgar Sq London on 08-29-2020 was aired live on YouTube which quickly took it down. The claim on YouTube was that it “Violated the term of service” which is silly considering all the other more harmful things on there. But here is the full video. I managed to snag a copy before they banned it.
A lot of what he’s saying I cannot refute folks… He’s right on the money here, and for as skeptical as I’ve been with him in the past I will say this time I think he’s on the right path here.
Now this is hilarious for us in ufology for years we know that they’re real. But to see this confirmed now is becoming reality. I used to work with someone who was present at a UFO crash site here in Florida in the 70’s which I can’t speak much about because he was 1 of a handful of people there, and he didn’t want to speak publicly as he has kids, and grand kids. But his Military rank was proven to me 100% LEGIT, and his time in Miami at the time was also proven to me.
Folks these things are not all ALIEN or ET flying UFO’s… BUT SOME ARE, and we’re on the brink of Disclosure! This ran on CNN. Notice how they mention Trump, and his info? Without smearing or trashing Trump over politics. But watch the video, and below that I’m going to connect the dots based on information I’ve been told over the last 2 decades.
I Was always into this subject… As long as I Could remember and it’s all due to my own 2 sightings as a kid. Now over the years I’ve been told by several sources connected to the Roswell crashes in the past that what crashed at Roswell wasn’t JUST Alien… We had 2 crashes at Roswell 1 ET and 1 AMERICAN MADE. They crashed into each other because one attracted the other which thought it belonged to them. They collided, and what was found was 2 wreckage’s a mile apart. The one we made was done using a combination of the “Nazi,” & “Tesla” tech which we experimented on and the other was an actual ET UFO which is the one which came down to from my understanding was to investigate where this ship came from since it registered as theirs in most due to the “NAZI & Tesla” getting the tech from THEM!
IF this is real then this could be the big secret behind Roswell the GOV has covered up for decades. Roswell WAS A REAL event, and Alien bodies were really found, and also human bodies in the other crash? WELL IF this doesn’t answer why they covered it up nothing will, and oh if you’re asking why is this all coming out now in 2020? Easy answer folks it’s cause Trump is the big D! Not “DICK” like some on the left want you all to think! lol But he’s going to be the “Disclosure PRESIDENT” but this will only happen as he’s re-elected. This is from a source, and I was told that this is the only way he will open up about it, and ensure he’s not killed for what he knows, and he wants us to know, and this is why he’s been more and more open about the question, and even outed the gov for the ufo videos they got which prompted the Pentagon in admitting those videos we seen earlier this year were real. I saw those videos years ago folks. I’m talking about possibly half a decade ago. What does he know? His uncle JOHN Trump was the man in charge of recovering the TESLA Files from the office of Tesla when he was declared dead, and John saw the files, and saw everything Tesla was working on, and a lot of the UFO secrets he took to his grave but according to reports told to me.
President Trump was told everything his Uncle knew, and this is why we now have a “SPACE FORCE” and while the left for years have teasing us about UFO’s they never had any intentions of actually releasing this information. Podesta, the Clinton’s these people are all in on the take, and while a lot of people on the right who knew the facts wanted this information out. The left played with our emotions, and never did anything to actually push for disclosure when it came to actually doing it… But now it’s all coming out.
So as I reported earlier about the ISIS footage now I found out that also Astronomers Discovered what they claim is a ‘Mini-Moon’ Orbiting Earth. Could this be the same object that we saw in the ISIS footage? Well you decide… Funny how mainstream news is pushing this as a natural object the size of a car? Well the ISIS footage was said to be about the size of a bus. SO I think we might have some sort of link here?
You decide folks…
BIG NEWS (thread 1/3). Earth has a new temporarily captured object/Possible mini-moon called 2020 CD3. On the night of Feb. 15, my Catalina Sky Survey teammate Teddy Pruyne and I found a 20th magnitude object. Here are the discovery images.
Astronomers say Earth has a new, temporary companion in addition to the moon. A tiny asteroid, known as 2020 CD3, was captured by Earth’s gravity well, bringing the object into its orbit about three years ago. It was detected by Kacper Wierzchos, a researcher with the Catalina Sky Survey at University of Arizona’s Lunar and Planetary Lab..
“BIG NEWS,” Wierzchos tweeted on Tuesday adding a gif of the images that helped him detect Earth’s new little buddy. “Earth has a new temporarily captured object/Possible mini-moon called 2020 CD3. On the night of Feb. 15, my Catalina Sky Survey teammate Teddy Pruyne and I found a 20th magnitude object.”
The object isn’t large by any means – about the size of a large SUV – as it measures approximately 6 feet to 11 feet across. The discovery is a big deal for astronomers because it’s only the second asteroid known to orbit Earth out of roughly 1 million known space rocks.
The object’s official designation in The International Astronomical Union’s Minor Planet Center lists 2020 CD3 as being “temporarily bound to the Earth,” and that no “evidence of perturbations due to solar radiation pressure is seen, and no link to a known artificial object has been found.”
The center added that further observations of the object are “strongly encouraged.” The Catalina Sky Survey is a NASA-funded project that aims to scan the night sky and track near-Earth objects, especially any that might pose a threat to Earth.
Because the object is bound by gravity to the Earth, it’s unlike to pose any threat. The last asteroid to get captured in Earth’s orbit was 2006 RH120, which was captured by Earth in June 2006. It hung around until September 2007 before swinging back out into the solar system.