Showing posts with label Paranormal. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Paranormal. Show all posts

Monday, February 26, 2024

PRG Notice: Contact in the Desert 2024

Check out this report about the one from 2023!

"Our Republic and its press will rise or fall together. An able, disinterested, public-spirited press, with trained intelligence to know the right and courage to do it, can preserve that public virtue without which popular government is a sham and a mockery. A cynical, mercenary, demagogic press will produce in time a people as base as itself. The power to mould the future of the Republic will be in the hands of the journalists of future generations."    Joseph Pulitzer

February 21, 2024

Archived HERE

Contact in the Desert Info from PRG

If only half of what I expect to happen in Washington, DC regarding Disclosure takes place between now and May 30, Contact in the Desert 2024 is going to be an event to remember. On the last day of CITD 2023 (June 5), Major David Grusch (USAF ret.) told the world the United States Government possessed a number of non-human made vehicles and their pilots. This continued the greatest congressional engagement of the UAP/ET reality in history. And it's only the beginning.

Join me in Indian Wells, CA, May 30 to June 3. One can only imagine what we might be celebrating together.

Steve Bassett

Washington, DC

Paradigm Research Group | (202) 215-8344 | |
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Paradigm Research Group | 4938 Hampden Lane, #161Bethesda, MD 20814

Tuesday, July 6, 2021

The Cosmic Hoax: An Exposé - Dr. Steven Greer full 2021 Documentary 👽

✋STOP🛑 READ B4 commenting please 👉 YOU subscribed to RAGING HUMOR (this channel); it has changed since 2018. If you don’t like what you see (new direction) feel free to Unsubscribe. We wish you only the greatest. Offensive language will NOT be tolerated here. Learn the truth from the Father of the Real Disclosure Project.!

This documentary is Dr. Greer’s answer to the current government and media disinformation campaign promoting 3 big lies: 1. We do not know what these UAPs/ UFOs are. WE DO.

2. Humans cannot make craft that can maneuver like UFOs. WE CAN and WE DO. 3. The UFOs are a threat.

THEY ARE NOT. Share this film widely for FREE if it is in its entirety and is not commercialized or monetized. (If you wish to use it in another way please contact:

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Wednesday, March 3, 2021

A design to improve the resilience and electrical performance thin metal film based electrodes

Now I’m not saying is is based on “Alien tech” but this reminds me of the think metal strips first described by the son of Jesse Marcel Sr who said that as a kid he saw parts of the wreckage his father picked up. Jesse Jr said that it was thin metal with marking on it which he couldn’t describe as a language known to him but looked like it could be a sort of language or writing. Now Jesse Sr helped to recover the so called UFO or UAP as they’re now being called… Jesse Sr and others said that the thin layer of metal was odd because you would bend it, and it would pop back into place like it wasn’t bent. They couldn’t cut it with normal metal cutting ways, and couldn’t poke a hole in it like it was super tough but thin like foil paper.

Now moving forward to 2021, and we have word that this is posted as new tech just discovered but it’s claimed that a design to improve the resilience and electrical performance thin metal film based electrodes is now in the works, and that Flexible electrodes, electronic components that conduct electricity, are of key importance for the development of numerous wearable technologies, including smartwatches, fitness trackers and health monitoring devices. Ideally, electrodes inside wearable devices should retain their electrical conductance when they are stretched or deformed.

Many flexible electrodes developed so far are made of metal thin films placed on elastic substrates. While some of these electrodes are flexible and conduct electricity well, sometimes, the metal films are fractured, which can result in sudden electricity disconnection.

Artistic conceptual image of the researchers’ work showing 2D interlayer enabled delayed/tortuous cracking of metal thin-films and an image of a metal-2D interconnector integrated flexible light-emitting device. Credit: Cho et al.

Researchers at University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign have recently introduced a new design that could enable the development of strain-resilient flexible electrodes that conduct electricity well, even when they are stretched or deformed. This design, outlined in a paper published in Nature Electronics, involves the introduction of a thin, two-dimensional (2-D) interlayer, which reduces the risk of fractures and retains electrical connections of metal films.

