UFO's or UAP's are real! So while this is not really news anymore the current "UAP Disclosure Act" is interesting in it's timing and it's something which brings me back to the rumored false flag Alien invasion which is being said to happen in 2024. As a way to try and "fix" the election by setting up a fake Alien invasion which would see us in a major war with them. This is rumored and also was in the book "Behold a Pale Horse" by the late William Cooper back in the 90's.
While the mainstream are saying this is a crucial step towards transparency and accountability, addressing the public's growing interest in unidentified aerial phenomena. The establishment of a civilian review board would further enhance this process, ensuring diverse perspectives and independent oversight. It is essential to support this act and the formation of the review board, as it aligns with the democratic values of openness and public participation.
The r/UFOB community, representing over 125,000 individuals, is a testament to the widespread interest in this issue. Therefore, it is urged to vote in favor of the UAP Disclosure Act and advocate for the civilian review board. This action would not only respect the public's right to know but also contribute to a more informed and engaged citizenry.
What do you all think about this part the person who originally brought this bill was leftist "Chuck Schummer" who well is known for fibbing and lying his buns off. He's also known for attacking certain judges verbally in a way that he would have lost his job had he been a "republican" and he's part of the globalist which sound a lot like those Cooper spoke about.
Again folks check out the audio on William Cooper of his book "Behold A Pale Horse"
So Hollywood has come together to help inform people on a post disclosure world... Something my show and others have been talking about for years.
On my shows I've had on a lot of people in the world of ufology and spoken to some of the top people pushing for Disclosure which include Stephen Bassett and many more like him. He's the most known, and best to speak to in opinion on the subject.
"The goal of the Hollywood Disclosure Alliance is to provide a more unified voice in the media leading up to, and following, the impending revelation of the presence of extraterrestrial life disclosure through storytelling in feature films, documentaries, and TV programming. We are a media-centric resource, teaming those actively working within the research side of UAP / ET with those actively working as storytellers."
Hollywood, CA, Nov. 6, 2023 – A number of Hollywood storytellers and many of the top UFO or UAP researchers, advocates and journalists in America have joined forces for the first time ever and have just launched the Hollywood Disclosure Alliance. The goal of the new group is to provide a more unified voice in the media leading up to and following what UAP researchers have long been waiting for the end of the long-held U.S. government-imposed truth embargo regarding the presence of extraterrestrial life by confirmation from the President of the United States Disclosure.
YOU WON’T BELIEVE What actually Happened and is about to happen... First I want you to view what Dan Bongino and the internet are saying than I'm going to explain in short here what's being covered in the book I'm working on in full. This has to do with that and when you read it here, and in my book you will understand who said it first.
The reason this was done both here, and Russia is because the year of 2024 as the election comes close there will a false flag Alien invasion and Nuke attack by the Russians which Dan Bongino speaks on in the video... This will be how the alerts come in to us... We will all think it's just Russians but go back folks and read or watch William Cooper who's now since killed by the USA Government in the 90's called "Behold A Pale Horse" in fact click on that name and it will take you to his Amazon link or Audible so you can get his book.
If you're not aware of this book this is what he wrote...
Publisher's summary
Former US naval intelligence briefing team member William "Bill" Cooper reveals classified information kept in secret government files since the 1940s. Cooper tells of the assassination of John F. Kennedy, the war on drugs, the secret government, and UFOs. His lucid presentation of this information transcends partisan affiliations as he clearly addresses issues in a way that has a striking impact on listeners of all backgrounds and interests.
"Like it or not, everything is changing, and the end result will be the most wonderful experience in the history of man or the most horrible enslavement that you can imagine. Be active or abdicate, the future is in your hands." (William Cooper, October 24, 1989) Here is footage of the LATE William Cooper himself below talking about his book and the UFO false flag invasion coming.
This friends will all happen in 2024 as again the ELECTION draws close.
NOW I'm not saying aliens are not real... IN My book I will cover why the cover up, where they come from and how they get here. Also big is why there has been retrieval from crash down ALIEN ufo's or UAP's as the USA Government likes to call them. I'm putting the finishing touches on the book as I type this and hope to have it ready by this December for publishers.
