Showing posts with label Dr. Myke Merrill. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Dr. Myke Merrill. Show all posts

Thursday, November 19, 2020


Get a grip on your sense of reality and your place in it! Join us for we welcome Dr. Myke Merrill and Michael E. Wilson now this show will no doubt be one which I hope my listeners will pay close attention to given the hard times we’re living in.

Dr. Myke Merrill has been a pastor of a local church in one town for forty years, He graduated magna cum laude with a Bachelor of Arts in Religion and Philosophy, and a minor in psychology, he also has a Master’s of Divinity degree from Asbury Theological Seminary, with academic honors. After two years as an associate, he and his growing family located in Hilton, NY, and are still based there. He earned a Doctor of Ministry degree from Northeastern Seminary with his dissertation, “The Five Basic Emotions: A New Systems Approach.”

Seizing on a wide variety of opportunities, he taught as an adjunct instructor in a local college for 29 years, directed regional and national youth programs for 20 years, owned a restaurant for seven years, and he wrote 22 books and training manuals. He has traveled extensively to train others across the United States and he currently co-owns a school system in Honduras.

Michael Wilson is a Social Scientist and working professional in education for almost 20 years, along with 25 years in professional religious work. In both areas he was actively training, speaking, counseling, crisis counseling, leader and leadership development. He traveled around to places around the world including, Israel, Haiti, Central Mexico. He is a Father of 5 grown children.

Dr. Myke Merrill and Michael E. Wilson are a dynamic duo that speak about the importance of being mindful of one’s emotions and perceptions. When one understands their perceptions, emotions, motivations, and behaviors, they will be able to understand their true reality. Because their message is relevant to all people, they are able to speak to any type of audience and can adjust their content to fit specific demographics.

The four complexes:
PERCEPTIONS – we have ten senses of perceptions through which each person gains awareness of reality, and develops an interpretation of it:
VISION (eyes)
HEARING (ears)
SMELL (nose)
TASTE (tongue)
TOUCH (skin)
BALANCE (inner ear)
POSITION (musculo-skeletal)
MEMORY (brain)
PSYCHE (soul)
All ten senses have variations of INTENSITY from hyper- to hypo-intensity

EMOTIONS – we have five basic emotional systems, by which we react (unplanned) or respond (planned) to our perceptions:
DEPLETION (sadness)
CELEBRATION (happiness)
All five systems have variations of PASSION from mild to moderate to passionate

MOTIVATIONS – we have five main motivational drivers, through which we prepare to act:
THOUGHTS – CONVERSATIONS (thinking or talking)
OPINIONS – VIEWPOINTS (decisions made)
VALUES – ESSENTIALS (what’s important)
CULTURE – ENVIRONMENT (identity and foundations)
All five drivers have variations of FLUIDITY from fluid or flexible to solid or rigid Thoughts are most fluid and least solid, and Culture is least fluid and.most solid.

BEHAVIORS – we have two pathways on which we activate:
ENGAGED – what we choose to do
DISENGAGED – what we choose not to do
Both pathways have variations of ACTIVITY from active to passive

BOOKS: Why Do People Act That Way? (And What Can I Do About It?)

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