Showing posts with label Trump2020. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Trump2020. Show all posts

Saturday, August 1, 2020

President Trump says TikTok "BANNED!" 👍

During a flight from Tampa on Friday, the president told press pool reporters traveling on Air Force One he plans to ban the Chinese-owned social media platform from operating in the United States as soon as Saturday. He said, “As far as TikTok is concerned we’re banning them from the United States.” The move comes after Secretary of State Mike Pompeo said the US was looking into a ban in early July.

Check out Tim Pool on TimCast over on YouTube he has a real good video talking about this, and why it’s a major move by Donald Trump, and how this might be one of a few moves towards China coming from the Trump administration.

President Donald Trump said Friday that China was likely delighted Democrats were trying to implement mail-in voting in the 2020 election, which he said would lead to a “catastrophic” result. “They’re using the China virus, China must be very happy about it, because they hit us with a virus and now they screw up an election like you will never see,” Trump said about the Democrats. The president spoke to reporters at the White House after hosting leaders of the National Association of Police Organizations on Friday to discuss law enforcement. Trump previewed a disruptive Election Day on November 3, noting that it would take several days or even weeks to count all the ballots.

“It’s going to be a very, very sad day for this country,” Trump said.

The president said that he supported Americans voting absentee, but that the electoral system was not prepared for universal mail-in voting.

“Universal mail-in [votes] are a disaster,” Trump said.

He recalled that voters voted in elections in World War II and World War I and should be able to vote during the coronavirus. Trump boasted that he was confident with his chances at winning re-election, even with some corporate media polls showing him tracking below Biden in key swing states. “We’re going to do very well in the election, nobody wants that date more than me, I wish we would move it up,” he said. “Move it up. You’re not prepared for what they’re doing.”

Trump told the media to prepare for tumultuous election night on November 3. “This will be catastrophic for our nation. You’ll see it. I’m always right about things like this.” NBC’s Peter Alexander asked Trump why he was not spending more of his time pressing for more election security funding instead of warning about mail-in voting. “Peter, you know nothing about my energy. OK?” Trump replied. “You know nothing about what I am doing. Listen, you know nothing about what I do.”

Sunday, July 12, 2020

New polls show Biden general election lead slipping

Democrat nominee The Sniffler “Joe Biden” has held a some what would say is comfortable lead over Potus Trump in national polls for some weeks now, and the mainstream media has already declared Biden as the clear victor ahead of the election. But not so fast fake news! You see there is new evidence that the Democrat party’s smug declaration of victory is like a wet dream… Premature, and without actual intercorse… According to a new Hill-HarrisX general election poll, Biden’s 10-point lead in June has dropped to a four-point lead, which pollsters called “very concerning.”

Civil unrest coupled with Covid19-related economic damage opened the door for Biden to receive a boost in the polls for some weeks, but his time may be up much like his sanity! The Hill reported: “Forty-three percent of registered voters said they would support Biden for president if the election were held today. By contrast, 39 percent of voters in the July 3-4 survey said the same of Trump.” Only eight percent of voters were undecided, a one-point drop from last month.

“I think a four-point lead should be very concerning,” Democratic pollster  Terrance Woodbury, told the Hill. “We know the enthusiasm gaps between Biden and Trump, with Trump’s supporters being very enthusiastic and insistent on voting for him, margins that close are problematic.”

Democrats avoid talking about Biden’s poor voter enthusiasm as much as possible, but the enthusiasm of Trump’s strong base could again be the deciding factor in November, and also throw in Kanye’s crazy “Birthday party RUN” which will take in the biden suckers… I mean supporters, and will not do anything to Trump supporters. We’re a strong bunch, and as we all know if you’re going to vote for Trump nobody will change your mind at this point. I mean unless you’re on the take for the socialists democRATS or are blind you will know that the ones lying, and creating a hoax from day one, and feeding lies, and have had the Pelosi “Wrap up Smear” was all from the democRATS. From the day he was elected they wanted to impeach him! How do you impeach a PRESIDENT without a crime commited? You invent one, and they tried a bunch of times, and failed. Forget not people….. NO RUSSIAN COLLUSION! The UKRAIN Call was nothing! And they called him a racist, and xenophobe when he saved millions in January by closing flights from, and to China while Pelosi, Biden, and the left were asking folks to head over to ChinaTown cause they wanted to party like it was 1999!