This friends is why all of this is happening now... Just wait to you read the reasons, and locations where these people are coming from and related to humanity they are. Also why this false flag invasion will all become revealed first in my book coming out.
IF I should die in a mysterious way believe me I didn't take my own life as I'm not suicidal and if it's in a way not natural you will know foul play was invovled.
Now the latest chronicle features what he's learned since he wrote the first book including accounts from other people who say they saw the abduction. (Photo source: Calvin Parker)(Photo source: Calvin Parker)
Cancer has claimed another good person as Calvin Parker is on the final voyage we all get to take only once. He's not without a great life and amazing story. The Pascagoula man known around the world for his tale of alien abduction, according to a friend of the family, Parker passed away August 24, 2023 after a long battle with kidney cancer. He was at home, surrounded by loved ones, including his wife, Waynette.
The night of Oct. 11, 1973, something happened on the banks of the Pascagoula River that Calvin Parker and Charles Hickson would spend the rest of their lives trying to explain.
It’s a story well-known to locals, that WLOX News has reported on numerous times over the years. Hickson and Parker both wrote books about it.
The two men were fishing near Ingalls Shipyard when they said they suddenly heard a piercing sound, and spotted a large UFO hovering behind them. There were three beings on board that carried the men on to the spaceship to examine them. After about 30 minutes, they were returned to the riverbank, and the UFO took off.
This is an illustration of what Calvin Parker and Charles Hickson described they saw the night of the alleged alien abduction.(WLOX)
Parker and Hickson tried to report what happened to officials at Keesler Air Force Base, but the military directed them to the Jackson County Sheriff’s Office. Investigators there had a cassette tape recording as the men talked about their alien encounter the night it happened. WLOX News shared excerpts from those tapes when they were rediscovered in the late 90s/early 2000s.
After the mysterious abduction, Hickson and Parker both passed lie detector tests and were even questioned under hypnosis. Investigators are on record saying the pair’s story never wavered.
Despite that, they were ridiculed and doubted by many. That’s what kept Maria Blair from coming forward for 45 years. On that same October night, Blair was near the river waiting for her husband, Jerry, to leave on a boat to work off shore. Jerry fell asleep and Maria saw a strange, blue light streaking back and forth. She didn’t think much of it, until the next day when she heard about Parker and Hickson’s story.
“When she would talk about it I would tell her to shut up people are going to think you’re crazy,” said Jerry Blair.
In 2019, after seeing a media report about the abduction, Blair finally got the courage to come forward. She said her motivation was to give Calvin Parker and Charles Hickson’s story validation.
In 1973 Maria Blair and Calvin Parker were separated by a river. Now with a 45 year old secret washed under the bridge, Maria met Calvin face to face for the first time at the same spot on the Pascagoula River where the alleged abduction occurred.(WLOX)
But Parker was there, and told WLOX News how much it meant to finally be recognized after years of being ridiculed. “It is emotional for me. I can’t really describe it because I would break out in tears if I do,” Parker said in 2019. “I wish when I died I could be buried right here underneath this plaque, that would explain it the best. It is quite an honor.”
In 2019, a historical marker was erected at Lighthouse Park in Pascagoula which describes Calvin Parker and Charles Hickson's alleged encounter with a UFO in 1973. It's described as America's "best documented case of alien abduction."(WLOX)
Well I want you to look at this video below... Two different moments in time with different people who captured well aliens or creatures with these sort of similar features but one is small, and the other is tall?
Like some Abductees claim to see "BIG and SMALL" Grays! Could these be the aliens people call the Grays? OR Just another random set of Aliens?
Check out the 2 videos posted together back to back and well you be the judge. This is weird to me that the two look so close in look forget the height. Look at the arms, legs, the head, body, and markins under the arms. I really want to know what people think about this finding here I got from these two videos.
Congress Showed UFO Evidence Previously Hidden From the rest of us! But anyone who listens or watches my shows know how deep I go with the UFOLOGY or UAP I go... I've been into this since I had my sightings as a kid out in Calirfonia and my story will be in my upcoming book. But this move by Congress is like the one lead by others like Stephen Bassett in the past. I've spoken to many in the subject and it's time this was fully disclosed.
