Conservatives say 'good riddance' to Joy Reid's MSNBC show as liberals slam network shake-up! LMAO! Her ratings had a lot to do with it as she was just not pulling in ratings and who would want to watch a liar on tv who is not just lying but is clearly a racist, and is unhinged. The thing she did was not journalism. This was a disgraceful idiot on TV for way too long.
Reid’s 7 p.m. ET program will be replaced by a show featuring Symone Sanders-Townsend, a former spokesperson to Vice President Kamala Harris, Alicia Menendez and RNC Chair turned MSNBC host Michael Steele, according to a source familiar with the plans. Former FCC chairman Ajit Pai quipped, "An unfortunate development for Joy Reid's viewer, considering the host's insightful analysis on political topics." Pai included a clip of Reid praising former Vice President Kamala Harris' "flawlessly run campaign," despite losing to Trump.
Actor Michael Rapaport also reacted to the news, with the hashtag, #joyless.
HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!! Good, and not cause I wanna see anyone lose a job good because you had an opportunity & pissed it away with short sighted racially weaponized 1/4 truth garbage And they did it on a SUNDAY morning, double
Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene, R-Ga., shared the news on X, saying, "The ad execs and the board finally figured out that racism, lies, and Trump derangement syndrome will put them out of business."
Good morning!!
MSNBC just canceled Joy Reid’s show.
The ad execs and the board finally figured out that racism, lies, and Trump derangement syndrome will put them out of business.
Some liberal commentators slammed the network on the social media platform, Bluesky.
Keith Olbermann, a former MSNBC host, said the network didn't have a "Joy Reid problem," but rather a "Joe Scarborough problem," pointing to the network's "Morning Joe" co-host. "Until he is fired, MSNBC will not recover. Shuffling tepid shows in and out does nothing," he continued. Olbermann also made the argument that a panel show, which is what will be replacing Reid's program, wouldn't be successful.
"Also: panel shows with multiple meh hosts don't work in primetime in cable news.
They didn't work in 2003, which is about the last time MSNBC tried one - even those executives understood the need for strong solo anchors (though they seldom could identify them)," he wrote.
"She's a blunt Black woman, so of course her show is canceled. Not lost on any of us," Wajahat Ali, a liberal commentator and writer, reacted.
Dean Obeidallah, a radio show host who has written for CNN and MSNBC, also pointed to the "Morning Joe" hosts specifically their meeting with Trump, which prompted a lot of backlash at the network in a post on Bluesky.
Danielle Moodie, the host of the Daily Beast's "The New Abnormal" podcast, slammed MSNBC for canceling Reid's show, saying "Everytime MSNBC has a "shakeup" the black woman solo led show is ALWAYS the first to go."
Others, including NewsNation's Kurt Bardella, praised Reid's career at MSNBC.
"The 1st person at MSNBC to give me a regular place on a show was Joy Reid. I would not have a career in cable news without her. She has elevated so many diverse voices and paved a way for so many. Whatever she does next will be equally impact-full," said Bardella.
So these twisted libs are using the whole joke told about Puerto Rico to try and put it like if this was Trumps joke! But this wasn't and once again the know nothings at lame stream news media is caught with said foot in mouth as places like MSDNC, CNN, ABC, and other places of news were all hyperventilating because a comedian told a joke and claimed the election is OVER for Trump?
"We’ve got him now!" Remember? "It’s over now, Trump just lost every single Puerto Rican vote out there!"
But….it was yet another big lie... Check out how instead of being mad, Puerto Ricans have a sense of humor and they love our Country and they LOVE Donald Trump!
And so they decided to put on a massive Trump caravan yesterday just to prove it. So eat that Lame stream media and once again you're all proven wrong by the people, and once again you're eating crow and once again this is why Trump will be re-elected come November and we shall have prosperity again and he will help MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN!
It’s a thing of beauty:
BREAKING: A massive pro-Trump caravan has formed in Puerto Rico. Sorry mainstream media, Puerto Ricans aren’t falling for your games.
Finally the law catches up to MSNBC's Fake News and pencile neck lying dweeb Rachel Maddow who is having the law Finally Catch up to her and is sending her to Court with other MSNBC hosts who are all about to face a $30M defamation trial from ICE doctor they called ‘uterus collector’ and folks I kid you not... Looks like the defamation lawsuit against NBCUniversal is headed to trial after a Georgia judge ruled that Rachel the crazy Maddcow, Nicolle Wallace, Chris Hayes and other talking leftist rainbow tards working there had reported “verifiably false” claims about a doctor they said performed “mass hysterectomies” on ICE center detainees.
