Showing posts with label The Space Force. Show all posts
Showing posts with label The Space Force. Show all posts

Thursday, September 30, 2021

A mega-comet, which scientists thought was a dwarf planet, is approaching our solar system

Some are calling this “PLANET X” or the planet with the Anunnaki! BUT What we know is that astronomers believe it will pass through our planetary system at its closest approach a decade from now, in the year 2031. It will most likely brush by Saturn’s orbit.

The celestial giant is known as the Bernardinelli-Bernstein comet in honor of the astronomers who discovered it, and has a diameter of a whopping 100 miles (160 km). This makes it the largest comet ever discovered. This comet is larger than Mars’ moons Phobos and Deimos combined (and is also the exact same diameter as the second Death Star in Return of the Jedi).

The Bernardinelli-Bernstein is a massive comet, and yet don’t worry there is no cause for concern here on the blue marble we inhabit. Bernardinelli-Bernstein will pass about 11 AU (Astronomical Units – the distance between the Sun and Earth) from the Sun. At that distance, it will most likely skim by Saturn’s orbit between Uranus, posing no threat to Earth. Unless there are Aliens on there just waiting to unleash their evil Alien voodoo on us all, and invade this world for shits, and giggles. Ok let’s all breath in, and out for a second… So before its approach to Saturn, scientists believe the comet will begin to demonstrate classic characteristics of other comets, like the formation of a tail and coma, making it more distinguishable. In the coming decade, the Bernardinelli-Bernstein comet will likely put on quite a display for astronomers and leave us Earthlings in an utter state of amazement.

Saturday, August 29, 2020

NASA finds active ‘Star Wars’ galaxy far, far away!

Well lets hope the Sith don’t know where here… lol TXS 0128+554, outlined in red on the pic below, is an elliptical galaxy located 500 million light-years away in the constellation Cassiopeia.

Heck I wanna know about the bright RED Dots on the left side there…

The active galaxy far, far away looks eerily reminiscent of a TIE fighter from “Star Wars.” Which is how it got it’s name “The Star Wars Galaxy” I hope Disney doesn’t sue NASA of naming rights. But in reality the galaxy, known as TXS 0128+554, is 500 million light-years away in the constellation Cassiopeia. TXS 0128+554 is considered an active galaxy, as it emits more light than all of its stars together. In 2015, researchers found TXS 0128+554 was a “faint source of gamma rays,” but it wasn’t until recently that they went in for a closer look.

“After the Fermi announcement, we zoomed in a million times closer on the galaxy using the [Very Long Baseline Array’s] radio antennas and charted its shape over time,” said Purdue University professor and study lead author Matthew Lister in a statement. “The first time I saw the results, I immediately thought it looked like Darth Vader’s TIE fighter spacecraft from ‘Star Wars: Episode IV – A New Hope.’ That was a fun surprise, but its appearance at different radio frequencies also helped us learn more about how active galaxies can change dramatically on decade time scales.”

TXS 0128+554 has a “supermassive black hole” that is believed to be 1 billion times the sun’s mass, which may provide a reason for the gamma-ray emissions.

The galaxy is also producing two jets, “beams of high-energy particles traveling at nearly the speed of light in opposite directions,” that give it the TIE fighter-like appearance. It’s believed these jets may be producing some of the gamma-ray emissions.

The researchers used NASA’s Fermi Gamma-ray Space Telescope and the Chandra X-ray Observatory to look at the galaxy to get a better idea of what it looks like.

“The real-world universe is three-dimensional, but when we look out into space, we usually only see two dimensions,” study co-author Daniel Homan added. “In this case, we’re lucky because the galaxy is angled in such a way, from our perspective, that the light from the farther lobe travels dozens more light-years to reach us than the light from the nearer one. This means we’re seeing the farther lobe at an earlier point in its evolution.”

The research has been published in The Astrophysical Journal.

TXS 0128+554 is not the only “Star Wars”-linked discovery in space in recent memory.

