Tuesday, July 18, 2023
The biggest companies affected in the possible sell I feel would be the Marvel Universe Comics, Movies and TV + Streaming. And the Lucasfilms films in Star Wars, Indiana Jones (Which has just released a bomb in 2023) and well now that the Disney Star Wars parks are coming down the whole thing left is Willow... Oh wait. They already ruined that also. Nothing much left to put out in Lucasfilms.
With Disney also buying FOX Studios it owns ALL rights to Marvel Films, and Lucasfilms. Now would I think they should do is sell Marvel to SONY and let Sony continue putting in place the MCU under Kevin Feige continuing his work. Sony has something good with the Spiderman / Venom films and should be a big player in buying the entire Marvel studios which would include the Films, TV and Streaming rights.
Than sell Lucasfilms back to George Lucas and let him continue his movies like he wants... The first thing I would do if I was Lucas is refuse to bring in the "sequel trilogy" and "solo" in continuity. Than totally reboot Indiana Jones! OR bring it for 1 last ride with Ford ASAP with someone like Chris Pratt playing another son NOT Mutt that Indiana Had with another woman who finds his dad as he needs him for one final ride, and really gives us something like the movie Indiana Jones and the last crusade and pass the baton to the new Indiana Jones. "Indiana Jones Jr" going forward with Pratt in the lead would be big! And I would let Lucasfilms come up with new material which has nothing to do with Star Wars for a while and give Pratt his own solo trilogy.
Sell off to Comcast the rest of Hulu and let Disney+ be the only streaming they have along with Fox being used for the entire film category in another Streaming platform or rent out the movie rights, and tv rights and let Netflix or others get shows and movies to stream in their platforms and pay Disney for their use thus bringing in a major payoff to Disney. Keep Disney+ for their legacy things not "Marvel/Lucasfilms" related.
See if ANYONE wants ABC? Good info in these videos below... Check these out for more info on the subject. Are we looking at the final days of the Disney company as we knew it? Looks like it. But we know one things folks this is the internet and it's only rumors, and nerd talk until these sales become reality. But hey! Where there is smoke there could be fire! So who knows.
Friday, March 5, 2021
T.I is not in Ant-Man 3!
So once respected rapper turned police informant, and bff of Keisha Lance Bottoms of Atlanta GA Clifford “T.I.” Harris and yes his name is Clifford… This guy who yelled at Candace Owens, and was acting like some sort of voice of the people, and some sort of model citizen is being brought back to earth. Now if you don’t remember the video with Candace check it out.
And yes folks he’s from ATL, and he’s connected, and he’s friends with the Mayor like I said Keisha Lance Bottoms. SO IF You want to know why GA, and ATL were rigged during the last two elections, and by who? Look no where else but start with these con artist, and criminals.
Anyway the rapper known as T.I is officially out of the next Ant Man movie sequel Ant-Man and the Wasp: Quantumania. The news follows recent allegations of sexual abuse leveled against T.I. and his wife, with production on the couple’s VH1 series T.I. and Tiny: Friends and Family Hustle recently getting suspended. It’s not yet clear if T.I.’s omission from Ant-Man 3 is directly related to the controversy or if the story of the sequel simply didn’t call for his character to appear.
But from the looks of it I’m sure that had something to do with it but it’s troubling when STUDIOS like Disney hire gang bangers to be in Marvel movies, and Pedophile lovers like James Gunn to direct movies, and have issues with anyone who supports Trump, and who supports conservatie values… So gangbanging, and rape, and pedophilia is ok by the mouse house but a conservative value having person who loves “GOD” and is “CHRISTIAN” or is simply a Trump supporter is cast off, and destroyed. Gina Carano is fired, and canceled but they hire these scumbags, and give them multi picture deals. This is why I’ll never endorse anything Disney again. I will never buy another Disney product yes this means STAR WARS & MARVEL as long as the current heads running Disney are in place, and these politics are in play I’m done with Disney.
Attorney Tyrone A. Blackburn represents 11 alleged victims that has accused T.I. and his wife, Tameka “Tiny” Harris, of several major crimes including “forced drugging, kidnapping, rape, and intimidation.” Blackburn claims the incidents happened in at least two states, including Georgia and California, and he has sent inquiries to those states’ attorney generals to launch criminal investigations. In a statement of their own, T.I. and Tiny strongly denied the accusations.
T.I. appeared in the first Ant-Man movie in 2015 as Dave, a member of Scott Lang’s crew and a personal friend of the miniature superhero played by Paul Rudd. The rapper reprised the role in the 2018 sequel Ant-Man and the Wasp, helping Scott and his other pals Luis (Michael Peña) and Kurt (David Dastmalchian). While there hadn’t been any indication as of yet that T.I. was set to return once again for Ant-Man 3, his recent controversy will probably keep that door firmly closed.
“Clifford (T.I.) and Tameka Harris deny in the strongest possible terms these unsubstantiated and baseless allegations,” the statement from the couple’s attorney reads. “We are confident that if these claims are thoroughly and fairly investigated, no charges will be forthcoming. These allegations are nothing more than the continuation of a sordid shakedown campaign that began on social media. The Harrises implore everyone not to be taken in by these obvious attempts to manipulate the press and misuse the justice system.” Yeah they know they did it… They deny and they think that’s enough to get away with it because they’ve learned from the democRAT party that if you do that you can now get away with anything.
The sequel is a part of the Marvel Cinematic Universe’s Phase Four, which kicked off in January with WandaVision on Disney+. Black Widow will mark the MCU’s return to theaters when it is released in May with Eternals, Shang-Chi, and Spider-Man: No Way Home all following this year. Next year, Ant-Man 3 will also be in good company alongside other anticipated sequels like Thor: Love and Thunder, Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness, Captain Marvel 2, and Black Panther II.
