AOC the head of the Fraud Squad shows herself once again as a hypocrite!

Now this news shouldn’t shock anyone I mean she’s a liar, idiot, and as many know a socialist/communist sellout…. So when trying to shame us for not social distancing and not wearing a mask just remind her of this garbage Tik Tok video she made, and Tik Tok a Chinese ran app which is a total waste of time, and nothing worth of getting on since the APP belongs to the CCP and steals your private info for the CCP and Chinese hackers.

But AOC loves communism so it’s not shocking to see this again… Shame she doesn’t move to CHINA! Watch this fool who looks high out of her mind put a mask on for the photo op.

So when Trump was in office she went to the border, and lied about kids drinking from toilets, and fake tears flowed from the imagination filled mind of hers. She did all that when we had the safest, and best ran border in years! Now that it’s a complete, and total mess she’s nowhere to be found! Oh wait yea she’s dancing for TikTok like a moron and doing this crap. She’s such a snake in the grass.

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