Showing posts with label US Congress. Show all posts
Showing posts with label US Congress. Show all posts

Thursday, July 27, 2023

Congress Showed UFO Evidence Previously Hidden From the rest of us!

Congress Showed UFO Evidence Previously Hidden From the rest of us! But anyone who listens or watches my shows know how deep I go with the UFOLOGY or UAP I go... I've been into this since I had my sightings as a kid out in Calirfonia and my story will be in my upcoming book. But this move by Congress is like the one lead by others like Stephen Bassett in the past. I've spoken to many in the subject and it's time this was fully disclosed.

Now did they bring out an Alien? NO! So until I see them walking around I can't say any of this is 100% facts.

So while this is nice to see........ Still doesn't completly show 100% proof. But again it's great to see them finally taking this topic serious. Check out the congress hearing below.