Showing posts with label defund the police. Show all posts
Showing posts with label defund the police. Show all posts

Wednesday, February 5, 2025

New DNC Leader is Soy-boy David Hogg?

Democrats just picked an IDIOT as their NEW LEADER... You read it right the David Hogg who is a Crisis Actor and who lied about his involvement in the school shooting during Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School (2018) and now that his brain washing is complete as he went to Harvard University (2023) afterall. But he a liberal radical young dumbass has been named the DNC new leader! This is incredible both because it shows how incompetent the DNC is and how lost in translation they are as they are now under this guy? A guy who wants to abolish ICE, Defund the police, wants to take away our rights to bare arms and acts like a Chuck Schumer dictator clone when he gives speeches. 

This dude is a moron and will continue to showcase to the country just how evil these liberals are and I for one laugh at this move by the left. This is a gift to the Republicans who can now secure the elections for decades to come after this current Trump white house.

America will NEVER give up these rights as they keep us safe David so you should resign and go where you belong at a job at a fast food joint in China! GET OUT! But it's becoming clear to not just us who know this kid as a liar, and moron who voted for Trump but some centrist Dems fear David Hogg could ‘do more harm than good.’ 

Inside the Democratic Party, Hogg’s election and the resulting coverage has been accompanied by frustration among centrists that a 24-year-old March for our Lives co-founder with a million followers could hurt the party’s brand, especially in swing districts. 

They vented that his ascension is representative of Democrats’ failure to grapple with some voters’ frustration that the party is overly concerned with diversity and appeals to the far left. “The most worrying thing is if he carries into this new job a belief that saying what he was saying, but louder, is the way to prevail in red states,” said Matt Bennett, co-founder of the center-left group Third Way. “Because it isn’t … If he believes that it is, that’s going to be a real problem for our candidates in those places.” Bennett added, “He came up as an activist, but now he is a party leader, and that’s a very, very different role.”

Another Democratic strategist, granted anonymity to speak candidly, complained that Hogg can now “go on TV as a vice chair for the DNC, speak on behalf of the Democratic Party, in a way that can do more harm than good.” 

Hogg, who first rose to prominence after becoming a survivor of the 2018 school shooting at Parkland High School in Florida, pitched himself to DNC members as a solution to Democrats’ growing youth problem, calling for the party to make concrete efforts to include young people in party business for example, by covering the costs of travel to meetings for people who make less than $100,000, a barrier for some hoping to participate. 

He argued in DNC candidate forums that Democrats shouldn’t be “afraid to talk about the hard-to-talk-about issues.”

“Our party failed to connect with voters this year because they felt like we ignored them. We need to listen again and have the tough conversations with people from across the political spectrum and I’m committed to doing that work,” Hogg said in a statement to POLITICO. During his DNC campaign, Hogg didn’t pitch himself as a hardcore ideologue. Rather, he urged the party to “become better storytellers” about what Democrats do because the “American people do not think we care about them” and they “don’t think we deliver for them.”

“I found him to be focused and pragmatic because he understands that’s the best pathway for success,” said John Della Volpe, director of Harvard University’s youth poll, who has worked with Hogg. “Over the time I’ve known him, he’s grown into a leader who understands that the goal is to win.” 

The message resonated in the DNC elections over the weekend. Hogg carried an impressive list of endorsements, including from Minnesota Gov. Tim Walz, American Federation of Teachers President Randi Weingarten and Rep. Maxwell Frost (D-Fla.). Artie Blanco, a union organizer and longtime DNC member from Nevada, and Pennsylvania state Rep. Malcolm Kenyatta were also elected to national vice chair positions over the weekend.

“Pumped for David, who is IN THE ARENA and helping DEMS BE COOL AGAIN,” Jack Schlossberg, a Democratic influencer and the grandson of President John F. Kennedy, wrote on X. But that’s not how Hogg’s election played in the conservative press. “New DNC vice chair sets social media ablaze after ‘radical’ posts exposed: ‘Learned absolutely nothing,’” blared Fox News. Newsweek reported, “New DNC Vice Chair Called to Abolish ICE,” while the National Review offered, “It’s Time to Go Hogg-Wild at the Democratic National Committee!”

In his statement to POLITICO, Hogg said of his reception from conservative media, in part, “I’m used to it, but I’ve never let that right-wing propaganda stop me from showing up, uplifting young voices, and working to unify all corners of our party.” In some ways, the discussion surrounding Hogg infused into the DNC elections an ideological debate that had been all but absent in the race for chair, which Ken Martin of Minnesota won after a campaign largely focused on the nuts and bolts of running elections.

It was a departure from long standing divisions in the party between centrists and the left flank a welcome development for many party operatives scrambling after their November losses to put up a unified front against President Donald Trump.

