Showing posts with label Police Brutality. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Police Brutality. Show all posts

Wednesday, April 21, 2021

Derek Chauvin found guilty! But is he?

Let’s be honest here Derek Chauvin helped cause the accidental OD death of George Floyd by his actions, and should face prison time. IS he guilty of Murder? No he’s really guilty of involuntary manslaughter but the media doesn’t care about the facts. LIKE how Derek was called on a scene to help control of a career criminal who was buying drugs in his car, and who had just exchanged a 20$ in a store which was fake, and was using it to buy drugs from the “friend” in the car with him who refused to testify because he knew the defense would have a case had the Jury known this was a drug dealer.

He didn’t want the cops later going after him so he refused to be honest, and tell the Jury he was there to sell Floyd the drugs in his system which he was OD on. But now we see what Biden, and Maxine Waters have publicly done!? They’re not just encouraging more violence! They’re demanding a guilty verdict without any merit for as to why without giving the facts a chance to speak for themselves.
Watch the entire video here of the case, and jury results in the case…

Ma’Khia Bryant: 16-Year-Old Girl killed in police shooting!

Once again we have a case where the FACTS don’t follow the on going narrative of the land… Just like in the unjustified verdict of “Guilty” on the Floyd case of now ex cop Derek Chauvin we have another case here of a cop who is being accused of the murder of a black person. This time a 16 year old black girl who if you believe the “narrative” was an innocent kid who was targeted by an evil white supremacist cop, and killed. The bodycam however refutes this completely…. But the narrative, and the black community are sold on the victim mentality so clearly anytime now a black person dies in a shooting by a white cop the cop is a clear “neo nazi white supremacist”, and hates “blacks” this is all the want us to see folks!

But in the bodycam we clearly see the 16 year old girl who’s a big fat woman and doesn’t look 16 about to STAB another black lady with a knife, and there is a fight where another black person is being kicked in the head by a man in the fight.. The cops doing his job by trying to stop a murder from taking place infront of him and when he see’s someone about to be stabbed to death, and he reacted like a normal police office would! He shot the person about to “MURDER” someone in front of him… Period.

This wasn’t racial as the person about to be stabbed to death was also a black lady! But the media, and the crooked leftist mob doesn’t care about actual black lives! This is about destroying the police, and about taking anything that they have to do to stop criminals as being seen as bad, and so the criminals get to riot, loot, murder, and do what they want know if they happened to be black? This isn’t equal rights this is “elitists rights” and sorry we don’t live in that sort of country. But this is what the socialist/communist media is trying to sell you down a river for, and first this they need is to destroy the institution which is in place to serve & protect. And folks they will try hard to replace it with “Sharia LAW” this is the end game… This is an Islamic take over, and you’re all getting played like fools.

Check out how this clear moron leftist reported this crap… As reported by a clear racist moron named Anoa Changa who’s again trying to sell us a lie.

Ma’Khia Bryant will never see her graduation. Instead, reports of the 16-year-old girl’s death at the hands of a Columbus, Ohio, police officer began making the rounds late Tuesday afternoon, just as the nation celebrated the guilty verdict in the Derek Chauvin murder trial, 10-WBNS reports

OK This has nothing to do with the Derek Chauvin trial but notice how quick they throw this in there? This tactic to tie it into another case to show justification as to why this cop is a racist bigot murderer! LOL Hilarious but let’s continue.

Ma’Khia reportedly called the Columbus Police Department for help, though accounts of why exactly she called have differed. What is clear, however, is that instead of serving and protecting, responding officers made her the latest victim. She made herself one by trying to kill someone in front of the cops! But this leftist moron doesn’t care about “FACTS.”

Raw emotion and justified outrage exploded in the southeast Columbus neighborhood as the community came to terms with what transpired. Ma’Khia’s mother, Paula Bryant, spoke with local reporters and shared that her daughter was an honor student. An “Honor Student” who was about to murder someone with a knife! And it’s on video… No honor in murder.

Nearby residents gathered outside almost immediately after the shooting. “You killing babies, bro?” one person on the scene asked rhetorically. So he needs to let “The baby” who’s a big fat black woman kill someone else because why? How is this justified? This is the problem with black America it’s like they’re so stupid on this victim mentality they cannot see clear, and past their own stupid mental block, and see the facts.

Black communities cannot even enjoy a brief reprieve from police violence. Local reporters explained that many of the people who came outside as news of Ma’Khia’s death began to circulate had been heading downtown in anticipation of the Chauvin verdict. Because it was the cops who were there using violence right? They called themselves on themselves, and the cops were the ones trying to stab people right? They’re the ones who were kicking people in the head oh infront of people? No this was the actions of the people there, and the cops reacted correctly in stopping a murder from happening. Period! But look how the narrative is already getting build by the mob, and the media.

“We don’t get to celebrate nothing,” K.C. Taynor said of the Chauvin verdict. “…In the end, you know what, you can’t be Black.” “Celebrate” who celebrates a case of unjustice? Oh wait black people do this all the time when they get the mob way! Remember who celebrated when OJ got off? Black Americans… Even Chappelle, and other comedians like Chris Rock made fun of blacks for celebrating the murder of 2 innocent white people at the hands of OJ Simpson. He got off cause he’s a rich black celebrity, and the blacks love him so they partied like it was 1999 back in the mid 1990’s when that happened. Everytime there is a trial they go their way they celebrate after they riot, loot, and murder more people in what is always a rush to judgement by these morons on the left. Which is all fueled by the media.