Now did they bring out an Alien? NO! So until I see them walking around I can't say any of this is 100% facts.
So while this is nice to see........ Still doesn't completly show 100% proof. But again it's great to see them finally taking this topic serious. Check out the congress hearing below.
After completing a reconnaissance operation, the Italian Air Force pilot was flying back to the base in Treviso when an unidentified flying object crossed Italian airspace without being detected. The military aircraft interceptor was then ordered by the Istrana radar center to intercept and identify the invader. On June 18, 1979, at 11:30 a.m., pilot Giancarlo Cecconi was flying his G-91R fighter with G-91R group 14 of the Air Force’s 2nd Fighter Wing back to Treviso AFB, Italy, after completing a reconnaissance mission.
Pilot Tec. Giancarlo Cacconni of the Italian Air Force attempted valiantly to gather proof when he intercepted an unidentified object over Northern Italy by capturing pictures of the extraterrestrial ship with his camera mounted on his G.91 fighter jet.
Captain Giancarlo Cecconi was an Italian Air Force pilot, born in Caserta, Italy on April 12, 1950 and died in Rome, Italy June 27, 2014. The incident is significant thanks to the camera footage, radar, and visual evidence from several witnesses, including a highly respected fighter pilot.
Before I was told to intercept a UFO, it was a typical day. As a fighter pilot for the Italian Air Force, it was my responsibility to impose radar coverage in and around northern Italy’s restricted zones. I was instructed to start the interception procedures for a UFO that had entered a forbidden region in the middle of my operation. I felt up to the challenge as a young Air Force lieutenant with only four years of military service, and I replied quickly.
An photograph taken by the Italian fighter pilot who intercepted the UFO showed a little, sparkling object in the backdrop. One of several photos purportedly shot over the previous 50 years is this one. The encounter is detailed in a new book by UFO researcher Antonio Urzi called “Gli Appunti di Giancarlo” or “The Notes of Giancarlo.” He stated: Cecconi drew closer as soon as he made contact with the item to try to spot the burglar visually. Although he was unsuccessful, his jet experienced significant electromagnetic stress, making control nearly impossible.
The pilot had to conduct a climb at maximum capacity before pulling out of a power drop. The following weeks saw other incidents of a similar nature. According to Cecconi, “the invader was going at a very high speed, as if it were a space rocket, and had no wings or identification markers.” In order to find out the location of the mysterious item, the pilot radioed Istrana.
There is an amazing picture of the UFO. To believe it, you must see it. Cecconi himself as well as the radar operators at the Istrana control center have publicly confirmed the incident. And that’s evidence, backed up by Witnesses. Despite the mystery surrounding this case, there are a number of theories that might explain what occurred.
One the one hand, it is conceivable that the occurrence was only misinterpreted by air traffic control, pilot mistake, or was merely an optical illusion brought on by sunshine reflecting off an airplane’s tail.
Like many people, Tom Keating thought that those things were the product of delusional minds and crackpots and was a skeptic himself until he met Spencer, a real Man in Black who was an elite insider who reveals on his deathbed the horrifying truth to the Alien Agenda. After Spencer passes on, Tom is compelled to reveal to the world a dire warning to mankind of the pending danger from an elite organization that rules every aspect of Human Activity.
#UFOs, #Aliens, #MeninBlack, #Government conspiracies and agendas
PSN & SoFlo Radio are saddened to share the news that legendary aviator, longtime UFO researcher, John Lear, has passed away at the age of 79.
He was possibly best known as the son of famed Learjet inventor William Lear, having grown up surrounded by aircraft and pilots. In 1966, at the age of 23, Lear was the lead aviator on a record-breaking flight around the world. For a short period, Lear also flew missions for the CIA’s infamous “Air America” operation during the Vietnam War.
He was licensed to pilot almost anything that flew and achieved thousands of hours as pilot-in-command. Moreover, he was the former CIA pilot and known for his UFO conspiracy ideas and Lear has also reported to have flown secret missions for the CIA which is between 1967 and 1983.
