Showing posts with label UFOS and ALIENS. Show all posts
Showing posts with label UFOS and ALIENS. Show all posts

Saturday, November 30, 2024

Wait UFO Invasion in December? On Dec 3rd or 4th?

So there is some talk that on this Dec 3rd or 4th we're going to have some sort of UFO Invasion or fight in the sky making it clear that. They're here. Now I'm not making this rumor up this has been going wild on the net for some days now and it's rumored to be coming up due to something that happened with someone using AI? But this is where it gets funny. The Prediction comes from AI from 2009 which I didn't even know we had back then! Call me color blind to that one... lol Oh I know we had it don't be fooled by sarcasm. Actually AI we have everyone talking about now is small potato's compared to what we actually have in secret. 

You think UFO's or UAP's are sooo cool, and exotic? Wait til we find out about the real AI we have and not this web based garbage that people are using for funny songs and art work and movies. Did I say funny music?

But with all that aside let's see some videos talking about this possible upcoming battle in the skies coming December 3rd.

Now as a fan for decades of the late William Cooper I can tell you that a false flag Alien invasion is NOT out of the question. But what this is claiming is that it will be revealed but not like Cooper claimed that we would in the future see a false flag event. So which is it? Don't know but this isn't the first of this so called December event coming up and in fact I've heard buzz about this since January when we had the Miami Mall so called event. Claims by some was that something MAJOR was coming in December... Well is this is? 

What makes me giggle is that this is due to Joe Rogan interviewing Donald Trump... This is just funny since it just happened but could it be? Could this AI more than a decade ago predicted it? Well we shall find out soon and when we do if nothing happens it will just be a good laugh. But if something does happen! OH BOY! Goodtimes... lol

Let's see more reactions on this from YouTubers!

Saturday, June 8, 2024

Oumuamua Acting Weird & Moving Towards us!

"It is quickly becoming clear that after decades of research, we still don't know everything about the odd objects in our solar system. Space scientists are surprised that one of these strange objects, Oumuamua, has been acting weird lately.But its odd behavior isn't the only surprising thing about it. This mysterious space object is also doing something it hasn't done since 2017it is moving towards Earth! Is there any particular reason behind Oumuamua's behavior? What does its potential return mean for the world and outer space as we know it? Keep watching because what we have discovered will leave you speechless!"

Oumuamua IS NOT A ROCK! It's a SPACESHIP while the NASA and others are focused on this miss info on it the fact is there a ton of these type out there that come near and inside the planet on a daily basis and have been video recorded by others.

The space program that lies to us all the time known as NASA which we all know stands for "Never A Straight Answer" has known the truth from day 1 but has lied about it to keep us in the dark and guessing what this is. Why? Because only them, and people with telescopes as powerful will see it properly. This limits it down to only  major powers in control on earth.

The rest who can see it will see it but from so far it's not as visible and details are lost. This is why they continue to focus on it while others like it come into earth on a daily basis... This one is acting as a decoy since we're in contact with those beings. This was done when some random folks found it in the private sector. 

Monday, February 26, 2024

PRG Notice: Contact in the Desert 2024

Check out this report about the one from 2023!

"Our Republic and its press will rise or fall together. An able, disinterested, public-spirited press, with trained intelligence to know the right and courage to do it, can preserve that public virtue without which popular government is a sham and a mockery. A cynical, mercenary, demagogic press will produce in time a people as base as itself. The power to mould the future of the Republic will be in the hands of the journalists of future generations."    Joseph Pulitzer

February 21, 2024

Archived HERE

Contact in the Desert Info from PRG

If only half of what I expect to happen in Washington, DC regarding Disclosure takes place between now and May 30, Contact in the Desert 2024 is going to be an event to remember. On the last day of CITD 2023 (June 5), Major David Grusch (USAF ret.) told the world the United States Government possessed a number of non-human made vehicles and their pilots. This continued the greatest congressional engagement of the UAP/ET reality in history. And it's only the beginning.

Join me in Indian Wells, CA, May 30 to June 3. One can only imagine what we might be celebrating together.