The Ohio Attorney General’s Bureau of Criminal Investigation took over investigating police shootings in Columbus last year. In early June of 2020, Mayor Andrew J. Ginther decided that all police shootings would be referred to the state agency. This move came after racial justice protests, including a May 30 gathering where police pepper-sprayed several Black elected officials, including Rep. Joyce Beatty. It also followed years of complaints about the bias in the Columbus Police Department and with the prior prosecutor.

Still, the system is still the system. Before Tuesday afternoon, there had been 26 investigations of officers for shootings since the beginning of the year, with six of those shootings happening in Columbus. AP News reports that in February, a grand jury returned an indictment against former Columbus police officer Adam Coy in the killing of Andre Hill, 47. Mind you nothing here has anything to do with this current incident but the person writing that garbage is trying to tie things up to sell you that this cop is just another racist murderer.

Hill was killed just three days after Christmas after walking out of his garage.

Last November, voters replaced a long-term Republican prosecutor who was known for rarely holding police accountable, the Appeal reports. Voters also approved the creation of a civilian review board, with Ginther naming the members of the newly minted board at the end of March. According to the Columbus Dispatch, two-thirds of the new board is Black. Members range in age from 30 to 72. 

While necessary for accountability under the current system, charges against police officers do not make up for the lives lost. And contrary to President Joe Biden’s comments earlier Tuesday evening, the Chauvin verdict was not a big step in any direction. 

When police can shoot to kill first and sort out the details later, there is so much work left. Adrienne Hood, a Columbus activist and mother of Henry Green, said last week she had no interest in trying to work with or reform the local fraternal order of police, KPFA reports.

Hood’s son Henry Green was killed by Columbus police in 2016. She spoke about tackling the qualified immunity enjoyed by law enforcement. “Until we are able to do something with that, the challenges will continue,” Hood said about her work with Ohio Families Unite Against Police Brutality. Another case that has nothing to do with anything only brought up to feed into emotions.. And the facts in the case also showd that while Mr Green was a BLM activist might have been there in peace but the reports came out he was fired on because he had a gun. And so the left who wants to get rid of “guns” are defending him who had a gun and got himself shot at by cops. Hypocrisy?

“Families will continue to face the challenge of accountability. Because justice can never be for me because you can’t give me my son back. But accountability is a must and is necessary.” Sorry for your loss maybe you should have been a better parent, and showed your kids a better way in life? Like don’t point guns at cops.

Tuesday, April 13, 2021

WATCH: New bodycam footage shows Minnesota police officer yelled 'Taser!' before firing gun at Daunte Wright!

After the riots, and the looting, and the idiots breaking the law over NOTHING! Body cam shows another instance where the so called “black victim” of a white mother is actually is the one who brought his own death on himself by not doing as he was being told by the police to do. Wright, a 20-year-old was fatally shot sadly and again by police in suburban Minneapolis.

Bodycam footage suggests the officer may have meant to fire a Taser but shot a gun by mistake and I got the footage here as it does indeed show the officers own reactions were that of someone who knows they just made a major mistake, and this wasn’t intentional. But again had the white/black suspect being detained not reacted how he did he would be alive now. ONCE Again showing the narrative being sold doesn’t always match the actual events which took place. This is why people need to STOP acting from emotion, and watch the events as they unfold, and look at the bodycam footage.

You cannot act this way with the cops no matter what your skin color is an expect them not to react this way. I’ve been pulled over before, and I avoid getting show because I’m friendly, I follow their instructions, and I’m not involved in anything illegal! IF you have nothing to hide from the police than why act like this? This only shows you’re guilty of something and it’s the cops job to keep criminals off the streets right? This is what cops are paid for. Protect, and serve, and keep criminals from harming others. While it’s sad, and heart breaking to see a young man lose his life this way, and I feel for his mother, and family it’s not something which should cause riots.

Moments before he was killed, Daunte Wright called his mother and told her he got pulled over. She had no idea it would be the last time she would speak with her son. The 20-year-old needed to get insurance information, his mother Katie Wright said. “I said OK, when the police officer comes back to the window, put him on the phone and I can give him all our insurance information,” she said.

“A second goes by, and I hear the police officer come back up to the window and ask Daunte to get out of the car. Daunte asked, ‘For what?’ The police officer said, ‘I’ll explain to you when you get out of the car.'”

The mother said she could hear the police and her son struggling. “Then the police officer asked him to hang up the phone,” Katie Wright said. “Three or four seconds went by. I tried calling back to back to back because I didn’t know what was going on.” At worst, she thought, maybe he was being arrested. She soon saw it was much worse. “When I called back, the girl that he had in the car answered the phone, and it was on FaceTime. And she was crying and screaming and said that they shot him. And then she pointed the phone towards the driver’s seat and my son was laying there, unresponsive. That was the last time that I seen my son,” she said, sobbing.

“That’s the last time I heard from my son. And I’ve had no explanation since then.” Police in Brooklyn Center, Minnesota, said Wright was initially pulled over Sunday afternoon for an expired tag. Bodycam footage shows that after Wright stepped out of the car and then got back in, an officer said she was going to use a Taser on him. But instead of shooting a Taser, Officer Kim Potter fired a handgun, screaming “Oh sh*t! I shot him,” as Wright was mortally wounded.

Both the officer and the police chief have resigned. A toddler is now fatherless. And the Minneapolis area, already grappling with the death of George Floyd, now mourns another death of a man during a police encounter. ‘They stole my son’s dad from him’ said his mother as Wright leaves behind a young son, Daunte Wright Jr., who was supposed to see his dad to celebrate his upcoming 2nd birthday.

