Showing posts with label Lou Valentino. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Lou Valentino. Show all posts

Monday, April 22, 2024

Court rules Trump's $175 million bond stands

So NY DA Tisha James loses argument on Bond case with Donald Trump our 45th soon to be 47th POTUS and I bet she's got that wide can of an ass all covered in her own filthy poo tangled deep in the caves known as her asshole. I mean she, and these crooked people trying to take Trump down before the election in a case of clear election rigging all are assholes with sticks, and other things up their tight winded filthy poo covered ass. But she's one of the dumbest, filthiest of the entire swamp. Her smug, arrogance, and sheer enjoyment of causing harm to not just Trump but our legal system, constitutional rights, and overall handling of her duties makes it... No it requires she is disbarred and NEVER allowed to work for anything with public duties... She belongs mopping floors at a place that has porn and glory holes for strange weird people she tends to love most. The men who love the love of other men via glory holes. But moving on to the rest of the story.

So this scumbag New York Judge Arthur Oxymoron on Monday accepted the $175 million bond former President Trump posted to appeal his civil fraud case, but the judge imposed several new conditions to ensure sufficient cash funds remain available. Shocking since he's been sold out for this entire case but maybe the public pressure of him acting like such a douche loser is getting to him? Probably not once a dirt bag always a dirt bag.

Check out the video from our fellow YouTuber and influencer KINGDOM REACTS on the subject!

Check out the video from our fellow YouTuber and influencer Lou Valentino on the subject!

Check out the interview in full with this moron John Legend in his own mind.

Wednesday, April 17, 2024

Trump takes over THE HOOD!!!

Former President and soon to be again President the man himself Donald Trump SURPRISES The HOOD!!! Thousands Just SHOWED UP Against Alvin Bragg AT JOSE ALBA DELI, HARLEM and folks this was great to see... The hood loves TRUMP! Sure there were a handful of libs out there hating but for the most it was a good time had by those who support Trump. While these fake witch hunt trials continue this man never stops. Unlike Slow Creepy Sniffing Joe Biden, out man Trump is the real PEOPLES Champion.

Thanks to Lou Valentino for the footage!

After the last 4 years of terror caused by these liberals I think even the hood is starting to open they eyes and realize that they all being used by the left. Not just black people in the hood but our Latinos, Asians and white folks who also live in these hoods.