Ant-Man and the Wasp: Quantumania is expected to be released in 2022, but the sequel does not yet have an official release date and it’s using a screenplay by Jeff Loveness (Rick and Morty), Peyton Reed is back to direct Ant-Man and the Wasp: Quantumania after helming the first two installments. Along with Paul Rudd and Evangeline Lilly returning in the titular roles, the sequel will also bring back some other returning stars like Michael Douglas and Michelle Pfeiffer. Newcomers to the cast include Kathryn Newton taking over the role of Cassie Lang and Jonathan Majors as Kang the Conqueror.
Wednesday, May 3, 2023
Matthew Lawrence lost Marvel role after refusing to strip for director
Actor and 90's teen idol Matthew Lawrence claimed he lost a role in a Marvel movie and was dropped by his talent agency after refusing to strip for a "very prominent" director. The 'Boy Meets World' actor insisted he has been "propositioned" a number of times in his career and he's still particularly shocked by his alleged treatment after he refused to get naked during a private meeting in a hotel room with the unnamed Oscar-winning filmmaker. Just based on this, timeline and reputation I'm thinking this oscar winning Marvel director was probably Bryan Singer who's had major backlash over the decades since he started directing X-MEN movies.
On his podcast 'Brotherly Love', Matthew said: “There’s been many times in my life where I’ve been propositioned to get a huge role. I’ve lost my agency because I went to the hotel room, which I can’t believe they would send me to, of a very prominent Oscar award-winning director who showed up in his robe, asked me to take my clothes off and said he needed to take Polaroids of me." Singer who is openly gay has been in hot water in the past for somewhat simular situations. Wouldn't put it past it being him but I don't want to say for sure cause it could be anyone. So I'm just speculating for now. Can't confirm just a gutt instinct.
“And then if I did X, Y and Z, I would be the next Marvel character. I didn’t do that, and my agency fired me because I left this director’s room. The 43-year-old actor didn't say when the alleged incident happened or what film he was supposed to be discussing. Matthew also hit out at the double standards that occur when male actors have spoken about being subjected to sexual harassment in their working environment, compared to the experiences women have when they share details of how people have behaved towards them.
He said: “Terry Crews comes out and says it; people are laughing at him. People don’t support him. They kick him out. "Why? Because he’s a man that represents masculinity, and I think our society is less ready to hear that situation going on with men than they are with women.
“Not a lot of guys in my opinion have come out and talked about this in the industry. There is also this same situation. Now granted, it’s probably about a third of what women go through. The amount of men… Men go through this as well, whether it’s another woman or another man in power.”
Friday, December 11, 2020
Christian Bale is Playing Gorr the God Butcher in Thor: Love and Thunder
WOW BIG NEWS! Early on this year, it was reported that Marvel and Taika Waititi had a role being offered to Christian Bale for a role in Thor: Love and Thunder. Tessa Thompson later let slip that Bale was cast as the film’s villain. With this, fans quickly began debating which member of Thor’s rogues gallery he would bring to life. But during Marvel’s Disney Investor Day presentation, Kevin Feige revealed his character’s identity. Bale will battle Chris Hemsworth’s God of Thunder as Gorr the God Butcher when the sequel arrives in 2022.
Writers Jason Aaron and artist Esad Ribic introduced Gorr in their first storyline for Marvel’s Thor series in 2013. He was raised on a nameless planet and, after experiencing the loss of his wife and children, was exiled by his people after declaring that there were no gods. When he discovered that gods did exist, he sought vengeance against them for failing to protect his family.
Gorr isn’t the only character from Aaron’s Thor run who will make an appearance in Love and Thunder. Natalie Portman is also coming back to the franchise as Jane Foster, who will wield Mjolnir herself as the female version of Thor.
Thor: Love and Thunder marks Bale’s return to the superhero genre after The Dark Knight Rises closed out his Batman tenure in 2012. The movie’s cast is also rumored to have Chris Pratt reprising his role as Peter Quill/Star-Lord from Marvel’s Guardians of the Galaxy films. However, this is still unconfirmed.
Thor: Love and Thunder hits theaters on May 6, 2022.
Thursday, June 8, 2023
Star Wars Rumor has it that Dave Filoni's upcoming Star Wars... IS DOA! IF This casting news is real.
Notice how when that movie was being done how Ronny Howard had all those ads making out how he could teach directing and how to make movies that made money? Notice how ALL that went away with 1 BOMB. IF Filoni makes this mistake and brings back what's his name from SOLO and doesn't just use face swap at this point which is what fans seem to prefer as look what happen when they did it with LUKE?
Either that or give us the ACTOR we wanted... Anthony Ingruber. How the hell does Disney & Lucasfilms not hire this guy? He's played Ford in a movie and looks and sounds JUST like Harrison Ford! His early screen test he did on his own proves it. But check out this uncanny deepfake which shows almost that they like flipping TWINS!
And if you never seen it here is the original screen test reading he did years ago... He is ideal for the part of both SOLO and a young INDY Jones!
Also Alden is way to old now he's 33 and will be as old or older than FORD was in A NEW HOPE who was 35 at the time he shot "A New Hope" and this is supposed to be a prequel? I'm sure they can't be trying some idiotic Multiverse or some other STAR TREK/MARVEL idea with SW! STOP Trying to copy Marvel, and Trek or DCU for godsakes! This is STAR WARS!!!! Now while Anthony is also now 33 he still looks much younger and could easily slip into the role, and so I am sorry I hope that Filoni isn't this idiotic and follow in already made mistakes by doubling down on them with a major one of his own! Alden Doesn't look the role, sound the role, and now he's older than FORD was in a movie 10 years or more AFTER the events of "SOLO" and again LOOKS OLDER!
