Showing posts with label Allison Greenfield. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Allison Greenfield. Show all posts

Tuesday, October 3, 2023

Trump AD released about elections... Plus NYC Trial update!

This video is 100% must watch... These liberals are such hypocrites and they don't want us USA Citizens to see this. This will tell you how much hypocrisy and lying happening with these liberals. There is no nudity, profanity or Covid talk in this video... This is 100% facts.

This video shows you how dishonest these people on the left are... IF Facebook, YouTube or any of these leftist loaded sites takes this video down remember there is nothing but pure FACTS here. This is them again putting you in a place where they're suppressing your ability to make up your mind and participate in a real fair election. The left cheats, and they complain when they don't cheat enough to win and the actual election is won by they lose too.

But as we know if they win all of a sudden they claim the election was the election was the cleanest and most fair ever and that the right is lying and so the left RIGS it, cheats and win they lie, lie, lie and make up charges to bury the competition now. This is what they're doing to TRUMP who clearly won both in 2016 & 2020. Now that he's up so much in the 2024 polls look how they're doing him in these fake trials! As we're finding out more as the trial in NYC just started this is a sort of a DO OVER trial for a case already tried against Trump where he won.

There is no Victim, no essential crime committed by Trump.. The trial is because the city of New York has a crazy lunatic DA in Latisha James who had made her entire platform when she ran to get TRUMP anyway possible. She found nothing dirty on him so she is trying to do this DO-OVER trial. This is illegal under the constitution. Also 80% of these charges against Trump maybe more are passed what a "STATUE of Limitations" on even looking into this has passed.

Some how they're claiming this is a "civil business fraud" The banks got paid, there are no victims, nobody other than Latisha James pushing this and the Obama friendly liberal leftist Judge.

Justice Engoron was appointed to the New York City Civil Court in 2003 and was elected he ran unopposed to the State Supreme Court in 2015. Before his time on the bench, he served as a law clerk to a State Supreme Court judge in Manhattan.

The atmosphere in his courtroom is somewhat unusual he even posses for the camera in an odd way the first day of the trial which shows he's doing this as a clown not taking it serious. He also let the Cameras record than claimed he didn't know they were even as he says this we have footage of him posing for the cameras he said he didn't know where there. Total clown show.

As of that he's now banned video of the trial and even issued a gag order on Trump to keep  him from speaking in public, and the Cameras are now not allowed so we the public can't see what's happening. So much for a "Transparent Case" why don't they want us to view this on video? Think about this folks...

Interrupting a long day of testimony, Judge Arthur Engoron issued the order, which applies to all parties in the case and pertains to verbal attacks on court staff. It came after Trump recirculated a critical social media post about Engoron’s principal law clerk, Allison Greenfield.

The post included a photo of Greenfield with Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer, D-N.Y., posing for a picture at a public event. Trump, the Republican front-runner for president in 2024, has repeatedly cast the lawsuit and trial as a political attack by New York’s Democratic attorney general, Letitia James. 

Trump wrote that it was “disgraceful” that Greenfield was working with the judge in the courtroom. Aside from that sideshow, with Trump attending the trial for a second day, James’ attorney questioned an accountant in an effort to build the state’s case that Trump and others at his company had full control over the preparation of misleading and downright false financial statements at the heart of the lawsuit against them. Engoron said this about a comment that the ex-president had touted as an important victory.

Engoron had suggested on Monday that testimony about Trump’s 2011 financial statement might be beyond the legal time limit applicable to Attorney General James’ lawsuit. It alleges that Trump and his business chronically lied about his wealth on financial statements given to banks, insurers and others. Other words this is the basis of her case and it's past the statue of limitation and CANNOT be used against Trump even if he had committed any sort of crime which he did not as anyone who says he inflated the numbers on how much his property is worth. This is an illogical case because this is how negotiations work with anyone who has ever bought a property or had one valued  you put the number you think you're property is worth, and negotiate with the bank til a number is agreed on. So in other words this trial is made up a charge that does not exist but if this is pushed for a conviction by these crooks on the left, it will open a book on them being able to go over anyone who negotiates with a bank whom the liberals don't want to beat them.
This is why this is so important and why the left is literally breaking the law to try this none criminal case in court. Latisha James and the Judge both know this is not a case they're only doing this in order to drain money from Trump in legal fees, and have the man the majority of this country wants in the oval office behind bars, and or not able to run in 2024. This is clear election rigging, and fraud by these leftist crooks... This must never happen again, and this cannot go without punishment to these vile and evil democrats. 

Arthur F. Engoron, who is presiding over Donald J. Trump’s civil fraud trial, is an independent and thoughtful if somewhat quirky jurist who has served for 20 years in New York City Civil and State Supreme Court.

