Showing posts with label POTUS45. Show all posts
Showing posts with label POTUS45. Show all posts

Tuesday, January 5, 2021

“Stop the Steal” UPDATE!

Trump followers are expected to attend the “Stop the Steal” rally, and officials have said they are taking measures to avoid violent clashes.

With only two weeks left to his administration if the steal is allowed to take place President of the United States Donald Trump continues to claim, with mounting evidence which they don’t want to admit is real and as we all know the November 3 election was fraudulent.

Before Congress meets to certify President-elect Joe Biden as the winner of the rigged con job that was this last election on Wednesday, Trump has called on his loyal supporters to come to downtown Washington, DC to protest.

Protesters are expected to begin converging on Freedom Plaza on Tuesday night. Roger Stone and George Papadopolous, whom Trump recently pardoned after they were convicted of federal crimes, are scheduled to speak.

Trump has called on members of his Republican Party to vote against Biden’s electoral college fixed con job win, and a lot plan to! Will this work? Nobody knows… But chances are bad since the left will not admit wrong doing, and will always project, and lie about it being all Trump’s doing even when the actual proof shows other wise. Missouri Senator Josh Hawley is one of several senators who have announced he would object to Congress’s count. Hope over 100 follow.

Past Stop the Steal rally’s…

Thursday, October 15, 2020

Nasty Pelosi interview gets heated! You don’t know what you’re talking about she says.. WoW!

This old hag is clearly working against the AMERICAN people… She just said “All the President wants is a check to people with his name on it…” This should tell you all folks. The President is trying to get us money, and she’s blocking it, and this interview proves how much of a con artist, and ANTI people she, and the democrats are. ALL She does is fancy talk, and she does not care about people. This attitude of hers exploded on this interview. She should be in prison to begin with before this video but now. She should be sent to DEATHROW this is treason.

The Tuesday interview between Nancy Pelosi and Wolf Blitzer about the ongoing negotiations for a COVID-19 relief bill quickly grew heated as the House speaker accused the CNN anchor of being a Republican “apologist” who was uninformed about the bill, and like usual just insults, and no answers to real questions from the Queen of Nasty!

“With all due respect, and you know we’ve known each other a long time, you really don’t know what you’re talking about,” Pelosi said. “I don’t know why you’re always an apologist, and many of your colleagues, apologists for the Republican position.”

During the interview, Blitzer pressed her on why House Democrats have rejected the Trump administration’s latest $1.8 trillion stimulus bill offer as many Americans have continued to struggle financially during the pandemic. “Can you look them in the eye, Madame Speaker, and explain why you don’t want to accept the president’s latest stimulus offer?” Blitzer asked earlier in the interview.

“I hope you’ll ask the same question of the Republicans of why they don’t really want to meet the needs of the American people,” Pelosi said. “I know what their needs are. I listen to them and their needs are not addressed in the president’s proposal. So when you say to me why don’t you accept theirs, why don’t they accept ours?”

Blitzer then interjected to quote a tweet from Rep. Ro Khanna and later referenced former presidential candidate Andrew Yang as examples of Democrats who want the $1.8 trillion deal to go through.

Honest to God, you really I can’t get over it because Andrew Yang, hes lovely. Ro Khanna, her lovely. They are not negotiating this situation. They have no idea of the particulars. They have no idea of what the language is here,” she said. “You quote two people who know nothing about the agreement — there is no agreement, but what the suggestions are, as if they are some authority on the subject. Please. Give equal weight to all of the chairmen on the committee who have written this bill.

This woman is evil, and it’s clear she needs to go! Watch as she stutters, blabbers, and refuses to give a real answer!

Monday, May 25, 2020

Happy Memorial Day 2020

I wanted to wish all my friends who read my blog a happy Memorial Day 2020 and while we’re all still in lockdown mode I hope we don’t forget how great this day is to remember. Let’s take a look back at this national holiday known as Memorial Day. Previously, but now seldom, called “Decoration Day” is a federal holiday in the United States for honoring and mourning the military personnel who had died while serving in the United States Armed Forces. The holiday is now observed on the last Monday of May, having been observed on May 30 from 1868 to 1970.

Many people visit cemeteries and memorials on Memorial Day to honor and mourn those who died while serving in the U.S. Military. Many volunteers place an American flag on graves of military personnel in national cemeteries.

Memorial Day is also considered the unofficial start of summer in the United States, while Labor Day, the first Monday of September, marks the unofficial start of autumn.

Two other days celebrate those who have served or are serving in the U.S. military: Armed Forces Day (which is earlier in May), an unofficial U.S. holiday for honoring those currently serving in the armed forces, and Veterans Day (in November 11), which honors those who have served in the United States Armed Forces.

