Shouldn’t be of shock that Jerry Nadler and his communist behavior in this video… They don’t follow the rules they violate house rules and this video is clear proof of this behavior. They lie, move the rules to fit their agenda and don’t follow actual laws or rules this folks is communists behavior. This is one of the main problems in this country. ‘What Are You Afraid Of?’ Hearing Erupts As Jim Jordan Blocked By Dems From Showing Video but there is more. Plus we have some videos here showing how parents are reacting to these mandates.
‘Fight For Your Rights For Your Kids’: Burgess Owens Implores Parents To Get Active.
Now this news shouldn’t shock anyone I mean she’s a liar, idiot, and as many know a socialist/communist sellout…. So when trying to shame us for not social distancing and not wearing a mask just remind her of this garbage Tik Tok video she made, and Tik Tok a Chinese ran app which is a total waste of time, and nothing worth of getting on since the APP belongs to the CCP and steals your private info for the CCP and Chinese hackers.
But AOC loves communism so it’s not shocking to see this again… Shame she doesn’t move to CHINA! Watch this fool who looks high out of her mind put a mask on for the photo op.
So when Trump was in office she went to the border, and lied about kids drinking from toilets, and fake tears flowed from the imagination filled mind of hers. She did all that when we had the safest, and best ran border in years! Now that it’s a complete, and total mess she’s nowhere to be found! Oh wait yea she’s dancing for TikTok like a moron and doing this crap. She’s such a snake in the grass.
So this guy! Should I say Fraud Writer wannabe activist, race baiting P.O.S Shaun King appears to have either self deactivated his Twitter account or he was finally removed from the platform by the Twitter dictators themselves? All I know is there is an overwhelming growing support for his being removed, and I for one think this guy without a doubt should be removed unlike Trump! Shaun King is a racist, and domestic terrorist, and to give that POS any allowed platform to spew his lies, and bullshit is horrible. Now it is hilarious that people are reacting like this!
Shaun King is trending…. which means I get to spend the rest of the day laughing at his nicknames Talcum X Cream Abdul Jabbar Tupac Sugar Alexander Scamilton Snow J. Simpson Hueless P. Newton Crooker T. Washington Chalkus Garvey etc etc
While I love freedom of speech if you’re going to remove Trump with false claims you can’t keep actual racist, and terrorists on your platform. They honestly shouldn’t ban either one if you want a true free platform. But that’s not what twitter is, and we all know it as it’s become clear that they’re nothing but a leftist agenda pushing platform like Fakebook, and other platforms which cater to only one sided ideas, and points of view. Sadly these tend to reside with mostly Communist/Marxist/Socialist ideology.
He made DEATH THREATS on Twitter and he was NOT banned! Trump didn’t say anything close to as bad at anytime in his life and he was banned… Why? Because he was a WHITE Republican President… Twitter is as bad as Shaun King… #FactsHell has a special place for garbage like you Shaun…
With the violence escalating in my island of Cuba this month due to the treatment of the Cubans which has become a bloody war on the streets as the cops in Cuba are killing my people for simply wanting help with their human rights. This small island 90 miles away from Florida needs freedom, and the people are fed up and want their freedom. The left DemocRATS are trying to say this has to do with them wanting the Covid Vaccine, and while that might play a part the overall spectrum of the treatment of Cubans for the last 7 decades has finally come to a point that the people there are about to take matters into their own hands. This all started in one city in Cuba and it’s spreading, and now things have got so bad that the country socialist dictatorship has cut off internet access to the people. This folks is what socialism/communism is about, and how it does it’s people.
This is exactly why we need to stop this now here in America before this country becomes another socialist/communist country. Marco Rubio was on Fox and he laid this out about the Marxist domestic terrorist group Black Lives Matter. “BLM is a Ponzi scheme shaking down corporations” – Sen. Marco Rubio… FACTS!
This is about as factual of a statement ever made by Marco Rubio, and congrats on him for making this point about Black Lives Matter. This group is a domestic terrorist group, and what they have done not just in 2020 but what they continue to do is nothing short about what we see in all Marxist, and dictators lead groups. BLM is backing the Cuban government which has repressed my people for decades. With that said let me say it now.