According him, John has estimated a population of 250 million humanoid aliens live on the moon.
Friends another important man in the world of conspiracy has lest us… This time it’s Jordan Maxwell, an occults researcher and book author, has passed. His sudden death has stunned his fans and followers but those who knew him well knew he was in bad health for sometime now, and expected this at anyway. We recently had tried to contact him to do a wellness check to see how he was and we couldn’t get to him. He used to answer us without issue when in good health.
For those not informed into this very important man Let’s find out more about him and his work in the occult. With the internet getting more accessible, there is a rapid increase in the number of people who believe in the occult. This belief has given rise to people like Jordan, who claims to have witnessed such acts and sometimes give evidence to prove them. There is no certain way to verify these beliefs because people often claim this knowledge is esoteric. No matter what, Jordan managed to have an impact on a large number of people, who will miss him. You will be missed but you legacy will live on through the people you enlightened and inspired. Jordan was a one in a million and a true visionary. Rest in peace Mr. Jordan Maxwell.
<center><blockquote class="twitter-tweet"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">Our dear friend Jordan Maxwell has passed on to a new beginning where adventures await his brilliant spirit. Thank you Jordan for lighting our way. Your intelligence humor and courage planted seeds in our hearts. May we rise to carry on your legacy. Until we meet again…🦋 <a href="https://t.co/1u3F57oenu">pic.twitter.com/1u3F57oenu</a></p>— CryptoViewing (@CryptoViewing) <a href="https://twitter.com/CryptoViewing/status/1506766848695668739?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw">March 23, 2022</a></blockquote> <script async src="https://platform.twitter.com/widgets.js" charset="utf-8"></script></center>
It is official that Jordan has passed and for now there is a lack of answers regarding how he left us. It can be expected that the sources near to him will soon report about his cause of death. He was a prominent figure for people in the occult. His followers have taken over the internet to express their grievances and condolences to the deceased soul and family. They are also thanking him for sharing his knowledge with the rest of the world.
There is certainly discussion about the veracity of the things he has said about supernatural things and extra-terrestrial matters. He has also written books that are popular among the people who believe in these things. His talks and matters have been expanded over various conspiracy theories. Looking at the surface, everything he did seems unconventional and superstitious, but still there people who trust him and are pursuing the path he has shown.
Rest In Peace Jordan Maxwell dear friend. I will continue your work on Earth. You changed my life single handidly. I will get our work to the masses with my books and one day TV series. Rest easy pic.twitter.com/M3PX1Sgi4X
Jordan made claim once that humans are mutating in a certain scientific manners and it was sometimes natural and sometimes not… He has also given talks about the existence of secret societies like the Illuminati. These are only claims without any evidence backing them. There are other claims too made by him like the existence of reptile people and so on, which he bolstered with an anecdote. He left a deep impact on many of his followers, who he inspired to follow the path he showed. An elegant speaker who can defend his claims no matter how absurd they are. He was an explorer expanding the horizon of fields he believed were true. And with a voice made for lectures, documentaries, and to be heard at all times. I remember having his video on and having company come over and them being hooked to watching him speak. Nothing else mattered he would hook you in unstintingly.
Tonight got some real sad news, one which hurt bad as he was a good friend and someone I looked up to very much so both in life, and ufology has left us… My good friend, and fellow researcher Butch Witkowski has passed away. While he was supposed to be joining my show tonight as a guest there won’t be a show as I’m in total shock right now, and there are no words to express how sad this loss has left me so I’m not doing my show tonight but me, and Bryan and maybe Danny and some other folks who knew him will do a show to express our final thoughts on Butch, his life, and his work.
We last spoke last December when he agreed to be on my show again as a guest, and I was so looking forward to having him on, and when he didn’t reply the last few days I knew something was happening as this wasn’t normal.