How this can be true is beyond me, and I hope the rumors are NOT true as I would lose all repsect for Dave and while Mandalorian is the ONLY thing left worthy of watching SW Related right now after the Gina firing even that show feels like it's now just giving the fans the middle finger! This re-casting of simply THE WORST POSSIBLE CHOICE who already failed in a movie rejected by fans, and hated by most! Just look at the DeepFake comments if you don't believe me most fans wanted Ingruber and not Alden.
Filoni is seen by fans as the Anti Katheen Kennedy but if he brings this dude back he just gave the entire SW fan community the middle finger also... This would be a final straw as ANYTHING he puts out will be DOA which means DEAD on Arrival.
Also the rumor has it that Alden Ehrenreich (Who again was already once rejected by fans!) will be in the film and also that Leia will be recast, which again is dumb since they already did a face swap with a stand in years ago and by the time this movie even goes to production the TECH do this is 100% better now and is getting even better. So I don’t know why Disney would even allow this b/s! Now how big the parts are for either is in question but both are a major mistake again at this point. Also no plot details on what's even in the movie. Entertainment Weekly in April posted that "Dave Filoni and Jon Favreau" made statements hinting that the feature will be an event film akin to 2012’s The Avengers.
Filoni called it “a clamoring of characters saying, ‘How do I get in this picture?’ And that’s what Jon [Favreau] and I have been figuring out.”
The implication seems to be that Dave Filoni could be bringing in characters from most or all of the current and/or completed Disney+ series. Will it be set in the New Republic era? Including The Mandalorian and The Book of Boba Fett? Also will the upcoming shows like Ahsoka and Skeleton Crew play a part in this? Considering the extended lifetimes of certain alien species along with Star Wars’ penchant for resurrection we could possibly see characters popping up from Andor, Obi-Wan Kenobi, the prequel films, or even The Acolyte.
Then there’s the many animated characters waiting to be transferred to live-action, something Dave Filoni is intimately familiar with as the showrunner for The Clone Wars. Filoni has hinted we could even see non-canonical characters from other media pop up in the film, and there’s always the officially canonical Star Wars comics and novels published after Disney’s acquisition of Lucasfilm. For example, the Wookiee Black Krrsantan (Carey Jones), who made his live-action debut in The Book of Boba Fett, appeared first in Marvel‘s 2015 Darth Vader comic.
When Alden Ehrenreich first played a younger Han Solo in 2018, again the film proved to be the first Star Wars flop. With a production budget approaching $300 million, not to mention an undisclosed marketing budget, Solo failed to break even. Critics were relatively unimpressed with the story though there were plenty of complaints about the cast while some thought Donald Glover’s turn as a younger Lando Calrissian proved to be a standout.
Personally I didn't like him either as Lando...
Don't be like Katheel Kennedy Dave and don't make the same mistakes the OG directors on the Solo: A B/S story made in picking the wrong person for the role twice... There is only 1 person born for the role not named Harrison Ford, and that's Anthony Ingruber. Hands down.
Tuesday, May 23, 2023
Remembering Ray Stevenson: 1964-2023 RIP

Ray played the villainous British governor in “RRR,” an Asgardian warrior in the “Thor” films, and a member of the 13th Legion in HBO’s “Rome,” has died. He was 58.
Representatives for Stevenson told The Associated Press that he died Sunday but had no other details to share on Monday.
Stevenson was born in Lisburn, Northern Ireland, in 1964. After attending the Bristol Old Vic Theatre School and years of working in British television, he made his film debut in Paul Greengrass’s 1998 film “The Theory of Flight.” In 2004, he appeared in Antoine Fuqua’s “King Arthur” as a knight of the round table and several years later played the lead in the pre-Disney Marvel adaptation “Punisher: War Zone.”
Though “Punisher” was not the best-reviewed film, he’d get another taste of Marvel in the first three “Thor” films, in which he played Volstagg. Other prominent film roles included the “Divergent” trilogy, “G.I. Joe: Retaliation” and “The Transporter: Refueled.”
A looming presence at 6-foot-4, Stevenson, who played his share of soldiers past and present, once said in an interview, “I guess I’m an old warrior at heart.”
On the small screen, he was the roguish Titus Pullo in “Rome,” a role that really got his career going in the United States and got him a SAG card, at the age of 44. The popular series ran from 2005 to 2007.
“That was one of the major years of my life,” Stevenson said in an interview. “It made me sit down in my own skin and say, just do the job. The job’s enough.”
In the Variety review of “Rome,” Brian Lowery wrote that “the imposing Stevenson certainly stands out as a brawling, whoring and none-too-bright warrior — a force of nature who, despite his excesses, somehow keeps landing on his feet.”
He was Blackbeard in the Starz series “Black Sails,” Commander Jack Swinburne in the German television series “Das Boot,” and Othere on “Vikings.”
Stevenson also did voice work in “Star Wars Rebels” and “The Clone Wars,” as Gar Saxon, and has a role in the upcoming Star Wars live-action series “Ahsoka,” in which he plays a bad guy, Baylan Skoll. The eight-episode season is expected on Disney+ in August.
In an interview with Backstage in 2020, Stevenson said his acting idols were, “The likes of Lee Marvin (and) Gene Hackman.”
“Never a bad performance, and brave and fearless within that caliber,” Stevenson said. “It was never the young, hot leading man; it was men who I could identify with.”
Stevenson has three sons with Italian anthropologist Elisabetta Caraccia, who he met while working on “Rome.”
Thursday, June 4, 2020
Antifa ‘protesters’ getting Ass whooping in Cali & NYC! & One man thinks he's an X-Men?
