Sunday, February 13, 2022

Butch Witkowski has passed away.......... RIP

Tonight got some real sad news, one which hurt bad as he was a good friend and someone I looked up to very much so both in life, and ufology has left us… My good friend, and fellow researcher Butch Witkowski has passed away. While he was supposed to be joining my show tonight as a guest there won’t be a show as I’m in total shock right now, and there are no words to express how sad this loss has left me so I’m not doing my show tonight but me, and Bryan and maybe Danny and some other folks who knew him will do a show to express our final thoughts on Butch, his life, and his work.

We last spoke last December when he agreed to be on my show again as a guest, and I was so looking forward to having him on, and when he didn’t reply the last few days I knew something was happening as this wasn’t normal.

Danny Benten broke the news to me, and I confirmed it with Bryan M. Bowden. Thanks guys…

Butch was an independent researcher since 1989 when, along with four other people, he witnessed a UFO of substantial size quietly hover above a mountain in Tucson, Arizona. That was the day that he began his investigations into the UFO phenomenon. He soon became a member of MUFON and a field investigator. After moving back to Pennsylvania, he concentrated on UFO research and cases related to alien abduction, mutilations, and unexplained encounters.

Butch had been a member of the Caernarvon Township (PA) Police Department in the 1970s. He used his investigative abilities as a police officer for his fieldwork, later becoming the founder of the UFO Research Center of Pennsylvania (UFORCOP).

I met Butch for the first time in 2016 while at a Mufon show, and he was one of the nicest guys around spent sometime with him just talking about his experience in ufology, and tonight he was going to be on my show as my guest. 

I had booked him back in December, and just got the word that he passed on 01/13/2022 recently.

I’m proud to say that Butch was a friend, and will miss him deeply… My deepest condolences to his family.

At Pennsylvania Lycan Investigations June 14, 2014 – Present
Hanover, Pennsylvania
Director at UFO Research Center of Pennsylvania January 2009 to present
Birdsboro, Pennsylvania
Research Center for Ufo, Paranormal, Crypto Zoology and Abduction in the State of Pennsylvania
Journal of Abnormal Abduction Research, Bi-monthly journal dealing with the abduction phenomenon

Research Associate at Phantoms & Monsters Fortean Research Hanover, Pennsylvania

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