In June 2016, exoplanet Kepler-1647 b was discovered 3,700 light-years from Earth. It is part of a double-star system, similar to Luke Skywalker’s planet, Tatooine. Three years later, exoplanet LTT 1445 A b and its three stars were discovered. Also remember Researchers discovered what they described as “the first volcanically active exomoon” in August 2019, a celestial body eerily reminiscent of the tiny, fiery “Star Wars” planet, Mustafar, where Anakin Skywalker turned into Darth Vader. Seems like “The Force” is real, and we’re on the cusp of disclosure. Or to quote Yoda. “ Luminous beings are we…not this crude matter.” The Empire Strikes Back.

May the force be with you….. Always.

Sunday, August 2, 2020

SO CNN admits UFOs are real! But wait... 👽🛸

Now this is hilarious for us in ufology for years we know that they’re real. But to see this confirmed now is becoming reality. I used to work with someone who was present at a UFO crash site here in Florida in the 70’s which I can’t speak much about because he was 1 of a handful of people there, and he didn’t want to speak publicly as he has kids, and grand kids. But his Military rank was proven to me 100% LEGIT, and his time in Miami at the time was also proven to me.

Folks these things are not all ALIEN or ET flying UFO’s… BUT SOME ARE, and we’re on the brink of Disclosure! This ran on CNN. Notice how they mention Trump, and his info? Without smearing or trashing Trump over politics. But watch the video, and below that I’m going to connect the dots based on information I’ve been told over the last 2 decades.

I Was always into this subject… As long as I Could remember and it’s all due to my own 2 sightings as a kid. Now over the years I’ve been told by several sources connected to the Roswell crashes in the past that what crashed at Roswell wasn’t JUST Alien… We had 2 crashes at Roswell 1 ET and 1 AMERICAN MADE. They crashed into each other because one attracted the other which thought it belonged to them. They collided, and what was found was 2 wreckage’s a mile apart. The one we made was done using a combination of the “Nazi,” & “Tesla” tech which we experimented on and the other was an actual ET UFO which is the one which came down to from my understanding was to investigate where this ship came from since it registered as theirs in most due to the “NAZI & Tesla” getting the tech from THEM!

IF this is real then this could be the big secret behind Roswell the GOV has covered up for decades. Roswell WAS A REAL event, and Alien bodies were really found, and also human bodies in the other crash? WELL IF this doesn’t answer why they covered it up nothing will, and oh if you’re asking why is this all coming out now in 2020? Easy answer folks it’s cause Trump is the big D! Not “DICK” like some on the left want you all to think! lol But he’s going to be the “Disclosure PRESIDENT” but this will only happen as he’s re-elected. This is from a source, and I was told that this is the only way he will open up about it, and ensure he’s not killed for what he knows, and he wants us to know, and this is why he’s been more and more open about the question, and even outed the gov for the ufo videos they got which prompted the Pentagon in admitting those videos we seen earlier this year were real. I saw those videos years ago folks. I’m talking about possibly half a decade ago. What does he know? His uncle JOHN Trump was the man in charge of recovering the TESLA Files from the office of Tesla when he was declared dead, and John saw the files, and saw everything Tesla was working on, and a lot of the UFO secrets he took to his grave but according to reports told to me.

President Trump was told everything his Uncle knew, and this is why we now have a “SPACE FORCE” and while the left for years have teasing us about UFO’s they never had any intentions of actually releasing this information. Podesta, the Clinton’s these people are all in on the take, and while a lot of people on the right who knew the facts wanted this information out. The left played with our emotions, and never did anything to actually push for disclosure when it came to actually doing it… But now it’s all coming out.