So a group of Antifa ‘protesters’ were met with instant justice at the hands of angry residents in the suburban town of Yucaipa, California, located approximately 10 miles East of San Bernardino.
In a video posted to Twitter this past Tuesday afternoon, a large scuffle can be seen breaking out at an ARCO gas station while a man narrates:
“It ain’t goin’ good at all. They just beat the ever-loving snot out of three or four guys, and it’s goin’ again. God damn, the antifa guys are not doing well here they’re all getting the shit kicked out of them.”
One of the protesters can be heard shouting “Justice for Floyd” – right before the man filming says “Uh, it’s goin’ bad. The antifa guys are being chased like crazy. Told you Yucaipa ain’t the place to be.”
When Antifa messes with the suburbs. Best thing I’ve ever seen. pic.twitter.com/zK6MkhdemV
— 🇺🇸FIGHTTHEGOODFIGHT🇺🇸 (@Just_Shannah) June 2, 2020
This isn’t the first instance of locals defending their town from what has become unmitigated violence and looting across major, Democrat-run cities around the country.
On Tuesday we reported that armed residents of Coer d’Alene, Idaho began patrolling their streets.
Our beautiful home sweet home of North Idaho!! God bless our patriots, law-enforcement, & peaceful protestors (we support you) you are welcome! Those of you who incite violence, to destroy our communities will be met with a force in the likes of which you have never seen! #NIdaho pic.twitter.com/JKyUrLzqSD
— Laurie Powell (@JaynLaurieP) June 2, 2020
In fact, armed residents (and store owners) across the country aren’t having any of antifa’s bullshit:
pic.twitter.com/XXH7dbLVQn— The_Real_Fly (@The_Real_Fly) June 3, 2020
A funny thing happened when rioters walked past ARMED HOMEOWNERS… nothing.pic.twitter.com/W1iwHCyr1Q
— Carolina Opinion (@CarolinaOpinion) June 2, 2020
Our beautiful home sweet home of North Idaho!! God bless our patriots, law-enforcement, & peaceful protestors (we support you) you are welcome! Those of you who incite violence, to destroy our communities will be met with a force in the likes of which you have never seen! #NIdaho pic.twitter.com/JKyUrLzqSD
— Laurie Powell (@JaynLaurieP) June 2, 2020
So Antifa is so hated even the Latin Kings gang is enforcing their territory as well:
But so far the most creative blow back against these dudes trying to start some shit has to be this one as a man with ‘Steel Claw’ Confronts Teens Who Reportedly Threw Objects at His Car. Some say “Wolverine Claw” but no this doesn’t look like it’s coming from his skin like the Marvel superhero from x-men.
The footage, shared by NBC New York reporter Myles Miller, shows a man shouting at the youths before turning his grey SUV around to drive up to them. The man is seen quickly exiting his vehicle and chasing down one of the young men as he asks, “You want to throw shit like that?” while pointing the weapon at him.
In Whitestone, where a man allegedly tried to run over protestors and attack them with knives. Hear from these teens tonight n @NBCNewYork pic.twitter.com/UVSBNiig1T
— Myles N. Miller (@MylesMill) June 3, 2020
The man then turns his attention to the rest of the group, pointing the weapon in their direction as he once again asks, “You want to throw shit like that?” In Miller’s previous tweet, the reporter said the man also attempted to run over the teens with his truck. Reporters and commentators compared the man’s unique weapon to Wolverine, the Marvel Comics X-Men character who fights with blades attached to his knuckles.
According to Miller, local police said of the incident: “no arrests at this time and the investigation is ongoing.”
In Whitestone, where a man allegedly tried to run over protestors and attack them with knives. Hear from these teens tonight n @NBCNewYork pic.twitter.com/UVSBNiig1T
— Myles N. Miller (@MylesMill) June 3, 2020
It’s all fun and games until you piss off the guy with a Wolverine claw in his car… 😧 pic.twitter.com/dHTaq0LgP8
— Kristina Wong 🇺🇸 (@kristina_wong) June 3, 2020
Thursday, January 20, 2022
Hannibal Rising & Moon Knight Star Gaspard Ulliel has passed away.......... RIP
Wow this is sad news but the AFP News Agency released word that Gaspard Ulliel, the French actor who is set to appear in Marvel’s upcoming Moon Knight series on Disney+, has died following a skiing accident. At age 37 years old.
According to the reports, Ulliel was skiing in the Savoie region of the French Alps on January 19, 2022 when he collided with another skier at an intersection between two slopes.
The actor was subsequently airlifted to a hospital in Grenoble, where he was diagnosed with a serious brain trauma. Ulliel’s family confirmed the news of his passing on the 19th. AFP also notes that local authorities are opening an investigation into the incident but don’t suspect foul play. Ulliel who began acting in his native France and eventually became one of the country’s best-known performers.
American audiences first heard of him when he starred as a young Hannibal Lecter in 2007’s Hannibal Rising one of my favorite movies in the franchise. Ulliel achieved further recognition for his performance as the titular fashion designer in Saint Laurent in 2014. He also won César Awards (essentially the French Oscars) for his performances in 2004’s A Very Long Engagement and 2016’s It’s Only the End of the World.
Last summer, Ulliel joined the cast of Moon Knight as Anton Mogart, a.k.a. the Midnight Man. Writer Doug Moench and artist Bill Sienkiewicz introduced this character during their classic Moon Knight run as one of Marc Spector’s earliest villains.
Mogart’s typical M.O. involved stealing valuable art and jewels, usually at the stroke of midnight. After much anticipation, Marvel finally premiered the first trailer for Moon Knight earlier this week. Unfortunately, Ulliel’s character was nowhere to be found.
