Saturday, April 13, 2024
Another show we need to now boycott!
OK So I'm not about boycotting unless someone is so out of their minds that it deserves the BUD LIGHT treatment after the Dylan Mulvaney debacle... Now star of the show "Reacher" Has had a public TDS MELTDOWN and went on to Blasts Christians, Cops & Trump! He even called TRUMP A Rapist which is something he has NOT been convicted on and only one E Lying Carroll has made such claims and well. She's a crazy leftist tool who is lying for money and being helped by George Conway and the democraps who helped her with an OBAMA JUDGE, and used a leftist DA's office to bring up false charges on Trump. For a case she didn't remember when it happened and said to Anderson Cooper that she thinks "RAPE IS SEXY!" So the question is does this actor KNOW Who Watches His Show? And what he's saying? Or should I say now used to watch his show as it's going to go bye bye like Snow White after this turd nugget by Alan Michael Ritchson the star of the show.
I find it hilarious how these leftist keep pulling out narratives which are not based in reality but are directly from CNN lying CCP ran Communist Nincompoop Network. From this b/s to the one about Trump being an "INSURRECTIONIST" when he has never been charged or convicted of such an act, and by the way neither has ANYONE who entered the Capitol on Jan 6th. But the left love using those 2 lies about Trump to smear him. Why? So JOE BIDEN can continue to cause problems and hurt the American people? IF This is so that makes you an accomplice to his crimes against the people and you are as evil as BIDEN is... So here now we have Alan Bitchson talking smack about Trump, Cops and Christians? I'm agnostic and don't practice any form of religion but I respect everyone's right to believe what they want and won't blast them for it... I also wont blast religions without trashing them all... The Muslims are as bad as anyone but he didn't mention them! They're the religion who says a "GOOD" Muslim goes JIHAD and kills people who are not MUSLIM in the name of ALLAH!
RITCHSON best known for his role in Prime Video's hit action-thriller-mystery series Reacher first became known as Aquaman on the show Smallville which started in the year 2000 and ran for 10 seasons. The show was based on the early days of Clark Kent aka Superman while going to high school and early collage before he becomes "Superman" but on Reacher Alan plays the titular Jack Reacher—a large man who's good at solving mysteries, fighting on behalf of the little guy, and kicking all sorts of ass. In the time since the show, which is based on author Lee Child's Jack Reacher book series, Ritchson has done a number of interviews, showing the world who he is and what he believes in.
This probably can explain why he speaks the trash he does I mean look at the show he goes on and who he associates and works with... And loves! This guy is another leftist loon who doesn't have any realistic idea of what he says OR he's saying it cause he has to bend to the narrative coming out of tinsel town these days. You know the "Must smear TRUMP at all cost no matter what" movement.
The latest, a cover story for The Hollywood Reporter, finds the towering action hero (who this month will also appear alongside Henry Cavill in Guy Ritchie's Ministry of Ungentlemanly Warfare) explaining why faith remains important to his life, but showing issue with the way some of his fellow Christians today have become "vitriolic." He also expressed concern with how one particular person has been rallied around: former President Donald Trump.
“Trump is a rapist and a con man, and yet the entire Christian church seems to be treat him like he’s their poster child, and it’s unreal," he says. "I don’t understand it.” In the same cover story, Ritchson also addressed an Instagram post of his from 2020 that recently went viral, where he wears a t-shirt that reads "Arrest the cops who killed Breonna Taylor." Taylor was a 26-year-old Black woman who was shot and killed in her apartment back in in March 2020 by police in Louisville, Kentucky as part of a botched drug raid.
“Trump is a rapist and a con man" two things which are lies and Trump again has NOT ever been convicted off... All these charges on him now are clearly election rigging and all based on lies. Anyone with a working brain who is not CRAZY can see it for what it is. Guess ALAN is another Hollyweird sold out woke moron. Too bad now his work will never get another view from me. I'm out on everything he's going to do from now on and most of the people who watched his show fit into the category he just insulted. So guys time to drop the ratings on his show.
Thursday, November 11, 2021
Biden calls Famous Pitcher As ‘Great Negro.’ Obama Signed Law Banning Government From Using ‘Negro’
Once more the term “Rules for thee not for me” comes into question here as when speaking on Thursday at a Veterans Day event at Arlington National Cemetery in Arlington, Virginia, Fake President Biden used a term which many find offensive, referring to the great black pitcher of the past, Satchel Paige, as “the great Negro at the time,” adding for clarification, “pitcher in the Negro leagues,” the term used to describe the segregated leagues for African-American players in the early to mid-20th century.