MSNBC and NBC journalists are accused of reporting 39 false claims about the doctor they called the “uterus collector” based on a whistle blower account from a nurse named Dawn Wooten who worked at the facility. “NBC investigated the whistle blower letter’s accusations; that investigation did not corroborate the accusations and even undermined some; NBC republished the letter’s accusations anyway,” Judge Lisa Godbey Wood of the Southern District of Georgia wrote in a 108-page summary in June. Gynecologist Dr. Mandrake Amin who worked at the detention center for three and a half years and reportedly performed only two hysterectomies during that time is seeking $30 million, which is reportedly the same amount as Maddow’s yearly salary.
NBC first reported the story in September 2020 via an article published on the NBC website. MSNBC anchors then picked up the story for numerous broadcast segments. Maddow “initially questioned” the reports and “jumping to conclusions,” but still covered the story on her weekly show, according to court documents. NBC’s standards department reviewed and approved reports even though the nurse provided “no evidence to back up her claims,” an NBC standards deputy said at the time, according to court documents.
The standards deputy, Christopher Scholl, was unsure whether to publish an article. “She [the whistleblower] has no direct knowledge of what she’s claiming, is unable to name the doctor involved (if I understood correctly), and we are unable to verify any of it or determine whether there really is a story here,” Scholl said in an email. “Essentially, it boils down to a single source with an agenda telling us things we have no basis to believe are true.” And the reporters who wrote the story Jacob Soboroff and Julia Ainsley shared concerns.
It doesn’t “sound like they have much beyond the complaint,” Soboroff texted Ainsley in September, according to court documents. “Only two hysterectomies?” Ainsley reportedly replied. And an attorney for one of the ICE detainees told the reporters that their client’s hysterectomy was necessary due to her cancer diagnosis, according to court documents. But the reporters published their story titled “Lawyers allege abuse of migrant women by gynecologist for Georgia ICE detention center” the next day. Dozens of Democratic senators called for an investigation into the doctor’s practices at the ICE center after the MSNBC broadcasts. The Senate probe found no evidence of “mass hysterectomies” just two procedures that were deemed medically necessary, according to a Senate report.
Amin sued MSNBC for defamation in September 2021. As the case heads to trial, the most difficult task for Amin’s lawyer Scott Grubman, who previously worked as a law clerk for the judge who ruled in favor of Amin will be proving that the NBC journalists had malicious intent. “Dr. Amin is a beloved physician who has treated his patients with the utmost care and compassion for decades,” his lawyer told The Post. “An immigrant himself, the allegation that he would take advantage of ICE detainees is ludicrous.” This is not the first time MSNBC has been slapped with a defamation suit. Kentucky high school student Nicholas Sandmann sued MSNBC after reporters repeatedly covered a 2019 incident in which the student was caught on video smiling at a Native American activist as he beat a drum and chanted. Media reports claimed Sandmann was smirking at the activist in a racially charged interaction. The suit was settled in December 2021.
Trump's been banned from talking about the judge's family in the so-called hush money case in New York. Why? Because the judge's family was paid by the Joe Biden iden campaign and is currently being paid by Adam Schiff. Donald J. Trump isn't allowed to say the judge's daughter is a Democrat consultant whose clients are fundraising off Trump's indictment.
The judge's family is getting rich off Trump trials... and he's presiding over one. But Trump fires back after judge expands gag order: ‘This judge should be recused’ he lashed out against the New York judge overseeing his hush money criminal trial Tuesday, one day after he was hit with a gag order in the case, arguing such an order is not fair when others “can talk about” him.
“I just was informed that another corrupt New York Judge, Juan Merchan, GAGGED me so that I can not talk about the corruption and conflicts taking place in his courtroom with respect to a case that everyone, including the D.A., felt should never have been brought,” Trump wrote Tuesday in a post on Truth Social. “They can talk about me, but I can’t talk about them???”