So while BeetleJuice Lori Lightfootinmouth the so called Chicago mayor said she wanted to have less cops on patrol in the already high crime city we get reports of this dirtbag who is facing murder charges for shooting death of 7-year-old Jaslyn Adams at a McDonald’s drive-thru. Now I’m sure the media won’t cover this story since it’s another black gang banger in Chicago murdering an innocent black child. Had it been a cop who shot the gang banger before he killed the child the cop would be facing the death penalty, and this asshole here who would have killed the child would not just be set free! But according to the law now he would have got a settlement from the leftist gov. See folks they don’t care about innocent black kids or black lives. The fact is the only black lives that matter to these people are criminals who well deserve the Karma.
A Chicago man faces murder charges in connection with the death of 7-year-old Jaslyn Adams, who was shot and killed while in a vehicle with her father at a McDonald’s drive-thru just after 4 p.m. on April 18. Jaslyn was with her father, Jontae Adams, at the drive-thru lane of a McDonald’s in the West Side of Chicago. The first-grader was shot six times and died of her gunshot wounds. The father was shot in the abdomen and survived the deadly shooting in the Homan Square neighborhood, a western suburb of Chicago.
This baby #JaslynAdams was shot & killed at a McDonalds drive thru today. She was 7 years old! SEVEN, and I don’t see enough people talking about it. Killings are only news in the black neighborhood when the police do it.
Marion Lewis faces 18 felony charges, including first-degree murder, attempted murder, aggravated vehicular hijacking, and aggravated discharge of a firearm. Some of the charges are from a police chase on Thursday where Lewis crashed his car and then attempted to carjack another vehicle with a family inside. Illinois State Police said Lewis fired gunshots at police before Chicago Police Department officers returned fire and struck him in the arm. Lewis was hospitalized with non-life-threatening injuries before being taken into custody. Lewis is expected to be in court on Sunday. CPD said they recovered two guns from that scene, including an AK-47, WLS-TV reported. “Both those weapons that were on his person that were recovered, they did test positive to the murder weapons used at the scene to kill Jaslyn,” CPD Chief of Detectives Brendan Deenihan said.
Police believe the shooting at the McDonald’s that killed the young girl was gang-related, and the investigation is ongoing. “We are saying at this point in the investigation that he was involved in the murder of Jaslyn Adams,” Chicago police Supt. David Brown said of Lewis. Law enforcement is still searching for other suspects in the case, but did not say how many suspects there are. “We’re limited in what we can say because we have other offenders to bring in on this horrific crime, but I will say the hard work of Area Four detectives and collaboration not only with suburban department officers as well as our district officers and a lot of technology has got us to this point,” Brown told reporters. “But we’re not done.”
“You can run but you can’t hide,” Brown said. “We are going to bring you to justice for this crime. The Adams family deserves nothing less.” Adams’ grandmother Lawanda McMullen said the family was “ecstatic” that Lewis was arrested, but called for anyone involved with the shooting death of the 7-year-old girl to “just turn yourself in.” “You know a 7-year-old girl she had nothing to do with that at all,” McCullen said. “You know if you have any heart, you know if you have a child just think about your family.” “We’re overwhelmed, happy with some relief, but not a lot because they don’t have all the suspects in custody,” McMullen said of the arrest of Lewis. McMullen described her young granddaughter, “I rarely ever seen her sad. Bubbly is the right word, very bubbly.”
— Alexis McAdams ABC-7 (@AlexisMcAdamsTV) April 19, 2021
There was a vigil for Jaslyn Adams at the McDonald’s last week, which was attended by local police.
Family of 7-year-old Jaslyn Adams is joined by McDonald’s employees, police officers and other community members in balloon release for the little girl who was shot and killed in the drive thru yesterday.
There were 16 people shot in Chicago this weekend, two of which were killed. Last weekend, 27 people were shot, three fatally in the city. As of April 19, there have been 904 people shot in Chicago, which is 214 more than last year, according to the Chicago Tribune. At least three children have been fatally shot in Chicago this year.
Memorial for Jaslyn Adams… praying for our young people. God please place a shield around them. Another child gone way too early. RIP Precious little Jaslyn.
— 11th District – Harrison (@ChicagoCAPS11) April 20, 2021
Holy crap folks a major leak has exposed the details of nearly 2 million Chinese Communist Party (CCP) members who have been secretly embedded in some of the biggest companies, banks, universities and government agencies globally!!! Now according to a report by The Australian‘s Sharri Markson, the leak contains a register with details of CCP members including their names, party position, national id number and ethnicity.
“What’s amazing about this database is not just that it exposes people who are members of the communist party, and who are now living and working all over the world, from Australia to the U.S. to the U.K.,” said Markson on Sky News Australia. “But it’s amazing because it lifts the lid on how the party operates under President and Chairman Xi Jinping.”