Sleepy Joe told the crowd, “I just want to tell you, I know you’re a little younger than I am, but I’ve adopted the attitude of the great Negro at the time, pitcher in the Negro leagues, went on to become a great pitcher in the pros, major league baseball, after Jackie Robinson. His name was Satchel Paige.”
“And Satchel Paige, on his 47th birthday, pitched a win against Chicago,” Biden said. “And all the press went in and said, ‘Satch, it’s amazing. 47 years old. No one’s ever, ever pitched a win at age 47. How do you feel about being 47?’ He said, ‘Boys, that’s not how I look at it.’”
Biden refers to “that great negro pitcher” Satchel Paige
— Tom Elliott (@tomselliott) November 11, 2021
“They said, ‘How do you look at it, Satch?’” Biden continued, adding, “He said, ‘I look at it this way: How old would you be if you didn’t know how old you were?’” Biden refers to “that great negro pitcher” Satchel Paige
— Tom Elliott (@tomselliott) November 11, 2021
Criticism has been directed at public figures for using the term “Negro.” The Voice of America (VOA) reported in July 2020 that political operative Roger Stone, whose 40-month prison sentence was commuted by former President Trump, called Los Angeles-based black radio host Morris O’Kelly a “Negro” in an interview, prompting O’Kelly’s website to write, “Stone could have reached for any pejorative, but unfortunately went there,” adding that “Stone offered an unfiltered, unvarnished one-sentence expression of how he saw the journalist interviewing him.”
“O’Kelly characterized ‘Negro’ as the ‘low-calorie version of the N-Word,’” VOA reported. In 2013, the Census Bureau announced it would no longer use the term “Negro.” In May 2016, former President Barack Obama signed a bill into law that would ban the federal government from using the term “Negro,” permitting “African-American” instead.
In May 2020, during an interview with popular African-American commentator and radio host Charlamagne tha God, Biden, running for the 2020 Democratic presidential nomination, defended his record on racial issues and, when told that the host had “more questions” for him, declared, “If you have a problem figuring out whether you’re for me or Trump, then you ain’t black.”
Asked how he would address his critics in the black community, Biden said, “What I say to them is that I’m not acknowledging anybody who is being considered, but I guarantee you there are multiple black women being considered. Multiple.” “Thanks so much. That’s really our time. I apologize,” a Biden aide interrupted. Then he picked a woman of INDIA not BLACK Decent to be his VeePee… Don’t forget Kamala is not “African American” the only African American in her at any point was “Willie Brown!” #Fact there is no INDIA in AFRICA…. There is also no Jamaica in Africa. But there is a MAJOR part of Jamaica which from India thats relocated there as well as Chinese immigrants who have 2 or 3 generations there.
“You can’t do that to black media!” Charlamagne protested. “I do that to white media and black media because my wife has to go on at 6 o’clock,” said Biden. “Ooh. Uh oh, I’m in trouble,” he added. “Listen, you’ve got to come see us when you come to New York, VP Biden,” said Charlamagne. “It’s a long way until November. We’ve got more questions” “You’ve got more questions?” Biden said. “Well I tell you what, if you have a problem figuring out whether you’re for me or Trump, then you ain’t black.”
Does it shock you that BIDEN says some racist stuff? As he’s known as a long time racist who even eulogized a member of the KKK and called him a great friend.
Wednesday, June 16, 2021
Chuck Schumer apologizes after using outdated term for disabled children during housing interview
OK so this idiot Chuck Schumer the so called Senate Majority Leader was forced to apologize Monday for using an outmoded word to refer to developmentally disabled children during a recent podcast appearance. Appearing on the One NYCHA podcast, Schumer used the word “retarded” in making a point about the challenge of overcoming community resistance to housing initiatives meant to serve vulnerable populations.
Appearing on the @OneNYCHA podcast, @SenSchumer refers to mentally disabled children as “retarded”
— Tom Elliott (@tomselliott) June 14, 2021
“These are harmless kids. They just needed some help,” he said, adding that the effort was ultimately successful. “We got it done. Took a while.” He got it done for those “retards” that’s what he was thinking…. But the term is considered outdated and offensive by many, and advocates for people with mental and intellectual disabilities discourage its use.
So Monday afternoon, a Schumer spokesperson said the majority leader erred in using such an “inappropriate and outdated word” during the interview. “For decades, Sen. Schumer has been an ardent champion for enlightened policy and full funding of services for people with intellectual and developmental disabilities,” the spokesperson said in a statement. “He is sincerely sorry for his use of the outdated and hurtful language.” But why didn’t the scumbag come out infront the media, and expressed this himself? Why send a public spokesperson? This is as bad as Kamala Harris not wanting to go to the border. See folks these Liberals in congress, and the senate don’t care they just want you to think they do so they could keep their jobs.
