Showing posts with label The Police. Show all posts
Showing posts with label The Police. Show all posts

Tuesday, July 14, 2020

Schools Can’t Reopen Unless Charter Schools Shut Down, Police Are Defunded, Los Angeles Teachers Union Says

A teachers union in Los Angeles says the district can’t re-open schools until there is a “moratorium” on charter schools, and until police are defunded. Oh, and until there is “Medicare for all.” Oh, and until there’s a wealth tax and a federal bailout, too. Wait what does ANY of this have to do with Covid19 or opening the schools? But all all terms set by the United Teachers Los Angeles (UTLA), a 35,000-member union in the Los Angeles Unified School District, according to a policy paper released this week and first reported by Just The News. This is the left which is control as we know of our school system, and now they’re not just trying to get the “Green New Deal” passed folks! Since they know they can’t pass it because it’s been voted down by congress, and the senate, and was once ridiculed until the right $$$ changed hands, and now the entire left congress is behind it. INCLUDING Those once against it. $ee how that work$?

“It is time to take a stand against Trump’s dangerous, anti-science agenda that puts the lives of our members, our students, and our families at risk,” said UTLA President Cecily Myart-Cruz. Yes cause the PRESIDENT which gave us “SPACE FORCE” and has not ONCE said anything about being “Anti Science” is the one they’re going to go at. How about you all shut the fuck up, and stay shut the fuck down? You know since what you’re teaching our kids is fucking bullshit miss information anyway? Fuck the entire leftist union that is now not just loaded with socialists but the agenda is clear. “GIVE US WHAT WE WANT OR ELSE!” This folks is how they get what they want, and it’s called being a “Bully” “HOW ABOUT NO!” Get lost, and she continued in her stupidity by saying the following.

“We all want to physically open schools and be back with our students, but lives hang in the balance. Safety has to be the priority. We need to get this right for our communities.” So why take shots at the President, and make demands on things which have NOTHING to do with anything like “Defunding the Police”? What are you stupid?

“Even before the spike in infections and Trump’s reckless talk, there were serious issues with starting the year on school campuses. The state and federal governments have not provided the additional resources or funds needed for increased health and safety measures and there is not enough time for the district to put together the detailed, rigorous plans for a safe return to campus,” she said… Yeah “reckless” like hey we’re closing down flights TO and FROM CHINA to avoid a spread of a virus in January while Nasty Pelosi lied to everyone a month later, and told them that Trump was a racist, and xenophobe and to head to Chinatown and party it up! Don’t forget to bring her Chocolate ASS CREAM!! MMM MMM MMMMMMM!

Under the terms in the policy paper, the union wants to put children in small groups throughout the school day, mandate masks and protective equipment, and redesign school layouts to follow  “social distancing” guidelines. Which is all fine but again what does ANY of this have to do with the rest of their demands? Nothing appear to have anything to do with schools or student safety, the union called for “local support” in the form of defunded police departments and the shuttering of charter schools.

Police violence “is a leading cause of death and trauma for Black people, and is a serious public health and moral issue,” the union wrote. The policy paper calls on authorities to “shift the astronomical amount of money devoted to policing, to education and other essential needs such as housing and public health.” LIES! More black people kill black people that aren’t cops, and more whites die by cops hands or guns than blacks, and this is just more democRAT lies, and agenda driven politics to bully their demands. They’re now using your kids to get what they want folks… I say FUCK this union, and they need to be shut down immidiately. This is how they brain wash, and create a country of chaos and anarchy.

“Privately operated, publicly funded charter schools,” meanwhile, “drain resources from district schools,” the union said. The practice of allowing charter schools to use existing educational facilities “adds students to campuses when we need to reduce the number of students to allow for physical distancing.”

But none of that is enough. The union also demands a Medicare-for-All program, new taxes on wealthy people, and a “federal bailout” of the school district. “The benefits to restarting physical schools must outweigh the risks, especially for our most vulnerable students and school communities,” the policy paper says. “As it stands, the only people guaranteed to benefit from the premature physical reopening of schools amidst a rapidly accelerating pandemic are billionaires and the politicians they’ve purchased.”

School reopening has become a hot issue of late, and a teachers union in New Jersey is demanding weekly COVID-19 tests and mandatory face masks for all children. But if this is what they want, and are trying to force issues that don’t make sense I say keep the schools closed, and destroy this union, and to be honest the teachers that teach Socialism & Communism as a possitive need to be sent to prison like they would have been in the 50’s and 60’s. The world doesn’t need more failed bullshit like those institutions, and especially not in this country.

