Showing posts with label JFK. Show all posts
Showing posts with label JFK. Show all posts

Wednesday, February 12, 2025

Disclosure on UAP-UFO-USO's coming!?

YES You read it right according to the one and only Anna Paulina Luna will be leading a House task force on declassification of some our country's biggest hidden secrets and biggest conspiracy theorists are going to enjoy this. To me the citizens of this country as you know have become increasingly concerned about the lack of transparency and disclosure on issues pertaining to Non-Human Intelligence (NHI), Unidentified Aerial Phenomena (UAP), and Unidentified Submersible Objects (USO). For decades the talks in many conspiracy circles have been about the embargo on the truth about what the Government knows. 

With this said on Inside Tha Jackals Head myself Angel Espino as host of that show have said in the past that Trump was going to move to not just drain the swamp, end corruption and he would disclose our biggest hidden secrets including the JFK, RFK and Alien stuff. Truth is I didn't expect the release of the MLK files but those never really had the talking heads going like disclosure on these other topics. The big one being Aliens, UFO's, UAP's, USO's and so on. On my podcast this has been a main focus for over a good 14 years now that I've been on air.

 It's about time we get full disclosure but like I've said before we will get what they have on paper which I don't expect that to be "Full Disclosure" as most of the stuff might not be written down as this is how secrets are kept. But they're not just going to put out what they have but there will be an investigation according to the Trump White House on this because with all the drone activity and all the sightings and reports and interest well. This is time. Also remember I said I believed Trump would be our disclosure President. Also keep in mind why I think this. Before Roswell, and after WW' 2 Nikola Tesla passed on and he was working on exotic tech which include free energy, and even a UFO like craft.

When he died Donald Trump's uncle John Trump was part of the recovery team which went to get the paper work, and belongings of Tesla who died broke, and never got the recognition alive he deserved.. Now fast forward to today and we have President Trump and Elon Musk working together. Elon Musk owns SPACE X, and "TESLA" Cars... He's also about the Smartest and richest man on the planet. Folks we're on for a great 2025 if all things fall in place how I'm expecting. Keep in mind for the most part also they don't mention USO's much but she does and this is interesting because I've long held the theory that most of these orbs, crafts, and other things "Alien" which we think are coming from deep space are actually from inside out planet deep in the ocean below and they have very intelligent beings down there who can communicate and have tech which are far more advanced than ours on top. This is why I do think this topic is so hot right now and why we need to be told not just what is coming from space but what is right under our feet deep in our oceans darkest parts.

The issue is not only a matter of being transparent and open about the subject but also the dangers we're facing in our aviation safety and again we have a global right to know whether we are truly alone in the universe. According to the National UAP Task Force, there were 144 reports of encounters between U.S. military and unidentified phenomena between 2004 and 2021, highlighting the need for more transparent investigations and communications. We believe that it is possible to confirm the existence of these phenomena without jeopardizing national security or disclosing sensitive technology. At this point I don't think that will be much of a problem as we don't wanna have people thrown in prison for keeping this secret. We just want to be told the truth and so we all can move on and build our way into Space with out space brothers, and sisters.

Thursday, January 23, 2025

JFK, RFK, + MLK files all to be released!

Click on the picture for full info!

Here we go folks! Promises made, promises kept. Click the picture above for full information from The White House main site.

This is the MAN for this reason. Donald Trump has now ordered the declassification's of all records of 3 of the biggest scandals which have rocked this country for over half a century and is just past due time it happened. Did you ever think you would live to see this? In their 8 years why didn't Bill Clinton or Barack Obama do it? 

How about Joe Biden or whoever was running that shit show do this? This is historic and I can't wait to dig into them files and learn what they covered up. Now if they can gives us all the files on Roswell, Ufo's, and Make pot legal? lol