The project Schumer was referring to was connected to an organization then known as the Association for the Help of Retarded Children. (AHRC has since dropped that name and now simply goes by the initials.)
In 2010 President Barack Obama signed a law striking the term “mentally retarded” from the bulk of federal statutes and replaced it with other terms, and New York enacted a similar law in 2011. Guess nobody gave Chucky the memo?
Schumer’s offensive comment came about midway through the more than hour long appearance on the podcast, video of which was posted Sunday on the group’s Facebook page, which covers issues related to public housing in New York City and the lives of its residents.
“People are afraid, you know, I understand that,” Schumer said, continuing his original point. “When there’s change and they’re not given the things they need safety and security they get afraid. But you’ve got to address the real issues, not the fake issues.”
Saturday, April 3, 2021
Illinois School Will Not Be Named After Barack & Michelle Obama Following Protests
A middle school in Waukegan, Illinois will not be renamed “Barack & Michelle Obama Middle School” after pro-immigration activists complained that the former president had a dismal record on deportations! Funny I know since the left loves Obama, and loves their illegals. Guess he deported all the “Conservative Illegals” ? Anyways!
The Waukegan Board of Education “decided several weeks ago to rename two ‘controversially’ named elementary schools, Thomas Jefferson Middle School and Daniel Webster Middle School, over concerns that both historical figures supported the practice of slavery” and following a request on behalf of dozens of students and community members. So you would think renaming them after the first “African American” or half anyway President, and his manly Wife would make up for the lack of racial diversity right? Well nope! Wrong. And I quote “Renaming committees were formed for each school and included people in the community, students, and staff,” according to Chicago’s ABC affiliate. After deliberation, the committees settled on a small number of final possibilities, including Barack and Michelle Obama Middle School. “The school board heard concerns from the public Tuesday night over one of the finalists in the running to be the new name for Thomas Jefferson Middle School,” ABC News reported back in March. “The country’s first Black President and First Lady, Barack and Michelle Obama is one of the top three choices for the school’s new name but is drawing opposition in the area with a large Latinx population.”
So here is how this played out, and eventually didn’t happen for the Obamas… “I will not be part of renaming a school after someone who did not and does not represent the undocumented community,” one school board member said during the meeting. Funny with the “OPEN BORDER POLICY” in place now with Biden who’s nothing but Obama 2.0 but worse cause he’s just the puppet being moved around on strings by the Obamas, and others.
“From the time Barack Obama became President until 2017 when he left, he today is still the highest-ranking president with deportations in our nation,” a local immigration activist told media during a protest. “We feel that Barack Obama did a disservice to us. He denied us, and he didn’t stop the deportations, the way he promised.”
“If you’re removing the name of Thomas Jefferson one oppressor the name of Obama is another oppressor and our families do not want to see that name,” she added.
On Tuesday, the Waukegan School Board voted to select John Lewis Middle School as the institution’s new name. “Daniel Webster Middle School will be renamed for local civil rights activist Edith Smith.”
Waukegan school board president, Brandon Ewing, ultimately decided to drop the Obama name.
“I think he was a great president and he did things to move us forward,” Ewing said, per Fox News. “But just like we’re having the discussion about Thomas Jefferson, all men are flawed and nobody’s legacies are perfect. I think we have a responsibility to listen to all constituents and weigh that in whatever decision we make.”
Lewis, on the other hand, Ewing said, was “one of our icons who we actually got to see grow old” adding that Lewis “embodies what we want to teach our students, and that is how to get into good trouble.”
Waukegan’s school district is hardly the first to undertake a name change for buildings named after historical figures now considered controversial — the San Francisco United School District (SFUSD) undertook a similar effort in 2020 only to drop the crusade after evidence that their research into which historical figures were “controversial” proved inexhaustive — but it may be the first to consider former President Barack Obama controversial.
Wednesday, January 27, 2021
Robert Reich Your NAZI views are showing! So you care about democracy Now? Give us all a Break you OBAMA clown!
The coup already is working, it’s being done by the leftist, socialist/communist. Assisted by big tech, mass media, social media & leftist socialists like YOU! Spare me your lies about a “COUP” when city’s and buildings burned during your “Summer of Love” in 2020 your a joke!
— Angel Luis Espino (@AngelEspinoLive) January 27, 2021
He took a knee against our flag, and country. The man commited to supporting a mob that is guilty of billions of dollars in damages. So yeah we objected to his endorsing domestic terrorists like Antifa/BLM, and endorsing a revolt on our constituion. But I’m sure you know that.