Steve Bassett

Washington, DC

Paradigm Research Group | (202) 215-8344 | |
National Press Building, 529 14th Street, NW, Washington, DC 20045
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Paradigm Research Group | 4938 Hampden Lane, #161Bethesda, MD 20814

Sunday, December 3, 2023


So this isn't new news but for those who don't know on March 13, 1997, a series of bright lights appeared in the skies over Arizona, Nevada, and northern Mexico. The mysterious lights were seen by thousands of people claiming to having seen the same thing. Some even took videos of the mysterious light phenomenon. The Phoneix Lights, as they are known, have remained unexplained since that night, despite so many eyewitness reports. At the time they were a media sensation especially in Phoenix!

According to KTAR News, the sightings were initially treated as something of a joke. Fife Symington was the Governor of Arizona at the time, and after the sightings, he held a tongue-in-cheek press conference with one of his staff members dressed like an alien. However, Symington went on to admit that he had seen the lights as well, and despite being a pilot himself and being familiar with an array of aircraft, he had no explanation for the lights. Symington wasn't the only pilot who happened to see the Phoenixx Lights, another pilot was flying that evening and they spotted the anomaly above Phoenix. That pilot was none other than actor Kurt Russell, per Page Six.

Kurt Russell the iconic actor having appeared in a wide range of films from "Escape From New York" to "The Hateful Eight" to "Miracle," and so on. In addition to acting, Russell was also at one point a professional baseball player where he spent some time in the minor leagues playing both single and double-A ball in the 1970s, according to Puget Sound Business Journal, Kurt Russell has been flying for decades and has owned a variety of aircraft including biplanes and gliders, and was even known to try his hand at performing acrobatic maneuvers. Russell was also known to fly himself and his long-time partner, Goldie Hawn, to vacation hotspots like Aspen, British Columbia, and Palm Springs.

According to Golf Hotel Whiskey, Russell stated in an interview with Airport journals that flying was in his blood, as his grandfather was an experienced pilot who at one point even served as a test pilot for billionaire Howard Hughes' Hughes Aircraft Company. In 2017, Kurt Russell was promoting the film "Guardians of the Galaxy: Vol. II" in an interview with the BBC, when he recounted what happened to him on March 13, 1997, in the skies over Phoenix. Russell was flying Hawn's son, Oliver Hudson, to visit his girlfriend. "I was flying him to go see his girlfriend, and we were on approach," Russell said. "I saw six lights over the airport in absolute uniform in a V shape. Oliver said to me I was just looking at him, I was coming in, we're maybe a half a mile out and Oliver said, 'Pa, what are those lights?'"

Russell's sighting is similar to those that were reported across the region that same night. Where things diverge was that Russell and Hudson had a bird's eye view of the alleged UFO. Russell radioed air traffic control and told them what he was seeing, though according to Page Six, he was told there was no aircraft in the area. Russell explained that what happened that night drifted to the back of his mind until several years later when Goldie Hawn was watching a TV show about UFOs that covered the Phoenix Lights, and mentioned an identified pilot who called in a sighting. Russell realized that he was the pilot, and was able to confirm this with a quick check of his logbooks, per Flying.

Saturday, November 25, 2023

The UAP Disclosure Act!

UFO's or UAP's are real! So while this is not really news anymore the current "UAP Disclosure Act" is interesting in it's timing and it's something which brings me back to the rumored false flag Alien invasion which is being said to happen in 2024. As a way to try and "fix" the election by setting up a fake Alien invasion which would see us in a major war with them. This is rumored and also was in the book "Behold a Pale Horse" by the late William Cooper  back in the 90's.

While the mainstream are saying this is a crucial step towards transparency and accountability, addressing the public's growing interest in unidentified aerial phenomena. The establishment of a civilian review board would further enhance this process, ensuring diverse perspectives and independent oversight. It is essential to support this act and the formation of the review board, as it aligns with the democratic values of openness and public participation.

