Showing posts with label Kayleigh McEnany. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Kayleigh McEnany. Show all posts

Tuesday, July 21, 2020

The E.T Mayor Lori Lightfoot V.S Kayleigh McEnany

Kayleigh McEnany DESTROYS Far Left Chicago Mayor Lori Lightfoot and HUMILIATES Mainstream Media!!! Dr. Steve Turley posted a great video on YouTube about this but let’s be real, and look at Lori Lightfoot aka the ET of Chicago! This woman is a disaster, and so is the city of Chicago, and it’s her fault. She’s literally got blood on her hands but she doesn’t care about the many people she’s getting killed in the city. ALL This woman cares about is self serving her PR on tv to trash TRUMP! The last 4 years her only agenda is trying to gain fame by hating the President, and showing her racist ideology against white men. Funny since she dresses like a man, and looks like a fucking alien!

She says below that TRUMP is attacking them? The fact is reverse! Since day 1 these women have attacked him when he’s done nothing of the sort. Remember what’s her face who when she got her seat in congress she said “WE’RE GOING TO IMPEACH THE MOTHERFUCKER!” This from a woman who Trump had never said a word about. All these woman are liars, and like to project their lies on the President. This Lori Lightfoot is a crazy alphabet person who thinks that Trump is the cause of the worlds problems… This guys been President for almost 4 years, and she blames him for 100’s of years of problems? She’s such a joke. Think of how stupid this is!? To blame someone for all the worlds problems who’s not been in politics until he ran for President and never held office. But none of these career politicians who have done nothing for the country all blame him? Why haven’t these career politicians fixed the social issues in the last 40 years? Like Joe Biden who’s a complete poster boy for the main problems this country has had! He’s put more black people in prison than anyone with his crime bills over the last 4 decades, and yet this is their hero? This is their candidate for President? GTFOH! You left liberals are fucking stupid! My god…

But check out this twitter video from MSNBC. Clearly she rather see Chicago burn, and it’s innocent people DIE than have the GOV come in, and end the civil protesters in Antifa & BLM which are DOMESTIC Terrorists! These 3 treasonous bitches even call our military “Stoormtroopers!”

I think it’s time Lori FootinMouth is sent packing back to her home world in Fucktardistan. Stupid con artist bitch. These women in that video are evil folks, and hate this country, hate white people, hate real democracy, hate our constitution, and our way of life. They want to destroy it, and make this a socialist society, and join in on a new world order take over of the country. This is the final leftist agenda! Notice how all the cities that are allowing these riots are ALL ran by democrats? These people don’t give a shit about rules, laws or our country or it’s people. They want to see it all burn down, and Lori and her Hench women of evil all need to be sent to prison! They’re committing treason.

Saturday, May 23, 2020

EXPLOSIVE MOMENTS! Kayleigh McEnany challenges reporters ON Obama

Oh I think I may have fallen in love… “Kayleigh McEnany” is amazing! Both gorgeous, and fearless. Watch as she destroys reporters trying to ask the question of would Trump “PARDON” Obama for spaying on him!!! LOL When the media is asking this folks it’s because they all know that Obama/Biden are guilty sinners, and they’re caught. Listen as she challenges reporters with Obama questions, and destroys them!

Also before she’s done that watch the first video as she had BIG things said, and she’s truly amazing at her job. Sarah Sanders was good! But my goodness Kayleigh McEnany who has only been the White House Press Secretary for the Trump administration for less than two months, but she’s wasting no time owning the press, and simply destroying them.

Anyone familiar with her stint as a Trump-supporting CNN commentator during the 2016 election, her current actions should come as no surprise. McEnany is a certified veteran when it comes to going toe to toe with the press in order to defend Trump, which probably makes her the right person for the job in the eyes of the administration. She only speaks the truth, and as we know the media doesn’t want the truth they want to smear Trump.

She is a no nonsense type of lady, and she’s someone who as she gets older will become a certified big player in politics. Not that her job now isn’t big… But she will only grow in the GOP, and due to her no nonsense demeanor she’d not going to be an easy push over for any of these hack reporters on the Communist News Network.