— Angel Luis Espino (@AngelEspinoLive) January 27, 2021
Wednesday, December 23, 2020
stimulus updates: Trump demands $2,000 checks; calls Covid-19 bill a ‘disgrace’
Ok so wait there is a check coming for $600 bucks? Say it aint so Mr Trump! Ok so this had to be said folks, and thank god we have President Trump to say it, and boy did he ever! The man just went nuclear on the left when he derided the recently-passed coronavirus relief bill as a “disgrace” on Tuesday night, calling on Congress to increase stimulus payments from $600 to $2,000 and get rid of “wasteful and unnecessary items.” The move stunned Congress which has been deadlocked for months over the long-awaited stimulus package to address people’s increasingly desperate situations in the midst of a pandemic-fueled economic downturn.
Here are key significant developments in my latest short video which was pre-recorrded, and not infront of a live studio audiance. But that’s due to well Corona!
Thursday, August 20, 2020
Trump rips Obama’s DNC speech: ‘He spied on my campaign and got caught’
President Trump tuned in to watch the third night of the Democratic National Convention for Barack Obama’s anticipated address as we know he loves tweeting his displeasure at those who are his foes, and well he’s got no bigger one then Obama himself, and as his predecessor accused him of being unfit for the job. Trump fired back in a counter punch of truth! “He spied on my campaign, and got caught!” Trump wrote in all caps, without directly referring to Obama as the ex-president delivered a rare rebuke of his successor’s time in the White House.
“Why did he refuse to endorse slow Joe until it was all over, and even then was very late? Why did he try to get him not to run??” Trump followed in another tweet, barbing Obama for endorsing his veepee so late in the primary process. Trump didn’t switch the channel as Biden’s new running mate took the stage, either, skewering Kamala Harris for a now-infamous debate-stage exchange on race in which Harris insinuated Biden was a racist. “But didn’t she call him a racist??? Didn’t she say he was incompetent???” Trump pressed again in all caps.
The president also directed his ire at former first lady Michelle Obama earlier this week after she took the virtual stage Monday evening, accusing her of being “over her head” after she encouraged Americans to vote him out of office. The president has repeatedly accused Barack Obama of spying on his 2016 campaign. Attorney General William Barr told Congress last year he believed “spying” did take place during a probe into Russian meddling. Obama came out swinging against his successor in his convention speech, saying: “Donald Trump hasn’t grown into the job because he can’t.”
“For close to four years now, he’s shown no interest in putting in the work; no interest in finding common ground; no interest in using the awesome power of his office to help anyone but himself and his friends; no interest in treating the presidency as anything but one more reality show that he can use to get the attention he craves,” Obama spewed.. We all know Obama lied, and lies, and is a liar, and a con man and if you had any doubts after knowing what we now know, and as he continues to go on video making a tool out of himself all I can do is laugh when I see him showing a rare amount of bite and venom, Obama said Trump had unleashed the nation’s “worst impulses” and “badly diminished” America’s standing on the world stage. LMAO So wait did Obama just condem the rioters, and looters, and said that Trump “unleashed the nation’s “worst impulses” so the people rioting for BLM, and Antifa are the worlds “WORST IMPULSES” how funny since they’re doing it for George Floyd, and you Obama. I mean not just you since you’re behind all the hoax that Trump had to deal with for the last 4 years but I’m pretty sure his remarks mean the people who are out on the streets are bad people with this comment.
Wednesday, August 19, 2020
Former first lady Mchael…. I mean Michelle Obama spoke for Creepy Hiding, Sniffing Joe at the DNC and well let’s see how she lied, and how easily she does it… This folks is someone people love? lol Well Michelle Obama assailed President Donald Trump on Monday for ripping migrant children from their parents and throwing them into cages, picking up on a frequent and distorted point made widely by Democrats. She’s right that Trump’s now-suspended policy at the U.S.-Mexico border separated thousands of children from their families in ways that had not been done before. But what she did not say is that the very same “cages” were built and used in her husband’s administration, for the same purpose of holding migrant kids temporarily. They often forget this fact, and a look at her remark in the keynote address at the opening night of the remote Democratic National Convention:
MICHELLE OBAMA, on Americans: “They watch in horror as children are torn from their families and thrown into cages.”
THE FACTS: The reference to cages is misleading and a matter that Democrats have persistently distorted.
Trump used facilities that were built during the Obama-Biden administration to house children at the border. They are chain-link enclosures inside border facilities where migrants were temporarily housed, separated by sex and age. Remember these kids often are stolen from their real parents who might be dead, and or not know where their kids are so this is why we can’t just let people come in as they want we need to know what the hell is coming into our country at all times, and at the height of the controversy over Trump’s zero-tolerance policy at the border, photos that circulated online of children in the enclosures generated great anger. But those photos by The Associated Press were taken in 2014 and depicted some of the thousands of unaccompanied children held by President Barack Obama.
