USAID is shut down as the corruption and spending that come to light is incredibly evil and it's literally stealing money from the American people but as we know the left who lies, and wants these criminal payoff to continue and these DEI and Trans pushing programs to continue. So they claim they're going to fight back against billionaires stealing taxpayer money for another tax cut for themselves.
Which is what they claim ELON is doing. Funny we all know the left projects their own behavior to others who try to stop them.
Live at USAID to fight back against billionaires stealing taxpayer money for another tax cut for themselves.
They cite CHINA as their program gives MILLIONS to the CCP so they don't kill and torture The Uighurs... So we are paying China to not kill their own people" let this sink in a bit and somehow this is seen as an ok spending by the left? How about we tell China hey we think that the CCP should just NOT KILL it's own people.
Why should we have to pay for them not to do what they should already not be doing which is killing their own people? How does this make any sense? These idiots and crooks on the left are getting paid over this and this is being fed to them via democrat programs like Act Blue, and others which is money from their "constitutes" as they say in the video of these morons protesting this move.
Nobody here in America who is homeless or a VET needing these funds to help them could give a crap about USAID and the waste of this money and so there are no mistakes here let's see just a few ways USAID wasted our tax dollars and Democrats are defending this Bullshit.
$47 thousand for a trans opera in Columbia
$32k for a transgender comic book in Peru
1.5 million for DEI in Serbia workplaces
$70 thousand for a DEI musical production in Ireland.
$500k To Promote Atheism in Nepal.
When Jamie Raskin is claimed as anyone's "HERO" you know these people are on the wrong side of the law, and on the wrong side of this story. Jamie is as crooked as they come.
Also in the first video in the post we see Ilhan Omar who is one of the most disgusting human beings to ever serve office. This woman married her own brother to get him to the USA with that she also married another man and was married to both at once to get them into the country illegally.
She also said when she did a press interview when she was given her seat that she would be in congress fighting for Somalia her country and against the USA, and other forces against her country. WTF? What is she even doing here?
She is an enemy of our country along with the rest of her fraud squad AOC + 3. As these women are known or my favorite term "The Fraud Squad" ... Personally to me all these liberals like her are domestic terrorists and are only here to steal our taxpayer money, and enrich themselves and the dictators they're aligned to in these other countries. They all belong in prison.
This is why this evil chick is even involved in this conversation so you know her motives. Ilhan Omar should’ve been deported as soon as she was caught committing immigration crimes. Instead, we've allowed her into the halls of government, where she's committed who knows how many number of minor and major treasons and her radical mind is a major problem in our country.
Ilhan Omar supports USAID because almost $2.3 billion of our tax dollars were wasted on Somalia. Omar swore allegiance to Somalia over America.
She said, “I am here to protect the interests of Somalia from within the US system.”
Until we start doing to traitors what our Constitution demands, they'll keep pulling this crap on us and getting away with it.
Omar is panicked because she is caught. President Trump is right again 🔥🇺🇸 USAID is a criminal organization, they have illegally transferred $2 billion from US treasury to Somalia.
We all know the left love the Pedophiles... See this sadly isn't shocking but looks like Biden has been Rebuked for Granting Clemency to Man Caught With Child Porn... Let this sink in friends. Now as Several social media users, most identifying as Make America Great Again (MAGA) supporters, have expressed discontent with President Joe Biden's decision to grant clemency to a Chinese national who pleaded guilty to possession of thousands of child pornography images in 2022.
Although the social media users appear to be reacting to the news now, Washington and Beijing engaged in a prisoner swap two weeks ago in which the individual, Shanlin Jin, was exchanged. According to the Justice Department's executive grant of clemency, it was granted by Biden to Jin on November 22. At least three Americans who had been detained in China were released and sent back home.
"We are pleased to announce the release of Mark Swidan, Kai Li, and John Leung from detention in the People's Republic of China," a National Security Council spokesperson told several news outlets in a statement in late November. Jin was a doctoral student at Southern Methodist University when he was arrested in 2021 and later sentenced to 97 months (or just over eight years) in federal prison after pleading guilty to possession of child pornography before a U.S. magistrate judge in July 2022, according to court documents. His sentencing also required him to pay $30,500 in restitution and $100 in assessment.
