Showing posts with label FOX. Show all posts
Showing posts with label FOX. Show all posts

Tuesday, June 18, 2024

CNN ‘speechless’ poll finds Trump headed for ‘historic performance’ with Black voters

Well folks the saying goes "Numbers don't lie..." With that said we know CNN does lie. And has often! But it looks like they even can't believe what's happening and they're about to hit the panic button. You see CNN data reporter Harry Enten was left stunned Monday after polling found that former President Trump is expected to garner a significant support from a group of folks not known for supporting Republicans.

That's right! THE Blacks! The latest polling found dwindling interest in President Biden among Black voters, now down to 70% in 2024 from 86% in 2020. Trump, meanwhile, has cut into Democrats loyal BLUE PILLED Matrix sleeping voters and now they seemed be awakening as there are a lot of them which are getting RED PILLED finally and the figures look like they are tripling his support from Black voters over the last four years, from 7% in 2020 to 21% in 2024. "I keep looking for signs that this is going to go back to normal and I don’t see it yet in the polling," Enten said. "If anything, right now we’re careening towards historic performance for a Republican presidential candidate, the likes of which we have not seen in six decades." DEMOCRATIC LAWMAKER DOUBTS POLLS SHOWING INCREASED SUPPORT FOR TRUMP AMONG BLACK PEOPLE: 'SOMETHING IS AMISS'

Enten said Biden has seen a slight decline among Black voters over 50. However, support for the current president from Black voters under the age of 50 has cratered, plummeting from 80 points in 2020 to just 37 points in 2024. "I’ve just never seen anything like this. I’m like speechless," Enten said. READ ON THE FOX NEWS APP In late May, Enten said Trump’s gains with Black voters represent a "huge alarm" for Biden’s re-election campaign. He said that not accounting for other voting shifts from 2020, the increase in Black support would put Trump over the top in 2024 with 291 Electoral College votes.

A USA Today/Suffolk University poll published Sunday found that support for Biden among Black voters has dropped roughly 20 percentage points since the last election in both Michigan and Pennsylvania. In Michigan, the poll found that Trump has 15% of Black voters, compared to Biden, who has 54% of the support from Black voters. BLACK VOTERS REJECTING BIDEN AS SUPPORT DWINDLES AHEAD OF 2024: ‘EVERYTHING WAS BETTER’ UNDER TRUMP who received just 9% of the Black vote in Michigan in the 2020 election. According to the poll, the former president gets 11% of the Black vote in Pennsylvania, which is up three points compared to 2020. A majority, 56%, of Black voters still prefer Biden in the state. The latest Fox News poll shows Biden receiving 72% support among Black voters. That’s up from 66% in February but still a drop from his 79% before the 2020 election. Among all voters, Trump holds a narrow lead over Biden.

Tuesday, July 18, 2023


The word bubbling up again which has been a rumor before is that Disney is looking to either SELL most of it's company's assets or perhaps the entire shebang! Now Apple once again is said to be interested. As we know Disney has been well not doing well financially. So when Robert Alan Chapek walked and BOB IGER returned as CEO of Disney a lot of fans were very happy. But then the movies that came out didn't hit very well the whole Florida vs Disney or better yet Ron DeSantis vs Disney happened, and well the company went so WOKE it might be broke as nothing they have put out has been underwhelming both with fans and at the box office.

The biggest companies affected in the possible sell I feel would be the Marvel Universe Comics, Movies and TV + Streaming. And the Lucasfilms films in Star Wars, Indiana Jones (Which has just released a bomb in 2023) and well now that the Disney Star Wars parks are coming down the whole thing left is Willow... Oh wait. They already ruined that also. Nothing much left to put out in Lucasfilms.

With Disney also buying FOX Studios it owns ALL rights to Marvel Films, and Lucasfilms. Now would I think they should do is sell Marvel to SONY and let Sony continue putting in place the MCU under Kevin Feige continuing his work. Sony has something good with the Spiderman / Venom films and should be a big player in buying the entire Marvel studios which would include the Films, TV and Streaming rights.

Than sell Lucasfilms back to George Lucas and let him continue his movies like he wants... The first thing I would do if I was Lucas is refuse to bring in the "sequel trilogy" and "solo" in continuity. Than totally reboot Indiana Jones! OR bring it for 1 last ride with Ford ASAP with someone like Chris Pratt playing another son NOT Mutt that Indiana Had with another woman who finds his dad as he needs him for one final ride, and really gives us something like the movie Indiana Jones and the last crusade and pass the baton to the new Indiana Jones. "Indiana Jones Jr" going forward with Pratt in the lead would be big! And I would let Lucasfilms come up with new material which has nothing to do with Star Wars for a while and give Pratt his own solo trilogy.

