Showing posts with label UFO crash. Show all posts
Showing posts with label UFO crash. Show all posts

Saturday, November 4, 2023

"Helping to inform the post-Disclosure world."

So Hollywood has come together to help inform people on a post disclosure world... Something my show and others have been talking about for years.

On my shows I've had on a lot of people in the world of ufology and spoken to some of the top people pushing for Disclosure which include Stephen Bassett and many more like him. He's the most known, and best to speak to in opinion on the subject.

"The goal of the Hollywood Disclosure Alliance is to provide a more unified voice in the media leading up to, and following, the impending revelation of the presence of extraterrestrial life disclosure through storytelling in feature films, documentaries, and TV programming. We are a media-centric resource, teaming those actively working within the research side of UAP / ET with those actively working as storytellers."

Hollywood, CA, Nov. 6, 2023 – A number of Hollywood storytellers and many of the top UFO or UAP researchers, advocates and journalists in America have joined forces for the first time ever and have just launched the Hollywood Disclosure Alliance. The goal of the new group is to provide a more unified voice in the media leading up to and following what UAP researchers have long been waiting for the end of the long-held U.S. government-imposed truth embargo regarding the presence of extraterrestrial life by confirmation from the President of the United States Disclosure.

For more information click here.

Wednesday, October 4, 2023


YOU WON’T BELIEVE What actually Happened and is about to happen... First I want you to view what Dan Bongino and the internet are saying than I'm going to explain in short here what's being covered in the book I'm working on in full. This has to do with that and when you read it here, and in my book you will understand who said it first.

The reason this was done both here, and Russia is because the year of 2024 as the election comes close there will a false flag Alien invasion and Nuke attack by the Russians which Dan Bongino speaks on in the video... This will be how the alerts come in to us... We will all think it's just Russians but go back folks and read or watch William Cooper who's now since killed by the USA Government in the 90's called "Behold A Pale Horse" in fact click on that name and it will take you to his Amazon link or Audible so you can get his book.

If you're not aware of this book this is what he wrote... 

Publisher's summary

Former US naval intelligence briefing team member William "Bill" Cooper reveals classified information kept in secret government files since the 1940s. Cooper tells of the assassination of John F. Kennedy, the war on drugs, the secret government, and UFOs. His lucid presentation of this information transcends partisan affiliations as he clearly addresses issues in a way that has a striking impact on listeners of all backgrounds and interests.

"Like it or not, everything is changing, and the end result will be the most wonderful experience in the history of man or the most horrible enslavement that you can imagine. Be active or abdicate, the future is in your hands." (William Cooper, October 24, 1989Here is footage of the LATE William Cooper himself below talking about his book and the UFO false flag invasion coming.

This friends will all happen in 2024 as again the ELECTION draws close.

NOW I'm not saying aliens are not real...  IN My book I will cover why the cover up, where they come from and how they get here. Also big is why there has been retrieval from crash down ALIEN ufo's or UAP's as the USA Government likes to call them. I'm putting the finishing touches on the book as I type this and hope to have it ready by this December for publishers.

This friends is why all of this is happening now... Just wait to you read the reasons, and locations where these people are coming from and related to humanity they are. Also why this false flag invasion will all become revealed first in my book coming out.

IF I should die in a mysterious way believe me I didn't take my own life as I'm not suicidal and if it's in a way not natural you will know foul play was invovled.

Sunday, September 3, 2023

Abducted by aliens in Pascagoula in 1973 Calvin Parker has passed away Rest in Peace

Now the latest chronicle features what he's learned since he wrote the first book including...

Now the latest chronicle features what he's learned since he wrote the first book including accounts from other people who say they saw the abduction. (Photo source: Calvin Parker)(Photo source: Calvin Parker)

Cancer has claimed another good person as Calvin Parker is on the final voyage we all get to take only once. He's not without a great life and amazing story. The Pascagoula man known around the world for his tale of alien abduction, according to a friend of the family, Parker passed away August 24, 2023 after a long battle with kidney cancer. He was at home, surrounded by loved ones, including his wife, Waynette.

The night of Oct. 11, 1973, something happened on the banks of the Pascagoula River that Calvin Parker and Charles Hickson would spend the rest of their lives trying to explain.

It’s a story well-known to locals, that WLOX News has reported on numerous times over the years. Hickson and Parker both wrote books about it.

The two men were fishing near Ingalls Shipyard when they said they suddenly heard a piercing sound, and spotted a large UFO hovering behind them. There were three beings on board that carried the men on to the spaceship to examine them. After about 30 minutes, they were returned to the riverbank, and the UFO took off.