For more information on Memorial Day click here!

Friday, April 17, 2020

The Ballad Of Joe

Hilarious song by Creepy Joe Biden called “The Ballad of JOE” hit YouTube, and this you have to watch guys… Hilarious stuff.

“Joe Biden wakes up to a strange woman every morning….. he’s confused why they’re always named Jill.”

LOL Anyway the video is here below check it out…

Thursday, February 20, 2020

Hasbro Introduces New 'My Butti' Pete Buttigieg Doll

Hasbro Introduces New ‘My Butti’ Pete Buttigieg (BOOT-EDGE-EDGE) Doll… OK NO really I know this is a joke but man is this hilarious. Check out, and thank you to the spoof site for posting this hilarious post, and picture. LMAO!

PAWTUCKET, RI—Hasbro has announced a new doll for boys based on the popular boy-faced presidential candidate Pete Buttigieg (BOOT-EDGE-EDGE). Picking up where they left off with the popular “My Buddy” dolls of 1985—a revolutionary doll designed for boys who, up to that point only enjoyed scenes of murder—will be called “My Butti” (BOOT-EE).

The My Butti doll will teach boys to engage with their softer side and embrace things like socialized medicine, open borders, high taxes, and late-term abortions. Hasbro has partnered with the DNC to make sure the doll stays up to date and never strays from the current platform, even if that means throwing a few friends under the bus.

Hasbro’s commercial will feature a catchy song sung by children as images of the doll flash across the screen. These are the lyrics:

“My Butti, My Butti,
Wherever I go, he goes.
My Butti, My Butti,
Apparently he was a mayor or something in some town.

My Butti and me,
We like to give premature victory speeches.
My Butti and me,
He’s sort of like a puppet or an NPC.

My Butti, My Butti,
My Butti and Me!”

My Butti dolls hit store shelves next week and come with a red baseball cap, a heavily edited Bible, and 250,000 pages of proposed new laws. Also, in the spirit of diversity, you can get the doll in various skin tones from “peaches n’ cream” to “sun-starved albino.”

Wednesday, February 12, 2020

The Yang Gang head is out!

The Yang Gang is out!!! Out of the race that is! That’s right folks there won’t be anymore needs to tell “Yang Gang” jokes anymore unless he rears his useless self again to try and become President. Also he’s the sort of politician who’s an expert in how to fakes the moment to sell his narrative. I’ve seen this guy do it in his rallies, and he’s as fake and phony as there is. He’s a liberal socialist afterall…

So it’s official Tuesday, shortly after polls closed in the New Hampshire primary he made the best choice he could. Andrew Yang suspends his Democratic presidential campaign, and said he was done… I said he was done the day he started. I mean who was he kidding really? He had ZERO chance of ever being elected POTUS.

Check out this video below…

Friday, January 3, 2020

Ilhan Omar Promises To “Stop” Trump After The Killing Of Top Iranian General

Wondering who’s Side Are she’s On? This should tell you all! The world watched, noticed that all the witnesses were based on 3rd unverified info, nothing was based on reality or legit. A FAKE HOAXED impeachment lead by the Fraud Squad on the left. Good job on impeaching someone on lies. The Senate will take care of it. U did nothing.

And she said she’s gonna stop Trump? Well is this a threat? She needs to be investigated for threatening the PRESIDENT! Saying what she said is no joke, and she needs to be in prison! She’s not above the law… You cannot threaten the PRESIDENT!

First off, the House has not sent articles of impeachment to the Senate, and this is because the left knows that the House know they have no real case against Trump, and is a fraud, and fake impeachment hustle. I do not think he is trying to “distract” from that fact, and Trump is our commander-in-chief, President Trump has the authority to act to protect Americans. Hate him all you want OMAR. He’s the most powerful man on the planet, and I know him being white is what you’re racist ass hates the most. Soleimani was a bad, bad dude with a long history of killing Americans.

OR as she would say “HE DID SOMETHINGS OVER THERE.” Ilhan Omar is a fucktard loser. Omar is continually more concerned about lives of Islamic terrorists than American citizens and American troops.

She is not on America’s side! She is not loyal to the United States. Her allegiances appear to lie elsewhere. We can hope and pray Omar gets booted out in November! But I’m not confident since I cannot fathom how she was elected in the first place.

In the meantime, expect the Democrats to complain about this victory for the United States… Perhaps they can start another impeachment inquiry into Trump over this. Practicing TDS is what they do best.

Sunday, December 15, 2019

Democrat Rep. Jeff Van Drew to become Republican!

