USAID is shut down as the corruption and spending that come to light is incredibly evil and it's literally stealing money from the American people but as we know the left who lies, and wants these criminal payoff to continue and these DEI and Trans pushing programs to continue. So they claim they're going to fight back against billionaires stealing taxpayer money for another tax cut for themselves.
Which is what they claim ELON is doing. Funny we all know the left projects their own behavior to others who try to stop them.
Live at USAID to fight back against billionaires stealing taxpayer money for another tax cut for themselves.
They cite CHINA as their program gives MILLIONS to the CCP so they don't kill and torture The Uighurs... So we are paying China to not kill their own people" let this sink in a bit and somehow this is seen as an ok spending by the left? How about we tell China hey we think that the CCP should just NOT KILL it's own people.
Why should we have to pay for them not to do what they should already not be doing which is killing their own people? How does this make any sense? These idiots and crooks on the left are getting paid over this and this is being fed to them via democrat programs like Act Blue, and others which is money from their "constitutes" as they say in the video of these morons protesting this move.
Nobody here in America who is homeless or a VET needing these funds to help them could give a crap about USAID and the waste of this money and so there are no mistakes here let's see just a few ways USAID wasted our tax dollars and Democrats are defending this Bullshit.
$47 thousand for a trans opera in Columbia
$32k for a transgender comic book in Peru
1.5 million for DEI in Serbia workplaces
$70 thousand for a DEI musical production in Ireland.
$500k To Promote Atheism in Nepal.
When Jamie Raskin is claimed as anyone's "HERO" you know these people are on the wrong side of the law, and on the wrong side of this story. Jamie is as crooked as they come.
Also in the first video in the post we see Ilhan Omar who is one of the most disgusting human beings to ever serve office. This woman married her own brother to get him to the USA with that she also married another man and was married to both at once to get them into the country illegally.
She also said when she did a press interview when she was given her seat that she would be in congress fighting for Somalia her country and against the USA, and other forces against her country. WTF? What is she even doing here?
She is an enemy of our country along with the rest of her fraud squad AOC + 3. As these women are known or my favorite term "The Fraud Squad" ... Personally to me all these liberals like her are domestic terrorists and are only here to steal our taxpayer money, and enrich themselves and the dictators they're aligned to in these other countries. They all belong in prison.
This is why this evil chick is even involved in this conversation so you know her motives. Ilhan Omar should’ve been deported as soon as she was caught committing immigration crimes. Instead, we've allowed her into the halls of government, where she's committed who knows how many number of minor and major treasons and her radical mind is a major problem in our country.
Ilhan Omar supports USAID because almost $2.3 billion of our tax dollars were wasted on Somalia. Omar swore allegiance to Somalia over America.
She said, “I am here to protect the interests of Somalia from within the US system.”
Until we start doing to traitors what our Constitution demands, they'll keep pulling this crap on us and getting away with it.
Omar is panicked because she is caught. President Trump is right again π₯πΊπΈ USAID is a criminal organization, they have illegally transferred $2 billion from US treasury to Somalia.
When I say "SWAMP CREATURE" or "RINO" who is someone who jumps right into the frame of your mind right away? Well if you said Liz Cheney you are on the right page and clearly you read the title of this post. But with the obvious facts here there is a post on The Hill who claims that President-elect Trump has a fixation on former Rep. Liz Chaney. Also they claim in this post that "It's escalating as he suggests she should be prosecuted for her work on the now-disbanded House Jan. 6 committee." So while it's now clear that Liz has lied, and should be investigated especially in the wake of a report by a House subcommittee that alleges Cheney improperly communicated with star witness Cassidy Hutchinson, Trump accused Cheney of committing crimes as she led the panel.
“Liz Cheney has been exposed in the Interim Report, by Congress, of the J6 Unselect Committee as having done egregious and unthinkable acts of crime,” Trump wrote on his social media site, adding that her support “helped the Democrats lose the Election.” And continued with... “She is so unpopular and disgusting, a real loser!” While "The Hill" says "It would likely be difficult for a Trump Justice Department to successfully prosecute Cheney." Well I don't know as she is part of the CABAL which has taken part in making these FAKE accusations on Trump and now we all know that Nasty Pelosi, and DC Mayor Bowser were the ones responsible for the FAKE narrative which followed J6 which lead to the this fake prosecution of TRUMP!