When that fact came to light, some Democrats and activists who had tweeted the photos deleted their tweets. But prominent Democrats have continued to cite cages for children as a distinctive cruelty of Trump. The former first lady was correct, however, in addressing the removal of children from parents at the border. The Obama administration separated migrant children from families under certain limited circumstances, like when the child’s safety appeared at risk or when the parent had a serious criminal history. But family separations as a matter of routine came about because of Trump’s “zero tolerance” enforcement policy, which he eventually suspended because of the uproar. Obama had no such policy. But that’s because Obama was weak sauce on the whole border issue. I’m also sure built the cages to hold the kids he would have sent packing to his evil friends who make these kids vanish.
Watch this moron lie her way on this bullshit video…
Saturday, May 23, 2020
EXPLOSIVE MOMENTS! Kayleigh McEnany challenges reporters ON Obama
Oh I think I may have fallen in love… “Kayleigh McEnany” is amazing! Both gorgeous, and fearless. Watch as she destroys reporters trying to ask the question of would Trump “PARDON” Obama for spaying on him!!! LOL When the media is asking this folks it’s because they all know that Obama/Biden are guilty sinners, and they’re caught. Listen as she challenges reporters with Obama questions, and destroys them!
Also before she’s done that watch the first video as she had BIG things said, and she’s truly amazing at her job. Sarah Sanders was good! But my goodness Kayleigh McEnany who has only been the White House Press Secretary for the Trump administration for less than two months, but she’s wasting no time owning the press, and simply destroying them.
Anyone familiar with her stint as a Trump-supporting CNN commentator during the 2016 election, her current actions should come as no surprise. McEnany is a certified veteran when it comes to going toe to toe with the press in order to defend Trump, which probably makes her the right person for the job in the eyes of the administration. She only speaks the truth, and as we know the media doesn’t want the truth they want to smear Trump.
She is a no nonsense type of lady, and she’s someone who as she gets older will become a certified big player in politics. Not that her job now isn’t big… But she will only grow in the GOP, and due to her no nonsense demeanor she’d not going to be an easy push over for any of these hack reporters on the Communist News Network.
This week, she went toe-to-toe with comedian Jimmy Kimmel and CNN’s Chris Cuomo, among others. Kimmel, host of Jimmy Kimmel Live did a segment on his show earlier this week where he marveled that the president would take hydroxychloroquine, an unproven drug, rather than wear a mask. “I thought about it for a long time last night and I’ve come to what I think is the only reasonable conclusion,” Kimmel said. “He’s trying to kill himself.”
McEnany responded to the comments, calling out her supposed perpetrators as she calls them “the media elite” by name. “I’ve seen a lot of apoplectic coverage of hydroxychloroquine,” McEnany said during a White House press briefing before calling out Kimmel, along with MSNBC “Morning Joe” anchor Joe Scarborough, Fox News’ Neil Cavuto and CNN’s Chris Cuomo over their coverage and criticism of Trump this past week. Kimmel responded by playing the clip during his show and joking that his “message resonated” since he’d received “a scolding today from White House press secretary No. 4.” Kimmel the same guy who criticized the Trump administration in 2017 for not be able to get coverage for his own son’s illness. Now while I’m happy that his son had his surgery, and is ok. But Jimmy makes MILLIONS a year, and his network is somewhere in the 45 Million, and he’s trying to get free healthcare? WTF? The ObamaCare reform act was a horrible bill, and does need to be replaced with something better. Jimmy did nothing but hurt the chances of getting others coverage. Obamacare put me, and millions out of options, and where we can’t afford our own healthcare. I’m in bad health, and can’t afford healthcare, and all my other bills. So while Jimmy and his 45 Million can cry on tv all he wants he doesn’t share in our problems, and his son will grow up with a silver spoon in his mouth.
Back to McEnany who had the harshest words for Cuomo, who is an old foe of hers. Last Fall, she told Cuomo that Trump had never lied to the American people and that “the press lies,” prompting Cuomo to end the interview. “You had Chris Cuomo saying ‘the president knows that hydroxychloroquine is not supported by science. Yet Cuomo is a moron, and doesn’t understand that the drug in question has been around for decades, and has been approved by science, and so Cuomo is a liar, and an idiot.
He knows it has been flagged by his own people and he has been using it.’ Well, Cuomo mocked the president for this,” she said, before accusing Cuomo of taking “a less safe version” of the drug when he was fighting COVID-19. Cuomo took quinine, which has been used for centuries as an antimalarial treatment, and which has significant differences from hydroxychloroquine.
McEnany also addressed the ongoing debate that mail-in voting will harm Republicans, as purported by President Trump. “I assume you care about fairness and accuracy in elections, do you not?” McEnany asked press during a briefing.