“Now my son, he don’t have a dad,” said the boy’s mother, Chyna Whitaker. “His dad won’t get to see him for his second birthday or for any of his birthdays. And I’m just so messed up about it because I feel like they stole my son’s dad from him. How do we put life back together after this?’ Naisha Wright made the cross-country road trip from her home in Alabama to Minnesota after learning about her nephew’s death.

“My nephew was 20 years old. I don’t care what nobody got to say about him. He was loved,” Naisha Wright said, acknowledging the strong family built by the young man’s parents. “This is no broken home. This is 23 years of love.” But now, the family has been shattered after Wright’s death. “My mother shouldn’t have to be burying her grandchild. My brother and my sister shouldn’t be burying their son.” said Naisha Wright.

The explanation that Wright was killed accidentally gives zero comfort to his family. “I cannot accept that. I lost my son. He’s never coming back,” Wright’s father Aubrey Wright told ABC’s “Good Morning America” Tuesday. “I can’t accept that … mistake. That doesn’t even sound right. You know, this officer has been on the force for 26-plus years. I can’t accept that.” The case is being investigated by an independent agency, and it’s not clear if Potter will be charged. Katie Wright said she “would like to see justice served and her held accountable for everything she’s taken from us.” And we agree there should be justice for her, and the family this man left behind. But again had he not done what he did he would still be alive today. The blame here goes both ways… Check out the footage below.

Well there it is the bodycam footage… Thoughts? Comments? Shocked? Well talk about it below in the comment section.

Monday, April 12, 2021

The officer who pepper sprayed Caron Nazario has been fired! WOW!

OK So this guy is now gonna have the nerve to sue the cops? I mean seriously anyone who watches the body cam, and then his footage can easily tell he’s the one not just at fault! But with how he acted it’s like he was trying his hardest to get shot. But to add insult to injury the officer who hit him with pepper spray was fired! HOW The hell? This moron “LtCaron Nazario” was not following the officers commands, he wouldn’t come out the car after being asked over, and over, and over like 15 times to do so. He kept acting stupid or maybe was HIGH! He looked stoned out of his mind, and can’t say nobody else hasn’t noticed?

The cop was actually nice considering the actions of LtCaron Nazario, and he was with a weapon in the car… How are the cops going to know if he’s even sane? There was nothing wrong at all done by the cops here, and to fire the one cop is a joke, and it shows how the powers on the left are hell bent on making the cops always the bad guys if now it’s a liberal who doesn’t obey the law.

Check out this video as the Lieutenant STOPPED by Police body cam is EXPLAINED by Officer Tatum…

What makes this case so incredibly sad is the cops did everything pretty much right! They didn’t shoot him, they de-escalated the situation which LtCaron Nazario was trying his best to make a bigger deal out of by avoiding to comply with the officers demands. I mean this is the sort of mentality which has now crept into the minds of these liberal young people who think they don’t have to listen to the law. This isn’t cause he’s black because a lot of White, Asians, Latinos also act this way. This is an elitist mentality. I’m Latino, and I’ve seen this sort of behavior first hand from some of my own.

The shocking thing is the cops were for the most part VERY reasonable, and should get applauded for being so patient with this absolute disgrace to the military. He should be dishonorably discharged and that’s my final say on this one folks I’ve seen enough to know that now the city is pandering to him cause he’s a black liberal in the Army.

The officer, Joe Gutierrez, was terminated for his role in the Dec. 5 encounter involving “LtCaron Nazario“, a second lieutenant in the U.S. Army Medical Corps, the town of Windsor, Va., said in a statement posted on its website.

Officials said an internal investigation had determined that Mr. Gutierrez’s actions were not consistent with the department’s policies. They did not provide further details on when Mr. Gutierrez had been fired.

Body camera footage of the encounter has drawn widespread attention and criticism of Mr. Gutierrez, as well as another officer who was also involved in the traffic stop. Both officers were sued on April 2 in U.S. District Court in Norfolk by “LtCaron Nazario“, who has accused the officers of using excessive force and violating his constitutional rights.

LtCaron Nazario” is what Pelosi, and the democRATS want to keep in the military while they’re actively throwing out conservative military people. In other words if you’re a white conservative military person the left will have you thrown out, and so they could keep morons like this. This dude was totally trying to set the cop up to do something to him so he could become another victim of police brutality. The fact is the officer is the victim of this morons idiotic behavior. They should arrest this man, and take him on in to jail for his idiotic behavior. This guy is also a liar, and someone who openly caused this to happen to him.

Wednesday, August 26, 2020

📷 Footage of Jacob Blake shotting, and yes it's justified!

IF The name Jacob Blake doesn’t ring a bell! It shouldn’t! Nobody should know who this idiot is but since we live in a world where now people riot everytime some dickhead does something that gets himself shot by a cop we have other dickheads with no lives, and a lot of time on their hands, and George Soros money so they go out, and riot, and loot, and hurt other innocent people, and murder all in the name of one moron who got himself shot. Now Jacob is the moron who was shot less than 3 minutes after Wisconsin police arrived at the scene. So he’s a special kind of stupid! I mean according to dispatch audio and I’ve seen the footage, and folks once again this was a justified shooting… This one is even easier to argue then most honestly but in all this stupidity by angry stupid people who don’t know right from wrong. Here we go again.

Multiple people shot during third night of protests in Kenosha, Wisconsin, following the police shooting of Jacob Blake… Get that? Now Jacob didn’t die in the shooting luckily for him but his Father Says Jacob Blake Is Paralyzed From Waist Down. IF You haven’t seen this video it’s clear this shooting by the cops is justified. Why can’t people understand that resisting arrest is not cool, and if a cop has a GUN drawn don’t walk away, and open the door to your car lean in like your gonna grab your gat while they’re literally giving you enough time to NOT do just that. This guy Jacob is some kind of stupid. I mean I feel for him he was probably raised by stupid parents but who knows. Dude is a moron. You haven’t seen the video of the shooting? Well I got it folks!