Ulliel is survived by his girlfriend, French model and singer Gaelle Pietri, and his six-year-old son, Orso. Viewers can watch him in Moon Knight when the series hits Disney+ on March 30. You can share any memories you have of Gaspard Ulliel’s work in the comment section below.
This is also a sentence. And also this. Also this as well. We wish the fans of the actor well. And especially to the family, we express our sympathy. Death is never easy, and the grieving process is always hard. Hold on to your loved ones, because life is shorter than we would like to believe.
Monday, July 5, 2021
Rabbit Punched Episode #4 "Bryan J.L. Glass"
Premiered Jul 5, 2021 Featuring American comic book author Bryan J.L. Glass (Valkyrie Marvel Comics/The Mice Templar) and 2 time Harvey Award Winner. Join him, Angel, Gerald & Spud in the ring.
Website: http://bryanjlglass.com/
Wednesday, March 16, 2022
Scott Hall has passed away.......... RIP
WWE is saddened to learn that two-time WWE Hall of Famer Scott Hall has passed away.
WWE extends its condolences to Hall’s family, friends and fans. pic.twitter.com/jgqL3WizOS
— WWE (@WWE) March 15, 2022
Say goodbye to the badguy chico! One of the biggest icons in sports entertainment has left us for good… As most know and have known for days Scott Oliver Hall was an American professional wrestler. He was best known for his tenures with the World Wrestling Federation under the ring name Razor Ramon and with World Championship Wrestling under his real name. Hall began his career in 1984, before rising to prominence after signing with the WWF in May 1992, assuming the name Razor Ramon. This is where he truly began to make his mark on the sports entertainment industry.
For a guy who looks like he stepped out of the pages of a comic book he who had an ideal look for say Marvel Comics “The Punisher” or some comic book character chose Pro Wrestling as his career. With the help of the icon Hulk Hogan, and his best friend Kevin Nash they took over the company of WCW as the nWo. The trio formed what would become the biggest thing EVER in the world of pro wrestling. This is when they became “The nWo” and soon the fun times started.
Scott Hall, the two-time WWE Hall of Famer and a founding member of the New World Order, died at the age of 63 on Monday. The pro wrestling icon suffered three heart attacks from hip surgery complications over the weekend and was taken off life support.
WWE announced the news to open “Monday Night Raw” — a show Hall appeared on the first episode of in 1993 as Razor Ramon — and wrestler Kevin Owens started the show with Hall’s signature catchphrase” “Hey yo.”
The company also aired a video remembering Hall’s legendary career in both WWE and WCW. It was the start of a flow of tributes that poured out of every corner of the industry to remember one of the its all-time greats and influential figures. “The WWE family will forever remember Scott Hall as a gifted entertainer and 2-time WWE Hall of Famer, a loving father and a dear friend.” Tweeted out the WWE reps… Words can’t do him justice because as great as his career was he was very underrated, unappreciated, and under used in a proper way.
Over the years they spoke more about his battles with drugs, and booze and not enough about the man, and what he could do. A Sad part of the bloody world of “pro wrestling” and one he often fell victim too. While one can also say he was an icon, and part of the greatest storyline ever put together. The nWo… With that said REST In PEACE to you sir, and go enjoy eternity with the other greats the sport has lost over the years in heaven.
You never realize how much you love someone until you can’t. pic.twitter.com/jKRUehYMBF
— Kevin Nash (@RealKevinNash) March 16, 2022
Bad Guy! 🙏🏻 pic.twitter.com/xaYReZx5Y2
— 90s WWE (@90sWWE) March 15, 2022
I’m gutted…Lost a brother
I love you Scott!!
I’ll see you down the road…#BuddySystem pic.twitter.com/Qx2he0TetS— Triple H (@TripleH) March 15, 2022
Hey Yo! For Life ✌️❤️
BYE BAD BOY 😭😭#ScottHall #WWE pic.twitter.com/YgxLii491O
— Raúl Ramos (@RaulRamos_WWE) March 15, 2022
Sending my condolences 💐to the Scott Hall family. My prayers are with you🙏🏾🙏🏾🙏🏾 pic.twitter.com/2EBeyuSpLP
— WWE R-TRUTH (@RonKillings) March 16, 2022
Friday, August 28, 2020
Chadwick Boseman has passed away... 🙏RIP🙏
In the official release it reads… “It is with immeasurable grief that we confirm the passing of Chadwick Boseman.
Chadwick was diagnosed with stage III colon cancer in 2016, and battled with it these last 4 years as it progressed to stage IV. A true fighter, Chadwick persevered through it all, and brought you many of the films you have come to love so much. From Marshall to Da 5 Bloods, August Wilson’s Ma Rainey’s Black Bottom and several more, all were filmed during and between countless surgeries and chemotherapy. It was the honor of his career to bring King T’Challa to life in Black Panther. He died in his home, with his wife and family by his side. The family thanks you for your love and prayers, and asks that you continue to respect their privacy during this difficult time.”
This was just a completely unexpected as he never went public with his diagnosis so for almost four years he humbly worked hard in the entertainment industry to give the fans, and audience a memorable cinematic performance, for us to enjoy watching. For us he was a hero on screen, and now we know he was one off also as he continue his passion without using his illness as an excuse for anything. I’m shocked to report this in the same year 2020 with so much death from “celebrities” to random violence in the street, and to my own personal friends like Jorge Rodriguez who fits both as a “celebrity” and my friend. 2020 will go down as one of the most painful years to live thru that we have ever had, and this news should show us all a clear vision at how short life is, and how if we take each second, and or minute for granted it will all end as quick as it began. Every death of every human being is sad. More so when it’s due to an illness he can’t cure. We’re all experiencing a major virus which is killing a lot of innocent people, and here we have a millionaire actor dying of Cancer.