Reporter: “There’s no evidence that there is widespread voter fraud in mail-in votes.”
Kayleigh McEnany: “There is evidence.”
— The Hill (@thehill) May 21, 2020
Tuesday, October 22, 2019
How Obama and Clinton Created the Mess in Syria
So good ol RUSH Limbaugh god bless him he’s telling it how it is again, and the left isn’t gonna like this! Now check out this post on how exactly it was that Obama, and Clinton created the entire mess in Syria, and now Trump is catching the blame because that’s what happens when the left does something they can’t admit to now is blame TRUMP! Even tho this mess was Obama’s doing, and not Trump they cannot, and will not ever admit that Obama is a dirtbag, and is responsible for all of the mess, and Trump is doing what needs to be done to clean up the “SWAMP!”
Watch this before you [Keep Reading] | RUSH: You remember when the Benghazi thing happened there were immediately questions asked, “What in the world was the ambassador doing there?” Libya had become an absolute hellhole. It was stateless. It was being run by various terrorist camps. The Benghazi attack happens, and one of the explanations we got for the ambassador being there was that he was actually participating in an arms — what would be the word? — they were shipping arms up to Syria from Benghazi. They were going to Benghazi. The Obama administration wanted to arm various aspects of the Syrian rebels, and they were doing it on the QT by sending the weapons through Libya, i.e., Benghazi, and that that was one of the reasons the terrorists attacked was to prevent the flow of arms up to Syria from Benghazi. So that comes up, you know, Hillary laughs at it and pooh-pooh’s, what does it matter now, what difference does it make now? And so Fitton’s tweet here is fascinating: Judicial Watch uncovered documents, smoking gun documents show that Obama and Clinton were aware that arms were going to Syria through Benghazi, that Obama and Clinton were warned by the rise of ISIS and were supporting terrorists in Syria with these arms shipments. [Keep Reading] |
Saturday, September 21, 2019
More good news for 45!
Trump’s 50 percent approval rating by Rasmussen Reported on Monday was
matched head to head to that of Obama on September 16, 2011, he was four points lower at 46 percent, according to the poll. But this week he averaged across major polls surpassed that of his predecessor Number 44 or President Barack Obama at the same time 8 years ago.
— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) September 21, 2019
This is good for Trump who is known to cite only conservative-leaning polls as being semi fair. Which he’s correct it’s amazing how many in the media are doing polls where the majority of the people they poll are democrats, and the polls are coming from California, and places like this. You know DemocRAT states.
Trump’s approval rating on Wednesday was 44.3 percent, according to a “Real Clear Politics” average of more than a half-dozen major polls. That is higher than Obama’s average approval rating of 43.9 percent on September 18, 2011, by the same time span.
Number 45 averaged approval rating surpassed that of Obama on Monday and stayed on top for the next two days. Trump’s average approval rating on Monday was 44.1 percent compared to Obama’s 43.9 percent on September 16, 2011, and 44 percent on Tuesday compared to Obama’s 43.8 percent on September 17, 2011.” Take that Obamanation!
Thank you, working hard! #KAG2020
— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) September 16, 2019
Here is a seven-day look at average approval ratings for Trump in 2019 and Obama in 2011:
September 18: Trump 44.3 percent vs. Obama 43.9 percent
September 17: Trump 44 percent vs. Obama 43.8 percent
September 16: Trump 44.1 percent vs. Obama 43.9 percent
September 15: Trump 43.9 percent vs. Obama 44 percent
September 14: Trump 43.8 percent vs. Obama 44 percent
September 13: Trump 43.3 percent vs. Obama 43.9 percent
September 12: Trump 43.4 percent vs. Obama 43.7 percent
September 11: Trump 43.1 percent vs. Obama 43.3 percent
This is why when friends tell me he’s down on a poll I laugh especially when even liberal outlets are now saying yea Donald Trump will win in 2020 this according to more than two-thirds of chief financial officers from the CNBC Global CFO Council.
A recent ABC News/Washington Post poll shows Trump trailing in head-to-head matchups with at least four Democratic contenders, including the top three candidates: former Vice President Joe Biden, Senator Elizabeth Warren and Senator Bernie Sanders but In the survey, which was released Wednesday, Biden had the largest edge of the top three Democrats. South Bend Mayor Pete Buttigieg also led Trump, but by an amount within the sampling error.
In spite of a recent poll showing waning support in Trump’s handling of the economy and other evidence, like head-to-head matchups, that Trump could face a tough path to reelection, the CFOs think that the president will remain in office. And with the left losing their collective minds now, and it’s being proven that the only conspiracy is being conducted by THEM! Not Trump I wouldn’t doubt if not only Trump wins but the DemocRATS lose the congress also.