“That sounds fair, doesn’t it? This Judge should be recused, and the case should be thrown out,” he added. “There has virtually never been a more conflicted judge than this one. ELECTION INTERFERENCE at its worst!” Judge Juan Merchan issued a ruling Monday night to expand the former president’s gag order to limit his attacks against Merchan’s daughter, Loren, who is a Democratic political consultant. “This pattern of attacking family members of presiding jurists and attorneys assigned to his cases serves no legitimate purpose,” Merchan wrote in his ruling. “It merely injects fear in those assigned or called to participate in the proceedings, that not only they, but their family members as well, are ‘fair game’ for Defendant’s vitriol.”
The initial gag order in the case limited Trump’s public remarks about jurors, witnesses and “family members of any counsel or staff member,” but did not extend to family members of Merchan or Manhattan District Attorney Alvin Bragg (D). Merchan’s new gag order will include his and Bragg’s family members, at the request of the district attorney. Loren Merchan was an executive at progressive political consulting firm Authentic Campaigns, which worked on campaigns for various Democrat leaders including Vice President Harris, House Minority Leader Hakeem Jeffries (D-N.Y.) and President Biden Trump’s main 2024 opponent.
LIVE: President Donald J. Trump to Deliver Remarks in Sioux City, Iowa - 10/29/23 and below is the video directly from RSBN which is a great conservative news outlet which doesn't censor TRUMP or the conservatives in the country like how it's done by the left driven mainstream outlets like "CNN, MSNBC, CBS, ABC, and yes for some part FOX News." Let's see what he says about MAGA Mike Johnson also taking the speaker of the house job. We here were pulling for Jim Jordan but Mike Johnson is a good option and much better than Kevin McCarthy who thanked Nancy Pelosi and she said she would help him out when needed. So he was without a doubt on her side.
President Donald J Trump makes his 12th visit to Iowa this year ahead of the January 15th Caucus. The president is scheduled to speak at 4 p.m. ET.
The broadcast is expected to begin at 12:00 p.m. ET. Please note: the start time is subject to change as the event timeline is updated.
Like always our President will address the things we need done here in the country, and we hope he is able to speak on these fake charges and indictments against him without getting himself fined again.
Joe Biden Babbles NONSENSE on MSNBC… Funny, and sad at the same time actually. This is now elderly abuse I mean this guys in no shape to lead this country forward. NONE!
Check out this video below as it furthers my point that the man just isn’t fit for office. This guy can’t come up with a normal sentence, and he’s done not a single debate against Trump! How can we have an election where the guy who wants the job wont debate the President? This is ridiculous, and shows how much the left is trying to rig this election in November. I have said it before, and will again if you vote for Biden you’re a fucking idiot. This man is not presidential, and should be in prison or mental home. I will go a step further… IF YOU Vote for Biden you belong in a mental home also… Seriously. This is not a joke anymore this is serious guys. Our country is at stake… the very fabric of the country we’ve all come to from other lands to be a part of is being terrorized, demonized, and destroyed by evil people, and BIDEN is their mentally handicapped puppet.
Kayleigh McEnany DESTROYS Far Left Chicago Mayor Lori Lightfoot and HUMILIATES Mainstream Media!!! Dr. Steve Turley posted a great video on YouTube about this but let’s be real, and look at Lori Lightfoot aka the ET of Chicago! This woman is a disaster, and so is the city of Chicago, and it’s her fault. She’s literally got blood on her hands but she doesn’t care about the many people she’s getting killed in the city. ALL This woman cares about is self serving her PR on tv to trash TRUMP! The last 4 years her only agenda is trying to gain fame by hating the President, and showing her racist ideology against white men. Funny since she dresses like a man, and looks like a fucking alien!
She says below that TRUMP is attacking them? The fact is reverse! Since day 1 these women have attacked him when he’s done nothing of the sort. Remember what’s her face who when she got her seat in congress she said “WE’RE GOING TO IMPEACH THE MOTHERFUCKER!” This from a woman who Trump had never said a word about. All these woman are liars, and like to project their lies on the President. This Lori Lightfoot is a crazy alphabet person who thinks that Trump is the cause of the worlds problems… This guys been President for almost 4 years, and she blames him for 100’s of years of problems? She’s such a joke. Think of how stupid this is!? To blame someone for all the worlds problems who’s not been in politics until he ran for President and never held office. But none of these career politicians who have done nothing for the country all blame him? Why haven’t these career politicians fixed the social issues in the last 40 years? Like Joe Biden who’s a complete poster boy for the main problems this country has had! He’s put more black people in prison than anyone with his crime bills over the last 4 decades, and yet this is their hero? This is their candidate for President? GTFOH! You left liberals are fucking stupid! My god…
But check out this twitter video from MSNBC. Clearly she rather see Chicago burn, and it’s innocent people DIE than have the GOV come in, and end the civil protesters in Antifa & BLM which are DOMESTIC Terrorists! These 3 treasonous bitches even call our military “Stoormtroopers!”
