Showing posts with label #MAGA2024. Show all posts
Showing posts with label #MAGA2024. Show all posts

Monday, April 22, 2024

Court rules Trump's $175 million bond stands

So NY DA Tisha James loses argument on Bond case with Donald Trump our 45th soon to be 47th POTUS and I bet she's got that wide can of an ass all covered in her own filthy poo tangled deep in the caves known as her asshole. I mean she, and these crooked people trying to take Trump down before the election in a case of clear election rigging all are assholes with sticks, and other things up their tight winded filthy poo covered ass. But she's one of the dumbest, filthiest of the entire swamp. Her smug, arrogance, and sheer enjoyment of causing harm to not just Trump but our legal system, constitutional rights, and overall handling of her duties makes it... No it requires she is disbarred and NEVER allowed to work for anything with public duties... She belongs mopping floors at a place that has porn and glory holes for strange weird people she tends to love most. The men who love the love of other men via glory holes. But moving on to the rest of the story.

So this scumbag New York Judge Arthur Oxymoron on Monday accepted the $175 million bond former President Trump posted to appeal his civil fraud case, but the judge imposed several new conditions to ensure sufficient cash funds remain available. Shocking since he's been sold out for this entire case but maybe the public pressure of him acting like such a douche loser is getting to him? Probably not once a dirt bag always a dirt bag.

Check out the video from our fellow YouTuber and influencer KINGDOM REACTS on the subject!

Check out the video from our fellow YouTuber and influencer Lou Valentino on the subject!

Check out the interview in full with this moron John Legend in his own mind.

Wednesday, April 17, 2024

Trump takes over THE HOOD!!!

Former President and soon to be again President the man himself Donald Trump SURPRISES The HOOD!!! Thousands Just SHOWED UP Against Alvin Bragg AT JOSE ALBA DELI, HARLEM and folks this was great to see... The hood loves TRUMP! Sure there were a handful of libs out there hating but for the most it was a good time had by those who support Trump. While these fake witch hunt trials continue this man never stops. Unlike Slow Creepy Sniffing Joe Biden, out man Trump is the real PEOPLES Champion.

Thanks to Lou Valentino for the footage!

After the last 4 years of terror caused by these liberals I think even the hood is starting to open they eyes and realize that they all being used by the left. Not just black people in the hood but our Latinos, Asians and white folks who also live in these hoods.

Saturday, April 13, 2024

Another show we need to now boycott!

OK So I'm not about boycotting unless someone is so out of their minds that it deserves the BUD LIGHT treatment after the Dylan Mulvaney debacle... Now star of the show "Reacher" Has had a public TDS MELTDOWN and went on to Blasts Christians, Cops & Trump! He even called TRUMP A Rapist which is something he has NOT been convicted on and only one E Lying Carroll has made such claims and well. She's a crazy leftist tool who is lying for money and being helped by George Conway and the democraps who helped her with an OBAMA JUDGE, and used a leftist DA's office to bring up false charges on Trump. For a case she didn't remember when it happened and said to Anderson Cooper that she thinks "RAPE IS SEXY!" So the question is does this actor KNOW Who Watches His Show? And what he's saying? Or should I say now used to watch his show as it's going to go bye bye like Snow White after this turd nugget by Alan Michael Ritchson the star of the show.

I find it hilarious how these leftist keep pulling out narratives which are not based in reality but are directly from CNN lying CCP ran Communist Nincompoop Network. From this b/s to the one about Trump being an "INSURRECTIONIST" when he has never been charged or convicted of such an act, and by the way neither has ANYONE who entered the Capitol on Jan 6th. But the left love using those 2 lies about Trump to smear him. Why? So JOE BIDEN can continue to cause problems and hurt the American people? IF This is so that makes you an accomplice to his crimes against the people and you are as evil as BIDEN is... So here now we have Alan Bitchson talking smack about Trump, Cops and Christians? I'm agnostic and don't practice any form of religion but I respect everyone's right to believe what they want and won't blast them for it... I also wont blast religions without trashing them all... The Muslims are as bad as anyone but he didn't mention them! They're the religion who says a "GOOD" Muslim goes JIHAD and kills people who are not MUSLIM in the name of ALLAH!