This is why they’re still trying everything they can to try, and impeach Trump! Because they know he is going to win in 2020, and they know they might be on the way out themselves. The left has lost it folks, and their on the path which might make it so there isn’t another Democrat elected President in many decades to come.
Wednesday, September 11, 2019
'The Five' reacts to new fallout over CNN Russia spy report
CNN criticized for standing by disputed Russian spy report; reaction and analysis on ‘The Five.’ #TheFive #FoxNews
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Friday, September 6, 2019
Trump on The View... The Internet doesn't forget!
“Now they all hate him. Funny how that works…” – BallTistic Screecher
Isn’t that the truth! But it’s hilarious to see how much they hate him now, and why? He’s not changed, and neither has what he said in 2011 to what he’s saying now. This video shows the clear hypocrisy in the View which should be renamed to the “SPEW” cause all they do is spew garbage.
Saturday, August 17, 2019
So how much did Obama know about the Russian Hoax?
Rand Paul has gone on record now as wanting to see Obama INVESTIGATED For Inventing ‘Russian Conspiracy’ Hoax the one which all Americans have heard by now you know the inquiry investigator Robert Mueller ran and spent 35 Million of taxpayer money into the witch hunt on Donald Trump.
The one which showed no collusion by Trump, and Russia during the 2016 presidential election and was a giant failure. While leftists and the media lost their collective minds thanks to a narrative they invented, Rand Paul suggested Obama officials should take a turn in the hot seat.
Senator Rand Paul has called on the Justice Department to investigate the Obama aides who forced the false claims into the minds of the public using propaganda and brainwashing tactics. According to The Washington Examiner, Paul used Twitter to call for an investigation of those responsible to the “Russian conspiracy hoax” perpetrated on the American people.
“Time to investigate the Obama officials who concocted and spread the Russian conspiracy hoax!” Senator Paul tweeted.
Time to investigate the Obama officials who concocted and spread the Russian conspiracy hoax!
— Senator Rand Paul (@RandPaul) March 25, 2019
Others have called for a probe into Hillary Clinton’s campaign and Barack Obama’s administration for alleged attempts to spy on president Donald Trump during the 2016 election. Trump campaign pollster John McLaughlin believes it is past time to get it started also. “I’m very concerned that it’s becoming more clear that the Obama administration was able to obtain a FISA warrant to spy on our campaign based on phony opposition research from the Clinton campaign. Having federal law enforcement spy on a presidential campaign based on phony campaign research is really distressing and the true untold story,” said McLaughlin.
“In retrospect, we now know this is one of the worst transitions in American history,” former Bush White House Press Secretary Ari Fleischer told The Washington Times. “On the surface, they played nicely and said nice things. But below the surface, it is clear several people in the Obama administration were doing everything they could to leave time bombs behind that would detonate all around Donald Trump and his administration.”
The bigger picture is that had this gone sourer than it already has, the Obama administration could have ignited a war with Russia long before the tears of the saddened liberals dried.
Donald Trump beat Hillary Clinton to become the 45th president, Obama was at it with his “pen and phone,” determined to destroy any chance Trump had at being a success. Obama, who was upset that Hillary Clinton would watch Donald Trump inaugurated as president, decided to shift blame to Russia. He authorized a covert cyber operation to deploy “implants” in Russian networks that could be triggered remotely in retaliation to any future cyber aggression by Moscow, TheWashington Post reported Friday.
The implants, developed by the NSA, are designed to hit Russian networks deemed “important to the adversary and that would cause them pain and discomfort if they were disrupted,” a former U.S. official told The Washington Post. Note the use of the word “adversary,” almost as if Obama’s goal was to begin a war with Russia. And to make matters worse, “U.S. intelligence agencies do not need further approval from (President) Trump, and officials said that he would have to issue a countermanding order to stop it,” the Post reported. “The officials said that they have seen no indication that Trump has done so.”
Hilarious NEW videos on the death of Epstein online!
hmmm seems legit! LOL
Now now I know this is clearly a spoof but man this is pretty funny stuff… Hillary and her media watch footage of the death of Jeffrey Epstein… Shocking footage.
Wednesday, August 7, 2019
Remember when Obama went Golfing?
Well we all remember those days that the media showed then President Obama golfing up a storm. Guess what was happening as he hit the links? Where was all the liberals tears then? Nobody called him out or called him a racist for spending his days golfing.

Was Obama called a racist when he put thousands of Operation fast and Furious guns on our streets?