This week, she went toe-to-toe with comedian Jimmy Kimmel and CNN’s Chris Cuomo, among others. Kimmel, host of Jimmy Kimmel Live did a segment on his show earlier this week where he marveled that the president would take hydroxychloroquine, an unproven drug, rather than wear a mask. “I thought about it for a long time last night and I’ve come to what I think is the only reasonable conclusion,” Kimmel said. “He’s trying to kill himself.”

McEnany responded to the comments, calling out her supposed perpetrators as she calls them “the media elite” by name. “I’ve seen a lot of apoplectic coverage of hydroxychloroquine,” McEnany said during a White House press briefing before calling out Kimmel, along with MSNBC “Morning Joe” anchor Joe Scarborough, Fox News’ Neil Cavuto and CNN’s Chris Cuomo over their coverage and criticism of Trump this past week. Kimmel responded by playing the clip during his show and joking that his “message resonated” since he’d received “a scolding today from White House press secretary No. 4.” Kimmel the same guy who criticized the Trump administration in 2017 for not be able to get coverage for his own son’s illness. Now while I’m happy that his son had his surgery, and is ok. But Jimmy makes MILLIONS a year, and his network is somewhere in the 45 Million, and he’s trying to get free healthcare? WTF? The ObamaCare reform act was a horrible bill, and does need to be replaced with something better. Jimmy did nothing but hurt the chances of getting others coverage. Obamacare put me, and millions out of options, and where we can’t afford our own healthcare. I’m in bad health, and can’t afford healthcare, and all my other bills. So while Jimmy and his 45 Million can cry on tv all he wants he doesn’t share in our problems, and his son will grow up with a silver spoon in his mouth.

Back to McEnany who had the harshest words for Cuomo, who is an old foe of hers. Last Fall, she told Cuomo that Trump had never lied to the American people and that “the press lies,” prompting Cuomo to end the interview. “You had Chris Cuomo saying ‘the president knows that hydroxychloroquine is not supported by science. Yet Cuomo is a moron, and doesn’t understand that the drug in question has been around for decades, and has been approved by science, and so Cuomo is a liar, and an idiot.

He knows it has been flagged by his own people and he has been using it.’ Well, Cuomo mocked the president for this,” she said, before accusing Cuomo of taking “a less safe version” of the drug when he was fighting COVID-19. Cuomo took quinine, which has been used for centuries as an antimalarial treatment, and which has significant differences from hydroxychloroquine.

McEnany also addressed the ongoing debate that mail-in voting will harm Republicans, as purported by President Trump. “I assume you care about fairness and accuracy in elections, do you not?” McEnany asked press during a briefing.

Friday, May 1, 2020

White House holds first press briefing in over a year

New Press Secretary Kayleigh McEnany announced that the Trump administration will distribute $12 billion in provider relief payments.

White House press secretary Kayleigh McEnany is briefing reporters Friday afternoon the first formal briefing by a press secretary in over a year. Former press secretary Sarah Sanders held the last briefing in March 2019. McEnany addressed comments by President Trump on Thursday where he suggested that China may have been responsible for the creation of the COVID-19 strain, and also threatened to impose new tariffs on China. However, the U.S. intelligence community has concluded that the coronavirus “was not manmade or genetically modified.”

“Intelligence is just an estimate, essentially,” McEnany said about the intelligence community’s conclusion. She also said she would not get ahead of the president in making an announcement on tariffs. Although Mr. Trump’s press secretaries have a history of making false statements at the podium, McEnany promised she would “never lie” to reporters. “I will never lie to you. You have my word on that,” McEnany said. McEnany also announced that the administration would send $12 billion to the 395 hospitals that have been hardest hit by the coronavirus. Hospitals in New York, New Jersey, and Illinois will receive the majority of the funds. Dan Scavino Jr., the White House deputy chief of staff for communications, announced in a tweet Thursday evening that McEnany would be holding the briefing. 