  • – Reports Multiple people were shot in Kenosha on the third night of protests
    – Gov. Tony Evers declared a state of emergency in Wisconsin and called on the National Guard in expectation of more protests

    – Jacob Blake’s father says his son is paralyzed from the waist down
    – The officers involved in have been placed on administrative leave

    – Wisconsin Department of Justice is still investigating

“After they punched him in his rib, the female officer tased him and Jacob kind of leaned on the car and they proceeded to wrestle him toward the back of the car and he went to the other side of the car,” White recalled. “When they were on the other side of the car on the ground, I had to pick up my camera and start recording.” So in other words the COPS Body CAM will clear up if White is lying.

The footage shows police confronting Blake on a sidewalk before the father of three walks away from them and moves toward the driver’s side of an SUV. Two of the officers followed him with their guns pointed at him, and then shot him as soon as he opened the door and leaned into the car, the video shows. Witnesses claim Blake had tried to break up a fight between two women when cops showed up and confronted him. Police confirmed they were investigating a “domestic” situation, but they have not said what led them to shoot. But anyone with a logical mind would have done the same if the guy walks away while you have guns pointed at him, and he opens his trucks door, and reaches in. I mean in the words of Joe Biden! “Come on man!” Seriously tho give me a break on this one people

The neighbor, who’s also Black, said the scene was so disturbing that he was unable to sleep Sunday night.
“The police want everybody to know they’re out here to protect and serve, but you guys are constantly giving us — Black people, in particular reasons not to let you guys protect and serve,” White told CNN. “We don’t want you guys around because we are scared for our lives. You come to an incident to disarm an argument, and this Black man gets shot. It wasn’t supposed to go down that.”

The Wisconsin Department of Justice is investigating the incident… But folks just watch the video. The reason he got shot is due to his own actions. He walks away from cops opens the door and reaches in. While guns are on him! Do some people just think they’re so untouchable and above the law that they actually think this behavior is ok? I mean this guys is a special kind of stupid.

“Protesters have begun to try to push over a fence in front of the courthouse in Kenosha. Sheriff’s deputies in riot gear have emerged from the courthouse. Some are throwing projectiles at the officers.”

“In an almost snakelike fashion, law enforcement push forward on their line and move people out of the park in front of the Kenosha County Courthouse. They’ve declared it an unlawful assembly.”

Wednesday, July 29, 2020

Chicago police chief Dion Boyd... Rest in Peace

Chicago police chief Dion Boyd A 30-year veteran of the Chicago Police Department was found dead Tuesday morning of an apparent self-inflicted gunshot wound the newly promoted, top-ranking Chicago officers body was found at the police facility that was recently targeted by anti-racism protests in the city. According to the Chicago Sun Times, Tuesday afternoon, Supt. David Brown confirmed that Deputy Chief of Criminal Networks Dion Boyd was found dead Tuesday morning of an apparent self-inflicted gunshot wound. His death comes less than two weeks after he was promoted to head the department’s drug crime unit. While speaking to the press at Chicago Police Department headquarters, Brown shared that the police deputy chief was “a respected command staff member,” who had been with the department for nearly 30 years.

“There’s really no way to convey or express the magnitude of this loss,” Brown confessed while remembering the 57-year-old who was discovered in the Homan Square police facility. “We are shocked and saddened at the loss that is deeply felt by me and the many colleagues and friends with whom Deputy Chief Boyd worked and mentored throughout his career.”

While Chicago PD stopped short of linking Boyd’s suicide to the ongoing protests over police brutality taking place in Chicago and all over the nation, he did note that, “The job of a Chicago police officer is not easy, particularly in a time where there is intensified stress.” And the Mayor BeetleJuice herself Lori Lightfoot is to blame for his death. She didn’t do her job, showed no support for the officers, and took the side of the criminals, and she’s got his death on her hands. His blood is on her like the blood of many who’ve died under her watch. She belongs in prison! But needs to resign NOW!

“Everyday life can seem insurmountable at times for anyone, but for police officers the stakes are even higher due to the tireless work that they do to safeguard others,” he said. He also implored any officers buckling under the weight of their responsibilities to “always remember to take care of ourselves and each other.”

“There is no shame in reaching out for help,” he added. “Please, officers, please, stay humble, stay human, stay safe and stay well.”

As the Sun Times notes, “Suicides have been a continuing problem for the Chicago Police Department for years. In 2017, the U.S. Justice Department reported that the city’s suicide rate among officers was 60% higher than the average of 18.1 officers per 100,000 nationally. The report recommended improvements in mental-health counseling available to officers.”

Mayor Beetlejuice Lori Lightfoot also publicly offered her condolences Tuesday afternoon… Like she gives a shit! I bet this bitch threw a fucking going away party when she heard he died. Fuck Lori and her Lightfoot in mouth!

“To every officer, we want you to know that you are deserving of help and healing, and no one needs to struggle alone,” Lightfoot tweeted…. So says the bitch who made things worse, and caused this man so much mental pain he killed himself. SHAME on her!

