Showing posts with label impeachment trial. Show all posts
Showing posts with label impeachment trial. Show all posts

Friday, February 12, 2021

Impeachment Trial FULL COVERAGE!

Here is all the footage so far of the impeachment hoax 2.0 of our real PRESIDENT Donald Trump. He might not be in the Oval Office due to the clear con job in the Nov 3rd 2020 election, and it’s clear to anyone that yes that thing was a big scam, and so is this so called impeachment trial.Anyone with a brain can see what exactly has been happening for the last 4 years since we first got President Trump sworn in the left has had 1 thing in mind. Removing him from political office forever, and shutting up the voice, and will of the voters. This folks is the ultimate in voter supression, and it cannot be allowed under this constitution or country. The left has violated the rule of law many times over the last 4 years.They have actually incidted riots, looting, and yes murder while they now make a mockery of our constitution once more. Remember the Rinos, and the DemocRATS, and come election time remove all these criminals, and never vote for them again. We the people need to drain the swamp.Day 4:
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