The 74-year-old judge, a former cabby with a shock of white hair and a penchant for cracking jokes from the bench, will effectively be judge and jury, deciding the fate of Mr. Trump’s New York businesses, which make up a large portion of his real estate empire.

That’s because the case was brought under a little known but powerful New York state law requiring that the matter be adjudicated at what is known as a bench trial, meaning that no jury will hear the case. The judge not only applies the law, as judges do in jury trials, but also decides the facts, a task that a jury would otherwise perform.

And that means that Justice Engoron, a Democrat, will play a far more prominent and consequential role than a judge would at a jury trial, not just during the proceedings, but in the ultimate outcome unless he is overturned on appeal.

Last week, before the trial began, Justice Engoron issued a decision that itself could have a devastating impact on Mr. Trump and his family business. He ruled that the former president had consistently committed fraud by inflating the value of his assets by billions of dollars. The ruling could strip him of control of some of his flagship New York properties, including Trump Tower and 40 Wall Street. Think about this folks if this is done to him they will again set a new unconstitutional and fraud precedent to do this to anyone.

Justice Engoron has been overseeing the matter for three years. When the state attorney general, Letitia James, was conducting her civil investigation into Mr. Trump’s business practices, the judge resolved disputes over evidence. Then, after she filed the resulting lawsuit a year ago, the judge began hearing arguments and ruled on pretrial litigation.

While Justice Engoron’s demeanor verged on the jovial in the earlier stages and he still teases the lawyers and allows himself the occasional comic digression the proceedings have become increasingly contentious.

Last year, he held Mr. Trump in contempt, fining him $110,000, and later, Mr. Trump unsuccessfully sought to have Justice Engoron taken off the case. Last week, in a social media post, Mr. Trump called the judge “deranged,” and on Monday, he said he was “rogue” and should be disbarred.

Now, as a result of threats, court security officers pick him up at his home in the morning and drive him to the courthouse, officials said. At the end of his workday, the officers drive him home. Which is a joke nothing TRUMP said was threatening and clearly this Judge is as Trump puts it "deranged" and let me add here. A clear lunatic.

Justice Engoron nonetheless seems to maintain his sense of humor. A fan of pop culture references who also revels in puns, he quoted from the Marx Brothers movie “Duck Soup” in a footnote to underscore his position that some of the defense’s arguments were essentially designed to tell him to not believe his own eyes.

“As Chico Marx, playing Chicolini, says to Margaret Dumont, playing Mrs. Gloria Teasdale,” the judge wrote, “well, who ya gonna believe, me or your own eyes?”

Justice Engoron was appointed to the New York City Civil Court in 2003 and was elected he ran unopposed to the State Supreme Court in 2015. Before his time on the bench, he served as a law clerk to a State Supreme Court judge in Manhattan.

The atmosphere in his courtroom is somewhat unusual. Beyond the levity he fosters, he discourages members of the public from standing, as is typical, when he enters. He also gives broad latitude to his principal law clerk, Allison Greenfield, perhaps because he himself has served in that role. Ms. Greenfield keeps the trains running on time with a firm hand, in contrast to the judge’s generally genial demeanor.

But Justice Engoron seems to be losing his patience with Mr. Trump. He has consistently ruled against the former president, and his decision last week had withering words for the defenses put forward by Mr. Trump’s lawyers. He called the conduct of the defendants, who include the president’s two adult sons and the family business, “obstreperous” and their arguments “bogus,” saying they had ignored reality when it suited their business needs.

“In defendants’ world,” he wrote, “rent-regulated apartments are worth the same as unregulated apartments; restricted land is worth the same as unrestricted land; restrictions can evaporate into thin air.”

At a hearing two weeks ago, the judge, addressing one of the former president’s lawyers, pounded his fist in apparent frustration, saying, “You cannot make false statements and use them in business.” This judge clearly is in favor of holding Trump in contempt for anything, and refusing him a clear, transparent, and fair trial. One which is already being done illegally as it is. Making his actions clear, and dangerous for all would be defendants in the future of this man. He's clearly corrupt.

NYC Trial footage:

DAY 1 - 10/02/2023
Former President Donald Trump is attending the start of the civil fraud trial against him and his company taking place in New York City. Judge Arthur Engoron already ruled last week that Trump ‘committed fraud for years while building [his] real estate empire,’ per the AP, deceiving banks by lying about his wealth in financial statements.
The judge is still expected to rule on six other claims in the lawsuit.

DAY 2 - 10/03/2023
Donald Trump and his family business continue to stand trial in New York on Tuesday in a civil fraud case that could deal a major blow to the former US president’s real estate empire.

Oh speaking of Tisha James in New York guess what she's proud to promote, and champions on her own accord...