“We were interested in addressing outstanding unmet challenge of unexpected, complete electrical disconnection of flexible electrodes that is commonly observed after the onset of inevitable mechanical fracture during their use, which severely limits the functional lifespan of flexible/wearable electronics,” SungWoo Nam, one of the researchers who carried out the study, told TechXplore. “Our work showed the elongated conductance of a metal thin film itself with strain (termed ‘electrical ductility’ in analogy to mechanical ductility, which describes elongation of deformation with strain) for the first time, by changing fracture behaviors of the metal film with the underlying 2-D-interlayers.”

Nam and his colleagues found that inserting an atomically thin 2-D interlayer, such as graphene, into thin-film metal electrodes, reduced the risk of fractures and increased the electrode’s ability to conduct electricity under varying degrees of strain, which they refer to as its electrical ductility. This occurs because strong and weak van der Waals interactions in the 2-D materials induce a unique buckling deformation that delays damages to the electrodes’ metal thin films.

“The resulting ‘controlled’ cracking of the metal thin films enables substantially enhanced/robust electrical conduction,” Nam said. “Our 2-D-interlayer approach is not limited to certain combinations of metals and 2-D materials, but rather, it highlights different practical strategies to enhance the electromechanical reliability of various metal-based elements utilized in current wearable electronics applications, which could have a positive impact for the wearable electronics industry.”

The design introduced by Nam and his colleagues can be applied to a wide range of electrodes based on thin metal films. In their study, the researchers demonstrated the feasibility of their approach by using it to create a flexible electroluminescent light-emitting diode (LED) device. Remarkably, they found that their strategy can substantially improve the electromechanical robustness of commonly used electrodes (i.e., with its resistance decreased by several orders of magnitude and an extended region of stable resistance) under multimodal deformation.

In the future, this work could have significant implications for the development of new electronics. More specifically, their new electrode design could be used to fabricate a wide range of more resistant and better performing wearable devices.

“People working on flexible/wearable electronics with metal film based electrical components, such as flexible electrodes and interconnects, might be particularly interested in our findings,” Nam said. “We are interested in expanding our concept to various other conducting materials as well as investigating the scalability of our approach and its potential impact on flexible/wearable electronics.”

Sunday, October 25, 2020


Joining me tonight is a giant in the world of ufology, and the Paranormal!

He’s the author of many books, including “A Covert Agenda;” “The FBI Files;” “Cosmic Crashes;” “Strange Secrets (with Andy Roberts);” “Three Men Seeking Monsters;” “Body Snatchers in the Desert;” “On the Trail of the Saucer Spies;” “Celebrity Secrets;” “Man-Monkey;” “Memoirs of a Monster Hunter;” “Mystery Animals of the British Isles: Staffordshire;” “There’s Something in the Woods;” “Science Fiction Secrets;” “Contactees;” “Monsters of Texas” (with Ken Gerhard); “Final Events;” “The NASA Conspiracies;” “Space Girl Dead on Spaghetti Junction;” “The Real Men in Black;” “Keep Out;” “The Pyramids and the Pentagon;” “The World’s Weirdest Places;” “Wildman!;” “Monster Diary;” “Monster Files;” “Close Encounters of the Fatal KInd;” “The Zombie Book” (with Brad Steiger); “For Nobody’s Eyes Only;” “Secret History;” “The Bigfoot Book;” “Bloodline of the Gods;” “Chupacabra Road Trip;” “Weapons of the Gods;” “Men In Black;” “Nessie;” “The Monster Book;” “Immortality of the Gods;” “365 Days of UFOs;” “Secret Societies;” “Women in Black;” “Shapeshifters;” “The New World Order Book;” “Control;” “The Black Diary;” “Paranormal Parasites;” “Top Secret Alien Abduction Files;” “The Roswell UFO Conspiracy;” “The Slenderman Mysteries,” “Area 51,” “The Alien Book;” “Flying Saucers from the Kremlin;” “The Martians;” “The Rendlesham Forest UFO Conspiracy;” and “Assassinations.”

