Showing posts with label Conspiracy. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Conspiracy. Show all posts

Saturday, June 3, 2023

The Out Of Shadows documentary... Interesting videos.

The Out Of Shadows documentary
lifts the mask on how the mainstream media & Hollywood manipulate & control the masses by spreading propaganda throughout their content. Our goal is to wake up the general public by shedding light on how we all have been lied to & brainwashed by a hidden enemy.

 This project is the result of two years of work made by a team of professionals. Patriots made this documentary with the sole purpose of getting the truth out there.


This project was independently produced and funded. It is available on many different platforms for FREE for anyone to watch, share, and download. Please feel free to share this video with your friends and families.

Hey friends check out the site Out of shadows

Friday, August 12, 2022


So here comes a brand new show from Gary Leggier of the show “Mars Revelation” and of the site Produced by Mean Green, Angel Espino, and Gary Leggier. The new show will focus more of the rest of what’s happening in the world of justice in the world today. Globally the Cabal is bent on destruction, and someone has to help wake up the masses, and well Gary sure is loud enough! Eh pun intended but the shows a lot of fun, and true to the word as he really going at it in the “Interest of Justice.”

For more info Website link:

Monday, August 9, 2021


I can see where this could happen easily, and it’s actually pretty funny but for like a day or so the entire nation was angry at the Colorado fans for having someone utter a racial slur! Well hold up folks not so fast. Whie Lewis Brinson an Outfielder for the Miami Marins was at bat you could hear what sounded like the dreeded “N” word and I don’t mean “NERDS” even tho nobody wants to be called that either.

Lewis Brinson was at bat when the yelling could be heard and so the world of Twitter, and FakeBook went crazy with all sorts of conspiricies to well wishes to Lewis Brinson for having to endur such horrible behavior. Well there is a side to this story that needs to be told as the case has been now solved, and yes. DEBUNKED!

Earlier in the day, the Rockies announced that after a thorough investigation that included calls, e-mails and video clips from fans, media and broadcast partners, the club concluded the fan was instead yelling for Dinger, Colorado’s mascot and not the horrible slur. Now might be time to change the name of the Mascot. LOL Lewis Brinson, who said he didn’t hear the shouts during his ninth-inning at-bat, was told postgame on Sunday what was initially thought to be said.

“My initial reaction I was upset,” Brinson said. “Nobody wants to be called that. It’s a disrespectful, disgusting word that belittles my people, Black people, and it’s a disgusting word and nobody wants to hear it. So my initial reaction I was upset, and disgusted. I was in shock, one. Again, I didn’t hear it initially, but definitely initial reaction was upset, shocked.”

An active member of The Players Alliance, Brinson said he has watched the video at least 50 times and thought he heard the slur upon reviewing the original footage that surfaced saying “It’s not that I want to hear it. I never want to hear that word,” Brinson said. “I haven’t talked to the Rockies, I haven’t talked to that fan personally, but if that’s the case [that he didn’t say it], then I’m sorry for any backlash or anything that he’s getting right now. I’m getting a lot of love and support on Instagram and I’m sure on Twitter, and I appreciate that wholeheartedly 100 percent.

“But again, I’m a human. I have sympathy. If he was yelling for the mascot, I am sorry for any backlash or any unnecessary attention that he’s getting right now. But that doesn’t [take away from the fact] that this does happen in our game. I don’t know if a lot of people know this, again, personally I’ve never been called that on the baseball field or off the baseball field, but I know a lot of Black players have, and it’s disgusting, and it needs to stop like right now. There’s no place for that in sports, there’s no place for that in life. I just don’t want to have that situation thrown under the rug. Like I said, it does happen.

“I do get maybe once a month called the n-word on Instagram by cowards. They don’t show their face, they don’t tag themselves on the initial post, or the DM that they send me, but I do get it at least once, maybe twice a month, and I know a lot of Black players maybe get a little bit more. We do get called the n-word on social media, and it’s disgusting. We see it, try to block it out, but it’s a disgusting and degrading word and it brings nothing but hate, and just disgustingness and cowardliness. But there’s no place for it.”

Marlins bench coach James Rowson, who is filling in as manager while Don Mattingly recovers from COVID-19, echoed many of Brinson’s sentiments, and said he appreciate the dialogue that has come as a result.

“You give the Rockies credit for doing their due diligence on it,” said Rowson, who is Black. “But in talking to Lew, and just in general to so many Black players and coaches throughout the league and throughout the years that have gone through this, I think you don’t want to lose sight that this is a real thing and it happens.

“I thought it was really good to get people talking about it and saying, ‘Hey, I don’t think that was right,’ because I think if we moved back many years ago, it would have just been kind of swept under the rug, but the fact that we’re talking about what we thought happened is important … I think silence is the biggest enemy here.”