Nov. 5, 2009 – First Fort Hood shooting
Jan. 8, 2011 – May 2010 Garland, Texas, shooting
July 20, 2012 – Tucson congressional event shooting
Aug. 6, 2012 – Aurora movie theater shooting
Dec. 14, 2012 – Wisconsin Sikh temple shooting
Sept. 16, 2013 – Sandy Hook Elementary School shooting
April 2, 2014 – Navy Yard shooting
April 14, 2014 – Second Fort Hood shooting
June 18, 2015 – Kansas Jewish Community Center shooting
July 16, 2015 – Charleston church shooting
Oct. 1, 2015 – Chattanooga recruiting center shooting
Dec. 2, 2015 – Roseburg community college shooting
Feb. 22, 2016 – San Bernardino community center shooting
June 12, 2016- Orlando nightclub shooting
FEB 20,2017 – Kalamazoo Uber driver shootings
There are about 69+ Examples of the Violent Legacy of Obama’s Fast and Furious Updated May 26, 2016 with info from newly-revealed government documents since 2011, the Justice Department has refused repeated requests from Congress and the news media to fully disclose details of incidents involving guns that had been illegally trafficked to Mexican drug cartels under the watch of U.S. agents in Operation Fast and Furious. The partial list below was compiled using available information.
Known crimes linked to “walked” weapons:
On May 25, 2016, Judicial Watch released a summary of Justice Department records that shows “a total of 94 Fast and Furious firearms have been recovered in Mexico City and 12 Mexican states, with the majority being seized in Sonora, Chihuahua and Sinaloa. Of the weapons recovered, 82 were rifles and 12 were pistols identified as having been part of the Fast and Furious program. Reports suggest the Fast and Furious guns are tied to at least 69 killings.”
Deaths: at least 43 (update: on May 25, 2016 according to Judicial Watch, “at least 69”) including:
2 U.S. federal agents
3 Mexican police
1 terrorist torture/kidnaping/murder in Mexico
Attempted murders or injuries: 3
1 in Mexico; 2 in U.S.
Kidnapings: 4 (all in Mexico)
Assaults/Shootouts: 4 incidents
2 in Mexico against military; 2 in U.S. against Phoenix law enforcement
Saturday, March 30, 2019
Rashida Tlaib described what it was like to meet with Barack Obama.
You ever wonder where she gets her hate for the country, and it’s current president? Well look no further than her boss, friend, and mentor. That’s right Mr 44 himself Barack Obamanation.
“Barack Obama met with us new members of Congress, and we had a thoughtful discussion about serving our country,” she tweeted while sharing a picture of the two of them together. “The best part was when he looked straight at me and said, ‘I’m proud of you.'”
The former president also tweeted his thoughts on meeting the latest batch of House Democrats.
“It’s a young, diverse class, stocked with a bunch of my campaign and administration alums who’ve taken the torch. This group is going to be driving progress for a long time to come,” he wrote.
According to reports, Obama used the event to warn the freshmen about the cost of some of the policies that have attracted media attention. My question is was she sworn in with a bible or Quran? And if it’s not a christian bible, and it is a Quran could this is against some sort of rule of law violated which could mean her entire office is not legally sworn in?
“He said we [as Democrats] shouldn’t be afraid of big, bold ideas—but also need to think in the nitty-gritty about how those big, bold ideas will work and how you pay for them,” a person who was present at the reception told The Washington Post.
While not mentioning any by name, it was believed that Obama was referring to the Medicare for All and Green New Deal policies.
The U.S. Senate recently voted against the Green New Deal bill 57-0, with 42 Democratic senators voting “present” rather than “yes” or “no,” foiling Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell’s attempt to get them on the record.
Representative Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez addressed concerns about its cost while giving a speech to the U.S. House Committee on Financial Services. She said the U.S. would end up paying for the cost of climate change whether the bill passed or not.
“As towns and cities go underwater, as wildfires ravage our communities, we’re going to pay. And we have to decide whether we’re going to pay to react, or pay to be proactive,” she said. Which is what they been saying for decades, and it’s always “10” or so years out before we’re doomed! This is an old lie being re-told by AOC because it’s the lie her “Socialist Democrats” keep spreading… Yet it never happens! But it keeps people in fear, and makes the ignorant think these people care, and are working for them when in reality it’s all a scam for them to make money, and gain power. Stop being stupid…. Look who’s behind these women, and thus the truth is revealed on the agenda they got.
According to an estimate from the American Action Forum, a center-right think tank, the Green New Deal could cost taxpayers between $50 trillion and $93 trillion over a 10-year period, although this figure has been questioned.
“I’d say that it is way too early to even pretend to put cost estimates on the Green New Deal. It’s at this point a still-amorphous construct,” Josh Bivens, director of research at the labor-funded Economic Policy Institute, told