But Hogg’s elevation was a reminder of how tense some of those intraparty rifts remain. Following the election, Liam Kerr, co-founder of a PAC supporting centrist Democrats, wrote on X that Hogg was a “symptom” of many Democratic problems, including being a “white guy who panders” and a Democrat who “shits on moderates who won.” 

Of particular frustration was Hogg’s post on X after Rep. Mary Peltola (D-Alaska) lost re-election in November. “Good riddance,” Hogg posted on Nov. 16. “Turns out being weak on gun control doesn’t save you. Peltola was awful on gun control.”

“Whose side are you on?” said Lauren Harper Pope, who co-founded Welcome PAC with Kerr. “Ok, you can have your perspective on guns, but you’re trying to make the tent smaller.” Shasti Conrad, the chair of the Washington State Democrats who challenged Hogg for one of the vice chair roles, said of Hogg, “I believe that for the party to rebuild itself effectively, we needed leaders who not only brought passion and energy but also have a strong understanding of how the party apparatus works.” Hogg was evidently sufficiently familiar with the party apparatus to win.

And some Democrats even those critical of his past comments are leaving open the possibility that he might moderate them now that he holds a position in the party. “He can either be the caricature of who he is on TV and online, or he can go deeper,” said a DNC member, granted anonymity to discuss the issue candidly. “We don’t know yet what to expect from him.”

Sunday, August 8, 2021

‘Do you want me to die?’ Cori Bush asks! Well...

Talk about an act of pure hypocrisy! Cori Bush hits out at critics accusing her of just that over defund the police stance as she pays an outrageous amount on her own personal safety on our tax payer money. So she said ‘Do you want me to die?’ NOW before we all rush, and click “YES” on that poll guys calm down. The crazy lunatic progressive moron Democratic Congresswoman Cori Bush says she spent nearly $70,000 on private security after facing attempts on her life.

The Missouri so called representative, who has repeatedly called on her party to “defund the police”, spent just under $30,000 a month between mid-April and the end of June, according to Federal Electoral Commission filings. So we can go to hell and have less police to protect us poor folk while Cori Bush who clearly is worth more then us common folk needs that sort of spending (on us) for her safety. So Rep Bush, 45, hit back at critics who said she was hypocritical to retain private security officers while calling for cuts to police funding.

“They would rather I die?” she asked when asked about the spending by CBS News in what is a very telling, and hilarious peak into the mind of this idiot someone voted for in their district. This folks is hilarious, and the internet has been reacting to this one from everyone. I’ve put together a playlist below for your entertainment.

“You would rather me die? Is that what you want to see? You want to see me die? You know because that could be the alternative,” she said. So with this she’s saying that her life is worth more than yours, and she needs your taxpayer money to protect herself while she keeps making the case to take away our protection. Remember this when it’s time to vote folks. She’s a crazy, and dumb person and she doesn’t belong in anywhere near political office.

A defiant Rep Bush said she would continue to hire security personnel because she has “too much work to do.” She’s done no work since she got in but trash the cops, and Trump, and Republican’s. This is literally all she’s done she has not done 1 single thing for her community which was positive but she says “So suck it up, and defunding the police has to happen. “We need to defund police and put that money into social safety nets.” Yeah because sending a social working to a case where someone might be high on drugs, and threatening a life is a smart idea. Only from an idiot and she clearly fits that bill. The critics took to social media to accuse the so-called member of the “Fraud Squad” as we call her here, and “The Squad” as others call them which is a group of progressive Democratic representatives, of “total hypocrisy.“

Bush says she’s important enough to have her own private security, but the police that protect the rest of America need to be defunded,” Georgia Congressman Jody Hice wrote… This is why folks votes matter, and in the areas in 2020 that were issues during the election we find these women representing the part of these swing states. You wonder how they fixed the election? Follow the connecting dots. These congress women were all in on it along with mayors like Lori Lightfoot in Chicago, Keisha Lance Bottoms in Atlanta, Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, also known as AOC, New York’s 14th congressional district, Rashida Harbi Tlaib Michigan’s 13th congressional district, and so on.

These women were all placed in these areas after President Trump won in order to set up these swing states to have the “FIX” happen, and they had help from people like Stacey Abrams who served in the Georgia House of Representatives from 2007 to 2017 and as we know refused to concede her loss in the gubernatorial election to Brian Kemp. Going as far as saying “I acknowledge that former Secretary of State Brian Kemp will be certified as the victor in the 2018 gubernatorial election.” Followed by “You see, I’m supposed to say nice things and accept my fate. They will complain that I should not use this moment to recap what was done wrong or to demand a remedy. And I will not concede because the erosion of our democracy is not right.” But she trashed Trump when he questioned the 2020 election. Also her sister is a Judge and she refused to even see the mounting proof that there was fowl play in the state. Why did she refuse to let the proof be seen? Because she was also in on it. Now “The arrogance is outmatched only by the insanity.” Calls to “defund the police” emerged from the 2020 civil rights protests over the death of George Floyd.

