USAID is shut down as the corruption and spending that come to light is incredibly evil and it's literally stealing money from the American people but as we know the left who lies, and wants these criminal payoff to continue and these DEI and Trans pushing programs to continue. So they claim they're going to fight back against billionaires stealing taxpayer money for another tax cut for themselves.
Which is what they claim ELON is doing. Funny we all know the left projects their own behavior to others who try to stop them.
Live at USAID to fight back against billionaires stealing taxpayer money for another tax cut for themselves.
They cite CHINA as their program gives MILLIONS to the CCP so they don't kill and torture The Uighurs... So we are paying China to not kill their own people" let this sink in a bit and somehow this is seen as an ok spending by the left? How about we tell China hey we think that the CCP should just NOT KILL it's own people.
Why should we have to pay for them not to do what they should already not be doing which is killing their own people? How does this make any sense? These idiots and crooks on the left are getting paid over this and this is being fed to them via democrat programs like Act Blue, and others which is money from their "constitutes" as they say in the video of these morons protesting this move.
Nobody here in America who is homeless or a VET needing these funds to help them could give a crap about USAID and the waste of this money and so there are no mistakes here let's see just a few ways USAID wasted our tax dollars and Democrats are defending this Bullshit.
$47 thousand for a trans opera in Columbia
$32k for a transgender comic book in Peru
1.5 million for DEI in Serbia workplaces
$70 thousand for a DEI musical production in Ireland.
$500k To Promote Atheism in Nepal.
When Jamie Raskin is claimed as anyone's "HERO" you know these people are on the wrong side of the law, and on the wrong side of this story. Jamie is as crooked as they come.
Also in the first video in the post we see Ilhan Omar who is one of the most disgusting human beings to ever serve office. This woman married her own brother to get him to the USA with that she also married another man and was married to both at once to get them into the country illegally.
She also said when she did a press interview when she was given her seat that she would be in congress fighting for Somalia her country and against the USA, and other forces against her country. WTF? What is she even doing here?
She is an enemy of our country along with the rest of her fraud squad AOC + 3. As these women are known or my favorite term "The Fraud Squad" ... Personally to me all these liberals like her are domestic terrorists and are only here to steal our taxpayer money, and enrich themselves and the dictators they're aligned to in these other countries. They all belong in prison.
This is why this evil chick is even involved in this conversation so you know her motives. Ilhan Omar should’ve been deported as soon as she was caught committing immigration crimes. Instead, we've allowed her into the halls of government, where she's committed who knows how many number of minor and major treasons and her radical mind is a major problem in our country.
Ilhan Omar supports USAID because almost $2.3 billion of our tax dollars were wasted on Somalia. Omar swore allegiance to Somalia over America.
She said, “I am here to protect the interests of Somalia from within the US system.”
Until we start doing to traitors what our Constitution demands, they'll keep pulling this crap on us and getting away with it.
Omar is panicked because she is caught. President Trump is right again π₯πΊπΈ USAID is a criminal organization, they have illegally transferred $2 billion from US treasury to Somalia.
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