A recent poll illustrated the shocking disparity between Trump and Biden’s voter bases, finding that half of Trump’s base is “very excited” to vote for him in November, versus only 27 percent of Biden’s voters saying the same. Biden lacks enthusiasm in one of the most key demographics to the upcoming election: Black voters. Chryl Laird, assistant professor of government at Bowdoin College, told USA Today on Wednesday that “[Young Black voters] are going to have some reservations about Joe Biden,” explaining that he’s the “image of a status quo politician.”

Though most polls favor Biden currently, Stony Brook professor Helmut Norpoth stands by the “Primary Model,” which has correctly predicted the winner of five out of the last six elections and all but two of all elections in the last 108 years. “The Primary Model gives Trump a 91 percent chance of winning in November,” Norpoth said on Wednesday. “This model gets it right for 25 of the 27 elections since 1912, when primaries were introduced.”

“The terrain of presidential contests is littered with nominees who saw a poll lead in the spring turn to dust in the fall,” Norpoth continued, pointing out that Biden’s poor showing in the first several primaries points to an epic loss in November. Norpoth claimed that based on Trump’s voter enthusiasm and Biden’s poor early showing, Trump will rally in the next four months to win the electoral college by an even wider margin than in 2016.

Let’s not forget Biden is losing his mind folks…

Saturday, June 20, 2020

Trump holds MAGA rally in Tulsa, OK

Live: President Donald Trump holds a Make America Great Again rally in Tulsa, Oklahoma. This is the first event on this scale since the country went into lockdown in an effort to limit the spread of coronavirus.

🔴 FULL COVERAGE: President Donald Trump Rally in Tulsa, OK 6/20/2020

#IstandWithTrump #MAGA2020

Sunday, December 15, 2019

Democrat Rep. Jeff Van Drew to become Republican!

That’s right friends known to be against this circus, and one who was one of just two House Democrats to oppose the House’s November vote to set impeachment rules Rep. Jeff Van Drew, anti-impeachment Democrat, expected to switch parties after Trump meeting.

Officials said Saturday that Rep. Jeff Van Drew of New Jersey, a vocally anti-impeachment Democrat, will join the Republican Party in the coming days delivering a political jolt to Democrats ahead of next week’s expected vote to impeach the president.

The decision, they said, came after Van Drew joined President Trump for a lengthy Friday meeting, during which Trump urged him to join the GOP, and who in an interview with Fox Business last month, said he would vote against articles of impeachment unless he hears evidence against the President that I quote would “rises to the level of treason or a high crime.”

Since we know this is all based on lies, hersey and assumptions and no real evidence of wrongdoing whatsoever by Trump he said the “Founding Fathers had vigorous debates of whether they would even allow impeachment in the Constitution,” and that he favors allowing voters to decide the matter in next year’s election.

This is a very important quote friends read it careful here this is about us! The ones who voted for the PRESIDENT… “You don’t disenfranchise voters, millions upon millions of voters. Voters choose their leaders in America,” – Van Drew said. This is exactly what the left has been trying to do, and like him I’m sure others feel but they’re scared of the machine behind the players we see.

Reports that during conversations between Van Drew and Trump advisers, where the freshman congressman said he was nervous about losing his seat either in a Democratic primary due to his opposition to impeachment in a liberal state or in a general election. A Democratic aide told Fox News that a recent poll his campaign took showed another Democrat would beat him in a primary race. Clearly like I said the machine that runs the party now who put the AOC, and her Socialist Democrat friends, and Fraud Squad together is ready to destroy, and eat alive any of it’s own if they don’t follow their rules, and line.

“It doesn’t mean that I agree with everything the president may have said or done. It means that I don’t believe that these are impeachable offenses,“ he said in an interview Thursday.

Rep. Jeff Van Drew understands this fact, and now has decided to take his talents to Miami Beach like Lebron James… Well not really but the President has so that’s a little joke but seriously Rep. Jeff Van Drew will now take his talents to the “GOP” instead. Like myself I left the DemocRATS midway into Obama’s 2nd term, and I voted for Trump the first Republican I’ve ever voted for, and will vote for him again in 2020 myself. So as for us converts I welcome Rep. Jeff Van Drew to our world.

The world is so clear when you see how the left has the fix in, and we as a people need to remove these evil socialist, communists, and dictators from power. Along with racists, warmonger’s, and it starts with each one of us doing our part. Also we need a speaker of the house who can actually speak. So let’s start by locking up Nasty Nancy Pelosi, Adam Schiff, and Jerry Nadler for the crimes they have committed towards us the American people.