RITCHSON best known for his role in Prime Video's hit action-thriller-mystery series Reacher first became known as Aquaman on the show Smallville which started in the year 2000 and ran for 10 seasons. The show was based on the early days of Clark Kent aka Superman while going to high school and early collage before he becomes "Superman" but on Reacher Alan plays the titular Jack Reacher—a large man who's good at solving mysteries, fighting on behalf of the little guy, and kicking all sorts of ass. In the time since the show, which is based on author Lee Child's Jack Reacher book series, Ritchson has done a number of interviews, showing the world who he is and what he believes in.
This probably can explain why he speaks the trash he does I mean look at the show he goes on and who he associates and works with... And loves! This guy is another leftist loon who doesn't have any realistic idea of what he says OR he's saying it cause he has to bend to the narrative coming out of tinsel town these days. You know the "Must smear TRUMP at all cost no matter what" movement.

The latest, a cover story for The Hollywood Reporter, finds the towering action hero (who this month will also appear alongside Henry Cavill in Guy Ritchie's Ministry of Ungentlemanly Warfare) explaining why faith remains important to his life, but showing issue with the way some of his fellow Christians today have become "vitriolic." He also expressed concern with how one particular person has been rallied around: former President Donald Trump.

“Trump is a rapist and a con man, and yet the entire Christian church seems to be treat him like he’s their poster child, and it’s unreal," he says. "I don’t understand it.” In the same cover story, Ritchson also addressed an Instagram post of his from 2020 that recently went viral, where he wears a t-shirt that reads "Arrest the cops who killed Breonna Taylor." Taylor was a 26-year-old Black woman who was shot and killed in her apartment back in in March 2020 by police in Louisville, Kentucky as part of a botched drug raid.

“Trump is a rapist and a con man" two things which are lies and Trump again has NOT ever been convicted off... All these charges on him now are clearly election rigging and all based on lies. Anyone with a working brain who is not CRAZY can see it for what it is. Guess ALAN is another Hollyweird sold out woke moron. Too bad now his work will never get another view from me. I'm out on everything he's going to do from now on and most of the people who watched his show fit into the category he just insulted. So guys time to drop the ratings on his show.

Monday, January 8, 2024

Nancy Pelosi lies on TV again about 1/6


Nasty @SpeakerPelosi can't stop lying about the 1/6 saying @realDonaldTrump didn't do enough! The entire time she spent tearing into TRUMP when asked about the topic if he took part in an insurrection she said she thinks so but yet folks he's not charged with that neither is anyone else who did in fact enter the capitol. SO you can't say he did something he's not been charged or convicted of. This to me is grounds for Donald Trump to sue her for labeling him something he's not. IF this was me and I was in Trumps shoes I'd make a lawsuit about this very fact going forward.

She speaks here about it being "Republicans" who have helped in the case against Trump and she doesn't mention names. Yes it's the same ones who we know are RINOS the Liz Chaney and them. She doesn't mention the names just says "Republicans" while she stutters, and rambles on clearly showing her hate for Donald Trump and us the people. More than that when asked direct questions she does this sing and dance act and circle talks around it without giving a direct answer. Remember she impeached Trump multiple times for asking a newly elected leader to help stop "Corruption" because their previous administration was corrupt. So this leads to him getting impeached?

Oh and just so happens this new leader now the same leftists who tried to take down Trump and his presidency for that call are giving that man BILLIONS to fight a war which was started and egged on by the left, and Joe Biden with Barrack Obama backing them. Folks these people are so evil if you can't see it all for yourselves you're either bought and paid for by them, a moron or just so brain washed you only believe their lies knowing Biden is a known liar since 1988.

Now back to the whole reason this post was made here which is about Nasty Pelosi... You see the clear FACT remains even if she wont publicly say it is that it was HER & DC Mayor Muriel Bowser who turned down TRUMP & the National Guard Both said NO.

Now they blame him for the wrong doing they did! This is what they do they project their sins into Trump so to spin the news and re-write facts to fit the lie and narrative they want us to swallow. Once again more lies from her, and it's clear this person wants.

She is guilty of being so mettling during his time in office with her fake impeachments and lead to the real big lie which was the 2020 riots where the radical left with BLM and Antifa orchestrated the big coup of this country in order to help "rig" the election. Covid and all them riots lead to helping them rig it all. We as Americans can see it as bright as the day sky.