Jin has family connections to China's Communist Party, according to reports. Biden's clemency grant for Jin says he must leave and "remain outside the limits of the United States." Representative Marjorie Taylor Greene re-shared a post on X (formerly Twitter) with information about Jin, along with a segment from a 60 Minutes interview Leslie Stahl did with her in April 2023. She captioned the post: "Democrats really are the party of pedophiles."
In the video segment, Greene reiterated her claims, stating that Democrats "support grooming children" and "sexualizing children." She cited transgender surgeries as an example, arguing that "sexualizing children is what pedophiles do to children." Also on X, user @MJTruthUltra, who is followed by President-elect Donald Trump's account that re-shares his Truth Social posts, called the clemency "just sick," echoing rhetoric similar to Greene's, writing, "The party of pedophiles protecting pedophiles." X user Alexandria Brown questioned the president's reasoning for granting Jin clemency, writing, "I find it difficult to comprehend what grounds there are for clemency."
Unrelated to the China-U.S. swap, Biden commuted on Thursday the sentences of 1,499 people who were released from prison to home confinement during the COVID-19 pandemic, marking the largest single-day clemency action in the country's modern history.
Biden also pardoned 39 people convicted of nonviolent crimes in an effort to promote second chances and to address problems with the nation's criminal justice system. Though Biden had long promised not to use his clemency power, which is outlined in Article II Section 2 of the Constitution, for his family members, he recently reversed course with his son Hunter, arguing that the prosecution was politically motivated. Really Joe? So the fact your boy Hunter is a FELON known for being Guilty and went to Trial for actual crimes, you know not some made up shit like you guys did to Trump. But real crimes, and mostly stuff normal people not your son would spend most they lives in prison for. But because he's your son he gets away with everything.
So to get away with anything under Biden you need to be a criminal pedophile who is also a CCP Spy OR! You're name is Hunter Biden... I thought nobody was above the law? Well I guess they are.... But Joe no love for those who still suffer from them J6 lock up? Wonder why a CCP Pedophile, and his son get Pardons but not J6 protesters who harmed nobody? hmmmm
President-elect Donald Trump is set to take office in a little over a month, on January 20th and thankfully he stated he will issue pardons for the good people of J6. He said he will immediately pardon people convicted of participating in the January 6, 2021, which as we know was no assault on the U.S. Capitol. Wrong actions were done sure but not to keep them locked up to this extent and not while Hunter Biden and some Pedophile from CCP get Pardons from Sick Dementia Joe.
OK So I'm not about boycotting unless someone is so out of their minds that it deserves the BUD LIGHT treatment after the Dylan Mulvaney debacle... Now star of the show "Reacher" Has had a public TDS MELTDOWN and went on to Blasts Christians, Cops & Trump! He even called TRUMP A Rapist which is something he has NOT been convicted on and only one E Lying Carroll has made such claims and well. She's a crazy leftist tool who is lying for money and being helped by George Conway and the democraps who helped her with an OBAMA JUDGE, and used a leftist DA's office to bring up false charges on Trump. For a case she didn't remember when it happened and said to Anderson Cooper that she thinks "RAPE IS SEXY!" So the question is does this actor KNOW Who Watches His Show? And what he's saying? Or should I say now used to watch his show as it's going to go bye bye like Snow White after this turd nugget by Alan Michael Ritchson the star of the show.
I find it hilarious how these leftist keep pulling out narratives which are not based in reality but are directly from CNN lying CCP ran Communist Nincompoop Network. From this b/s to the one about Trump being an "INSURRECTIONIST" when he has never been charged or convicted of such an act, and by the way neither has ANYONE who entered the Capitol on Jan 6th. But the left love using those 2 lies about Trump to smear him. Why? So JOE BIDEN can continue to cause problems and hurt the American people? IF This is so that makes you an accomplice to his crimes against the people and you are as evil as BIDEN is... So here now we have Alan Bitchson talking smack about Trump, Cops and Christians? I'm agnostic and don't practice any form of religion but I respect everyone's right to believe what they want and won't blast them for it... I also wont blast religions without trashing them all... The Muslims are as bad as anyone but he didn't mention them! They're the religion who says a "GOOD" Muslim goes JIHAD and kills people who are not MUSLIM in the name of ALLAH!