Danny Benten broke the news to me, and I confirmed it with Bryan M. Bowden. Thanks guys…
Butch was an independent researcher since 1989 when, along with four other people, he witnessed a UFO of substantial size quietly hover above a mountain in Tucson, Arizona. That was the day that he began his investigations into the UFO phenomenon. He soon became a member of MUFON and a field investigator. After moving back to Pennsylvania, he concentrated on UFO research and cases related to alien abduction, mutilations, and unexplained encounters.
Butch had been a member of the Caernarvon Township (PA) Police Department in the 1970s. He used his investigative abilities as a police officer for his fieldwork, later becoming the founder of the UFO Research Center of Pennsylvania (UFORCOP).
I met Butch for the first time in 2016 while at a Mufon show, and he was one of the nicest guys around spent sometime with him just talking about his experience in ufology, and tonight he was going to be on my show as my guest.
I had booked him back in December, and just got the word that he passed on 01/13/2022 recently.
I’m proud to say that Butch was a friend, and will miss him deeply… My deepest condolences to his family.
Worked: At Pennsylvania Lycan Investigations June 14, 2014 – Present · Hanover, Pennsylvania Director at UFO Research Center of Pennsylvania January 2009 to present · Birdsboro, Pennsylvania Research Center for Ufo, Paranormal, Crypto Zoology and Abduction in the State of Pennsylvania Journal of Abnormal Abduction Research, Bi-monthly journal dealing with the abduction phenomenon
Research Associate at Phantoms & Monsters Fortean Research Hanover, Pennsylvania
WELL This story has been one which has interested me for a while now since I first heard of it… Check out these videos on the story of possibly the answer to “ARE WE ALONE” and the possibilities of what disclosure has instore for us once we’re told about the aliens coming to our planet. Even if not true it’s a great story to check out but if it’s real OMG This would be incredible.
Aug 24, 2021 Rabbit Punched Episode #7 – Featuring intelligence analyst & extra terrestrial expert Robert D. Morningstar and a discussion of the topics of the day. Step into the ring with Angel, Gerald & Spud.
✋STOP🛑 READ B4 commenting please 👉 YOU subscribed to RAGING HUMOR (this channel); it has changed since 2018. If you don’t like what you see (new direction) feel free to Unsubscribe. We wish you only the greatest. Offensive language will NOT be tolerated here. Learn the truth from the Father of the Real Disclosure Project.!
This documentary is Dr. Greer’s answer to the current government and media disinformation campaign promoting 3 big lies: 1. We do not know what these UAPs/ UFOs are. WE DO.
2. Humans cannot make craft that can maneuver like UFOs. WE CAN and WE DO. 3. The UFOs are a threat.
THEY ARE NOT. Share this film widely for FREE if it is in its entirety and is not commercialized or monetized. (If you wish to use it in another way please contact: media@SiriusDisclosure.com)
Other Streaming and Download options can be found at: https://linktr.ee/TheCosmicHoax How you can support The Disclosure Project and CE5 1.
Whoa this comes as a bit of a shock to us all…… Former PSN host and PUBLISHER/AUTHOR/PODCASTER/FILM MAKER/BLOGGER AND OLE TIME ROCK AND ROLL PROMOTER Timothy Green Beckley has passed away. Cause of Death is still Unknown… While I produced for him for months, and knew him pretty decently I wasn’t a friend who knew him in person sadly we hadn’t really spoken much since he left our network as he left to join his friends Network, and we lost touch. Tim was a very nice person, and someone I enjoyed working with, and who will be missed for sure by the UFO community. Sadly given we might get some disclosure from our government his passing means he wont get to see what they tell us, and the sad part is his name was “Mr UFO”.
I am Tim’s niece, Dorieann Sweatt. On behalf of Tim and our family, we would like to thank everyone for their kind words, inspiring memories, and positive thoughts and prayers shared by you all during this time. As you all know, Tim was a unique and wonderful soul. We have lost someone truly special to all of us, but as Tim and we know, death does not and cannot separate us. As we plan arrangements, we will share details through his Facebook page. Please continue to share your stories, positivity, and pictures as we embrace Tim’s life and legacy. Thank you,Dorieann SweattSweatt Family & Kazar Family
Timothy Green Beckley was a UFO & paranormal pioneer. Since an early age his life has more or less revolved around the paranormal. The house he was raised in was thought to be haunted, he underwent out of body experiences at age six, and saw his first of three UFOs when he was ten. The event stunned him so much that he took out every book on the subject that he could find in the library. He wrote to the local media questioning the policy of silence he was convinced was taking place worldwide.