She is fooling nobody when we all see the harm, and vile behavior of the man she praises Joe Biden who's quickly turned our borders into a disaster, and got us all the inflation we're now hurting from. Folks if you still buy the lies coming from Pelosi and the radical left media may god have mercy on your soul and ignorant mind because you are simply an idiot.

Tuesday, September 12, 2023

Fani Willis Linked To Massive Election Fraud And Money Laundering?

If the story that Fani Willis is Linked To Massive Election Fraud And Money Laundering this entire case against Trump not only needs to be dropped but she needs to go directly to jail.

To have her do what she's doing which is breaking constitutional rights of Donald Trump the citizen as it is but add these charges? This story goes deep and I hope it's true as I'd like to see Ms. Willis sit her Fani in prison for many years. She's an evil, crooked person who belongs in prison along with Alvin Bragg in New York, and Jack Smith, Letisha James and so on. These evil players all trying to make up charges to not just help rig an election but to send an innocent man to prison for life and maybe death is beyond the pale. These people need to be investigated, stopped and properly charged for their crimes.

So in an unexpected twist to this story, a bombshell investigation has found staggering connections between Fani Willis and a vast web of money laundering and election fraud schemes. According to the investigation, our Constitutional Republic’s and the rule of law’s basic foundation have been attacked by a sophisticated network of illegal operations spanning numerous states and territories.

According to people with direct knowledge of the situation, Willis benefited greatly from the Federal and Georgia RICO schemes. She looks to be actively arranging a deliberate plan to rig election results right now, raising concerns about the legitimacy of the entire voting system.

The team discovered a huge money-laundering network of campaign finance contributions made through ActBlue in the run-up to the 2022 midterm elections. Senator Raphael Warnock of Georgia was among the major benefactors of this RICO money laundering scheme. The vast money-laundering network that supported the Raphael Warnock campaign was first reported on by The Gateway Pundit.

As the inquiry moved forward, we increased the scope of our efforts to include additional states, including Missouri, Maryland, Wisconsin, Arizona, and eventually every state.

We uncovered a remarkable discovery while collaborating with Steven Kovac of the Epoch Times. Numerous prominent ActBlue “Contributors” have never made individual donations. Many of these “Not Employed Individual Contributors” were the victims of a highly sophisticated money laundering scheme.

When I gave James O’Keefe and his team at O’Keefe Media Group the information, they were able to catch many unwary “Money Laundering Smurfs” in Maryland, further exposing the fraud.

Wire fraud, avoiding political financing restrictions, structuring financial transactions, tax fraud, fraud against non-profits, identity theft, and elder exploitation are all part of this vast continuous money laundering enterprise.

The RICO scheme is still active today. This huge RICO money laundering scheme serves as the fuel for the entire election fraud RICO operation by using the identities of unwitting elderly and other democratic voters.

Dr. Peter Hotez, a distinguished professor at Baylor College of Medicine, has faced allegations of funding linked to the Chinese military at the Wuhan lab.

Federal, state, and local governments are all involved in the criminal money laundering operation. Alvin Bragg was the first municipal official to be named as a participant in this ongoing money laundering scheme.

The network of people who had been labeled as smurfs gave Alvin Bragg a sizable amount of campaign financing. The investigation into Alvin Bragg also revealed how pre-paid credit and debit cards were used to structure campaign finance contributions and pay for ballot harvesting mules.

Does anyone find it strange that Alvin Bragg accused Donald J. Trump of violating the law regarding campaign finance while also profiting from a RICO money laundering scheme?

 Has Alvin Bragg yet issued refunds for all illegal contributions made to his campaign? BUYING THE “JUSTICE YOU WANT”
The Wisconsin Supreme Court candidate Janet Protasiewicz’s campaign was also implicated in this organized distribution of illegal campaign financing funds. Massive sums of money were donated to the Janet for Justice campaign by “Individual Contributors” who were also linked to the ActBlue RICO money laundering operation on a national scale.

In 2023, how much will it cost to purchase a seat on the Wisconsin Supreme Court? Over $23.3 million was raised, primarily from leftist PACs supported by businesses connected to Soros and the ActBlue money laundering scheme.

Massive individual contributions were made to the PACs that provided the majority of the funding for the Janet for Justice campaign by the ActBlue money smurfs and mules operating countrywide.

The State of Georgia’s campaign finance database can be accessed “HERE” for details on Fani Willis’ campaign contributions. We found 222 contributions to Fani Willis’ campaign with NO contributor identification, which was the first issue we found in her campaign finance report.