Tuesday, July 14, 2020

Schools Can’t Reopen Unless Charter Schools Shut Down, Police Are Defunded, Los Angeles Teachers Union Says

A teachers union in Los Angeles says the district can’t re-open schools until there is a “moratorium” on charter schools, and until police are defunded. Oh, and until there is “Medicare for all.” Oh, and until there’s a wealth tax and a federal bailout, too. Wait what does ANY of this have to do with Covid19 or opening the schools? But all all terms set by the United Teachers Los Angeles (UTLA), a 35,000-member union in the Los Angeles Unified School District, according to a policy paper released this week and first reported by Just The News. This is the left which is control as we know of our school system, and now they’re not just trying to get the “Green New Deal” passed folks! Since they know they can’t pass it because it’s been voted down by congress, and the senate, and was once ridiculed until the right $$$ changed hands, and now the entire left congress is behind it. INCLUDING Those once against it. $ee how that work$?

“It is time to take a stand against Trump’s dangerous, anti-science agenda that puts the lives of our members, our students, and our families at risk,” said UTLA President Cecily Myart-Cruz. Yes cause the PRESIDENT which gave us “SPACE FORCE” and has not ONCE said anything about being “Anti Science” is the one they’re going to go at. How about you all shut the fuck up, and stay shut the fuck down? You know since what you’re teaching our kids is fucking bullshit miss information anyway? Fuck the entire leftist union that is now not just loaded with socialists but the agenda is clear. “GIVE US WHAT WE WANT OR ELSE!” This folks is how they get what they want, and it’s called being a “Bully” “HOW ABOUT NO!” Get lost, and she continued in her stupidity by saying the following.

“We all want to physically open schools and be back with our students, but lives hang in the balance. Safety has to be the priority. We need to get this right for our communities.” So why take shots at the President, and make demands on things which have NOTHING to do with anything like “Defunding the Police”? What are you stupid?

“Even before the spike in infections and Trump’s reckless talk, there were serious issues with starting the year on school campuses. The state and federal governments have not provided the additional resources or funds needed for increased health and safety measures and there is not enough time for the district to put together the detailed, rigorous plans for a safe return to campus,” she said… Yeah “reckless” like hey we’re closing down flights TO and FROM CHINA to avoid a spread of a virus in January while Nasty Pelosi lied to everyone a month later, and told them that Trump was a racist, and xenophobe and to head to Chinatown and party it up! Don’t forget to bring her Chocolate ASS CREAM!! MMM MMM MMMMMMM!

Under the terms in the policy paper, the union wants to put children in small groups throughout the school day, mandate masks and protective equipment, and redesign school layouts to follow  “social distancing” guidelines. Which is all fine but again what does ANY of this have to do with the rest of their demands? Nothing appear to have anything to do with schools or student safety, the union called for “local support” in the form of defunded police departments and the shuttering of charter schools.

Police violence “is a leading cause of death and trauma for Black people, and is a serious public health and moral issue,” the union wrote. The policy paper calls on authorities to “shift the astronomical amount of money devoted to policing, to education and other essential needs such as housing and public health.” LIES! More black people kill black people that aren’t cops, and more whites die by cops hands or guns than blacks, and this is just more democRAT lies, and agenda driven politics to bully their demands. They’re now using your kids to get what they want folks… I say FUCK this union, and they need to be shut down immidiately. This is how they brain wash, and create a country of chaos and anarchy.

“Privately operated, publicly funded charter schools,” meanwhile, “drain resources from district schools,” the union said. The practice of allowing charter schools to use existing educational facilities “adds students to campuses when we need to reduce the number of students to allow for physical distancing.”

But none of that is enough. The union also demands a Medicare-for-All program, new taxes on wealthy people, and a “federal bailout” of the school district. “The benefits to restarting physical schools must outweigh the risks, especially for our most vulnerable students and school communities,” the policy paper says. “As it stands, the only people guaranteed to benefit from the premature physical reopening of schools amidst a rapidly accelerating pandemic are billionaires and the politicians they’ve purchased.”

School reopening has become a hot issue of late, and a teachers union in New Jersey is demanding weekly COVID-19 tests and mandatory face masks for all children. But if this is what they want, and are trying to force issues that don’t make sense I say keep the schools closed, and destroy this union, and to be honest the teachers that teach Socialism & Communism as a possitive need to be sent to prison like they would have been in the 50’s and 60’s. The world doesn’t need more failed bullshit like those institutions, and especially not in this country.

Thursday, June 18, 2020

CNN’s Van Jones Praises President Trump For Police Reform Exec. Order

So after the death of Saint George Floyd at the hands of a idiot Police officers that sparked weeks of violent protests and riots across our country, President Trump just signed a police reform executive order that’s being praised on both the left and the right.

The Hill – The executive order allows the Justice Department to allocate discretionary grant funding to police departments for police training and de-escalation techniques. The department eligible for funding are required to be certified by federally approved bodies.

The measure prioritizes federal funding for police departments that embrace de-escalation tactics, including a ban on chokeholds outside of instances where an officer’s life is in danger, and improves the government’s ability to track officers with a history of excessive force complaints.

The president’s executive order coincides with ongoing negotiations in Congress for police reform legislation. Sen.Tim Scott (R-S.C.), who is spearheading the effort for Senate Republicans, is expected to introduce his bill on Wednesday.

President Trump explained his executive order to Americans: “The vast majority of police officers are selfless and courageous public servants. They are great men and women. That is why today, I’m signing an executive order encouraging police departments nationwide to adopt the highest professional standards to serve their communities.” He added, “These standards will be as high and as strong as there is on earth.”

CNN’s Van Jones praised President Trump for his executive order on police reform. Here’s the transcript from the clip below:

The executive order is a good thing —uh, mainly because you saw the support of law enforcement there. That gives you a sense of where the bottom is—where the floor is for reform. And that floor is higher than it has been.

There’s movement in the direction of a database for bad cops. We’ve never been a federal database for bad cops, that’s why these bad cops go all over the place doing bad stuff. The idea that you can now have de-escalators now alongside cops. You can talk people down, and not shoot people down. The choke-hold, that’s common ground now between Pelosi and Trump. So, you see good stuff there.