Floyd who was under arrest, and was high refused to be calm after he was arrested for a crime, and caused the issue which lead to his unfortunate death. Mind you “Floyd” who had a long career criminal record, and one which included him going to prison after holding a pregnant woman hostage, and robbing her a few years before his death. He wasn’t a good guy folks and while his death was wrong, and the cop did wrong he was not someone who you should call to defund the police over. But this is my opinion… Now Rep Bush is one of several left-leaning Democrats who have called for police forces to be stripped of some of their resources and for it to be redirected into social services such as mental health crisis facilities.

“Defund the police” also became a rallying cry for Republicans to taunt their Democratic opponents during the 2020 election, but was never considered a viable policy platform within the party. On Thursday, White House press secretary Jen Psaki said that President Joe Biden did not support defunding the police during a press briefing.

“He has said that throughout his campaign for office. His record over the last several decades has made that clear,” Ms Psaki told reporters.

“’There may be some in the Democratic Party, including Congresswoman Bush, who disagree with him – that’s OK.

“But I would say the majority of Democrats, we’ve seen this in polling, and the majority of members also agree that we should not defund the police.” Rep Bush spoke to CBS News from the steps of the Capitol where she camped out for several nights this week to protest the end of the rent eviction moratorium. In an 11th hour decision, the Biden administration extended the eviction moratorium in areas with high rates of coronavirus transmission. Ms Bush was supported by fellow ‘Squad member’ Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, and Senators Bernie Sanders and Elizabeth Warren.

This folks is what’s wrong with America today, an these states are hurting from these morons who are being “elected” which is becoming more and more a term that needs investigation in on itself. This I hope is something people do remember in the upcoming elections.

Tuesday, July 14, 2020

Schools Can’t Reopen Unless Charter Schools Shut Down, Police Are Defunded, Los Angeles Teachers Union Says

A teachers union in Los Angeles says the district can’t re-open schools until there is a “moratorium” on charter schools, and until police are defunded. Oh, and until there is “Medicare for all.” Oh, and until there’s a wealth tax and a federal bailout, too. Wait what does ANY of this have to do with Covid19 or opening the schools? But all all terms set by the United Teachers Los Angeles (UTLA), a 35,000-member union in the Los Angeles Unified School District, according to a policy paper released this week and first reported by Just The News. This is the left which is control as we know of our school system, and now they’re not just trying to get the “Green New Deal” passed folks! Since they know they can’t pass it because it’s been voted down by congress, and the senate, and was once ridiculed until the right $$$ changed hands, and now the entire left congress is behind it. INCLUDING Those once against it. $ee how that work$?

“It is time to take a stand against Trump’s dangerous, anti-science agenda that puts the lives of our members, our students, and our families at risk,” said UTLA President Cecily Myart-Cruz. Yes cause the PRESIDENT which gave us “SPACE FORCE” and has not ONCE said anything about being “Anti Science” is the one they’re going to go at. How about you all shut the fuck up, and stay shut the fuck down? You know since what you’re teaching our kids is fucking bullshit miss information anyway? Fuck the entire leftist union that is now not just loaded with socialists but the agenda is clear. “GIVE US WHAT WE WANT OR ELSE!” This folks is how they get what they want, and it’s called being a “Bully” “HOW ABOUT NO!” Get lost, and she continued in her stupidity by saying the following.

“We all want to physically open schools and be back with our students, but lives hang in the balance. Safety has to be the priority. We need to get this right for our communities.” So why take shots at the President, and make demands on things which have NOTHING to do with anything like “Defunding the Police”? What are you stupid?

“Even before the spike in infections and Trump’s reckless talk, there were serious issues with starting the year on school campuses. The state and federal governments have not provided the additional resources or funds needed for increased health and safety measures and there is not enough time for the district to put together the detailed, rigorous plans for a safe return to campus,” she said… Yeah “reckless” like hey we’re closing down flights TO and FROM CHINA to avoid a spread of a virus in January while Nasty Pelosi lied to everyone a month later, and told them that Trump was a racist, and xenophobe and to head to Chinatown and party it up! Don’t forget to bring her Chocolate ASS CREAM!! MMM MMM MMMMMMM!

Under the terms in the policy paper, the union wants to put children in small groups throughout the school day, mandate masks and protective equipment, and redesign school layouts to follow  “social distancing” guidelines. Which is all fine but again what does ANY of this have to do with the rest of their demands? Nothing appear to have anything to do with schools or student safety, the union called for “local support” in the form of defunded police departments and the shuttering of charter schools.