The meeting came the same day that the House Judiciary Committee voted to adopt two articles of impeachment in a party-line vote. The article allege abuse of power and obstruction by Trump. Should the House adopt the articles next week, it could trigger a Senate trial in the new year just as 2020 presidential primaries are about to get underway.

“Today is a solemn and sad day,” Judiciary Chairman Jerry Nadler, D-N.Y., told reporters after the vote. “For the third time in a little over a century and a half, the House Judiciary Committee has voted articles of impeachment against the president for abuse of power and obstruction of Congress. The House will act expeditiously.” Jerry you sir are the one who’s abused his power, and who should be arrested for treason.

There are 31 House Democrats who represent districts Trump carried in the 2016 election, and many of them have been nervous about the political repercussions they would face by voting to impeach Trump. The House Republican campaign committee has already run ads targeting many of them, but most are expected to support Trump’s impeachment, and the Republican-controlled Senate is all but certain to acquit Trump after a trial in January. So stay tuned folks…

Wednesday, October 30, 2019

"I have turned my back on the idea of victimization mentality." Kanye West & Antonia Okafor

So I ran by this video below with Kanye West & Antonia Okafor whom both vocalized perfectly what I’ve gone thru since I voted for Trump in 2016. This video is almost on par with my own experience and I’m latino, and it’s funny being these are two African Americans on the video, and it still showed how my views had evolved politically over time like theirs, and how I opened my eyes like they did. Like them my so called peers, and friends took issues with this and while a lot of my friends don’t care, and are still friends I too have seen a change in tone on how they treat me but for the most part they’re cool, and I was touched by this video by Prager University with Kanye West, and Antonia Okafor.

One of my best friends of 25 years from high school who practically was like my brother stopped speaking to me in 2017 because I voted for Trump, and he’s latino like myself, and a socialist democrat. Which was news to me the socialist party. I always knew he was liberal but the fact he had so many socialist views was news to me but he is a Democrat, and at one point we both where and both voted for Obama.

When I stopped supporting Obama back during the 2nd year of his 2nd term my friend started having issues with me, and we spoke less, and less but I took that as people have lives, and we still kept in touch as much as possible. Remember we’re both heterosexual males, and this was a normal friendship. NOT some gay romantic friendship just so you don’t think this was something it wasn’t. Neither of us is gay… Just to get this out of the way. Now to continue once he heard I voted, and fully supported Trump the issues grew, and one day I posted a funny meme, and he called me out, and called me a bunch of names on the phone after deleting me from facebook, and telling me off online, and when he called me he told me to disown and stop my Trump support or else he wouldn’t add me back to facebook or speak to me again.

I told him not to bother because I’m not going to just change my views to something someone tells me because they don’t agree with me just to make them happy so they could including me back in their life as their friend. After all we’ve been friends for now decades right? So being one for so long is something which includes me having the identical view as them now? That to me was something I felt well just dumb, and well why do I need to change my views to match theirs politically? Where is that in the friendship guide book? lol IS there such a thing? We haven’t spoken since, and well my life has gone on without my once friend.

As I see it however LIFE and situations like these happen to people all the time, and I’m not alone in it. I’ve lost a total of 14 so called friends since 2015 just because I support Trump, and I let it be known… 6 Latinos, 3 white 5 Black, and from there 2 were gay dudes I knew for a long time. One is the cousin of a friend of mines who I only was friends with after highschool cause of my friend his cousin who isn’t gay was living in the same house as he lived. The guy dude moved in with my friend when he was young, and stuff due to family issues.

But the point is NONE of those people had issues with me on a personal level before Trump ran, and won, and since blocked me, and don’t speak to me which made me both laugh, and sad.. Not sad at the loss of these people from my life but sad at how stupid they acted over my political view. I laugh at it all because I’ve also made same wonderful new friends since then, and it showed the true nature of how brainwashed, and stupid some people are.

The funny part of it all is the white friends only hate Trump and are liberal because they never lived or and had been born in a socialist country and don’t know what it’s really like, and think it’s all what Bernie Sanders, and AOC is selling which is NOT what it is, and what it will be like if it’s fully blown here. The Latino friends are the less smart and to me dumbest of the groups because they ALL came from socialist countries, and should know better. Why would you want that horrible crap that drove your family to leave, and come here to follow you here? MAKES no sense.

As for the black friends? They just sadly brainwashed into ONLY loving the Democratic Party and can’t think for themselves, and said the’re voting for black only democrats, and to me that’s the very definition of racist behavior. My gay friends who were in the mix there are mad at Trump for doing right things like not allowing transgender wannabes to have a sex change on taxpayer money once they leave the army, navy or marines or any form of service which can have the bill of the surgery flipped onto us the taxpayer.