Former DC Police Chief calls President Trump’s executive order on policing, “very positive” and says it moves in the right direction.

Dr. Ben Carson praised Trump’s executive order:

Over the last several weeks, @POTUS has had honest and constructive conversations about societal inconsistencies with community leaders and law enforcement officers. He has put forward for the American people policies that would ensure justice is served when injustices occur.

This Executive Order proves that if we as a country continue to work together, instead of against each other, we can improve the lives of all Americans. Thanks to President Trump, both law and order, and justice for oppression will secure a brighter morning for every community.

Wednesday, June 17, 2020

She knows Kung Fool!

The liberals are known for their loving and understanding ways but sometimes violent measures need to be taken, and so they must be ready at all times. This one protester from the Seattle “Capitol Hill Autonomous Zone” is out showing off her newly learned NINJA skills, and all while she wears an orange peel as a face mask.

Good news is coming up as cops are busting some of these Antifa morons, and arresting them. But then they are letting some go? Grow some balls why don’t you and keep these fucks in jail! Check out this below!

#BlackLivesMatter #Antifa

Black Lives Matter Activist Oluwatoyin Salau Found Dead! REST IN PEACE!

So check this story out guys 19-year-old Black Lives Matter activist and protester “Oluwatoyin Salau” has been found dead just days after tweeting that a man who offered her a ride to church had sexually assaulted her.

“Anyways I was molested in Tallahassee, Florida by a black man this morning at 5:30 on Richview and Park Ave. The man offered to give me a ride to find someplace to sleep and recollect my belongings from a church I refuged to a couple days back to escape unjust living conditions,” she wrote in the tweet… Guess that’s how you tweet about being raped or molested. “Anyways” so yeah Anyways…. Check out her Tweet below.

According to reports, Salau was last seen in Tallahassee, Florida, on June 6, according to a tweet from the Tallahassee Police Department’s Special Victims Unit. But wait didn’t she belong to Black Lives Matter? Don’t they want to do away with the police? Well what’s one to do in this situation? Do they go on, and investigate? Or do they say “nope can’t do nothing for you man!” Seriously it’s sad that this happened to her but how ironic don’t you think?

The police department has not yet issued a public statement about Salau’s death but tweeted to say that they had found two bodies while investigating a missing person’s case. They also stated that they had a suspect in custody.

#JusticeForToyin is currently trending online.

Now how many people here feel like this whole Black Lives Matter / Antifa talk about the police is starting to look rather stupid. A black guy raped, and killed her, and the cops are doing their job. Oh, and to be fair they’re still doing their job given she was someone part of a group who wants to abolish the police. Hope this is a good example of how stupid it is to ask to defund of abolish the police. IF Not than you’re really really retarded as fuck.

Check out some of the videos below…

Tuesday, June 16, 2020

Terry Crews defends 'Black supremacy' tweet, calls out Joe Biden's 'you ain't Black' comment

The Actor and all around loved Terry Crews is standing by his controversial tweet warning against “Black supremacy.”

As protests continued nationwide following the death of George Floyd, Crews, 51, tweeted on June 7, “Defeating White supremacy without White people creates Black supremacy. Equality is the truth. Like it or not, we are all in this together.” The tweet immediately went viral with both “Terry Crews” and “Black Supremacy” trending on Twitter as users blasted the comment.

In a recent interview on “The Talk” Tuesday, the “Brooklyn Nine-Nine” star defended his tweet’s message, though he admitted it was worded in a controversial way. “What I said was, defeating white supremacy without white people could create Black supremacy,” Crews said, adding that “in Black America, we have gatekeepers.”

“We have people who have decided who is going to be Black and who’s not,” he continued. “And I simply because I have a mixed-race wife (Rebecca King-Crews) have been discounted from the conversation a lot of the time, by very, very militant movements, the Black power movement. I’ve been called all kinds of things like an Uncle Tom simply because I’m successful, simply because I’ve worked my way out of Flint, Michigan.” Crews also brought up a testy exchange between Black radio host Charlamagne tha God and Joe Biden, in which the presidential hopeful said “you ain’t Black” if you’re struggling to choose between him or President Donald Trump.

“The problem with that is, Black people have different views,” Crews said. “When you’re white, you can be Republican, Libertarian, Democrat. You can be anything. But if you’re Black, you have to be one thing.”

He continued: “Blackness is always judged. It’s always put up against this thing, and I’m going, ‘Wait a minute: That right there is a supremacist move. You have now put yourself above other Black people.’ ”

Though he understands the term “Black supremacy” is controversial, Crews said he doesn’t regret using it, since it sparked an important dialogue.

“I can’t really regret it, because I really want the dialogue to come out,” he said. “Maybe there’s another term that might be better we’re ‘separatist’ or ‘elitist’ or something like that. But the thing is, I’ve experienced supremacy even growing up. I’ve had Black people tell me that the white man is the devil. I’ve experienced whole organizations that because of the suffering of Black people, they have decided that now, we are not equal, we’re better. And I think that’s a mistake.”

According to the actor, supremacy “is a spiritual problem.” “In your head, you can look at yourself and you can develop a dangerous self-righteousness that could really hurt what we’re trying to do right now,” he continued. “We have to include this white voice, this Hispanic voice, this Asian voice. We have to include it right now, because if we don’t, it’s going to slip into something we are really not prepared for.”

Monday, June 15, 2020

Miami Marlins Michael Hill Supports B.L.M Terrorists!

