Showing posts with label CSPAN. Show all posts
Showing posts with label CSPAN. Show all posts

Wednesday, February 12, 2020

The Yang Gang head is out!

The Yang Gang is out!!! Out of the race that is! That’s right folks there won’t be anymore needs to tell “Yang Gang” jokes anymore unless he rears his useless self again to try and become President. Also he’s the sort of politician who’s an expert in how to fakes the moment to sell his narrative. I’ve seen this guy do it in his rallies, and he’s as fake and phony as there is. He’s a liberal socialist afterall…

So it’s official Tuesday, shortly after polls closed in the New Hampshire primary he made the best choice he could. Andrew Yang suspends his Democratic presidential campaign, and said he was done… I said he was done the day he started. I mean who was he kidding really? He had ZERO chance of ever being elected POTUS.

Check out this video below…

Friday, November 1, 2019

Joe losing his sense of direction now?

He’s lost in translation… Sniff your way around JOE! YOU CAN DO IT!

Joe Biden speaking in an arena in Iowa gets confused where the camera is and keeps talking to a screen. C SPAN keeps cutting away to try and help him out…LMAO!