I don’t think I’ve read that many books in my life! I kid, I kid.. I actually own a lot of his books as I’ve been a big fan of Nicks for a long time, and he’s been a very important voice in the last decade that I’ve been podcasting. I cannot wait to welcome him back, and find out how he’s keeping up during the world we’re in since we last spoke.

Folks check out for more information on the show, and network. Also the Patreon for Angel make sure you hit that up, and drop in a few bucks as every little helps grow the show, and network. The url is and his own site also has a donations page

Sunday, August 2, 2020

SO CNN admits UFOs are real! But wait... 👽🛸

Now this is hilarious for us in ufology for years we know that they’re real. But to see this confirmed now is becoming reality. I used to work with someone who was present at a UFO crash site here in Florida in the 70’s which I can’t speak much about because he was 1 of a handful of people there, and he didn’t want to speak publicly as he has kids, and grand kids. But his Military rank was proven to me 100% LEGIT, and his time in Miami at the time was also proven to me.

Folks these things are not all ALIEN or ET flying UFO’s… BUT SOME ARE, and we’re on the brink of Disclosure! This ran on CNN. Notice how they mention Trump, and his info? Without smearing or trashing Trump over politics. But watch the video, and below that I’m going to connect the dots based on information I’ve been told over the last 2 decades.

I Was always into this subject… As long as I Could remember and it’s all due to my own 2 sightings as a kid. Now over the years I’ve been told by several sources connected to the Roswell crashes in the past that what crashed at Roswell wasn’t JUST Alien… We had 2 crashes at Roswell 1 ET and 1 AMERICAN MADE. They crashed into each other because one attracted the other which thought it belonged to them. They collided, and what was found was 2 wreckage’s a mile apart. The one we made was done using a combination of the “Nazi,” & “Tesla” tech which we experimented on and the other was an actual ET UFO which is the one which came down to from my understanding was to investigate where this ship came from since it registered as theirs in most due to the “NAZI & Tesla” getting the tech from THEM!

IF this is real then this could be the big secret behind Roswell the GOV has covered up for decades. Roswell WAS A REAL event, and Alien bodies were really found, and also human bodies in the other crash? WELL IF this doesn’t answer why they covered it up nothing will, and oh if you’re asking why is this all coming out now in 2020? Easy answer folks it’s cause Trump is the big D! Not “DICK” like some on the left want you all to think! lol But he’s going to be the “Disclosure PRESIDENT” but this will only happen as he’s re-elected. This is from a source, and I was told that this is the only way he will open up about it, and ensure he’s not killed for what he knows, and he wants us to know, and this is why he’s been more and more open about the question, and even outed the gov for the ufo videos they got which prompted the Pentagon in admitting those videos we seen earlier this year were real. I saw those videos years ago folks. I’m talking about possibly half a decade ago. What does he know? His uncle JOHN Trump was the man in charge of recovering the TESLA Files from the office of Tesla when he was declared dead, and John saw the files, and saw everything Tesla was working on, and a lot of the UFO secrets he took to his grave but according to reports told to me.

President Trump was told everything his Uncle knew, and this is why we now have a “SPACE FORCE” and while the left for years have teasing us about UFO’s they never had any intentions of actually releasing this information. Podesta, the Clinton’s these people are all in on the take, and while a lot of people on the right who knew the facts wanted this information out. The left played with our emotions, and never did anything to actually push for disclosure when it came to actually doing it… But now it’s all coming out.

Thursday, July 16, 2020

Jan Harzan MUFON Executive Director arrested!

I was able to meet MUFON Executive Director Jan Harzan back in 2016 for a little bit while we ran our booth for Skywatchers Radio, and he like everyone else at the event were real nice to us, and this comes as a shock. But it really shouldn’t anymore afterall when Stan Romanek went down I said publicly on the show that I’m sure more names would soon come out who are involved in such filth.

Here is the actual confirmation data of the arrest retrieved online from the Huntington Beach Police “Adult Arrest Report” section of their website.

2020006701 7/3/2020 1410

Here are the photos Tenney posted to Twitter taken from what looks like the Huntington Beach Police Facebook page. I believe that’s Harzan on the left in the photo?