That’s right friends known to be against this circus, and one who was one of just two House Democrats to oppose the House’s November vote to set impeachment rules Rep. Jeff Van Drew, anti-impeachment Democrat, expected to switch parties after Trump meeting.

Officials said Saturday that Rep. Jeff Van Drew of New Jersey, a vocally anti-impeachment Democrat, will join the Republican Party in the coming days delivering a political jolt to Democrats ahead of next week’s expected vote to impeach the president.

The decision, they said, came after Van Drew joined President Trump for a lengthy Friday meeting, during which Trump urged him to join the GOP, and who in an interview with Fox Business last month, said he would vote against articles of impeachment unless he hears evidence against the President that I quote would “rises to the level of treason or a high crime.”

Since we know this is all based on lies, hersey and assumptions and no real evidence of wrongdoing whatsoever by Trump he said the “Founding Fathers had vigorous debates of whether they would even allow impeachment in the Constitution,” and that he favors allowing voters to decide the matter in next year’s election.

This is a very important quote friends read it careful here this is about us! The ones who voted for the PRESIDENT… “You don’t disenfranchise voters, millions upon millions of voters. Voters choose their leaders in America,” – Van Drew said. This is exactly what the left has been trying to do, and like him I’m sure others feel but they’re scared of the machine behind the players we see.

Reports that during conversations between Van Drew and Trump advisers, where the freshman congressman said he was nervous about losing his seat either in a Democratic primary due to his opposition to impeachment in a liberal state or in a general election. A Democratic aide told Fox News that a recent poll his campaign took showed another Democrat would beat him in a primary race. Clearly like I said the machine that runs the party now who put the AOC, and her Socialist Democrat friends, and Fraud Squad together is ready to destroy, and eat alive any of it’s own if they don’t follow their rules, and line.

“It doesn’t mean that I agree with everything the president may have said or done. It means that I don’t believe that these are impeachable offenses,“ he said in an interview Thursday.

Rep. Jeff Van Drew understands this fact, and now has decided to take his talents to Miami Beach like Lebron James… Well not really but the President has so that’s a little joke but seriously Rep. Jeff Van Drew will now take his talents to the “GOP” instead. Like myself I left the DemocRATS midway into Obama’s 2nd term, and I voted for Trump the first Republican I’ve ever voted for, and will vote for him again in 2020 myself. So as for us converts I welcome Rep. Jeff Van Drew to our world.

The world is so clear when you see how the left has the fix in, and we as a people need to remove these evil socialist, communists, and dictators from power. Along with racists, warmonger’s, and it starts with each one of us doing our part. Also we need a speaker of the house who can actually speak. So let’s start by locking up Nasty Nancy Pelosi, Adam Schiff, and Jerry Nadler for the crimes they have committed towards us the American people.

The meeting came the same day that the House Judiciary Committee voted to adopt two articles of impeachment in a party-line vote. The article allege abuse of power and obstruction by Trump. Should the House adopt the articles next week, it could trigger a Senate trial in the new year just as 2020 presidential primaries are about to get underway.

“Today is a solemn and sad day,” Judiciary Chairman Jerry Nadler, D-N.Y., told reporters after the vote. “For the third time in a little over a century and a half, the House Judiciary Committee has voted articles of impeachment against the president for abuse of power and obstruction of Congress. The House will act expeditiously.” Jerry you sir are the one who’s abused his power, and who should be arrested for treason.

There are 31 House Democrats who represent districts Trump carried in the 2016 election, and many of them have been nervous about the political repercussions they would face by voting to impeach Trump. The House Republican campaign committee has already run ads targeting many of them, but most are expected to support Trump’s impeachment, and the Republican-controlled Senate is all but certain to acquit Trump after a trial in January. So stay tuned folks…

Saturday, September 14, 2019

A Little light hearted Trump humor on why he's Orange!:)

Trump says he looks orange because of energy-efficient light bulbs during a speech for House Republicans on Thursday night, Donald Trump blamed his orange appearance on the most nefarious political villain of our time: light bulbs.

The Trump administration announced earlier this month that it would soften federal rules requiring light bulbs to meet certain energy efficiency standards. The rules, which eliminated light bulbs that weren’t either LED or fluorescent, would “save electricity equivalent to the output of at least 25 large power plants,” according to the New York Times.

While Trump has long been correct on climate change which is why he has no problem joking about being “orange” this is something the socialist left don’t have. A Sense of humor! Somehow I’m sure some idiot is cooking up a website somewhere making up claims that he’s got a “vendetta against light bulbs” now. This is where we are in America with the DemoncRATS folks.

“People said, what’s with the light bulb?” he said. “I said, here’s the story … No. 1, most importantly, the light’s no good. I always look orange. And so do you.”