This is a sad reason to lose friends, and people who you thought were like family but this is life, and once thing I know if you might come into this world with assistance but you will die alone, and friends like the wind they come, and go. Nothing is forever so while I’m here I’m going to live free, and die hard like the movie but I’m gonna do it on my terms. I think this is what MLK (My hero in life) was all about.

He didn’t want us apart he wanted us all together living but as free people to live free, and do as we wished in a loving world where race, skin color, and gender didn’t matter. He was also a republican, and was murdered by a democrat as was Lincoln. Just remember that hard fact folks.

Friday, October 11, 2019

Shepard Smith of FOX NEWS and frequent anti Trump is stepping down

“Recently I asked the company to allow me to leave FOX News and begin a new chapter. After requesting that I stay, they graciously obliged. The opportunities afforded this guy from small town Mississippi have been many,” Smith said in a statement, and good riddance!

“It’s been an honor and a privilege to report the news each day to our loyal audience in context and with perspective, without fear or favor. I’ve worked with the most talented, dedicated and focused professionals I know and I’m proud to have anchored their work each day—I will deeply miss them.”

Smith was among Fox’s first hires upon launching in 1996 and he became the network’s signature daytime newsman, often acting as the anchor to enter other broadcasts to helm coverage of breaking news like the 2015 Paris attacks and the 2014 riots in Ferguson, Missouri.

“Even in our currently polarized nation, it’s my hope that the facts will win the day,” Smith said as he signed off his final broadcast. “That the truth will always matter, that journalism and journalists will thrive.”

In a statement, Jay Wallace, president and executive editor of Fox News Media, said, “Shep is one of the premier newscasters of his generation and his extraordinary body of work is among the finest journalism in the industry.” He added, “While this day is especially difficult as his former producer, we respect his decision and are deeply grateful for his immense contributions to the entire network.”

Throughout the Trump era, Smith took on a “rogue” role at the network as Fox News became overtly pro-Trump in its commentary and news coverage. In many instances, as documented by The Daily Beast, Smith even fact-checked the right-wing conspiratorial musings of his own colleagues, resulting in not-so-subtle sparring with Fox stars like Sean Hannity.

As a result, Smith has prompted backlash from the president and many of the network’s viewers, who overwhelmingly tune in to the channel’s overtly conservative programs.

Trump has repeatedly whined about the anchor on Twitter, claiming he changes the channel when Smith’s show—which broadcasts in the middle of the workday—comes on the air. “Watching Fake News CNN is better than watching Shepard Smith, the lowest rated show on @FoxNews,” the president wrote earlier this year.

Earlier this month, Smith publicly clashed with Tucker Carlson, criticizing the Fox News primetime host for failing to defend their colleague Judge Andrew Napolitano when he was called a “fool” by a guest on Carlson’s show. Vanity Fair’s Gabe Sherman reported several days later that Fox News CEO Suzanne Scott and network president Jay Wallace allegedly conveyed to Smith that if he did not stop attacking Carlson, he would be off the network.

In addition to his role as the network’s consummate newsman and fact-checker, Smith cultivated a reputation for delivering unfiltered, decidedly un-Fox-like on-air banter. “We are America! We do not fucking torture!” he once shouted during a 2009 digital show.

Publicly and privately, some of Smith’s Fox News colleagues reacted with disbelief at his departure. “Like you, I’m a little stunned and a little heartbroken,” said Neil Cavuto, another target of Trump’s ire, at the opening of his broadcast, which immediately followed Smith’s sign-off. “It was a total shock today to find out he’s leaving,” fellow news anchor Bret Baier tweeted. “He anchored breaking news—fast-moving events—better than anyone.”

“There’s no room for news here anymore,” a Fox News staffer told The Daily Beast, speaking anonymously for fear of reprisal, and to this I say! IF You can’t take the HEAT that get out the kitchen yo coward. Or how about you stop lying on all things Trump?

🔴LIVE: President Trump Rally - Lake Charles, Louisiana

Watch live from FOX and a feed showing the President talking about China, and boarding AIR FORCE ONE to head out to a President Trump Rally in Lake Charles, Louisiana. Good day for America, and our POTUS45 in terms of his deal with China. This is a good day for them also, and our farmers will net 40 to 50 Billion on return, and as the President joked they might need more land, and farm equipment to keep up.

🔴LIVE: President Donald Trump MASSIVE Rally in Lake Charles Louisiana