The r/UFOB community, representing over 125,000 individuals, is a testament to the widespread interest in this issue. Therefore, it is urged to vote in favor of the UAP Disclosure Act and advocate for the civilian review board. This action would not only respect the public's right to know but also contribute to a more informed and engaged citizenry.

What do you all think about this part the person who originally brought this bill was leftist "Chuck Schummer" who well is known for fibbing and lying his buns off. He's also known for attacking certain judges verbally in a way that he would have lost his job had he been a "republican" and he's part of the globalist which sound a lot like those Cooper spoke about. 

Again folks check out the audio on William Cooper of his book "Behold A Pale Horse"

Saturday, November 4, 2023

"Helping to inform the post-Disclosure world."

So Hollywood has come together to help inform people on a post disclosure world... Something my show and others have been talking about for years.

On my shows I've had on a lot of people in the world of ufology and spoken to some of the top people pushing for Disclosure which include Stephen Bassett and many more like him. He's the most known, and best to speak to in opinion on the subject.

"The goal of the Hollywood Disclosure Alliance is to provide a more unified voice in the media leading up to, and following, the impending revelation of the presence of extraterrestrial life disclosure through storytelling in feature films, documentaries, and TV programming. We are a media-centric resource, teaming those actively working within the research side of UAP / ET with those actively working as storytellers."

Hollywood, CA, Nov. 6, 2023 – A number of Hollywood storytellers and many of the top UFO or UAP researchers, advocates and journalists in America have joined forces for the first time ever and have just launched the Hollywood Disclosure Alliance. The goal of the new group is to provide a more unified voice in the media leading up to and following what UAP researchers have long been waiting for the end of the long-held U.S. government-imposed truth embargo regarding the presence of extraterrestrial life by confirmation from the President of the United States Disclosure.

For more information click here.

Thursday, November 2, 2023

Video from Area 51? Fact or Fiction?

Fact or Fiction? Who knows with CGI being what it is these days... Had this come out in the 80's it be almost certain to be real but now everything is subject to be taken with a giant grain of salt... This year sure has been filled with Alien, and UFO talk in both Mainstream Media, and the Social Medias from Tiktok, Facebook, X (Twitter), and so on. 

This said I know there is also a lot of talk of a 2024 false flag Alien invasion in a way to help rig the election in 2024... We will see on that one. But this video leaked to the internet recently and well I won't say it's real or not... But what do you think guys? 

#aliens #area51 #boblazar #UFO

Saturday, September 2, 2023

Creepy aliens real? Check this video I put together and will review on CAM this week.

Creepy large alien real? 

Well I want you to look at this video below... Two different moments in time with different people who captured well aliens or creatures with these sort of similar features but one is small, and the other is tall? 

Like some Abductees claim to see "BIG and SMALL" Grays! Could these be the aliens people call the Grays? OR Just another random set of Aliens? 

Check out the 2 videos posted together back to back and well you be the judge. This is weird to me that the two look so close in look forget the height. Look at the arms, legs, the head, body, and markins under the arms. I really want to know what people think about this finding here I got from these two videos.

#aliensarereal #alien #ufos 

Thursday, July 27, 2023

Congress Showed UFO Evidence Previously Hidden From the rest of us!

Congress Showed UFO Evidence Previously Hidden From the rest of us! But anyone who listens or watches my shows know how deep I go with the UFOLOGY or UAP I go... I've been into this since I had my sightings as a kid out in Calirfonia and my story will be in my upcoming book. But this move by Congress is like the one lead by others like Stephen Bassett in the past. I've spoken to many in the subject and it's time this was fully disclosed.

Now did they bring out an Alien? NO! So until I see them walking around I can't say any of this is 100% facts.

So while this is nice to see........ Still doesn't completly show 100% proof. But again it's great to see them finally taking this topic serious. Check out the congress hearing below.

