Showing posts with label Chris Pratt. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Chris Pratt. Show all posts

Tuesday, July 18, 2023


The word bubbling up again which has been a rumor before is that Disney is looking to either SELL most of it's company's assets or perhaps the entire shebang! Now Apple once again is said to be interested. As we know Disney has been well not doing well financially. So when Robert Alan Chapek walked and BOB IGER returned as CEO of Disney a lot of fans were very happy. But then the movies that came out didn't hit very well the whole Florida vs Disney or better yet Ron DeSantis vs Disney happened, and well the company went so WOKE it might be broke as nothing they have put out has been underwhelming both with fans and at the box office.

The biggest companies affected in the possible sell I feel would be the Marvel Universe Comics, Movies and TV + Streaming. And the Lucasfilms films in Star Wars, Indiana Jones (Which has just released a bomb in 2023) and well now that the Disney Star Wars parks are coming down the whole thing left is Willow... Oh wait. They already ruined that also. Nothing much left to put out in Lucasfilms.

With Disney also buying FOX Studios it owns ALL rights to Marvel Films, and Lucasfilms. Now would I think they should do is sell Marvel to SONY and let Sony continue putting in place the MCU under Kevin Feige continuing his work. Sony has something good with the Spiderman / Venom films and should be a big player in buying the entire Marvel studios which would include the Films, TV and Streaming rights.

Than sell Lucasfilms back to George Lucas and let him continue his movies like he wants... The first thing I would do if I was Lucas is refuse to bring in the "sequel trilogy" and "solo" in continuity. Than totally reboot Indiana Jones! OR bring it for 1 last ride with Ford ASAP with someone like Chris Pratt playing another son NOT Mutt that Indiana Had with another woman who finds his dad as he needs him for one final ride, and really gives us something like the movie Indiana Jones and the last crusade and pass the baton to the new Indiana Jones. "Indiana Jones Jr" going forward with Pratt in the lead would be big! And I would let Lucasfilms come up with new material which has nothing to do with Star Wars for a while and give Pratt his own solo trilogy.

Sell off to Comcast the rest of Hulu and let Disney+ be the only streaming they have along with Fox being used for the entire film category in another Streaming platform or rent out the movie rights, and tv rights and let Netflix or others get shows and movies to stream in their platforms and pay Disney for their use thus bringing in a major payoff to Disney. Keep Disney+ for their legacy things not "Marvel/Lucasfilms" related.

See if ANYONE wants ABC? Good info in these videos below... Check these out for more info on the subject. Are we looking at the final days of the Disney company as we knew it? Looks like it. But we know one things folks this is the internet and it's only rumors, and nerd talk until these sales become reality. But hey! Where there is smoke there could be fire! So who knows.