Showing posts with label Benghazi. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Benghazi. Show all posts

Sunday, January 5, 2025

Beware This might make you sick!

So The BIG GUY decided to do like decided to hand out Medals and guess who got em? Now the video below might make you feel sick. IF you're easily offended, have heart problems, or suffer from mental illness. 

DON'T WATCH for this could be what triggers your end.

Don't say I didn't warn you...

The families of the Benghazi
victims would like a word. 

This is a very Disgusting way to cap off this evil corrupt, career liar Joe Biden...  This guy is without a doubt one giant scumbag, and this once again proves it. But remember he's a puppet and these people will have him pardon them for their crimes. This just means he knows they are guilty of crimes so it will be like he did with Hunter. He will Pardon ANY CRIMES Committed from a certain date to another.

But Man it didn't end there as
the insults just kept coming!

Now if this wasn't bad enough... The Daughter of a real DICK also got the Creepy Joe Award for losers. 

Again if you're weak in the stomach look away! LOL

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

How Obama and Clinton Created the Mess in Syria

So good ol RUSH Limbaugh god bless him he’s telling it how it is again, and the left isn’t gonna like this! Now check out this post on how exactly it was that Obama, and Clinton created the entire mess in Syria, and now Trump is catching the blame because that’s what happens when the left does something they can’t admit to now is blame TRUMP! Even tho this mess was Obama’s doing, and not Trump they cannot, and will not ever admit that Obama is a dirtbag, and is responsible for all of the mess, and Trump is doing what needs to be done to clean up the “SWAMP!”

Watch this before you [Keep Reading]

RUSH: You remember when the Benghazi thing happened there were immediately questions asked, “What in the world was the ambassador doing there?” Libya had become an absolute hellhole. It was stateless. It was being run by various terrorist camps.

The Benghazi attack happens, and one of the explanations we got for the ambassador being there was that he was actually participating in an arms — what would be the word? — they were shipping arms up to Syria from Benghazi. They were going to Benghazi. The Obama administration wanted to arm various aspects of the Syrian rebels, and they were doing it on the QT by sending the weapons through Libya, i.e., Benghazi, and that that was one of the reasons the terrorists attacked was to prevent the flow of arms up to Syria from Benghazi.

So that comes up, you know, Hillary laughs at it and pooh-pooh’s, what does it matter now, what difference does it make now? And so Fitton’s tweet here is fascinating: Judicial Watch uncovered documents, smoking gun documents show that Obama and Clinton were aware that arms were going to Syria through Benghazi, that Obama and Clinton were warned by the rise of ISIS and were supporting terrorists in Syria with these arms shipments. [Keep Reading]