Sell off to Comcast the rest of Hulu and let Disney+ be the only streaming they have along with Fox being used for the entire film category in another Streaming platform or rent out the movie rights, and tv rights and let Netflix or others get shows and movies to stream in their platforms and pay Disney for their use thus bringing in a major payoff to Disney. Keep Disney+ for their legacy things not "Marvel/Lucasfilms" related.

See if ANYONE wants ABC? Good info in these videos below... Check these out for more info on the subject. Are we looking at the final days of the Disney company as we knew it? Looks like it. But we know one things folks this is the internet and it's only rumors, and nerd talk until these sales become reality. But hey! Where there is smoke there could be fire! So who knows.

Wednesday, April 26, 2023

Tucker Carlson out at Fox News...

As part of the lawsuit which alleges it showed that even though Carlson spread disinformation about Dominion's voting machines. What is this source that he did such a thing?

The left and those liberals said that he privately said of  Trump, “I hate him passionately,” adding that he “can’t handle much more of this" and that he “truly can’t wait” to be able to stop covering Trump. But do we trust these claims without actual proof I don't but what I do know is that 
Carlson also had become a leading voice on television spreading honest and fact driven viewpoints. While the left wing media is like the borg they all sound the same, and look the same, and lie the same.

One of those things the left hated was when he said in truth that the liberals "great replacement" is not just a theory, the idea that white people are being intentionally replaced by people of color  is happening folks, and look I'm a Cuban, Latino, Part black, Asian and born in Cuba and got here in 1980 during the Mariel to Miami boat lift. So if anyone hates communists, racists, and facisam is me! Tucker was nowhere near that but I can tell you who is!

Joe Biden, Hillary & Bill Clinton, AOC, Ilan Omar, 
Rashida Tlaib, and many, many more.

That led to the Anti-Defamation League to call for his firing. 
"It's about time," the ADL's CEO, Jonathan Greenblatt, wrote on Twitter Monday. "For far too long, Tucker Carlson has used his primetime show to spew antisemitic, racist, xenophobic and anti-LGBTQ hate to millions."

This from a libtard like Jonathan isn't shocking as he's part of the DemonCrat Party and hates our freedoms, and country. And he's a massive tool for the left.

Rep. Liz Cheney, R-Wyo., a member of the Jan. 6 investigative committee who lost her seat after going after former President Donald Trump, rejoiced on Twitter.  "After all Tucker’s lies and defamation, it’s about time," she wrote. Yeah LIZ cause we know you're an honest witch alright. This chick needs to catch something worse than Covid 19.

Michael Cohen, Donald Trump's former attorney and a frequent target of Carlson, said he found much to dislike about Carlson. "Does the word 'everything' sum up my disdain for him and his vile rhetoric?" Cohen said. Oh shut up you traitor.

Trump himself said he was surprised by the Carlson news, and doesn't know if it was a voluntary resignation or a firing. "I think Tucker's been terrific ... especially over the last year or so," Trump said. "He's been terrific to me." Becaise Tucker is not this mean A-Hole the left wants to paint him he's a nice guy who treats people fair and this the left hates especially from a network ran by Rupert Murdoch one of the biggest morons in America yet one of the richest clowns in America. Go figure...

Carlson himself may have been taken by surprise. He ended his show on Friday telling viewers, "We'll be back on Monday. 

Saturday, July 25, 2020

AOC vs Yoho! The gloves are off!

Now we know that AOC is a known liar, and loves to make shit up, and when anyone questions her she cries like a disgusting little bitch. There I said it… Yes AOC YOU ARE A Disgusting coward, and a bitch!

AOC is crazy, evil, and a liar… This has been proven, and on FOX Yoho brings it up. Remember her border crisis lies? AOC LOVES to slander others, and loves to spread hate, and then uses the race, and sexist card to prove she’s a victim. So now men can’t question something she says because she’s going accuse them of being “sexist” or her accusing them of being “racist” ? Well from one latino here to AOC again. STFU you disgusting lying crazy bitch!

After an exchange of policy ideas that led to accusations of name-calling and accosting, Congressman Ted Yoho responds to claims made by Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez regarding their encounter. Did he use language unbecoming of professional legislative discourse? – with Newsmax TV’s Greg Kelly

Tuesday, April 21, 2020

Nasty Nancy Pelosi lying through her dentures again!

Pelosi: “My Chinatown Visit Didn’t Downplay Coronavirus. It Helped Prevent It” HOW THE HELL does telling people to come to nasty ass California’s China Town helping to prevent the virus? Especially when California is now known to be one of the hardest hit states… HE GOT PEOPLE KILLED!!!! You can see this lying old BITCH lie right thru them cheap dentures. Notice when she’s asked how she cringes, and clinches her dentures as she sputters out her lying words?