This again needs to be brought to continued research. I lost my mother in the same year Chadwick was diagnosed with stage III colon cancer in 2016, and I know how hard it is to see someone struggle with it, and pass away from it. I’ve also been dealing with health issues since, and friends it’s not an easy road. So when I see people in good health make a fool out of themselves, and get themselves killed over idiotic differences within our human people it’s sad to witness. My condolences to the family of Chadwick who are mourning their loss.
Who would have thought these two would be gone in 2020!?
The Actor Chadwick Boseman, who played Black icons Jackie Robinson in the film 42 which ironically is also how old he was when he died. He also played James Brown before finding super stardom as the regal Black Panther in the Marvel cinematic universe. Here is a picture of him recently… Look how skinny he looks compared to him as Black Panther.

All we can now say is goodbye to a great young actor taken far to soon… Rest in Peace.
Friday, August 30, 2019
Fredo... Cuomo is back at it again with his idiotic behavior.
He’s either a helpless dummy OR Fredo Cuomo is suffering from mental retardation of some sort because first this loser attacks Presidential spokeswoman Kayleigh McEnany and when she called the media on their lies which does include CNN his own network so since he cannot debate anyone on anything truthful because he’s a known liar, and con artist with a bad attitude as we all know he hates being called “Fredo” which now Chris it’s your official name.
You’re Fredo Cuomo as far as I’m concerned so that loser ended the interview like the coward, and two face liar he is. Cuomo who recently threatened to throw a guy down a flight of stairs for calling him “Fredo.” And by once, browbeat McEnany in an attempt to get her to admit that President Trump has lied to the American people. “No. I don’t believe the President has lied.” said Kayleigh McEnany again President the campaign national press secretary to the PRESIDENT! She told Cuomo that President Trump has never lied to the country. Which he hasn’t, and we all know by now that the left has been the liars, Russian hoaxers, colluders, and traitors to this country with their socialist agenda.
McEnany said “He doesn’t lie,” not taking the bait of the CNN host in their Wednesday interview. “Guess who lies? The press lies.” she said back! “Time and time again. He’s frustrated with media coverage,” she said about President Trump’s tweet that Fox News is not working for conservatives anymore something even I’ve noticed as FOX has been sold to Disney it’s movie side Disney being ran by very leftists people I’m sure this might have something to do with it. Not sure how deep the Disney chain of command does go here but it doesn’t shock me. They also own ABC, and Lucasfilms, Marvel and anything else which suddenly has now adopted a more left gender political agenda in their movies, and tv shows.
Something us STAR WARS fans noticed right away, and been protesting since 2015! Finally people are waking up to their games, and the last couple of Star Wars movies either bombed at the box office (Solo) or with fans, (The Last Jedi) and in the case of “SOLO” with both.
“He’s fighting for the people in his movement. He didn’t say Fox News should work for him,” she said to the host Cuomo then put the president’s tweet on the screen and again took his words out of context to suggest he thinks Fox News works for him. “Here we go again. This is more fake news,” she said as Cuomo interrupted her in an attempt to make her look ridiculous. “The tweet is right in front of their faces,” he shouted at his guest unprofessionally. “If he didn’t lie, if he didn’t take…” “He doesn’t lie,” McEnany said, stopping a furious Cuomo in his tracks. “He doesn’t lie. Guess who lies, the press lies.”
“You don’t think the president has lied to the American people? He has never lied to the American people?” the host said. “No, I don’t think the president has lied,” she said as she again called Cuomo on the numerous lies of the press. “Wow! That blew me IFB right out of my head,” Cuomo said, afraid to confront the truth of his propaganda machine. “Interview’s over, Kayleigh.” “You will not have credibility with the audience. You got a long way to go, Kayleigh,” Cuomo said as he continued to attack his guest. “You may not like what I say, that doesn’t make it a lie. He lies all the time and you know it,” Cuomo insisted.
“I think you should take a look in the mirror, Chris,” McEnany fired back at the blatantly biased host and propagandist. “I do. And I don’t like these lines,” he quipped and then said. “but I do like that I don’t lie to my audience every damn chance I get.” WOW he who condemns anyone for inciting a fight in public, and than is recording doing so when called Fredo! This guy’s beyond words pathetic, and stupid. He really is a Fredo Cumo… In this video Cumo lies when he said that he TRUMP wanted to “SWAP” Greenland for Puerto Rico. Trump never brought up Puerto Rico he suggested buying Greenland officials as a joke in GREENLAND tweeted about trading Puerto Rico for the frozen Greenland days after the President’s tweet. So once more Cumo is a liar. Watch this video guys this is hilarious. Cuomo needs to lose his job this man is a joke.
Thursday, September 17, 2020
Welcoming back the iconic Illustrator of some of my favorite comics which include DOOM PATROL! Which is one of my favorite comic series ever. I read them as a kid, and his run on Flex Mentallo is awesome, and it’s one being used currently on the TV SHOW!
But Mark McKenna has had an amazing run in comics spanning over 3 decades now. In that time he has worked on Batman, Wolverine, Iron Man, The Incredible Hulk and more recently on Star Wars, counting close to 600 comics or more by now.
Mark’s work can be seen in Legendary Picture Books PACIFIC RIM movie prequel as well as Dark Horse Comic’s Star Wars-The Old Republic: The Lost Suns. In 2012 his work on the online web comic titled “Star Wars: Blood of the Empire” was collected into an 84 page trade paperback and was the lynch pin for the 2012 released Bio-ware online video game, The Old Republic. DC and Marvel have collected Mark’s work in multitudes of titles such as Doom Patrol, Venom, Deadpool Classics and Exiles.