Saturday, July 25, 2020

Scientists reveal first-ever photo of a solar system like ours

This is cool, and none political for once! Heh not that I’m tired of politics but I love science, and space, and well scientists have captured the first direct image of a solar system that closely resembles our own. The new image is a family portrait of sorts, showing two giant exoplanets orbiting a young, sun-like star, roughly 300 light years away. The picture was taken using the European Southern Observatory’s Very Large Telescope, located in Chile’s Atacama Desert. According to a new study in the Astrophysical Journal Letters, the system will help astronomers better understand how our solar system formed and evolved. The star, known as TYC 8998-760-1 and located in the Southern constellation of Musca, is only 17 million years old, which researchers called a “very young version of our own sun.” Comparatively, the sun is roughly 4.6 billion years old. Both planets orbiting the star, dubbed TYC 8998-760-1b and TYC 8998-760-1c, are suspected to be gas giants, meaning they are composed primarily of gases like helium and hydrogen. However, they are much further away from their host star than our gas giants Jupiter and Saturn, at distances of 160 and about 320 times the Earth-sun distance. They are also much heavier than the gas giants in our solar system. 

The image shows the two planets, which appear as two bright points of light, distantly orbiting their parent star, located in the upper left corner. Because they formed so recently, they still glow brightly enough to be seen from Earth. It marks the first time astronomers have observed more than a single planet orbiting a star similar to the sun. Only two similar systems have ever been previously observed both with stars uniquely different to ours.

“This discovery is a snapshot of an environment that is very similar to our Solar System, but at a much earlier stage of its evolution,” lead researcher Alexander Bohn, a PhD student at Leiden University in the Netherlands, said in a press release. Co-author Matthew Kenworthy, an associate professor at Leiden University, said that these kinds of direct observations are crucial in the hunt for planets that can support life. “Even though astronomers have indirectly detected thousands of planets in our galaxy, only a tiny fraction of these exoplanets have been directly imaged,” he said. Only a few dozen of the exoplanets so-far discovered have been directly imaged, according to NASA. Scientists hope that further research will reveal if the young planets formed at their current location or migrated from somewhere else and how they might interact with each other. With us close to destroying this planet is good to know we’re activily looking for another world to destroy next! YAY SCIENCE! LMAO!

Thursday, February 27, 2020

Astronomers Discover New 'Mini-Moon' Orbiting Earth? Or is it a ship?

So as I reported earlier about the ISIS footage now I found out that also Astronomers Discovered what they claim is a ‘Mini-Moon’ Orbiting Earth. Could this be the same object that we saw in the ISIS footage? Well you decide… Funny how mainstream news is pushing this as a natural object the size of a car? Well the ISIS footage was said to be about the size of a bus. SO I think we might have some sort of link here?

You decide folks…

Reminds me of this classic scene…

Astronomers say Earth has a new, temporary companion in addition to the moon. A tiny asteroid, known as 2020 CD3, was captured by Earth’s gravity well, bringing the object into its orbit about three years ago. It was detected by Kacper Wierzchos, a researcher with the Catalina Sky Survey at University of Arizona’s Lunar and Planetary Lab..

“BIG NEWS,” Wierzchos tweeted on Tuesday adding a gif of the images that helped him detect Earth’s new little buddy. “Earth has a new temporarily captured object/Possible mini-moon called 2020 CD3. On the night of Feb. 15, my Catalina Sky Survey teammate Teddy Pruyne and I found a 20th magnitude object.”

The object isn’t large by any means – about the size of a large SUV – as it measures approximately 6 feet to 11 feet across. The discovery is a big deal for astronomers because it’s only the second asteroid known to orbit Earth out of roughly 1 million known space rocks.

The object’s official designation in The International Astronomical Union’s Minor Planet Center lists 2020 CD3 as being “temporarily bound to the Earth,” and that no “evidence of perturbations due to solar radiation pressure is seen, and no link to a known artificial object has been found.”

The center added that further observations of the object are “strongly encouraged.” The Catalina Sky Survey is a NASA-funded project that aims to scan the night sky and track near-Earth objects, especially any that might pose a threat to Earth.

Because the object is bound by gravity to the Earth, it’s unlike to pose any threat. The last asteroid to get captured in Earth’s orbit was 2006 RH120, which was captured by Earth in June 2006. It hung around until September 2007 before swinging back out into the solar system.