McEnany was named the new White House press secretary in April, replacing Stephanie Grisham, who never held a formal press briefing during her short tenure. McEnany was previously a spokesperson for the Trump campaign, and a frequent surrogate for the president on cable news. McEnany’s briefing comes after weeks of daily press conferences by the White House Coronavirus Task Force, led by President Trump. Mr. Trump has minimized his appearances in the past week, attending only one formal press briefing on Monday. The task force conferences often lasted two hours or more, with the president stirring controversy over his claims about the spread and mitigation of the coronavirus pandemic.

Friday, August 30, 2019

Fredo... Cuomo is back at it again with his idiotic behavior.

He’s either a helpless dummy OR Fredo Cuomo is suffering from mental retardation of some sort because first this loser attacks Presidential spokeswoman Kayleigh McEnany and when she called the media on their lies which does include CNN his own network so since he cannot debate anyone on anything truthful because he’s a known liar, and con artist with a bad attitude as we all know he hates being called “Fredo” which now Chris it’s your official name.

You’re Fredo Cuomo as far as I’m concerned so that loser ended the interview like the coward, and two face liar he is. Cuomo who recently threatened to throw a guy down a flight of stairs for calling him “Fredo.” And by once, browbeat McEnany in an attempt to get her to admit that President Trump has lied to the American people. “No. I don’t believe the President has lied.” said Kayleigh McEnany again President the campaign national press secretary to the PRESIDENT! She told Cuomo that President Trump has never lied to the country. Which he hasn’t, and we all know by now that the left has been the liars, Russian hoaxers, colluders, and traitors to this country with their socialist agenda.

McEnany said “He doesn’t lie,” not taking the bait of the CNN host in their Wednesday interview. “Guess who lies? The press lies.” she said back! “Time and time again. He’s frustrated with media coverage,” she said about President Trump’s tweet that Fox News is not working for conservatives anymore something even I’ve noticed as FOX has been sold to Disney it’s movie side Disney being ran by very leftists people I’m sure this might have something to do with it. Not sure how deep the Disney chain of command does go here but it doesn’t shock me. They also own ABC, and Lucasfilms, Marvel and anything else which suddenly has now adopted a more left gender political agenda in their movies, and tv shows.

Something us STAR WARS fans noticed right away, and been protesting since 2015! Finally people are waking up to their games, and the last couple of Star Wars movies either bombed at the box office (Solo) or with fans, (The Last Jedi) and in the case of “SOLO” with both.

“He’s fighting for the people in his movement. He didn’t say Fox News should work for him,” she said to the host Cuomo then put the president’s tweet on the screen and again took his words out of context to suggest he thinks Fox News works for him. “Here we go again. This is more fake news,” she said as Cuomo interrupted her in an attempt to make her look ridiculous. “The tweet is right in front of their faces,” he shouted at his guest unprofessionally. “If he didn’t lie, if he didn’t take…” “He doesn’t lie,” McEnany said, stopping a furious Cuomo in his tracks. “He doesn’t lie. Guess who lies, the press lies.”

“You don’t think the president has lied to the American people? He has never lied to the American people?” the host said. “No, I don’t think the president has lied,” she said as she again called Cuomo on the numerous lies of the press. “Wow! That blew me IFB right out of my head,” Cuomo said, afraid to confront the truth of his propaganda machine. “Interview’s over, Kayleigh.” “You will not have credibility with the audience. You got a long way to go, Kayleigh,” Cuomo said as he continued to attack his guest. “You may not like what I say, that doesn’t make it a lie. He lies all the time and you know it,” Cuomo insisted.

“I think you should take a look in the mirror, Chris,” McEnany fired back at the blatantly biased host and propagandist. “I do. And I don’t like these lines,” he quipped and then said. “but I do like that I don’t lie to my audience every damn chance I get.” WOW he who condemns anyone for inciting a fight in public, and than is recording doing so when called Fredo! This guy’s beyond words pathetic, and stupid. He really is a Fredo Cumo… In this video Cumo lies when he said that he TRUMP wanted to “SWAP” Greenland for Puerto Rico. Trump never brought up Puerto Rico he suggested buying Greenland officials as a joke in GREENLAND tweeted about trading Puerto Rico for the frozen Greenland days after the President’s tweet. So once more Cumo is a liar. Watch this video guys this is hilarious. Cuomo needs to lose his job this man is a joke.