Mark has also created, written, inked and published the Sci Fi/Horror COMBAT JACKS comic book mini series. The COMBAT JACKS Collection which collects the 144 page mini series into a hardcover mini series is NOW available.. under Mark’s Banana Tale Press imprint.
His children’s book series Banana Tail and Friends is a labor of love that he created when his daughter was four and had a newborn son. The BOOnana Tail Halloween Special was released for Halloween 2014 and was treated as an “all ages” comic project that continues to grow with children that had the original storybooks read to them as younger children. The other Banana Tail titles include; Banana Tail’s Tales and Activities, Banana Tail’s Colorful Adventure and the soon-to-be-released Banana Tail and the Checkerboard Jungle. He was so nice to send me his first books of Banana tails years ago, and as an avid collector I can’t thank him enough. Awesome stuff for kids, and hope more of his work is in peoples hands as they tuck their little ones to bed at night.
Enjoy his links below for more Banana Tail info please visit: Banana Tail For more comic-related info, please visit: Mark McKenna Art or Combat Jacks
Wednesday, July 3, 2024
Will Reeve in Superman 2025 cameo
Well folks it's been posted online that ‘Superman’ by James Gunn is set to Feature Christopher Reeve’s Son in a heartfelt Tribute touching nod to Superman’s cinematic legacy, that Christopher Reeve is a major part of as we know he played Superman in the original 4 movies starting in 1978. Now Will Reeve his son is set to make a cameo appearance in the James Gunn’s highly anticipated “Superman” film reboot. The news, reported first by Variety, has sparked excitement among fans and industry insiders alike.
This after days following the fallout from the pictures of new Superman David Corenswet in what looked like a baggy dirty suit only to be followed by a bunch of set photo releases which was spoken about on video by many YouTubers myself included.
Will Reeve, currently working as a journalist and correspondent for ABC News, was spotted on the set of the upcoming superhero blockbuster. He is slated to play a television reporter, a role that not only pays homage to his father’s portrayal of the Man of Steel but also mirrors his own real-life career.
Christopher Reeve, who passed away in 2004, is universally recognized for his portrayal of Superman in Richard Donner’s 1978 classic and its sequels. His performance set the standard for superhero portrayals and remains beloved by fans worldwide. I said for a long time when looking at the life of Chris and his son Will growing up after Chris passed how much he looked not just like his dad but he has the look of Superman from the modern era down from head, face, and body structure... The Son of Superman who now is an actual journalist himself. This is a no brainer but we don't have him in the role sadly but since there is a "multiverse" in DCU like MARVEL. Who knows right? Maybe this cameo can set up his own Superman movies? lol There is always hope.
The new “Superman” film, set to be the first theatrical release in the James Gunn Re-imagined or Rebooted DC Universe. Or the "DCU" (DC Universe) which again replaced the old "DCEU" (DC Extended Universe) which a lot of people thought Zack Snyder should have been in charge off as an alternate universe look into these characters as his movies were in place already. He's not doing anymore in that universe and that DCEU is now done.
Thursday, June 8, 2023
Tupac Shakur posthumously receives star on Hollywood Walk of Fame!
Like some of you know "2Pac" or "Tupac Shakur" or however you would spell his name just got a long overdue posthumously star on Hollywood Walk of Fame! Shakur is one of only 12 rap artists, including Queen Latifah and Ice-T, who have received a star on the Walk of Fame and the first I do think but I could be wrong on that so don't sue me if there is one other or two.
But as a BIG BIG fan of 2Pac since 1990 and having seen him rise, and pass way to seen and having heard all his music hundreds of times, and knowing all the lyrics all I can say is he should have got one 2 decades ago at least. But better late than never.
He lived to be only 25 yet his music is still hitting people today like if he could tell the future. IF You listen close it's like he speaks of what we're facing today in a lot of what he said when he was in his early 20's. Without a doubt a man before his time, and one who left us many songs, and a few movies to marvel at the talent that was taken in 1996... He will always be my favorite rapper, and he will always be an influence in me, and the hip hop culture. Rest in Peace to him and thank god they finally are showing Pac love with this STAR... It's something to show he left his imprint in society and the people involved in these matters are finally starting to wake up... Hope they're listening to his words in his music too.
Remember he said it... "It's NOT THEM that's killing us... It's us that's killing us". He was talking about White people, and the Police compared to Black on Black Crime... Black people pay attention.
Monday, June 14, 2021
Happy Birthday to a legend! Bryan J.L Glass!
From Public Streaming Network we would like to wish our friend Bryan J.L Glass a happy birthday, and hope he has many more great ones a head. Here is a little run down on the man himself.
Bryan J.L. Glass Born: 06/14 is an American comic book writer, known for his work on books such as The Mice Templar, a creator-owned series that he publishes through Image Comics, and for which he won two Harvey Awards. He has also written books for Marvel Comics, including Thor: First Thunder and Valkyrie. With his latest project “Furious,” a five-issue miniseries which debuted this past January from Dark Horse Comics. “Furious” was illustrated by Glass’s “Mice Templar” collaborator Victor Santos, and first glimpsed with an eight-page story in December’s “Dark Horse Presents” #31. “Furious” is designed to stand on its own, but Glass leaves open the possibility of revisiting the title character and her world in potential future volumes, if the opportunity arises.
Official Website: http://bryanjlglass.com/
Saturday, July 15, 2023
The Writer strike continues! Check out this video by Sean Gunn!
So The Wrtier Strike in Hollyweird continues to rage on as overpaid Writers, and over paid Directors who consistantly create garbage movies these days are marching for more MONEY and now actor, and brother of James Gunn who can be seen in James Marvel trilogy "Guardians of the Galaxy" is speaking out against Bob Iger the CEO of Diseny pretty much closing the door in his ever being cast in another Disney movie. lol
But check out his Tweet below and like normal I got in on the fun so I also commented and well had to have some fun with these people... While real Americans go hungry, our borders are being invaded, we got cocaine in The White House where the worst President in the history of this country is sitting destroying our country we have to have these rich wannabe so called important people complain about not making enough money... It's incredible... The Rich can't ever have enough while us poor folk strugle to get by with things like patreon.com/angelespino just to survive.