Mr. President or not—I don’t care one bit what your name is. I will not allow troops in Chicago, and I will do everything in my power to stop you.
— Mayor Lori Lightfoot (@chicagosmayor) July 21, 2020
I think it’s time Lori FootinMouth is sent packing back to her home world in Fucktardistan. Stupid con artist bitch. These women in that video are evil folks, and hate this country, hate white people, hate real democracy, hate our constitution, and our way of life. They want to destroy it, and make this a socialist society, and join in on a new world order take over of the country. This is the final leftist agenda! Notice how all the cities that are allowing these riots are ALL ran by democrats? These people don’t give a shit about rules, laws or our country or it’s people. They want to see it all burn down, and Lori and her Hench women of evil all need to be sent to prison! They’re committing treason.
Hilarious video clipped out by Jimmy Dore for his video show has Presidential Candidate on MSNBC to announce something BIG according to the hype. This dealt with the GAP Tooth having Stacy Abrams who is a moron, and has brain the size of the gap in her front teeth.
The PIG of a woman doesn’t deserve a single vote ever! She’s a gross and disgusting woman who’s self hate is projected towards everyone else. Joe Biden in all his mental laps might ave like Jimmy said “Forgot to mention it” but the hype was that he was going to name her his “VeePee” …. Didn’t happen folks, and the expression on her face is hilarious.
She’s a fucktard libtard, and she wants to be “VeePee” so bad she even sucked on the Bloomberg blow pop and had backed him until he left, and then she switched her vote to Joe “The Sniffler” Biden.
Here is the video, and watch close as she understand that in nowhere on this “video” meet is she going to be asked to be the “VeePee” she wanted so bad. Watching Joe struggle with forming a coherent sentence is equally as hilarious as the face she makes. This shit’s so fucking funny… This is Laugh out Loud funny.
Listen to this moron Rachel Madcow talk about Trump like he’s crazy… Has she not looked in the mirror? Or at Joe Biden? Or the rest of the left which are full of crazy people?
Madcow issued a dire warning about The President following his widely-coronavirus press conference on Monday.
“In all seriousness, that the president, right now, in the midst of this crisis, is visibly struggling, there’s something wrong or he’s just not doing okay, I don’t know, but the president apparently just is not able to keep it together right now in his public appearances,” Madcow noted.. But wait isn’t that projecting from the mental issues Biden is having?
“What is wrong with the president today? We don’t know. Something is wrong,” she said. “Whether or not you, you know, like the president or not, whether you enjoy his public effect or not on a regular basis, it is clear that there is something wrong and that’s important whenever the president of the United States is visibly unwound like that,” she explained.
Ok so the FACTS that these two “Reporters” were both workers for CBS, and MSNBC ironically the same network Rachel works for! Shocking… It’s almost like this was set up to try and create a buzz. Think about it and watch the entire until video. The president is being polite why does the CHINESE reporter Weijia Jiang of CBS have to ask such an idiotic question? Her being Chinese, and being someone socialist like she is who uses twitter for nothing but to smear Trump and is always getting rude with him in the press expect? Had it been me I swear I would have told her off… He was actually polite. But the left is trying to create a buzz again.
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Question is what’s wrong with YOU bitch? Look at her 2 months ago on “Jimmy Failing’s Tonight Blows” where she say’s “It’s nothing to panic about!” Oh and now she like the rest of the leftist are learning they’re wrong. When they called Trump a Racist or Xenophobe for closing flights from and too china, and were wrong, and she will never admit it. And now she’s acting like he’s losing it because he refused to let some bully reporters kept interrupting him, and trying to get their way, and not letting him continue?
Sorry Rachel you’re just stupid! You are just another loser liar… who doesn’t know what else to do but trash Trump. She spent the last 3 years propping every fake agenda only to have it blow up in her face every time.
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These people think we forget…. Or that the internet has no long lasting memory! lol idiots… Love how now they’re hard at work trying to RE-Write history. Oh, and instead on talking about Biden ad his RAPE case… This is what they spend their time talking about.