At fourteen, he was already appearing on national radio and TV, proclaiming the existence of the aliens (whom he now believes to be interdimensional to some extent and, as another likely possibility, the product of Nazi wartime technology.) Beckley started his writing/publishing career in his youth. At age 14, he purchased a mimeograph machine and started putting out “The Interplanetary News Service Report.” Over the years, he has written over 50 books on everything from rock music to the MJ12 documents. He has been a stringer for the national tabloids, such as the Enquirer, the Star and the Globe, and the editor of over 30 different magazines (most of which never lasted more than a couple of issues). His longest running effort was the newsstand publication UFO UNIVERSE, which ran for 11 years. www.conspiracyjournal.com
Here is the show he was part of which aired on PSN RADIO, and he was on the show the final season before we shut it down after he left to another network to work with another ex PSN host Tim Swartz who was also at one point on this show, then “The Outer Edge” with his then co-host Mike Mott.
So today I’m watching LIVE: Senators Visit the Border and in talking about how ‘We The People Stand For Border Security’ Rally… I saw this on the NTD feed and when I caught in one part of the live video what looks like a UFO flying behind the folks speaking. The last few days Marco Rubio spoke about UFOS being spotted over military bases? Well I think I got one!
This is 100% legit! I clipped out the video, and prepared it for this video, and here is the link to the OG source.
Skip up 3 Hours and 20mins into the video, and you will find the clip I pulled out as it aired. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tWMHF…
Are you ready? Better be Ready!
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Now I’m not saying is is based on “Alien tech” but this reminds me of the think metal strips first described by the son of Jesse Marcel Sr who said that as a kid he saw parts of the wreckage his father picked up. Jesse Jr said that it was thin metal with marking on it which he couldn’t describe as a language known to him but looked like it could be a sort of language or writing. Now Jesse Sr helped to recover the so called UFO or UAP as they’re now being called… Jesse Sr and others said that the thin layer of metal was odd because you would bend it, and it would pop back into place like it wasn’t bent. They couldn’t cut it with normal metal cutting ways, and couldn’t poke a hole in it like it was super tough but thin like foil paper.
Now moving forward to 2021, and we have word that this is posted as new tech just discovered but it’s claimed that a design to improve the resilience and electrical performance thin metal film based electrodes is now in the works, and that Flexible electrodes, electronic components that conduct electricity, are of key importance for the development of numerous wearable technologies, including smartwatches, fitness trackers and health monitoring devices. Ideally, electrodes inside wearable devices should retain their electrical conductance when they are stretched or deformed.
Many flexible electrodes developed so far are made of metalthin films placed on elastic substrates. While some of these electrodes are flexible and conduct electricity well, sometimes, the metal films are fractured, which can result in sudden electricity disconnection.
Artistic conceptual image of the researchers’ work showing 2D interlayer enabled delayed/tortuous cracking of metal thin-films and an image of a metal-2D interconnector integrated flexible light-emitting device. Credit: Cho et al.
2D interlayer cracking of metal thin-films
Researchers at University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign have recently introduced a new design that could enable the development of strain-resilient flexible electrodes that conduct electricity well, even when they are stretched or deformed. This design, outlined in a paper published in Nature Electronics, involves the introduction of a thin, two-dimensional (2-D) interlayer, which reduces the risk of fractures and retains electrical connections of metal films.
“We were interested in addressing outstanding unmet challenge of unexpected, complete electrical disconnection of flexible electrodes that is commonly observed after the onset of inevitable mechanical fracture during their use, which severely limits the functional lifespan of flexible/wearable electronics,” SungWoo Nam, one of the researchers who carried out the study, told TechXplore. “Our work showed the elongated conductance of a metal thin film itself with strain (termed ‘electrical ductility’ in analogy to mechanical ductility, which describes elongation of deformation with strain) for the first time, by changing fracture behaviors of the metal film with the underlying 2-D-interlayers.”