Sean Gunn says “in 1980, CEOs made 30x what the lowest worker was making, now Bob Iger makes 400x what his lowest worker is making.”
— DiscussingFilm (@DiscussingFilm) July 15, 2023
“I think that’s a fucking shame Bob, and maybe you should look in the mirror & ask why is that? Is it morally okay?” pic.twitter.com/yJkbz9QT28
Sean Gunn says “in 1980, CEOs made 30x what the lowest worker was making, now Bob Iger makes 400x what his lowest worker is making.” I agree there but Sean how about Directors, writers, and actors start doing better also? We the fans want better quality. Nobody is happy with what James Gunn is doing with Henry Cavill, and the Snyder fans have every right to be mad. But hey with FLASH bombing while James Gunnn said it was one of the best Superhero movies he'd ever seen this shows us what part of the problem is. But let's continue. “I think that’s a fucking shame Bob, and maybe you should look in the mirror & ask why is that? Is it morally okay?”
The amount of $ @RobertIger make is outrageous while not the only one. But let's be honest most movies these days are horrible. Are most these Writers & Directors worth the money when they consistently turn out garbage? Anyday now this will a movie! #Facts @JamesGunn @seangunn pic.twitter.com/9lk1R11m2S
— RealAngelEspino (@TheEspinoReport) July 15, 2023
Okay, now call out David Zaslav, your brother's boss, who also makes insane salaries.
— Drü 🜃 (@drewexmachina) July 15, 2023
Or are we not biting the hand that feeds your bro (and you, when you are closely involved in the new DCU), Mr Gunn?#BoycottWBD pic.twitter.com/P8ozUEVDIq
Not morally OK Sean but neither is this over sized amount of WOKE crap and hidden agendas these writers, and directors keep throwing into their scripts, and films these days... Oh and why is James Gunns name floating around on the list of people who went to the now infamous James Epstein island?
“Is it morally ok?” pic.twitter.com/ayILWXuLgE
— Snyder Cut Fan (@snydercutfan) July 15, 2023
Friday, November 18, 2022
WAKANDA FOREVER OPENS BIG! But was it worth the hype?
Ok so we're all caught up here friends!
Wakanda is a fictional country appearing in American comic books published by Marvel Comics. Wakanda has been depicted as being in East Africa. It is located in sub-Saharan Africa, and is home to the superhero "Black Panther". Wakanda first appeared in Fantastic Four #52, and was created by Stan Lee and Jack Kirby.
Now with that said the first movie was ok but nothing special, and this was my feeling pre the passing of it's star actor "Chadwick Boseman" who played the role of T'Challa aka the "Black Panther" himselff.
The hope is that Wakanda Forever holds much better than this year’s previous MCU films Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness and Thor: Love and Thunder (which both dropped 67-68% in their second weekends), even if it doesn’t prove as durable as the first Black Panther (down just 45% in its second weekend, which is good for any film and especially great for such a huge opener, ranking as the second best weekend two hold ever for a film to open above $150 million and the fourth best grossing second weekend). A drop of 53% would be enough to give Wakanda Forever the tenth best second weekend gross ever with roughly $85.2 million, but as great as that would be, it seems like a long shot.
If it drops akin to recent MCU offerings, that would be a roughly $60 million second weekend which feels like a worst case scenario, but that would still give it a 10 day cume in the high $200s which is a great spread, even if it’s not enough to save the overall box office. As of Tuesday Wakanda Forever has a gross of $205 million, and there’s a small chance that by Sunday it will become the year’s sixth film to cross $300 million, which would make it the fastest to do so of any film this year (so far Top Gun: Maverick holds that claim with 11 days) and tie it for 12th on the all time fastest list (the first Black Panther is tied for fifth, getting there in just eight days). It’s more likely that it will get there during the week, but it could tie Maverick for the year’s fastest or tie for second along with Multiverse of Madness if it gets there in 12 days.
Joining the fray this weekend are some smaller titles, though don’t expect much from the counter-programming. Searchlight has the most potential with their fine dining genre film The Menu, which marks the widest release ever for the label with 3,100 theaters. The film stars Anya Taylor-Joy and Nicholas Hoult as diners at a high end restaurant where the chef (Ralph Fiennes) has something more sinister in mind than simply feeding his customers. A comp here is Searchlight’s 2019 release Ready or Not, which opened to $8 million and stretched out to $28.7 million.
Critics love The Menu (91% on Rotten Tomatoes) and the other genre fare in theaters has largely run its course, so it could have a solid run. Less is expected from She Said, which Universal is bringing to 2000 theaters. The film stars Carey Mulligan and Zoe Kazan as New York Times journalists Megan Twohey and Jodi Kantor who reported on Harvey Weinstein’s history of sexual misconduct. An optimistic comp here would be Bombshell, which grossed $5.1 million in its first wide weekend (from 1,480 theaters) and went on to gross $31.8 million, but that had more star power and perhaps a wider appeal in its content and lighter tone. Reviews are great (86% on Rotten Tomatoes) and there is some awards buzz particularly for its leads, so hopefully this $32 million budgeted drama can find its audience.
Also in the mix is the five theater New York and Los Angeles launch of Luca Guadagnino’s romantic cannibal thriller Bones and All. The United Artists Releasing film stars Taylor Russell, Timothée Chalamet, and Mark Rylance and expands next Wednesday ahead of Thanksgiving.