Saturday, June 12, 2021

After Democrat Senator Gillibrand Fails To Show Up Republicans Defeat Democrats On Liberal Pay Fairness Bill

Seems that due to the odd makeup of our current Senate, Democrats have a sort of pseudo-majority. With the 50-50 split, they can only move measures forward if Harris cast a tie-breaking vote. So this doesn’t give Democrats much wiggle room to get things done as they wish. With every single Republican voting together, every Democrat is needed to get their agenda done.

And with an agenda as radical as Schumer and Biden’s, there is little chance Republicans will support them unless they’re Rinos, and just don’t care about our country like Liz Chaney, and Mitt Romney to name two.

But it seems that the Senate Democrats, led by Chuck Schumer, wanted to open debate for a left-wing bill that pits men against women. But Republicans won the vote, because of one Democrat. Shocking?

Sen. Kirsten Gillibrand is taking heat from liberals online for missing a vote on whether the Senate should consider a pay equity bill… The vote was 50-49, with Gillibrand, a New York Democrat, the only missing senator… Republicans contend the legislation, passed by the House in April, is a gift to the trial lawyers and would only harm businesses.

With PLUGS 46 Joe “Pedophile” Biden in the White House, Democrats are eager to pass whatever bogus progressive idea they have in mind again just to hurt our country some more… For years, Democrats have claimed that women earn less than men which is true but for good reason as the data clearly does not back them up, but have used this argument to drive a wedge between working Americans.

First let me say that the proof is in this! And anyone who has ever worked with women know this to be true… Most jobs MEN are the ones required to do the let’s say dirty work, and I’ve worked with women my whole life, and most of the time they do shit but sleep on the job, lie about their job, and well conduct themselves badly in some circles. While they’re women who do not do this, and are very good at their job when that’s the case they get promoted quick, and this was always the way. This is what I’ve seen in my 35 years of being a working man in this country. I’ve had a lot of female bosses, and male bosses in those years, and worked with lots of both men, and women before they were bosses.

The legislation, passed by the House, would have increased penalties for violations already set by federal law. It would have given lawyers an excuse to sue companies, claiming women were being paid less than men. Even if they did not deserve to be paid more in those jobs… It did not seem to do anything to actually help women in the workplace, just make it harder for companies to do their job.

While it would have taken 60 votes to overcome a filibuster and pass the bill, Democrats are outraged that a woman, Kirsten Gillibrand, was not on hand to vote. And we thank her for being responsible enough to know these facts I’ve expressed to be correct… She’s not someone who I see eye to eye on with most issues, and she’s a DemocRAT but on this one she got it right by not showing up.

It might not have made a difference on this bill, but liberals were still outraged, and they all cry like babies when they don’t get their way like typical… Afterall this is what they always do.

Many took to Twitter to slam the Democrat. The attacks got pretty vile. Liberals care more about their rage than knowing how our government works. But this is another reminder of how important Senate Republicans are. Without their united front against Schumer and the Biden Administration, Democrats might ram all kinds of bills down the throats of this country, and so let’s all hope we’ll get more Republicans in the Senate, come 2022.

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