RITCHSON best known for his role in Prime Video's hit action-thriller-mystery series Reacher first became known as Aquaman on the show Smallville which started in the year 2000 and ran for 10 seasons. The show was based on the early days of Clark Kent aka Superman while going to high school and early collage before he becomes "Superman" but on Reacher Alan plays the titular Jack Reacher—a large man who's good at solving mysteries, fighting on behalf of the little guy, and kicking all sorts of ass. In the time since the show, which is based on author Lee Child's Jack Reacher book series, Ritchson has done a number of interviews, showing the world who he is and what he believes in.
This probably can explain why he speaks the trash he does I mean look at the show he goes on and who he associates and works with... And loves! This guy is another leftist loon who doesn't have any realistic idea of what he says OR he's saying it cause he has to bend to the narrative coming out of tinsel town these days. You know the "Must smear TRUMP at all cost no matter what" movement.
The latest, a cover story for The Hollywood Reporter, finds the towering action hero (who this month will also appear alongside Henry Cavill in Guy Ritchie's Ministry of Ungentlemanly Warfare) explaining why faith remains important to his life, but showing issue with the way some of his fellow Christians today have become "vitriolic." He also expressed concern with how one particular person has been rallied around: former President Donald Trump.
“Trump is a rapist and a con man, and yet the entire Christian church seems to be treat him like he’s their poster child, and it’s unreal," he says. "I don’t understand it.” In the same cover story, Ritchson also addressed an Instagram post of his from 2020 that recently went viral, where he wears a t-shirt that reads "Arrest the cops who killed Breonna Taylor." Taylor was a 26-year-old Black woman who was shot and killed in her apartment back in in March 2020 by police in Louisville, Kentucky as part of a botched drug raid.
“Trump is a rapist and a con man" two things which are lies and Trump again has NOT ever been convicted off... All these charges on him now are clearly election rigging and all based on lies. Anyone with a working brain who is not CRAZY can see it for what it is. Guess ALAN is another Hollyweird sold out woke moron. Too bad now his work will never get another view from me. I'm out on everything he's going to do from now on and most of the people who watched his show fit into the category he just insulted. So guys time to drop the ratings on his show.
Now this news shouldn’t shock anyone I mean she’s a liar, idiot, and as many know a socialist/communist sellout…. So when trying to shame us for not social distancing and not wearing a mask just remind her of this garbage Tik Tok video she made, and Tik Tok a Chinese ran app which is a total waste of time, and nothing worth of getting on since the APP belongs to the CCP and steals your private info for the CCP and Chinese hackers.
But AOC loves communism so it’s not shocking to see this again… Shame she doesn’t move to CHINA! Watch this fool who looks high out of her mind put a mask on for the photo op.
So when Trump was in office she went to the border, and lied about kids drinking from toilets, and fake tears flowed from the imagination filled mind of hers. She did all that when we had the safest, and best ran border in years! Now that it’s a complete, and total mess she’s nowhere to be found! Oh wait yea she’s dancing for TikTok like a moron and doing this crap. She’s such a snake in the grass.
Global warming and autistic young Greta Thunberg complained about criticism from Chinese state-owned media after they “fat-shamed” her in a critical article. The tiny under weight, and size teenager issued her response in a tweet from her official account and you have to read this folks… This is comedy gold!
“Being fat-shamed by Chinese state owned media is a pretty weird experience even by my standards. But it’s definitely going on my resume,” she tweeted out as you can see below.
Being fat-shamed by Chinese state owned media is a pretty weird experience even by my standards. But it’s definitely going on my resume.
Thunberg reply came after a scathing missive attack by the CCP ridiculing her weight on China Daily, the state-owned media outlet. Think about this folks… Their actual state-owned media outlet called her fat. Like you cannot make this stuff up if you tried, and to think she was against Trump, and for JOE CHINA BIDEN and now she’s looking like someone who regrets being so anti Trump, and pro DemocRATS as they’ve also abandoned her, and well she needs to get her ass back in school.
“Although she claims to be vegetarian, judging from the results of her growth, her carbon emissions are actually not low,” said writer Tang Ge, who also referred to her as an “environmental princess.” This came after Thunberg had recently criticized China for becoming the top producer of greenhouse gas emissions in 2019.