Hutchinson first reached out to Cheney, and any work the former member of House GOP leadership did would likely be covered by the Constitution’s Speech or Debate Clause. But the report is nonetheless something of a road map for a possible investigation into a top Trump critic and someone the president-elect has repeatedly said should face consequences. The interim report is from Rep. Barry Loudermilk (R-Ga.), a House Administration subcommittee chair. Loudermilk was himself reviewed by the Jan. 6 committee after giving a Capitol tour on Jan. 5, 2021, to two constituents who later joined the rioters gathered around the building. His report that has been billed as a review of the “failures and politicization” of the panel calls for a criminal investigation into Cheney, saying she may have violated statutes regarding witness tampering by being in contact with Hutchinson.
So it looks that when Hutchinson initially reached out to former White House aide Alyssa Farah Griffin, whom the report accuses of being a backchannel between Hutchinson and the lawmaker. It was Hutchinson who first reached out to Cheney, and in her memoir the lawmaker writes about encouraging her to find a new attorney as “every witness deserves an attorney who will represent their interests exclusively.”
Rep. Jamie Raskin (D-Md.), a former constitutional law professor who served on the Jan. 6 panel alongside Cheney, said the former lawmaker did not act inappropriately but would be protected regardless. “It is not a crime in America to tell someone to testify truthfully. That’s the opposite of witness tampering and suborning perjury,” he told The Hill. “And of course Cassidy Hutchinson did testify truthfully.” And continued.
“But Liz Cheney was a member of Congress, which means that she had all of the robust protection of the Speech and Debate Clause, which insulates members in the performance of their legislative duties from prosecution and investigation outside of Congress. The legislative function, including investigation, is completely protected and, as the authors of the report obviously know, investigators routinely meet witnesses.”
Speech or Debate Clause protections are not absolute, and lawmakers can still face charges for crimes that have nothing to do with their role in Congress. “Speech and Debate protection does not extend to activities that have nothing to do with the legislative and political process but are purely criminal in nature, like paying for sex or purchasing cocaine and ecstasy,” Raskin said, making an apparent nod to activity unveiled in an Ethics Committee report on former Rep. Matt Gaetz (R-Fla.).
But bringing a witness tampering case against Cheney would also face roadblocks regardless of her status as a lawmaker. Loudermilk’s report argues that Cheney erred by being in touch with Hutchinson at all given that the aide initially worked with a lawyer paid through a Trump legal defense fund. “It is unusual and potentially unethical for a Member of Congress conducting an investigation to contact a witness if the Member knows that the individual is represented by legal counsel,” the interim report states.
The law penalizes those who pressure witnesses to change their testimony or lie under oath, but Hutchinson agreed to testify publicly in a blockbuster hearing after saying her former attorney, Stefan Passantino, encouraged her to not be forthcoming with the panel. Elie Honig, a former federal prosecutor and CNN legal analyst, said law enforcement, prosecutors and even congressional investigators routinely encourage witnesses to testify as a function of their job. “Even if you take every word of the House Oversight Committee’s report on January 6 as gospel and, please, don’t Liz Cheney did not commit a crime. It’s not close. The suggestion to the contrary by the Republicans who ran the Committee betrays that they either have no clue about criminal law or don’t care because the politics of payback reign supreme,” he wrote in New York Magazine, adding that the report is slim when it comes to substantiating its own allegations.
“There’s nothing to indicate that Hutchinson committed perjury or that Cheney pushed her to do so … But the committee unilaterally declares its worst suspicions to be correct and then labels testimony it doesn’t like as perjury. That won’t fly in a criminal court,” he said. While Republicans have taken issue with some of Hutchinson’s testimony, including a story about Trump lunging at his driver that day, she made clear she was relaying a story told to her by someone else. William Jordan, a lawyer for Hutchinson, defended her testimony while calling the claims of collusion between the women “preposterous.”