 Another intriguing fact was how many of the donations made to the Fani Willis campaign came from outside of the state. Numerous of these out-of-state donations matched the description of the ActBlue money laundering scheme participants and victims that we had located in every state in the United States.

Using the FEC campaign funding database, you can look up the names for yourself “HERE”. The out-of-state “SMURFS” aroused a lot of skepticism. After more research, a pattern once more started to emerge. One of the senior citizens on the list said that she had never given any money to Fani Willis’ campaign when asked about making campaign contributions. She reassured me that she had not contributed to several campaigns.

Significant questions were raised by another intriguing pattern. Why has this specific “campaign contributor” made contributions to campaigns using addresses from several states? This “Fani Willis Campaign Contributor” was found to be a voter in numerous states after further examination.

Another “INDIVIDUAL CONTRIBUTOR” was named “Fani Willis Campaign Contributor” who had made a single gift to the campaign and used addresses in several different states, including Florida, Wisconsin, Illinois, and New York.

By chance, through ActBlue, this person made identical “CONTRIBUTIONS” to the same PACs and campaigns. The same person’s name appeared on voter registration lists for several states, where they cast mail-in ballots. We discover that every one of the “INDIVIDUAL CONTRIBUTORS” to the Fani Willis campaign is funding the same PACs and candidates after looking into their past donations through ActBlue.

This recurring pattern of “ACTIVITY” at the national, state, and municipal levels appears to have begun on a large scale in 2018. Just at the federal level, one of the out-of-state supporters of Fani Willis’ campaign has given more than 9,178 times since 2018. How is it that starting in 2022, a little-known district attorney in Atlanta, Georgia, would get so many campaign finance contributions from out-of-state residents who are “NOT EMPLOYED”? The nationwide money laundering RICO operation is seen to be contributing more and more to PACs, and these PACs are funding local candidates, which is happening at an alarmingly rapid rate.

Several of these PACs are closely linked to the multiple Soros-connected groups that actively take part in widespread electoral fraud, money laundering, funding terrorist networks, and the vast, ongoing RICO scheme. Warnock and the other Democratic candidates and PACs have started to change the way they conduct business since we first revealed the ActBlue enterprise funding. But we have made it very plain who is involved and how they have been illegally swaying the results of elections across the country.

Wednesday, June 28, 2023

Polls say recently that Donald Trump is running away with the GOP! DUH!

So shocking nobody the now so called former President Donald Trump (Only former because he won!) is running away with his lead in the 2024 in the Republican presidential primary, consistently on top by double digits in multiple polls recently.

On the June survey Emerson College had Trump lead DeSantis by a 38-percentage-point margin, 59% to 21%. Friends these numbers were worse, however, than his margin in the same poll two months ago, when he led by 46 points.

The poll also showed what former Vice President Mike Pence and others looked like and the traitor former VP came in third, at 6%. 

The now former United Nations Ambassador Nikki Haley followed with 4% also entrepreneur Vivek Ramaswamy at 2%. Not many know about him and he seems like a good enough guy but after Barrack Obama I don't know if we're ready for someone in the white house with a "Muslim Name" again. Not to sound like a bigot but Obamanation might have ruined that chance for another person with a Muslim name for a while.

So yes Donald Trump is leading by a margin of 20 points or more in other major polls taken in June. YouGov/Yahoo News’ recent survey, he is up 53% to 33% over DeSantis.

A YouGov/The Economist poll from earlier this month showed that 41% of likely Republican primary voters believe Trump will probably win against President Joe Biden the highest among the pack, followed by DeSantis at 40% and Pence at 24%.

And on Sunday, NBC News released a survey conducted by Hart Research Associates and Public Opinion Strategies that shows Trump’s lead has expanded by five points since before his indictment in April, from 46% to 51%.

DeSantis’ lead dropped over the same period from 31% to 22% in that poll, with Pence and Haley receiving small one-point bumps each.

“For the first time in history, a former president has been indicted, and we can’t find a marker in this survey that it’s had an impact with his standing,” said Public Opinion Strategies co-founder Bill McInturff.

If President Joe Biden's Justice Department truly seeks to damage former President Donald Trump with investigations and indictments, it is not working.