“Yes, China is still categorized as a developing nation by WTO, they manufacture a lot of our products and so on. But that’s of course no excuse for ruining future and present living conditions. We can’t solve the climate crisis unless China drastically changes course,” said Thunberg.
Recently Thunberg mocked and ridiculed John Kerry, the U.S. special climate envoy in the Biden administration, for not being sufficiently extreme in his global warming goals. “Great news! I spoke to Harry Potter and he said he will team up with Gandalf, Sherlock Holmes & The Avengers and get started right away!” Tweeted Fat Greta in May.
She also called for an annual global climate summit to be postponed until vaccinations were equably redistributed from the more wealthy nations to the poorer nations of the world. Well yeah! Kill em all huh? haha Anyway this girl is hilarious. Can’t wait for her “time table” to our doom comes, and goes with nothing happening so she can finally go away.
OK Don’t be shocked when I say this… Democratic Rep. Steve Cohen told CNN on Monday said that he was glad that Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene visited the Holocaust Museum and apologized for her comparisons of mask mandates and vaccine cards to the Holocaust.
Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene held a press conference on Monday, apologizing for her comments over the past few weeks comparing vaccine documentation and mask mandates to Jews being required to wear yellow stars during the Holocaust. Now personally I don’t think she needs to apologize for her comment as there is NOTHING wrong with making a comparison like that when it’s true. Look at how many Americans, and people are dying cause of this Plandemic, and weaponized media. The Media, Virus, CCP, and the Biden/Harris Administration are NO Different then ADOLF HITLER or the Nazi Gustapos, and cause of the Holocaust. She should NEVER say sorry to these leftists because this will only make them feel they can control her. She should stand strong in her words which are right. UNLIKE Ilhan Omar who is a complete liar, bigot, antisemitic, racist. When they’re spending time on Marjorie Taylor Greene none of these morons on the DemocRAT including JEWS in congress let Omar get away with every evil statement or thought she spews. She’s antisemitic as fuck!
Marjorie Taylor Greene: “I have made a mistake… this afternoon I visited the Holocaust Museum. The Holocaust is- there’s nothing comparable to it.”
I asked Marjorie Taylor Greene today if she still stood by her comparison of the Democratic Party to the Nazi Party after she said nothing was comparable to the Holocaust. This was her answer
Democratic Rep. Steve Cohen says he’s glad GOP Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene went to the Holocaust Museum and apologized for her “offensive” remarks about Jewish people, but judging by her further comments she “didn’t learn a lot” about the experience of the Holocaust.
“There is nothing comparable to the Holocaust,” Greene said outside of the Holocaust Museum.
But, after Greene doubled down on other controversial remarks during that same press conference, Cohen, who is Jewish, told CNN’s Anderson Cooper that it seemed she “didn’t learn a lot” from her visit. Because the Sodomizing Anderson Pooper Scooper, and the moron known as Steve Cohen are the moral authority right? These two lying cunt socialist communist dickheads failed to mention that not just the stars but they even had their own masks back then. Visualize these pictures below.
During a brief question and answer period, Greene said she maintains that mask mandates are “a form of discrimination.” At the end of her conference, after being asked by a previous comparison of the Democratic Party to Hitler’s National Socialist Party, Greene said the policies of the Democratic Party are akin to the National Socialist Party. And to be honest I for one AGREE 100% with her statement. You know who else does? The JEWS who died in the Holocaust.
“The Nazis were about antisemitism, they were about killing all the Jewish people, they were about prejudice, and that is not anything the Democratic Party is for,” Cohen said. But we all know that if her name was OMAR and she was a racist traitor to this country, and a communist/socialist democRAT like him they wouldn’t even be talking about it now! Oh wait that’s what’s already been happening but they keep deflecting it on MTG instead of the amazing lies Omar & AOC, and the Fraud Squad keep spewing against Israel, and as long as they’re in the left the idiots in the MSM stay clear, and don’t even talk about it.
Holy crap folks a major leak has exposed the details of nearly 2 million Chinese Communist Party (CCP) members who have been secretly embedded in some of the biggest companies, banks, universities and government agencies globally!!! Now according to a report by The Australian‘s Sharri Markson, the leak contains a register with details of CCP members including their names, party position, national id number and ethnicity.