So here Jimmy Dore does a fine Job of exposing Creepy Joe Biden “The Sniffler” as I like to now call him. You guys really need to see how badly he exposes Joe Biden in this video of Joe Biden being exposed on MSNBC of all places!
That’s right folks the MASS Media has now turned on JOE! This is hilarious, and about time that they took this creep to task, and exposed him for the old pervert, and pedophile he is. I would like to see him get asked about the girl Eva Murray who was 14 when he told her how nice her breasts were. The man is clearly lying in this video.
All he does is lie, and cheat his way into money and deny his Wrong doing with that fake smile of his.
Joe Biden denies Tara Reade sexual assault claim like he will come out saying it happened! LOL But he tells National Archives to search for alleged record. Like we don’t know people in power like Joe can’t sweep things under the rug. But if the left makes a big deal about Trump having a normal so called thing with a porn star who was NOT assaulted they need to take these allegations serious about Biden.
Facts are that if this was against Trump this would lead all the media to spend countless months slamming Trump.. Notice how soft, and biased they are and how they sweep this story under the rug for decades.
Why does Joe Biden have “Sealed Records” about this if nothing happened? Why not put all his records out? I mean he’s running for President, and he’s got a sniffing shady past of groping women, and young girls on camera, and well the term “Creepy JOE” is part of his known persona for a reason. Thousands of memes of him smelling people, and all things down to shoes have been viral for years for a reason.
For the first time, Joe Biden has spoken out and denied sexually assaulting former Senate aide Tara Reade in 1993. CBS News senior investigative correspondent Catherine Herridge joins CBSN to report the latest developments.
Also remember guys the media slammed falsely Brett Kavanaugh and Trump himself on fake news so why have they not touched this one on Creepy JOE? It’s because the DemocRATS take care of they’re own, and so Joe China over there like his “Quid Pro Quo” with Ukraine, and how he lied after being exposed on camera. Joe Biden is a con artist, and this to me is just something he did, and got away with, and now with this “MeToo” movement this shows that the left has gone out of their way for years to help their own.
So as of now in the United States, more than 69,000 people have been sickened and more than 1,000 have died from the Covid-19 outbreak or as our President calls it “the invisible enemy.” That’s one way of saying it without having to repeat the name, and right now the name is like our world’s boogeyman. It’s got everyone locked indoors praying they’re not next to catch it. The entire world is held captive not being able to work, our do the daily things which we are so used to doing. So now after days of negotiations, the U.S. Senate and Congress got their collective assholes together, and decided to stop dicking around with us the people who employs them, and they passed the Stimulus bill.
The massive bill includes a $500 billion fund to help hard-hit industries and a comparable amount for direct payments of up to $3,000 apiece to millions of U.S. families. It is intended to flood the economy with cash in a bid to stem the impact of a pandemic that has killed more than 900 people in the United States and infected at least 60,000.
“This bill pays you more not to work than if you were working,” Republican Senator Lindsey Graham, a close Trump ally, told a news conference. Several Republican senators said the bill needed to be changed to ensure that laid-off workers would not be paid more than they earned on the job. Now I don’t know who can live on $600 bucks every two weeks or even $1,500 a month these days when the rent alone to most places are over 1G a month. So where he gets that is unheard off but these folks are rich beyond our imagination, and they’re ALL a little bit out of touch with the real world.
“Why would the senators hold up this really important bill … because they resent people at the low end of the spectrum who have lost their jobs, from getting $600?” House of Representatives Speaker Nancy Pelosi asked on CNN, and while on the surface it sounds like she’s out to help the everyday people part of the problem is they the congress we’re trying to get things put into the overall package which are directly from the proposed “Green New Deal” in other words both sides we’re playing an awful game with us the common folks who need the help. This tug of war which only hurts us should not have happened, and I’m happy it’s finally done with.
While Independent Senator and self described Communist Bernie Sanders, who is running for the Democratic presidential nomination, said he was prepared to block the bill if Republicans did not drop their objections. The disputes clouded optimism that the bill could become law quickly… Remember folks just weeks ago who was endorsing old man Bernie? The head of the Green New Deal herself AOC! This moron endorsed the guy who wants now more than ever before this Green New Deal.
Administration officials said Trump would definitely sign it into law if it passed both the Republican-led Senate and Democratic-majority House.
