Showing posts with label Space Movies. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Space Movies. Show all posts

Sunday, September 24, 2023

‘Blue Beetle’ Director Deletes Tweet Wishing Assassination On President Donald Trump

‘Blue Beetle’ Director Deletes Tweet Wishing Assassination On President Donald Trump, Claims Puerto Rico Is A “Slave Colony”

Thursday, June 8, 2023

Star Wars Rumor has it that Dave Filoni's upcoming Star Wars... IS DOA! IF This casting news is real.

So after fans let it be known they wanted Anthony Ingruber by boycotting "SOLO: A B/S story" which tanked at the boxoffice looks like one time fan favorite Dave Filoni might make the same blunder the original directors made when casting that horrible POS movie. By the way the 1st and only MAJOR BOMB in SW history, and this includes, spinoff and Sequels... Oh the old Holiday special was better than the Con Howard movie.

Notice how when that movie was being done how Ronny Howard had all those ads making out how he could teach directing and how to make movies that made money? Notice how ALL that went away with 1 BOMB. IF Filoni makes this mistake and brings back what's his name from SOLO and doesn't just use face swap at this point which is what fans seem to prefer as look what happen when they did it with LUKE?

Either that or give us the ACTOR we wanted... Anthony Ingruber. How the hell does Disney & Lucasfilms not hire this guy? He's played Ford in a movie and looks and sounds JUST like Harrison Ford! His early screen test he did on his own proves it. But check out this uncanny deepfake which shows almost that they like flipping TWINS!

And if you never seen it here is the original screen test reading he did years ago... He is ideal for the part of both SOLO and a young INDY Jones!

Also Alden is way to old now he's 33 and will be as old or older than FORD was in A NEW HOPE who was 35 at the time he shot "A New Hope" and this is supposed to be a prequel? I'm sure they can't be trying some idiotic Multiverse or some other STAR TREK/MARVEL idea with SW! STOP Trying to copy Marvel, and Trek or DCU for godsakes! This is STAR WARS!!!! Now while Anthony is also now 33 he still looks much younger and could easily slip into the role, and so I am sorry I hope that Filoni isn't this idiotic and follow in already made mistakes by doubling down on them with a major one of his own! Alden Doesn't look the role, sound the role, and now he's older than FORD was in a movie 10 years or more AFTER the events of "SOLO" and again LOOKS OLDER!

How this can be true is beyond me, and I hope the rumors are NOT true as I would lose all repsect for Dave and while Mandalorian is the ONLY thing left worthy of watching SW Related right now after the Gina firing even that show feels like it's now just giving the fans the middle finger! This re-casting of simply THE WORST POSSIBLE CHOICE who already failed in a movie rejected by fans, and hated by most! Just look at the DeepFake comments if you don't believe me most fans wanted Ingruber and not Alden.

Filoni is seen by fans as the Anti Katheen Kennedy but if he brings this dude back he just gave the entire SW fan community the middle finger also... This would be a final straw as ANYTHING he puts out will be DOA which means DEAD on Arrival.

Also the rumor has it that Alden Ehrenreich (Who again was already once rejected by fans!) will be in the film and also that Leia will be recast, which again is dumb since they already did a face swap with a stand in years ago and by the time this movie even goes to production the TECH do this is 100% better now and is getting even better. So I don’t know why Disney would even allow this b/s! Now how big the parts are for either is in question but both are a major mistake again at this point. Also no plot details on what's even in the movie. Entertainment Weekly in April posted that "Dave Filoni and Jon Favreau" made statements hinting that the feature will be an event film akin to 2012’s The Avengers.

Filoni called it “a clamoring of characters saying, ‘How do I get in this picture?’ And that’s what Jon [Favreau] and I have been figuring out.”
The implication seems to be that Dave Filoni could be bringing in characters from most or all of the current and/or completed Disney+ series. Will it be set in the New Republic era? Including The Mandalorian and The Book of Boba Fett? Also will the upcoming shows like Ahsoka and Skeleton Crew play a part in this? Considering the extended lifetimes of certain alien species along with Star Wars’ penchant for resurrection we could possibly see characters popping up from Andor, Obi-Wan Kenobi, the prequel films, or even The Acolyte.

Then there’s the many animated characters waiting to be transferred to live-action, something Dave Filoni is intimately familiar with as the showrunner for The Clone Wars. Filoni has hinted we could even see non-canonical characters from other media pop up in the film, and there’s always the officially canonical Star Wars comics and novels published after Disney’s acquisition of Lucasfilm. For example, the Wookiee Black Krrsantan (Carey Jones), who made his live-action debut in The Book of Boba Fett, appeared first in Marvel‘s 2015 Darth Vader comic.

When Alden Ehrenreich first played a younger Han Solo in 2018, again the film proved to be the first Star Wars flop. With a production budget approaching $300 million, not to mention an undisclosed marketing budget, Solo failed to break even. Critics were relatively unimpressed with the story though there were plenty of complaints about the cast while some thought Donald Glover’s turn as a younger Lando Calrissian proved to be a standout.

Personally I didn't like him either as Lando...

Don't be like Katheel Kennedy Dave and don't make the same mistakes the OG directors on the Solo: A B/S story made in picking the wrong person for the role twice... There is only 1 person born for the role not named Harrison Ford, and that's Anthony Ingruber. Hands down.