“What’s amazing about this database is not just that it exposes people who are members of the communist party, and who are now living and working all over the world, from Australia to the U.S. to the U.K.,” said Markson on Sky News Australia. “But it’s amazing because it lifts the lid on how the party operates under President and Chairman Xi Jinping.”
The leak reveals the details of 1.95 million CCP members in around 79,000 branches of the CCP that have been set up inside western companies. Members of these branches are, if called on, answerable directly to the party and to Xi himself.
Reported among the companies mentioned in the list are manufacturers such as Volkswagen and Boeing, pharmaceutical companies such as Pfizer and AstraZeneca as well as banks such as HSBC and Standard and Chartered. On the latter, the leak claims that around 600 people at those banks are members of the CCP.
According to Markson, the data was originally extracted from a server in Shanghai by Chinese dissidents and whistleblowers in April of 2016, who have been using it for counter-intelligence purposes.
It was only this past September that the data was leaked to the Inter-Parliamentary Alliance on China, a newly-formed international bi-partisan group made up of 150 legislators from around the world.
Following that, the data was then released to an “international consortium” of media organizations who analyzed it over the past two months. These outlets were Australia’s The Australian, the U.K.’s The Sunday Mail, Belgium’s De Standaard as well as an editor in Sweden.
The leak is the latest evidence of the extent of the CCP’s espionage activities as it tries to increase China’s influence and power globally. It also punctuates other warnings that have been raised about the extent of Chinese espionage that have been made in recent months.
Just last month, former senior U.S. intelligence official turned analyst and author Nicholas Eftimiades warned that Chinese espionage operations around the world were now “off the scale.” Eftimiades, who wrote a book on China’s intelligence operations back in 1994, stated that Chinese intelligence activities were much more pervasive now than when he wrote his book. (Related: Chinese espionage operations in the U.S. are “off the scale,” warns analyst.)
More importantly, Eftimiades warned that the CCP had adopted a “whole-of-society” approach to acquiring foreign intellectual property, stating that this approach “energizes all of society to support national, economic, and military development goals.”
The extent of the espionage is evidenced by the over 1,000 Chinese researchers with suspected links to China’s People’s Liberation Army (PLA) that have left the U.S. since law enforcement agencies started cracking down on technological and economic espionage.
During a discussion hosted by the Aspen Institute, the Department of Justice‘s (DOJ) Assistant Attorney General for National Security John Demers said that these Chinese military-linked researchers left the country after the department started filing its many criminal cases against suspected Chinese operatives.
These arrests started earlier this year when at least four Chinese researchers were arrested and charged with visa fraud for lying on their applications. Chinese researchers usually get charged with this for failing to reveal their ties to the Chinese government.
According to Demers, these arrests were “the tip of the iceberg” that led the DOJ’s National Security Division to open an investigation that eventually uncovered a vast network of Chinese researchers with PLA ties.
This sentiment is echoed by National Counterintelligence and Security Center Director William Evanina, who said that there were even more Chinese operatives lurking in the United States. In particular, he suspects that many are coming into the country under the guise of being graduate-level students in universities and colleges.
“Let’s not kid ourselves. They are all coming here at the behest of the Chinese government intelligence services,” Evanina said. “They’re going to specific universities to study specific fields or areas that are going to benefit … the Chinese Communist Party and the military.”
Already, the more than 1,000 visas of Chinese students with ties to the PLA have been revoked. DOJ officials have made it clear that this group of students is different from the previous group of over 1,000 who fled the country in prior months.
Even as U.S. officials continue to fight Chinese espionage, the future of these efforts is now in doubt. These efforts thrived under the administration of President Donald Trump, who has largely been critical of China and the CCP. Democratic presidential nominee Joe Biden, on the other hand, is generally seen as being more friendly towards China.
Should the latter become president, the question then is if the current efforts to curtail Chinese espionage in the U.S. will continue. This matter is complicated by the fact that Biden’s son Hunter has had dealings with Chinese corporations in the past.
It’s quite possible that a Biden administration could reverse course on Trump’s treatment of China. With what we know now based on the recent leak and the government’s own efforts, then China could stand to gain even more from its espionage efforts than it already has.
Follow for more on the CCP’s technological and economic espionage efforts.