Tuesday, July 13, 2021

President Donald Trump Scores 1st Amendment Win in Fake News Meme Case

So we know that POTUS45 Donald Trump is no longer on Twitter so the lawsuit that he filed last week against the social media service for supposed censorship certainly won’t change that I’m sure. Regardless, the former president can enjoy a First Amendment victory in court. A New York judge has just dismissed a privacy lawsuit against him over the retweeting of a meme. In what appears to be a first, the judge finds the meme to be “newsworthy.”

The meme in question comes from Logan Cook, who goes by the internet handle “CarpeDonktum.” Make sure you all point and laugh at this idiot who made this hate video towards Trump. Here’s what this idiot did. Cook the idiot in question found a video of a white toddler running after a black toddler and stuck a chyron reading “breaking news” over it. The captions read, “Terrified Todler [sic] Runs From Racist Baby” and “Racist Baby Probably A Trump Voter.” First why did Twitter, and Facebook not ban that original hate video? But they banned Trump when he played the video in it’s entire form, and showed what it was nothing but a hit job by some asshole.

The video Trump had remade then fades to black, and reads, “What actually happened.” The toddlers run at each other and embrace. A new caption: “AMERICA IS NOT THE PROBLEM…FAKE NEWS IS. IF YOU SEE SOMETHING, SAY SOMETHING. ONLY YOU CAN PREVENT FAKE NEWS DUMPSTER FIRES.”

After Trump tweeted the video, which led Twitter to add a “manipulated video” message, the parents of the toddlers filed suit against both Trump and Cook and alleged that the exploitation of the childrens’ image had violated New York privacy and publicity rights law (N.Y. Civil Rights Law §§50 and 51) and was both an intentional and negligent infliction of emotional distress.

New York Supreme Court Judge David Benjamin Cohen decides dismissal is warranted. “Initially, as defendants assert, the video was newsworthy,” he writes. “To promote freedom of expression, the meaning of ‘newsworthiness’ has been broadly construed and includes ‘not only descriptions of actual events … but also articles concerning political happenings, social trends, or any subject of public interest.’ … It is common knowledge that one of the principal tactics of Trump’s presidential campaigns, as well as his presidency, was to incessantly attack the mainstream media as purveyors of ‘fake news,’ including his claim that the media exaggerates the extent of racial division in this country. Thus, the video’s references to ‘fake news’ and its depiction of race relations, however distorted, are clearly newsworthy.” IN Other words Trump was right about the fake media, and how they exploited his 4 years as President with fake racist crap like this video just to hurt the President in the eyes of black voters.

Cohen adds that any reasonable viewer would realize the content wasn’t real. “Since the video is therefore a satire, albeit one which some may consider to be rather distasteful, this Court is constrained to find that it is not actionable,” continues the decision. Trump not only sought dismissal but looked to take advantage of New York’s recently amended anti-SLAPP statute to recover his legal fees.

The judge won’t go that far. Cohen does agree this suit qualifies as a SLAPP meaning a frivolous piece of litigation aimed at interfering with the former president’s First Amendment rights. And while Cohen ultimately disagrees with the plaintiffs’ argument that Trump used the video as a means of advertising his presidential campaign, the judge nevertheless dodges an attorney fee award by saying plaintiffs had a “good faith basis” for their arguments and that the parents “should not be penalized by the draconian language set forth in” the anti-SLAPP statute.

Will they end up paying the Trump lawyer fees? Probably not as they can’t give Trump that big of a win now could they? I mean I’m shocked in NY with how Liberal they’ve become that Trump is getting this victory! Maybe the tide in NY is turning? Who knows but we all know it wasn’t Trump that locked down the state, and it wasn’t Trump that put sick covid patients with elderly folks causing countless people to die who didn’t need to. That was the DemocRATS in charge, and especially one named Andrew “Brother of Fredo” Cuomo.

Wednesday, January 27, 2021

Oklahoma lawmaker proposes a bill that calls for creation of a Bigfoot hunting season

Watch out Bigfoot while some considere you a myth, a legend, and or something made up by drunk hillbillies in the woods drunk off moonshine.

But hey to each they own, and well that is not stopping one Oklahoma lawmaker from proposing open season on the creature.Rep. Justin Humphrey introduced the bill to the Oklahoma legislature earlier this month. The bill reads that the hunting season would be regulated by the Oklahoma Wildlife Conservation Commission, which would set annual dates along with specific hunting licenses and fees.” A lot of people don’t believe in Bigfoot, but a lot of people do,” Humphrey said in a news release.

He suggested that creating a hunting season for the creature could help draw in tourists.

“Tourism is one of the biggest attractions we have in my House district,” Humphrey said. “Establishing an actual hunting season and issuing licenses for people who want to hunt Bigfoot will just draw more people to our already beautiful part of the state.

It will be a great way for people to enjoy our area and to have some fun.”The town of Honobia, Oklahoma, already has an annual Bigfoot festival each October, so Humphrey said he is hoping hunting season could coincide with the celebration.In addition, Humphrey hopes to secure at least $25,000 that can be used as a bounty for the first person to trap the creature.”Again, the overall goal is to get people to our area to enjoy the natural beauty and to have a great time,” Humphrey said, “and if they find Bigfoot while they’re at it, well hey, that’s just an even bigger prize.”