Even the latest NBC News poll finds Trump has expanded his lead on Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis and the rest of the primary field to 29 points, nearly doubling his lead from April (15 points). And we know much hate mainstream media has for Trump and NBC has not been kind to the former President.

So far the 51% majority of Republican primary voters nationwide now pick Trump over DeSantis (22%), former Vice President Mike Pence (7%), former New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie (5%), with no other candidate getting more than 4%, according to the poll. The question after he recently got booed off stage is why does Chris Christie think people like him enough to be taken serious for the job? He's a slob, a Rino, an idiot, and worse of all! A Traitor.

"For the first time in history, a former president has been indicted, and we can't find a marker in this survey that it's had an impact with his standing," Republican pollster Bill McInturff of Public Opinion Strategies told NBC News.

Trump's support "is a strong starting number," McInturff added. "Something has to happen to shift this race." A 37-count federal indictment is not it. Trump was at 46% to DeSantis' 31% in April, which was conducted shortly after Trump's Manhattan District Attorney Alvin Bragg indictment.

"Not only are they sticking with Trump post-federal indictment, there are several signs that his support is growing or others are losing ground, particularly Ron DeSantis," Democrat pollster Jeff Horwitt of Hart Research Associates said of Republican voters.

Republican strategists have long noted a full field of challengers to Trump would merely split the share of the anti-Trump vote, while Trump holds a rock-solid base.

There is some of that found in this NBC poll, as the two-candidate Trump versus DeSantis race shows Trump picking up 9 points (60% support) and DeSantis gaining 14 points (36%) when the rest of the field is removed.

That 5-point boost is not enough to break Trump's hold on the Republican Party, although this is a nationwide poll and not a state-by-state primary delegate breakdown.

There are 64% of Republican voters who see the indictments and investigations of Trump as politically motivated, even if half of the party's voters are ready to consider a candidate other than Trump, according to the poll.

In a head-to-head hypothetical general election matchup, NBC News' poll gives Biden (49%) a 4-point edge over Trump (45%), which is just outside the margin of error.

"Looking back at 2020, the election was a referendum on Donald Trump," Horwitt, the Democrat pollster, told NBC News. "And if we have a Biden-Trump rematch, there are powerful signs that the focus will once again be more on Trump than Biden."

The NBC News poll was conducted June 16-20 among 1,000 registered voters and has an overall margin of error of plus or minus 3.1 percentage points. There were 500 Republican primary voters polled with a margin of error of plus or minus 4.38 percentage points.

Sunday, June 25, 2023

Trump Explains 'Ron DeSanctimonious' Nickname for Ron DeSantis

My favorite Former President Donald Trump finally explained why he calls Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis, his 2024 GOP presidential primary rival, as "Ron DeSanctimonious." Trump, who has also repeatedly called the Republican Gov. "Ron DeSanctus" along with a good one I like "Meatball Ron," but he finally explained the "DeSanctimonious" nickname during a Fox News interview that aired recently.

The former 45 also took credit for DeSantis' 2018 Florida gubernatorial election victory, while telling host Bret Baier that he used the derogatory moniker because the governor had shown that he was "disloyal" by deciding to challenge him for the presidency. To be honest I didn't know who DeSantis was until Trump endorsed him and only voted for him BASED on Trumps endorsement. This is why I'm with Trump on this one. Ron needs to wait until 2028.

"I got him elected and I thought it was very disloyal when he said 'yes, I'd run," Trump said. "I got him past two races. I got him past the primary because he was losing by 30 points or more ... It's a loyalty [question], I'm a big loyalist." AS I am Mr President "Some people say ... loyalty doesn't mean anything in politics," he continued. "I say, 'to me, it does.' I got the guy elected. He came to see me, let's say weeping, because he was dead ... As soon as I endorsed him, he won the primary, it was over." Like I stated I AM Proof of this claim.

The Merriam-Webster online dictionary defines "sanctimonious" as "hypocritically pious or devout."

Trump, who remains the GOP frontrunner despite facing federal and state felony criminal trials, went on to suggest that DeSantis should have dropped plans to run against him in the 2024 election "just out of respect."

Newsweek has reached out to the DeSantis campaign via its website for comment.