Marlins executive speaks out on ‘Black Lives Matter,’ how change needs to come, and how he supports their movement. As we have become fully aware these past two weeks this group along with Anti-fa have destroyed, looted, and rioted all over this country. This are terrorists in our own country! They are Domestic terror groups, and now we know where Michael Hill, the Miami Marlins, and MLB stand. Not behind our rule of law, or constitution. But they stand behind terrorists groups. And again instead of using his platform to try and bring unity Hill like BLM use it to bring more division to the country.

I for one don’t need sports or new media “entertainment” coming from Hollyweird if this is how they feel. They can all go to hell. Hope they never reopen at this point. How do you like them Apples Mr Hill?

Michael Hill wrapped up a busy week with the MLB draft. As president of baseball operations for the Miami Marlins, Hill was ecstatic with the pitchers the team was able to find in the draft. He believes the future is bright for the organization.

But, Hill also had an issue he wanted to discuss that he felt was much more important to the future, and it had nothing to do with baseball.

Hill joined Local 10 Sports Sunday and discussed a topic that is at the forefront of so many conversations these days in America; racial injustice and police brutality toward members of the black community.

Hill is one of only a handful of black executives in Major League Baseball. He was born to an African-American father and a Cuban mother. He feels he can be part of the voice for change and said now is the time to take action.

“We rallied our group of leaders in baseball and said, ‘Enough is enough.’ Racial injustice, we know it’s despicable, but we know that we all can do more. We know as a powerful group we can do more. We can bring awareness, which was the first goal, but the second goal was to try and keep this movement moving forward,” Hill explained on the show.

Hill knows that people care, but he wants to make sure that it doesn’t stop with just words and statements of change.

“So many times when something awful happens, we all acknowledge it’s awful and then we’re on to our next thing in 24 hours, but this was something that we wanted to put our money where our mouth was. We wanted to make sure that this movement continues and change is truly put in place,” Hill stressed.

He added, “We understand that ’Black Lives Matter,’ but we also wanted to show that we are united for change. Thirty competitors in baseball were united and we’re all going to use our voices that we have to do more. There’s some self reflection that we all have to do.”

MLB announced that donations were made to several organizations that support and fight for racial justice, including the NAACP Legal Defense and Education Fund, Equal Justice Initiative, Color OF Change, Campaign Zero and the Jackie Robinson Foundation.

Ice Cube agrees to pay 100K to Walmart if looters are not charged

So now not just looters, and rioters get to steal your stuff but a 80’s has been rapper who now makes movies playing cops all the time bail you out, and reward you for your bad actions.

Some of the video footage we have seen of a crowd looting at a Walmart Super center in Tampa Bay, Florida was recently released by the Hillsborough County Sheriff’s Office. Authorities asked for the public to help identify individuals who broke into the store and reportedly stole $100K worth of items on May 30 following protests over the untimely death of George Floyd, according to HCSO.

Authorities say that a crowd of people took items out of the electronics section, which included computers, TVs, and more. Walmart reported an estimated $116,000 in lost merchandise and ensuing damages. After CBS News tweeted that police are looking for those who were involved in the looting, rapper-actor Ice Cube responded by saying that he would take care of the damages if no one who was involved was arrested.

“No arrest and I’ll cover the 100k. Deal?” Ice Cube tweeted…. Walmart should issue a press release simply saying “LMAO HOW ABOUT NO!”

Some social media users responded to the post by alluding to America’s history of looting countries, cultures and the Black community, and I ask what does the history of America have to do with America today? Nothing!

Stop living in the past, and move to the future we’re in a different time, and era, and have made a lot of movements to move past racial injustice in this country but no matter what Ice Cube thinks this is still a better, and safer environment than say CHINA for black people.

I wonder why isn’t he helping the black people beat down, and thrown out of their homes in CHINA when the Pandemic happened? Why doesn’t he spend money helping needy children in Haiti or other charities? But people who steal, riot, and loot over the death of a scumbag’s death he will cover your bad actions as long as it’s over that? ICE Cube you have gone full retard, and belong living in “Fucktardistan” with the rest of your socialist morons who want to destroy this country… So now we know you’re the new “DOJ” (Department OF Jokes) head of Fucktardistan.

“Yes stealing is wrong, but when the Government has been stealing from you for generations and holding you down in the Justice System from getting ahead for the color of your skin, then how can you blame them for not turning the other cheek,” And what does Walmart or any small mom and pop store that got destroyed, and robbed have to do with the “government” ? NOTHING! Oh, and ICE check it out you idiot 1 out of the 4 cops was black, 1 was Asian, and 2 were white… On the Atlanta cops which got fired recently 5 were black, and 1 was white.

This isn’t a racial issue you moron! This is an issue where cops who have a hard job as it is are constantly dealing with young people who think they’re above the law, and resist arrest, and act like total morons, and you ICE CUBE paying for them not to get in trouble over looting, and rioting will do nothing but make it OK for them to do it again, and you’re encouraging this sort of anarchy, and behavior. So ICE CUBE Shut the fuck up, and get fucking lost. Remember “Fuck the Police” well right now I’m yelling “FUCK ICE CUBE” and I’m a rapper/podcaster who’s Latino.

I know a lot of rappers who get it, and think what Cube is doing is retarded, and are just afraid to say it do to the scrutiny by these morons on the left who will attack anyone for their views, and I’m not one of those… Nobody on the left will silence me, and no rapper in the industry scares me or will silence me.

So Cube you can kiss my ass you idiot… Now we know where you stand.

Twitter user @sb5Holly wrote.

View Ice Cube’s tweet below:

Saturday, June 13, 2020

Florida spike in coronavirus cases

So I wonder how many of these new cases in Florida’s spike in coronavirus cases could be as a result of the so called civil unrest? There is already talk that it could lead to another stay-at-home order in Miami, mayor says.