The big thing is which cracks me up is everytime they’ve had a so called “BIG FOOT” proof it’s been easily debunked. There has never been actual proof just a lot of talk.

Thursday, December 31, 2020

Major leak exposes CCP members secretly embedded all over the world

Holy crap folks a major leak has exposed the details of nearly 2 million Chinese Communist Party (CCP) members who have been secretly embedded in some of the biggest companies, banks, universities and government agencies globally!!! Now according to a report by The Australian‘s Sharri Markson, the leak contains a register with details of CCP members including their names, party position, national id number and ethnicity.

“What’s amazing about this database is not just that it exposes people who are members of the communist party, and who are now living and working all over the world, from Australia to the U.S. to the U.K.,” said Markson on Sky News Australia. “But it’s amazing because it lifts the lid on how the party operates under President and Chairman Xi Jinping.”

The leak reveals the details of 1.95 million CCP members in around 79,000 branches of the CCP that have been set up inside western companies. Members of these branches are, if called on, answerable directly to the party and to Xi himself.

Reported among the companies mentioned in the list are manufacturers such as Volkswagen and Boeing, pharmaceutical companies such as Pfizer and AstraZeneca as well as banks such as HSBC and Standard and Chartered. On the latter, the leak claims that around 600 people at those banks are members of the CCP.

According to Markson, the data was originally extracted from a server in Shanghai by Chinese dissidents and whistleblowers in April of 2016, who have been using it for counter-intelligence purposes.

It was only this past September that the data was leaked to the Inter-Parliamentary Alliance on China, a newly-formed international bi-partisan group made up of 150 legislators from around the world.

Following that, the data was then released to an “international consortium” of media organizations who analyzed it over the past two months. These outlets were Australia’s The Australian, the U.K.’s The Sunday Mail, Belgium’s De Standaard as well as an editor in Sweden.

The leak is the latest evidence of the extent of the CCP’s espionage activities as it tries to increase China’s influence and power globally. It also punctuates other warnings that have been raised about the extent of Chinese espionage that have been made in recent months.

Just last month, former senior U.S. intelligence official turned analyst and author Nicholas Eftimiades warned that Chinese espionage operations around the world were now “off the scale.” Eftimiades, who wrote a book on China’s intelligence operations back in 1994, stated that Chinese intelligence activities were much more pervasive now than when he wrote his book. (Related: Chinese espionage operations in the U.S. are “off the scale,” warns analyst.)

More importantly, Eftimiades warned that the CCP had adopted a “whole-of-society” approach to acquiring foreign intellectual property, stating that this approach “energizes all of society to support national, economic, and military development goals.”

The extent of the espionage is evidenced by the over 1,000 Chinese researchers with suspected links to China’s People’s Liberation Army (PLA) that have left the U.S. since law enforcement agencies started cracking down on technological and economic espionage.

During a discussion hosted by the Aspen Institute, the Department of Justice‘s (DOJ) Assistant Attorney General for National Security John Demers said that these Chinese military-linked researchers left the country after the department started filing its many criminal cases against suspected Chinese operatives.

These arrests started earlier this year when at least four Chinese researchers were arrested and charged with visa fraud for lying on their applications. Chinese researchers usually get charged with this for failing to reveal their ties to the Chinese government.

According to Demers, these arrests were “the tip of the iceberg” that led the DOJ’s National Security Division to open an investigation that eventually uncovered a vast network of Chinese researchers with PLA ties.

This sentiment is echoed by National Counterintelligence and Security Center Director William Evanina, who said that there were even more Chinese operatives lurking in the United States. In particular, he suspects that many are coming into the country under the guise of being graduate-level students in universities and colleges.

“Let’s not kid ourselves. They are all coming here at the behest of the Chinese government intelligence services,” Evanina said. “They’re going to specific universities to study specific fields or areas that are going to benefit … the Chinese Communist Party and the military.”

Already, the more than 1,000 visas of Chinese students with ties to the PLA have been revoked. DOJ officials have made it clear that this group of students is different from the previous group of over 1,000 who fled the country in prior months.

Even as U.S. officials continue to fight Chinese espionage, the future of these efforts is now in doubt. These efforts thrived under the administration of President Donald Trump, who has largely been critical of China and the CCP. Democratic presidential nominee Joe Biden, on the other hand, is generally seen as being more friendly towards China.

Should the latter become president, the question then is if the current efforts to curtail Chinese espionage in the U.S. will continue. This matter is complicated by the fact that Biden’s son Hunter has had dealings with Chinese corporations in the past.

It’s quite possible that a Biden administration could reverse course on Trump’s treatment of China. With what we know now based on the recent leak and the government’s own efforts, then China could stand to gain even more from its espionage efforts than it already has.

Follow for more on the CCP’s technological and economic espionage efforts.

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