She’s a OLD CREAM eating out of touch politician who only cares about herself… Oh and bringing down the President. This woman is a traitor to the country and should be in prison.

The so called “House Speaker” claimed that her late February visit to San Francisco’s Chinatown did nothing to understate the threat of the coronavirus pandemic and argued that her trip even helped prevent a worse outbreak… Yeah because telling people that the President is a “RACIST & XENOPHOBE” when he’s actively trying to save people by cutting the flights coming in and out of China to prevent a bigger outbreak is helping matters right Nancy? What world does this idiot live in? Does she think we’re all as stupid as she looks? I mean seriously what planet does she reside in because it’s not earth.

Fox News Sunday‘s Chris Wallace had asked the bitch I mean “speaker” whether she was culpable for a delayed national response to the virus. Pelosi has alleged in recent weeks that President Trump’s initial downplaying of the virus lost valuable time for the federal government to adequately respond to the crisis and needlessly cost Americans their lives. Well if that’s the case than what do you call it when you tell people NOT to listen to his warnings, and come in and have a good time without wearing a mask? She calls that saving lives… LOL listen to her for yourself but this was the main question again folks… “If the president underplayed the threat in the early days, Speaker Pelosi, didn’t you as well?” Wallace asked, and again watch her lie, and say “No, What we were trying to do is end the discrimination, the stigma that was going out against the Asian-American community. And in fact, if you will look, the record will show that our Chinatown has been a model of containing and preventing the virus,” she said… I would have followed that up if I was Chris with “What Stigma Nancy? There was no stigma! This is a virus which came out of CHINA, and you can’t accuse the President of being late if you’re saying MUCH WORSE in reply to his trying to prevent the bigger outbreak. But Chris who’s known to hit hard then back down, and not keep jabbing at people like this left her to say, and lie some more.

She added that her “confidence” in Chinatown residents prompted her trip, saying it was intended to “offset some of the things that the president and others were saying about Asian Americans and making them a target.” What targets? There had not been 1 hate crime against anyone from China during the PRESIDENTS shut down of flights not in this country, and so following up her lie Chris did say. “Forgive me, Don’t you think that when you’re out walking without any masks—I understand this is February, not April, when this happened and saying that there’s no threat [and] it’s perfectly safe there, weren’t you also adding to this perception that there wasn’t such a threat generally?”

“No, I was saying that you should not discriminate against Chinese Americans as some in our administration were doing,” she said… Nobody in the administration was discriminating but she again is lying trying to throw her shame, and stupidity at the President, and projecting herself at him which is ALL these evil left socialist democRATS do when they’re confronted they project it at Trump. EVEN tho he was trying to save lives she caused the death of who knows how many morons who went to California, and Chinatown, and caught the virus… Wonder why California was one of the hardest hit places? Look no further then the so called SPEAKER of the house. Funny since she speaks like a fucktard moron loser whos dentures look like they need new polident. She’s a national disgrace.

President Trump enacted travel restrictions on China on Jan. 31 as a public health measure to stop the global spread of coronavirus, and was in Chinatown in Feb. 24! Guys this is a no-brainer she knew it was bad, and didn’t care all she wanted to do was throw her projected fail at the President like she always does. That old POS cannot go a day without trying to throw some dumb shit toward Trump which has a lot of morons in this country believing and spewing out the same lies she speaks, and that CNN spews… It’s amazing how fucktarded, and moronic some people can be that believe her, the socialist left, Hollyweird… The Health and Human Services secretary Alex Azar announced in a White House Coronavirus Task Force briefing that the president would be “temporarily suspending the entry into the United States of foreign nationals who pose a risk of transmitting the 2019 novel coronavirus.” Those posing a risk were defined as all foreign nationals who had been to China in the last 14 days.

The speaker visited her home city’s Chinatown district on Feb. 24 and urged residents to go out and patronize the neighborhood’s businesses. She also emphasized the importance of being “unified with our community.”She added remember “We think it’s very safe to be in Chinatown and hope that others will come,” she said, adding that she encouraged people to be “careful” but to “come join us.”

She again claims that her visit to Chinatown was not intended to protest the president’s travel ban, but rather to take a public stand against discrimination toward Asian Americans. But yet she does nothing but say that he’s a racist and xenophobe and that nothings is happening… She’s a fucking imbecile and her out of touch 24k worth of ICE CREAM proves that she’s a lunatic with too much money, and power, and she needs to be impeached NOT The President. Look at the video yourself, and if you’re not disgusted by her than you’re not human. Or you want harm done to this country so bad, and wan’t people dead.