Friday, July 19, 2019

This is why CNN is dog shit!

The moron Frank Behum is an old gay man who doesn’t know shit because Trump has NEVER tweeted a racist thing, and he’s not desperate you fruit! The woman said for him to be deported, and let’s impeach the motherfucker so they can trash, and smear him but he can’t defend himself? GTFOH! Old moron my god I’d love to be on this discussion with these people.

Can’t believe people don’t bring this up, and allow this idiot Frank get away with lying like that. But I’m not shocked this is from CNN the most bullshit network in NEWS! This shows the biased on every level they first get a room full of Democrats, and bring on 2 conservatives in a video full of liberals, and then don’t call out the liberals when they’re lying, and why is the host making this about the black kids race? Why must these people on CNN always make it about “RACE” and throw the “RACE CARD” on anyone who’s republican?

They’re the ones who are desperate, and delusional, and Trump clearly said “Why don’t they go back and help fix the totally broken and crime infested places from which they came.” Like usual these anti Trump people who suffer from selective hearing left out “and then come back and show us how it’s done“.

This is why CNN is dog shit.

Pennsylvania voters react to President Donald Trump’s racist tweets directed at four Democratic congresswomen. #CNN #News

Wednesday, June 19, 2019

AOC’s latest stupid statement: Only Nazis oppose open borders

It’s open borders or you’re a Nazis according to the now officially brain dead Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez who in her own stupidity explained Tuesday, as she placed full blame for the mess at the southern US border on “fascist” President Trump. In a Q&A posted on Instagram, AOC charged Team Trump with holding illegal border-crossers in “concentration camps.” Once again this buffoon is using this bullshit argument, and Leaving no doubt that she was invoking the Nazi death camps, she noted that she was addressing people “concerned enough with humanity to say that . . . ‘Never Again’ means something.” She of course already was under fire for this before but again feels like she needs to double down on her own stupidity. Cause well she’s a fucking idiot.

She left unmentioned that some of those holding areas went up under President Barack Obama, because the unprecedented wave of “undocumenteds” from Central America started hitting on his watch, and he’s on record saying such when he ran he was sounding a lot how Trump sounds when dealing with this issue, and so does Bill Clinton, and the rest PRE Trump… They all now changed their tune when suddenly Trump is in office, and it went from a made up crisis to now it’s all his fault! LMAO!

She, and her Fraud Squad of anti American butch dumbasses never address facts, and all they do is make up shit which morons, and leftists eat up because they are either too stupid to know better or don’t want to research the junk these morons spew for themselves… Kids is a big target for them, and we see this first hand as schools are teaching this leftist ideology, and promoting stupidity like the “Green New Deal” which is beyond words a retarded agenda by the left… Oh and something that would destroy our country. Does she address the fact that the White House has asked for emergency funding precisely to address the “dehumanizing conditions” in the camps, a bill that has zero funds for The Wall? NOPE She doesn’t remember DemocRats refuse to even vote on it. This, when no less than The New York Times has now editorialized twice urging passage on basic humanitarian grounds.

What does she think Washington should do when 100,000 people a month are crossing the US-Mexican border? She has no answer but she wants to open the floodgates? How does a brain dead moron like her who snuck her way into congress via the bronx New York, and illegally mind you wield so much power now in the DemocRat party? Because she’s a fucking loud mouth moron who’s been placed there by people more powerful, and rich then her, and who have bought her seat, and most of congress which includes 98% of all who are running for President. On both sides as now some idiots on the right are spewing the same bullshit and want to run for the GOP which they will never get.

Remember folks we’re talking about 100 thousand people crossing a month! Then freely surrendering to the Border Patrol and requesting asylum? The vast majority of those asylum claims don’t hold up, but the avalanche of claims means it takes overwhelmed immigration courts months or years to reach that judgment. Releasing adult migrants into the US interior makes it near-impossible to find them if they don’t show for their hearings.

And US law doesn’t let authorities hold children more than 20 days, yet separating kids from the adults who accompanied them produces its own humanitarian nightmare. The White House is doing everything it can to defuse the crisis, even successfully bludgeoning Mexico into doing far more to stop the migrants as they’re leaving Guatemala. Democrats don’t like the camps but refuse to OK funds to upgrade them or to expand the immigration courts to speed up resolution of the claims — and won’t even think about updating laws that never anticipated this situation.

The only “answer” that leaves is to just wave the migrants on in — and, presumably, allow them to collect public assistance just like citizens or legal immigrants do. If you won’t go along with that, AOC believes you’re just like Hitler. Fascist. Concentration camp. Never Again. “I don’t use those words to just throw bombs,” the congresswoman insisted. Yet that’s exactly what she’s done.