Today was the third consecutive day the state reported a staggering amount of new infections… hmmmm wonder why?

As morons, and idiots or “protesters” continue to march in big gatherings following the death of the now “Saint George Floyd”, as the media is painting this career criminal, and businesses gradually resume their reopening’s, these new numbers from the Florida Department of Health paint a troubling trend when it comes to the Chinese virus.

“It does concern me to see these numbers going up, particularly when I’m looking at hospitalizations, as they go up,” said Dr. Aileen Marty from the Florida International University College of Medicine.

An additional 2,581 coronavirus cases were reported statewide on Saturday, setting a new daily record.

That includes 214 new cases among Broward County residents and startling 576 new cases in Miami-Dade.

Doctor Marty studies infectious diseases at FIU and attributes part of the rise to the recent protests.

“That brought a lot of people together, some of whom were not careful and got too close together, and of course were shouting, which helps the virus,”

While many beaches and businesses are also reopening, Dr. Marty said it may be too soon to know if that is also contributing to the alarming, statewide spike… No shit Sherlock!

“We want to have the economy open, but we can only do that if we’re all recognizing that there is this incredibly dangerous virus,” said Dr. Marty. So what these idiots are doing is just infecting themselves.

It’s a trend Miami Mayor Francis Suarez is also watching closely, and said that “There are major concerns as the cases continue to rise,” while
appearing on “Good Morning America” earlier today (Saturday 06-13-2020), Suarez would not rule out issuing another stay at home order if the number of new cases continues to increase.

“We have been data driven since the first day, and we are going to continue to be data driven,” he said. “We may have to make some decisions after this weekend.” Hey here would be a hilarious idea! What if most of those idiots protesting, and rioting ALL get sick and a big chunk of them drop dead!? We know they’re probably not voting for Trump right? To quote Charlie Sheen… “WINNING!”

‘This is power’: Anti-racism protesters march peacefully through downtown Miami

While chanting “Black lives matter” and “we are gods,” the crowd of a few hundred anti-racism demonstrators marched noisily but peacefully through downtown Miami and Brickell on Friday evening, stopping traffic at times but after more than two hours, the marchers circled back just before dusk to downtown Miami, where a group of protesters climbed a ramp to Interstate 95. They hurled insults at a line of Florida Highway Patrol troopers clad in riot gear blocking their path to the northbound side of the highway before turning and climbing back down to street level.

The demonstrators began dispersing without further incident just after 8:30 p.m. The protest march started at the Torch of Friendship in Bayfront Park. Organizers insisted that protesters stay peaceful, cautioning that police “are edgy today.”

“The police do not protect us. We protect each other,” one young woman told followers. “Do not call police. If anyone calls police, I’m going to find out and we’re going to have an issue.”

One young man wore a Guy Fawkes mask and held an upside-down American flag, a symbol of distress. Another wielded a metal garbage can lid as a shield. Organizers passed out bags with water, first-aid kits, umbrellas and helmets.

China Ludlow, 28, on a bicycle with a “no justice, no peace” sign attached to her backpack, said she had attended all the protests held in Miami since George Floyd was killed by Minneapolis police during an arrest for allegedly passing a bad $20 bill. Her name being “China” is adding to the hilarity of the whole thing. Oh, and she’s protesting for a guy who again once pistol whipped a pregnant woman, and who was high on METH! Now what a hero… lol She said that “Systemic racism has plagued my community for all my life,” she said, adding “This is power. Numbers win.”

The mixed crowd of mostly teenagers and 20-somethings criticized “all cops” as bad. Protesters also implored others in the crowd not to talk to reporters. Some tried unsuccessfully to block news and TV photographers from taking pictures. One woman pushed a photographer for the Miami Herald and El Nuevo Herald with an umbrella.

One man claiming to want to support Black Lives Matter but wearing a Trump 2020 pin was asked to leave. Another man — bragging about his $2,000 sunglasses nearly came to blows with some protesters before he was chased away.

The march left Bayfront around 4:30 p.m., with participants chanting “no peace, no justice” as the participants walked along Northeast First Avenue to the Miami-Dade Courthouse. A Honda with four people in it stopped to hand out water to demonstrators on North Miami Avenue. The car had a speaker on top, blaring the song, “How many more times?”

The county earlier closed courthouses in downtown Miami, the Civic Center near Jackson Memorial Hospital and the Caleb Center in Liberty City and sent workers home, apparently as a precaution. Though a couple of previous protests became disruptive, police presence was not heavy and marchers were mostly orderly. Watchful ranks of officers kept their distance by the Miami police headquarters next to Interstate 95, but the demonstrators never approached it.

As they crossed the South Miami Avenue bridge into Brickell, escorted by Miami police on bicycles, the protesters briefly blocked traffic before proceeding to Brickell City Center, a high-end commercial and residential complex, where they sat in the street and took up chants of “f— capitalism” and “eat the rich.”

“We can’t even afford to shop here!” one demonstrator shouted.

Some bystanders expressed support for the marchers… Amanda Allen, 31, tended bar from a window at the Blackbird Ordinary at Southeast First Avenue in Brickell. She was hoping to serve some drinks to protesters, but said she also supports the cause.

“Every time I go outside, I’m reminded I’m a Black woman, so it’s very important to me,” she said.

The demonstrators then turned back toward downtown, striding up Brickell Avenue to the Miami River. Around 7 p.m., traffic was backed up for several blocks approaching the Brickell Avenue drawbridge as protesters blocked the span.

Miami Statues Vandalized As Protest Turns Chaotic…