It’s said that he solicited a 13yo girl for sex online and got arrested when trying to “meet up.” It doesn’t get more sick than that, preying on children. But as luck turns out it was an undercover sting operation, and he got caught with his tail between his legs, and now it looks like John Ventre isn’t their biggest problem anymore. Aliens, and anal probing is going to take a whole new meaning for him if he’s found guilty.

“On July 3, detectives contacted a male by the name of Jan Harzan after Harzan solicited sexual activity from a detective he believed was a 13 year old girl,” the Huntington Beach PD wrote in a Facebook post. “The suspect solicited the minor to meet for the purpose of engaging in sexual activity, and when the suspect agreed to meet the supposed minor, detectives were there to take him into custody.”

Harzan was “arrested for multiple felonies and transported to the Huntington Beach Jail [and was] specifically targeting minor females online,” the police department wrote.

MUFON’s role in the UFO world is massive. The organization was founded in 1969 in Quincy, Illinois to track citizen sightings of UFOs; they claim to still hold the world’s “largest and most detailed database of UFO sightings.” The organization has worked closely with government contractors, including Bigelow Aerospace, which received money from the federal government to investigate unidentified aerial phenomena. According to documents reviewed by Motherboard, Bigelow Aerospace paid MUFON to make technical reports on characteristics often described in UFO incidents. Bigelow Aerospace also offered MUFON funding to put together the STAR Team, a UFO investigation team that could be on site within 24 to 48 hours of a UFO incident.

According to the organization’s website, Harzan is a former IBM engineer who, when he was a kid, was “visited by a real UFO, no more than thirty feet from [his brother and him], with no visible means of propulsion other than making a humming noise, before shooting off over the horizon. This event profoundly changed their lives.”

In 2018 a former MUFON state director, John Ventre, made racist comments about African Americans on his personal Facebook page, stating that white Americans were experiencing a “white genocide.” Jan Harzan did not condemn Ventre but instead expressed his concern for “the new social media world we now live in” and stated everyone should engage in open dialogue by writing, “There is no justice in hate, no matter what side of the fence you are on. On that we can all agree.” MUFON eventually withdrew Harzan’s comments from its website and Ventre was removed from his position when public pressure mounted.

Last month, Ken Pfeifer, head of MUFON Rhode Island, posted racist memes and comments on Facebook during the height of the Black Lives Matter protests. “HOLY SHIT….I WOULD OF PICKED THEIR COTTON FOR THEM….IF I THOUGHT IT WOULD END THIS BLM RACIST MADNESS.”

Chris Cogswell, MUFON’s former Director of Research, who left because of what he said was a racist culture at the organization, said “the main leadership levels of MUFON have been problematic for a number of years, and provides essentially nothing to the individual chapters which are for the most part run by decent, intelligent, and caring members of their communities. Although everyone is entitled to the assumption of innocence until proven guilty, this is a heinous charge. I cannot foresee any possibility of MUFON continuing, but hope the individual chapters can put their time and energy into an organization that will benefit them as much as they benefit it.”

Jason McClellan, a popular UFO podcast host, tweeted that “Shocked doesn’t describe what I’m feeling right now. I just learned that the executive director of MUFON was arrested for soliciting a minor. I always considered Jan to be a friend. This is really disturbing and disgusting news.”

Update, July 15, 3:20 P.M. EST:

In a statement to Motherboard, MUFON’s Board of Directors said that Harzan has been “permanently removed” as Executive Director of the organization:

In light of recent events, Jan Harzan has been permanently removed as the Executive Director of the Mutual UFO Network (MUFON).

Effective immediately, he will no longer serve any role in the organization.

David MacDonald, Executive Director Emeritus and a member of the MUFON Board of Directors, will now assume the duties of Executive Director. MUFON remains committed to its core mission: the study of UFOs for the benefit of humanity. This mission is greater than any one person or member of MUFON and supersedes all other considerations. We will continue to move forward and focus on our mission statement.

Say hi to Stan Romanek in prison, Jan…. If you’re guilty than may the law do with you what it must. But let’s not forget folks all Individuals are assumed innocent until proven guilty in a court of law. So let’s let them have their day in court, and let’s see how they plead.