Saturday, December 3, 2022

Italian Fighter Pilot Intercepted A UFO Here’s The Evidence


After completing a reconnaissance operation, the Italian Air Force pilot was flying back to the base in Treviso when an unidentified flying object crossed Italian airspace without being detected. The military aircraft interceptor was then ordered by the Istrana radar center to intercept and identify the invader. On June 18, 1979, at 11:30 a.m., pilot Giancarlo Cecconi was flying his G-91R fighter with G-91R group 14 of the Air Force’s 2nd Fighter Wing back to Treviso AFB, Italy, after completing a reconnaissance mission.

Pilot Tec. Giancarlo Cacconni of the Italian Air Force attempted valiantly to gather proof when he intercepted an unidentified object over Northern Italy by capturing pictures of the extraterrestrial ship with his camera mounted on his G.91 fighter jet.

Captain Giancarlo Cecconi was an Italian Air Force pilot, born in Caserta, Italy on April 12, 1950 and died in Rome, Italy June 27, 2014. The incident is significant thanks to the camera footage, radar, and visual evidence from several witnesses, including a highly respected fighter pilot.

Before I was told to intercept a UFO, it was a typical day. As a fighter pilot for the Italian Air Force, it was my responsibility to impose radar coverage in and around northern Italy’s restricted zones. I was instructed to start the interception procedures for a UFO that had entered a forbidden region in the middle of my operation. I felt up to the challenge as a young Air Force lieutenant with only four years of military service, and I replied quickly.

An photograph taken by the Italian fighter pilot who intercepted the UFO showed a little, sparkling object in the backdrop. One of several photos purportedly shot over the previous 50 years is this one. The encounter is detailed in a new book by UFO researcher Antonio Urzi called “Gli Appunti di Giancarlo” or “The Notes of Giancarlo.” He stated: Cecconi drew closer as soon as he made contact with the item to try to spot the burglar visually. Although he was unsuccessful, his jet experienced significant electromagnetic stress, making control nearly impossible.

The pilot had to conduct a climb at maximum capacity before pulling out of a power drop. The following weeks saw other incidents of a similar nature. 
According to Cecconi, “the invader was going at a very high speed, as if it were a space rocket, and had no wings or identification markers.” In order to find out the location of the mysterious item, the pilot radioed Istrana.

There is an amazing picture of the UFO. To believe it, you must see it. 
Cecconi himself as well as the radar operators at the Istrana control center have publicly confirmed the incident. And that’s evidence, backed up by Witnesses. Despite the mystery surrounding this case, there are a number of theories that might explain what occurred.

One the one hand, it is conceivable that the occurrence was only misinterpreted by air traffic control, pilot mistake, or was merely an optical illusion brought on by sunshine reflecting off an airplane’s tail.

Saturday, March 27, 2021

UFO Caught at the border?

So today I’m watching LIVE: Senators Visit the Border and in talking about how ‘We The People Stand For Border Security’ Rally… I saw this on the NTD feed and when I caught in one part of the live video what looks like a UFO flying behind the folks speaking. The last few days Marco Rubio spoke about UFOS being spotted over military bases? Well I think I got one!

This is 100% legit! I clipped out the video, and prepared it for this video, and here is the link to the OG source.

Skip up 3 Hours and 20mins into the video, and you will find the clip I pulled out as it aired.…​

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Thursday, February 27, 2020

NASA Captures Footage Of UFO On Space Station Live Feed

So NASA has a YouTube channel which hosts a live feed from the International Space Station. Recently, the astronauts on the ISS were doing some routine maintenance on the station but as the camera rolled, a pine cone shaped metallic object moved past the space station before turning upward and shooting off into space.

Scott C. Waring, the founder of UFO Sightings Daily, was the one who first spotted the unidentified flying object, and he posted a video showing exactly where it was and what it looks like and I quote, “I was watching the NASA live space station cam when I noticed the camera zooming in on a strange object coming from below the space station. At first I thought it was a capsule or satellite, but its speed increased, and after 22 minutes it shot up and into deep space.

I believed if it was a capsule it would have gone into low earth orbit then lower to land, but when this object shot upward into deep space, it literally blew my mind. This could be USAF top-secret alien tech fused craft, but I don’t think so, the person on the camera seemed dismayed and unprepared for its sudden appearance.”