“Ms. Hutchinson made the independent decision to part ways with her Trump-funded lawyer, freeing her to provide candid, truthful, and honorable testimony to the January 6th Committee about the attack on the Capitol, alongside dozens of Republican witnesses and law enforcement officers,” he said in a statement to NBC when the report was released. “Despite baseless attacks by men with their own agendas to discredit her, Ms. Hutchinson stands by her testimony and remains committed to the truth and accountability.” Any successful prosecution of Cheney would likely also need cooperation from Hutchinson.
But she declined to get involved in ethics complaints against Passantino after he was accused of encouraging her to say she remembered little about the day and said she would be able to get a good job in Trump World. Various bar associations declined to take action on the matter, dismissing two ethics complaints in citing a lack of sufficient evidence to move forward. Conservative legal commentator Jonathan Turley said a similar ethics complaint before the bar would likely be the only avenue for pursuing Cheney, though he said he was “doubtful that this would rise to a formal Bar ethics investigation.” For her part, Cheney blasted the entirety of Loudermilk’s review.
“Chairman Loudermilk’s ‘Interim Report’ intentionally disregards the truth and the Select Committee’s tremendous weight of evidence, and instead fabricates lies and defamatory allegations in an attempt to cover up what Donald Trump did. Their allegations do not reflect a review of the actual evidence, and are a malicious and cowardly assault on the truth. No reputable lawyer, legislator or judge would take this seriously,” she said. Loudermilk called the former panel “a political weapon with a singular focus to deceive the public into blaming President Trump for the violence on January 6 and to tarnish the legacy of his first Presidency.” Trump seemed to agree, praising the Georgia Republican for “the great work he has done in exposing the massive corruption of the J6 Unselect Committee of Political Thugs!” He’s also previously said members of the panel “should go to jail.” But Rep. Bennie Thompson (D-Miss.), who served as the chair of the committee, said Loudermilk “failed to discredit” the panel’s work while sidestepping Trump’s accountability. And Raskin called the report “thin gruel.”
“It talks about everything except what actually happened on January 6. The bloody mob violence seems to have disappeared. Donald Trump’s speech of incitement on the Ellipse and provocative tweets have vanished. The plan to spread the big lie and overturn the election, which Joe Biden won by 7 million votes, has apparently been vaporized,” he said. “This report does not lay a glove on the 845-page report of our bipartisan committee. It’s empty heckling.”
So as the whistle blower in this whole Hunter Biden took the stand in congress today July 20th 2023 one Ms Lee decided to turn a "NON Race" case into a chance to show how racist and stupid she is. With one swift clip she not just exposed herself as an idiot but also Joe Biden as being guilty of putting black men behind bars due to the same BILLS she's trying to pin on the Republicans. Now this is the 94 Bill signed by Democrat Bill Clinton, and put together with JOE BIDEN. Her career is over! This is for her.. Political suicide.
Check out this video folks and let me know what you think in the comment section. This is from the show I got for this Sunday on my Podcast which will be on my media outlets soon as it's ready to roll as we're not doing it live just yet but the shows will be on the podcasts on Sunday nights.
Jamie Raskin is a POS Political hack and moron who doesn’t let Matt speak everytime Matt talks Jamie over talks him and stops him cause he’s not giving him the answer he wants which would be lies! Jamie Raskin wants MATT to lie and join the lying train of the left, and well MATT held up like a real G to this bullying behavior, and took it to Jamie for his blatant lies, and corrupt behavior and yes folks me ANGEL ESPINO is telling you that Jami Raskin is a fucking asshole who needs to be held in contempt and sent to GITMO with the rest of the DemoncRATS. Come at me Jamie and take me to congress I’d love to sit there and call all these losers on the left out one by one for the American people who are being silenced, suppressed, victimized, and used by the left for their agenda.
Jamie used the “blah blah blah” from Greta Thunberg so this moron gets his talking points from a child with mental issues? WOW Talk about a failed human being. Jamie needs to get Covid and vanish off the earth people like him are a waste of oxygen.