The leak reveals the details of 1.95 million CCP members in around 79,000 branches of the CCP that have been set up inside western companies. Members of these branches are, if called on, answerable directly to the party and to Xi himself.
Reported among the companies mentioned in the list are manufacturers such as Volkswagen and Boeing, pharmaceutical companies such as Pfizer and AstraZeneca as well as banks such as HSBC and Standard and Chartered. On the latter, the leak claims that around 600 people at those banks are members of the CCP.
According to Markson, the data was originally extracted from a server in Shanghai by Chinese dissidents and whistleblowers in April of 2016, who have been using it for counter-intelligence purposes.
It was only this past September that the data was leaked to the Inter-Parliamentary Alliance on China, a newly-formed international bi-partisan group made up of 150 legislators from around the world.
Following that, the data was then released to an “international consortium” of media organizations who analyzed it over the past two months. These outlets were Australia’s The Australian, the U.K.’s The Sunday Mail, Belgium’s De Standaard as well as an editor in Sweden.
The leak is the latest evidence of the extent of the CCP’s espionage activities as it tries to increase China’s influence and power globally. It also punctuates other warnings that have been raised about the extent of Chinese espionage that have been made in recent months.
Just last month, former senior U.S. intelligence official turned analyst and author Nicholas Eftimiades warned that Chinese espionage operations around the world were now “off the scale.” Eftimiades, who wrote a book on China’s intelligence operations back in 1994, stated that Chinese intelligence activities were much more pervasive now than when he wrote his book. (Related: Chinese espionage operations in the U.S. are “off the scale,” warns analyst.)
More importantly, Eftimiades warned that the CCP had adopted a “whole-of-society” approach to acquiring foreign intellectual property, stating that this approach “energizes all of society to support national, economic, and military development goals.”
The extent of the espionage is evidenced by the over 1,000 Chinese researchers with suspected links to China’s People’s Liberation Army (PLA) that have left the U.S. since law enforcement agencies started cracking down on technological and economic espionage.
During a discussion hosted by the Aspen Institute, the Department of Justice‘s (DOJ) Assistant Attorney General for National Security John Demers said that these Chinese military-linked researchers left the country after the department started filing its many criminal cases against suspected Chinese operatives.
These arrests started earlier this year when at least four Chinese researchers were arrested and charged with visa fraud for lying on their applications. Chinese researchers usually get charged with this for failing to reveal their ties to the Chinese government.
According to Demers, these arrests were “the tip of the iceberg” that led the DOJ’s National Security Division to open an investigation that eventually uncovered a vast network of Chinese researchers with PLA ties.
This sentiment is echoed by National Counterintelligence and Security Center Director William Evanina, who said that there were even more Chinese operatives lurking in the United States. In particular, he suspects that many are coming into the country under the guise of being graduate-level students in universities and colleges.
“Let’s not kid ourselves. They are all coming here at the behest of the Chinese government intelligence services,” Evanina said. “They’re going to specific universities to study specific fields or areas that are going to benefit … the Chinese Communist Party and the military.”
Already, the more than 1,000 visas of Chinese students with ties to the PLA have been revoked. DOJ officials have made it clear that this group of students is different from the previous group of over 1,000 who fled the country in prior months.
Even as U.S. officials continue to fight Chinese espionage, the future of these efforts is now in doubt. These efforts thrived under the administration of President Donald Trump, who has largely been critical of China and the CCP. Democratic presidential nominee Joe Biden, on the other hand, is generally seen as being more friendly towards China.
Should the latter become president, the question then is if the current efforts to curtail Chinese espionage in the U.S. will continue. This matter is complicated by the fact that Biden’s son Hunter has had dealings with Chinese corporations in the past.
It’s quite possible that a Biden administration could reverse course on Trump’s treatment of China. With what we know now based on the recent leak and the government’s own efforts, then China could stand to gain even more from its espionage efforts than it already has.
Follow for more on the CCP’s technological and economic espionage efforts.
I FUCKING JUST FELL IN LOVE (NO HOMO) WITH TED CRUZ! THIS BILL is simply amazing, and this is what has been needing to happen to Hollyweird for a long time! Those pedophile full scumbag leftists in Tinsle Town need to be taken to justice for the trason, and criminal activities they’re all complicite in. Time to cancel their culture, and this is what brother in this war Senator Ted Cruz exposed the federal funding of Hollywood on the Senate floor this week and introduced a bill to cut it over there Chinese censorship.