DeSantis, who is likely aware of the ex-president's continued popularity among Republicans, has been reticent to engage with Trump's rhetoric directly since announcing his intention to challenge him in 2024. However, the governor did address the ex-president's most frequent nickname for him before officially announcing his candidacy, saying, "I kind of like it," during a Piers Morgan interview in March. "I don't know how to spell DeSanctimonious," DeSantis said. "I don't really know what it means but, you know, I kind of like it. It's long. It's got a lot of vowels. I mean, we'd go with that. That's fine." So he just told the world he likes being disloyal? hmmm

"You know, you can call me whatever you want," he added. "I mean, just as long as you also call me a winner." The governor's wife, Casey DeSantis, has also recently been handed the nickname "Walmart Melania" a reference to former first lady Melania Trump by critics that include some Trump supporters. HAHA I have not heard this one myself but that's was hilarious. "Walmart Melania" LMAO!

Trump himself has not publicly referred to Casey DeSantis with the nickname, the former president has a long history of using derogatory nicknames to refer to his political opponents, including former allies who have since turned against him.

Last month, Trump referred to his former White House Press Secretary Kayleigh McEnany as "milktoast" an apparent misspelling of "milquetoast," a jab for a timid or bland person after she suggested that the Florida governor could be "closing the gap" in Iowa's GOP primary race.

Now this is what that means I guess.... 
"Etymology. From the character Caspar Milquetoast of the comic strip The Timid Soul, created by American cartoonist Harold Tucker Webster (1885–1952) and first published in 1924; the character was named after the American dish milk toast (“a food consisting of toasted bread in warm milk”)"

Trump also repeated an attack line that he has used against a significant number of his Republican critics during his attack on McEnany, calling her a "RINO," or "Republican in name only." I like her not just in looks but she was his Press Secretary for a bit so I don't know much about this one I have to look into why they beefing. Might be perhaps cause she's endorsed "DeSanctimonious" ? Don't know but if I get more information on this one I'll post on it. Either way I wonder why Ron likes the nickname?

IS He admitting that he's well not a Loyal dude? 
Now let me be clear here I mean I would vote for him DeSantis in 2028 Just NOT in 2024 because... Well... I sorta... Kind off... YES!

Thursday, March 11, 2021

Pepe LeCuomo strikes again!

So as they try to ban Pepe Lepew I hope they don’t forget to also take with them Andrew Cuomo the real scumbag who needs removal. That man has blood on his hands up to his elbows, and dripping to his feet! He’s a known scumbag Mr “He’s gonna need an ARMY to walk down New York” himself still finding himself in a hot mess with more, and more reports of said Gov. Getting his freak on with women while acting like some moral authority, and trying to come off as being better then President Trump who he used to smear on a daily basis for no reason other then well that was the agenda.

But let’s not forget folks a lot of the radicals on both sides love to project their own evil on others, and smear them like if they’re doing it when it’s all projection, and since they themselves know how far they can go because the MSM and big tech is in on it, and on your side well friends we get people like Cuomo. So listen to this! Gov. Andrew Cuomo allegedly reached under a female aide’s blouse and groped her inside the Executive Mansion in Albany, according to a report Wednesday. The incident allegedly unfolded after the much-younger woman was summoned to help the 63-year-old governor fix a problem with his cellphone, the Albany Times Union said.

The woman said she told him to stop, and he wouldn’t as the allegations are the most serious yet made against Pepe LeCuomo, who’s previously been accused of sexual harassment and other inappropriate behavior by five other women, four of whom were his aides at the time. The latest accuser says that the incident took place on the second floor of the Executive Mansion in Albany and that it wasn’t the first time Cuomo touched her, the Times Union said. The paper, which said it was withholding her identity, said her account was relayed by a person with direct knowledge of her claims. The woman recounted the alleged incident to at least one female supervisor in the Executive Chamber on March 3 while watching a news conference at which Cuomo repeatedly asserted, “I never touched anyone inappropriately,” the Times Union said.

That news conference marked the first time Cuomo had appeared in public since the allegations against him began emerging and at the time only three accusers had come forward. Cuomo denied Wednesday’s report in a prepared statement released by his spokesman. “As I said yesterday, I have never done anything like this.  The details of this report are gut-wrenching,” Cuomo said. “I am not going to speak to the specifics of this or any other allegation given the ongoing review, but I am confident in the result of the Attorney General’s report.” Former acting Manhattan US Attorney Joon Kim and veteran employment lawyer Anne Clark have been hired to lead an independent investigation of the allegations against Cuomo, AG Letitia James said Monday.