Nam and his colleagues found that inserting an atomically thin 2-D interlayer, such as graphene, into thin-film metal electrodes, reduced the risk of fractures and increased the electrode’s ability to conduct electricity under varying degrees of strain, which they refer to as its electrical ductility. This occurs because strong and weak van der Waals interactions in the 2-D materials induce a unique buckling deformation that delays damages to the electrodes’ metal thin films.
“The resulting ‘controlled’ cracking of the metal thin films enables substantially enhanced/robust electrical conduction,” Nam said. “Our 2-D-interlayer approach is not limited to certain combinations of metals and 2-D materials, but rather, it highlights different practical strategies to enhance the electromechanical reliability of various metal-based elements utilized in current wearable electronics applications, which could have a positive impact for the wearable electronics industry.”
The design introduced by Nam and his colleagues can be applied to a wide range of electrodes based on thin metal films. In their study, the researchers demonstrated the feasibility of their approach by using it to create a flexible electroluminescent light-emitting diode (LED) device. Remarkably, they found that their strategy can substantially improve the electromechanical robustness of commonly used electrodes (i.e., with its resistance decreased by several orders of magnitude and an extended region of stable resistance) under multimodal deformation.
In the future, this work could have significant implications for the development of new electronics. More specifically, their new electrode design could be used to fabricate a wide range of more resistant and better performing wearable devices.
“People working on flexible/wearable electronics with metal film based electrical components, such as flexible electrodes and interconnects, might be particularly interested in our findings,” Nam said. “We are interested in expanding our concept to various other conducting materials as well as investigating the scalability of our approach and its potential impact on flexible/wearable electronics.”
Joining me tonight is a giant in the world of ufology, and the Paranormal!
He’s the author of many books, including “A Covert Agenda;” “The FBI Files;” “Cosmic Crashes;” “Strange Secrets (with Andy Roberts);” “Three Men Seeking Monsters;” “Body Snatchers in the Desert;” “On the Trail of the Saucer Spies;” “Celebrity Secrets;” “Man-Monkey;” “Memoirs of a Monster Hunter;” “Mystery Animals of the British Isles: Staffordshire;” “There’s Something in the Woods;” “Science Fiction Secrets;” “Contactees;” “Monsters of Texas” (with Ken Gerhard); “Final Events;” “The NASA Conspiracies;” “Space Girl Dead on Spaghetti Junction;” “The Real Men in Black;” “Keep Out;” “The Pyramids and the Pentagon;” “The World’s Weirdest Places;” “Wildman!;” “Monster Diary;” “Monster Files;” “Close Encounters of the Fatal KInd;” “The Zombie Book” (with Brad Steiger); “For Nobody’s Eyes Only;” “Secret History;” “The Bigfoot Book;” “Bloodline of the Gods;” “Chupacabra Road Trip;” “Weapons of the Gods;” “Men In Black;” “Nessie;” “The Monster Book;” “Immortality of the Gods;” “365 Days of UFOs;” “Secret Societies;” “Women in Black;” “Shapeshifters;” “The New World Order Book;” “Control;” “The Black Diary;” “Paranormal Parasites;” “Top Secret Alien Abduction Files;” “The Roswell UFO Conspiracy;” “The Slenderman Mysteries,” “Area 51,” “The Alien Book;” “Flying Saucers from the Kremlin;” “The Martians;” “The Rendlesham Forest UFO Conspiracy;” and “Assassinations.”
I don’t think I’ve read that many books in my life! I kid, I kid.. I actually own a lot of his books as I’ve been a big fan of Nicks for a long time, and he’s been a very important voice in the last decade that I’ve been podcasting. I cannot wait to welcome him back, and find out how he’s keeping up during the world we’re in since we last spoke.
Folks check out angelespino.com for more information on the show, and network. Also the Patreon for Angel make sure you hit that up, and drop in a few bucks as every little helps grow the show, and network. The url is patreon.com/angelespino and his own site also has a donations page angelespino.com