This is an illustration of what Calvin Parker and Charles Hickson described they saw the night...
This is an illustration of what Calvin Parker and Charles Hickson described they saw the night of the alleged alien abduction.(WLOX)

Parker and Hickson tried to report what happened to officials at Keesler Air Force Base, but the military directed them to the Jackson County Sheriff’s Office. Investigators there had a cassette tape recording as the men talked about their alien encounter the night it happened. WLOX News shared excerpts from those tapes when they were rediscovered in the late 90s/early 2000s. 

After the mysterious abduction, Hickson and Parker both passed lie detector tests and were even questioned under hypnosis. Investigators are on record saying the pair’s story never wavered.

Despite that, they were ridiculed and doubted by many. That’s what kept Maria Blair from coming forward for 45 years. On that same October night, Blair was near the river waiting for her husband, Jerry, to leave on a boat to work off shore. Jerry fell asleep and Maria saw a strange, blue light streaking back and forth. She didn’t think much of it, until the next day when she heard about Parker and Hickson’s story.

“When she would talk about it I would tell her to shut up people are going to think you’re crazy,” said Jerry Blair.

In 2019, after seeing a media report about the abduction, Blair finally got the courage to come forward. She said her motivation was to give Calvin Parker and Charles Hickson’s story validation.

In 1973 Maria Blair and Calvin Parker were separated by a river. Now with a 45 year old secret...
In 1973 Maria Blair and Calvin Parker were separated by a river. Now with a 45 year old secret washed under the bridge, Maria met Calvin face to face for the first time at the same spot on the Pascagoula River where the alleged abduction occurred.(WLOX)

That same year, the city of Pascagoula, the Jackson County Historical Society, and Main Street Pascagoula erected a historical marker at Lighthouse Park which describes the events of that night. Hickson died in 2011, and wouldn’t get to see the marker, which describes the encounter as America’s “best documented case of alien abduction.”

But Parker was there, and told WLOX News how much it meant to finally be recognized after years of being ridiculed. “It is emotional for me. I can’t really describe it because I would break out in tears if I do,” Parker said in 2019. “I wish when I died I could be buried right here underneath this plaque, that would explain it the best. It is quite an honor.”

In 2019, a historical marker was erected at Lighthouse Park in Pascagoula which describes...
In 2019, a historical marker was erected at Lighthouse Park in Pascagoula which describes Calvin Parker and Charles Hickson's alleged encounter with a UFO in 1973. It's described as America's "best documented case of alien abduction."(WLOX)

Saturday, September 2, 2023

Creepy aliens real? Check this video I put together and will review on CAM this week.

Creepy large alien real? 

Well I want you to look at this video below... Two different moments in time with different people who captured well aliens or creatures with these sort of similar features but one is small, and the other is tall? 

Like some Abductees claim to see "BIG and SMALL" Grays! Could these be the aliens people call the Grays? OR Just another random set of Aliens? 

Check out the 2 videos posted together back to back and well you be the judge. This is weird to me that the two look so close in look forget the height. Look at the arms, legs, the head, body, and markins under the arms. I really want to know what people think about this finding here I got from these two videos.

#aliensarereal #alien #ufos 

Thursday, July 27, 2023

Congress Showed UFO Evidence Previously Hidden From the rest of us!

Congress Showed UFO Evidence Previously Hidden From the rest of us! But anyone who listens or watches my shows know how deep I go with the UFOLOGY or UAP I go... I've been into this since I had my sightings as a kid out in Calirfonia and my story will be in my upcoming book. But this move by Congress is like the one lead by others like Stephen Bassett in the past. I've spoken to many in the subject and it's time this was fully disclosed.

Now did they bring out an Alien? NO! So until I see them walking around I can't say any of this is 100% facts.

So while this is nice to see........ Still doesn't completly show 100% proof. But again it's great to see them finally taking this topic serious. Check out the congress hearing below.

Friday, June 9, 2023

911 call released for report of UFO crash, aliens in Las Vegas!

Oh it's about to come down folks, and I don't mean rain! The next year besides the 2024 election should be interesting if the Aliens are disclosed. Now there could be a false flag thing happening here cause what a crazy coincidence this whole thing is from Trumps Space Force, and the Pentagon's decades of silence finally admitting that UFO's are a legit thing, and now we all know the rumor is that there might be some sort of big event which is a hoax to manipulate people or scare people. But what are the odds that it's happening this year, and might carry over to 2024.

IN 2020 we had the CHINA Virus! Could 2024 bring us the Aliens? And if so will they be made to finally tell us why all the anal probes? And how many more interesting things we could ask if this is a legit thing. But let's check out the latest here... IN Las Vegas a 911 call went out to report a UFO Crash! But Aliens are also said to be running around and viewed as "Giants" by the local residents. Check out my friend Jacob Isreal who has one of the best shows on YouTube on all things conspiracy! He's brilliant, and an awesome dude... I highly recommend his show to all.

Check out other videos on YouTube on this...