“Today the Senate will act to help the people of this country weather this storm,” Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell said. The legislation will also provide $350 billion for small-business loans, $250 billion for expanded unemployment aid and at least $100 billion for hospitals and related health systems. The rescue package would be the largest ever approved by Congress, and follows two others that became law earlier this month. The money at stake amounts to nearly half of the $4.7 trillion the U.S. government spends annually. Investors were cheered by the news or the deal. On Wall Street, the benchmark S&P 500 <.SPX> rallied for a second straight day, closing up 1.15%.
Some high-profile opposition to the bill came from Schumer’s home state. New York Governor Andrew Cuomo said the $3.8 billion allocated to his state would not cover the tax revenue it stands to lose from reduced economic activity. New York accounts for roughly half of all U.S. coronavirus cases. The thing is also Mr Cuomo the impact is hard cause Money is not coming in at record numbers but also the spending should be a lot less since the overhead cost of keeping everything open was shut down for a while… So when things get moving again it will level out pretty fast. Also New York is a very rich area, and most of the state of NY is strong remember 911? Now I will say NY Gov. Andrew Cuomo has been outstanding in how he’s handled NY during this outbreak, and it’s good to see him, and the GOV. of California Gavin Newsom both have nothing but good things to say about how Trump has been during this thing, and we the people need to keep in mind these guys we’re as about Anti Trump as you will find PRE-COVID19.
Remember this come election time folks when the shit hit the fan our President was right from day 1… He closed flights from China and was called a “Xenophobe” & “Racist” what that did was save thousands of lives, and it helped slow down the spread of what he saw coming hard into the country. Based on his moves the rest of the country, and world has acted… Trump is the President we need right now, and for the next 4 years. He’s a strong leader, and when I see him speak he really sounds like he’s humbled by what’s happening, and he’s suffering with the rest of us. He is a true patriot and forget it folks I might be of neither Republicans or Democrats but Trump has my vote 100% for re-election.
Here is what Ben Shapiro has to say about the bill which passed…
Democrats Just Obstructed The Emergency Relief AGAIN??! Pelosi Says She Hasn’t Decided on it Yet. After holding up the emergency relief bill twice Democrats and Republicans in the Senate finally agreed on a bill that both sides were happy with.
The deal gives 4 months of guaranteed wages to furloughed workers and gives most Americans a check for $1,200.
Everything seemed to be going well until Nancy Pelosi stepped in. Instead of voting on the bill she held a “pro forma” session in the House. They were in for about one minute before leaving.
Pelosi says she isn’t sure how she will handle the bill but one thing is for certain, Republicans negotiated with Democrats once again and they agreed so why are the Democrats in the House now holding things up?
America is hurting, our economy is tanking, businesses are closing and now Pelosi wants to “review” the bill that the Democrats themselves have negotiated?? Maybe this is a stall tactic meant to hurt America more?
Maybe Democrats think they can hurt Trump’s reelection chances in november by damaging the economy. I don’t know
All I know is that if both sides, Chuck Schumer and Mitch McConnell, agreed there should be no reason that the Democrats are trying to obstruct yet again.
FIRED, CANCELLED or forced out? You be the judge MSNBC anchor Chris Matthews retires on-air, leaves MID-BROADCAST and is replaced to a stunned Steve Kornacki who took over the broadcast, telling the audience, “That was a lot to take in just now, I’m sure, and I’m sure you’re still absorbing that, and I am too.”
Chris announced his retirement at the opening of Hardball Monday night by stating the following “Let me start with my headline: I’m retiring,” said the anchor, who has hosted the show since 1997 at first CNBC, then MSNBC. “Obviously, this isn’t for lack of interest in politics,” Matthews said, explaining how much he loved hosting the show.
As for his reason for leaving, Matthews told his audience that he came to the decision after a conversation with MSNBC and that he believed that a younger generation was “ready to take the reins.” He then praised young people for improving conditions in the workplace, then transitioned into an apology for sexual harassment. “Compliments on a woman’s appearance that some men, including me, might have once incorrectly thought were OK, were never OK,” Matthews said. “Not then, and certainly not today, and for making such comments in the past, I’m sorry.”
