Showing posts with label presidential candidate. Show all posts
Showing posts with label presidential candidate. Show all posts

Friday, May 22, 2020

And there goes his black vote! LOL

We already know Joe Biden is a racist, a liar, and con man… But my god he’s one dumb bastard. Check out this bit of video, and his quote… “If you have a problem figuring out whether you’re for me or Trump, then you ain’t black.” the reply by Charlamagne was spot on… “It don’t have nothing to do with Trump, it has to do with the fact I want something for my community.” And Creepy does nothing but talk about the “WHITE & BLACK MEDIA!” How can anyone vote for this guy is beyond me!

“I Want something for my community!?” Well Joe knows all about them Quid Pro Quo’s!

@breakfastclubam @JoeBiden @cthagod

Wednesday, April 8, 2020

Feel the BERN! As we say bye to another communist A-Hole

In a move we all saw coming like the end of the 1999 movie by James Cameron Titanic! Senator Bernie Sanders, the communist Democrat from Vermont, ends his presidential bid today. Sanders says former Vice President Joe Biden will be the party nominee. Well no shit sherlock!

Oh, and Biden stands no chance of winning either…. I’d like for him to talk about his sexual assault charge from 1993 tho publically. Can anyone in the media bring that up? Why do I think I’m going to be hearing crickets on that from the Media!?? Anyway here is the video below enjoy the laugh as he of course takes a shot at Trump, and says more lies about the President. He also goes on, and on about smoking grass, and listening to the roots or some TREE hugging hippie communist crap. Either way this old fart is now out. 1 more to go, Quid Pro JOE “turn around your facing the wrong way dork the crowd is in front not back of you, and don’t fight with your voters you fool” Biden. Who never saw a supporter he didn’t want to punch in the face for the Malarkey of wanting to vote for him. Such malarkey!

Anyway enjoy this old POS here on video telling his 22 supporters that his time in this run is done, and (like he had a shot!) he will be now moving out of the bid for good. How nice we’re in a crisis, and he still we care about him or Biden trying to steal an election from each other, and then the real President Donald Trump. LMAO!

Wednesday, February 12, 2020

The Yang Gang head is out!

The Yang Gang is out!!! Out of the race that is! That’s right folks there won’t be anymore needs to tell “Yang Gang” jokes anymore unless he rears his useless self again to try and become President. Also he’s the sort of politician who’s an expert in how to fakes the moment to sell his narrative. I’ve seen this guy do it in his rallies, and he’s as fake and phony as there is. He’s a liberal socialist afterall…

So it’s official Tuesday, shortly after polls closed in the New Hampshire primary he made the best choice he could. Andrew Yang suspends his Democratic presidential campaign, and said he was done… I said he was done the day he started. I mean who was he kidding really? He had ZERO chance of ever being elected POTUS.

Check out this video below…

Friday, July 5, 2019

Sen. Booker crosses border, meets asylum seekers! Breaking the law.

Senator and Democratic presidential candidate Cory Booker crossed back over the U.S. southern border on Wednesday, traveling to Ciudad Juarez, Mexico, to meet with migrants attempting to seek asylum in the United States. (July 4) Breaking the law!!!! This man belongs in prison right now.

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