Police violence “is a leading cause of death and trauma for Black people, and is a serious public health and moral issue,” the union wrote. The policy paper calls on authorities to “shift the astronomical amount of money devoted to policing, to education and other essential needs such as housing and public health.” LIES! More black people kill black people that aren’t cops, and more whites die by cops hands or guns than blacks, and this is just more democRAT lies, and agenda driven politics to bully their demands. They’re now using your kids to get what they want folks… I say FUCK this union, and they need to be shut down immidiately. This is how they brain wash, and create a country of chaos and anarchy.

“Privately operated, publicly funded charter schools,” meanwhile, “drain resources from district schools,” the union said. The practice of allowing charter schools to use existing educational facilities “adds students to campuses when we need to reduce the number of students to allow for physical distancing.”

But none of that is enough. The union also demands a Medicare-for-All program, new taxes on wealthy people, and a “federal bailout” of the school district. “The benefits to restarting physical schools must outweigh the risks, especially for our most vulnerable students and school communities,” the policy paper says. “As it stands, the only people guaranteed to benefit from the premature physical reopening of schools amidst a rapidly accelerating pandemic are billionaires and the politicians they’ve purchased.”

School reopening has become a hot issue of late, and a teachers union in New Jersey is demanding weekly COVID-19 tests and mandatory face masks for all children. But if this is what they want, and are trying to force issues that don’t make sense I say keep the schools closed, and destroy this union, and to be honest the teachers that teach Socialism & Communism as a possitive need to be sent to prison like they would have been in the 50’s and 60’s. The world doesn’t need more failed bullshit like those institutions, and especially not in this country.

Tuesday, July 7, 2020

🚨 Police called by AntiFa Girl and she Loses Her Mind!

So I just came across this video from a few days ago of an AntiFa Girl Getting Challenged For Trolling A Freedom Rally, and she totally wigs out, and Calls The Police… Guys she Loses Her goddamn Mind! From the looks of it she ain’t got much of a mind but man this video is hilarious, and shows the crazy behavior of these women in Antifa. Seriously this is some funny, and sad shit. WTF is going on with these chicks?

Sunday, June 7, 2020

Trump pounces on Biden’s loss of support from police unions

President Donald Trump pounced on the news that “The Sniffler” and Democratic nominee Joe Biden is losing support from the nation’s police unions! Which is a major blowback to his anti police stance he’s had recently. The grand Sniffler Joe Biden has sided decisively with the mobs calling for sweeping reforms to policing in the wake of the death of George Floyd cause as we all know the actions of 1 person should destroy the lives of everyone else in that career. Oh boy it’s alienating police unions, according to an article from Politico that Trump shared in a tweet Thursday.

America’s cities have seen widespread violence after Floyd, an unarmed black man, was killed by Minneapolis cops. Violent clashes have played out between rioters and cops all across the country, leading to cops getting run over, shot, and in some instances, killed.

Shedding a past reputation for being tough on crime, Biden has sought to present himself as a “healer” who can unify the country and help rid police departments of “systemic racism” and it’s costing him support from cops who used to like him… Remember by his own words Biden has put policies into play that has put more BLACK people behind bars then anyone else. In a speech Tuesday, Biden condemned America as a racist country, vowed to establish a national police oversight commission in his first 100 days, and called for legislation to reform policing, such as by banning choke holds.

In response, Bill Johnson, executive director of the National Association of Police Organizations, the umbrella group for Police Benevolent Association chapters, told Politico that the former vice president’s primary season pandering “kept moving left and fell off the deep end.” The break is significant: the group supported former President Barack Obama’s campaigns in 2008 and 2012 because of Biden, but no longer.

“For Joe Biden, police are shaking their heads because he used to be a stand-up guy who backed law enforcement,” Johnson said, according to Politico. “But it seems in his old age, for whatever reason, he’s writing a sad final chapter when it comes to supporting law enforcement.”

While President Trump has also said that more must be done to rid policing of putative racism, his rhetoric has focused overall on “law and order,” while highlighting demands from some progressives to defund police departments altogether. Trump shared the Politico article on Twitter on Thursday, contrasting his approach with that of Biden’s “handlers,” who he said want to “defund the police.”

The Trump campaign meanwhile slammed Biden for remaining silent on “attacks by rioters and looters, sometimes fatal, on police officers in the line of duty protecting innocent Americans,” as Fox News reported.

As a senator, Biden played a prominent role in crafting legislation like the 1994 crime bill, which progressives and on occasion, Trump have blamed for the mass incarceration of blacks, Fox notes.

DemocRAT De Blasio said this about the 1994 crime bill was a “huge mistake” Check out his video here.

Jim Pasco, who worked with Biden on the 1994 bill and is the executive director of the Fraternal Order of Police, told Politico that Biden used to be seen as tough on crime but that he shifted over time, to the point “where he would not be considered a law-and-order guy in the sense that law enforcement sees it,” while cops have moved politically to the right.

Maybe it’s time for Joe Biden to fire the people telling him what to say.