It’s been reported that the network had little advance warning that Matthews was leaving, saying, “We do have to fill the rest of this hour—we’re going to take a quick break and come back with today’s news,” before cutting to commercial again. This sort of thing is hard for me to believe as I think he might have been consumed by the same left politics which he pushed on the show. So now that he’s been thrown a curveball, and won’t be on hardball anymore what’s left for Chris? Well he’s going to be penning another book.
I suspect this isn’t the last of this, and that he will either end up doing his own online podcast at some point, and not stay “Retired” I think that he’s been pushed out, and left with an agreement not to trash the network, and take a payout so the network doesn’t leave him embarrassed. So he went on air, and went out in the bestway possible which made the network look as good as it could. Here is the video below of his farewell speech.
[Bad “actress” Debra The Mess Messing is in hot water. She wants to create a “Blacklist” of Trump supporters, & is being accused of McCarthyism. Is also being accused of being a Racist because of the terrible things she said about blacks and mental illness. If Roseanne Barr said what she did, even being on a much higher rated show, she would have been thrown off television. Will Fake News NBC allow a McCarthy style Racist to continue? ABC fired Roseanne. Watch the double standard!]
I agree 100% think about how badly they did Roseanne! They even killed her off on her own show, and moved on without her. Shame on the network for this behavior. The same company that rehired a possible pedophile in James Gunn to direct for them.
But funny enough it’s not just TRUMP who’s against her… Whoopi Goldberg, Meghan McCain are also upset with ‘Will & Grace’ actress as last week, Debra Messing called for a list to be published showing all the attendees of a Sept. 17 Beverly Hills Trump re-election fundraiser that the president will be attending. Now the Will & Grace star is in hot water—with the president, but also with some of his critics. On Thursday, Trump lashed out at her.
As the Hill points out, it was the second time Trump tweeted about Messing since the controversy started; after she initially called for the list Saturday, he tweeted Sunday, “I have not forgotten that when it was announced that I was going to do The Apprentice, and when it then became a big hit, helping NBC’s failed lineup greatly, @DebraMessing came up to me at an Upfront & profusely thanked me, even calling me ‘Sir.’ How times have changed!” People notes Messing responded to that by asking Trump to take action on gun violence, “now that I have your attention.”
As for the accusations of racism, Trump was referring to a separate incident this week in which Messing promoted a tweet showing an Alabama church with a sign reading: “a black vote for Trump is mental illness.” Black comedian Terrence K. Williams (who the Washington Post notes is a Trump supporter) on Wednesday called her out for it and started the hashtag #RacistDebraMessing. She responded, “I apologized for liking that church sign. I said I regret it. I shud have thought before recklessly supporting.” (More from her thread explaining her thoughts here.)
RACIST DEBRA MESSING gained 20k followers after I made this video about her calling Black Trump Supporters Mentally ill.
The President shared this! Now People are saying they are being unfollowed from my account.
MSNBC’s Rachel Maddow has seen her monthly ratings drop more than 800,000 viewers since the beginning of 2019 on her prime-time show.
Her best month of 2019 was January, where she averaged an audience of 3,288,000 viewers, according to Nielsen Media Research.
She saw a decrease in February with her average audience dropping to 3,067,000. The host has not exceeded an average of 3,000,000 viewers a month since then.
As the presidential election nears, lawmakers and security experts are raising questions about the security of electronic voting machines used in many parts of the country. She continued the downward spiral in March and April as her average audience size was 2,886,000 in March and then 2,630,000 in April. Her decline in ratings over this two month period corresponds to the end of the Russia investigation.
Maddow was one of the misleading voices in the speculation surrounding the special counsel’s report into whether or not the president or his campaign conspired with Russia to win the presidential election.
According to the Daily Beast just the week after Attorney General William Barr’s letter to Congress revealed that Mueller found no evidence of a conspiracy, Maddow lost half-a-million viewers.
Her ratings continued to drop through the spring and into the summer. In June and July, her nightly average audience dipped below the 2.5 million marker only reaching 2,450,000 in June, but hit a little bump to 2,487,000 in July. The slight bump in July might be attributed to the recent revival of the report as Mueller himself testified before Congress.
And soon I hope her show goes the way of the Dinosaurs… Extinction!
MSNBC’s Jacob Soboroff spoke to Asian Americans in Anaheim, California who are supporting Donald Trump. Let’s keep the momentum going! Good to see our Asian brothers out in California supporting Trump. Hope we see more, and more out west show their support in public without fear of being bashed.