Tuesday, July 7, 2020

🚨 Police called by AntiFa Girl and she Loses Her Mind!

So I just came across this video from a few days ago of an AntiFa Girl Getting Challenged For Trolling A Freedom Rally, and she totally wigs out, and Calls The Police… Guys she Loses Her goddamn Mind! From the looks of it she ain’t got much of a mind but man this video is hilarious, and shows the crazy behavior of these women in Antifa. Seriously this is some funny, and sad shit. WTF is going on with these chicks?

Saturday, June 13, 2020

‘This is power’: Anti-racism protesters march peacefully through downtown Miami

While chanting “Black lives matter” and “we are gods,” the crowd of a few hundred anti-racism demonstrators marched noisily but peacefully through downtown Miami and Brickell on Friday evening, stopping traffic at times but after more than two hours, the marchers circled back just before dusk to downtown Miami, where a group of protesters climbed a ramp to Interstate 95. They hurled insults at a line of Florida Highway Patrol troopers clad in riot gear blocking their path to the northbound side of the highway before turning and climbing back down to street level.

The demonstrators began dispersing without further incident just after 8:30 p.m. The protest march started at the Torch of Friendship in Bayfront Park. Organizers insisted that protesters stay peaceful, cautioning that police “are edgy today.”

“The police do not protect us. We protect each other,” one young woman told followers. “Do not call police. If anyone calls police, I’m going to find out and we’re going to have an issue.”

One young man wore a Guy Fawkes mask and held an upside-down American flag, a symbol of distress. Another wielded a metal garbage can lid as a shield. Organizers passed out bags with water, first-aid kits, umbrellas and helmets.

China Ludlow, 28, on a bicycle with a “no justice, no peace” sign attached to her backpack, said she had attended all the protests held in Miami since George Floyd was killed by Minneapolis police during an arrest for allegedly passing a bad $20 bill. Her name being “China” is adding to the hilarity of the whole thing. Oh, and she’s protesting for a guy who again once pistol whipped a pregnant woman, and who was high on METH! Now what a hero… lol She said that “Systemic racism has plagued my community for all my life,” she said, adding “This is power. Numbers win.”

The mixed crowd of mostly teenagers and 20-somethings criticized “all cops” as bad. Protesters also implored others in the crowd not to talk to reporters. Some tried unsuccessfully to block news and TV photographers from taking pictures. One woman pushed a photographer for the Miami Herald and El Nuevo Herald with an umbrella.

One man claiming to want to support Black Lives Matter but wearing a Trump 2020 pin was asked to leave. Another man — bragging about his $2,000 sunglasses nearly came to blows with some protesters before he was chased away.

The march left Bayfront around 4:30 p.m., with participants chanting “no peace, no justice” as the participants walked along Northeast First Avenue to the Miami-Dade Courthouse. A Honda with four people in it stopped to hand out water to demonstrators on North Miami Avenue. The car had a speaker on top, blaring the song, “How many more times?”

The county earlier closed courthouses in downtown Miami, the Civic Center near Jackson Memorial Hospital and the Caleb Center in Liberty City and sent workers home, apparently as a precaution. Though a couple of previous protests became disruptive, police presence was not heavy and marchers were mostly orderly. Watchful ranks of officers kept their distance by the Miami police headquarters next to Interstate 95, but the demonstrators never approached it.

As they crossed the South Miami Avenue bridge into Brickell, escorted by Miami police on bicycles, the protesters briefly blocked traffic before proceeding to Brickell City Center, a high-end commercial and residential complex, where they sat in the street and took up chants of “f— capitalism” and “eat the rich.”

“We can’t even afford to shop here!” one demonstrator shouted.

Some bystanders expressed support for the marchers… Amanda Allen, 31, tended bar from a window at the Blackbird Ordinary at Southeast First Avenue in Brickell. She was hoping to serve some drinks to protesters, but said she also supports the cause.

“Every time I go outside, I’m reminded I’m a Black woman, so it’s very important to me,” she said.

The demonstrators then turned back toward downtown, striding up Brickell Avenue to the Miami River. Around 7 p.m., traffic was backed up for several blocks approaching the Brickell Avenue drawbridge as protesters blocked the span.

Miami Statues Vandalized As Protest Turns Chaotic…